Bible Study Onlines Lesson 4 Fear

Majestic Worldwide Ministries, Inc . ©2009 Queen E. F. Phillips Online Bible Study Lesson Four FEAR


Powerful Living Online Bible Study Series. Lessons on the six common emotions to help during this difficult times. Lesson 4 discusses FEAR. Embracing God's love and power to overcome the power of fear.

Transcript of Bible Study Onlines Lesson 4 Fear

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Majestic Worldwide Ministries,

©2009 Queen E. F. Phillips

Online Bible StudyLesson Four


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Powerful Living Bible Study Series



Text: God's Power to Help Hurting People, Publisher: Urban Ministries (c)2003; Editor: Dr. Colleen Birchett.(c)2009 Queen Phillips, Majestic Worldwide Ministries, Inc.

God’s Power is LimitlessTo Help and Heal

Disclaimer: The lessons, information, and links at this site are intended for biblical teaching and educational purposes and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction. In no way are any of these teachings meant to be a substitute for professional medical care or counseling.

Summary and Introduction

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Scriptural Basis & Introduction  John 16:33 Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in Me

you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you

have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration;

but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident,

certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]” (AMP)There’s absolutely nothing that can overtake us if we put our TOTAL trust and confidence in Him and obey the Word.Consequently, these lessons are designed to teach you how to embrace the power of God that’s available in the Person of the Holy Spirit. He will empower you to handle and overcome anxiety, anger, depression, frustration, and feeling powerless during this economic downturn.The truth is what Jesus told His disciples over 2000 years ago are applicable today. Do you believe it? Do you want help? Would like to experience the compassion of the One who created you in His image and likeness? If so, you’re at a good place to begin the healing process. We’ll focus on six (6) emotions that are most common during stressful and challenging times. It is my prayer that you receive the encouragement for which this series is purposed.

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FEAR is a…

…natural response to the thought or appearance of danger, or situations beyond your control.

…disabling, negative emotion, if not controlled, can result in physical immobilization, emotional, or mental impairments and disorders.

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Origin of FearIn the beginning.. In the Garden of Eden—Genesis 3:10   He replied, “I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid. I was afraid because I was naked.”

Disobedience to God’s instructions in the Garden of Eden changed man’s course and placed all of humankind on a downward spiral that could only be reversed by the Plan of Salvation that comes through faith in Jesus Christ, and the indwelling of God the Holy Spirit.

With the fall came fear! Man’s natural response is to hide, and he’s been hiding ever since. He was created with an internal alarm system that ‘s triggered by act of disobedience. How do you know this? Did you think how is that toddlers know they shouldn’t touch that glass figurine on the end table, so they look at the adult before or while reaching for it?

When man’s conscious was awaken to good and evil the exposure of finiteness, inadequacies, and insecurities in the Presence of a holy and sovereign God caused fear to awaken. Consequently, we can never meet His expectations or His standards. Therefore, He gives us an OPTION— believe in, adhere to, trust in, and rely on His Son Jesus Christ and the power of His Spirit to calm our fears and live an abundant life of peace free from the “spirit of fear” (2 Tim. 1:7)

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The Nature of Fear— Two components Biologically-based fear is a physical

state of tension in the presence of a perceived or suspected danger to the body1 . Our bodies are designed to react to physical danger in order to protect us when we’re afraid… i.e. running, fighting, or hiding. Native fears common to everyone are: Fear of death , fear of falling (a native fear that seems present at birth. Other fears are learned within the context of the environment. Biologically-based fear involves the total physical, biological, sociological, psychological, mental, and spiritual self. In essence, we are created us an internal alarm system for our good… a “positive” fear (reverential fear) that was designed to respect and reverence His holiness, majesty, and omnipotence, and trust God for our protection, provision, progress and productivity in accordance with His way of doing things. (**See slide #9)

Something happened that caused the internal alarm system to malfunction…. Man disobeyed God in the beginning (Gen 3)

1 God's Power to Help Hurting People, Publisher: Urban Ministries (c)2003; Bertha Swindall

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The Nature of Fear— Two components, continued.

Emotionally-based fear is directly or indirectly related to the basic fear of death. Because of the basic fear of death or physical danger, one’s emotions drives them to react or behave in a way they wouldn’t ordinarily if they weren’t afraid. Emotionally-based fear is driven by your thoughts and feelings; and if not controlled can result in more complicated emotional disabilities/disorders.

The bible is filled with examples of both biologically and emotionally based fears.

Life’s experiences can be a direct link to our emotionally-based fears because of an biologically-based fearful event in our past.

Simple Examples: Immunizations and doctor appointments. Being burned by a hot surface. Afraid of the dark. As a adults, many of you are currently dealing with fears (phobias) from childhood experiences.

Something happened. What? Where did FEAR come from? The “fall “ of mankind. Disobedience to God reversed the good, and changed the course of life. ***Slide #6

1 God's Power to Help Hurting People, Publisher: Urban Ministries (c)2003; Bertha Swindall

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Fear vs. Respect

I John 4:16-18 “16 We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. 18 Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. 17 And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.”In the Hebrew language “fear” meant “respect”. An attitude of worship toward God differs from a fearful attitude weighed down with anxiety and distressful feelings. Reverential fear (respect) toward God has rewards. The above scripture substantiates this truth. God’s love for us, and our love for God empowers us to live a life free of fear of death, punishment but instead a life assured of His perfect love. So it is with our relationships here on earth. Relationships built on trust and unconditional love for each and for God expels all fear, i.e. of fear of rejection, fear of abuse, unfaithfulness, etc.Only through the power of the Holy Spirit can you overcome dysfunctional fear and receive the perfect love of God through Jesus Christ to live free from fear.

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Family experiences

shape and mold patterns of living and thinking.

Cultures and backgrounds establishes

belief systems that evokes


Parent/child relationships

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Signs of Fear


Failures Difficult

relationships Threats Lack &



Low self-esteem Remain in abusive

situations, i.e. physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, alcoholism, addictions

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“Help! I’m afraid.”

Reality check- Irrational fear can subside if put to the reality test.

Face the truth -Getting help is easier if the person admits s/he is dealing with fear.

Seeing from God’s perspective – Everything God created has purpose, i.e. every emotion. Understanding God’s intent for our good to bring Him glory should help us deal with FEAR, and allow Him to help us through EVERY emotional problem. Of course getting the necessary counseling and therapy is a must. “…God who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” – Eph. 3:20

Not only should the fearful see from God’s perspective so should those associated with the fearful person. Be sympathetic and empathetic. Don’t judge or criticize. Be supportive. Don’t pressure.

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Strategies for Overcoming Fear Fight – attacking, destroying or under-standing

the source of fear (spiritual warfare; use the Word, faith and the power of the Holy Spirit) “fight the good fight of faith.”

Flight – running away in fear (Elijah, I King 19:3). Run to where God is… get into His presence

Compromise – adjusting to the threat while in the environment with it. (the disciples, John 20:19)

The three strategies could be ineffective if the Holy Spirit is not permitted to give direction. The wrong strategy in any situation where fear is can result in increased danger rather than elimination of it.

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God’s Strategy for Helping us to Overcome the Power of Fear

**God understands our frailty –(Ex. Elijah I Kings 19:3 )

God gives peace to pursue purpose (Disciples, John 20:19-23)

God releases power to produce passion (Disciples (Acts 1:8)

**Throughout God’s word, he says, “Fear not…” “Do not be afraid.” Fear hinders faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrew 11:6)

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Embracing God’s Love

is the key to overcoming FEAR. Like loving parents God is a loving Father that desires for His precious creation to trust Him totally. What peace to be in the embrace of loving parents. It is a picture of God’s love for His children. He doesn’t want anyone to live in fear. Fear torments. His love provides protection, safety and security like a child holding the hand of his father.

Embracing God’s love is like trusting Him to

carry you through life’s challenges confident that He will keep you

from the dangers because He’s loves you

more than you can even imagine. How

joyful it is when God in His infinite wisdom is

carrying you.

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Review & Discussion

1. What is fear?

2. What are the two components of fear?

3. Are you living in fear? If so, take time to talk to God about your fears. What caused your fear— childhood experiences, what situations evokes fear in you? Now is the right time to receive His power, and peace to help you overcome your fear.

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Action Read the story of Joseph and his brothers in Genesis 37. Joseph was afraid, why? What past experiences evoked biological and emotional fear?

PrayerHeavenly Father, Thank you for your loving-kindness, grace and mercy. I acknowledge that I am living in fear. I am fearful of ________________(fill in the blank). Over and over in your Word you say, “Do not be afraid, or “Fear not.” I thank you that you understand my frailty and does not want me to be fearful, but to trust your unconditional love. Help me to over my fear. Forgive me for not believing and trusting you. I repent before you now. Thank you for your Son Jesus Christ who died on the cross and rose from dead to give me victory over every sin, all guilt and fears. I receive your love. Come into my heart and take away everything that keeps me from having a loving relationship with you as my heavenly Father. Thank you for now for delivering me from all my fears. Let the gift of faith shine through and your love permeate my countenance for all to see your glory. In Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN.

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Majestic Worldwide Ministries, Inc. at