Bible as the Word of God - crone

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  • 7/29/2019 Bible as the Word of God - crone




    Who Says the Bible is Gods Word? Part 1

    Now, I know this might come as a surprise, but did you know that

    even Christians make mistakes once in awhile? And for those of you who

    find this hard to believe, I was able to find some proof. Were going to look

    at some actual Church Bulletin Mistakes showing is that yes, even

    Christians are human once in awhile.

    1. Todays opening hymn: I Love Thee My Ford.

    2. Nov. 11: We will have an evening of boweling at Lincoln CountryClub.

    3. Womens Luncheon: Each member bring a sandwich. Polly Phillipswill give the medication.

    4. Helpers are needed! Please sign up on the information sheep.5. Volunteers are needed to spit up food.

    6. Miss Charlene Mason sang, I will not pass this way again, givingobvious pleasure to the congregation.

    7. Congratulations to Tim and Ronda on the birth of their daughter

    October 12 thru 17.8. If you choose to heave during the Postlude, please do so quietly.9. Dont forget, the cost for attending the Fasting & Prayer conference

    includes meals.10. Smile at someone who is hard to love. Say hell to someone who

    doesnt care much about you.11. Barbara remains in the hospital & needs blood donors for more

    transfusions. She is also having trouble sleeping and requests tapes ofPastor Jacks sermons.

    Yes, as you can see even Christians make mistakes dont they? But

    folks, I hope theres one mistake that we Christians never make and that is

    this to doubt that the Bible really came from God. And the reason why I

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    say this is because I see an alarming trend in the American Church. You see,

    youd think that the Bible would be utterly revered, especially by

    Christians, since what we hold in their hands is a literal message from God

    Almighty. And youd think that people, especially Christians, would pour

    over the Holy Scriptures day and night seeking answers to their deepest

    questions, right? Unfortunately, the answer is no! Let me show you what I

    mean by these following statistics.

    1. 18% of adults contend that the Ten Commandments are not relevantfor people living today.

    2. 27% do not believe that all of the miracles described in the Bible

    actually took place.

    3. 12% of adults believe that the name of Noahs wife was Joan of Arc.4. 49% believe that the Bible teaches that money is the root of all evil.

    5. 56% are convinced the Bible proclaims that the single most importanttask in life is taking care of ones family.

    6. 80% agree that the Bible teaches that God helps those who help

    themselves.7. Only 60% of adults maintain that the Bible is totally accurate in all of

    its teachings.

    Now, I dont know about you, but I was completely shocked when I

    came across these statistics. I mean, think about it. Why didnt Christians

    have a 100% agreement concerning the accuracy of the Scripture? Surely

    of all people who should never doubt the Bible it would be Christians, right?

    But people, as weve seen, this is no longer the case. And you know why?

    Its because the Bible has been under attack by false criticism over the last

    century. And because most Christians dont know how to respond to these

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    arrogant accusations, the people of the Bible are starting to doubt the

    Bible! And so now when a evangelical Christian responds that the Bible is

    Gods Word, most people reply, Oh yeah! Who says the Bible is Gods


    Therefore, in order to make sure that none of us here have any doubts

    about the Bible being Gods Word, were going to look at 10 lines of

    evidence that gives us solid proofthat the Bible really came from God. And

    theres no time to waste so lets get started.

    2 Timothy 3:14-17 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and

    have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned

    it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which areable to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All

    Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correctingand training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly

    equipped for every good work.

    So who says the Bible is Gods Word? Well people, its pretty

    obvious as we just read. The 1st

    line of evidence is that the Bible says so.

    You see, anyone who is in a genuine search to validate a document must

    first give that document the benefit of the doubt, right? I mean, even

    Aristotle knew this when he said this.

    The benefit of the doubt is to be given to the document itself, and notarrogated by the critic to himself.

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    And people, this is precisely the problem with the skeptic today. They

    assume the Bible is full of errors until its proven absolutely genuine.

    Theyve got it totally backwards. I mean, even in our court systems we see

    that somethings innocent until proven guilty, right? Therefore, shouldnt

    the same standard be applied to the validating the Bible? Exactly! So then,

    what does the Bible have to say about it being the Word of God? Well, what

    did we read in our text? The Bible declares that what it speaks about is

    inspired by God Himselfas is further shownby these statistics.

    1. The Lord hath spoken 30 times

    2. It is written 80 times

    3. The word of the Lord 258 times4. Thus saith the Lord 415 times

    5. Saith the Lord 854 times

    And so heres the point. As you can see, the Bible emphatically

    declares and simply assumes that it is the very Words of God, right? And

    again, if youre going to be honest in your approach to the Bible then you

    have to admit this fact. You have to give it the benefit of the doubt like

    Aristotle said. And why is it that no honest scholar treats any other ancient

    document in the same hypocritical manner as skeptics do with the Bible?

    Why do they assume its wrong right off the bat? Why dont the give it the

    benefit of the doubt that since it claims to be from God that it might really

    be from God! Wouldnt that be the honest place to start?

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    People, you cant have it both ways. You cant agree with some of the

    Bibles teaching and then turn around and deny the authenticity of the Bible.

    Why? Because the Bible clearly presents itself as the genuine Word of

    God. And anything short of this is hypocrisy.

    Oh but thats not all. Who says that the Bible is the Word of God?

    Well, the 2nd

    line of evidence is that Jesus says so. Now whats funny is

    that while skeptics refuse to believe that Jesus was God in the flesh and that

    Hes the Savior of the world, they will at least nonetheless label Him as a

    good teacher. But people this good teacher mentality is absolutely

    ridiculous when you actually read the Bible. Why? Because if you read the

    Bible youll see that Jesus didnt leave us with this option of Him merely

    being a good teacher. Hello! Either He was a liar, a lunatic, or indeed Lord

    God. Thats your only options if you read the Bible. Nonetheless, lets meet

    the skeptic on their terms and see just what did this good teacher teach

    about the Bible.

    1. Divine Authority Matthew 4:4-10

    2. Indestructibility Matthew 5:17-183. Infallibility John 10:35

    4. Ultimate Supremacy Matthew 15:3,65. Factual Inerrancy Matthew 22:29

    6. Historical Reliability Matthew 12:40

    7. Scientific Accuracy Matthew 19:4-5

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    And so heres the point. If Jesus is the Son of God, then the Bible is

    the Word of God. Why? Because He said so Himself! People, stop and

    think about it! The authority of Jesus confirms the authority of the Bible.

    People, you cant have it both ways. You cant agree with some of

    Jesus teaching and then turn around and deny the authenticity of the Bible.

    Why? Because Jesus clearly presented the Scripture as the genuine

    Word of God. And anything short of this is hypocrisy.

    Oh, but thats not all. Who says that the Bible is the Word of God?

    Well, the 3rd

    line of evidence is that the Apostles say so. People, when you

    actually read the Bible its very obvious that the Apostles and writers of the

    New Testament assumed that the Scriptures really did come from God. In

    fact, they made plain statements about the Old Testament and what they

    themselves were speaking and teaching, which was to become the New

    Testament, was indeed the very Word of God. In fact, so much so were

    they convinced of this that we have the harsh warning in the last book of

    the Bible that no one should even dare tamper with the words which they

    recorded for us in the Bible.

    Revelation 22:18-19 Here is my warning for everyone who hears the

    prophecies in this book. If you add anything to them, God will make you

    suffer all the terrible troubles written in this book. If you take anything away

    from these prophecies, God will not let you have part in the life-giving treeand in the holy city described in this book.

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    Hmmm. Now Id say thats a pretty serious warning, how about you?

    Id say somebody seriously believed that what they were writing really

    came from God, how about you?

    People, you cant have it both ways. You cant agree with some of the

    Apostles teaching and then turn around and deny the authenticity of the

    Bible. Why? Because the Apostles clearly presented the Scripture as the

    genuine Word of God. And anything short of this is hypocrisy.

    Oh, but thats not all. Who says that the Bible is the Word of God?

    Well, the 4th

    line of evidence is that the Early Church and Church

    History says so. People, the proof of the Early Churchs belief that the Bible

    really came from God is shown not only in what they taught about the

    authority of the Bible but also in their direct citations of it. And to show

    you what I mean, lets take a look at a list ofjust a few of the Early Church

    Fathers and their direct citations ofjust the New Testament.

    1. Justin Martyr - 330

    2. Hippolytus - 1,3783. Irenaeus - 1,819

    3. Clement Alex. - 2,4064. Eusebius - 5,176

    5. Tertullian - 7,2586. Origen - 17,922

    7. Grand Total - 36,289

    Now you might think, Whip dee do dah. Whats the big deal about

    those guys quoting the New Testament so many times? But people, stop

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    and think about it. Why would they quote it so often unless the really

    believed it came from God? Besides, the effects of quoting the New

    Testament so many times has produced an interesting side-effect. Check

    this out.

    Sir David Dalrymple was wondering about the dominance of Scripture inearly writing when someone asked him, Suppose that the New Testament

    had been destroyed, and every copy of it lost by the end of the third century,could it have been collected together again from the writings of the Early

    Church Fathers of the second and third centuries?

    And after a great deal of investigation Dalrymple concluded: That questionroused my curiosity, and as I possessed all the existing works of the Fathers

    of the second and third centuries, I commenced to search, and up to this time

    I have found the entire New Testament, except eleven verses.

    People of God, this is the amazing truth. Even if the entire New

    Testament was completely destroyed, we could still reconstruct itjust from

    the quotations taken from it! Now Id say somebody really believed it

    came from God, how about you?

    People, the Bible is the only book in the world that you can do this

    with. And those who doubt the authenticity of the Bible assume their

    doubting position has been commonplace throughout history. But people,

    nothing could be further from the truth. The belief about the Bible being the

    valid Word of God was virtually held by nearly everyone for the last 2,000

    years of Church History. Therefore, one who doubts the authority of the

    Bible is forced to say that their own private knowledge of the Scripture is

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    greater then all the great thinkers and scholars of the Bible for the last 2,000

    years. And people, this is totally absurd when one takes into account that

    most people who doubt the authority of the Bible have rarely if ever even

    read the Bible let alone studied it!

    People, you cant have it both ways. You cant agree with some of the

    Early Churchs or Church Historys teaching and then turn around and deny

    the authenticity of the Bible. Why? Because the Early Church and Church

    History clearly present the Bible as the genuine Word of God. And

    anything short of this is hypocrisy.

    And speaking of hypocrisy, I want to make sure that were all on the

    same page here and clearly understand what hypocrisy is, so none of us

    here fall for its dangers.

    One day there was a guy who found himself in desperate need of money so

    he went to the city zoo, hoping to find a job feeding the animals. Nowalthough no such opportunity was available, the manager seeing the size and

    the strength of the applicant, suddenly got an idea.

    He said, You know, there are few creatures who attract attention like agorilla. Unfortunately, ours died yesterday. If we got you a special fur suit,

    would you be willing to imitate him for a few days?

    Well, the hungry man agreed to try. And in no time he was quite successfulas he beat his chest, bellowed, and shook the bars of the cage much to the

    amusement of visitors who said they had never seen a gorilla with such


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    But one day, while swinging on his trapeze he accidentally lost his grip andlanded in the lions den. And a huge lion came right up to him and gave a

    ferocious roar.

    And backing away, the impostor realized he couldnt cry for assistancewithout revealing to everyone that he was a fake. So he retreated, hoping to

    crawl back over the fence into his own cage.

    However, the lion followed him. So finally in desperation, he yelled, Help!Help!

    And immediately the lion said, Shut up, stupid! Youll get us both fired!

    Now that man was a hypocrite, wasnt he? He was saying one thing

    trying to fool people while in reality he was somebody else. And people, so

    it is with the skeptics of the Bible. They spout off bold claims that the

    Bible cannot be trusted, that the Bible is full of errors. Yet all the time it is

    they who refuse to look at the evidence. So I ask you, just whos the real

    hypocrite here?

    People I dont know if youve noticed this, but our world is in a

    frantic search for purpose and direction in life. People are full of questions

    like, Why do I exist? Where did I come from? Is there life after death?

    And how sad and ironic it is that this mysterious book that everyones in

    search of can be found on bookshelves, collecting dust, in virtually every

    home in America. Its called the Bible and it really came from God!

    People of God, be encouraged today. You dont have to give into the

    attacks of the skeptic. You dont have to give into doubt. And you dont

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    have to give into one bit of criticism. What we hold in our hands is the

    genuine Word of God! Amen?


    To find the way to God, to understand the truth of God's Word, and to

    received the gift of eternal life, begin by repentance and faith through aprayer like this:

    Dear God, I understand that I have broken Your Law and

    sinned against You. Please forgive my sins. Thank You that

    Jesus suffered on the cross in my place. I now place my trust inHim as My Savior and Lord. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
