BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements

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Transcript of BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements

  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements


    Department or Program Name



  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements




    What is the prpose o! an IT Ser"i#e Le"e$ Agreement%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'

    Who prepares the SLA?.....................................................................................................2

    How do I write an SLA?..................................................................................................... 2

    Ser"i#e Le"e$ Agreement Contents&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'

    General Overview.............................................................................................................. 3

    Description of Services...................................................................................................... 3

    Service Perforance ........................................................................................................ 3

    Service !osts..................................................................................................................... "

    Service Provider and !#stoer $esponsi%ilities............................................................... "

    Pro%le &ana'eent and Disaster $ecover( Process....................................................."

    Periodic $eview Process................................................................................................... )

    *erination of A'reeent Process....................................................................................+

    Si'nat#res.......................................................................................................................... +

    Samp$e ( Ser"i#es IT Ser"i#e Le"e$ Agreements&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&)

    ,niversit( Services Infrastr#ct#re S#pport.........................................................................-

  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements




    A Service Level A'reeent SLA/ defines the relationship %etween an I* service provider and the%#siness c#stoer and0or e1ternal c#stoer. An SLA clarifies the responsi%ilities %etween the I* serviceprovider and the c#stoer and it provides a fraewor and a coon #nderstandin' for %oth parties. An

    SLA is ost effective when the I* service provider and the %#siness c#stoer colla%orate on what sho#ld%e incl#ded. An( SLA needs to %e a'reed #pon %( %oth parties. *his %ecoes a '#ideline for ana'in'the relationship %etween the c#stoer and the I* Service Provider.

    eca#se an I* SLA can %e #sed to descri%e a variet( of I* services4 the partic#lar eleents that areincl#ded in an SLA will depend on the circ#stances. A 'ood SLA addresses5

    What services/ are %ein' ade availa%le to what c#stoers?

    What level of service or 6#alit( of service sho#ld the c#stoer e1pect?

    What are the costs to provide this level of service?

    How will the service %e delivered?

    How will the service provider onitor or trac and report on perforance?

    When will the SLA %e reviewed?

    *his doc#ent descri%es what #st %e incl#ded in an I* Service Level A'reeent in ,niversit( Servicesand incl#des saple SLA a'reeents.

    Who prepares the SLA%

    *he I* service provider develops the SLA in colla%oration with the %#siness c#stoer.

    *o+ ,o I +rite an SLA%

    An SLA is nota technical doc#ent and sho#ld %e written in %#siness ters. 7ver(one needs to %e a%leto #nderstand it.

    ,se clear and concise wordin' and avoid a%i'#it(. Avoid le'al and technical 8ar'on.

    Avoid #nnecessar( technical terinolo'(.

    Provide a 'lossar( of ters if necessar(.

    Have soeone independent fro the process review the SLA.


    What is incl#ded in a Service Level A'reeent will chan'e dependin' on the circ#stances and the%#siness. The most important thing to note when creating an SLA is to keep it simple, measurableand realistic. It is iportant to #nderstand that SLAs cannot cover ever( possi%le sit#ation that a(arise. Listed %elow are e( sections that sho#ld %e incl#ded in an( a'reeent.

    General Overview

    Description of Services

    Service Perforance Level

    Service Provider and !#stoer $esponsi%ilities

    Pro%le &ana'eent and Disaster $ecover( Process

    Periodic $eview Process

    *erination of A'reeent Process


  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements



    Genera$ O"er"ie+

    *his is a Service Level A'reeent SLA/ %etween IT Provider Department Nameand Business CustomerName. *he p#rpose of this Service Level A'reeent SLA/ is to identif( the %asic services9 and an(a'reed #pon optional services9 to %e provided %( IT Provider Department Namere'ardin'system orapplicationnamefor Business Customer Name.

    *his SLA covers the period fro Date to Date and will %e reviewed and revised at the end of this period.

    Incl#de a %rief description of what the service or application does.

    Des#ription o! Ser"i#es

    Descri%e the service that the provider is proisin' to the c#stoer.

    What s(stes are s#pported?

    What services are incl#ded?

    What services are :O* incl#ded?

    How will service %e delivered?

    What are the ho#rs of operation re'#lar %#siness ho#rs and after ho#rs s#pport/? When will re'#larl( sched#led aintenance %e perfored?

    Ser"i#e Per!orman#e

    *his section descri%es how the service provider will onitor or trac and report on perforance. *heservice provider #st perfor accordin' to predefined and eas#ra%le etrics. !hoose etrics that areeasil( collected. alance the iportance of a desired etric a'ainst its ease of collection.Avoidincl#din' an e1cessive n#%er of etrics in the SLA that can;t %e anal() of #sers will e1perience a response tie of twoseconds or less d#rin' re'#lar worin' ho#rs of -53@ to )5@@.

    Throghpt *his etric defines the rate that data is delivered to the c#stoer.=or e1aple9 a file transfer0download of at leastx % file si

  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements



    Per!orman#e Metri# Des#ription

    Severit( Level $esponse *ie $esol#tion *ie

    @ in#tes 3@ in#tes

    2 3@ in#tes " ho#rs

    3 2 ho#rs 2" ho#rs

    " da( wee

    A"ai$a.i$it/ *his etric incl#des s(ste availa%ilit( '#arantees over a periodof tie. =or e1aple9 the application will %e availa%le >B of thetie9 - da(s a wee9 > ho#rs per da(.

    Ser"i#e Costs

    What are the costs to the %#siness c#stoer for the service?

    Ser"i#e Pro"i,er an, Cstomer Responsi.i$ities

    oth the Service Provider and the !#stoer have responsi%ilities in s#pport of the service deliver(process. It is iportant to distin'#ish %etween these relationships.

    Descri%e the ser"i#e pro"i,erd#ties and responsi%ilities. 71aples are5

    &eetin' response ties associated with service related incidents.

    Generatin' service level reports for c#stoer.

    *rainin' re6#ired staff on appropriate service s#pport tools.

    :otif(in' c#stoers a%o#t all sched#led aintenance.

    Developin' and aintainin' s(ste related doc#entation this co#ld also %e a c#stoer

    responsi%ilit(/. &ana'in' #ser acco#nts.

    Descri%e the #stomer0s d#ties and responsi%ilities. 71aples are5

    Adherin' to an( related policies9 processes and proced#res.

    $eportin' pro%les #sin' the pro%le reportin' proced#res descri%ed in the SLA.

    Sched#lin' in advance all service related re6#ests and other special services with the ServiceProvider.

    Developin' and aintainin' s(ste related doc#entation this co#ld also %e a service providerresponsi%ilit(/.

    &ain' c#stoer representatives/ availa%le when resolvin' a service related incident or re6#est.

    !o#nicatin' when s(ste testin' and0or aintenance a( ca#se pro%les that co#ldinterfere with standard %#siness f#nctions.

    Pro.$em Management an, Disaster Re#o"er/ Pro#ess

    What is the process that will %e followed to resolve #nplanned incidents?

    How will #nplanned incidents %e prevented or red#ced?

    How will incidents %e doc#ented or lo''ed?

    What actions will %e taen in the event of a serio#s disr#ption?

  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements



    What is the pro%le escalation process?

    Who are the e( service provider and c#stoer contacts nae9 phone n#%er9 eail address/?

    What s(stes0applications will %e recovered first if ore than one application is s#pported %(this a'reeent/.

    Samp$e Spport Conta#t List

    Spport *e$p Line

    Name Ro$e Phone Emai$

    Spport Conta#ts

    Es#a$ation Conta#ts

    Samp$e App$i#ation Re#o"er/ Priorit/ List

    In the event of a disaster9 the followin' recover( priorit( will %e e1ec#ted. =or e1aple9 the applicationwith the hi'hest priorit( will %e %ro#'ht %ac #p first.

    App$i#ation Re#o"er/ Priorit/

    Re#o"er/ Priorit/ App$i#ation 1E2amp$es3 *ors o! Operation A,,itiona$In!ormation

    Perio,i# Re"ie+ Pro#ess

    When an SLA is first initiated and the service is 8#st %e'innin'9 the SLA sho#ld %e reviewed on a onthl(

    %asis. *hese reviews can then %e done 6#arterl(9 seiCann#all( or ann#all( after this initial start#p period

    is over. An SLA sho#ld %e viewed as a d(naic doc#ent and sho#ld %e periodicall( reviewed and

    chan'ed when the followin' events occ#r5

    *he environent has chan'ed *he clients e1pectations and0or needs have chan'ed

    Worloads have chan'ed

    etter etrics9 eas#reent tools and processes have evolved.

    An SLA sho#ld %e reviewed at a ini# once per fiscal (ear. List who is the Edoc#ent ownerF andwho will facilitate re'#lar reviews of this doc#ent. !ontents of this doc#ent a( %e aended asre6#ired9 provided #t#al a'reeent is o%tained and co#nicated to all affected parties. *he

  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements



    Edoc#ent ownerF will incorporate all s#%se6#ent revisions and o%tain #t#al a'reeents 0 approvals asre6#ired.

    Doc#ent Owner5 Document Owner Name

    $eview Period5 Review Periode.'. Ann#all( or #arterl(/

    Previo#s $eview Date5 Last or Previous Review Date

    :e1t $eview Date5 Next Review Date

    Termination o! Agreement Pro#ess

    How will the a'reeent %e terinated at the end of the initial ter of the SLA?

    How will the SLA %e terinated if either part( wants to terinate either for ca#se or forconvenience?


    *he final SLA sho#ld contain si'nat#res of appropriate representatives fro the I* Service Provider andthe !#stoer. *he I* Service Provider representatives wo#ld t(picall( %e a &ana'er and a Director orthe , Services !IO.

  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements




    Incl#ded in this section are saple Service Level A'reeents for I* services.

    (ni"ersit/ Ser"i#es In!rastr#tre Spport

    4&5 6 Ser"i#e Le"e$ Agreement O"er"ie+

    *his is a Service Level A'reeent SLA/ %etween (ni"ersit/ Ser"i#es In!ormation Te#hno$og/ 1(SIT3and Fa#i$ities Management 1FM3 T+in Cities Camps. ,SI* incl#des5 ,niversit( Services Infrastr#ct#reS#pport ,SIS/9 ,niversit( Services Pro'ra &ana'eent Office P&O/ and Strate'( and Plannin'.

    *he p#rpose of this Service Level A'reeent SLA/ is to identif( the %asic services9 and an( a'reed #ponoptional services9 to %e provided %( ,SI* re'ardin'infrastr#ct#re s#pport9 pro8ect deliver( and pro8ects#pportfor =&.

    *his SLA covers the period fro 7$/ 48 '559to 7ne :58 '545 and will %e reviewed and revised at theend of this period4 it will reain in effect #ntil a new a'reeent is si'ned.

    '&5 6 Des#ription o! Ser"i#es

    ,SI* will provide the followin' hardware and software infrastr#ct#re s#pport9 pro8ect ana'eent9 and I*strate'( and plannin' services5

    Ser"i#es Des#ription

    What S#pport0applications are incl#ded in thisSLA?

    ( Ser"i#es In!rastr#tre Spport Base$ineSer"i#es 1Operations3

    Data Centers;

    S#pport and aintenance of =&9 !PP&9 ,HS9 DPS9,SP9 and A#1 Services Data !enters see pa'e -in this doc#ent for details/.

    o Server9 networ9 and I* facilities hardware andsoftware s#pport9 to incl#de developent9 test9trainin'9 prod#ction and disaster recover(environents as appropriate

    o Data %ac#p9 recover(9 and archivin'

    o Sall enhanceents or #p'rades to Data

    !enter e6#ipent9 with costs #nder 2)J perinitiative

    oAll Hardware and software for the Infrastr#ct#re!onsolidation initiative

    o Data !enter Hardware and s#pplies

    o Data !enter firewall Sec#rit( allowin' controlledaccess to =& applications.

  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements



    Ser"i#es Des#ription


  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements



    Ser"i#es Des#ription


    o &onitorin'9 reportin'9 and enforceent across,niversit( Services of approved Pro8ect

    &ana'eent Standardso Interpretation and e1planation of P&O standards

    as the( relate to specific ,niversit( Servicespro8ects

    o Provide contract ana'eent s#pport fordepartental pro8ects5

    Identification of staeholders and initiation ofSLAs and contracts as a res#lt of pro8ectdeliver(

    Pro8ect tea a#'entation contracts forprofessional services

    o Helpdes s#pport for Pro8ect &ana'ers and#siness *ea &e%ers in #sin' , Svcs 7P&S#ite.

    oAc6#isition9 confi'#ration9 and tro#%leshootin' ofdestop Pro8ect &ana'eent software

    o Doc#entation and trainin' in s#pport of ,Services P& Standards and 7P& S#ite.

    o Periodic research into effectiveness of , SvcsP&O standards9 and identification of needs forad8#stents or creation of new standards

    P&O !ons#ltin' Services #p to B@ ho#rs0(ear %#ts#%8ect to prioriti

  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements



    Ser"i#es Des#ription

    Developent of new applications9 applicationenhanceents9 or application #p'rades9 with costse1ceedin' 2)J. *hese wo#ld %e considered newpro8ects.

    Direct s#pervision of departentalCpro8ectcons#ltants

    Pro8ect %ased initiatives re6#irin' additional hardware9software9 aintenanceand s#pport will %e ne'otiatedseparatel(.

    ( Ser"i#es IT PMO Spp$ementar/ Ser"i#es1Pro=e#ts3; :ote5 *he ,CServices Leadership *eadeterined in =all 2@@> that9 'oin' forward9 f#ndin' forthe followin' P&O s#ppleentar( services will'enerall( coe fro the ,CServices Inforation*echnolo'( $eserve./

    Pro'ra &ana'eent of crossC,niversit(CServicesI* initiatives

    #siness Anal(sis9 S(stes Anal(sis9 and #alit(Ass#rance of crossC,niversit( Services I* initiatives

    Developent and deplo(ent of new Pro8ect&ana'eent standards across ,niversit( Services

    Developent and deplo(ent of new P& *rainin'and0or Doc#entation pro'ras

    !rossCdepartental Menterprise; pro8ects and otherpro8ect %ased initiatives re6#irin' additional la%or9

    cons#ltin'9 hardware9 software9 aintenanceands#pport :O* identified in the SLA section 3.@/ will %ene'otiated separatel(.

  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements



    :&5 6 Ser"i#e Per!orman#e

    Ser"i#es Des#ription

    What are the ho#rs of operation re'#lar%#siness ho#rs and after ho#rs s#pport/?

    NOTE !ey applications "as listed in #ection$.%& are monitored %'() *y #ystem En+ineerin+on,call support sta--. -ter /ours on,callresponse is % /ours.

    S(ste S#pport Line5 )CB3@

    S#pport 7ail5 #sitssN#n.ed#

    Spport Line Bsiness*ors;

    +53@ A& to )5@@ P&&onda( to =rida(

    71cept for noral,niversit( of &innesotareco'ni


    Se"erit/ 4In#i,ents

    *he entiredepartent;sa%ilit( to perforission critical%#siness f#nctionsis in 8eopard( or#navaila%le71aple5!opass is downor #nreacha%le/

    Within 3@in#tes frotiereported

    " ho#rs

    Escalateusin+escalationcontact list insection 0.1

    7ver( 2ho#rs


    $eported onthl( inavaila%ilit( reports.

  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements




    Des#ription Responsetime to.egin+or




    Target Metri#>


    Se"erit/ 'In#i,ents A departent orindivid#al;s a%ilit(to perfor aission criticalf#nction is in

    8eopard( or#navaila%le %#t aworaro#nd is orcan %e esta%lishedwithin areasona%le tie.71aple5 Onl(people in =oodOps %#ildin' are#na%le to reach!opass

    Within oneho#r frotiereported

    2" ho#rs

    Escalateusin+escalationcontact list insection 0.1

    7ver( Bho#rs @@

    *raced0eas#red inService !enter.

    Se"erit/ :In#i,ents

    A departent orindivid#al;s a%ilit(to perfor a 8o%f#nction a( %eipacted orinconvenienced9%#t can contin#e%#siness asnoral operations.71aple5 A #sersworstation is

    #na%le to access!opass

    Within Bho#rs frotiereported

    "B ho#rs 7ver( 2"ho#rs


    *raced0eas#red inService !enter.

  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements



    :&' Genera$ Ser"i#e Re?ests @ ( Ser"i#es S/stems Spport

    Ser"i#e Re?est T/pe Re?est Comp$etion Metri#>Measrement


    :ew password or password reset

    :W Acco#nt

    We% Adinistration

    General A

    2" ho#rs >)

    *raced0&eas#red inService !enter


    !han'e to e1istin' application0s(ste

    Active Director( AD/ Services

    =ile $estore

    "B ho#rs >)

    Hardware ove9 add or chan'e &A!/ Within @ %#siness da(s >)

    Destop software add or #p'rade Within " %#siness da(s if thesoftware has %een approved andtested in the prod#ctionenvironent


  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements



    :&: Ca$$ Center @ ( Ser"i#es S/stems Spport

    Cstomer Spport Ser"i#e Commitment

    Avera'e Speed of Answer ASA/ ) seconds

    *ar'et Service Level >@ of calls answered in ) seconds

    Avera'e *al *ie 3.) in#tes0call

    :& Ser"er A"ai$a.i$it/ Ba#

  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements



    @@.@@ in P&O Operational Services

    @@.@@ EPro8ect !ost AllowanceF for pro8ect developent9 s#pport9 and0or cons#ltin' e.'. =siness Intelli'ence pro8ect4 !opass Bi$2 ,p'rade pro8ect4 etc./

    @ for Destop Hardware and Software. ,SIS will proc#re9 =& will provide f#ndin'

    =#t#re services a( %e ne'otiated after all parties have had the opport#nit( to eval#ate the cost0%enefits

    of the arran'eent.

    *ransfer of f#nds to %e provided to ,SIS at the %e'innin' of =Q@.

    2 In 34156 total 7pro8ect,cost allowance9 was :xx

    &5 @ Ser"i#e Pro"i,er an, Cstomer Responsi.i$ities

    &4 (SIS ,ties an, responsi.i$ities

    &eetin' response and resol#tion ties associated with service related incidents.

    Generatin' onthl( service level reports.

    :otif(in' all #sers of sched#led or #nsched#led downtie.

    7scalate severit( 2 incidents as o#tlined in section 2.. *echnical '#idance and advise

    &' PMO ,ties an, responsi.i$ities

    $espond to all pro8ect ori'ination or cons#ltin' re6#ests within 2" ho#rs with identification of ne1tsteps.

    &aintain pro8ect deliver( s(stes9 tools and processes to %e #sed %( P&O ana'ed pro8ects aswell as selfCservice reso#rces for departentall( ana'ed pro8ects.

    Provide portfolio9 pro8ect and stateent or wor SOW/ reportin' onthl( or on deand.

    Provide trainin' and sills developent to optii

  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements



    $eport pro%les #sin' the pro%le reportin' proced#res detailed in this SLA9 incl#din' a cleardescription of the pro%le.

    Provide inp#t on the 6#alit( and tieliness of service #sin' appropriate ethods andco#nications SLA reviews9 onthl( stat#s and s#ar( coents9 satisfaction s#rve(s9lessons learned9 iss#e escalation9 etc./.

    !o#nicate when software testin' and0or aintenance are ca#sin' pro%les that interfere with

    standard %#siness f#nctions. Jeepin' ,SIS aware of a8or chan'es in their %#siness that ipacts technolo'( e.'.9 new

    hardware or software9 a8or e6#ipent oves9 etc./.

    &5 @ Strateg/ an, P$anning

    =& and ,SI* will #se a contin#o#s iproveent process to refine the strate'ic interaction and plannin'%etween the two or'ani

  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements



    ill Pa#l#s =& Director +C@2> pa$5:mn&e,

    &ie erthelsen =& AP +C@> .erth55mn&e,

    Jathleen O;rien ,Cservices P )C+)>>

  • 8/13/2019 BEST PRACTICE Service Level Agreements
