Bigtime 160413140245

Editing our music video By Isaac eze

Transcript of Bigtime 160413140245

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Editing our music videoBy Isaac eze

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We started the process of editing at the end of the music whereby we had gathered all of the footage we needed. We managed to produce a

checklist in which we knew which shots we wee using, when we were using them and the type of editing in which shall be applied to them. To

allow this ending we used two different clips, these were then cut in sections where if every other section was deleted Harry would jump

forwards. These cuts were in sync with audio in the background.  We then merged this into a ‘compound clip’, which allow you to group any

combination of clips in the Timeline or the Browser and nest clips within other clips. These were the final effects applied and I personally felt the

refocused over the shoulder shot of Harry was an visually pleasing as well intriguing end to the visual narrative tied up the ending of the song.

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For the first shot of our Music Video, for this we used a GoPro shot of Harry driving over the camera which was placed on the floor. Because the camera was facing the opposing way of the car was approaching which suggested the idea of applying the music as the car passes of over the car. This process had some complexities because no effects

were added to this shot as we were trying to keep it realistic and simple, whilst also  ensuring the audio and visuals match perfectly to create an

aesthetcailly pleasing start to the video.

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Fading transition to black was also used in order to transition between the three clips applied. We then overlayed The ‘Duke Dumont’ title over the top of our footage. We had gained this inspiration from the

music video ‘Pizza guy’ by Touch Sensitive. Another transition technique was used to fade in and the opacity settings were enhanced which gradually increased the opacity allowing the secondary clip to

become primary.

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The video then progresses  then fades in  and out of both clips, thereby creating an effective fluent transition. Tyler managed to film the street light using a 50mm lens whilst manually focusing it so that the lights were out of focus. We had decided to reapply this feature throughout

our music video as a way of portraying a euphoric feel which is relevant to the genre and concept of our music video, thereby appealing to our target audience. These clips were lowered in opacity in order to make the overlayers more visible. We then used to  stabilisation tool to

leave section to the left raw, whereas the next clip had been there so there is a link between the baseline dropping and lights becoming still.

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We felt that filming the vocalist was a fairly  simplistic concept whilst also being  an extremely intimate and intriguing technique for a music video,  and to develop this technique we ensured our vocalist ‘Tyler’ as  being filmed singing the lyrics whilst sitting on a chair being rotated as

this not only applied a sense of fluency to the visuals, but also emphasised a running metaphor of the main character s life  spiraling in circles. Adjustments in opacity again  aided the fluency of the shot. This

screenshot demonstrates the use of three different clips all with differing opacities allowing for this overlaying result.

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We incorporated the Gaussian blur, In image processing, a Gaussian blur (also known as Gaussian smoothing) is the result of blurring an image by a Gaussian function. It is a widely used effect in graphics software, typically to reduce image noise and reduce detail, and this

allows for a blurred image which reinforced the lights and enhanced the fluency of the shot transition.

The screenshot below shoes how we have ghosted different clips of vocalist over the top each other.  This was effective because we had the rotational under clip of the vocalist with the overplayed time lapse, but then also the rotating clip. Transform settings allowed us to increase the size of one of the clips in order to create a distorted aswell as intriguing visuals in which again provide a metaphor for the main character’s life.

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We used a shot of an extreme close up of the rear view mirror of the car so that the audience were able to observe the drivers facial

expression. Then by manipulating the fade effect, we are able to show him procrastinating on the happier times that he was remembering with his partner of them driving and laughing together. The dream effect was

then added  in order to reinforce the idea that this is a day dream or flashback.

Finally, we incorporated the Ken Burns crop to zoom in on one clip thereby allowing us to transition from the last. Overall, we felt this shot

is incredibly different and therefore giving our music video is an alternative feature that carries more uniqueness than other music


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Finally, we incorporated the Ken Burns crop to zoom in on one clip thereby allowing us to transition from the last. Overall, we felt this shot

is incredibly different and therefore giving our music video is an alternative feature that carries more uniqueness than other music
