BIG PR Chamber Lunch and Learn on a small budget.

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Transcript of BIG PR Chamber Lunch and Learn on a small budget.

  • Slide 1
  • BIG PR Chamber Lunch and Learn on a small budget
  • Slide 2
  • Growing Your Business Marketing Advertising Public Relations
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Networking Media Relations Social Media Share your expertise Speak Up Partnerships BIG PR small budget
  • Slide 6
  • Networking ME in 30 second Delivering your expertise with creativity
  • Slide 7
  • Media Relations HARO
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Social Media Facebook YouTube Twitter Linked In Blogger Skype Google+ Instagram Vine Snapchat
  • Slide 10
  • +
  • Slide 11
  • Share Your Expertise Volunteer
  • Slide 12
  • Speak Up!!!! Speaking engagements. Host an event. Be the expert - blog
  • Slide 13
  • Partnerships Creating synergy with community partners
  • Slide 14
  • Helena Coates 706-660-9702 [email protected]