Best Sources for Bible Subjects - Giving · A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics 2...

A GUIDE TO SOURCES FOR STUDYING SPECIFIC BIBLE SUBJECTS Compiled by C White Copyright © 2006 Version 1.2

Transcript of Best Sources for Bible Subjects - Giving · A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics 2...





Compiled by C White

Copyright © 2006

Version 1.2

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics


FORWARD In this Guide I attempt to assemble some of the best conservative works available on a number of Biblical and related topics (eg history, abortion and so on). I am sure you will find this list useful in your own study of God’s Word. While it is not meant to be exhaustive by any means, it is a list of the best known tools for studying Bible subjects. Those that are exceptional are in bold. Of course, I do not necessarily agree with all the details contained in the books in the attached list, but they are the best known tools (NOT all the tools), as previously stated, for assisting you with your study into Bible doctrine and related subjects. This list does not include materials by the old WCG (with the exception of the section dealing with the Ezekiel Message which has been included here due to the lack of knowledge on this subject nowadays and it would be educational to include this information in the Guide). Other useful items are:

• books published by Church of God members which may be accessed at the following website:

• and old Ambassador College and WCG theses and papers, which may be accessed at the

following site: Given that I originally assembled the list 20 years ago or more, with some additions since, this is a living document – it will be added to as time permits. It is far from complete and many more topics and titles will be included later. Indeed, I have a copy of the original version with handwritten additions which is, alas, boxed. As such, I cannot add those items to the Guide just yet, but I hope to add many others in due course once I find the time to do so. Note: it is a personal list, but am willing to share it for the benefit of others.

History Research Projects

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A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics




Angels, Demons, Satan

Archaeology and the Bible

Bible - Its Structure and Chronology

Bible Study Helps

Captivity Doctrine/Ezekiel’s Message

Christian and Government

Christian Living, Christian and Government etc

Church Eras/History of the True Church

Church Government


Family, Male and Female Roles

God’s Plan/Incredible Human Potential/Mystery of the Ages

God’s Sacred Calendar

Godhead and Christology

Healing vs. Pagan Healing Practices

Health, Alcohol, Clean and Unclean Meats, Etc.

Hebraic Underpinnings if the New Testament

History of the Sardis Era

Holy Days

Identity of the Whore of Revelation

Israel’s Identity

Jesus Christ

Land Sabbath, Environment, Attitude Toward (?)

Law of God (Including Spirit of the Law; Civil Laws)

Laws - Biblical Economics, Tithing Laws

Man, Nature of Hell and Heaven

Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage

Millennial Reign of the Messiah

Miscellaneous (e.g. Tongues, Adoption, Judging, Law and Acting Profession)

Pagan Days and Customs (e.g. Birthdays, Cremation, Incense, Cross, Heart Symbols,

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics


Gambling, Horse Racing etc)



Political Science/World Events

Prayer and Meditation


Race Relations


Sacred Calendar


Table of Nations/Origins of the Nations

Typology; Nos and Cycles

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Gorman, M. (1982) Abortion and the Early Church

Hensley, J. (1983) The Zero People

Reagan, R. (1986) Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation

BCET (ND) Abortion. The Destruction of An Unknown Generation

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Dickason, C.F. (1975) Angels. Elect and Evil

Woodrow, R. (1990) Dealing With Demons

Armstrong, G.T.

Stinson, V. (1990)

What You Should Know About Demon Possession

Armstrong, G.T.

Stinson, V. (1989)

The Shocking Truth About Satanism

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Livingston, G.H. (1979) The Pentateuch In Its Cultural Environment

Thompson, J. D. (1982) The Bible and Archaeology

Millard, A. Treasures From Bible Times

Lloyd, S.

Halle, W.

The Archaeology of Mesopotamia

Simpson, W. The Ancient Near East

Pritchard, J. The Ancient Near East (Volume One)

Pritchard, J. The Ancient Near East (Volume Two)

Pfeiffer, C. F. A Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology...The Biblical World

Finegan, J. Religions Of The Biblical World

Kitchen, K.A. The Bible In Its World

Bimson, J. J. The Exodus and Conquest

Aling, C. F. Egypt and Bible History

Wilson, I. Exodus Enigma

Von Salen, W. The Ancient Orient

Shanks, H. Understanding The Dead Sea Scrolls

Rohl, D A Test of Time.

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Martin, E. (1991) The Original Bible Restored

Palmer, H. (1986) The Algebra of the Bible

Shulman, E. (1987) The Sequence of the Events In The Old Testament

Rutherford, A. (1951) Treatise On Bible Chronology

Faulstich, E. W. (1990) Bible Chronology And The Scientific Method

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Bromiley, C. (ed) International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

Alexander, D.

Alexander, P. (ed) (1973)

The Lion Handbook to the Bible

Rogerson, J. (1985) The New Atlas of the Bible

Gardner, J. (1981) Reader’s Digest Atlas of the Bible

Aharoni, Y.

Avi-Yonsh, M. (1977)

Macmillan Atlas of the Bible

Hsley, J. W. (1974) Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible

Thompson, J. A. (1986) Handbook of Life In Bible Times

Wight, F. H. (1953) Manners and Customs of Bible Lands

Jackson, J.B. (1909) A Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names

Meredith, J. L. (1980) Book of Bible Lists

Hill, A. E. (1981) Baker’s Handbook of Bible Lists

N. N. (1982) The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Douglas, J. D. (ed) (1972)

New Bible Dictionary

Achtemerior, P. (ed) (1985)

Harper’s Bible Dictionary

Manson, J. (19??) Student Map Manual

Baker, D.C. (1991) Two Testaments, One Bible

Barrett, C. K. (ed) (1993) The New Testament Background

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Armstrong, GT “And they Worshipped the Beast”, 1991.

Armstrong, GT “And when you see the ABOMINATION ...”, Plain Truth, July 1963.

Armstrong, GT “Australia’s Deadly Peril”, Plain Truth, February 1963.

Armstrong, GT “Great National Tribulation Coming on America and Britain – But Why?”, The International News, January 1991

Armstrong, GT “The New Germany – Friend ... or Frankenstein Monster?”, Plain Truth, December 1963.

Armstrong, GT “Is America In Decline?”, Twentieth Century Watch, August 1992.

Armstrong, GT “Is Naziism Dead?”, Plain Truth, April 1960.

Armstrong, GT “How Dictators will Seize Power in Europe”, Twentieth Century Watch, Dec 1992

Armstrong, GT “Japan. Supergiant of the Orient, Twentieth Century Watch, March 1995.

Armstrong, GT “Just Where are we Now in Prophecy?”, Twentieth Century Watch, Sept 1994.

Armstrong, GT “New Order Coming in GERMANY”, Twentieth Century Watch, Dec/Jan 1990.

Armstrong, GT “The Birth of the Beast”, Plain Truth, August 1959.

Armstrong, GT “The New Germany – is it Dangerous?”, Plain Truth, April 1963.

Armstrong, GT “Where are we, Now, in Prophecy?”, Twentieth Century Watch, Sept 1994.

Armstrong, GT Who, What is the “Beast” of Revelation?, 1985.

Armstrong, GT “Work of the Watchman”, Twentieth Century Watch, Sept/Oct 1995.

Armstrong, HW “Biggest World News Happening in Germany”, Plain Truth, August 1959

Armstrong, HW “America the Beautiful. America the Condemned”, Plain Truth, August 1980.

Armstrong, HW “Now God Speaks to you Ministers”, The Good News, Oct/Nov 1979.

Armstrong, HW Co-worker Letter, 11 Nov 1985.

Armstrong, HW Britain’s Doom Prophesied for Seeking Common Market Membership!, Plain Truth, July 1962.

Armstrong, HW “Hitler’s Thousand-Year Plan versus God’s”, Plain Truth, May-June 1941.

Armstrong, HW What Lies Ahead NOW in Prophecy? (article reprint).

Armstrong, HW “USA Riding to Total Collapse”, Plain Truth, February 1956.

Armstrong, HW “What is Armageddon?, Plain Truth, Nov-Dec 1955.

Boraker, RC “Nazis Plotting World War III”, Plain Truth, November 1962.

Boraker, RC “Papacy Answers Red Threat”, Plain Truth, October 1960.

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics


Hill, DJ “What is Germany’s Destiny?”, Plain Truth, March 1962.

Hill, DJ “Christ or Antichrist”, Plain Truth, April 1961.

Hogberg, GH “Coming: Greatest Economic Crash Ever!”, Plain Truth, September 1963.

Hoeh, HL “Germany in Prophecy”, Plain Truth, December 1962.

Hoeh, HL “If World War III Comes – There is a Way of Escape”, Plain Truth, June 1963.

McNair, RF “The Decline and Fall of the British Commonwealth!, Plain Truth, April 1963.

Meredith, RC “Ten Reasons Why Christ MUST Return!”, Plain Truth, December 1963.

Meredith, RC “The Beast of Revelation Rears its Head!”, Plain Truth, June 1963.

Meredith, RC “Now Revealed – The False Prophet of Revelation”, Plain Truth, July 1963.

Meredith, RC “I Remember”, Plain Truth, January 1961.

Neff, LL “Sins of “Modern” Babylon Exposed”, The Good News, January 1964.

Neff, LL “You May NOT Escape the Tribulation!”, The Good News, January 1962.

Stump, KW “Ahead! Japanese Rearmament”, Plain Truth, March 1981.

Stump. KW “Uncovering a 2500 year old Time Capsule”, Plain Truth, March 1981.

Torrance, LE “What will the “Tribulation” Really be Like?”, Plain Truth, August 1961.

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



(eg. military service, jury service, voting)

Gayman, D. (1988) Christian Conscience Toward Government

Gayman, D. (nd) The Duties of a Christian Citizen

Kotal, J. (1989) The Fruit of the Spirit

Hemenway, H (1991) What Does It Mean “To Turn The Other Cheek”?

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Strand, K.(1982) The Sabbath In Scripture and History

Froom, L.(1950) The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers

Bacchiochi, S.(1970) From Sabbath To Sunday

Wilkinson, B.(1983) Truth Triumphant. The Church in the Wilderness

Andoans, J. N. The Sabbath In History

Trends, R.(1897) The Seven Churches

Kiesz, J.(N.D.) A History of the Sabbath and Sunday

Coulter, R.(1983) The Story of the Church of God (7th Day)

Dugger, A. N.(1983)

& Dodd, C. O.

A History of the True Religion

Fletcher, I.(1986) The Incredible History of God’s True Church

Olson, C. T.(1986) The Apostacy of the Last Century

M’Cheyne, R. M.(1842) The Seven Churches of Asia

Leichty, D.(1988) Andreas Fischer and the Sabbatarian Anabaptists

Chadwick, H.(1993) The Early Church

Ramsay, W. (1994 ed.) The Letters to the Seven Churches

Hardinge(1972) The Celtic Church in Britain

Sequeira, J(1995) Laodicea

Ball, B(1981) The English Connection

Ogwyn, JH(1996) God’s Church Through the Ages

Siwani, N(1995) A History of Sabbath-keepers in South Africa

BSA(1986) Directory of Sabbath Observing Groups

Nickels, R. C.(1988) History of the Seventh Day Church of God

Coulter, R.(1983) The Story of the Church of God (7th Day)

Thomson, R. J.(1971) Seventh Day Baptists - Their Legacy to Adventists

Bjorling, J.(1987) The Churches of God, Seventh Day

Katz, D. S.(1988) Sabbath and Sectarianism in Seventeenth Century England

Linden, L.(1982) 1844 and the Shut Door Problem

Sanford, D. A.(1991) Conscience Taken Captivity

McGeachy, J. The Times of Stephen Mumford

Ball, B(1994) The Seventh-day Men. Sabbatarians and Sabbatarianism in England and Wales, 1600-1800.

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Wray, D. E. (1978) Biblical Church Discipline

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Heth, W. T.&

Wenham, G. T. (1984)

Jesus and Divorce

Hemenway, H. (1992) What Wrong With Sex?

Meredith, RC (1995) How to have a Joyous Marriage.

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Hurley, J. B.(1981) Man and Woman in Biblical Perspective

NN(1966) God’s Word for the Family

Dart, R.(1982) The Christian Woman

Bilezilcian, C. T.(1985) Beyond Sex Roles

Bacchiocchi, S (1987) Women in the Church

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics




Bullinger, E. W.(1983) The Witness of the Stars

Rand, H. The Stars Declare God’s Handiwork

Stinson, V.(1992) Born From Above or Born Again?

Armstrong, G. T.(1990) Why You Were Born?

Meredith, RC(1996) Your Ultimate Destiny

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Alfs, M.(1986) Concepts of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Stinson, V.(1986) The Trinity - Fact or Fable

Stinson, V.(1993) Who, What Is God?

Segal, A. F.(1977) Two Powers In Heaven

Barker, M.(1992) The Great Angle

Franklin, CD(1994) The Two Jehovahs of the Psalms

Franklin, CD(1994) Defining the Oneness of God

Franklin, CD(1996) The Two Jehovah’s of the Pentateuch

Franklin, CD(1995) A Summary of Extensive Research into the Divine Name YHVH

Franklin, CD(1993) The Mystery of the Trinity. Its Pagan Origin.

Armstrong, GT(1992) What is God’s Name?

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics


HEALING vs. PAGAN HEALING PRACTICES (e.g. yoga, new age medicine, eastern, etc.)

McBeon, E. The Poisoned Needle

Pfeifer, S.(1980) Healing at any Price?

Palmer, B.(1986) Medicine and the Bible

Palmer, B. Understandng Alternative Medicine

Palmer, B. New Age Medicine

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Wlodyga, R. R. (1979) Health Secrets From the Bible

Emry, S. S. A Voices From the Past On Eating Swine’s Flesh [excerpts from E. Fosters “Plain Home Talk” (1873)]

Genry, K. L.(1986) The Christian and Alcoholic Beverages

Wlodyga, R. R.(1979) Health Secrets From the Bible

Ewing, C. W.(ND) Why The Bible Prohibits Pork

Woodworth, R. T.(ND) Good Food

Meyer, T.(1975) Have Swine Changed?

Hemenway, H.(1987) Are The Food Laws Scientific?

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics




Moseley, R(1996) Yeshua. A Guide to the Real Jesus and the Original Church

Stern, D(1992) Jewish New Testament Commentary

Lindsey, R(1990) Jesus Rabbi and Lord

Young, BH(1995) Jesus the Jewish Theologian

Stern, D(1989) The Jewish New Testament

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Gayman, D.(c1992) The Holy Sabbath and Festivals of the Bible

YWCA(c1992) Biblical Holy Days

Schauss, H.(1938) The Jewish Festivals

Thompson, R.(1975) The Feast of the Lord

Rosen, C. T. M.(1978) Christ in the Passover

Coulter, F.(1993) The Christian Passover

Hemenway(1987) Were The Feast Days Abolished?

Nickels, R. C. Biblical Holy Days

Armstrong, G. T.(1991) God’s Seasonal Plan

Conner, K. J.(1980) The Feasts of Israel

Hill, D.(1992) The Correlation Between God’s Holy Feast Days and the Book of Revelation

Bacchiocchi, S (1997) God’s Festivals (vol 2)

Bacchiocchi, S (1996) God’s Festivals (vol 1)

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Hislop, A. (1916) The Two Babylons

Robertson, J. M. (1966) Pagan Christs

Campbell, A. (ND) The Scarlet Woman of the Apocalypse

Woodrow, R. (1960) Babylon Mystery Religion

Bollman, C. P.( ND) Sunday. Origin of Its Observance in the Christian Church

Aimsrt, F. (1903) The Mysteries of Mithra

Ferrell, V. (1986) Beyond Pitcairn

Olson, G. (1986) The Apostacy of the Lost Century

Bacchiochi, S. (1975) Anti-Judaism and the Origin of Sunday

Martin, E. L. (1993) The People That History Forgot

Condor, D. W. (1995) Mystery Babylon The Great

Hunt, D (1994) A Woman Rides the Beast

Reide, GE 1996) Sunday’s Coming!

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Allen, J. H. (1907) Judah’s Sceptre and Joseph’s Birthright

Hannay, H. B. (1916) European and Other Race Origins

N. N. (1988) The Migrations of Israel

BIWF (1946) Bible Research Handbook

Capt, E. R (1977) Jacob’s Pillar

Wilner, W.M.H. (1902) The Royal House of Briton. An Enduring Dynasty

Thomas, J. L. (1919) God and My Birthright

Rutherford. A. (1934) Israel - Britain

Bennett, W. H. (1976) Symbols of Our Angelo-Saxon Heritage

BINF (N.D) These Are Ancient Things

McBirnie, W. S. 1983) Search For the Twelve Apostles

Jowett, G. F. (1980) The Drama of the Lost Disciples

Armstrong, G. T. (N.D.) Europe and America in Prophecy

Davidy, Y. (1993) The Tribes

Cole, R. (1988) The Migration of Israel

Davidy, Y. (1995) Ephraim

Davidy, Y (1997) Lost Israelite Identity

Collins, S (1995) The “Lost” Ten Tribes of Israel ... Found!

Olsen, G (1981) Incredible Nordic Origins

Lewis, LS (1982) St Joseph of Arimathea at Glastonbury

Wison, J (1850) Our Israelitish Origins

Law, DA (1992) From Samaria to Samarkand

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Armstrong, G. T.(1977) The Real Jesus

Wilson, I.(1986) Jesus, The Evidence

Dellinger, G.(1982) A History of the Saturday Resurrection Doctrine

Armstrong, G. T.(1991) Could Jesus Have Sinned?

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Snook, J. F.(1977) To Heal the Nation

Syltie, P. W.(1981) The New Eden

Merchant, Rabbi P.(1993) Understanding Shimittoh

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



(including spirit of the Law)

Kaiser, W. C.(1983) Toward Old Testament Ethics

Bahnsen, G. L.(1984) Theonomy in Christian Ethics

Rand, H.(1943) Digest of the Divine Law

Sweohe, J. F.(1977) To Heal the Nation

Ingman, T. R.(1962) The World Under God’s Law

Rushdoony, R. J.(1973) The Institutes of Biblical Law

Wright, C. J.(1983) An Eye For An Eye

Nickels, R. C. Biblical Law

Armstrong, G. T.(1980) Are Christians “Under the Law”?

Armstrong, G. T.(1981) The Ten Commandments

Armstrong, G. T.(1992) The New Covenant. Does It Do Away With God’s Law

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



(including Tithes & Offerings)

Clouse, G.(1986) Wealth and Poverty - Four Christian Views of Economics

Snook, T.(1977) To Heal the Nation

Rand, H.(1943) Digest of the Divine Law

DeMar, G.(1986) God and Government (Vol. 2)

Landsell, H.(1908) The Tithe In Scripture

Thompson, P. W.(1946) All The Tithes

Astle, D.(1975) The Babylonian Woe

Biblical Church of God (1988)

The Law

Stinson, V.(ND) Is Tithing for Christians?

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



(including Heaven, Hell)

Froom, The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers

Buzzard, A.(1986) What Happens When We Die?

Armstrong, G. T.(1985) Believe It or Not...The Bible Does Note Promise “Heaven”!

Armstrong, G. T.(1983) Is Elijah In Heaven?

Fudge, E. W.(1994) The Fire That Consumes

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics


MISCELLANEOUS (eg Tongues, Adoption, Judging, Jury Service, Acting Profession)

MacArthur, JF (1992) Charismatic Chaos

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Syltie, P. W. (1981) Millennial Agriculture. The New Eden

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics


PAGAN DAYS AND CUSTOMS (eg. Birthdays, Cremation, Incense, Heart Symbol)

Frazer, J.W.(1985) Cremation. Is It Christian?

NN(1978) Something New Under the Sun?

Hensy, C. W. Happy Birthday? What Is TheVerdict?

Franke , E(1919) Pagan Festivals In Christian Worship

Burnside, G.(ND) The Strange Origin of Xmas, Easter, Lent

Emery, S.(1976) Is Christmas Christian?

NN Yoga

NN Deception of Martial Arts

Y.A.M. What You Should Know About Easter

Y.N.C.A.(1990) The Untold Story About Christmas

Armstrong, G. T.(1981) Facts You Should Know about Christmas

Armstrong, G. T.(1989) Halloween

Porter, D.(1993) Halloween. Trick or Treat?

Levell, A(1990) Cremation. Not for Christians

Carpenter, E(1920) The Origins of Pagan and Christian Beliefs

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Coulter, F. R.(1993) The Christian Passover

Rosen, C.(1978)

Rosen, M.

Christ In The Passover

Thompson, R.(1975) The Feasts of the Lord

Schauss, W.(1938) The Jewish Festivals

Master Key(ND) Passover. A Day to Remember

Y.N.C.A(1992) Passover. A Memorial For All Time

Stewart, R. W. Passover - 14th or 15th?

Trescott, J. W.(1991) Chronology of the Exodus Passover

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Thompson, R.(1975) The Feasts of the Lord

Schauss, H.(1938) The Jewish Festivals

Nickels, R. C. Pentecost Is Not On Sivan 6

N.N.(N.D.) The Day of Pentecost. The Count To Pentecost

Stinson, V(1996) Should we Observe Pentecost on Sivan 6?

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Martin, M.(1990) The Keys of This Blood

Burnstein, P.(1991) Earthquake

Jay, P.(1987)

Stuart, S.

Apocalypse 2000

Lasch, C.(1979) The Culture of Narcissism

Medved, M.(1992) Hollywood vs. America

Atkinson, R(1996) Europe’s Full Circle

Atkinson, R(1994) Treason at Maastricht

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Armstrong, G. T.(1987) The Answer to Unanswered Prayer

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Dankenbring, W. F.(1981) The Last Days of Planet Earth

Dankenbring, W. F.(1983) Escape From Armageddon

Dankenbring, W. F.(1977) The Last Days

Stokes, R.(1987) The Jews and Armageddon

Armstrong, G. T.(1980) When God Shakes the Earth

Armstrong, G. T.(1982) Has America’s Pride Been Broken?

Armstrong, G. T.(1987) What Is the Mark of the Beast?

Armstrong, G. T.(1990) The Abomination of Desolation

Armstrong, G. T.(1986) Can You Understand Bible Prophecy?

Armstrong, G. T.(1991) “New Order” Coming In Germany

Armstrong, G. T.(1985) Who, What Is the “Beast” of Revelation?

Armstrong, G. T.(1994) U.S. of Europe - But When?

Armstrong, G. T.(1994) Cosmos in Convulsion

Stinson, V.(1993) David’s “Seventy Weeks” Prophecy

Browning, L.(1982) Petra

Capt, E. R.(1987) Petra

Taylor, J.(1993) Petra

Hiton, A(1997) The Principality and Power of Europe

Hunt, D(1994) A Women Rides the Beast

Armstrong, GT(1997) The Beast of the Apocalypse: What is it?

Armstrong, GT(1997) The Great Tribulation. Is it about to happen?

Meredith, RC(1996) God’s Intervention in World Affairs

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Robertson, W.(1981) The Dispossessed Majority

Baker, J.(1974) Race

Kerttwer, R.(ed)(1967) Race and Modern Science

Bilbe, T.(1947) Take Your Choice

Neser, F. W.C.(1956) Apartheid. What Saith the Scriptures

Odeneal, C.(1950) Segregation. Sin or Sensible

Dickey, C. R.(1993) The Bible and Segregation

Dalton, H.(1993) Will America Drown?

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Dellinger, G. (1984) The Sabbath From Eden to Sinai

Dellinger, G. (1982) The Truth About Matthew 12:30

Dellinger, G. (1982) A History of the Saturday Resurrection Doctrine

Carlow, G. (1724) A Reference of the Sabbath (reprinted 1847, 1982)

Strand, K. (ed)(1982) The Sabbath in Scripture and History

Armstrong, G. T. (1982) Sunday - Saturday....Which?

Bacchiocchi, S From Sabbath to Sunday

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



C. G. E. (1979) The Hebrew Calendar (Part 1 & 2)

Spier, A. (1926) The Comprehensive Hebrew Calendar

Nickels, R. C. How Does God’s Calendar Work?

Edwards, N (1996) Biblical Calendar Basics

Coulter, R Why we use the Calculated Hebrew Calendar

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Dankenbring, W. F. (1981) Overcoming Satan

Stinson, V. (1991) Once Saved - Always Saved?

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Custance, A. C. (1975) Noah’s Three Sons

Wiseman, P. J. (1973) Peoples of Old Testament Times

Sayce, A. H. (1925) Races of the Old Testament

Rawlinson, G. (1878) Origins of Nations

Pilkey, J. (1984) Origin of the Nations

Jones, A. T. (1904) The Empires of the Bible

Gayre, R. (1973) The Syro-Mesopotamian Ethnology as Revealed in Genesis X

Pearson, R. (1993)

Sayce, A.H

Race in Ancient Egypt and the Old Testament

Fernadez-Armes G. F.(1994) The Times Guide to the People of Europe

Pearson, R.(1987) Modern Europe

Hoerth, A. J. (et. al.) (1994) (eds.)

Peoples of the Old Testament World

A Guide to Sources for Studying Specific Bible Topics



Palmer, H. (1986) The Algebra of the Bible

Allis, O.T. (ND) Bible Names

Rand, H. (ND) The Language of Numbers

Campbell, A. (ND) The Divine Calculator

Panin, L. (1950) Bible Chronology

Dewey, E. R. (1971) Cycles

Playfair G. L. (1978)

Hill, S.

The Cycles of Heaven

Slemming, C. W. (1942) He Leadeth Me

Slemming, C. W. (1966) Thus Shalt Thou Serve

Habershon, A. (1974) The Study of the Types

Slemming, C. W.(1955) Those Are the Garments

Slemming, C. W.(1938) Made According to Pattern

Capt, E. R. (1979) King Solomon’s Temple

Soltau, H. W. (1971) The Holy Vessels and Furniture of the Tabernacle

N.N. (ND) The Miraculous Significance of Numbers and Colours

Conner, K J Interpreting the Symbols and Types

Ryken, L (ed) Dictionary of Biblical Imagery