Bernama 20 Sep 16 - MACVA · “You have served with valour and won accolades to stand tall among...

KUALA LUMPUR: A newly-minted army veterans’ organisation wants to attract more youths, particularly from the Chinese community, to join the Armed Forces. Malaysian Army Chinese Veterans Association (Macva) members are hoping the knowledge and experience they have gained in the Armed Forces will inspire the younger generation to follow in their footsteps. “All of us here are successful entrepreneurs and leaders today because the Army moulded us into what we are. “Many youths today do not see the military as a profession but it is. It’s a noble job and servicemen are professionals,” said Macva committee member Kapt (rtd) Dr Wong Ang Peng. He was speaking to reporters after the handing over of the Macva certificate of registration to the Veterans Affairs Department at Kem Perdana Sungai Besi yesterday. Army chief Jen Datuk Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor, who witnessed the handover, urged Macva to help encourage more Chinese youths to enlist. “In the early years, there were many ethnic Chinese cadets who answered the call of duty. “I hope that Macva will be the push factor for more Chinese youths to step forward and join those on active duty,” he added. Macva president Brig-Jen (rtd) Dr Leong Weng Foon said that apart from its efforts to encourage more Chineseto join up, it was also open to working with other organisations to attract more youths to enlist. Dr Leong observed that as ex-servicemen of Chinese ethnicity, Macva members would be able to appeal to youths who were sceptical of military life. “We have been through so much in our time in the military and our current success after retirement is proof that the military can shape your future in a positive manner. “Current efforts to enlist these youths may have some success, but our approach is likely to make more headway,” he said. Macva has about 200 members, consisting of army veterans, and the committee is considering suggestions to include veterans from the Navy, Air Force and Territorial Army. BY LOSHANA K SHAGAR The Star 20 Sep 16

Transcript of Bernama 20 Sep 16 - MACVA · “You have served with valour and won accolades to stand tall among...

Page 1: Bernama 20 Sep 16 - MACVA · “You have served with valour and won accolades to stand tall among the ... provide charity to all deserving Malaysians, promote nation ... and patriotism.

KUALA LUMPUR: A newly-minted army veterans’ organisation wants to attract more youths, particularly from the Chinese community, to join the Armed Forces. Malaysian Army Chinese Veterans Association (Macva) members are hoping the knowledge and experience they have gained in the Armed Forces will inspire the younger generation to follow in their footsteps. “All of us here are successful entrepreneurs and leaders today because the Army moulded us into what we are. “Many youths today do not see the military as a profession but it is. It’s a noble job and servicemen are professionals,” said Macva committee member Kapt (rtd) Dr Wong Ang Peng.

He was speaking to reporters after the handing over of the Macva certificate of registration to the Veterans Affairs Department at Kem Perdana Sungai Besi yesterday. Army chief Jen Datuk Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor, who witnessed the handover, urged Macva to help encourage more Chinese youths to enlist. “In the early years, there were many ethnic Chinese cadets who answered the call of duty. “I hope that Macva will be the push factor for more Chinese youths to step forward and join those on active duty,” he added. Macva president Brig-Jen (rtd) Dr Leong Weng Foon said that apart from its efforts to encourage more Chineseto join up, it was also open to working with other organisations to attract more youths to enlist. Dr Leong observed that as ex-servicemen of Chinese ethnicity, Macva members would be able to appeal to youths who were sceptical of military life. “We have been through so much in our time in the military and our current success after retirement is proof that the military can shape your future in a positive manner. “Current efforts to enlist these youths may have some success, but our approach is likely to make more headway,” he said. Macva has about 200 members, consisting of army veterans, and the committee is considering suggestions to include veterans from the Navy, Air Force and Territorial Army.


The Star 20 Sep 16

Page 2: Bernama 20 Sep 16 - MACVA · “You have served with valour and won accolades to stand tall among the ... provide charity to all deserving Malaysians, promote nation ... and patriotism.

ARMY Chief Jen Tan Sri Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor paid tribute to Malaysian Chinese army veterans for having served king and country with pride, honour and patriotism. He said the peace that the nation enjoyed today rested on many of their shoulders, from the early years of the Home Guard, Templer’s Super 12, where six out of the 12 were Chinese, the Federation Regiment, the Congo peacekeeping mission, the Confrontation, the urban communist terrorism, jungle warfare in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, to the more recent UN peacekeeping duties. “You all did extremely well. For that I wish to record my gratitude and thank you. “You have served with valour and won accolades to stand tall among the distinguished men and women of our Armed Forces,” he said during a ceremony to handover the registration certificate of the newly formed Malaysian Army Chinese Veterans Association (Macva) at the officers’ mess of the Sungei Besi Army Camp. Macva, which currently has 200 life members, plans to increase its membership by adding veterans from the Navy, Air Force and Territorial Army. Jen Raja Mohamed Affandi, who will take over as the Chief of Defence Forces on Dec 16, made special mention of the significant involvement of Chinese soldiers alongside the many other Malaysian Armed Forces personnel fighting the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) and the North Kalimantan Communist Party (NKCP). “The Chinese Armed Forces members then were largely doing intelligence work with the Special Branch in defending our nation’s sovereignty.

“Since the 1950s until now, many of you together with your fellow Malaysian comrades, have served with full commitment and patriotism, answering the call of duty without worrying about putting your lives in jeopardy, all for king and country. I salute the veterans. “Like others in the army, you had your fair share of heroes. “A good number among you were bestowed with gallantry awards. You have been a good example and mentor to the juniors after you. “Your loyalty to king and country could never be questioned. “I am grateful and proud of the contributions of the Chinese veterans and call upon those serving to continue in the same spirit, and to have more Chinese youths to come forward to serve,” he added. Jen Raja Mohamed Affandi said it was not just the men who had to endure weeks and months away but also their spouses and children were left at home, in and outside military camps. He said the veterans’ distinguished services extended to the Royal Medical Corps too, noting that one army doctor even volunteered to be winched down into the jungle to save the life of a seriously wounded officer. “A few of you had to diffuse bombs and explosive devices, without the modern protective gears we now have. “Many among you excelled as instructors, were involved in forming new establishments, took over the role from the British Army, wrote SOPs that are still being used today. "Individually, many among you did very well in courses locally and overseas. Many among you were bestowed with gallantry awards,” he added. Earlier, in his speech, association president Brig Jen (Rtd) Dr Leong Weng Foon said Jen Raja Mohamed Affandi was instrumental in getting Malaysian Chinese army veterans to gather and should be called the “Father of Macva”. He said the setting up of Macva was the second calling for veterans to serve the country again. Macva committee member for public relations, Capt Dr Wong Ang Peng, said among the association’s aims were to foster and strengthen comradeship, unity and harmony among all veterans, provide charity to all deserving Malaysians, promote nation-building and provide continual support and serve as a resource to the Malaysian Armed Forces. Macva has initiated three community-based projects. The first is a team-building and leadership programme targeting youths, university students, and rural youths from all ethnic groups to instil unity, leadership qualities and patriotism. The second is to motivate youths, especially those from the Chinese community, to join the army while the third is to launch a series of programmes to promote better health and lifestyles.

The Star 23 Sep 2016

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Bernama 20 Sep 16

Page 4: Bernama 20 Sep 16 - MACVA · “You have served with valour and won accolades to stand tall among the ... provide charity to all deserving Malaysians, promote nation ... and patriotism.

By Fathol Zaman Bukhari Veterans To The Fore

The formation of the Malaysian Army Chinese Veterans Association (MACVA) recently caught many ex-servicemen (including yours truly) by surprise. It has never occurred to us that our Chinese counterparts would have the gumption to do the unthinkable. Most prefer to remain incognito and inactive, save for the occasional outburst whenever the going got tough. Chinese army veterans are a dying breed as their number, including those from the navy and airforce, is dwindling over time. The attrition rate is pretty high due to reasons of age and health. The notion that Chinese prefer not to join the army is flawed. This is based on the long-held belief that only prodigal sons don uniforms. And since no one is around to refute the theory, the belief persists. When I took my oath to serve King and Country in May 1968, there were many Chinese and Indians, including a lone Eurasian, in my batch. We started with 51 but the group got smaller over time, as rigorous training took its toll. When our two-year course ended, only 29 were commissioned as subalterns. I was assigned to a Ranger battalion based at Lok Kawi Camp, Kota Kinabalu.

Well, things were not as racially polarised as it is today. Rear Admiral Thanabalasingam, a youthful naval officer, was the navy chief then. He was appointed to the post when he was only 31 years old. Although the army and air force chiefs were Malays, Chinese and Indian officers were directors and commanders of corps and units in the army. The Signal Corps, the Engineers and the Electrical and Mechanical Corps were headed by Chinese. The Medical Corps was commanded by an Indian. Over in the field, Chinese and Indians were in command of regiments and battalions. My battalion commander was a Sikh who had served with distinction in Congo under the UN banner. Mine was a mixed battalion consisting of Sabahans and Sarawakians. Malays, Chinese, Indians and one Eurasian made up the officer corps. The lone Eurasian was Terence Stahlman. He was an accomplished boxer who won gold at the regional SEAP and Asian Games.

In short, opportunities for promotion were there. It was still a merit-based prospect much to our liking, as in an open competition only the best would survive. The weak and the less capable would wither away. In the army if you are not in the right corps you are damned forever. We found this rather too late. Consumed by romanticism and a devotion to duty, we never gave promotion and progression much thought. You can be a Malay but if you are commissioned into a unit other than a Royal Malay regiment you had it. Promotion to beyond colonel is a pipe-dream. And if a Malay feels as such, imagine a non-Malay. That was the predicament these Chinese and Indian officers had felt. Many opted out. The air force officers were fortunate as their piloting skills were in demand by civil airlines.

Out of the 29 strapping (struggling is more appropriate) young officers, 15 were non-Malays. Out of which seven were Chinese and the remaining eight, Indians. The lone Eurasian was an air force cadet who went on to become one of the country’s top jet-fighter pilots. He now lives in Rome with his Italian wife.

Now back to the Chinese veteran association. Among its five objectives, the one I find interesting is, “To provide continual support and serve as a resource to the Malaysian Armed Forces.” Sourcing for Chinese volunteers to join the armed forces is part and parcel of this definition. This was conveyed to me by the association’s secretary, Major (Rtd) Godfrey Chang. I support this noble aim but in order for things to work, a change in policy is desirous. Provide non-Malay officers and other ranks equal opportunities for promotion. But it is easier said than done. The army hierarchy is Royal Malay Regiment biased. I don’t think they would budge. Although there are some positive changes now, a few Chinese and Indian generals, holding insignificant appointments, make little difference. Ipoh Echo Saturday 01 Oct 2016 12:01 AM

Page 5: Bernama 20 Sep 16 - MACVA · “You have served with valour and won accolades to stand tall among the ... provide charity to all deserving Malaysians, promote nation ... and patriotism.

陆军华裔退伍军人协会 鼓励华青从军

(吉隆坡19日讯)新成立的大马陆军华裔退伍军人协会(MACVA)將协助武装部队,鼓励更多华裔年轻人从军。 这个由梁永宽(退役准將)担任总会长的大马陆军华裔退伍军人协会设有3个工作纲领,其中包括鼓励华青加入军队服务,並为华校和华社提供生涯经歷分享会、论述前辈的英勇事蹟,以及自我成长。 陆军总司令丹斯里阿芬迪希望,该协会成立后,將能招揽更多的华裔子弟从军,为国效力。


他感性的感谢军人家属,愿意和国家共享丈夫和父亲,「很多时候,军人出差都不是一两天的时间,而是长达几个星期,感谢你们愿意和国家『分享』爸爸。」 此外,梁永宽透露,该协会缘起於阿芬迪某次聚会的提议,他们隨后也付诸行动成立协会,並在8月31日获得退伍军人事务局的批准。 「我们的宗旨是促进和加强军人的团结和谐、为退伍军人提供协助和支持以及推动国家建设。」 他在推介礼后的记者会上公佈3个工作纲领,包括针对青少年、大学生和



人的刻板印象。「很多人以为军人薪金低廉或待遇不佳,不愿意加入军队,但这是错误的。」 他指出,一名退役军人每月至少可获得至少3000令吉的终身月俸,同时也能善用前军人的经验在保安领域出任要职。 与此同时,退役军人方瑞水(69岁)表示,华裔军人的数量逐年递减,並表示退休时华裔军人只佔约总数的5%,华裔应该踊跃加入军队。 大马陆军华裔退伍军人协会目前有约200名会员,並计划招揽海军、空军和领土陆军军部队的退伍人员加入。 出席今日推介者包括国防部退伍军人事务局副总监阿都卡林。

Oriental Daily News 19 Sep 16


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Page 7: Bernama 20 Sep 16 - MACVA · “You have served with valour and won accolades to stand tall among the ... provide charity to all deserving Malaysians, promote nation ... and patriotism.

對國家建功受肯定 陸軍歡迎華青加入



(吉隆坡19日訊)陸軍司令丹斯里拉惹阿凡迪上將今日給予華裔社會愛國精神肯定,同時也希望有更多華青加入陸軍及武裝部隊,為國家建設帶來貢獻。 他指出,我國陸軍會繼續的肯定華裔軍人,對陸軍和武裝部隊所做出的良好貢獻,這種肯定能讓華社感到舒適,並希望這可促使華青參軍,為國家建設做出貢獻。


為捐軀軍人默哀 他今日出席華裔退伍陸軍協會成立儀式致詞時,這么指出。 阿凡迪指出,我國華裔退休陸軍,以崇高的驕傲、榮譽和愛國精神,為國家元首和國家服務,今天國家所享有的和平,都是由大家的肩膀扛起,華裔退休陸軍都做得很好。 “為此,我必須感激和感謝你們的奉獻。” 他說,回顧歷史,從早期的本土民兵(Home Guard)、到12名組成聯合邦軍團先鋒見習軍官(Templer Super 12),有6名是華裔;后來成立的聯合邦軍團、剛果維和任務、馬印對抗、城市共產黨恐怖分子到半島和沙砂的森林戰,華裔陸軍都有英勇的表現和贏得了榮譽。

“在國家當年森林戰期間,有一些退伍陸軍必須離家,一些妻子甚至分娩,還必須自己去醫院,這是伴侶和孩子最需要你們的時候,但你們都為了國家執行任務;所以我想擁抱你們的伴侶和孩子,向他們說聲謝謝,謝謝你們與國家分享你們的父親、分享你們的丈夫。” 活動結束前,阿凡迪也帶領全場,向為國家捐軀的軍人默哀一分鐘。

參與剛果維和任務 ★李亞保(79歲,曾獲英勇勳章) 我來自陸軍裝甲部隊,退伍前的軍階為少校。我也曾在憲兵部隊里服務。我在1962年獲得機會,代表國家前往剛果,參加聯合國維持和平任務。那一次,是我國首次參加聯合國維和任務。我那一批的部隊附屬在印度軍隊,當時約有150名大馬軍人參加那一次的維和任務。曾經在剛果執行一次任務中,我們護送著辜加兵前往一個地區,結果我們面對交戰,其中有一發子彈從我的耳朵擦過,造成聽覺有問題。在那次事件中,我們保住了辜加兵的安全。 對于能在聯合國旗幟下,參加維和任務感到驕傲。在我服役期間,我駕駛過“雪貂式輕型裝甲車,我們的維和部隊,當時也用著此款車。 我會鼓勵更多華裔青年參加大馬軍隊,貢獻國家。

砂首人獲英勇勳章 ★傅啟明(曾獲英勇勳章) 我來自皇家遊騎兵團,是一名少尉,70年代曾經參與過馬泰邊界的巡邏任務,曾經在一次行動中,對付過馬共。過后,我被告知將獲得英勇勳章,而且是第一位來自砂拉越獲得英勇勳章的華裔軍人。 軍隊是一支專業部隊,我希望未來有更多青年加入大馬軍隊,為國家服務。 一日陸軍終生陸軍 ★賴金興 我來自陸軍炮兵團,在陸軍36年,至1999年退伍。當年我操作的就是105毫米榴彈砲,對我來說參加陸軍,終生就是為陸軍。退伍前,在陸軍第4步兵師擔任參謀長。 我會鼓勵華青參加陸軍,軍隊本身就是一個專業的職業,在軍隊里從A到Z,你可以學習到各種不同的專業,例如通訊、炮兵、情報、后勤管理等等,軍隊里有著不同的專業領域,如果喜歡軍隊生活,就可以選擇從軍。 阿凡迪移交註冊證書


該協會現有200名終身會員,未來會將會員資格開放給海軍、空軍和后備軍人員;並預計在今年10月舉行第一次代表大會。 在致歡迎詞時,梁永寬形容阿凡迪為該協會之父,因為后者對協會的成立給予很大支持,而且給予退伍華裔陸軍肯定。 他指出,成立協會的緣起是在2014年,當時陸軍司令第一次邀請華裔老兵們共同出席馬年新春團拜,2015年和2016年的新春團拜也再度邀請出席。 他說,阿凡迪高度肯定華裔退伍陸軍對元首和國家的忠誠,激發了他們內心對國家的承諾和使命;所以他們決定根據2012年退伍軍人法令,籌組這個協會。 他也誓言,作為退伍陸軍,他們秉持著正直、忠誠與愛國為國家服務,如果國家有需要,他們將會響應國家的征召,也因為能夠為國家服務感到驕傲。

China Press 19 Sep 16

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Page 9: Bernama 20 Sep 16 - MACVA · “You have served with valour and won accolades to stand tall among the ... provide charity to all deserving Malaysians, promote nation ... and patriotism.
Page 10: Bernama 20 Sep 16 - MACVA · “You have served with valour and won accolades to stand tall among the ... provide charity to all deserving Malaysians, promote nation ... and patriotism.

华裔退伍陆军协会成立·要办活动吸引华青入军 由一群华裔陆军退伍军人组成的马来西亚华裔退伍陆军协会(MACVA)今年国庆日获得社团注册局批准正式成立,该会希望透过举办一系列活动,和年轻人分享各领域的专业知识,以一步一脚印的方式,吸引更多年轻人加入军队,尤其是华裔。




该会目前有约200名会员,日后将陆续招揽海军、空军和后备军团的退伍人员加入。 陆军首长丹斯里莫哈末阿芬迪今日主持推介礼时指出,加入军队也是其中一种爱国的方式,同时,也希望华裔陆军退伍军人协会能成为吸引更多华裔加入军队的推动力。 “今天在场的退伍军人大部份都是60岁或以上,他们从军时坚守职责,全面表现出爱国精神。”

活动欢迎各族青年参与 该协会总会长梁永宽准将(退役)指出,军人退伍进入社会后,在各自的领域作出贡献,也有很出色的表现。 广告 他强调,虽然该会的名称为马来西亚华裔退伍陆军协会,但接下来所举办的一系列活动,鼓励各族的青年前来参与。 他也透露,该会目前正在计划和国防部及教育部接洽,携手举办课程,以吸引更多年轻人加入军队,而该会也将在10月尾举办会员大会。 另外,询及活动资金来源,他说,除了会员捐献,该协会也欢迎政府及其他组织提供赞助。

各族军人融洽相处 黄坤发(61岁,退伍军人) “于1974年从军校毕业后,我就加入军队,在1996年退伍,当时的军阶是少将,军队的终生月奉及福利方面也很好,和各族军人也相处得非常融洽。 “很可惜越来越少华人愿意从军,军队也一直缺乏华裔军人,相信这是受到时代改变的影响,许多年轻人都注重较简单的生活,华裔军人更是越来越少,这种现象非常不健康。”

Page 11: Bernama 20 Sep 16 - MACVA · “You have served with valour and won accolades to stand tall among the ... provide charity to all deserving Malaysians, promote nation ... and patriotism.

学习纪律生活 黄达印(72岁,退伍军人) “当年家里从事养猪业,但本身对该行业没兴趣,在机缘巧合下看见报章上刊登招揽军人,因此在23岁那年入伍,服务长达22年后离开军队,最后的军阶是二级准尉。” “当时并不了解军队,加入之后学习到有纪律的生活,在时间方面更是特别严谨,我当时在军队接受了6年的技术课程,接下来在技术组也学习到许多知识。”

获军队提供奖学金 吴文豹(74岁,退伍军人) “我本身完成中六后,获得军队提供的大学奖学金,因此从马来亚大学土木工程科系毕业后,就加入军队。” “在30年的军队生涯中,负责道路、桥梁、军营建设事务,也曾被派往国外受训,最后的军阶是上校。”

大马华裔退伍陆军协会5大宗旨: *促进和加强退伍军人的联系和团结 *为退伍军人提供谘询及支援 *参与慈善工作 *推动国家建设 *成为国防卫队的资源及后背支持力量 文章来源: 星洲日报·2016.09.19

Sinchew 19 Sep 16

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Page 13: Bernama 20 Sep 16 - MACVA · “You have served with valour and won accolades to stand tall among the ... provide charity to all deserving Malaysians, promote nation ... and patriotism.

Veteran Kaum Cina TDM Tubuh Persatuan

Objektif penubuhan MACVA diadakan adalah untuk menggalakkan dan mengukuhkan kesatujiwaan ketenteraan, rasa muhibbah dan harmoni di kalangan semua veteran selain untuk membantu dan menyokong anggota veteran serta mempromosi konsep dan program bina bangsa dan menjadi sumber ilmu kepada ATM manakala untuk permulaannya, MACVA telah merangka tiga projek utama komuniti iaitu program membina semangat keanggotaan dan kepimpinan, mewujudkan motivasi kepada golongan muda untuk menyertai TD serta ceramah kesihatan dan cara hidup yang sihat. Turut hadir Panglima Medan Barat, Lt Jen Dato’ Sri Zulkiple Hj Kassim, Ketua Staf MK TD, Mej Jen Dato’ Abdul Halim Hj Jalal, Presiden MACVA, Brig Jen Dr Leong Weng Foon (B) dan pegawai-pegawai kanan TD. Gambar: PW II Mohd Shahril Mat Ali

Berita Tentera Darat Malaysia (BTDM) 20 Aug 16

KUALA LUMPUR: Seramai 70 ahli Persatuan Veteran Kaum Cina Tentera Darat Malaysia (MACVA) terlibat dalam Majlis Penyerahan Sijil Pendaftaran MACVA oleh Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Hal Ehwal Veteran (JHEV) Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM), Hj Abd Karim Hj Husain disaksikan oleh Panglima Tentera Darat, Jen Tan Sri Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor bertempat di Wisma Perwira Tentera Darat (TD) pada 19 Sep 2016.

Page 14: Bernama 20 Sep 16 - MACVA · “You have served with valour and won accolades to stand tall among the ... provide charity to all deserving Malaysians, promote nation ... and patriotism.

Kuala Lumpur: Persatuan Veteran Kaum Cina Tentera Darat Malaysia (MACVA) yang didaftarkan secara rasminya pada 31 Ogos lalu, memberi penekanan dan fokus menarik golongan belia Cina menyertai Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM). Pengerusinya, Bridged Jeneral (B) Dr Leong Weng Foon berkata, matlamat itu satu daripada tiga rangka projek komuniti yang bakal dilaskanakan selewat-lewatnya selepas Mesyuarat Agong Tahunan persatuan itu, akhir Oktober ini. “Penekanan diberikan kepada golongan muda Cina menyertai ATM melalui lawatan ke sekolah, universiti dan kerjasama dengan pelbagai persatuan dengan penganjuran aktiviti ceramah, kem motivasi dan seminar. “Melalui program itu, kami bukan saja berkongsi ilmu dan kepakaran sebaliknya boleh menceritakan pengalaman sebenar sepanjang menabur bakti dalam pasukan tentera,” katanya selepas Majlis Penyerahan Sijil Pendaftaran MACVA, semalam.

Dr Leong berkata, MACVA merancang membina program yang memfokuskan kepada golongan muda dan siswa universiti membabitkan semua keturunan dari kawasan luar bandar dan pertengahan. “Ia memberi penekanan kepada ciri kepemimpinan, pemikiran kreatif dan patrotisme supaya menarik minat golongan belia menyertai ATM selain menyatukan semua kaum dengan semangat setiakawan. “Program ini sama seperti ‘outward bound school’ dengan isi kandungan yang lebih kreatif selaras dengan kepakaran dan pengalaman kami dalam bidang ketenteraan dan keselamatan negara,” katanya.

Mengulas lanjut mengenai program berkenaan, Dr Leong berkata, MACVA mengadakan perbincangan dan kerjasama dengan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) dan kementerian lain bagi merealisasikan matlamat itu. Katanya, pendekatan dan perkongsian pengalaman ahli MACVA itu mampu menarik minat golongan belia kaum Cina memilih ketenteraan sebagai kerjaya. Sebelum itu, Dr Leong menerima sijil pendaftaran MACVA daripada Timbalan Pengarah Jabatan Hal Ehwal Veteran ATM, Abd Karim Husain dalam majlis yang diadakan di Mess Pegawai Tentera Darat, Kem Perdana Sungai Besi, semalam. Turut hadir Panglima Tentera Darat, Jeneral Tan Sri Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor yang juga ‘Bapa MACVA’ selepas menjadi pencetus idea kepada penubuhan persatuan itu. Setakat ini, MACVA dianggotai 200 ahli seumur hidup dan bilangan itu dijangka akan bertambah dengan kemasukan keahlian daripada Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM), Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) dan Askar Wataniah. Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Selasa, 20 September 2016 @ 6:24 AM

Harian Metro 20 Sep 16

Page 15: Bernama 20 Sep 16 - MACVA · “You have served with valour and won accolades to stand tall among the ... provide charity to all deserving Malaysians, promote nation ... and patriotism.

Air Times 20 Sep 16

MACVA Sasar Golongan Cina Sertai Tentera

KUALA LUMPUR, 19 Sept – Persatuan Veteran Kaum Cina Tentera Darat Malaysia (MACVA) menyasarkan penyertaan golongan muda bukan Bumiputera khususnya masyarakat Cina menyertai Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM). Presidennya Brig Jen (B) Dr Leong Weng Foon berkata untuk itu pihak persatuan akan merangka projek komuniti antaranya membuat lawatan ke sekolah-sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina dan pelbagai persatuan untuk memberi ceramah berkaitan pasukan keselamatan itu.

Penglibatan kaum cina dalam ATM amnya dan TD khasnya bermula seawal tahun 1950an. Sebilangan daripada mereka pernah terlibat dalam Home Guard, Templer’s Super 12 dan Misi Keamanan Congo, Konfrantasi pada 1960an, kempen menentang Parti Komunis Malaya dan Parti Komunis Kalimantan Utara hingga misi keamanan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu yang terbaru. Untuk permulaan, MACVA telah merangka tiga projek iaitu program membina semangat keanggotaan dan kepimpinan dengan fokus kepada golongan muda tanpa mengira kaum. Kedua, mewujudkan motivasi kepada golongan muda khususnya dari bangsa cina untuk menyertai TD sebagai kerjaya dan mengadakan ceramah kesihatan dan cara hidup sihat di kalangan masyarakat.


Brig Jen (B) Dr Leong Weng Foon beramah mesra bersama Panglima Tentera Darat