Billionaires Don't Eat Cakes

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  • 7/21/2019 Billionaires Don't Eat Cakes


    Millionaires dont eat cakes,

    they make them


  • 7/21/2019 Billionaires Don't Eat Cakes


    Confidence & Belief- The Basic to Finacial

    Planning If I were to make statement that practically anyone of you can become a millionaire, first reaction

    would be , YOU MUST B !I""I#$%&

    Why?????? Because do not ha'e the belief in your abilities&

    Because you think you don(t ha'e the resources to make millions&

    Because you feel that money can be made mainly throu)h dishonest means& If you do not remain rich despite )ettin) )ood money or if you think low incomes constrain you to

    only dream of becomin) rich, YOU #" TO $T YOU* B+SIS *I$-T i&e& you ha'e to learn

    to mana)e your money.smartly&

    To reali/e millionaire dreams, you don(t stop re)ular contribution to portfolio 0 willin) to be


    M!!"#$% '$!( )*)TMhoose the ri)ht 'ocation

    Be the Best

    1alue e'ery rupee spent

    Make e'er

    y rupee deli'er


    ply by le'era)in)

    +'oid a'oidi

    n) risks

  • 7/21/2019 Billionaires Don't Eat Cakes


    "ifference is in the focus, 2hile millionaire 3 aspirants focus on eatin) 0 spendin), Millionaires

    focus on makin). 0 buildin) wealth&

    You must first make cakes before you start eatin) them, you must first build wealth, before you

    think of spendin)&

    If the 4ocus is on eatin), then the fruits you ha'e will soon be o'er& 4ocus, howe'er on )rowin) a

    tree and you could en5oy the fruits endlessly&

    Three thin)s to )row a plant.&&

    6 Inputs such as seed, water, sunli)ht, manure, etc&

    6 $ardenin) skills and

    6 Time, discipline 0 patience&

    The same )oes with becomin) a millionaire too&


    Where is the +ifference?


  • 7/21/2019 Billionaires Don't Eat Cakes


    Practical $roaches of FinancialPlanning & Wealth Management


  • 7/21/2019 Billionaires Don't Eat Cakes


    ncome is #"T Wealth

    4ormula does test one(s patience and commitment& But assure you, it the only be)innin) that(s

    difficult& 7ater the )rowth will be e8ponential, this is the ma)ic of compoundin)& "on(t stop your re)ular contributions to the portfolio and 2illin) to be patient

    +*# 's& O2#9 Income is the money that you +*#&

    2ealth is :+UMU7+TIO#( of money&

    #*$Y 's& +SSTS9You )et :income money( by utili/in) #*$Y&

    You )et :2ealth money( by utili/in) your +SSTS












  • 7/21/2019 Billionaires Don't Eat Cakes


    O#T*O77" 's& O#T*O77*9SOMO# 7S is O#T*O77I#$ your financial well 3


    M+! 's& !;9Income may :M+!( you rich, but may not :!;( you rich&

    2ealth, howe'er, has the potential to !; YOU 9 ollect all incomes from 'arious sources&

    Step ?9 4ilter out the 2ealth "issipaters

    Step @9 Build protection a)ainst 2ealth "estroyers

    Step A9 hanneli/e your income throu)h 2ealth reators and 2ealth preser'ers&

    Step 9 *eap your 2ealth&

    *o0 are the M$)T% of *"(% F#$#C$! destiny

  • 7/21/2019 Billionaires Don't Eat Cakes


    Most people eCuate risk with loss&

    If you prefer safety, you ha'e to compromise on returns&

    Witho0t risk, theres going to 1e no riches

    "ue to inflation in future, your purchasin) power may reduce, Therefore,there is no s0ch thing

    as 2no risk or 23ero risk

    *isks are of 'arious types& You must understand the nature of each risk and how to protect your

    money so that such risks do not cause a ma5or loss to you&

    Witho0t fire, theres going to 1e no delicio0s dishes

    )ame goes 4ith risk too 50st as fire doesnt necessarily mean damage, risk doesnt

    necessarily mean loss

    $'"+ $'"+#6 %)7

  • 7/21/2019 Billionaires Don't Eat Cakes


    T*P) "F %)7)

    %ather (nderstand %isk


    "o not )et assured return 0capital too

    ;*+USIO#S +$+I#ST "4+U7T


    The moment some offers you returns which

    are much hi)her as compared to those

    offered by other banks or companies, youralarm bells should start rin)in)& The more

    the difference the louder should be the rin)&

    +nd beyond a point, it should be like a fire

    alarm, warnin) you to run away.immediately

    +sset 3 liability

    Mismatch Mismatch in the timin) between when you need money and when the money

    can be a'ailable to you

    Interest *ate *ates are market determined Interest rates chan)e Cuite freCuently conomic Situations demand, rates can

    be chan)ed in the interim too


    T-IS *O77* O+ST* *I" O4 T- M+*!TS +# BOT- B +

    SOU* O4 ;*OS;*ITY +#"


    -O; 2O#%T M+! YOU MO#Y 3

    O#7Y YOU* +UM# 2I77 "O SO&

    Unpredictable twists and turns of the Cuity markets from minute to minute

    T-* #OT 2O*T-Y

    ;OI#TS.>& Must continue to in'est e'en

    when the markets are )oin) down&

    ?& If the market keep risin), lump

    sum in'estin) would deli'er

    better returns&

    @& If the market ne'er reco'ered,

    you will lose in both cases but

    SI; will usually be lesser&

  • 7/21/2019 Billionaires Don't Eat Cakes


    ertain thin)s will slowly but surely eat into your income andDor wealth& Therefore, as time )oes

    by, you will e8perience a )radual reduction in your wealth&

    Wealth +issiaters

    2ealth 2ealth

    Unreal assets+ssets loose 'alue with time

    2hile you own them, you ha'e to

    spend money on them&

    Inflation;urchasin) power of your money is

    )radually eroded away by inflation,

    so thin)s become e8pensi'e o'er time&

    Imprudent -abits

    "ifficult to control spendin) as

    emotional 'alue attached&

    Ta8es Ta8es are una'oidable

    incon'enience and cost

  • 7/21/2019 Billionaires Don't Eat Cakes


    SOME POINTERS.To live life happily

    )P#+ M"#* "# *"(% #C))T)

    +"#T F%TT% T $W$* "# *"(% 6"

    *"(% C$%), 6$+6)T), TC $T M"#*

    T/* $% #"T *"(% $))T)

    B W$%* "F )!#T 7!!%#F!$T"#

    F *"( $% B(*#6 T/#6) *"( +"#T #+

    )""# *"( /$' T" )!! T/#6) *"( 6%$T!*#+

  • 7/21/2019 Billionaires Don't Eat Cakes


    Wealth +estroyers



    )hort term

    Tradin) ;rediction M+#(S



    $+MB7I#$ IS

    7$#"+*Y& Mar)in

    ;sycholo)y Short Sellin)


    #atural disasters suchas earthCuake, floods,

    hurricanes or tsunamis& Man 3 related e'ents

    such as fire, terrorism,

    war or accidents& Medical ;roblems

    such as stroke, cancer,

    heart attack, etc&

    Credit Card 8


    !oans -i)h rates wash

    away all your



    -ome loans,ducation

    loans are )ood,

    enhance your

    wealth& But

    beware of cost

    of borrowin) 0

    mistake of

    focusin) on the


    Bad +ecisions

    7ack of *i)htknowled)e9

    "I44*# BT2#

    "ISISIO# $OI#$ B+"

    +#" B+" "ISIO# 7ack of ri)ht attitude S*IOUS 7+! O4

    S*IOUS +TTITU" lack of *i)ht record 7ack of *i)ht +pproach 7ack of *i)ht +d'isor&

  • 7/21/2019 Billionaires Don't Eat Cakes


    Wealth Preser9ers



    "ebt Mutual


    4"s D Bonds D"ebentures













    ;ure ;rotection ;rotection 3 cum 3 in'estment

    Bank deposits $o'ernment D orporate bonds "ebentures ;ost Office Scheme

    Senior iti/en Scheme

    !eep aside for any e8i)encies Inflow for day 3 to 3 day needs to buy a house within E

    months to > year If income is uncertain,

    liabilities take care of

    )hort . term income f0nds:in'est in short 3 dated instruments&

    Floating rate f0nds:in'est in instruments with 'ariable rates

    6ilt F0nds:In'est in )o'ernment securities

    Fi;ed mat0rity lans:In'est in debt instruments of matchin) maturity profile

    (ltra short . term f0nds:In'est in 'ery short 3 term instruments

    Monthly income lans:In'est in both debt 0 eCuity

    !ong . term ncome f0nds:In'est in 7on) 3 dated instruments&

    physical 0 tan)ible asset It can not be destroyed It can be bou)ht 0 sold anywhere in the world $old acts as a store of 'alue&

  • 7/21/2019 Billionaires Don't Eat Cakes


    #)(%$#C )/"(!+ B B"(6/T F"%

    #)(%$#C "#!*, #"T F"% #')TM#T

    6"!+ ) M"% $# #)(%$#C T/$# $# #')TM#T

    F+s W!! #"T M$7 *"( %C/ %eal state: "ther financing otions

    )Seller as your financer.)Buyer as your financer.)7essor as your financer.

    1> M0t0al f0nds: B0ilding the right ortfolio

    %e1alancing: $ eriodic e;ercise

    *ebalancin) once in E months to > year&"on(t be )reedy and book your profits if the eCuity Market be )ood for you& 7ikewise, don(t be fearful

    +nd make sure to buy eCuity e'en if the markets

    ha'e treated you badly&

  • 7/21/2019 Billionaires Don't Eat Cakes


    Thank *o0
