BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere....


Transcript of BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere....

Page 1: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.



O C T O B E R 2 0 1 9 E D I T I O N

Page 2: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.

for my house will be calleda house of prayer for all nations

Page 3: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.

table ofC O N T E N T

message from jakarta 01-05 TESTIMONY 06-08

DAILY DEVOTIONAL 09-15 prayer for nation 16

church schedule 17

Page 4: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.

Bekerja Adalah Panggilan Hidup


Berfirmanlah Allah: “Baiklah Kita menjadikan manusia menurut gambar dan rupa Kita, supaya mereka berkuasa atas ikan-ikan di laut dan burung-burung di udara dan atas ternak dan atas seluruh bumi dan atas segala binatang melata

yang merayap di bumi.”Kejadian 1:26

Di dalam dunia yang mengejar kesenangan, kebebasan dan kesenggangan, ‘kerja’ dipandang sebagai sesuatu yang berat dan menyusahkan. Bahkan seorang penulis bernama Bob Black menyatakan: “Tidak seorang pun seharusnya bekerja. Kerja adalah sumber dari hampir semua kesengsaraan di dunia. Hampir semua kejahatan yang dapat Anda sebut; itu berasal dari bekerja atau hidup di dunia yang dirancang untuk bekerja. Untuk menghentikan penderitaan, kita harus berhenti bekerja.” (The Abolition Of Work, 1985)

Banyak juga orang Kristen yang beranggapan bahwa bekerja adalah sebuah kutuk, dan bahwa nanti di sorga, manusia tidak akan lagi bekerja untuk selama-lamanya, hanya menikmati hidup dalam kekekalan, tanpa ada kematian dan kesusahan.

Menarik jika kita memperhatikan bagaimana manusia bekerja sedemikian rupa, lalu berkesempatan menikmati hasil jerih lelah mereka dengan waktu luang yang mereka miliki. Tetapi ketika manusia memiliki banyak waktu luang untuk tidak melakukan apa-apa, misalnya ketika mereka berlibur, akhirnya mereka menjadi bosan karena merasa tidak melakukan apa-apa. Mengapa hal ini bisa terjadi? Bukankah manusia mencari jalan keluar dari “kutuk” pekerjaan sehingga bisa bahagia? Mengapa ketika manusia tidak bekerja mereka juga tidak bahagia?

Kerja Adalah Bagian Dari Jati Diri ManusiaAlkitab dengan jelas mencatat bahwa pekerjaan bukanlah sebuah kutuk! Bahkan ‘kerja’ sudah ada sebelum manusia jatuh dalam dosa. Tugas pertama yang Tuhan berikan kepada manusia adalah bekerja. (Kej 2:15) Selain itu Alkitab mencatat bahwa Allah adalah pribadi yang bekerja. Ia sendiri yang menciptakan langit dan

Page 5: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.


bumi serta segala isinya. (Kej 1:1-15) Bekerja merupakan natur Allah dan kita sebagai ciptaan-Nya diberikan kehormatan untuk mengambil bagian dari natur itu sebagai rekan sekerja-Nya Jadi bekerja adalah sesuatu yang baik, karena Allah sendiri bekerja. (Kej 1:26 , 2:15)Ketika manusia jatuh dalam dosa, Tuhan menjatuhkan kutuk kepada tanah di mana manusia tinggal. Akibatnya, manusia harus bersusah payah ketika bekerja. Hal ini yang kemudian membuat sebagian besar orang berpikir bahwa bekerja adalah sebuah kutukan dari Tuhan. (Kej 3:17-19)

Kejatuhan manusia dalam dosa memang membuat bekerja menjadi hal yang berat dan sulit, tetapi kerja itu sendiri sebenarnya merupakan bagian dari jati diri manusia sejak penciptaan. Manusia tidak bisa tidak bekerja. Ada sesuatu di dalam dirinya yang akan selalu mendorong manusia untuk melakukan sesuatu. Ketika Adam diperintahkan untuk mengusahakan dan memelihara taman Eden, hal tersebut merupakan sesuatu yang menyenangkan dan hasilnya adalah kepuasan karena sudah memenuhi panggilan dan tujuan hidupnya. (Kej 2:15)

Bekerja adalah Melayani TuhanDi dalam dunia kekristenan modern, terdapat pemahaman bahwa ada perbedaan antara bekerja dan melayani Tuhan. • Bekerja dipahami sebagai sebuah aktivitas yang bersifat hanya untuk mencari nafkah ataupun mencapai tujuan yang bersifat duniawi. • Sedangkan melayani Tuhan dipahami sebagai aktivitas yang bersifat secara eksklusif hanya untuk Tuhan.Akibatnya bekerja dianggap lebih rendah, sedangkan melayani Tuhan lebih mulia. Ini yang menyebabkan munculnya ‘dikotomi’ istilah pekerjaan “sekuler” dan “sakral.”Tentu Alkitab berbicara mengenai pemisahan antara orang percaya dan orang dunia. Orang percaya adalah mereka yang dikuduskan (dipisahkan) untuk tujuan Tuhan. Kata Yunani ‘ekklesia’ yang diterjemahkan menjadi jemaat/ gereja dalam bahasa Indonesia memiliki arti “mereka yang dipanggil keluar.” Gereja adalah kumpulan orang percaya yang dipanggil keluar dari dunia dan dikuduskan bagi Tuhan. Itulah sebabnya orang percaya disebut sebagai orang-orang kudus; yang dipanggil untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang baik, yang kudus. (Rom 1:7, Tit 2:14)

Namun dipihak lain Alkitab tidak membuat pemisahan antara pekerjaan “sekuler” dan “sakral” sehingga seolah-olah hari Minggu waktunya melayani Tuhan, sedangkan Senin sampai Sabtu adalah waktunya untuk melakukan pekerjaan sekuler yang kita kerjakan dengan cara kita sendiri dan untuk diri kita sendiri. Hal ini tidak Alkitabiah! Akibat pemisahan ini, bekerja dipandang sebagai sebuah aktivitas untuk mengumpulkan harta duniawi dan memuaskan kedagingan. Bahkan ada yang begitu ekstrim sehingga

Page 6: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.


mengaitkan bekerja dengan dosa.

Paulus menulis kepada jemaat di Kolose: “Apapun juga yang kamu perbuat, perbuatlah dengan segenap hatimu seperti untuk Tuhan dan bukan untuk manusia. Kamu tahu, bahwa dari Tuhanlah kamu akan menerima bagian yang ditentukan bagimu sebagai upah. Kristus adalah tuan dan kamu hamba-Nya.” (Kol 3:23-24)

Kelahiran baru tidak hanya membawa pemulihan secara rohani, tetapi juga mengubahkan paradigma mengenai pekerjaan kita di dunia ini. Bekerja bukan hanya sekedar bekerja, tetapi pada saat kita bekerja sebenarnya kita sedang melayani Kristus sebagai Tuan. Apapun yang kita lakukan; • bekerja, • bersenang-senang, • berlibur, • makan - minum, seharusnya kita kerjakan dengan sepenuh hati seperti melakukannya kepada Tuhan sendiri. Bukankah kita harus mengasihi Tuhan dengan seluruh keberadaan kita? Tentu saja bekerja juga harus dilakukan sebagai bagian dari aktivitas mengasihi Tuhan. (1 Kor 10:31, Luk 10:27)

Kita Akan Melayani Tuhan Dalam KekekalanKetika Yesus datang kembali, Ia akan mendirikan kerajaan seribu Tuhan di bumi ini. Yesus akan memerintah sebagai Raja di Yerusalem. Tetapi tidak hanya itu; orang-orang percaya yang sudah dibangkitkan juga akan ikut memerintah di bumi ini. (Luk 1:32-33, Yes 32:1, Mat 19:28)

Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa setelah kedatangan Yesus yang kedua kali, orang percaya ternyata tidak terus menerus tinggal di sorga menikmati suasana sorga. Namun mereka akan kembali ke bumi bersama Yesus dan akan memerintah bersama Yesus. ‘Memerintah’ artinya melakukan suatu pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan pengaturan, dengan kata lain bekerja. (Why 19:14, 20:4)

Hal ini seringkali tidak disadari oleh orang Kristen bahwa sesungguhnya manusia tidak diciptakan hanya untuk menikmati suasana sorga tanpa melakukan apapun. Sejak awal manusia diciptakan untuk bekerja. Di Taman Eden, Tuhan hadir di sana bersama dengan manusia. Alam semesta dalam kondisi sempurna karena belum jatuh dalam dosa. Di dalam kondisi sorgawi itu, Adam dan Hawa diperintahkan Tuhan untuk berkuasa, memerintah, mengusahakan bumi dan isinya. (Kej 1:26)

Page 7: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.


Setelah manusia jatuh dalam dosa, maka bumi berubah menjadi tempat yang terkutuk. Taman Eden pun seolah-olah hilang dari bumi ini. Namun setelah Yesus datang kembali, Tuhan akan hadir di bumi ini untuk memerintah selama seribu Tahun. Bahkan pada akhirnya, Tuhan juga akan menciptakan langit baru dan bumi yang baru. (Why 21:1)Mengapa harus ada langit baru dan bumi yang baru? Apakah itu gambaran dari sorga? Ternyata Alkitab mencatat bahwa “sorga” yang disebut “Yerusalem yang baru” pun akan turun ke bumi yang baru. (Why 21:2-3)

Hal ini merupakan pemulihan kepada kondisi seperti sebelum manusia jatuh dalam dosa; daripada “sorga” yaitu Taman Eden ada di bumi. Sebenarnya tujuan orisinil Allah adalah agar manusia tinggal di bumi bersama-sama dengan Dia. Inilah kondisi sorga yang sebenarnya.

“Dan malam tidak akan ada lagi di sana, dan mereka tidak memerlukan cahaya lampu dan cahaya matahari, sebab Tuhan Allah akan menerangi mereka, dan mereka akan memerintah sebagai raja sampai selama-lamanya.” (Why 22:5)

Manusia yang sudah ditebus dan sudah dikuduskan tidak akan sekedar tinggal dan menikmati kondisi sorgawi tersebut. Alkitab mencatat bahwa mereka akan bekerja melayani Tuhan. Dan hal ini tidak hanya untuk masa seribu tahun saja, namun untuk selama-lamanya.

Bagaimana Seharusnya Kita Bekerja?Ketika Paulus menulis: “Apapun juga yang kamu perbuat, perbuatlah dengan segenap hatimu seperti untuk Tuhan” (Kol 3:23), hal ini secara langsung memiliki konsekuensi bahwa hanya pekerjaan yang baik dan kudus saja yang dapat dikatakan “untuk Tuhan.” Pekerjaan yang melanggar kebenaran, kekudusan dan keadilan tidak mungkin dapat diterima oleh Tuhan.

Paulus juga menulis: “Hai hamba-hamba, taatilah tuanmu yang di dunia dengan takut dan gentar, dan dengan tulus hati, sama seperti kamu taat kepada Kristus, tulus hati, sama seperti kamu taat kepada Kristus, jangan hanya di hadapan mereka saja untuk menyenangkan hati orang, tetapi sebagai hamba-hamba Kristus yang dengan segenap hati melakukan kehendak Allah, dan yang dengan rela menjalankan pelayanannya seperti orang-orang yang melayani Tuhan dan bukan manusia. Kamu tahu, bahwa setiap orang, baik hamba, maupun orang merdeka, kalau ia telah berbuat sesuatu yang baik, ia akan menerima balasannya dari Tuhan.” (Ef 6:5-8)

Ketika seseorang bekerja dengan sungguh-sungguh, maka tidak saja ia akan menerima upahnya di dunia ini, tetapi juga dari Tuhan. Kedua ayat tersebut menyatakan sebuah

Page 8: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.


kebenaran bahwa Tuhan menginginkan kita mengusahakan yang terbaik dan dengan ketulusan ketika kita bekerja karena kita sebenarnya bertanggung jawab kepada Tuhan. Bukankah Tuhan yang memberikan kepada kita kemampuan untuk dapat melakukan pekerjaan tersebut?

Semua manusia yang mampu bekerja, harus bekerja. Tidak ada pengecualian. Di dalam hukum Taurat, ada perintah yang melarang seseorang untuk menuai panen di sebuah ladang sampai habis tanpa sisa, sebaliknya mereka harus menyisakan bagian tepi dari ladang bagi orang miskin dan orang asing. (Im 23:22) Tetapi perintah tersebut tidak berarti bahwa orang miskin dan orang asing hanya duduk dan menantikan pemberian tuaian dari pemilik ladang. Mereka tetap harus pergi ke ladang tersebut dan bekerja untuk menuai sisa-sisa panen di tepian ladang itu. Hal ini memperlihatkan betapa Tuhan memandang penting seorang manusia untuk bekerja. Bahkan orang miskin pun diharuskan bekerja.

Berkali-kali dalam Alkitab Tuhan memperingatkan bahwa orang yang malas dan tidak mau bekerja akan mengalami kemiskinan (Ams 14:23; 6:6-11). Paulus bahkan memperingatkan jemaat di Tesalonika untuk menjauhi anggota jemaat yang tidak mau bekerja, bahkan menyatakan bahwa mereka yang tidak bekerja tidak boleh makan (2 Tes 3: 6,10).

Sebagai orang Kristen, pekerjaan yang dilakukan dengan sungguh-sungguh akan menjadi kesaksian yang memuliakan Tuhan. (Mat 5:16). Tuhan juga tidak ingin manusia bekerja sedemikian rupa sehingga pekerjaan itulah yang dimuliakan; bukan Tuhan. Bahkan pekerjaan menjadi “tuhan” mereka.

Yesus memperingatkan kita akan hal ini ketika Ia mengajar tentang mengumpulkan harta (Mat 6:19-24) dan tentang kekuatiran (Mat 6:25-34). Bahkan Tuhan sendiripun memberikan teladan dengan “beristirahat” pada hari ketujuh (Sabat). Tentunya hal ini tidak berarti Tuhan kelelahan setelah bekerja dan membutuhkan istirahat. Tuhan ingin agar manusia tidak senantiasa terikat kepada pekerjaan tetapi juga harus beristirahat. Beristirahat berarti kita masuk dalam perhentian dan mengalami persekutuan dengan Tuhan. Amin. (PT)

Page 9: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.

Mission trip to PhilippinesErika Kristy

ObservationWhen I met the people in Mindoro and Batangas, my first impression was that they were very friendly. The people there were also very enthusiastic and receptive. They sang passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon. Sometimes, no instrument at all. Yet, they could still sing joyfully.

Although I also noticed, some of the younger teens were still quite shy to blend in with the others. Mangyan (indigenous group at Mindoro) in particular, they were very shy. And when I washed their hands, some of them tried to cover the lump on their hands and feet. We could also help them with their physical needs. Batangas and Bigain were also very friendly. They were very thirsty and hungry for God.

Summary of the tripDay 1 - Traveling.Arrived safely through wind and sea, although there were difficulties in getting to the ferry.

Day 2 - Mindoro’s church.In the morning we prayed at capitol no Occidental Mindoro (Governor’s palace). Then, we went to the church for induction, kids ministry, youth and adult services, and fellowship with the workers in Mindoro.

Day 3 - Serving the Mangyan.We went and ministered to the Mangyan tribe. For the first group, I washed their hands and feet. For the second group, I cut their nails. The people from the local church showed us how to do those and helped us to communicate with the Mangyans. We travelled back to Batangas at night.


Page 10: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.

Day 4 - Fellowship with the Batangas community. We had workers prayer meeting and also prayer, praise and worship equipping. We shared about prayer, praise and worship. For the technical, we shared about chord progression. They still remembered ko Ben’s teaching. eg. using ‘hand signal’. We practiced with keyboard here. So, I attached a copy of the chord progression sheet. I gave them because I noticed they tend to always use the same progression. I hoped it would be useful for them.

Day 5 - Sunday service ministry.The sermon was taken from John 4 (living water), followed with COOL activity for the youth. Me and Paulii were in the same group. The topic was about spiritual gifts. We explained about the type of gifts, the purpose, and the unity in the body and love.

Personal testimonyIt was a great experience to minister the excluded society. It reminded me of God’s love reaching out to us although we do not deserve Him. It also inspired me when I heard the story from the pastors and ministers in Mindoro, of how they have the heart and passion for Mangyan, although these people are the least of all in Mindoro. But they were willing to let go of their comfort and be with them and serve the Mangyans. They reminded me of the Macedonian, who are physically not as fortunate but are very rich in the spirit.


Page 11: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.


I can see how we all have different gifts yet every one of them really complement each other. None of these gifts are better than the others, as they will not work well without one or the others. God also allocated us in Bigain perfectly, although I was not happy with the changes at first. But I could see that it was God’s plan so the church could be blessed more. I could see how each member contributed according to what God has put in our heart beforehand and saw how God’s works were real. Really grateful to see how God worked on that Sunday.

Personally, I thought I would mostly be playing music, but I realised God wanted me to do something more. It was a step out of my comfort zone, it was not easy for me to initiate conversation with someone I just met. Also Ps. Gideon kept reminding us not to make a group of our own. Instead, we needed to mingle with the locals. It was also not easy for me to speak in front of many people, let alone to preach. But I realised God has prepared me before the trip, to share God’s Word in my COOL before I went for this trip. I know it was not me, but God who gave me strength, compassion and wisdom to speak and pray for people.

Jane shared about the dance ministry, that the dancers are now serving God every Sunday. It has been a blessing for the congregation there. When she shared about this, I was very happy to hear that. It is just like what is written in the Bible, whatever we do for the Lord will not be in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58). And the Word that are proceeded from His mouth will not return to Him empty (Isaiah 55:11).

Page 12: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.


Worth the WaitOutside the Shibuya train station in Tokyo is a statue commemorating an Akita dog named Hachiko. Hachiko is remembered for unusual faithfulness to his owner, a university professor who commuted from the station daily. The dog accompanied him on his walk there in the morning and came back to meet him every afternoon just as his train arrived.

One day the professor didn’t return to the station; sadly, he’d died at work. But for the rest of his life—more than nine years—Hachiko showed up at the same time as the afternoon train. Day after day, regardless of weather, the dog waited faithfully for his master’s return.

Paul commended the Thessalonians for their faithfulness, citing their “work produced by faith,” “labor prompted by love,” and “endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 1:3). Despite harsh opposition, they left their old ways “to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven” (vv. 9–10).

These early believers’ vital hope in their Savior and His love for them inspired them to see beyond their difficulties and to share their faith enthusiastically. They were assured there was nothing better than living for Jesus. How good it is to know that the same Holy Spirit who emboldened them (v. 5) still empowers us today to faithfully serve Jesus as we await His return.

What do you look forward to most about being with Jesus? How are you sharing your hope in Him?

Read1 Thessalonians


Bible in a YearIsaiah 41–42

1 Thessalonians 1

We eagerly await a Savior.

Philippians 3:20

By: James Banks


Page 13: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.

ReadPsalm 59:1, 14–17

Bible in a YearIsaiah 43–441 Thessalonians 2

I will sing of your strength; in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress.Psalm 59:16


Strengthened in SongWhen French villagers helped Jewish refugees hide from the Nazis during World War II, some sang songs in the dense forest surrounding their town—letting the refugees know it was safe to come out from hiding. These brave townspeople of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon had answered the call of local pastor André Trocmé and his wife, Magda, to offer wartime refuge to Jews on their windswept plateau known as “La Montagne Protestante.” Their musical signal became just one feature of the villagers’ bravery that helped save up to 3,000 Jews from almost certain death.

In another dangerous time, David sang when his enemy Saul sent nighttime assassins to his house. His use of music wasn’t a signal; rather, it was his song of gratitude to God his refuge. David rejoiced, “I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble” (Psalm 59:16).

Such singing isn’t “whistling in the dark” during danger. Instead, David’s singing conveyed his trust in almighty God. “You, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely” (v. 17).

David’s praise, and the villagers’ singing in Le Chambon, offer an invitation to bless God today with our singing, making melody to Him despite the worries of life. His loving presence will respond, strengthening our hearts.

How do you feel when you’re singing your favorite praise song? Why do praise songs inspire us to feel stronger?


By: Patricia Raybon


Page 14: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.

By: Poh Fang Chia

Read2 Corinthians


Bible in a YearIsaiah 45–46

1 Thessalonians 3

You help us by your prayers.2 Corinthians



Haystack Prayers

Samuel Mills and four of his friends often gathered together to pray for God to send more people to share the good news of Jesus. One day in 1806, after returning from their prayer meeting, they got caught in a thunderstorm and took refuge in a haystack. Their weekly prayer gathering then became known as the Haystack Prayer Meeting, which resulted in a global mission movement. Today the Haystack Prayer Monument stands at Williams College in the US as a reminder of what God can do through prayer.

Our heavenly Father is delighted when His children approach Him with a common request. It’s like a family gathering where they’re united in purpose, sharing a common burden.

The apostle Paul acknowledges how God helped him through the prayers of others during a time of severe suffering: “He will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers” (2 Corinthians 1:10–11). God has chosen to use our prayers—especially our prayers together—to accomplish His work in the world. No wonder the verse continues: “Then many will give thanks . . . [for the] answer to the prayers of many.”

Let’s pray together so we can also rejoice together in God’s goodness. Our loving Father is waiting for us to come to Him so He can work through us in ways that reach far beyond anything we could ever imagine.

What request can you and others pray for? How has your faith been strengthened when you pray with others?


Page 15: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.

Read1 Thessalonians 4:9–12


Finding a Quiet Life

Bible in a YearIsaiah 47–491 Thessalonians 4

Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life.1 Thessalonians 4:11

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” We all heard that question as children and sometimes even as adults. The question is born in curiosity, and the answer is often heard as an indication of ambition. My answers morphed over the years, starting with a cowboy, then a truck driver, followed by a soldier, and I entered college set on becoming a doctor. However, I can’t recall one time that someone suggested or I consciously considered pursuing “a quiet life.”

Yet that’s exactly what Paul told the Thessalonians. First, he urged them to love one another and all of God’s family even more (1 Thessalonians 4:10). Then he gave them a general admonition that would cover whatever specific plow they put their hand to. “Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life” (v. 11). Now what did Paul mean by that exactly? He clarified: “You should mind your own business and work with your hands” so outsiders respect you and you’re not a burden on anyone (vv. 11–12). We don’t want to discourage children from pursuing their giftedness or passions but maybe we could encourage them that whatever they choose to do, they do with a quiet spirit.

Considering the world we live in, the words ambitious and quiet couldn’t seem further apart. But the Scriptures are always relevant, so perhaps we should consider what it might look like to begin living quieter.

How does Paul’s phrase—“mind your own business”—sit with you? Who comes to mind of someone who lives a quiet life that

you might emulate?

By: John Blase


Page 16: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.

By: Kirsten Holmberg

ReadEzekiel 2:4–3:3

Bible in a YearIsaiah 50–52

1 Thessalonians 5

So I ate it, and it tasted as

sweet as honey in my mouth.

Ezekiel 3:3


Truth: Bitter or Sweet?

I’d had the spot on my nose for the better part of a year when I went to the doctor. The biopsy results came back days later with words I didn’t want to hear: skin cancer. Though the cancer was operable and not life-threatening, it was a bitter pill to swallow.

God commanded Ezekiel to swallow a bitter pill—a scroll containing words of lament and woe (Ezekiel 2:10; 3:1–2). He was “to fill [his] stomach with it” and share the words with the people of Israel, whom God considered “obstinate and stubborn” (2:4). One would expect a scroll filled with correction to taste like a bitter pill. Yet Ezekiel describes it being “as sweet as honey” in his mouth (3:3).

Ezekiel seems to have acquired a taste for God’s correction. Instead of viewing His rebuke as something to avoid, Ezekiel recognized that what is good for the soul is “sweet.” God instructs and corrects us with lovingkindness, helping us live in a way that honors and pleases Him.

Some truths are bitter pills to swallow while others taste sweet. If we remember how much God loves us, His truth will taste more like honey. His words are given to us for our good, providing wisdom and strength to forgive others, refrain from gossip, and bear up under mistreatment. Help us, God, to recognize Your wisdom as the sweet counsel it truly is!

What truth has God shown you recently? Did you receive it as a bitter pill or sweet honey?


Page 17: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.

ReadActs 16:25–34


When We Praise

Bible in a YearIsaiah 53–552 Thessalonians 1

At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.Acts 16:26

When nine-year-old Willie was abducted from his front yard in 2014, he sang his favorite gospel song Every Praise over and over again. During the three-hour ordeal, Willie ignored the kidnapper’s repeated orders to keep silent as they drove around. Eventually, the kidnapper let Willie out of the car unharmed. Later, Willie described the encounter, saying that while he felt his fear give way to faith, the abductor seemed agitated by the song.

Willie’s response to his dire situation is reminiscent of the experience shared by Paul and Silas. After being flogged and thrown into jail, they reacted by “praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose” (Acts 16:25–26).

Upon witnessing this awesome demonstration of power, the jailer believed in the God of Paul and Silas, and his entire household was baptized along with him (vv. 27–34). Through the avenue of praise, both physical and spiritual chains were broken that night.

We may not always experience a visibly dramatic rescue like Paul and Silas, or like Willie. But we know that God responds to the praises of His people! When He moves, chains fall apart.

What lessons do you learn from the prayer session held by Paul and Silas? How can you apply these principles to the difficult

circumstances you experience?

By: Remi Oyedele


Page 18: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.


Steel and VelvetPoet Carl Sandburg wrote of former US president Abraham Lincoln, “Not often in the story of mankind does a man arrive on earth who is both steel and velvet, . . . who holds in his heart and mind the paradox of terrible storm and peace unspeakable and perfect.” “Steel and velvet” described how Lincoln balanced the power of his office with concern for individuals longing for freedom.

Only one person in all history perfectly balanced strength and gentleness, power and compassion. That man is Jesus Christ. In John 8, when confronted by the religious leaders to condemn a guilty woman, Jesus displayed both steel and velvet. He showed steel by withstanding the demands of a bloodthirsty mob, instead turning their critical eyes upon themselves. He said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her” (v. 7). Then Jesus modeled the velvet of compassion by telling the woman, “Neither do I condemn you . . . . Go now and leave your life of sin” (v. 11).

Reflecting His “steel and velvet” in our own responses to others can reveal the Father’s work of conforming us to be like Jesus. We can show His heart to a world hungry for both the velvet of mercy and the steel of justice.

How does your response to the brokenness of this world compare to Christ’s balance of mercy and justice? Where do you need God’s help to enable you to show His compassion

to others?

ReadJohn 8:1–11

Bible in a YearIsaiah 56–58

2 Thessalonians 2

Let any one of you who is with-

out sin be the first to throw a stone

at her.John 8:7

By: Bill Crowder


Page 19: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.

Pray forBUSINESSMEN1. Pray for God’s children who are business people, let’s the fear of God be upon them in dealing with their business. God open the new opportunities and new ideas in developing their business.2. In the mist of the challenges in the business world recently, pray that they will apply the truth of the word of God, and that they will have the courage to not compromise with sin.3. Pray for business people who are struggling these days. God gives strength and hope in facing their struggles. Letit be while they are in distress, they will seek God and find a way out in every problem in their business.4. God’s children will be good managersof the wealth from God. There will be a transfer of wealth to God’s children. They are blessed and become a blessing to the family, church, community and nation. Amen.


Page 20: BETHANY INTERNATIONAL CHURCH MELBOURNE · passionately without being driven by music or atmosphere. In Mindoro’s church, the instruments used were very simple, only guitar and cajon.

+61396999077 @bicmelbourne

MAIN SERVICE8.30 am & 11 am

(Indonesian with English translation)

180 (TEENS) 8.45 am (English)

SUNDAY SCHOOL9 am (English)

NEXT GEN (YOUTH)11 am (English)

EVENTSWorkers’ Prayer Meeting

Saturday, 12 October

Tranform WorldTuesday-Friday, 15-18 October

Joint Cool with Harry SetionoFriday, 25 October

PRAYER TOWERPoint Cook | Monday | 7:15 PM

BIC Melbourne | Tuesday | 6:30 PMMount Waverly | Wednesday | 7:15 PM

BIC Melbourne | Friday | 12:00 PMBIC Melbourne (Fasting Prayer) | Saturday | 10:00 AM

LADIES FELLLOWSHIPWoman of Impact Community

Tuesday 10.30 AM, at BIC

COOLFriday, 7:00 PM

Founding Pastor: Rev Niko Njotoraharjo | Senior Pastor: Ps Djohan HandojoPastor: Ps Daniel Prajogo | Associate Pastors: Ps Unggul Santika, Ps Iwan Adinugroho

Mission & Evangelism Pastor: Ps Gideon Gunawan | Next Generation Pastor: Ps Rudy Nurtanaya Prophetic, Praise & Worship Pastor: Ps Hemah Demak Panjaitan & Ps Suzana Tahir

Office Manager: Ps Suzana Tahir | Pastoral Care: Ps Lily Karto

[email protected]