Best of Russia & Baltic

團號 團號 團號 團號 CODE 連機票 連機票 連機票 連機票 LAND + AIR 旺季附加費 旺季附加費 旺季附加費 旺季附加費 HIGH SEASON () +燃油費 燃油費 燃油費 燃油費+稅金 稅金 稅金 稅金=總額 總額 總額 總額 +FUEL +TAX=TOTAL 雙人 雙人 雙人 雙人 TWN 小童 小童 小童 小童 CHD 單人 單人 單人 單人 SGL SUPP PRSB8 3399 2889 869 350 +600 Approx. = 4039 PRSB13 4199 3569 1139 +650 Approx. = 4849 出發地 出發地 出發地 出發地 : : : : 洛杉磯 洛杉磯 洛杉磯 洛杉磯、舊金山 舊金山 舊金山 舊金山、西雅圖 西雅圖 西雅圖 西雅圖、波特蘭 波特蘭 波特蘭 波特蘭、休斯頓 休斯頓 休斯頓 休斯頓、達拉斯 達拉斯 達拉斯 達拉斯 LAX / SFO / SEA / PDX / HOU / DFW Departure 其他出發城市 其他出發城市 其他出發城市 其他出發城市 歡迎 歡迎 歡迎 歡迎聯絡 聯絡 聯絡 聯絡查詢 查詢 查詢 查詢 Other departure cities please contact us for more information 上列費用均以美元每位計算,「稅金及燃油附加費」,正確數目須於出票日方能作準。 The above tour fares are based on US Dollar; “Tax and Fuel Surcharge” is only an estimate and will confirm upon ticket issuance. 小童費用適用於 2 11 歲小孩不佔床。Child fare applies to children from 2 to 11 years old, no extra bed. 1 1 1 原地 原地 原地 原地 莫斯科 莫斯科 莫斯科 莫斯科 Home City Moscow 是日乘豪華機飛往俄羅斯首都~莫斯科。 Depart from home city for Moscow, the capital of Russia. 2 2 2 莫斯科 莫斯科 莫斯科 莫斯科 Moscow 抵達後,由車送往酒店休息。 (晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Renaissance Hotel 或同級 Upon arrival transfer to hotel and prepare for the exciting tour beginning tomorrow. (D) 3 3 3 克里姆林 克里姆林 克里姆林 克里姆林 紅牆 紅牆 紅牆 紅牆 勝利公園 勝利公園 勝利公園 勝利公園 地下鐵 地下鐵 地下鐵 地下鐵 馬戲表演 馬戲表演 馬戲表演 馬戲表演 Kremlin Palace Red Square Victory Park Metro Circus 自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後先到世界聞名的紅 牆,然後再往俄羅斯政治及經濟的中樞【克里姆 林】。途經參觀【沙皇大鐘】、【大炮】, 【伊凡大鐘樓】、【聖母升天大教堂】、【十二 門徒教堂】及用磚造建築代表傑作的【聖巴索大 教堂】。抵達【勝利公園】,觀看勝利女神像和 紀念戰勝拿破崙的【凱旋門】。不錯過的是乘 搭地鐵。建於五十年代,四通八達的莫斯科地 鐵。每個站內均有其獨特風貌,地鐵站內採用了 五顏六色的大理石、花崗石及彩色玻璃等鑲嵌出 各種浮雕和壁畫裝飾,配以華麗的燈飾,美輪美 奐,故有地下殿之美譽。晚餐於中國餐館。餐 後車前往欣賞著名的馬戲雜技表演。(如遇停演 排其他節目代替)(/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Marriott Hotel 或同級 After breakfast you will enjoy an excursion to The Moscow Kremlin, the Kremlin cathedrals and The Red Square. The Kremlin is a fascinating structure that has served as an ancient tower, the city’s military fortification, a palace, an armory, the sovereign treasury and the workplace of the Russian President. The Kremlin has always been the spiritual center of Russia. You will see several ancient cathedrals on its grounds, the most famous of which are The Assumption Cathedral, The Archangel’s Cathedral and The Annunciation Cathedral. The Red Square is just outside the Kremlin’s walls. While walking through The Red Square you will have a look at The Mausoleum of Lenin, the clock on The Savior (Spasskaya) Tower, The History Museum, The beautiful Cathedral of the Intercession (the Church of St Basil the Blessed), The Kazansky Cathedral and other outstanding pieces of Russian architecture. Afterward we shall also experience the famous Russian underground train. Enjoy dinner at a Chinese restaurant, and then watch the famous Russian circus show. (If circus show is cancelled due to unforeseen situation, Russian Tourist Association will make substitute arrangement) (B/D) 4 4 4 莫斯科 莫斯科 莫斯科 莫斯科 金環古城 金環古城 金環古城 金環古城 弗拉基米爾 弗拉基米爾 弗拉基米爾 弗拉基米爾 蘇茲達爾 蘇茲達爾 蘇茲達爾 蘇茲達爾 Moscow Golden Ring Vladimir Suzdal 自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。及後開「金環古城」 旅程。抵達弗拉基米爾,建於 1108 年,為 14 紀俄羅斯東北部的中心。最受注目的建築物,首 推建於 1158 年的【聖母升天大教堂】,運用「白 石」而建,整座教堂精美無倫。其次是【聖德米 契大教堂】,已被列入為世界文化遺產。最後是 地標【黃金門】。遊畢前往蘇茲達爾。抵達後先 訪建於 1024 年的【克林姆】,聖母延生教堂為 數仍保留原貌的建築,再往木建築博物館,讓 你回到中古世紀的田園景色。 (//晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Nikolaevsky Posad Hotel 或同級 Head towards Vladimir after breakfast, and enjoy lunch upon arrival. We shall then start our journey of the “Golden Ring”. The “Golden Ring” is a collection of historic Russian cities, towards the northeast of Moscow, which each city played an important part in the history of Russia. Vladimir was founded in 1108 by Vladimir Monomakh, Grand prince of Kiev. The city witnessed its heyday in the 12 th century during the reign of Prince Andrey Bogolubsky. We shall visit the Golden Gate – the city’s main gate, and the Monastery of the Annunciation. Afterward we proceed to another “Golden Ring” city – Suzdal. With close to 1000 years of history, the town rose in prominence as a religious center with numerous monasteries. (B/L/D) 5 5 5 蘇茲達爾 蘇茲達爾 蘇茲達爾 蘇茲達爾 謝爾吉耶夫村 謝爾吉耶夫村 謝爾吉耶夫村 謝爾吉耶夫村 - 莫斯科 莫斯科 莫斯科 莫斯科 SuzdalZagorsk Moscow 自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。驅車前往古城~謝爾吉 耶夫村,於十二世紀時為重要的前哨站保護城, 現輾轉成為俄羅斯東正教主教駐地和商業名城。 抵達後,參觀鎮內十幾座建於1517世紀的教堂 群。其中最負勝名是【聖三修道院】,也是俄羅 斯最高地位的修道院。外貌美觀,金色洋頂教 堂配上白色主體建築。教堂內的壁畫,聖像及聖 壇均是罕有藝術殿堂級的結晶,故已列入為世界 文化遺產。再往俄羅斯娃娃工坊,觀看由畫親 手繪出最具俄羅斯特色的幸福娃娃楚楚可人,亦 可購買心中喜愛留為記念。遊畢,返回莫斯科。 午、晚餐於當地餐廳。 (//晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Marriott Hotel 或同級 Enjoy breakfast in hotel and then we shall proceed to Sergiev Possad (Zagorsk), a town built around one of the greatest Russian monasteries—the 15 th Century St. Sergius Monastery. You will visit this beautiful monastery and center of Russian Orthodox spirituality. We shall also visit a tradition Matyoshka doll workshop before returning to Moscow. (B/L/D) 行程特點 行程特點 行程特點 行程特點 俄羅斯 莫斯科 ~ 克里姆林及紅牆 俄羅斯 金環古城 ~ 聖三修道院 俄羅斯 聖彼得堡 ~ 彼得保羅要塞,夏及冬 愛沙亞 塔林 ~ 露天博物館及舊城區 拉脫維亞 里加 ~ 中古世紀城區及陶拉第城堡 立陶 維爾紐斯 ~ 聖十字架山及達卡城堡 Features Moscow ~ Kremlin Palace & Red Squar Golden Circle ~ Trinity Monastery of St. Sergius St. Petersburg ~ Peter & Paul Fortress & Hermitage Museum Tallinn ~ Open-air Museum & Old town Riga ~ Medieval town & Turaida Castle Vilnius ~ Hill of Crosses & Trakai Island Castle Departure Dates 2014 5 (May) 17, 31 6 (Jun) 14, 28 7 (Jul) 12, 26 8 (Aug) 2, 16 9 (Sep) 6, 13, 20


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Transcript of Best of Russia & Baltic

Page 1: Best of Russia & Baltic



連機票連機票連機票連機票 LAND + AIR 旺季附加費旺季附加費旺季附加費旺季附加費


+燃油費燃油費燃油費燃油費+稅金稅金稅金稅金=總額總額總額總額 +FUEL +TAX=TOTAL 雙人雙人雙人雙人 TWN 小童小童小童小童 CHD 單人單人單人單人 SGL SUPP

PRSB8 3399 2889 869 350

約約約約 +600 Approx. = 4039

PRSB13 4199 3569 1139 約約約約 +650 Approx. = 4849

出發地出發地出發地出發地 : : : : 洛杉磯洛杉磯洛杉磯洛杉磯、、、、舊金山舊金山舊金山舊金山、、、、西雅圖西雅圖西雅圖西雅圖、、、、波特蘭波特蘭波特蘭波特蘭、、、、休斯頓休斯頓休斯頓休斯頓、、、、達拉斯達拉斯達拉斯達拉斯

LAX / SFO / SEA / PDX / HOU / DFW Departure

其他出發城市其他出發城市其他出發城市其他出發城市 歡迎歡迎歡迎歡迎聯絡聯絡聯絡聯絡查詢查詢查詢查詢 Other departure cities please contact us for more information 上列費用均以美元每位計算,「稅金及燃油附加費」,正確數目須於出票日方能作準。 The above tour fares are based on US Dollar; “Tax and Fuel Surcharge” is only an estimate and will confirm upon ticket issuance. 小童費用適用於 2 至 11 歲小孩不佔床。Child fare applies to children from 2 to 11 years old, no extra bed.

111 原居地原居地原居地原居地 ���� 莫斯科莫斯科莫斯科莫斯科 Home City ���� Moscow

是日乘豪華客機飛往俄羅斯首都~莫斯科。 Depart from home city for Moscow, the capital of Russia.

222 莫斯科莫斯科莫斯科莫斯科 Moscow

抵達後,由專車送往酒店休息。 (晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Renaissance Hotel 或同級 Upon arrival transfer to hotel and prepare for the exciting tour beginning tomorrow. (D)

333 克里姆林宮克里姆林宮克里姆林宮克里姆林宮 ---- 紅牆紅牆紅牆紅牆 ---- 勝利公園勝利公園勝利公園勝利公園 ---- 地下鐵地下鐵地下鐵地下鐵 ---- 馬戲表演馬戲表演馬戲表演馬戲表演 Kremlin Palace - Red Square - Victory Park -Metro - Circus


各種浮雕和壁畫裝飾,配以華麗的燈飾,美輪美奐,故有地下宮殿之美譽。晚餐於中國餐館。餐後專車前往欣賞著名的馬戲雜技表演。(如遇停演將安排其他節目代替)。 (早/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Marriott Hotel 或同級 After breakfast you will enjoy an excursion to The Moscow Kremlin, the Kremlin cathedrals and The Red Square. The Kremlin is a fascinating structure that has served as an ancient tower, the city’s military fortification, a palace, an armory, the sovereign treasury and the workplace of the Russian President. The Kremlin has always been the spiritual center of Russia. You will see several ancient cathedrals on its grounds, the most famous of which are The Assumption Cathedral, The Archangel’s Cathedral and The Annunciation Cathedral. The Red Square is just outside the Kremlin’s walls. While walking through The Red Square you will have a look at The Mausoleum of Lenin, the clock on The Savior (Spasskaya) Tower, The History Museum, The beautiful Cathedral of the Intercession (the Church of St Basil the Blessed), The Kazansky Cathedral and other outstanding pieces of Russian architecture. Afterward we shall also experience the famous Russian underground train. Enjoy dinner at a Chinese restaurant, and then watch the famous Russian circus show. (If circus show is cancelled due to unforeseen situation, Russian Tourist Association will make substitute arrangement) (B/D)

444 莫斯科莫斯科莫斯科莫斯科 ---- 金環古城金環古城金環古城金環古城 ---- 弗拉基米爾弗拉基米爾弗拉基米爾弗拉基米爾 ---- 蘇茲達爾蘇茲達爾蘇茲達爾蘇茲達爾 Moscow ---- Golden Ring ---- Vladimir ---- Suzdal

自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。及後展開「金環古城」旅程。抵達弗拉基米爾,建於 1108 年,為 14 世紀俄羅斯東北部的中心。最受注目的建築物,首推建於 1158 年的【聖母升天大教堂】,運用「白石」而建,整座教堂精美無倫。其次是【聖德米契大教堂】,已被列入為世界文化遺產。最後是地標【黃金門】。遊畢前往蘇茲達爾。抵達後先訪建於 1024 年的【克林姆宮】,聖母延生教堂為小數仍保留原貌的建築,再往木建築博物館,讓你回到中古世紀的田園景色。 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Nikolaevsky Posad Hotel 或同級

Head towards Vladimir after breakfast, and enjoy lunch upon arrival. We shall then start our journey of the “Golden Ring”. The “Golden Ring” is a collection of historic Russian cities, towards the northeast of Moscow, which each city played an important part in the history of Russia. Vladimir was founded in 1108 by Vladimir Monomakh, Grand prince of Kiev. The city witnessed its heyday in the 12th century during the reign of Prince Andrey Bogolubsky. We shall visit the Golden Gate – the city’s main gate, and the Monastery of the Annunciation. Afterward we proceed to another “Golden Ring” city – Suzdal. With close to 1000 years of history, the town rose in prominence as a religious center with numerous monasteries.


555 蘇茲達爾蘇茲達爾蘇茲達爾蘇茲達爾 ---- 謝爾吉耶夫村謝爾吉耶夫村謝爾吉耶夫村謝爾吉耶夫村 ---- 莫斯科莫斯科莫斯科莫斯科 Suzdal----Zagorsk ----Moscow

自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。驅車前往古城~謝爾吉耶夫村,於十二世紀時為重要的前哨站保護城,現輾轉成為俄羅斯東正教主教駐地和商業名城。抵達後,參觀鎮內十幾座建於15至17世紀的教堂群。其中最負勝名是【聖三修道院】,也是俄羅斯最高地位的修道院。外貌美觀,金色洋蔥頂教堂配上白色主體建築。教堂內的壁畫,聖像及聖壇均是罕有藝術殿堂級的結晶,故已列入為世界文化遺產。再往俄羅斯娃娃工坊,觀看由畫家親手繪出最具俄羅斯特色的幸福娃娃楚楚可人,亦可購買心中喜愛留為記念。遊畢,返回莫斯科。午、晚餐於當地餐廳。 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Marriott Hotel 或同級 Enjoy breakfast in hotel and then we shall proceed to Sergiev Possad (Zagorsk), a town built around one of the greatest Russian monasteries—the 15th Century St. Sergius Monastery. You will visit this beautiful monastery and center of Russian Orthodox spirituality. We shall also visit a tradition Matyoshka doll workshop before returning to Moscow. (B/L/D)


★ 俄羅斯 莫斯科 ~ 克里姆林宮及紅牆

★ 俄羅斯 金環古城 ~ 聖三修道院

★ 俄羅斯 聖彼得堡 ~ 彼得保羅要塞,夏宮及冬宮

★ 愛沙尼亞 塔林 ~ 露天博物館及舊城區

★ 拉脫維亞 里加 ~ 中古世紀城區及陶拉第城堡

★ 立陶宛 維爾紐斯 ~ 聖十字架山及達卡城堡

Features ★ Moscow ~ Kremlin Palace & Red Squar ★ Golden Circle ~ Trinity Monastery of St.

Sergius ★ St. Petersburg ~ Peter & Paul Fortress &

Hermitage Museum ★ Tallinn ~ Open-air Museum & Old town ★ Riga ~ Medieval town & Turaida Castle ★ Vilnius ~ Hill of Crosses & Trakai Island


出出 出出 發發 發發

日日 日日 期期 期期




s 2014年年年年

5 月 (May) 17, 31����

6 月 (Jun) 14����, 28����

7 月 (Jul) 12����, 26����

8 月 (Aug) 2����, 16����

9 月 (Sep) 6, 13, 20

Page 2: Best of Russia & Baltic

666 莫斯科莫斯科莫斯科莫斯科 ���� 聖彼德堡聖彼德堡聖彼德堡聖彼德堡 ---- 彼德保羅軍事彼德保羅軍事彼德保羅軍事彼德保羅軍事要塞要塞要塞要塞 ---- 跳蚤市場跳蚤市場跳蚤市場跳蚤市場 ---- 俄羅斯大餐俄羅斯大餐俄羅斯大餐俄羅斯大餐 Moscow ���� St. Petersburg ----Peter & Paul Fortress ----Russian Gala Dinner

自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。乘特快火車前往俄羅斯名城~聖彼得堡。午餐於當地餐廳,及後到訪【彼得保羅要塞】。昔日彼得大帝君臨此兔島,下命令興建的港口防衛堡壘,亦是俄國著名的十月革命戰役總部。首先參觀教堂廣場,教堂內更可觀看歷代沙皇和末代沙皇尼哥洛斯二世的陵寢。而教堂的彩旗均是昔日由瑞典和土耳其軍手中繳獲的戰利品。而在涅瓦河閘上更可飽覽涅瓦河和聖彼得堡全景。再往跳蚤市場,在林林總總的攤檔內尋找你喜愛的當地特色紀念品。晚餐於著名餐廳,品嚐著名的俄羅斯大餐,包括著名俄羅斯魚子醬、伏特加酒、香檳等,還有民族歌舞表演助興。 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Sokos Hotel 或同級 After breakfast we take an express train towards St. Petersburg, and enjoy lunch upon arrival. Afterward we visit The Peter and Paul Fortress – a symbol of St. Petersburg and also the oldest building in the city. While there, you will visit The Peter and Paul Cathedral, the burial place of the Russian tsars from Peter the Great onward. Also visit a flea market where you can find all kinds of traditional souvenirs. Tonight we shall enjoy a traditional Russian feast for dinner – caviar, vodka, champagne, etc., together with some folk dancing performance. (B/L/D)

777 彼德夏宮彼德夏宮彼德夏宮彼德夏宮 ---- 復活教堂復活教堂復活教堂復活教堂 ---- 隱士盧博物隱士盧博物隱士盧博物隱士盧博物館館館館 ---- 喀山教堂喀山教堂喀山教堂喀山教堂 Peterhof ----Hermitage Museum

早餐於酒店後乘坐水翼船前往參觀有「俄羅斯凡爾賽宮」之稱的【彼得夏宮】。皇宮佔地一千多公頃,是彼得大帝於 1709 年興建。整座皇宮以豪華綺麗的巴洛克式所設計,內有大小皇宮共 20 多個,而其中的御花園設計最為別緻,分為上、下花園,內有六十多個不同形式的噴泉及金色的雕望,互相輝映令人目不暇給。(如適逢船公司停航或特別維修或秋冬期間,水翼船項目將取消)。遊畢前往為沙王亞歷山大二世被刺殺而建的【復活教堂】。午餐自備。下午繼續行程,前往參觀名聞遐爾的世界三大博物館之一的【隱士盧博物館】。該博物館佔地甚廣,其中一部份還包括以前沙皇的冬宮,內裡展品甚豐,數量多達二百五十萬件計有名畫、雕像、名貴古物及沙皇曾用過之名貴馬車等,展品數量之多,令人嘆為觀止。及後前往【喀山教堂】,由俄羅斯建築師沃羅尼欣設計,於 1801 年 8 月開始奠基儀式。教堂以古羅馬聖彼得教堂為藍本,歷經 10 年於 1811 年竣工。在教堂東西豎立 94 根科尼斯式半圓型長柱長廊,使喀山教堂變成典型的俄式教堂。 (早/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Sokos Hotel 或同級 After breakfast we shall take a hydroboat and head towards Peterhof, a seaside summer palace built by Peter the Great in the first half of the 18th Century. The site actually consists of several palaces standing alongside one another in an ensemble. You will also enjoy the spectacular palace gardens at Peterhof (Hydroboat service may stop due to maintenance or seasonal reason). Afterwards we head to Cathedral Square and the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ for some picture times before visiting the greatest and largest art museums in the world – The Hermitage. The museum consists of five historical buildings including The Winter Palace – the old residence of the Russian tsars. The museum contains over 3 million pieces of art dating from high antiquity to the present day. Among The Hermitage’s treasures are artworks by Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael, Titian, Rembrandt, Rubens and a large collection of impressionists and post impressionists including Matisse and Picasso as well as many others. To view the collection in its entirety it would take almost 15 years, spending 8 hours a day in the museum and taking one minute to examine each exhibit! We shall also stop by the magnificent Church of the Savior Spilled Blood before dinner at a local restaurant. (B/D)

888 聖彼德堡聖彼德堡聖彼德堡聖彼德堡 ---- 聖埃薩教堂聖埃薩教堂聖埃薩教堂聖埃薩教堂 ---- 塔林塔林塔林塔林 St. Petersburg---- St. Isaac’s Cathedral ----Tallinn

八八八八天天天天俄羅斯博覽遊俄羅斯博覽遊俄羅斯博覽遊俄羅斯博覽遊 (PRSB8) 參加 8 天團之團友,第 8 天早餐於酒店享用早餐後,乘車前往機場飛往原居地。 (早餐) For 8-days tour member, transfer to airport for homeward flight is arranged after breakfast. (B)

早餐於酒店餐廳後前往參觀【聖埃薩教堂】。整座教堂經歷兩位沙皇,耗時四十年才完成。最後在青銅騎士美譽之彼得大雕像拍照留念後,驅車向愛沙尼亞首都~塔林進發。午、晚餐於當地餐廳。 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Viru Solos Hotel 或同級 After breakfast we visit St. Isaac’s Cathedral – took 40 years to build since 1818. In 1931 the cathedral was turned into the Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism, but after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, it resumed its duty as a cathedral. After a stop-over at the statue of Peter the Great we head towards the capital city of Estonia – Tallinn. (B/L/D)

999 塔林塔林塔林塔林

Tallinn 自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。早上遊覽【露天博物館】。這個地方保留了愛沙尼亞很多古老的木質構造的建築。主要是莊園和房屋,在這裏展示著昔日的愛沙亞人居住的房屋,如茅草屋、石屋及屋內的起居設備等。在博物館內所有的東西都保留了 150 年前的模樣。偶爾也可看到穿上傳統裝的工作人員。下午前往已被列入「世界文化遺產」的舊城區繼續行程。【敦皮古堡】為丹麥和日爾耳曼人於十二世紀所建,而全國最古老的圓頂教堂亦在內。接著前往【聖亞歷山大涅夫斯基教堂】;再途經【國會大廈】、【塔林古城牆】及【市政廳廣場】。晚餐於當地餐廳。品嘗紅酒燴雞。 (早/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Viru Solos Hotel 或同級

Proceed to visit Estonia Open Air Museum, where the old Estonian wood architecture is well preserved. All items on display inside the museum have exactly the same outlook as they had 150 years ago. Afterward we shall go to the old town – a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. Later on, visit will be made to St. Alexandra Nevsky Cathedral passing by the House of Parliament, Tallinn ancient city wall, etc. (B/D)

111000 塔林塔林塔林塔林 ---- 派爾努海灘派爾努海灘派爾努海灘派爾努海灘 ---- 里加里加里加里加 Tallinn ---- Parnu Beach ---- Riga

早餐後向拉脫維亞首都-里加進發。途經有「愛沙尼亞的加洲」和「波羅的海之明珠」美譽之派爾努海灘,作短暫觀光及拍照留念。午膳安排於區內當地餐廳。下午抵達里加,隨即徒步遊舊城區,首先進入參觀【聖彼得教堂】,接著【里加古堡】、【市政廳】、【歌劇院】等。最後抵達【茱麗亞廣場】的主座教堂。教堂內珍藏曾為世界第一,擁有 6768 支風管之大型管風琴。及後遊覽中古世紀民宅,如擁有其特殊外觀及動人故事之【三兄弟屋】、瑞典人在 1968 年管治時所建之瑞典門,唯一倖存之火藥瞭望塔及雄偉壯觀之【里加大橋】等。晚餐於當地餐廳。品嘗特色野豬肉。 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Radisson Blu Daugava 或同級 Head towards Riga, capital city of Latvia, after breakfast. Situated on the mouth of the River Daugava, Riga is a major industrial, commercial, cultural and financial center of the Baltics. On the way to the old Riga we would pass by The Parnu Beach – known as the “Baltic Pearl”. Upon arrival in Riga we shall visit a series of landmarks, including St. Peter’s Church, Town Hall, Riga Castle,

and finally arrive at St. Mary’s Dome Cathedral, which owns the world largest organ – plays 116 voices, 124 stops, 144 ranks, and 6768 pipes! Afterwards we go to The Three Brothers (Tris Brali), The Cat House (Kaėu māja), Central Market, are some of the most notable places in Riga. Enjoy a wild boar feast tonight. (B/L/D)

111111 里加里加里加里加 ---- 高哈國家公園高哈國家公園高哈國家公園高哈國家公園 ---- 陶拉第城堡陶拉第城堡陶拉第城堡陶拉第城堡---- 聖十字架山聖十字架山聖十字架山聖十字架山 ---- 維爾尼斯維爾尼斯維爾尼斯維爾尼斯 Riga ---- Gauja National Park ---- Turaida Castle ---- Hill of Crosses ---- Vilnius

自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。驅車進入【高哈國家公園】。陶醉廣闊原野森林的大自然美景。沿途經過許多中古時代的城堡及廢墟。最後抵達最負名氣的陶拉第城堡。此城堡建於 1214 年,其碣紅色磚石的外形配以中古時代的愛情故事,引人入勝。午餐安排於途中餐廳。最後抵達立陶宛首都~維爾紐斯郊外的【聖十字架山】。數以萬計大小十字架滿佈整個山頭上。團友可自備十字架許下自己的願望。晚餐於當地餐廳。 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店/Hotel : Holiday Inn 或同級 Visit Gauja National Park after breakfast – with an area of 917 km2, it is the largest national park in Latvia. National park is characterized by a high biological diversity, rock outcrops and varied terrain shapes, springs, picturesque landscapes and many historical and cultural monuments from different centuries. Then we head to Turaida Castle before entering the border of Lithuania. We shall visit the Hill of Crosses upon arrival of Vilnius - Currently has estimated more than 100,000 crosses on the hill in year 2006, it is believed that the first set of crosses were placed on the former Jurgaičiai or Domantai hill fort after the 1831 Uprising. (B/L/D)

111222 維爾尼斯維爾尼斯維爾尼斯維爾尼斯((((市內觀光市內觀光市內觀光市內觀光))))

Vilnius (City Tour) 自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。上午驅車前往市郊~達卡。達卡是 14 世紀的古都,其堡壘建於 GALVE湖上故又稱湖中堡。堡壘是由紅磚建成之歌德式城堡。由一木橋連接兩岸,用作防衛用途。下午返回有「聖堂之城」之維爾紐斯。午餐於中國餐館。餐後在舊城區,漫步中古世紀古城,造訪【中央教堂】、【聖彼得保羅教堂】、【聖安娜教堂】、【聖米歇爾教堂】及【聖靈教堂】。再往【黎明之門】及原蘇聯境內最古老的【維爾紐斯大學】。晚餐自備。 (早/午餐) 酒店/Hotel : Holiday Inn 或同級 After breakfast we shall begin our Vilnius city tour. We first proceed to Trakai Island Castle – locates in the middle of Lake Galve, the castle is sometimes referred to as “Little Marienburg”. The construction of the stone castle was begun in the 14th century by Kęstutis, and around 1409 major works were completed by his son Vytautas the Great, who died in this castle in 1430. Trakai was one of the main centres of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the castle held great strategic importance. Later we proceed to the old town – known for its beautiful architecture, and was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994. (B/L)

111333 維爾尼斯維爾尼斯維爾尼斯維爾尼斯 ���� 原居地原居地原居地原居地

Vilnius ���� Home City 早餐後乘車前往機場飛返居地。 (早餐) Enjoy a delicious breakfast in the hotel, and then we shall proceed to the airport for the homeward flight. (B)

特特特特 約約約約 旅旅旅旅 行行行行 社社社社

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旅章程。 Update: Jan 14, 2014