Bickerton Bulletin - Autumn 2014

  ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________  hristmas Jumper Day By Ruth and Chloe This year on the 5 th  December [Christmas lunch day] we came to school in our Christmas jumpers, outfit or accessories. In exchange for this we asked for a minimum of £1 donation. We were supporting the Countess of Chester Baby Grow Appeal. The appeal has a target of raising £3million to build a new Neonatal Unit more than double the size of the one currently at Chester. One of the main reasons why we decided to sup- port this appeal is that Imogen Baker in class 1 is an ambassador for the appeal. You are likely to see Imogen’s face on a lot of the publicity literature surrounding this appeal. During assembly Imogen showed us the baby grow that she wore when she was first born. It was tiny as she was born very early. Thank you to everyone who donated. Bickerton School held another very successful Christmas fair. The school was packed full of people and there was plenty to see and do. The PTA did an amazing  job. Santa’s Grotto was a magical experience full of snow covered trees, lights and magic. (Thank  you to the Magical Elves who made it all happen!) There was lots of ex- citement as the children waited to see Father Christmas. Elsa and Anna also visit- ed the fair this year. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Christmas Fair Christmas Parties and PTA Disco  By Ruth , Annabel and Amelia 2 days before the holidays we had a Christmas party. We were allowed to come in our own clothes. We went into class 4 and played lots of Christmas games which were amazing, one of them was the chocolate game which you had to roll a 6 and go and put the scarf and gloves and hat on and try to eat the chocolate with a fork and knife, even hard- er you had to cut through the plastic and you were not al- lowed to use your hands, we had lots of fun. We also had a disco after that which all of us enjoyed. We had lots of songs that all of us knew. The people who had enough of partying could go into class 4 and watch a Christmas film. We all e n-  joyed it. The infants also played some games and went to the disco. One of the games they  played was a t reasure hunt, e ach group had a col our and they had to follow the clues that were all over the school. They also had to see who could hold a fruit pastel in their mouth the longest! The PTA also held two amazing discos—one for the Infants and one for the Juniors. We all enjoyed danc- ing and then were refreshed with a hot dog and drink.  Autumn Term 2014 Delamere Forest Fun By Beau, Emily and Jazzi ‘Delamere was great and was the  best school trip so far.’ The term started with the annual class 3 trip to Delamere. It is a fun and active school trip which everyone in the school looks forward to going on when they are in Class 3.You stay over for 2 nights and three days! This year while they were there it was sometimes rainy and some- times sunny—but whatever the weather they all had lots of fun! One of the favourite activities was toasting marshmallows on the fire! They also loved pond dipping where they explored what was in a  pond and identified the creatures. They built a fabulous den too out of logs, leaves and wool (to tie the  branches) It was just so much FUN! The den was so big the whole class could all fit in it!  They caught fishes and got soaking wet making a dam. They said it was so brilliant walking through the water they had dammed. They learnt that the best way to go down a hill is sideways so you don’t slip and the trip was full of other excit- ing facts and information. It is a really wonderful trip and they had so much fun. We are sure that next years year 2 are already looking forward to this amazing trip. 

Transcript of Bickerton Bulletin - Autumn 2014

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hristmas Jumper DayBy Ruth and Chloe

This year on the 5 th December [Christmas lunchday] we came to school in our Christmas jumpers,outfit or accessories. In exchange for this we askedfor a minimum of £1 donation.

We were supporting the Countess of Chester BabyGrow Appeal. The appeal has a target of raising£3million to build a new Neonatal Unit more thandouble the size of the one currently at Chester.

One of the main reasons why we decided to sup-port this appeal is that Imogen Baker in class 1 isan ambassador for the appeal. You are likely to seeImogen’s face on a lot of the publicity literaturesurrounding this appeal.

During assembly Imogen showed us the babygrow that she wore when she was first born. Itwas tiny as she was born very early.

Thank you to everyonewho donated.

Bickerton School heldanother very successfulChristmas fair. Theschool was packed fullof people and there wasplenty to see and do.The PTA did an amazing


Santa’s Grotto was amagical experience fullof snow covered trees,

lights and magic. (Thank you to the Magical Elveswho made it all happen!)There was lots of ex-citement as the childrenwaited to see FatherChristmas.

Elsa and Anna also visit-ed the fair this year.We hope you enjoyed itas much as we did.

Christmas Fair

Christmas Parties and PTA Disco By Ruth , Annabel and Amelia

2 days before the holidays we had a Christmas party. Wewere allowed to come in our own clothes. We went intoclass 4 and played lots of Christmas games which wereamazing, one of them was the chocolate game which youhad to roll a 6 and go and put the scarf and gloves and hat onand try to eat the chocolate with a fork and knife, even hard-er you had to cut through the plastic and you were not al-lowed to use your hands, we had lots of fun. We also had adisco after that which all of us enjoyed. We had lots of songsthat all of us knew. The people who had enough of partying

could go into class 4 and watcha Christmas film. We all en-

joyed it. The infants also playedsome games and went to the disco. One of the games they

played was a treasure hunt, each group had a colour and theyhad to follow the clues that were all over the school. Theyalso had to see who could hold a fruit pastel in their mouththe longest! The PTA also held two amazing discos—onefor the Infants and one for the Juniors. We all enjoyed danc-ing and then were refreshed with a hot dog and drink.

Autumn Term 2014

Delamere Forest FunBy Beau, Emily and Jazzi

‘Delamere was great and was the best school trip so far.’ The term

started with the annual class 3 tripto Delamere. It is a fun and activeschool trip which everyone in theschool looks forward to going onwhen they are in Class 3.You stayover for 2 nights and three days!

This year while they were there itwas sometimes rainy and some-times sunny—but whatever theweather they all had lots of fun!

One of the favourite activities wastoasting marshmallows on the fire!

They also loved pond dippingwhere they explored what was in a pond and identified the creatures.They built a fabulous den too out

of logs, leaves and wool (to tie the branches) It was just so much

FUN! The den was so big thewhole class could all fit in it!

They caught fishes and got soakingwet making a dam. They said itwas so brilliant walking throughthe water they had dammed. Theylearnt that the best way to go downa hill is sideways so you don’t slipand the trip was full of other excit-ing facts and information.

It is a really wonderful trip andthey had so much fun. We are surethat next years year 2 are alreadylooking forward to this amazingtrip.

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By Chloe and Tallulah

Bikeability level

Years 5 and 6 did the Bikeability Level 2 Course. Allthe children brought their bikes into school on theMonday and took them home again on the Friday.

We had great fun being taught by Steve and Nigel.We learnt how to ride safely on the road where we

have to be really careful. We also leant how to com-municate with other road users through hand signals.

After we practised in the driveway of the school wethen were allowed to go on the road where weshowed our testers what wehad learnt.

Well done everyone .

The Brilliant BookFair is Back

By Maisie and Callum

The Book Fair had a huge variety of books for allages of children ranging from picture books for thefoundation stage right up to more advanced readinglevels for years 4 to 6. Some of the popular bookswere:

Horrid Henrys Crazy Ketchup Loom Band Making Book Mine Craft Beginners Handbook Doctor Who, Character Encyclopaedia.

The book fair is always a great way to get your childto read. The book fair was on from the 3 rd of No-

vember up until the 6 th of November. Lots of fami-lies came to it, and along with us many childrenloved it.

As well as being a chance to browse and buy new books it is a good fundraiser for school. Thank youto all the wonderful people who helped by buying a

book f rom the book fair —we raised a magnificent£700 pounds which means the School Librarianswill have £200 pounds to choose books for each ofthe Junior and Infant Libraries.


The children in classes 3 and 4 put on an excellent per-formance of their Christmas Play ‘Christmas Aroundthe World’

They had all put lots of effort into it so they made their parents proud. They make some lovely props like paperlanterns and musical instruments as well as making tis-sue paper flowers to help tell the story.

They loved practising for the play and of course per-forming it to their parents and families.

One of the children said ‘It was a thrill to see what theother children looked like in their costumes for the firsttime!! It was brilliant seeing the parents enjoying them-selves while watching our performance. ’

The play was not what you would probably expect. It

was based around some Angels who were waiting to

find out whether they had been chosen to go to the dif-ferent countries to find out how they celebrate Christ-mas. Once chosen they went to the Country they had

been given (Ireland, USA, China, Australia, Poland orMalawi) and got some children to show then what theydid.

Each country had their own song and the children toldus what they did at Christmas. They then gave Jesus

presents from their Country.

Mrs Vaughan said ‘The songs were amazing and Icould hear every word. I learnt so much about howChristmas is celebrated around the World and I lovedthe fact it all centred on the Stable. Well done Classes 3and 4’

Thank you to Miss Gittins, Mrs Chesworth, Mrs Owen

and Mrs Eccles who made it all possible.

By Ruby and Jazzi

We went to see an amazing play calledthe Borrowers for our Christmas Panto-mime. It was about a mum, dad anddaughter who lived under the floor

boards. They got everything they needed by risking their lives by going above thefloor boards and ‘borrowing’ things. Itwas really clever how they showedthings. For example when a ‘Borrower’met a full sized person they had a smallmodel of themselves. Also all the propswere made to make them look small. Wehad ice cream in the middle too!

Class 3/4 Christmas Play

PantomimeBy Ryan and Annabel

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Police Band ConcertOn the 7 th of December (Sunday) the SchoolChoir made their way to Saint Oswalds Churchfor a Concert in aid of Hope House (in memoryof Fergus) and St Oswalds and it was AMAZ-ING!! The Police band played well knownChristmas music and also some Christmas car-ols.Soon enough the DrumCorps came to the frontand everyone enjoyedlistening to them.

We also sung a few songs that we had beenworking on for quite a while and when we hadsung all of our songs we started to sing along

with the music that we recognised that theBand were playing. MrsVaughan said ‘the choirsounded beautiful and theydid so well. The singinggave me goose bumps andbought a tear to my eye.’

When it got further into to fantastic nightthe drum corps had light up drum sticks andsuits!!! We also had littlesnacks and treats in the

middle of the show. It wasan absolutely brilliant nightand a fabulous start toChristmas.

By Tallulah and Jazzi


The Infants de-lighted theMonday Club attheir ChristmasLunch by singingsome Carols,Christmas Songsand of course

one song from ‘Frozen’! It was lovely to see themsinging so well after they had practised so hard.The men and women all enjoyed their singing andgave them a huge round of applause. A few dayslater they then repeated the performance totheir mums, dads, grandparents and other familymembers. Again everyone loved their singing.

Songs atProspect House

Infants sing to Monday Cluband Parents

Class 5 went to Pr ospectHouse just beforeChristmas to sing to theresidents.

We sang four songs tothem: ‘We are the chil-dren of BickertonSchool’, the Gaelic fare-well ‘May the road riseup to meet you’, ‘Thetwelve days of Christ-mas’ and ‘Somewhereonly we know’.

After we had finishedall of the people gave us

a round of applause andone lady said “bravo“.

After that we all had

some orange juice andsome sweets, then we allsaid ‘Merry Christmasand a Happy New Year’before getting back onthe Cholomendeley Busand coming back for din-ner.

We think that they en- joyed our singing and wecertainly loved singingto them.

By Callumand Tristan


Trip to the Moon

Class 1 went to the moon as part of their topic’Zoom to the Moon’. They wore space boots,space helmets and even space suits. They based

it around a book called‘Whatever Next’.

Immy was the owl and shesaw lots of aliens. As theywere reading the book, at

the part an aeroplaneflew over a real aeroplaneactually did!

Then they took off intheir super space ship togo to the moon.

When they arrived they jumped out of the space-

ship and suddenly they saw 3 aliens exploringacross the rocky moon floor.

When they were on the moon they had an ener-gy snack which kept them going. They wentthrough a big tunnel and jumped down and saw amassive volcano. Then they went back in theirawesome spaceship and they flew back to Bick-erton to tell us all about it.

By Ruth and Tristan

Our New RuralDean

was commissioned as RuralDean. Mrs Vaughan told usthat the church was packedfull of Canon Davenportsfriends, family and peoplefrom the Church and com-munity. She also said it wasa lovely service and a specialtime for Canon Davenport.

We asked Mr Rich abouthow he felt about CanonDavenport being given the

job of Rural Dean and hesaid that it was “really ex-citing and brilliant”.

We wish Canon Davenport allthe best in his new role.

By Maisie and Callum

Mr Rich, Mr Sweetnam and MrsVaughan went to the Service forCanon Ian Davenport when he

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By Molly


A big ‘Thank you’ to Molly and Alex, Ava and An-gus, Ruby and Jack, Bob and Milly, Matty andRachel, and of course Issie and Harry for beinga great school council for our school over thepast year.

A new Council have now been voted in (see nextarticle) but here are a few of the wonderfulthings the Council who are standing down haveachieved.

They decided that the polo shirt should beworn all year round, not just for the summer,with trousers or a skirt or even shorts and notto wear a shirt and tie. The summer dress willstill be an option for girls in the summer.

They did the traffic survey to see how we couldmove people through more quickly through thecar park. They have encouraged parents to pullright through to the front and park bumper tobumper, to park on the left if they need to go

in to school and to go back to their cars as soonas they have their children. This, according tothe Council, has all made a big difference tomoving cars on. Thank you to all the parents forsupporting this too.

They also did the hot chocolate treat in springterm for Valentines Day when every class haddelicious, hot chocolate and a lovely cake madeby a kind parent. Thank you.

Thank you SchoolCouncil

This year`s new schoolcouncillors are:

Year 1: Daisy Wright andLeo Atkinson

Year 2: Maisy Tudor andThomas McLachlan

Year 3: Hatty Davis andHenley Woodward

Year 4: Casper Arm-strong and Annabel Cot-


Year 5: Reece Tompkinsand Lucy Winter

Year 6: Lily Gorman andEthan Goldthorpe

If you have any brilliantideas for the schoolplease let one of ouramazing school council-lors know.

Welcome to the NewCouncil

By Ruth and Chloe

By Marshall

Meet the Team


Ruth: I joined magazine club because I wanted

to know what it was all about and I wanted todo something different to sport.I like chocolate, McDonald’s, animals, shop-

ping and exploring. I don’t like spiders andlettuce .

Harry: I joined magazine because I wanted to bein the magazine club and help write it, and I liketyping.I like doing swimming and playing football.I like school because I get to play with my friends.

Annabel: I joined magazine club be-cause I wanted to write a magazine.I like playing in the fields and swim-ming.

Molly: I joined magazine because I like typingand making magazines . I like playing in trees and I like chocolate andchocolate cake. I like going to Sainsbury’s. I dis-like McDonald’s and ferrets.

Beau: I joined magazine because I al-ways thought it would be fun to write amagazine and I wanted to bring newthings to it.I like writing, drawing and riding.

Tallulah: I joined the club because itsounded fun.

I like climbing trees and chocolate. Ilike going to McDonald’s and horse rid-ing. I dislike butter and cats.

Chloe: I joined magazine because I thought it would be fun to make amagazine.I like maths, riding on my bike andbaking cakes with my Grandma.

Emily: I joined magazine because I like reportingthings and typing.I like football, art and I like riding my pony calledQuest I spend hours doing both of these things.I like school, especially art because it is my fa-

vourite subject.

Marshall: I joined magazine club because my mumwanted me to. After the first week I thought it wasquite good. I like Minecraft and Lego. I love technic Lego andspend hours on it at home. I have not been at this school for long but it is good. to.

Tristan: I joined magazine because it is mylast year at school so I wanted to be in themagazineI like playing football and playing Fifa15.I like school because I like seeing my friends.

Ryan: I joined magazine because I wanted tohelp my friends who joined it as well.I like playing football.I like school because I get to play footballwith my friends.

Ruby: I like coming because I like mak-ing magazines and wanted to be a part ofthe school magazine. I also like writingabout people. I love playing with my friends.

Callum: joined magazine because I wantedsome input in the magazine.

In his spare time he likes to play on his Xboxand watch videos on his IPad. He hates olives,

and clowns.

M i : I j ed mag z bec u Iw n ed t m k mag z ndb p i . I k h n n u i y ma e . I k s ho bec u I k le r n

nd h n n i y ma e .

Jazzi: I joined magazine because I like typ-ing and I get to do it with my friends.I like reading and writing storiesI like school because I like to learn and Ilike education.

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Playground Pals

Playground pals are there for people whoneed them. They play with people and look

out for people who have no one to play withor are hurt. They join in with your games ifyou want them too and suggest games toplay if you want them to be more exci ng.The playground pals wear yellow bibs sayingplayground pals and they are very helpful inmany ways. The infants par cularly lovethem being around in the playground withthem.

By Tallulah, Chloe and Annabel


In school we have a range of after school clubs suchas gymnastics, magazine, netball, football, scienceand nature club and basketball. These are all greatclubs. Most of the clubs are all on different days butsometimes they are on the same day so you have achoice. Netball is fun and you learn all the differentskills as well as playing games. In Gym you practisedifferent moves and routines all working towards eachchild showing a routine to the parents and school atthe end of the term. In football we have two groups;one of older ones and one of younger ones. The olderones play a match straight away with Mrs Parsons andthe younger ones play with Mr Rich. At basketball weplay killer and practice skills and then we split intogroups to play a match. In the nature club we find outabout bugs and animals. We go outside and collectleaves, bugs and things depending on the weather.We have made hats out of leaves and made a mas-sive costume! We also went on a bug hunt to find outabout butterflies, bumblebees andso on. We play lots of really fungames and once drew a dragonflywhich had been found dead inClass 2. Thank you to all theteachers who help make the clubspossible.

Crazy ClubsBy Tristan, Jazzi and Ruby

In class 5 this term our topic is the Amazon Rainforest SouthAmerica. We each made a dream catcher which were all hung

around the classroom. We looked at the legend of the dreamcatchers and what they are. We also wrote a river poem. A bitlike we are the river and what happens. In science we lookedat what makes a river flow faster and slower.

Once Mrs Morley`s dad come and talked to us all about rocksand fossils so we all learnt a lot about that. We had these fos-sils and we had to sketch what they would look like whenthey were alive and what they look like now. Then we took a

piece of paper and it was like a zigzag book showing howfossils are formed.

We also have this sketch book and in side we have shadingsof green and also on a strip of paper shades from light green

to dark green. Then we sketched some leaves in our sketch book and with partners we sketched an animal that lives in the

Amazon rainforest and that would be easy to make out ofchicken wire. We had to also put facts around it.

We also made a brochure about a country in South Americawhich we found interesting as we all did a different one. Alsowe had a great debate whether the Amazon rainforest should

be cut down or not. We all had lots of reasons to supportwhich side we were on. We made all the tables into a Ushape. We had the debate it was great. Then we got picturestaken of us in the great debate and we stuck these in our topic

books. So class 5 has been very busy this term but we all en- joy it. We all loved the topic.

Class 5’s Topic Amazon Rainforest

By Ruth


The Years 5 and 6s went to Bishop Heber toplay in a Basketallb Tournament. The peoplewho played were Matty Bailey, TristanWeetch, Ethan Goldthorpe, Millie Forster,Lily Gorman, Lucy winter, Danny Mosford,Jacob Diamond, Bob Vaughan, Emily Smith,Dotty Wingett and Heidi Carr.

Team A played:Malpas B: won 2-0Shocklach: won 2-1Tushingham drewFarndon A: lostFarndon B: won 3-0

Team B played:Malpas A: drewTilston: lostClutton: won 2-0Tattenhall B : drewTattenhall A: lost 1-0

Bickerton A came 3 rd and Bickerton B came4th .The tournament was a great success andMrs Parsons said “the players should beproud of the way they played”, Very well

done to the Basketball Teams.

Y5/6 BasketballBy Molly and Ryan

Hooray for Hockey

By Emily and Tristan

On Thursday the 16 th of October seven chil-dren went to play hockey at Deeside ram-

blers hockey pitch.

We played five teams. First we played Hux-ley B then we played Huxley A. Next weplayed a team from Liverpool then we playedCalverly and for the final game we playedEaton. After that all 27 teams got in a bigline and had their photo taken. Then they an-nounced the winner - sadly we didn’t get inthe finals but we did come second in our

group. Again we all played well and were acredit to our school.

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Magical Multi-Skills

On Tuesday the 11 th of November 2014 EllieHuxley, Eloise Edge, Oliver Golding, GeorgeNield, Finlay McCain, Cerys Edwards, MaisyTudor and Thomas McLachlan went to a Multi-skills Tournament at Bishop Heber with Mrs.Parsons and Mrs. Tudor.

Kindly, Mrs Parsons and Mrs Tudor transport-ed the children to the Heber.

The children were split into two teams. Ellie,Cerys, George and Thomas were in one teamand Maisy, Eloise, Finlay and Oliver in the oth-er. This was the first time they had represent-ed Bickerton at a Sports Event so there was alot of excitement and nerves.

In the Sports Hall there were 20 different ac-tivity’s laid out such as speed bounce, skip-ping with a hoop and spinning a hoop aroundyour waist.

The children had a wonderful time and despiteinitial nerves they really enjoyed it. Thank youMrs Parsons and Mrs Tudor.

By Emily and Ryan On Friday the 6 th of December a police lady cameinto our school her name was P.C Fletcher and shetalked to us how to keep safe on the internet sheshowed us a video called… “Caught in the web”

After we watched it. It made us think what wouldif we talked to strangers and arranged to meetthem. We found out that we need to know who weare friends with and that we shouldn't give detailson line just like you wouldn't in the real life. Weshould also let our parents know our passwords forphones and computers so they can help keep us


P.C. Fletcher also talked to everyone in assemblyabout how to be safe and who we talk to when we

don't feel safe.

In the evening P.C. Fletcher held a meeting for theparents about how they can help keep us safe online. We spoke to a couple of parents about theevening and what they thought.

What did you think of the evening?Very useful and informative.Did you learn anything new from the meeting?Lots of new things such as Apps I didn’t know ex-

isted and there are so many more things to beaware of.What do you think were the main points?You need to set security on anything with internetaccess. You also need to keep a constant eye onwhat your child is doing.I learnt about the CEOP website and how it is im-portant to continue to talk to your child and con-tinue to educate rather than just banning all sites.Are you going to do anything as a result of themeeting?Yes, we talked to our child about the internet andadded parental settings.

Yes, I will become more vigilant and up to datewith technology. Also I am going to set up filters.What advice would you give other parents abouttheir child and e-safety?Look at the CEOP website and attend a similarpresentation as this.Always ask if you are not sure to do and look atthe CEOP website.Was there anything that shocked or surprisedyou?Everything that the police officer said. We had anawareness but did not realise how widespread andunderhand people are and the lengths people willgo to.

Are you glad that you came to the meeting?Why?Yes I feel I have now taken a step towards know-ing where to start in keeping my children safe.Yes, it was very useful and it provided me with tipsand ideas about how to have a greater awarenessof being e-safe.

Hopefully now we are more aware of the safetyneeded around the internet. Thank you to the par-ent who allowed us to interview them .


E-Safety Talks By Emily and Annabel

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Anti Bullying Week

Class 5 by Callum and Maisie During Anti -Bullying week on the Wednesday Class 5watched a video of Bars and Melody from the X Fac-tor. They sang a rap song about anti - bullying. Everyoneenjoyed because it was a fun way to get the messageacross but it also made some people cry because ofwhat they sung about. It was amazing. Here are someof the lyrics that stuck in our heads:

Cause I’m hopeful , yes I am, hopeful for today takethis music and use it let it take you away and behopeful, hopeful and he’ll make a way

Then for our literacy homework we had to make a post-er for anti - bullying. We had to make a title, draw some

pictures, include some catchy slogans and give someinformation for what to do.

Class 4 by Jazzi and Chloe

In An Bullying week Class 4 did a an bullying rapwhich was all about bullying. The rap said what wasn’tbullying and what was bullying so when it said whatwas bullying Class 4 said “THAT’S BULLYING!” andwhen it said what wasn’t bullying Class 4 said “THAT’SRESPECT!” here are some of the words to the rapClass 4 have been working on…

This school right here is a bully free zone and here’sthe list of all our don’tswe don’t hurt bodieswe don’t hurt hearts by making funwe don’t take partwe don’t wind others again and againwe show respect 100%!!

We prac ced and prac ced and then we decided toshow it in assembly. Everyone was joining in and hav-ing fun as well as thinking about those children who

are struggling at that moment with bullying all aroundthe World. We also watched a very emo onal videoabout bullying and it was all about bullies bullying peo-ple who had problems speaking and children with oth-er problems. Everyone found quite upse ng that peo-ple would do a horrible thing .

Class 3 by Maisie

We read a story about a girl who was really small andshe didn’t like it. All of her family said they loved heras she was but she s ll felt sad especially when peoplecalled her names. In the end she saw a man who wasreally tall. She found out later that he was on s lts andhe made her feel be er inside because it is what weare like inside that ma ers.

The Infants

Class 1 looked at the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’.They did lots of drama and small world play aroundthe story and made posters.

The year ones worked together for a day makingwrist bands to remind us how we would like to bewith others, as well as posters that reminded us to‘be kind’ for example.

Class 2 also read the story ‘Tall Inside’ and we allwrote down our worries on a teddy bear and talkedabout who we should share our worries with. Wemade a cartoon story about a bully who realisedwhat they were doing and so changed how they werewith others and made wrist bands and posters toshow how we should be with others.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Tag Rugby

The children who played

Tag Rugby were Ruby,

Annabel, Freya D, Molly F,

Harry W, Ryan, Casper

and Callum R.

They played at Bishop

Heber where there were

8 teams and two pitches.

The first game they

played Shocklach which

they drew. The last two

games they lost - one

against Malpas and the

other team was Tatten-


They played really well

although unfortunately

came last in their group.

They all enjoyed playing

and had fun taking part.

By Ryan and Harry

The Gymnastics Club had the fantastic op-portunity to visit the Wingate Centre in Wren-bury which is a Gym with a proper floor,trampolines and lots of other specialistsequipment. The children who went were Lu-cy, Ryan, Ruby, Lulu, Tallulah, Molly, Chloe,Luke, Callum, Beau, Freya, Jakob, Emily F,Emily S, Florence, Heidi and Annabel. Thestaff who helped us from the Wingate Centrewere Timmy and Lisa and of course MrSweetnam, Mrs Chesworth and Lulu’s mum.

We played games and ate snacks and thenwe went into the gym to have a go on all theequipment. We had to make sure westretched properly too! It was so fun and abrilliant place.

Later on in the termwe then all receiveda certificate fromTimmy and Lisa dur-ing sharing assem-bly.

Wingate Centre By Chloe and Tallulah

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We would like towelcome MrsStudley our newlunch time supervi-sor. We asked hersome questionsabout how she wassettling in:

How have you set-tled in?I have settled in

great thank you.

Do you like workinghere?

Yes I do, a lot. Ilove being with thechildren. Have you workedwith children be-fore?No, which is why Ienjoy working withyou.

We are glad MrsStudley has settledin so well and welove having her aspart of our Lunchtime team.

WelcomeMrs Studley ...

By Callum and Maisie

We interviewed Mrs Morley our new Class 5snew teacher. We asked her these questions:

Have you taught a school before? Yes I have.What was the school called? Haslington Primary School. How many school have you taught altogether?5 including this school. Do you like this school? Yes its fantastic.Do you feel like you have settled in thisschool? Yes and Class 5 has really helped me to settle in.When you were little what did you want to bewhen you grow up?Well I wanted to be a ballerina and maybe someother things because I was good at them but Ihave always loved teaching. How did you decide to become a teacher?When I was in secondary school I went to a pri-mary school to help out and then ever since Iwanted to be a teacher. Why did you become a primary school teach-er?Because if in primary school a child loves learn-ing then you will carry on loving learning even if

you move schools.Do you like this job?Yes because every day is different and I love itwhen at first children don’t understand some-thing but then they get it and they are happy. Ienjoy being around children because they arefull of questions energy and new ideas.

We would like to welcome you Mrs Morley andwe hope you will be really happy at Bickerton.

… and Mrs Morley! By Ruth and Tristan


We are very sad that Rev. An-thony is leaving us but hope hesettles in well to his new Parish.

We will miss his assembliesand him playing football withus after assembly.

We love it when he brings ahuge teddy called Moses whohelps him to tell his stories. An-

thony thinks that people mustthink Moses is funny in the carseat with the seatbelt on!

We will remember him playingfootball with us so we gave hima ball with all our signatures onas a thank you! Thank you for

being at our school.

On the 10 th of November, Bickerton had their annual Open Day. This iswhen the school is open for parents who might be thinking of bringingtheir children to Bickerton in the future. The parents have a good lookaround our school and are given an informative tour by the Year 6s. Af-

ter the year 6s showed the parents around there were flapjacks, cus-tard creams, bourbons and squash for them to eat and drink. It wasgood being able to show parents around our brilliant school. This yearwe also had the Beeches Preschool in the hall, as they sometimes meethere, so as they played, their parents had a look around to see if theywanted to bring them to amazing Bickerton!

We would like to welcome all the new EarlyYears children. They have settled in well. Theytold us they enjoy their lunch! They also haveenjoyed painting, play dough and finding treas-ure. They love playing in the canopy and thewater and the sand. Their teachers say that theyare very friendly and caring to one another, as

well as being very excited.

There have been 11 other new children beginningtheir life at Bickerton School. We would like towelcome Joe, Naomi, and Fin, Jazzi, Marshall,Sienna and Olivia and Zach, Luke, Adam andTom.

Joe is In class 4 and he said he likes this school because ‘there are so many kind and helpful people’. His sister Naomi (C2) likes this school because‘it is a better place and the people are kind andamazing.’ Marshall is in class 4 and he said he likes it here

because it is such a nice place. ‘The teachers are

tremendous and kind and he likes golden time’.Jazzi is in class 4 and she said she likes thisschool because ‘the teachers are amazing andvery kind.’

Zach is in class 5 and he said he likes it here be-cause he has ‘made so many friends and the

school is amazing’. Tom, in class 2 says he likes it here because hehas ‘made new friends and it is fun’. Adam is in class 3 and he said he really likes ithere because ‘the school is brilliant’. Luke is in class 4 and he said he likes it here‘because he has made so many new friends’ aswell.

Sienna thinks the school is ‘good’ and she is hap- py. She has ‘enjoyed making new friends’ as hasher sister Olivia. Olivia told us that she likes ithere and that this school is much smaller than theone she went to in South Africa.’ We hope youwill all be very happy at Bickerton.

Goodbye Rev. Anthony

By Maisieand Callum


By Emily and Ruby



By Harry and Ryan

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Our new librarians are Gemma Dulson,

Christy Morris -Barnes, Milly Forster and Ra-chel Johnson.

In order to get the post they had to write aletter saying why they wanted to become Li-brarians. Once chosen they were given theirLibrarian badges which they wear with pride.

They all like the author David Walliams espe-cially his book ‘Gangster Granny.’

The librarians look after the Junior Libraryand help people chose their books. They willbe going the Education Library to choosesome books sometime soon.

Our New Librarians _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

As part of our Terms Topic, Class 5 all drew a SouthAmerican animal which lives in the Amazon Rainfor-est. Some of us did toucans, parrots, frogs, snakes etc.

First we had to find a picture of an animal on the in-ternet and then we had to sketch it on a scrap piece of

paper. After we did that we took a black piece of pa-

per and sketched really lightly the animal we were do-ing. Then we took pastels and we coloured it in. Afterthat we sprayed the pictures with hair spray so that itdidn`t smudge.

We then had to vote which two pictures we were go-ing to enter into the competition, but because it wouldhave been hard we all took a scrap piece of paper andwe wrote down who we were voting for. Mrs Chap-man collected up the votes and saw who had the mostvotes. She told us we had all chosen Tamara Joneswho had done a frog.

Then she said that she wouldchose a person and she chooseRuth Ivanova who had done atoucan.

1200 people visited the art atthe Animal Earth Gallery. Later

on we found out who had won.These were the people. First

place winner - ‘A Seal,’ by EllaSpray of Kelsall PrimarySchool. Second place winner - ‘A frog’ by Tamara Jones ofBickerton Holy Trinity Prima-ry School. Third place winner - An eagle, by Dylan Bugg ofTarporley C of E PrimarySchool. Well done everybody!

By Ryan and Harry

Animal Earth Art Competition By Ruth



Miss Gittins and MrsChapman went to Franceon an organised trip withother teachers to learnsome more French, visitFrench Schools and teachsome English.

Miss G`s favourite thingshe did was the tradition-al French dancing andMrs Chapman’s favouriteactivity was playingFrench games which shehas been able to teach tous back here.

We asked them what their favourite food was

while they were there: MrsChapmen’s was a casse-role that was made fromduck, sausages andwhite beans.Miss Gs’ favourite foodin France was chickenand chips and Rabbit.

They both enjoyed themselves’ so much, workedhard and came back to Bickerton with lots ofideas which they havebeen able to use in class.

We have also continued the link by sending andreceiving Pen Pal letters.

By Chloe and Annabel

A few of our parents came to the PTA get together tohave coffee and cake, and to have a chat.

The whole school also came in and we sang three ofour favourite songs to them: ‘I am a believer’ (whichwe never practised for!) ‘Downtown’ (our favouritesong) and last of all we sang ‘Somewhere only weknow’ (which we all sang beautifully).

They gave us a standing applause! Mr Rich was a perfect conductor and we love and enjoy learningnew songs. We felt really proud to sing to the par-ents—thank you to the PTA for inviting us.

PTA’s Coffee, Cake and Chat By Tristan and Ruth

Class 4By Molly and Ruby

In Class Four we havebeen doing lots ofFrench, drawing andsketching and loadsmore! We had thetopic of Europe andwe all found out aboutdifferent Countrieswithin Europe.When Miss G. went toFrance with Mrs Chap-man we had MrSweetnam and MrsHarrison. With Mr

Sweetnam we didsketching and persua-sive writing becauseMr Sweetnam re-ceived a letter from aMr C. Rott saying that

he wanted to buy thenature area and makeit into a field. As aclass we managed topersuade him not to,so we get to keep ournature area. With MrsMorley we carried onwith our topic aboutall the country's in ourplay we are doing

‘Christmas Around theWorld’. We have also loved

doing haikus andGreek myths and real-ly loved doing humanand physical geogra-phy based around Ita-ly and Greece.

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On Friday the 26 th September crafty Class 3took part in the earth skill project at the oldHarthill School. It was their 2 nd visit.

Their first visit was in July when they walkedright to the top of Rawhead.

This time they were joined by Windsor Pri-mary School from Liver-pool which is a long way

from here to join in thecelebration of the 40 th anniversary of the Sandstone Trail.

The class wrote and performed a poem whichwas called ‘Leaves are falling’ which was abouttheir trip to Delamere Forest and their day onthe Sandstone Trail.

They also wore white vest t-shirts which they made by put-ting leaves on the vests and

dabbing the paint on the vestsso it left the shape. They alsomade headbands also with

leaves on them so when they wore them theylooked like kings and queens.

They got to play games and have a picnic lunchand then walked up the trail. In the summerthey did lots of activities such as:

thumb print pots

and wattle and daub fences

And they went intothe caves

and explored thetrail.

Class 3 said it was a really fun day and all ofthem enjoyed it.

Fun Forest SchoolsBy Tristan and Ruth

Hooray for Harvest!

Foundation Stage, Yearones and Year two didan amazing harvestplay. It was ‘The Enor-mous Turnip’.

They put so much effortin to it and they loveddoing their play.

This is what they toldus about: Once therelived a farmer and hiswife, they were verypoor but they lived ahappy life. They had aboy , a girl, dog , catand a mouse they livedall happily. They grewvegetables for the fam-ily to eat, and theystarted to plant a tinyturnip.

They sung a fab song

called ‘Don’t go Peck-ing in the Corn Field’.

One morning the sun be-gan to shine and therain fell quickly, andup rose a shoot, like athin green stick.

Suddenly the turnipgrew and grew some moreand it was enormous.They pulled and pulledbut it would not come

out so all the animalshelped and they finallygot it out.

They had turnip soupfor everybody. Theyworked so hard to learnall their lines and thesongs. Foundation Stagewere very brave whenthey sang ‘Pitter Pat-ter Raindrops’ and themain actors playedtheir parts so well.

Well done Infants!

By Annabel