Best Quotes

1 It is not important to share everything with friends but what you share is true is important, Williams shake spare. 2 A busy life makes prayers hard but prayers make a hard and busy life easier. 3 The peak of pain, when you sit near the person whom you love the most knowing that he can never be yours. 4 Always have a unique character like salt, whose presence is not felt but whose absence makes everything tasteless. 5 Those who joyfully leave everything in the hand of Allah will soon see Allah’s hand in everything. Because worries End when Faith Begins. 6 Success is not permanent and failure is not final! So never stop working, after success and struggling after failure. 7 Bu Ali Seena: When your heart is said without any reason and you don’t know what to do then be sure that you have committed a sin and have not repented on it. 8 A heart dies when it is not able to share its feeling. And a heart kills when another heart doesn’t understand its feelings.

Transcript of Best Quotes

Page 1: Best Quotes

1It is not important to share everything with friends but what you share is true is important, Williams shake spare.

2A busy life makes prayers hard but prayers make a hard and busy life easier.

3The peak of pain, when you sit near the person whom you love the most knowing that he can never be yours.

4Always have a unique character like salt, whose presence is not felt but whose absence makes everything tasteless.

5Those who joyfully leave everything in the hand of Allah will soon see Allah’s hand in everything. Because worries End when Faith Begins.


Success is not permanent and failure is not final! So never stop working, after success and struggling after failure.


Bu Ali Seena: When your heart is said without any reason and you don’t know what to do then be sure that you have committed a sin and have not repented on it.


A heart dies when it is not able to share its feeling. And a heart kills when another heart doesn’t understand its feelings.


Best friends are like pairs of scissor. Join together often to go opposite but they give punishment to those who come between them.


Life is like a river which has many turns. Live every turn because it will not return.


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Don’t see at your back when you are moving towards success. But when you succeed never forget your past.


Good Thoughts:

Kill tensions before tension kills you.Judge yourself before you are judged.Seek your goal before failure seeks you.


Always be more concerned with your character than your Reputation. Because character is what you really are and reputation is merely what others think you are.


Time might lead me somewhere away from you and fate might wipe me away from your memory. But I will always be thankful to Allah that once in the journey of my life I Walked and smilled with you.


Action without vision is only time passing, vision without Is only the dream of day but vision with action can change the world.


A face can speak thousand emotions but It can easily mask what the heart feels. Don’t be fooled by the happiest face it may be masking the most hurting hurt.


Success Formula EEEYesterday is ExperienceToday Is ExperimentTomorrow is ExpectationUse ur experience, in ur experiment to achieve your expectations


If the path is beautiful then first confirm that where does it lead. And if the destiny is beautiful then don’t be worried about the path.


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Simple but effective,If you want to shine like the sun the first learn to bur like the sun in simple difficulties lead to success.


Luck is not in your hand but your work is in your hand your work can make your luck but your luck cannot make you work. Trust in your hardworking than sitting hand on hand to wait for what the luck decides for you.


Great words,Don’t make friends before understanding and don’t leave after misunderstanding.


Keep correcting you little mistakes because nobody slips by stumbling on mountains but just by pebbles.


Shakes pare says. New friends may be poems but old friends are alphabets don’t

forget alphabets because you will need them to read the poems.


I had cried because I had no shoes to wear till the time I saw the person who had no feet sheikh saadi.


I feared failure until I realized that I only fail when I don’t try.I feared rejection until I learnt 2 have faith in myself.I feared pain until I learnt that It is necessary for growth.I feared the truth until I saw the ugliness in lies.I feared life until I experience its beauty.I feared death until I realized that this is the result for the exam.


Education is the systematic and organized way of wasting half of our lives in order to learn how to waste the remaining half.

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Every great king was once a crying baby and every great building was once a map. It doesn’t matter where you are today but where you will be tomorrow.



Work for a cause not for applause.Live to express not to impress.Don’t strive to make your presence noticed just make your absence felt.


Never blame a day in your life good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lesson and best days give memories always be thankful to Allah for All the days.


What is the most surprising thing about mankind.

They lose their health to earn wealth and then spend their wealth to restore their health.By thinking about the future they forget their present in such a way that neither they live for present nor for future.They live as they will never day and when they day as they had never lived.

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31They best part of life is when your friends understand you as a family and your family understand you as a friend.


An advice for leading a good life in this world and ever .Care should be in heart not in words. Anger should be in words not in heart.


People will throw stones in your path it depends upon you to make a wall of difficulties or a bridge over difficulties.

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34A message by dr abdul kalam,

Dream is not what you see in while asleep dream is what will not allow you to sleep.

35.It is said that those who appear in your life whether to help you or to harm you. They are all sent by God. Meet all of them with a peaceful heart but with a warrior will fail many times but in falling you will learn and you will find they way. Remember there are no mistakes in life but only lessons are lessons will keep on repeating themselves until they are learnt.


Each drop of tear is rare and precious than anything in this world but no one knows its value until they have it in their own eyes for some one else.


Silence and smile are two powerful tools, smile is the way to solve many problems and silence is the way to avoid many problems.


Never believe what the lines of your hands predict about your future. Because people who don’t have hands have also a future. Believe that what ever good and what ever bad both are from Allah.


1. Most people are as happy as they make their minds to be (Abraham Lincoln)2. Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own heart (Albert

Einstein)3. Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake (Napoleon Bona Part)4. When you do common things in an uncommon way you will command and drive

the attention of other people to you(George Washington)5. What ever is begun in anger ends in shame (Benjamin Franklin)6. Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiration

and inspiration ( Evan Esar)7. Happy are those who dream, and are ready to pay for the dreams to come true

(Leon)8. It is better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all the doubts (

Abraham Lincoln)

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Charlie chapplans key to smile

Nothing is permanent in this world even our problemsChange is the unchangeable law of natureI walk in the rain so nobody can see my tears.The most wasted day of your life is the one in which you haven’t smiled


First we adopt behavior and attitude and the our behavior adopts us.First we build or destroy our habits and then our habits build or destroy us.


If your father is a poor man it is your fate,but if your father in law is a poor man it is your stupidity.every man should marry .. after all happiness is not the only thing in life practice makes a man perfect..but nobody’s perfect.. so why to practice. Since light travels faster than sound . people appear bright until you hear them speak..success ia a brings so many relatives. Your futher depends on your dreams so go to sleep


Never design your character like a gardenWhere any one can walk design your character like the sky where every one desires to reach


Full stop is not end because we can write sentence after itSame way in life failure is not the real wayBut it is the beginning of new success


Why me? Author a legendary wimbeldon player he was dying of AIDS which he got due to infected blood he received during a heart surgeryFrom world over , he received letters from his fans ,one of which asked; why did GOD selected you for such a bad disease? This author replied;from world over , 5 crore children start playing tennis 50 lac learn toplay tennis 5 lac learn professional tennis 50

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thousand come to circuit 5 thousand reach the grandslam 50 reached wimbeldon 4 to semi final 2 to final and only one wins It was that onlyone when I was holding the cup I never asked GOD why me????????????


Masjide nabwi

Ki bulandi 1225 meter muthararik gumbadon mehar ek gumbad ka wazan 80 ton haimasjid ki chat par 90000namazi namaz parh sakte he is ke sehen me 430000namazi namaz parh sakte he masjid me kul 698000 namazi ba wak wakht namaz parh sakte he yaha 1 namaz parne ka sawab50000 namazon k barabar he


A leaf which falls from a tree goes wherever wind takes it so be the wind to drive others not the leaf to be driven by others Hitler


Zam zam is a 18x14 ft and 13 meter deep water started 4000 years ago never dried since then ,never changed its taste no algae or plant growth in it causing no disease ,it was tested by European labortries and declared fit for drinking this scared well provides water to millons of people through heavy motors pulling water 8000 liters per second and after 24 hours it takes only 11 minutes to completes its level thus its water level never decreaces


Key philosophy of life Never let someone become a priority in your life when you are just an option for them


In a cat and mouse run .mouse mostly wins because cat runs for its food and mouse for its life The fear of loss is always a better motivation than the desire of gain


Things which live after death?Heart 10 minBrain 20 min Eyes 4 hoursSkin 5 days

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Bones few yearsBut naik aamal forever so do as many as you can in your life


Nothing in nature is for its self River don’t drink their own water Trees don’t eat their own fruit sun doesn’t give heat for it self Moon doesn’t ever go on honey moon Flowers don’t spread fragrance for themselves. Living for others is the way of life


Every one needs happinessNo one needs paidBut it is impossible toHave rainbow with out rain

54When a person finds sorrow behind your happinessWords behind your silenceLove behind your anger That person Is your real friend


A negative thinker sees difficulty in ever opportunityBut a positive thinker sees opportunity in very difficulty


Difference between ability and character is Ability carrys you to the topAnd character retains you at top


Life means missing expected things and face unexpected thingsWhen you are right no one remembers but when you are wrong no one forgets


A candle never loses its light while lighting another candle so never stop helping and sharing with others . it makes your life meaningful

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Make a mind which never mindsMake a heart which never hurtsMake a touch which never painsMake a relation which never ends

60 Victory is not the property of brilliantsIt is the crown of those who bow towards the struggleWinners never quit quitters never win


If you stand for a reason stand like a treeAnd fall then fall like a seed which grows back to fight again


We often fail to realize the love of the person who is very close to us.Because it is very difficult to read the when it is very near to eyes


Absence is the best presenceBecause if you are absent then people will miss you And if people miss you then it means that you are present in their heart


Don’t see others Beat your own recordsDon’t leave others beat your recordsBecause success is a fight between you and yourself


Being a good person Is like being like a goal keeper

It doesn’t matter that how many goals of the opponents have been stopped by you But if you miss one people will never forgive or forget this.


The most valueable sentence in life

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Never show so much care for someone in this world because it creates an incurable pain when they start avoiding you.


Ridiculous thoughts

Don’t compare yourself with others because no one can be you.

You are not responsible for what people think about you.

You are responsible for what you give them to think about you.

Write your sad times on sand and good times on rock


One tree produces one 100000 matchsticks but one matchstick can burn on 100000 trees it means one negative thought can burn all positive thoughts


The person who can explain the meaning of the color to the blind can explain anything to anyone.


Love is the medicine for any kind of pain but there is no medicine for pain caused by love in this world.


Don’t be afraid of the cruelty of the cruel afraid from the patience of patient.It is not that good face will have good character.Don’t get so much wet In the rain of trust that the secrete parts of your body are seen.Don’t think of some one worthless and little because a pebble can also slip you to face.The person who doesn’t care about himself doesn’t care about anyone.Don’t analyze relations because it weakens the relations.

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Pearls of wisdom

A person can pardon his insult but can not forget it.Never compete with the person whom you love.Never facing failure is not great but changing the failure to success is great.To make a person yours is not love but to make a place in a heart is love.Meeting daily a person is not friendship but not meeting and still remembering is friendship.


If a person points out your mistake be happy because there is some one who thinks and cares about you.


An old man’s tea-shirt quotes “ I am not 60, I am 16 with 44 years experience”

75 The single finger which wipes your teacher at your failure is better than the hundreds of hands clapping at your victory.


The most critical moment in life, when someone very near hurts you very deeply that it cause tears in your eyes and asks what happened you reply nothing.


Every bad situation will have something positive in it; even a stopped clock shows the correct time twice a day. So always expect positive.


When some one tries to impress you, it means he is already impressed by you.


Don’t misunderstand the person who shows anger on you because the easiest way to show deep love is anger.

80Distances never separate any relation time never builds any relation. If relations are true friends remain friends for ever.

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Success will never lower down its standards to accommodate us.we have to raise our standards to achieve it. For every bird Allah Provides food but not in nest.


When flood comes fishes eat ants but when flood goes down ants eat fishes.


Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is like expecting the lion not to attack you because you are vegetarian


Always learn the wisdom of compromise because it is better to bend a bit instead of breaking a relation for ever.


You don’t have to be super nice always, sometimes you have to show your bad sides as well. So you can sort out that who cares for you in reality. People who don’t handle you at your worst does not deserve you at your best.


Don’t assume that people who are always smiling are the happiest people of the world some people are good actors in this world.


Erasers are for those who make errors is not correct but erasers are for those who want to correct their mistakes.


Life will not provide warranties and guarantees but it will provide opportunities and possibilities. To convert them to success.
