Bermuda Triangle


Transcript of Bermuda Triangle


2. Mam Amna Naveed Presented By: Nauman shafqat 078 Haseeb Ahmed Bhutta 040 Umer Banaras 106 3. World Ocean keeps many secrets, the first among them is the mystery of the Bermuda triangle, where many ships and airplanes have disappeared in the visible time. 4. What is? Where it is? What it had done? What people think about the Bermuda Triangle? 5. It is a place where dozen of ships, planes and people have been disappeared with no good explanation. It is also called Devils Triangle. 6. A magazine first coined the phrase BERMUDA TRIANGLE in 1964,since then this triangle has continued to attract attention. The legends about this strange area have already been known for about 100 year ,but nobody can still explain the strange 7. The Bermuda Triangle is a Legendary Area of the ATLANTIC Ocean between PUERTO-RICO, FLORIDA and the BERMUDA ISLANDS In Which in the opinion of many Explorers ,A lot of Unaccountable Events happen. It covers roughly 500,000 sq. miles. 8. A number of Planes and Ships have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. Over 8,000 people have disappeared in the Triangle. People have had instruments such as a compass stop working while around the Triangle. 9. A DC-3 air plane disappeared on December,28,1948.All 32 passengers were never found. On the 14th of October 1961 a B52 bomber disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. A training flight of bombers went missing on December 5th 1945. A search and rescue aircraft with a 13 man crew sent to find them also went missing. 10. Many Scientists And Triangle Writers Have Come Up With Various Supernatural Theories Behind The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle. 11. The Left Over Technology Of Atlantis Is Responsible For The Sinking Of Ships. The Presence Of Crystals Belonging To Atlantis Is Also Believed To Be Responsible For Sinking Of Ships. 12. People in ancient time believed that a dragon or a sea monsters used to live under-water. This used to destroy ships and planes coming there 13. Some Scientists believe that it is a place where the Aliens come through UFOs to collect humans or their technologies. The Bermuda triangle is a major place where all the Aliens meet at a place and capture human specimens and take back to their planet to study 14. Some scientist believe that methane lowers the Density Of Water. The presence of Methane Hydrates indicates enormous eruptions of Methane Bubbles that would swamp a ship, and projected high into the Air, Take 15. Some people say that the incidents in the Triangle are just coincidences. The Bermuda Triangle is one of the few places on Earth with a magnetic force. Nobody knows what the real reasons are inside the Triangle. 16. According to Islam, the sign of destroying Earth says that some years before the Day of Judgment, a Devil Dajjal will appear on Earth and he will destroy most of the humanity with his spiritual power. Some Islamic scholars believe that the living place of Dajjal is Bermuda. He is the only reason of 17. It has just been in 2003 when anyone has disappeared in the Triangle. There are still some reported technical difficulties from people going toward the triangle. 18. It is impossible to describe all the hypotheses explaining mysterious events in this presentation, which take place in Bermuda.. No expert or survivor can totally be sure about the Bermuda Triangle.. Its the mystery which excites brains of many people and sometime it will be 19. Thank you