‘Billions Could Be Saved’ If The Government Went Paperless

‘Billions Could Be Saved’ If The Government Went Paperless Facebook.com/storetec Storetec Services Limited @StoretecHull www.storetec.ne t The government could save substantial amounts of taxpayers' money and make its services considerably more efficient if it made more of its working environments paperless, a new report has claimed. Smaller, Better, Faster, Stronger from the Policy Exchange, written by former Treasury official Chris Yiu, urges ministers to make more use of technology with which to digitise records by highlighting some surprising statistics about paper usage in certain departments.

Transcript of ‘Billions Could Be Saved’ If The Government Went Paperless

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‘Billions Could Be Saved’ If The Government Went Paperless


Storetec Services Limited

@StoretecHull www.storetec.net

The government could save substantial amounts of taxpayers' money and make its services considerably more efficient if it made more of its working environments paperless, a new report has claimed.

Smaller, Better, Faster, Stronger from the Policy Exchange, written by former Treasury official Chris Yiu, urges ministers to make more use of technology with which to digitise records by highlighting some surprising statistics about paper usage in certain departments.

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For example, it states that two truckloads of paperwork arrive at the Driving and Vehicle Licensing Authority every day, while workers at the Crown Prosecution Service print a million sheets of paper in any given 24-hour period.

The Policy Exchange states that this over-reliance on paper records could be wasting significant sums of cash – but £70 billion could be saved by 2020 if changes are made.

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It recommends making more use of online document storage, training staff on how to use the IT they have more effectively and digitising as many activities as possible, with all services except those that strictly require physical interaction potentially able to go online.

As an example, electronic proofs could be issued for documents like P45s instead of relying on paper proofs and the waiting time this creates.

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"The web is already inseparable from most people's day-to-day lives and this will only increase in the years ahead. Switching to digital for everything the government does would generate billions of pounds' worth of savings that could be used to cut the deficit or improve public services," Mr Yiu said.

Britain's government already seems keen to place more emphasis on digital services, as the Cabinet Office announced in December last year that it would be rolling out trials of such operations.

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In addition, the Department of Health said this week that £1 million is to be spent on creating new digital means of storing patient records in the NHS, reducing red tape and freeing up more time for patient care.

Storetec News/Blogs. "http://www.storetec.net/news-blog/billions-could-be-saved-if-the-government-went-paperless

/" ‘Billions Could Be Saved’ If The Government Went Paperless. September 6, 2012. Storetec.