Biochemic Medicines for Twelve Tissue Remedies by Masood Homeopathy

Biochemic Medicines for Twelve Tissue Remedies Masood Homeopathy Preparation: We manufacture twelve tissue remedies (Biochemic Medicines) on the most modern pestle, mortar machines. The whole process is done inside a glass covered case. The pestles and mortars used in these machines are made from hardest pulveresette China, resistant to internal mutual abrasion. Only purest and a bsolutely fresh salts and the fancy grain best quality sugar of milk abrasion. Only purest and a bsolutely fresh salts and the fancy grain best quality sugar of milk (Lactose) is used for preparing these remedies. standards, which makes these preparations most depe ndable and we submit them to the profession with the confident believe that there are no finer therapeutic agents of their mass obtainable. Biochemistry Greek system of treatment which employs only those elements which are used by nature itself in the construction and maintenance of human body. In the early seventies, Dr. Wm. H. of Oldenburg, Germ any, made certain diseases were curable at all, i.e. physiological function - ial component parts of the - day is being increasingly sought by people who have tried without success various channels of healing. A system which works in harmony with the law s governing and manifested in life makes a strong appeal to thinking people. What could be simpler for the repair of the body than to provide it with the materials which were used in its construction, and which are essential not only to health and vigour b ut to the manifestation of life itself? are: Calcium fluoride Magnesium phosphoricum Calcium phosphate Natrum muria ticum Calcium phosphate Natrum muria ticum Calcium sulphate Natrum phosphoricum Ferrum phosphoricum Natrum sulphuricum Kalium muriaticum Silicea Kalium phosph oricum Kalium sulphuricum Elements from the se twelve chemicals form the skeleton, the blood, nerves, muscles and tissues of the body, are the natural medicines.

Transcript of Biochemic Medicines for Twelve Tissue Remedies by Masood Homeopathy

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Biochemic Medicines for Twelve Tissue Remedies Masood Homeopathy

Preparation: We manufacture twelve tissue remedies (Biochemic Medicines) on the most modern pestle, mortar machines. The whole process is done inside a glass covered case. The pestles and mortars used in these machines are made from hardest pulveresette China, resistant to internal mutual abrasion. Only purest and absolutely fresh salts and the fancy grain best quality sugar of milk abrasion. Only purest and absolutely fresh salts and the fancy grain best quality sugar of milk (Lactose) is used for preparing these remedies.

standards, which makes these preparations most dependable and we submit them to the profession with the confident believe that there are no finer therapeutic agents of their mass obtainable. Biochemistry

Greek system of treatment which employs only those elements which are used by nature itself in the construction and maintenance of human body. In the early seventies, Dr. Wm. H. of Oldenburg, Germany, made certain

diseases were curable at all, i.e. physiological function-

ial component parts of the -day is being

increasingly sought by people who have tried without success various channels of healing. A system which works in harmony with the laws governing and manifested in life makes a strong appeal to thinking people. What could be simpler for the repair of the body than to provide it with the materials which were used in its construction, and which are essential not only to health and vigour but to the manifestation of life itself?

are: Calcium fluoride Magnesium phosphoricum Calcium phosphate Natrum muriaticum Calcium phosphate Natrum muriaticum Calcium sulphate Natrum phosphoricum Ferrum phosphoricum Natrum sulphuricum Kalium muriaticum Silicea Kalium phosphoricum Kalium sulphuricum Elements from these twelve chemicals form the skeleton, the blood, nerves, muscles and tissues of the body, are the natural medicines.

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Our food as nature has provided it, supplies us with salts necessary to make good the wear and tear of the body, and to maintain health. Unfortunately refining processes of civilization have robbed it of many of its vital elements, and instead of being provided with stuff which makes the bricks and mortar of the body, large quantities of food are consumed where the mineral content is very small indeed, if not altogether lacking, modern civilization not only suffers from the lack of vital elements in its food, the strain of modern life has much to account for when tireless efficiency is in constant demand it is difficult for the body to maintain its natural balance. A lack of even one of the twelve tissue salts disturbs the equilibrium of the body. The moment A lack of even one of the twelve tissue salts disturbs the equilibrium of the body. The moment the balance is upset the stamina of the cell is weakened. The vitality begins to drop, and the life is opened to all troubles of ill health. The use of the twelve tissue salts is a safeguard against deficiencies. When deficiencies are already apparent, balance can be restored by taking the salts indicated by the symptoms. Let us suppose for instance, that one is feeling tired and spiritless; iron is indicated. The crude form of iron is definitely harmful to the system, but when supplied to the body as nature supplies it, which is the form in which bio-chemistry presents it, it is of many fold value. It will bring color to the cheeks and energy to the mind and the body. Since discoveries, biochemistry has made great strides. Traces of other elements

emain the basic salts of life. Twelve tissue salts 1. Calc. Fluor. (fluoride of calcium) (zodiac sign: cancer) Found in the surface of the bones, enamel of the teeth, elastic fibers, muscular tissues, and the skin. A disturbance, in the molecules of this cell-salt is shown by hard growth, sagging abdomen, relaxed uterus, haemorrhoids, varicose veins, mumps, carbuncles, all glandular swellings, chilblains, ulcers, etc. 2. Calc. Phos. (phosphate of calcium) (zodiac sign: capricorn) Found in all cells especially the bone cells. A lack of this salt is frequently the cause of indigestion. Useful in poor nourishment, heartburn, diseases of kidney and bladder, catarrhs of different organs, rachitis, emaciation, etc. different organs, rachitis, emaciation, etc. 3. Calc. Sulph. (sulphate of calcium) (zodiac sign: scorpio) This salt throws off decaying organic matter, which if not removed, would injure the surrounding tissues. A lack of it allows suppuration to continue too long. Any discharge tinged with blood indicates a need for this salt. Useful in festering sores or hurts, catarrh, suppurating glands, etc.

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4. Ferr. Phos. (phosphate of iron) (zodiac sign: pices) Invaluable in all kinds of inflammations; vomiting; dizziness; dull, heavy throbbing pains; nose-bleed; neuralgia; wounds; cuts and bruises; sprains; failure of vocal cords caused by overexertion; dry cough; congestion of head. A lack of ferr. Phos is the cause of common cold. 5. Kali Mur. (potassium chloride) (zodiac sign: gemini) Kali muriaticum unites with albuminous substances, forming fibrin which is found in every tissue of the body. A deficiency of this salt brings a discharge of a thick, whitish, sticky character tissue of the body. A deficiency of this salt brings a discharge of a thick, whitish, sticky character from the mucous membranes, and a white or grey coating of the tongue.This salt is the chief remedy in bronchitis, colds, catarrh, dyspepsia, liver diseases, mumps, quinsy, stomach derangements, sick headaches, deafness, rheumatism with swellings (generally all swellings without fever; if accompanied with fever alternate with ferr. Phos.). This salt is useful in haemorrhage of dark clotty blood (ferr. Phos. For bright blood). 6. Kali Phos. (potassium phosphate) (zodiac sign: aries) A constituent of the brain cells and nerve fluids, the blood plasma (with corpuscles) and the intercellular fluids. Disturbance in the normal state of the element shows itself in depression, anxiety, irritability, fearfulness, weak memory, brain fag, insomnia, paralysis, etc. This cell-salt is invaluable to the over-worked business-man or woman. 7. Kali Sulf. (potassium sulphate) 7. Kali Sulf. (potassium sulphate) (zodiac sign: virgo) This salt is found in nearly all cells containing iron. It assists ferrum phosphoricum as a carrier of oxygen. A deficiency gives rise to chilliness, heaviness and pain in limbs. It is useful in bronchitis, catarrh, eczema, skin diseases, ophthalmia, disorders of the eye, etc. 8. Mag. Phos. (phosphate of magnesium) (zodiac sign: leo) This salt is found in the blood cells, muscles, brain, spinal marrow, nerves, bones and teeth. Sharp pains, cramps, and paralysis call for magnesia phosphoricum. It is used in neuralgia, toothache, face ache, convulsions, fits, colic pains, gall stone colic, twitchings, spasmodic

9. Nat. Mur. (chloride of sodium) (zodiac sign: aquarius) The system contains sodium chloride more than any other inorganic salt. Sodium chloride has The system contains sodium chloride more than any other inorganic salt. Sodium chloride has the power to use water to build up and carry on the functions of life. It also acts as a vehicle to eliminate the waste substances. Any deficiency of this salt causes a disturbance in the moisture of the solids and in the fluid of the body. Indicated in cold with discharge of clear, watery transparent mucus, chronic catarrh with salty and watery mucous discharges from the eyes and nose, excessive dryness of the nose, perspiration on the face after eating, excess of saliva, constipation, etc.

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10. Nat. Phos. (phosphate of sodium) (zodiac sign: libra) This salt keeps the blood alkaline. It is indicated in acid conditions of the stomach, gout, rheumatic disorders, gastric ulceration, worm, flatulence, catarrh of the kidneys and bladder, etc. A lack of this salt in gastric juice will cause digestive troubles. 11. Nat. Sulph. (sulphate of sodium) (zodiac sign: taurus) Contrary to natrum muriaticum, whose action is to attract water to the cells, natrum sulphuricum eliminates waste matter and water. A disturbance in its action causes biliousness, bitter taste, sick eliminates waste matter and water. A disturbance in its action causes biliousness, bitter taste, sick headache, bile sickness, diarrhoea, sourness in region of liver, jaundice, etc. It has been found useful in diabetes, dropsy, intermittent fever, and vertigo. Natrum sulphuricum is indicated whenever the tongue shows a yellowish green or dirty brown coating. 12. Silicea. (cilicic anhydride) (zodiac sign: sagittarius) This salt is found in the hair, nails, skin and covering of bones and nerves. A disturbance in this element is associated with pus formation and fistulous opening; the nails are brittle; the hair fall out, and are dry; perspiration offensive. Silicea is indicated in boils, carbuncles, hip-joint diseases, running sores, ulcers, whitlows, etc.

Your health salt Dr. George. W. Carey of los angeles, california, allocated the twelve inorganic salts with the Dr. George. W. Carey of los angeles, california, allocated the twelve inorganic salts with the twelve signs of zodiac. His theory, which appears to be borne out in practice, is that according to the month in which a person is born he suffers a deficiency of a particular salt. The following are the dates with their corresponding cell-salts: - Mar. 21 to Apr. 20 Kali phosphoricum Apr. 21 to May. 20 Natrum sulphuricum May. 21 to Jun. 20 Kali muriaticum Jun. 21 to Jul. 20 Calcium fluoride Jul. 21 to Aug. 20 Magnesia phosphoricum Aug. 21 to Sep. 23 Kali sulphuricum Sep. 23 to Oct. 23 Natrum phosphoricum Oct. 23 to Nov. 22 Calcium sulphate Nov. 22 to Dec. 21 Silicea Dec. 21 to Jan. 19 Calcium phosphate Jan. 19 to Feb. 19 Natrum muriaticum Jan. 19 to Feb. 19 Natrum muriaticum Feb. 19 to Mar. 20 Ferrum phosphoricum Ascertaining the date of birth, find out your corresponding health salt and keep it always handy to restore your health whenever disturbed, before resorting to any other treatment. This will help you cent per cent.