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  • 8/11/2019 BENIN VS TUASON.doc


  • 8/11/2019 BENIN VS TUASON.doc


    continuous possession of the sa%e" plantin/ the$ein pala' an# othe$ a/$icultu$al p$o#ucts an# eclusivel'en:o'in/ sai# p$o#ucts9 that on Ma$ch 2" 1< plaintis; /$an#fathe$" &uan Alcanta$a" ha# sai# lan#ssu$ve'e#9 that #u$in/ the ca#ast$al su$ve' b' the Bu$eau of 4an#s of the lan#s in Ba$$io 5an &ose in 133Bonoso Alcanta$a an# the plaintis le# an# $e/iste$e# thei$ clai%s of one$ship ove$ sai# lan#s9 thatplaintis ha# sai# lan#s #ecla$e# fo$ taation pu$poses un#e$ >a ?ecla$ation No. 23=" of ue-on Cit'9that afte$ the outb$ea@ of the last o$l# a$" o$ so%eti%e in 1uason ' #e la Pa-" ?e%et$io Asuncion>uason ' #e la Pa-" an# Au/usto ube$to >uason ' #e la Pa-.

    >he plaintis in each of the th$ee co%plaints also alle/e# that the $e/iste$e# one$s %entione# in 0$i/inalCe$ticate of >itle No. 73* ha# applie# fo$ the $e/ist$ation of to pa$cels of lan# (@non as the 5anta MesaEstate an# the ?ili%an Estate)" locate# in the %unicipalities of Caloocan an# 5an &uan #el Monte" p$ovinceof Ri-al" of hich pa$cel No. 1 (5anta Mesa Estate) containe# an a$ea of "7"617 s8ua$e %ete$s9 that the$e/ist$ation p$ocee#in/s e$e #oc@ete# as 4RC No. 761 of the Cou$t of 4an# Re/ist$ation9 that theapplication fo$ $e/ist$ation in 4RC No. 761" containin/ the boun#a$ies" technical #esc$iptions an# a$eas of

    pa$cel No. 1 (5anta Mesa Estate) an# pa$cel No. 2 (?ili%an Estate) as publishe# in the 0cial Da-ette9that befo$e the #ecision as han#e# #on in 4RC No. 761" the a$ea" boun#a$ies an# technical#esc$iptions of pa$cel No. 1 e$e alte$e# an# a%en#e#9 that the a%en#%ents an# alte$ations" hich e$e%a#e afte$ the publication of the o$i/inal application" e$e neve$ publishe#9 that on Ma$ch 7" 11< a#ecision as $en#e$e# in 4RC No. 761 base# on the a%en#e# plan9 that pu$suant to the #ecision of Ma$ch7" 11< a #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation as issue# on &ul' 6" 11itle No. 73* the #efen#ants ha# tacitl' $eco/ni-e# the one$ship of the plaintis ove$ thei$

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    $espective lan#s because sai# #efen#ants ha# neve$ #istu$be# the possession an# cultivation of the lan#sb' the plaintis until the 'ea$ 1*19 an# that all t$ansfe$ ce$ticates of title issue# subse8uentl'" base# on0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*" a$e also null an# voi#. *

    >he plaintis in each of the th$ee cases p$a'e# the cou$t (1) to #ecla$e the% one$s an# entitle# to thepossession of the pa$cel" o$ pa$cels" of lan# #esc$ibe# in thei$ $espective co%plaint" as the case %a' be9(2) to $evo@e the #ecision of the Cou$t of 4an# Re/ist$ation" #ate# Ma$ch 7" 11< in 4RC No. 761" an# to#ecla$e ?ec$ee No. 17itle No. 73* hich inclu#e the lan#s of the plaintis9 (3) to

    #ecla$e 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*" pa$ticula$l' as it $efe$s to Pa$cel No. 1 (5anta Mesa Estate) alsonull an# voi#9 (itle No. 73*9 (*) to o$#e$ the#efen#ants" in the event 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* is #ecla$e# vali#" to $econve' an# t$ansfe$ titleove$ the lan# #esc$ibe# in thei$ $espective co%plaint in favo$ of the plaintis in each case" as the case %a'be9 (6) to o$#e$ the #efen#ants to pa' the plaintis the %a$@et value of the lan#s in 8uestion in case of#efen#ants; inabilit' to $econve' the sa%e9 (7) to o$#e$ the #efen#ants to pa' #a%a/es to the plaintis9() to issue a $it of p$eli%ina$' in:unction a/ainst the #efen#ants" thei$ la'e$s" thei$ a/ents an#$ep$esentatives f$o% #istu$bin/ the one$ship an# possession of the plaintis #u$in/ the pen#enc' ofthese cases.

    >he plaintis" in the th$ee cases" e$e alloe# b' the t$ial cou$t to liti/ate as paupe$s.

    0nl' #efen#ant &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. as actuall' se$ve# ith su%%ons. >he othe$ #efen#ants e$eo$#e$e# su%%one# b' publication in acco$#ance ith 5ections 16 an# 17 of the Rules of Cou$t. 0nl'#efen#ant &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. appea$e#. >he othe$ #efen#ants e$e all #ecla$e# in #efault.

    0n &une 23" 1** #efen#ant &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. le# a %otion to #is%iss in each of the th$ee cases.>his %otion to #is%iss as #enie# b' the t$ial cou$t on &ul' 2=" 1**.

    0n &ul' 1" 1** the t$ial cou$t issue# an o$#e$ /$antin/ the $it of p$eli%ina$' in:unction p$a'e# fo$ b' theplaintis in thei$ co%plaints. >he p$eli%ina$' in:unction" hoeve$" as lifte# b' o$#e$ of the t$ial cou$t on0ctobe$ 3" 1**" upon the postin/ b' #efen#ant &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. of bon#s in the total a%ount ofP1his %otion fo$ $econsi#e$ation as #enie# b'o$#e$ of the cou$t of 5epte%be$ 26" 1**.

    0n Nove%be$ 2" 1** #efen#ant &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. le# an anse$ in each of the th$ee cases. ,n itsanse$" this #efen#ant" a%on/ othe$s" specicall' #enie# plaintis; clai% of one$ship of the lan#sinvolve# in each case. >he anse$ contains special an# a$%ative #efenses" to it (1) that the plaintis;cause of action is ba$$e# b' p$io$ :u#/%ent an# res judicatain vie of the :u#/%ent of the Cou$t of +i$st,nstance of Ri-al in its Civil Case No. !1*6 hich as subse8uentl' elevate# to the 5up$e%e Cou$t as D.R.No. 4!he #efen#ant late$ le# a %otion to ith#$a the thi$# /$oun#of its %otion to #is%iss. >he plaintis le# thei$ opposition to the %otion to #is%iss" as ell as to the%otion of #efen#ant to ith#$a its thi$# /$oun# to #is%iss. >he t$ial cou$t" in an o$#e$ #ate# ?ece%be$ 3"162" /$ante# #efen#ant;s %otion to ith#$a the thi$# /$oun# of its %otion to #is%iss but #enie# the%otion to #is%iss.+

    Afte$ t$ial" on &anua$' 1" 16*" the loe$ cou$t $en#e$e# a #ecision fo$ the th$ee cases" the #ispositivepo$tion of hich $ea#s as follos

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    ERE+0RE" ,N ,E 0+ A44 >E +0RED0,ND" :u#/%ent is he$eb' $en#e$e# in favo$ of thePlaintis an# a/ainst the ?efen#ants as follos

    A G ?ecla$in/ that the #ecision" the #ec$ee an# the title issue# in 4RC No. 761" a$e null an#voi#"a initio" an# of no eect hatsoeve$9

    B G ?ecla$in/ that 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* foun# on pa/e 136 ol. A!7 of theRe/ist$ation Boo@ of Ri-al is null an# voi# f$o% the ve$' be/innin/ (an#) of no eecthatsoeve$9

    C G ?ecla$in/ that all >$ansfe$ Ce$ticates of >itle e%anatin/ o$ alle/e#l' #e$ive# f$o%0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* of the P$ovince of Ri-al a$e li@eise null an# voi#9

    ? G ?ecla$in/ that the plainti in Civil Cases Nos. 3621" 3622 an# 3623 a$e the one$s an#entitle# to the possession of the pa$cels of lan# clai%e# an# #esc$ibe# in pa$a/$aph ofthei$ $espective co%plaints9

    E G 0$#e$in/ the #efen#ants an# all pe$sons clai%in/ un#e$ the% to vacate an# $esto$e tothe plaintis the possesion of the pa$cels of lan# #esc$ibe# in pa$a/$aph of the co%plaintin Civil Case No. 3621 an# in#icate# as Parcel !" Parcel # and Parcel C" in 50!

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    ,,. >he t$ial cou$t e$$e# in n#in/ that the t$ansc$iption of the #ec$ee No. 17 73* as a co%plete nullit' an# thelan# $e%ains un$e/iste$e#.

    ,,,. >he t$ial cou$t e$$e# in ta@in/ co/ni-ance of these cases #espite its lac@ of :u$is#iction tohea$ an# #eci#e the sa%e.

    ,. >he t$ial cou$t e$$e# in not #is%issin/ these cases on the /$oun#s of p$esc$iption an#laches" an# in #en'in/ the %otions to #is%iss le# on sai# /$oun#s.

    . >he t$ial cou$t e$$e# in not #is%issin/ these cases on the /$oun# of res judicataan# in#en'in/ the %otion to #is%iss le# on sai# /$oun#.

    ,. >he t$ial cou$t e$$e# in #ecla$in/ null an# voi# all ce$ticates of title e%anatin/ f$o% 0C>73*.

    ,,. >he t$ial cou$t e$$e# in hol#in/ that &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. is not a pu$chase$ in /oo#faith an# fo$ value.

    ,,,. >he t$ial cou$t e$$e# in aa$#in/ one$ship of the lan#s clai%e# b'" an# in aa$#in/#a%a/es to" the appellees.

    ,L. >he t$ial cou$t e$$e# in #en'in/ an# in #is%issin/ appellant;s counte$clai% an# insentencin/ appellant to pa' the costs of these suits.

    As state# b' the t$ial cou$t in its #ecision" H>hese cases involve the vali#it' of the #ecision an# the #ec$eeissue# in 4RC No. 761 $esultin/ in the issuance of >itle No. 73*" an# the one$ship an# possession ofseve$al pa$cels of lan#" clai%e# b' the plaintis in thei$ $espective co%plaints....H

    >he loe$ cou$t" su%%a$i-in/ its n#in/s" a%on/ othe$s" conclu#e# that (1) the #ecision an# the #ec$eein 4RC No. 761 a$e null an# voi# a initio" havin/ been $en#e$e# ithout :u$is#iction9 (2) 0$i/inalCe$ticate of >itle No. 73* issue# pu$suant to the #ec$ee in 4RC No. 761 is null an# voi#" havin/ beenissue# pu$suant to a voi# #e/$ee9 (3) 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* is null an# voi# because the No.17he th$ee pa$cels of lan# involve# in Civil Case No.3621" havin/ an a//$e/ate a$ea of 27"*3 s8ua$e %ete$s" %o$e o$ less9 the to pa$cels of lan# involve#in Civil Case No. 3622 havin/ an a//$e/ate a$ea of 1*uason ' #e la Pa-" ?e%et$io Asuncion >uason ' #ela Pa-" an# Au/usto ube$to >uason ' #e la Pa-" le# ith the Cou$t of 4an# Re/ist$ation an application fo$the $e/ist$ation of thei$ title ove$ to pa$cels of lan#" #esi/nate# in the su$ve' plans acco%pan'in/ theapplication as Pa$cel 1 ith an a$ea of "7"617 s8ua$e %ete$s" an# Pa$cel 2 ith an a$ea of 16"2*he application in 4RC No. 761 as set fo$ hea$in/on Nove%be$ 2=" 111 (Eh. L). >he application an# the notice of hea$in/" containin/ the technical#esc$iptions of the to pa$cels of lan# applie# fo$" e$e publishe# in the issue of the 0cial Da-ette of0ctobe$ 2*" 111 (Eh. ). 0n Nove%be$ 2=" 111 the Cou$t of 4an# Re/ist$ation issue# an o$#e$ of/ene$al #efault a/ainst the hole o$l# ecept the ,nsula$ Dove$n%ent" the ?i$ecto$ of 4an#s an# the%unicipalities of Caloocan an# 5an &uan #el Monte (Eh. 2). 0n ?ece%be$ 23" 111 the cou$t issue# ano$#e$ autho$i-in/ the a%en#%ent of the plan in 4RC No. 761 (Eh. 23). Nove%be$ 11" 113 the applicantsan# the Dove$n%ent ente$e# into an a/$ee%ent he$eb' the Dove$n%ent a/$ee# to ith#$a its

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    opposition to the application fo$ $e/ist$ation of title ove$ the po$tion @non as acien#a ?ili%an (Pa$cel 2)on con#ition that the $oa#s eistin/ on sai# t$act of lan# be alloe# to $e%ain" an# it as fu$the$ a/$ee#Hthat the issuance" of the title to applicants shall be %a#e sub:ect to all the eceptions establishe# b'5ection 3 of Act e$esa E$ibe$ta >uason' #e la Pa-" one sith (1K6) un#ivi#e# po$tion9 to &uan &ose >uason ' #e la Pa-" one sith (1K6) un#ivi#e#po$tion9 to ?e%et$io Asuncion >uason ' #e la Pa-" one sith (1K6)un#ivi#e# po$tion9 an# to Au/usto ube$to

    >uason ' #e la Pa-" one sith (1K6) un#ivi#e# po$tion.

    ,n co%pliance ith the o$#e$ containe# in the #ecision of ?ece%be$ 2" 113" the Chief of the 5u$ve'?ivision of the Cou$t of 4an# Re/ist$ation" on &anua$' 2uason ' #e la Pa- an# othe$s e$e the one$s of the lan# applie# fo$" as#esc$ibe# in the a%en#e# plan" in the p$opo$tion %entione# in the #ecision" an# o$#e$in/ that the lan#applie# fo$ be $e/iste$e# in the na%es of the applicants an# that a #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation be issue# inacco$#ance ith the #ecision an# the a%en#e# plan. 0n Ma$ch 27" 11< the Chief of the 5u$ve' ?ivisiona##$esse# a co%%unication to the $e/ist$ation cou$t" in connection ith 4RC No. 761" su//estin/ that the#ecision of the cou$t of Ma$ch 7" 11< be %o#ie# such that the #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation be base# upon theo$i/inal plan as publishe# an# not upon the a%en#e# plan (Eh. !3). >he Cou$t of 4an# Re/ist$ation #i#not follo the $eco%%en#ation of the Chief of the 5u$ve' ?ivision. 0n &ul' 6" 11< ?ec$ee of Re/ist$ationNo. 17uason ' #e la Pa-" >e$esa E$ibe$ta >uason '#e la Pa-" &uan &ose >uason ' #e la Pa-" ?e%et$io Asuncion >uason ' #e la Pa-" an# Au/usto ube$to >uason

    ' #e la Pa- (Eh. 3=).

    1. e shall no #eal ith the $st e$$o$ assi/ne# b' the appellant.

    >he loe$ cou$t #ecla$e# 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* null an# voi# a initiobecause" acco$#in/ tosai# cou$t" that title as base# on ?ec$ee of Re/ist$ation No. 17itle No. 73* cove$s to bi/ pa$cels of lan# Pa$cel 1" @nonas the 5anta Mesa Estate" an# Pa$cel 2" @non as the ?ili%an Estate. >he $eco$#s sho that these topa$cels of lan# ha# been sub#ivi#e# into nu%e$ous lots" an# %ost of those lots ha# sol# to nu%e$ouspa$ties G Pa$cel 1 havin/ been conve$te# into a sub#ivision @non as the 5anta Mesa ei/hts 5ub#ivision"

    an# the lots ha# been sol# to p$ivate in#ivi#ual an# entities" such that in that sub#ivision no a$e locate#the National 0$thope#ic ospital" the station of Pan/asinan >$anspo$tation Co. (Pant$anco)" 5to. ?o%in/oChu$ch" 4ou$#es Chu$ch an# othe$s. Necessa$il'" as a $esult of the sales of the lots into hich Pa$cel 1 assub#ivi#e#" t$ansfe$ ce$ticates of title e$e issue# to the pu$chase$s of the lots" an# these t$ansfe$ce$ticates of title e$e base# upon t$ansfe$ ce$ticates of title that e%anate# f$o% 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of

    >itle No. 73*. >he t$ial cou$t #ecla$e# null an# voi# all t$ansfe$ ce$ticates of title e%anatin/" o$ #e$ive#"f$o% 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of No. 73*.

    >he #ecision of the t$ial cou$t #ecla$in/ null an# voi# a initio0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* oul#invali#ate the title ove$ the enti$e a$ea inclu#e# in Pa$cel 1 G hich a#%itte#l' inclu#es the si pa$cels oflan# clai%e# b' the plaintis!an# also the title ove$ the enti$e a$ea inclu#e# in Pa$cel 2. 4et it be note#

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    that Pa$cel 1 has an a$ea of "7"6

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    application that ha# been publishe# in the 0cial Da-ette. >he$e as" the$efo$e" no necessit' fo$ a nepublication of the a%en#e# plan in o$#e$ to vest the Cou$t of 4an# Re/ist$ation ith :u$is#iction to hea$an# #eci#e the application fo$ $e/ist$ation in 4RC No. 761 an# to o$#e$ the issuance of ?ec$ee ofRe/ist$ation No. 17itle No. 73* as base#.

    a' bac@ in 133" this Cou$t ha# occasion to $ule on the vali#it' of the ve$' sa%e 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of>itle No. 73* hich the t$ial cou$t ha# #ecla$e# null an# voi# in the th$ee cases no befo$e this Cou$t. ,nthe case of the Ban@ of the Philippine ,slan#s vs. Acua (* Phil. 13) the vali#it' of 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of

    >itle No. 73* as assaile# b' the appellants (Pascual Acua an# othe$s) p$ecisel' upon the /$oun# that#u$in/ the $e/ist$ation p$ocee#in/s" hich b$ou/ht about the issuance of 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No.73*" the o$i/inal plan of the applicants as o$#e$e# a%en#e#" an# no ne publication as %a#e of thea%en#e# plan an# so it as u$/e# that the $e/ist$ation cou$t #i# not have :u$is#iction to o$#e$ the issuanceof the #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation in favo$ of the applicants. >he action in this case as institute# b' the Ban@ of

    the Philippine ,slan#s as $eceive$ of the >uason Entail fo$ the pu$pose" a%on/ othe$s" of $ecove$in/ f$o%Pascual Acua an# othe$s ce$tain lan#s inclu#e# in the 5anta Mesa an# ?ili%an hacien#a locate# in theba$$ios of Ba/obanta' an# ?ili%an" in the %unicipalities of Caloocan an# 5an &uan #el Monte P$ovince ofRi-al. Ipon hea$in/" the Cou$t of +i$st ,nstance of Ri-al #ecla$e# that none of the #efen#ants one# an'pa$t of the lan# in cont$ove$s'. 0n appeal" this Cou$t obse$ve# that the cha$acte$ in hich the plainti sue#as not open to 8uestion" an# the %ate$ial facts e$e as follos >he hei$s of the >uason estate" $efe$$e#to as the >uason Entail" hel# a >o$$ens title to a t$act of lan# ith an a$ea of about 1"6== hecta$es locate#in the p$ovince of Ri-al. >his p$ope$t' as then cove$e# b' >$ansfe$ Ce$ticate of >itle No. 372 issue# inlieu of ol#e$ ce$ticates #atin/ f$o% &ul' " 11his >$ansfe$ Ce$ticate of >itle No. 372 e%anate# f$o%0$ Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*.17>he appellants p$ecisel' sou/ht to nullif' the title of the hei$s of the

    >uason estate" hich e%anate# f$o% 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*" upon the /$oun#" as no u$/e#b' the appellees in the th$ee cases at ba$" that #u$in/ the $e/ist$ation p$ocee#in/s the o$i/inal plan of thelan#s @non as the 5ta. Mesa an# ?ili%an as a%en#e#" an# no publication as %a#e of the a%en#e#

    plan. Re/a$#in/ the 8uestion of the non!publication of the a%en#e# plan" this Cou$t sai#

    A%on/ the a$/u%ents %a#e b' the appellants of the Ba/obanta' /$oup" it is alle/e# thatthe >o$$ens title $elie# b' the plainti is voi#" an# in suppo$t of this contention it state# that"#u$in/ the cou$se of the $e/ist$ation p$ocee#in/s" an o$#e$ as %a#e b' the cou$t fo$ thea%en#%ent of the applicants an# that this o$#e$ as not folloe# b' ne publication"he$efo$e" it is suppose# the cou$t as ithout :u$is#iction to #ec$ee the title to theapplicants. ,n this connection $eliance is place# upon the #oct$ine state# in the PhilippineManuacturing Co. 's. (perial(he appellees" hoeve$" asse$ts that the case of the #an) o the Philippine (slands 's. !cu*a" supra" is notapplicable to the th$ee cases no befo$e this Cou$t because hat as involve# in sai# case as Pa$cel 2 of0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*" an# not Pa$cel 1 hich is the lan# involve# in these cases. >hisasse$tion of the appellees is not co$$ect. >he #ecision in that case states that the action as institute# b'the Ban@ of the Philippine ,slan#s" as $eceive$ of the >uason Entail" fo$ the pu$pose" a%on/ othe$s" of$ecove$in/ f$o% Pascual Acua an# othe$s Hce$tain lan#s containe# in the 5ta. Mesa an# ?ili%an acien#alocate# in the ba$$ios of Ba/obanta' an# ?ili%an in the %unicipalities of Caloocan an# 5an &uan #elMonte.H19But hat %atte$s is the #oct$ine that as lai# #on b' this Cou$t in that case that is that henthe o$i/inal su$ve' plan is a%en#e#" afte$ the publication of the application in o$#e$ to inclu#e lan# not

    p$eviousl' inclu#e# in the o$i/inal su$ve'" a ne publication of the a%en#e# plan is necessa$' in o$#e$ toconfe$ :u$is#iction upon the $e/ist$ation cou$t to o$#e$ the $e/ist$ation of the lan# that is a##e# to hatas inclu#e# in the o$i/inal su$ve' plan. >he $ulin/ of this Cou$t in the Ban@ of the Philippine ,slan#s casehas a #ecisive application in the th$ee cases no befo$e this Cou$t.

    >he t$ial cou$t lai# st$ess on the point that publication of the a%en#e# plan of Pa$cel 1 shoul# have been%a#e because it appea$s in the ?ec$ee of Re/ist$ation No. 17

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    the o$i/inal application" in o$#e$ to bolste$ its $ulin/ that Hto $en#e$ a #ecision on the a%en#e# plan"boun#a$' #esc$iptions" an# a##itional lan#s co%p$ise# ithin Pa$cel 1 in ?ec$ee No. 17itle No. 73*. ,t as e$$o$ on the pa$t of the loe$ cou$t to la' st$ess on this ci$cu%stance an# %a#e it abasis fo$ $ulin/ that because in the a%en#e# plan the$e is this inc$ease in a$ea as co%pa$e# to the a$eaappea$in/ in the application as publishe#" the 4an# Re/ist$ation Cou$t #i# not have :u$is#iction to $en#e$the #ecision #ec$eein/ the $e/ist$ation of Pa$cel 1 in 4RC No. 761. >he Chief of the 5u$ve' ?ivision of theCou$t of 4an# Re/ist$ation" in his $epo$t to the cou$t of &anua$' 2he settle# $ule" fu$the$" is that once the $e/ist$ation cou$t ha# ac8ui$e# :u$is#iction ove$ a ce$tain pa$cel"o$ pa$cels" of lan# in the $e/ist$ation p$ocee#in/s in vi$tue of the publication of the application" that

    :u$is#iction attaches to the lan# o$ lan#s %entione# an# #esc$ibe# in the application. ,f it is late$ shonthat the #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation ha# inclu#e# lan# o$ lan#s not inclu#e# in the o$i/inal application aspublishe#" then the $e/ist$ation p$ocee#in/s an# the #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation %ust be #ecla$e# null an# voi#in so fa$ G but onl' in so fa$ G as the lan# not inclu#e# in the publication is conce$ne#. >his is so" because

    the cou$t #i# not ac8ui$e :u$is#iction ove$ the lan# not inclu#e# in the publication!the publication bein/ thebasis of the :u$is#iction of the cou$t. But the p$ocee#in/s an# the #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation" $elatin/ to thelan#s that e$e inclu#e# in the publication" a$e vali#. >hus" if it is shon that a ce$ticate of title ha# beenissue# cove$in/ lan#s he$e the $e/ist$ation cou$t ha# no :u$is#iction" the ce$ticate of title is null an#voi# insoar as it concerns the land or lands o'er which the registration court had not ac0uired


    An# so in the th$ee cases no befo$e this Cou$t" even /$antin/ that the $e/ist$ation cou$t ha# no:u$is#iction ove$ the inc$ease# a$ea of 27.1= s8ua$e %ete$s (as alle/e# b' appellees)" the %ost that theloe$ cou$t coul# have #one as to nullif' the #ec$ee an# the ce$ticate of title insofa$ as that a$ea of27.1= s8ua$e %ete$s is conce$ne#" if that a$ea can be i#entie#. But" ce$tainl'" the loe$ cou$t coul# not#ecla$e" an# shoul# not have #ecla$e#" null an# voi# the hole p$ocee#in/s in 4RC No. 7619 an#"

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    ce$tainl'" the loe$ cou$t e$$e# in #ecla$in/ null an# voi#a initio0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle 73* hichcove$s not onl' the suppose# ecess a$ea of 27.1= s8ua$e %ete$s but also the $e%ainin/ a$ea of "7"617s8ua$e %ete$s of Pa$cel 1 an# the enti$e a$ea of 1*"61"2he t$ial cou$t" in its#ecision" #ecla$e# 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* Hnull an# voi# f$o% the ve$' be/innin/ an# of noeect hatsoeve$H" ithout an' 8ualication. >his #ecla$ation b' the loe$ cou$t" if sanctione# b' thisCou$t an# /iven eect" oul# nullif' the title that cove$s to bi/ pa$cels of lan# (Pa$cels 1 an# 2) that havea total a$ea of 2o$$enstitle. >he #ecision of the loe$ cou$t oul#" in#ee#" p$e:u#ice the $i/hts of pe$sons ho a$e not pa$ties inthe p$esent cases. An# this is so" because the t$ial cou$t" in its #ecision" #i# not a#he$e to the applicable

    #ecisions of this Cou$t in $esolvin/ the pe$tinent issues in these cases.

    Anothe$ $eason %entione# b' the loe$ cou$t to suppo$t its $ulin/ that ?ec$ee of Re/ist$ation No. 17he #ie$ent #esc$iption that appea$s in the #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation" acco$#in/ to the loe$cou$t" is an a%en#%ent to the 0$i/inal su$ve' plan that acco%panie# the application an# the a%en#e#su$ve' plan shoul# have been $epublishe#9 an# because the$e as no such $epublication the $e/ist$ationcou$t as ithout :u$is#iction to issue the #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation. >he loe$ cou$t also co%%itte# an e$$o$in %a@in/ this $ulin/. e n# that the loe$ cou$t inco$$ectl' lai# st$ess on #ie$ences in the na%es of theone$s" an# on #ie$ences in the #esi/nations" of the lan#s that a#:oin Pa$cel 1 alon/ its southeste$nboun#a$'. e n#" hoeve$" that these #ie$ences a$e ell eplaine# in the $eco$#.

    ,n the notice of hea$in/ in 4RC No. 761 (Ehibits an# !2) the boun#a$ies of Pa$cel 1 a$e state# asfollos

    Boun#e# on the N. b' p$ope$t' of Rosa$io Ne/$ao an# othe$s (Ma'silo Estate)9 E. b' the 5an&uan Rive$9 5. b' Pa$cel 3" p$ope$ties of Benito 4e/a$#a" ospital #e 5an &uan #e ?ios" b'Pa$cel 2" 5anta Cla$a Monaste$'" b' Pa$cel 19 an# . b' a $oa#" Ce%ente$io #el No$te an# theRo%an Catholic Chu$ch.

    As #esc$ibe# in ?ec$ee of Re/ist$ation No. 17he$e is si%pl' a chan/e in the na%es of theone$s o$ in the #esi/nations" of the lan#s. e n# that pa$cels 3" 2 an# 1" appea$in/ as the boun#a$'lan#s on the southeste$n si#e of Pa$cel 1 in 4RC No. 761" as publishe#" a$e in fact pa$cels of lan# thata$e one#" an# ha# been applie# fo$ $e/ist$ation" b' Ma$iano 5eve$o >uason ' #e la Pa-" et al. in 4RC No.76=. >his 4RC No. 76= as hea$# an# #eci#e# :ointl' ith 4RC No. 761 b' the 4an# Re/ist$ation Cou$t(Eh. 2hese pa$cels 3" 2 an# 1 of 4RC No. 76=" bein/ lan#s one# b' Ma$iano 5eve$o >uason ' #e laPa-" et al." it %a' as ell be state# in the #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation that those lan#s on the southeste$n si#eof Pa$cel 1 in 4RC No. 761 a$e the p$ope$ties of Ma$iano 5eve$o >uason ' #e la Pa-" et al." instea# of#esi/natin/ the% as pa$cel 3" pa$cel 2" an# pa$cel 1 (of 4RC 16=). An# so" hat appea$s in ?ec$ee ofRe/ist$ation No. 17uason ' #e la Pa-" et al." at the southeste$n

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    si#e of Pa$cel 1 a$e no othe$ than those ve$' pa$cels 3" 2 an# 1 that appea$ in the notice of hea$in/ as thelan#s that boun# Pa$cel 1 on the southest.

    ,n the #esc$iption of Pa$cel 1 as publishe#" it appea$s that one of the boun#a$ies on the southeste$n si#eis 5anta Cla$a Monaste$'" hile in the #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation the o$#s H5anta Cla$a Monaste$'H #o notappea$ but" instea#" a$e $eplace# b' the o$#s HC. . Rosenstoc@ F Co.H ,t ill be $e%e%be$e# that #u$in/the $e/ist$ation p$ocee#in/s the plan of Pa$cel 1 as o$#e$e# a%en#e#" an# the su$ve'o$" ho p$epa$e#the a%en#e# plan %ust have foun# that hat use# to be the p$ope$t' of the 5anta Cla$a Monaste$' at theti%e of the o$i/inal 5u$ve' as al$ea#' the p$ope$t' of C. . Rosenstoc@ F Co. hen the a%en#e# plan

    as p$epa$e#. >his can si%pl' %ean that the$e as a chan/e of one$ship f$o% 5anta Cla$a Monaste$' toC.. Rosenstoc@ F Co. ,t %ust be consi#e$e# that the o$i/inal su$ve' too@ place f$o% ?ece%be$" 11= to&une" 111 (Ehibits 1 an# 1)" hile the $e/ist$ation case as #eci#e# on Ma$ch 7" 11itle No. 73*. ,n pa$a/$aph

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    L, of the o$i/inal" as ell as in the a%en#e# co%plaint" in each of these th$ee cases" the plaintis alle/e#that the lan#s that the' clai% Hha# eithe$ been f$au#ulentl' o$ e$$oneousl' inclu#e# ... in Pa$cel 1 (@nonas 5anta Mesa Estate) of the 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* of the 4an# Reco$#s of the P$ovince ofRi-al.H24,n thei$ appeal b$ief" the appellees cate/o$icall' state# that HBoth the appellees an# the appellanta#%it that these pa$cels of lan# clai%e# b' the plaintis in these th$ee (3) civil cases a$e locate# ithinPa$cel 1 (5anta Mesa Estate) cove$e# b' 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*H. 2+,n the p$e!t$ial o$#e$ of theloe$ cou$t of ?ece%be$ 1" 1*7" it as state# that the pa$cels of lan# liti/ate# in these a$e po$tions ofthe lan#s cove$e# b' 0C> No. 73*.26>he loe$ cou$t itself" at the ea$lie$ pa$t of its #ecision" state# thatHboth the plaintis an# the #efen#ants a#%it that the pa$cels of lan# liti/ate# in Civil Cases Nos. 3621"3622 an# 3623 a$e foun# ithin the boun#a$ies of the p$esent 5anta Mesa ei/hts 5ub#ivision cove$e# b'0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*H 27>he appellees in these to cases ha# neve$ asse$te# that pa$t of thelan#s that the' clai% a$e outsi#e the boun#a$ies of Pa$cel 1" no$ #i# the' asse$t that pa$t of the lan#s thatthe' clai% have $e%aine# un$e/iste$e# an# not cove$e# b' 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*. >he loe$cou$t ha# %a#e a n#in/ not onl' cont$a$' to the evi#ence of the appellees but even %o$e than hat theappellees as@e# hen it sai# in its #ecision that the este$n boun#a$' of Pa$cel 1 is onl' the A. Bonifacio$oa# an# that the lan#s clai%e# b' the appellees est of this $oa# ha# neve$ been $e/iste$e#. >his Cou$tce$tainl' can not /ive its app$oval to the n#in/s an# $ulin/s of the loe$ cou$t that a$e patentl'e$$oneous.

    2. >he loe$ cou$t also e$$e# hen it #ecla$e# 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* null an# voi# upon the/$oun# that the #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation as not t$ansc$ibe# in the Re/ist$ation Boo@ in acco$#ance ith thep$ovisions of 5ection itle as b$ou/ht to the Cou$t. >he Cou$tha# occasion to see an# ea%ine the QEN>R; %a#e in the Re/ist$ation Boo@. >he Cou$tfoun# that the +ace of the >itle hich" un#e$ o$#ina$' ci$cu%stances" shoul# be Pa/e 1 isfoun# as Pa/e 2. >he sheet containin/ the technical #esc$iption hich shoul# be pa/e 2 isPa/e 1. >he +ACE of the >itle" hich shoul# have been Pa/e 1" containe# the last po$tion ofthe #esc$iption of the lan# #esc$ibe# in the #ec$ee. >he sheet containin/ the bul@ of the#esc$iption of the lan#s #ec$ee# shoul# have been Pa/e 2. >he so!calle# 0$i/inal Ce$ticateof >itle No. 73* foun# on Pa/e 13" Boo@ A!7 of the Re/iste$ of ?ee#s of Ri-al is" the$efo$e"null an# voi# because the p$ovisions of 5ection heent$' %a#e b' the $e/iste$ of #ee#s in this boo@ in each case shall be the o$i/inal ce$ticateof title" an# shall be si/ne# b' hi% an# seale# ith the seal of his oce....

    >he pe$tinent p$ovisions of 5ection he #ec$ee shall be state# in aconvenient fo$% fo$ t$ansc$iption upon the ce$ticates of title he$einafte$ %entione#.

    5ection 2 of Act o$$ens title as p$ovi#e# fo$ in 5ections

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    ce$tication of the Re/iste$ of ?ee#s of Ri-al that the #ec$ee as $eceive# fo$ t$ansc$iption in his oce on&ul' " 11< at 33= P.M. ,t is also state# on the face of this title that it as ente$e# pu$suant to ?ec$ee No.17he na%es of the #ecla$e# one$s" thei$ civil status" thei$ spouses if %a$$ie#" an# thei$$espective inte$est o$ sha$e in the lan#s cove$e# b' the title a$e state# on the face of this title. e havenote# that the technical #esc$iptions of the lan#s (Pa$cels 1 an# 2) cove$e# b' the title a$e copie# on thesheets constitutin/ the title. e have co%pa$e# the technical #esc$iptions of Pa$cels 1 an# 2 as the'appea$ on this photostat of 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* (Ehibit *=) ith the technical #esc$iptionsof these lan#s as the' appea$ in the #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation (Ehibit fo$ the plaintis" an# Ehibit 2* fo$the #efen#ant)" an# e n# that the technical #esc$iptions appea$in/ on the title a$e the co%plete an#faithful $ep$o#uction" o$ t$ansc$iption" of the technical #esc$iptions appea$in/ in the #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation.

    e have note# hat the loe$ cou$t foun#" that the technical #esc$iptions of Pa$cels 1 an# 2 #o not be/inon the face" o$ on the $st pa/e" of this title" as a technical #esc$iption is o$#ina$il' copie# on thece$ticate of title. hat appea$s on the face of this title is the last pa$t of the technical #esc$iption ofPa$cel 2. >he technical #esc$iptions of Pa$cels 1 an# 2 be/in on the secon# pa/e an# en# on the $st pa/e.

    >his ci$cu%stance" that is" that the technical #esc$iptions of Pa$cels 1 an# 2 #o not be/in on the face" o$ onthe $st pa/e" of the title" is the basis of the loe$ cou$t in $ulin/ that the #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation as nott$ansc$ibe# in the $e/ist$ation boo@ in acco$#ance ith 5ection itle No. 73* shoul# not be ta@en as a facto$ in #ete$%inin/ thevali#it' of 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*. >his #efect in the %anne$ of t$ansc$ibin/ the technical#esc$iptions shoul# be consi#e$e# as a fo$%al" an# not a substantial" #efect. hat %atte$s is that theo$i/inal ce$ticate of title contains the full t$ansc$iption of the #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation" an# that the $e8ui$e##ata p$ovi#e# fo$ in 5ection itle No. 73* a$e p$ope$l' $e/iste$e# un#e$ the >o$$ens 5'ste% of$e/ist$ation.

    3. >he p$incipal issue that has to be $esolve# in the p$esent appeal is hethe$ o$ not the loe$ cou$t ha#co$$ectl' #ecla$e# that H0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* ... is null an# voi# f$o% the ve$' be/innin/ an#of no eect hatsoeve$. *+

    ,n the p$ece#in/ #iscussions" e have hel# that the loe$ cou$t e$$e# hen it #ecla$e# null an# voi#0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*. e have foun# that the $e/ist$ation p$ocee#in/s that b$ou/ht aboutthe #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation upon hich as base# the issuance of 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* e$ein acco$#ance ith the p$ovisions of Act e$esa E$ibe$ta" &uan &ose" ?e%et$io Asuncion" an# Au/ustoube$to" all su$na%e# >uason ' #e la Pa-. >he $eco$#s sho that the notice of hea$in/ of the application"hich e%bo#ie# the technical #esc$iptions of the to pa$cels of lan# (Pa$cel 1" @non as the 5ta. Mesa

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    Mo$eove$" innocent pu$chases fo$ value ha# ac8ui$e# inte$est in the lan#s cove$e# b' 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of>itle No. 73*.*7

    >he 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* as issue# on &ul' " 11< in the na%es of the o$i/inal anapplicants fo$ $e/ist$ation" na%el'" Ma$iano >uason ' #e la Pa-" >e$esa E$ibe$ta >uason ' #e la Pa-" &uan

    &ose >uason ' #e la Pa-" ?e%et$io Asuncion >uason ' #e la Pa- an# Au/usta ube$to >uason ' #e la Pa-.e$ein appellant &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. is not one of those ho e$e $e/iste$e# as the o$i/inal one$s%entione# in 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*. hen the o$i/inal co%plaints e$e le# in these th$eecases in the Cou$t of +i$st ,nstance of Ri-al the pa$ties na%e# #efen#ants in each of the th$ee cases e$e

    Ma$iano 5eve$o >uason ' #e la Pa-" >e$esa E$ibe$ta >uason ' #e la Pa-" &uan &ose >uason ' #e la Pa-"?e%et$io Asuncion >uason ' #e la Pa-" Au/usta ube$to >uason ' #e la Pa-" the hei$s of each one of these#efen#ants (ithout na%in/ the%)" an# &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. 0f all the #efen#ants na%e# in the th$eeco%plaints onl' #efen#ant &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. appea$e# an# le# its anse$ to the co%plaints. All theothe$ #efen#ants #i# not appea$" an# so the' e$e all #ecla$e# in #efault.*8,t ha# to happen that a'because as of the ti%e hen the th$ee co%plaints e$e le# on Ma' 1" 1** the one$ship of Pa$cel 1that as o$i/inall' cove$e# b' 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* ha# al$ea#' passe# to #efen#ant &.M.

    >uason F Co." ,nc. ,n fact this #efen#ant ha# cause# Pa$cel 1 to be sub#ivi#e# an# ha# sol# the sub#ivisionlots.

    >he $eco$#s sho that Pa$cel 1 in 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* as pa$t of the p$ope$ties of theMa'o$as/o >uason (>uason Entail) hich beca%e involve# in a liti/ation in the Cou$t of +i$st ,nstance ofManila.*9?u$in/ the pen#enc' of the case the p$ope$ties of the Ma'o$as/o >uason e$e a#%iniste$e# b'

    the Ban@ of the Philippine ,slan#s as the :u#icial $eceive$. ,n the o$#e$ of the Cou$t of +i$st ,nstance ofManila" #ate# Ma' *" 13" in Civil Case No. 2$ansfe$Ce$ticate of >itle No. 317" hich as o$i/inall' Pa$cel 1 inclu#e# in 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*(Eh. 13!B). 0n &une 13" 13 the $eceive$ Ban@ of the Philippine ,slan#s eecute# the #ee# of t$ansfe$ an#assi/n%ent (Eh. 13!A). >$ansfe$ Ce$ticate of >itle No. 3uason" ,nc. (Ehs. 12!b an# 36). >he #ee# of t$ansfe$ an#assi/n%ent as app$ove# b' the cou$t in an o$#e$ #ate# &une 17" 13. >his conve'ance to the ei$s of ?.

    >uason" ,nc. too@ place at a ti%e hen the 5up$e%e Cou$t ha# al$ea#' #eci#e# the case of Ban@ of thePhilippine ,slan#s vs. Acua (* Phil. 13) he$ein this Cou$t uphel# the vali#it' of 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of

    >itle No. 73* an# also the vali#it' of the t$ansfe$ ce$ticate of title e%anatin/ the$ef$o%.4

    >he ci$cu%stances atten#in/ the ac8uisition b' the ei$s of ?. >uason" ,nc. of the lan# cove$e# b' >$ansfe$Ce$ticate of >itle No. 317 G hich as fo$%e$l' Pa$cel 1 cove$e# b' 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*G clea$l' in#icate that sai# co$po$ation ac8ui$e# its title in a $e/ula$ t$ansaction as pu$chase$ in /oo# faithan# fo$ value. 0n &une 1*" 13 the ei$s of ?. >uason" ,nc. in tu$n sol# the sa%e p$ope$t' to &.M. >uason FCo." ,nc." an# >$ansfe$ Ce$ticate of >itle No. 3*=73 as issue# in the na%e of the latte$ (Ehs. 12!c an#37).

    >he loe$ cou$t #ecla$e# that he$ein appellant &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. as a pu$chase$ in ba# faith. e #onot n# an' evi#ence in the $eco$# that oul# sustain such a n#in/ of the loe$ cou$t. 0ne $eason /ivenb' the loe$ cou$t in #ecla$in/ appellant &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. a pu$chase$ in ba# faith is the fact that theinco$po$ato$s of the ei$s of ?. >uason" ,nc. an# the inco$po$ato$s of &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. e$ep$acticall' the sa%e pe$sons belon/in/ to the sa%e >uason fa%il'. e #o not see an'thin/ $on/ if so%einco$po$ato$s of the ei$s of ?. >uason ,nc. a$e also inco$po$ato$s of the &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. ?u$in/

    these #a's hen businesses a$e p$o%ote#" ope$ate#" an# %ana/e#" th$ou/h co$po$ate entities" it is notsu$p$isin/ to see to o$ %o$e co$po$ations o$/ani-e# b' the sa%e pe$sons o$ /$oup of pe$sons ith#ie$ent pu$poses" fo$ #ie$ent lines of business an# ith #istinct o$ sepa$ate assets an# inte$ests.Besi#es" as has been shon" the ei$s of ?. >uason" ,nc. ac8ui$e# the lan# (Pa$cel 1 in 0$i/inal Ce$ticateof >itle No. 73*) f$o% the Ban@ of the Philippine ,slan#s" the $eceive$ of the p$ope$ties of the Ma'o$as/o

    >uason" in a sale that as autho$i-e#" an# subse8uentl' app$ove#" b' the cou$t. >he ei$s of ?. >uason",nc. pai# the su% of P763"*=.= fo$ the p$ope$t'. Ce$tainl' if the ei$s of ?. >uason" ,nc. ha# ac8ui$e# thelan# o$i/inall' cove$e# b' 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* in a t$ansaction that as autho$i-e# b' thecou$t" fo$ a valuable consi#e$ation" the$eb' ac8ui$in/ a /oo# title ove$ the p$ope$t' as a pu$chase$ in /oo#faith an# fo$ value" the title that it t$ansfe$$e# to &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. hen it sol# sa%e p$ope$t' to thelatte$ as also a /oo# title" an# &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. as also a pu$chase$ in /oo# faith an# fo$ value Geven if it appea$s that the inco$po$ato$s of the to co$po$ations belon/ to the sa%e >uason fa%il'. >he$eco$#s of these cases a$e be$eft of an' evi#ence hich oul# in#icate that the sale of Pa$cel 1 in 8uestion

    b' the ei$s of ?. >uason" ,nc. to &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. as f$au#ulent.

    Anothe$ $eason /iven b' the loe$ cou$t in #ecla$in/ appellant &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. a bu'e$ in ba# faithis that hen sai# appellant bou/ht Pa$cel 1 o$i/inall' cove$e# b' 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* it asaa$e of the fact that the appellees o$ thei$ p$e#ecesso$s in inte$est e$e in possession of" an# e$ecultivatin/" the si pa$cels of lan# that the' no clai% in these cases. >he conclusion of the loe$ cou$t istoo st$aine#. ,t shoul# be $e%e%be$e# that the $e/iste$e# p$ope$t' bou/ht b' &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. ha#an a$ea of so%e 7 hecta$es. ,t coul# happen that ce$tain $elatives o$ ancesto$s of appellees ha# beens8uattin/ on so%e po$tions of the lan# an# clai%e# ce$tain a$eas as thei$ on" to the etent of havin/ thea$eas clai%e# b' the% #ecla$e# fo$ taation pu$poses in thei$ na%es. >hus the appellees p$esente# inevi#ence ta #ecla$ations that appea$ to have ta@en eect as of 1his pa$cel is a #uplicate of the lan# un#e$ >a

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    No. 76uason F Co." ,nc.H (Ehs. E!Alcanta$a" +!Alcanta$a" ++!1!Benin" DD!Benin" !Benin" BBB!Pili"an# BBB!1!Pili).41

    >hese annotations si%pl' $eveal that hen the p$e#ecesso$s of the appellees ha# thoseta #ecla$ations %a#e to cove$ the lan#s that the' clai%" those lan#s e$e al$ea#' inclu#e# in the ta#ecla$ation of appellant &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. Appellant &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. ha# been ee$cisin/" an#asse$tin/" its p$op$ieta$' $i/hts ove$ the lan#s in 8uestion afte$ it bou/ht the sa%e f$o% the ei$s of ?.

    >uason" ,nc.42>his is bo$ne b' the state%ent in the o$#e$" #ate# 5epte%be$ 26" 1**" issue# b' &u#/e &uanP. En$i8ue- ho at the ti%e as p$esi#in/ the b$anch of the Cou$t of +i$st ,nstance of Ri-al he$e theseth$ee e$e pen#in/" as follos

    3. ,t havin/ been shon that &. M. >uason F Co. ha# title cove$in/ the lan# in 8uestion hichthe' a$e sub#ivi#in/ into s%all lots fo$ sale an# in vie of the obse$vation un#e$ pa$a/$aph2 he$eof the Cou$t n#s that the$e is no :ustiable $eason to %aintain the $it of p$eli%ina$'in:unction that has been issue#. >his is pa$ticula$l' t$ue in Civil Case No. 2622" #efen#antshavin/ secu$e# a nal :u#/%ent a/ainst plaintis &uan Alcanta$a an# &ose Alcanta$a fo$e:ect%ent befo$e the Municipal cou$t of ue-on Cit'9 an# such in:unction oul# annul theo$#e$ of the eecution issue# b' the ue-on Cit' cou$ts. ,t shoul# be note# that the he$einplaintis at the be/innin/ plea#e# to the Cou$t that the a$ea on hich thei$ $espectivehouses stan# be not touche# an# thei$ possession the$eof be $especte# b' #efen#ant &. M. FCo. ,n othe$ o$#s" each plainti is %e$el' as@in/ fo$ about 2*= s8ua$e %ete$s each hich$ep$esents the lan# on hich the house stan#s an# thei$ i%%e#iate 'a$#" an# not the holelan# cove$e# b' these th$ee o$ 6 hecta$es. 0n the othe$ han#" the Cou$t $e8ui$es &. M.

    >uason F Co. to put up a bon# of P2"=== in favo$ of each of the #efen#ant (sic) to anse$ fo$

    hateve$ #a%a/es he %a' sue$ b' $eason of the continuance #u$in/ the action of the actsco%plaine#of. 4*

    Besi#es" the possession b' the appellees" eithe$ b' the%selves o$ th$ou/h thei$ p$e#ecesso$s in inte$est" ifthe$e as such possession at all" oul# be unavailin/ a/ainst title hol#e$ of a >o$$ens ce$ticate of titlecove$in/ the pa$cels 0f lan#s no in 8uestion. +$o% &ul' " 11< hen Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* asissue#" no possession b' an' pe$son of an' po$tion of the lan#s cove$e# b' sai# o$i/inal ce$ticate of title"o$ cove$e# b' a subse8uent t$ansfe$ ce$ticate of title #e$ive# f$o% sai# o$i/inal ce$ticate of title" coul##efeat the title of the $e/iste$e# one$ of the lan#s cove$e# b' the ce$ticate of title. ,n this connection" letit be note# that appellant &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. beca%e the $e/iste$e# one$ of Pa$cel 1" hich aso$i/inall' cove$e# b' 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*" onl' on &une 1*" 13" o$ al%ost 2< 'ea$s afte$0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* as issue#.

    ,t can ell be sai# that &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. ha# $elie# on the title of the ei$s of ?. >uason" ,nc. hen itbou/ht the lan# cove$e# b' >$ansfe$ Ce$ticate of >itle No.3uason F Co." ,nc. a pu$chase$ on ba# faith.

    >he evi#ence shos that appellant &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. ha# conve$te# the lan# o$i/inall' cove$e# b'0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*" inclu#in/ the si pa$cels clai%e# b' appellees into a sub#ivision" an#nu%e$ous pe$sons an# entities ha# pu$chase# the sub#ivision lots" an# the pu$chase$s in tu$n e$e issue#t$ansfe$ ce$ticates of title cove$in/ the lots that the' bou/ht" base# on the t$ansfe$ ce$ticate of title inthe na%e of &. M >uason F Co." ,nc. >he bu'e$s of the lots $elie# upon the ce$ticate of title in the na%e of

    &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. an# because the' pai# fo$ the lots the' ce$tainl' a$e pu$chase$s in /oo# faith an#fo$ value. >he pu$chase$s of these lots have built the$eon $esi#ential houses" oce buil#in/s" shops"hospital" even chu$ches. But the loe$ cou$t" #is$e/a$#in/ these ci$cu%stances" #ecla$e# null an# voi# allt$ansfe$ ce$ticates of title that e%anate#" o$ that e$e #e$ive#" f$o% 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*.

    >his is a /$ave e$$o$ co%%itte# b' the loe$ cou$t. An# the e$$o$ is co%poun#e# hen the loe$ cou$to$#e$e# appellant &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. an# all those clai%in/ un#e$ sai# appellant" to vacate an# $esto$eto the appellees the possession of the pa$cels of lan#s that a$e clai%e# b' the% in the p$esent cases. >hepossesso$s of the lots co%p$ise# ithin the si pa$cels of lan# in 8uestion" an# ho hol# ce$ticates of titlecove$in/ the lots that the' bou/ht" a$e not pa$ties in the p$esent cases" an# 'et the #ecision of the loe$cou$t oul# annul thei$ titles an# co%pel the% to /ive up the possession of thei$ p$ope$ties. >o /ive eectto the #ecision of the loe$ cou$t is to #ep$ive pe$sons of thei$ p$ope$t' ithout #ue p$ocess of la.44

    >he#ecision of the loe$ cou$t oul# set at nau/ht the settle# #oct$ine that the hol#e$ of a ce$ticate of titleho ac8ui$e# the p$ope$t' cove$e# b' the title in /oo# faith an# fo$ value can $est assu$e# that his title is

    pe$fect an# incont$ove$tible.4+

    ,n vie of the fo$e/oin/ #iscussions" it is obvious that the action of the appellees in the th$ee cases nobefo$e this Cou$t %ust fail..

    ,t has been shon that appellant &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. ha# ac8ui$e# a vali# title ove$ the lan# hichinclu#es the si pa$cels that a$e clai%e# b' the appellees. >he fact" that the p$e#ecesso$s in inte$est of theappellees G o$ an' pe$son" fo$ that %atte$ G ha# not le# a petition fo$ the $evie of the #ec$ee of$e/ist$ation in 4RC No. 761 ithin a pe$io# of one 'ea$ f$o% &ul' " 11< hen the #ec$ee of $e/ist$ationas issue#" is a ci$cu%stance that ha# fo$eve$ fo$eclose# an' p$ocee#in/ fo$ the $evie of sai# #ec$ee. Ase have a#ve$te# to" that #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation ha# beco%e incont$ove$tible. An action" si%ila$ to one

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    b$ou/ht b' the appellees in each of the p$esent cases" hich attac@ collate$all' the sai# #ec$ee of$e/ist$ation cannot be ente$taine#.46Neithe$ %a' the action of the appellees fo$ $econve'ance of thelan#s in 8uestion be ente$taine# because such action ha# al$ea#' p$esc$ibe#" ba$$e# b' laches"consi#e$in/ that 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* ha# been issue# a' bac@ in 11< an# the co%plaintin the p$esent cases e$e le# onl' on Ma' 1" 1**" o$ afte$ a lapse of so%e $ansfe$Ce$ticate of >itle No. 317. As has been shon" this Pa$cel 1 as pa$t of the p$ope$ties of the Ma'o$as/o

    >uason an# it as conve'e# b' o$#e$ of the cou$t in Civil Case No. 2uason" ,nc." an# the latte$ in tu$n conve'e# the sa%e to &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc.

    >$ansfe$ Ce$ticate of >itle No. 3uason" ,nc. as cancelle# an# t$ansfe$Ce$ticate of >itle No. 3*=73 as issue# in the na%e of &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. ,t has also been shon that

    &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. ha# conve$te# Pa$cel 1 to a sub#ivision. Nu%e$ous pe$sons an# entities bou/htthose sub#ivision lots" an# to those bu'e$s e$e issue# t$ansfe$ ce$ticates of title cove$in/ the lots thatthe' ac8ui$e#. ,t is ve$' clea$" the$efo$e" that an action fo$ $econve'ance cannot p$ospe$ a/ainst appellant

    &. M. >uason F Co." %uch less a/ainst the $e/iste$e# one$s of the lots that fo$% pa$ts of the si pa$cels oflan# that a$e clai%e# b' the appellees. 47

    Neithe$ %a' the appellees have a cause of Action fo$ #a%a/es a/ainst appellant &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc."

    consi#e$in/ that sai# appellant is not one of the o$i/inal $e/iste$e# one$s that p$ocu$e# the $e/ist$ation ofthe lan#. >he$e is no evi#ence that &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. ha# an'thin/ to #o ith the $e/ist$ationp$ocee#in/s hich b$ou/ht about the issuance of 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* G even supposin/that the $e/ist$ation as p$ocu$e# f$au#ulentl'.

    itle No. 73*. >he $ulin/s of this Cou$t in those cases a$enecessa$il' $elevant to" an# of #ecisive bea$in/ in" the $esolution of the issues involve# in the th$ee casesno at ba$.

    (a) e have ea$lie$ cite# the case of the #an) o the Philippine (slands 's. !cu*a 516 Phil." 728" he$e the:u$is#iction of the Cou$t of 4an# Re/ist$ation that issue# the #ec$ee hich as the basis of 0$i/inalCe$ticate of >itle No. 73* as 8uestione#" an# this Cou$t uphel# the :u$is#iction of the $e/ist$ation cou$t

    an# cate/o$icall' p$onounce# the vali#it' of 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*.

    (b) >he$e is the case ofJose !lcantara" et al." 'ersus Mariano 9uason + de la Pa:" et al. 5;.R. itle No. 73* isincont$ove$tible an# is conclusive a/ainst all pe$sons clai%in/" eithe$ b' the%selves o$ b' thei$p$e#ecesso$s in inte$est" $i/hts ove$ the lan#s cove$e# b' sai# ce$ticate of title.

    e n# that the Alcanta$a case is inti%atel' $elate# to the th$ee cases at ba$" an# the $ulin/s of this Cou$tin that fo$%e$ case a$e of #ecisive application to these th$ee cases.

    0n Au/ust 2" 1*= a co%plaint as le# in the Cou$t of +i$st ,nstance of Ri-al (ue-on Cit' B$anch) b'&ose Alcanta$a" Elias Benin" Pascual Pili" Ale:an#$o #e ?ios" >o%as Ba/a/onio" uintina 5an#oval" an#>o%asa 4a-a$o a/ainst Ma$iano >uason ' #e la Pa-" ei$s of Ma$iano >uason" &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. an#D$e/o$io A$aneta" ,nc. >his case as #oc@ete# as Civil Case No. !1*6. ,t ill be note# that th$ee of theplaintis in Civil Case No. !1*6" na%el'" &ose Alcanta$a" Elias Benin" an# Pascual Pili" a$e a%on/ theo$i/inal plaintis in the th$ee cases no befo$e this Cou$t9 Elias Benin" in Civil Case No. 36219 &oseAlcanta$a" in Civil Case No. 36229 an# Pascual Pili" in Civil Case No. 3623. &ose Alcanta$a" Elias Benin an#Pascual Pili" as plaintis in that Civil Case No. !1*6 clai%e# that the' e$e the laful one$s of si (of theten) pa$cels of lan# #esc$ibe# in pa$a/$aph 2 of thei$ co%plaint G &ose Alcanta$a clai%in/ to pa$cels"Elias Benin clai%in/ th$ee pa$cels" an# Pascual Pili clai%in/ one pa$cel. 5ubstantiall'" it is alle/e# in theco%plaint 48that each plainti" b' hi%self an# b' his p$e#ecesso$s in inte$est" as laful one$" ha# been inthe actual" open an# continuous possession of his on $espective pa$cel" o$ pa$cels" of lan# f$o% ti%ei%%e%o$ial until &anua$' 1*= hen the #efen#ants b' fo$ce an# b' the use of a$%e# %en sta$te# toconve$t thei$ lan#s into a sub#ivision9 that on &ul' " 11< the #efen#ants ha# obtaine# 0$i/inal Ce$ticateof >itle No. 73* ove$ a pa$cel of lan# hich inclu#e# the lan#s possesse# b' the% (plaintis) an# hichthe' an# thei$ ancesto$s ha# been en:o'in/ as one$s" fo$ %o$e than thi$t' 'ea$s befo$e the issuance of

    the title9 that the silence an# inaction of the #efen#ants since the #ate of thei$ o$i/inal ce$ticate of titleshoe# that sai# ce$ticate of title #i# not ep$ess the status of the thei$ clai% to the sai# pa$cels" thatplaintis e$e not /iven fo$%al notice b' the #efen#ants of the $e/ist$ation of the lan#s" such that#efen#ants; ce$ticate of title No. 73* as not in acco$#ance ith la" an# that #efen#ants #i# not havep$ope$ title fo$ $e/ist$ation to the pa$cels of lan# one# b' the plaintis" as #esc$ibe# in the co%plaint9an# that because the ce$ticate of title issue# b' the $e/iste$ of #ee#s as still in the na%es of the#efen#ants" successo$s in inte$est of the >uasons ' #e la Pa-" an# has not passe# to innocent pa$ties fo$valuable consi#e$ation" the conve'ance of the sa%e to the plaintis as in o$#e$. >he plaintis p$a'e# thatthe$ein #efen#ants be o$#e$e# to eecute #ee#s of conve'ance of the pa$cels of lan# #esc$ibe# in thei$co%plaint in favo$ of the plaintis" that the #efen#ants; ce$ticate of title be cancelle# an# theco$$espon#in/ ce$ticate be o$#e$e# issue# in the na%es of the plaintis. e 8uote f$o% the #ecision

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    >he %ate$ial alle/ations of the co%plaint a$e that plaintis a$e one$s of the pa$cels of lan#set fo$th in thei$ co%plaint" hich pa$cels a$e situate# alon/ Bonifacio st$eet" ba$$io of 5an

    &ose" ue-on Cit'" an# that the' have been in actual" open" an# continuous possession an#en:o'%ent the$eof ithout %olestation f$o% #efen#ants f$o% ti%e i%%e%o$ial to thep$esent9 that on &ul' " 11hecou$t sustaine# this %otion on the secon# /$oun#. 5ubse8uentl'" plaintis le# an a%en#e#co%plaint ith the sa%e substantial alle/ations" but ith ne ones" i.e." that it as in

    &anua$'" 1*=" that the' lea$ne# that thei$ lan#s e$e inclu#e# in the $e/ist$ationp$ocee#in/s hich cul%inate# in the issuance of #efen#ants; title9 that #efen#ants neve$clai%e# one$ship to the lan#s" but #i$ectl' o$ in#i$ectl' alloe# plaintis to continueee$cisin/ thei$ $i/hts of one$ship ove$ the sa%e. >his a%en#e# co%plaint as #enie#a#%ission" an# the %otion fo$ the $econsi#e$ation of the o$#e$ of #is%iss as also #enie#.ence the appeal.

    ,n a$%in/ the o$#e$ of the loe$ cou$t #is%issin/ the co%plaint" this Cou$t hel#

    ithout consi#e$in/ hethe$ the t$ial cou$t;s $efusal to a#%it the a%en#e# co%plaint is e$$oneous o$ note a$e const$aine# to hol# that the #is%issal of the action" even ith the a%en#e# co%plaint is a basisthe$eof" is co$$ect. +$o% the alle/ations of both the o$i/inal an# a%en#e# co%plaints" it appea$s that the#efen#ants a$e hol#e$s of a ce$ticate of title issue# on &ul' " 11< as a conse8uence of $e/ist$ationp$ocee#in/s. >he$e is no alle/ation in both o$i/inal an# a%en#e# co%plaints that the plaintis e$e notnotie#" o$ e$e not aa$e" of the $e/ist$ation p$ocee#in/s. ,t is p$esu%e#" the$efo$e" that as occupantsp$ope$ notices the$eof e$e se$ve# on the% an# that the' e$e aa$e of sai# p$ocee#in/s. ,f this is so"then the plaintis" ho e$e" o$ hose p$e#ecesso$s in inte$est e$e" on the lan# #u$in/ the $e/ist$ation

    p$ocee#in/s" e$e boun# b' sai# p$ocee#in/s. >he latte$ a$e in rean# bin# the hole o$l#" hethe$se$ve# ith notice pe$sonall' o$ not. (D$e' Alba vs. ?e la C$u-" 17 Phil." he suppose# $i/ht of plaintis b'$eason of thei$ alle/e# continue# possession fo$ thi$t' 'ea$s as" the$efo$e" #est$o'e# full' an# co%pletel'b' the $e/ist$ation p$ocee#in/s" an# thei$ suppose# i/no$ance of the inclusion of the lan#s can not eclu#ethe% f$o% the eects of the $e/ist$ation p$ocee#in/s" an# the suppose# con#uct of #efen#ants in alloin/plaintis to continue on the lan# afte$ $e/ist$ation can not se$ve as basis of an' title o$ $i/ht the$eto"because acts of a possesso$' cha$acte$ b' tole$ance of an one$ #oes not constitute possession (A$ticle1itle No. 73*" no$ clai% an' $i/ht of one$ship ove$ an' po$tion of the lan# that is cove$e# b' sai#ce$ticate of title.

    But Elias Benin" &ose Alcanta$a" an# Pascual Pili a/ain ca%e to cou$t to clai% one$ship ove$ po$tions ofthe lan# cove$e# b' 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*. 0n Ma' 1" 1** Elias Benin" :oine# b' his b$othe$icto$ Benin an# his siste$ Ma$ta Benin" le# Civil Case No. 36219 &ose Alcanta$a :oine# b' his b$othe$ &uanAlcanta$a" le# Civil Case No. 36229 an# Pascual Pili" :oine# b' his siste$ 4uisa Pili" le# Civil Case No. 3623.

    >hese a$e the th$ee cases hich o$i/inate# in the Cou$t of +i$st ,nstance of Ri-al (ue-on Cit' B$anch)

    hich a$e no befo$e this Cou$t on appeal.

    ,n the ea$lie$ pa$t of this #ecision" e have pointe# out that the co%plaints in these th$ee cases ha# beena%en#e# so as to inclu#e as pa$ties plaintis all the hei$s of the pe$sons ho e$e alle/e# to be theone$s of the pa$cels of lan# clai%e# b' the plaintis in each case. >hus" the co%plaint in Civil Case No.3621 as a%en#e# to inclu#e all the hei$s of 5ito Benin" the alle/e# one$ of the th$ee pa$cels of lan##esc$ibe# in the co%plaint an# the co%%on p$e#ecesso$ in inte$est of all the plaintis in the case. >heco%plaint in Civil Case No. 3622 as a%en#e# to inclu#e all the hei$s of Bonoso Alcanta$a" the alle/e#one$ of the to pa$cels of lan# #esc$ibe# in the co%plaint an# the co%%on p$e#ecesso$ in inte$est of allthe plaintis in the case. >he co%plaint in Civil Case No. 3623 as a%en#e# to inclu#e all the hei$s ofCan#i#o Pili" the alle/e# one$ of the one pa$cel of lan# #esc$ibe# in the co%plaint an# the co%%onp$e#ecesso$ in inte$est of all the plaintis in the case.

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    ,n those th$ee cases" in the cou$t belo" he$ein appellant &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. (#efen#ant the$ein) le# a%otion to #is%iss upon the p$incipal /$oun# Hthat the cause of action (assu%in/ the$e is one) is ba$$e# b'p$io$ :u#/%ent" o$ b' the statute of li%itationH. ,n its %otion to #is%iss &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. conten#e#that the #ecision of the 5up$e%e Cou$t in the Alcanta$a case is a ba$ to the action of the plaintis in CivilCases Nos. 3621" 3622 an# 3623 of the Cou$t of the +i$st ,nstance of Ri-al. >he loe$ cou$t" hoeve$"#enie# the %otion to #is%iss. ,n its anse$ to the co%plaint in each of these th$ee cases" &.M. >uason FCo." ,nc. set up as a$%ative #efenses the ve$' /$oun#s of its %otion to #is%iss. Afte$ the plaintis ha#close# thei$ #i$ect evi#ence" &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. le# anothe$ %otion to #is%iss upon the /$oun# thatthe action as ba$$e# b' the statute of li%itations an# b' a p$io$ :u#/%ent" an# that the plaintis ha# notp$esente# evi#ence to p$ove thei$ clai% of one$ship. >his secon# %otion to #is%iss as also #enie# b'the loe$ cou$t.49

    ,n its #ecision" hich is no on appeal befo$e this Cou$t" the loe$ cou$t hel# that the #ecision inthe!lcantaracase as not a ba$ to the action in these th$ee cases" $ulin/ that the$e is no i#entit'" of thepa$ties" of the sub:ect %atte$" an# of the cause of action" beteen Civil Case No. !1*6" on the one han#"an# Civil Cases Nos. 3621" 3622" an# 3623" on the othe$.

    ,t is no conten#e# b' appellant &.M. >uason F Co. ,nc." in the p$esent appeal" that Hthe t$ial cou$t e$$e# innot #is%issin/ these cases on the /$oun# of res judicataan# in #en'in/ the %otion to #is%iss le# on sai#/$oun#.H+

    ?oes the :u#/%ent in the afo$e%entione# Alcanta$a case ope$ate as a ba$ to the action of the appellees in

    the th$ee cases at ba$

    ,n o$#e$ that the $ule of

    res judicata%a' appl'" the folloin/ $e8uisites %ust be p$esent (a) the fo$%e$:u#/%ent %ust be nal9 (b) it %ust have been $en#e$e# b' a cou$t havin/ :u$is#iction of the sub:ect!%atte$an# of the pa$ties9 (c) it %ust be a :u#/%ent on the %e$its9 an# (#) the$e %ust be" beteen the $st an#the secon# actions" i#entit' of pa$ties" of sub:ect!%atte$" an# of cause of action (5an ?ie/o vs. Ca$#ona" 7=Phil. 21!23).

    e n# that the :u#/%ent in Civil Case No. !1*6 (D.R. No. 4!itle No. 73* that as obtaine# b'the #efen#ants. ,n the th$ee cases at ba$" plaintis (no appellees) also co%plain of havin/ been#ispossesse# an# #ep$ive# b' the #efen#ants of the pa$cels of lan# of hich the' e$e absolute one$san# possesso$s" b' the%selves an# th$ou/h thei$ p$e#ecesso$s in inte$est" since ti%e i%%e%o$ial an# thatthei$ sai# lan#s $on/l' inclu#e# in Pa$cel 1 of 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* that as obtaine# b' the#efen#ants. ,n Civil Case No. !1*6" on the one han#" an# in the th$ee cases no at ba$" on the othe$" theplaintis the$ein see@ the nullication of 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*" an# the $econve'ance to the%of the pa$cels of lan# that the' clai% as thei$s. +2,t appea$s clea$ to Is that in Civil Case No. !1*6 an# inthe th$ee cases at ba$" the ob:ect o$ pu$pose of the plaintis is to $ecove$ the one$ship an# possession ofthe sa%e pa$cels of lan#.

    As fa$ as the pa$ties a$e conce$ne#" e n# that the$e is no eact i#entit' of pa$ties beteen Civil CaseNo. !1*6" on the one han#" an# Civil Cases Nos. 3621" 3622 an# 3623" on the othe$. ,t appea$s that of theplaintis in Civil Cases Nos. 3621" 3622 an# 3623 onl' Elias Benin" &ose Alcanta$a an# Pascual Pili e$eplaintis in Civil Case No. !1*6. ,n Civil Case No. !1*6" the #efen#ants e$e Ma$iano >uason ' #e la Pa-"ei$s of Ma$iano >uason" &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. an# D$e/o$io A$aneta" ,nc." hile in Civil Cases Nos. 3621"3622 an# 3623 the #efen#ants e$e Ma$iano 5eve$o" >e$esa E$ibe$ta" &uan &ose" ?e%et$io Asuncion"Au/usta ube$to" all su$na%e# >uason ' #e la Pa- (the pe$sons appea$in/ as $e/iste$e# one$s in 0$i/inalCe$ticate of >itle No. 73*)" thei$ hei$s" an# &.M. >uason an# Co." ,nc. e n# that the natu$al pe$sonssu$na%e# >uason" an# the hei$s" $efe$ to the pe$sons ho belon/ to the >uason fa%il' that secu$e# the$e/ist$ation of Pa$cel 1 in 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*. >he #efen#ant D$e/o$io A$aneta ,nc. in CivilCase No. !1*6 is the a#%inist$ato$ of the >uason p$ope$ties. 5o" the pa$ties #efen#ants in all these casesa$e p$acticall' the sa%e. e n#" hoeve$" that in Civil Case No. !1*6 as ell as in Civil Cases Nos. 3621"

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    3622 an# 3623" it as the #efen#ant &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. that actuall' cont$ove$te# the clai%s of theplaintis.

    Afte$ a ca$eful stu#'" e a$e of the consi#e$e# vie that the :u#/%ent in the Alcanta$a case is a ba$ to theaction of the plaintis ho a$e the hei$s of Elias Benin in Civil Case No. 3621 (D.R. No. 26127)" of plainti

    &ose Alcanta$a in Civil Case No. 3622 (D.R. No. 2612)" an# of plainti Pascual Pili in Civil Case No. 3623 (D.R. No. 2612) un#e$ the #oct$ine of res adjudicata. e a$e li@eise of the consi#e$e# vie that the #ecisionin the!lcantaracase oul# se$ve to $ule out the action of the othe$ plaintis in Civil Cases Nos. 3621" 3622an# 3623 un#e$ the #oct$ine of stare decisis.

    ,n Civil Case No. 3621 the o$i/inal plaintis e$e icto$ Benin" Ma$ta Benin" an# Elias Benin!!to b$othe$san# a siste$. ,n the a%en#e# co%plaint it as alle/e# that these th$ee o$i/inal plaintis ha# anothe$b$othe$" an# anothe$ siste$" na%el' Esteban Benin an# +elipa Benin. But because all the ve Beninb$othe$s an# siste$s #ie#" the' e$e all substitute# b' thei$ hei$s" such that as of the ti%e hen Civil CaseNo. 3621 as #eci#e# the plaintis e$e (1) the hei$s of icto$ Benin9 (2) the hei$s of Ma$ta Benin9 (3) thehei$s of Elias Benin9 (to #enin" #onoso !lcantara and Candido Pili were li'ing. >he $eco$#s sho that noone of these th$ee pe$sons" o$ thei$ $ep$esentative" ha# le# an' opposition to the application fo$$e/ist$ation in sai# 4RC 761" no$ #i# an' one of the%" o$ thei$ $ep$esentative" le an' petition fo$ $evieof the #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation No. 17

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    ,t is 0u$ vie" the$efo$e" that the #ecision of this Cou$t" in D.R. No. 4!hese th$eep$e#ecesso$s in inte$est of the appellees #ie# lon/ afte$ the issuance of 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*"hich too@ place on &ul' " 11$ansfe$ Ce$ticate of >itle No. 119 that the :u#/%ent in Civil. Case No. !27" in hich the' (Albina5antia/o" et al.) e$e neve$ i%plea#e# as pa$ties" ha# al$ea#' beco%enal+79 that &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. ha# eecute# the :u#/%ent a/ainst the%" eclu#in/ an# $ustin/ the%f$o% the en:o'%ent an# possession of the lan#. Albina an# he$ co!plaintis also alle/e# that >$ansfe$Ce$ticate of >itle No. 11 (3767) of &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc." as ell as 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*f$o% hich the fo$%e$ as #e$ive#" #i# not inclu#e the pa$cel clai%e# b' the%9 that even /$antin/ that

    >$ansfe$ Ce$ticate of >itle No. 11 inclu#e# the pa$cel clai%e# b' the% the inclusion of that pa$cel in thece$ticate of title of &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. as #one th$ou/h f$au# because the'" no$ thei$ p$e#ecesso$s"e$e not actuall' notie# of the $e/ist$ation p$ocee#in/s. As /$oun# fo$ cancellation of the ce$ticate oftitle of &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. Albina 5antia/o an# he$ co!plaintis fu$the$ alle/e# that the technical#esc$iption in 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* ha# been falsie# to inclu#e a$eas neve$ b$ou/ht ithinthe :u$is#iction of the 4an# Re/ist$ation Cou$t" since the' e$e a$eas not inclu#e# in the application an#publication in the $e/ist$ation p$ocee#in/s9 that lon/ befo$e the p$e#ecesso$s of &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc.applie# fo$" an# secu$e#" $e/ist$ation of the lan# hich inclu#e# thei$ pa$cel of lan# the' ha# al$ea#'ac8ui$e# one$ship the$eof not onl' b' the #ocu%ent" Anne A of thei$ co%plaint" but also b' ac8uisitivep$esc$iption. Albina 5antia/o an# he$ co!plaintis p$a'e#" that &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. be o$#e$e# to #esistf$o% enfo$cin/ Civil Case No. !27 a/ainst the%9 that a $esu$ve' be o$#e$e# to #ete$%ine hethe$ o$ not

    >$ansfe$ Ce$ticate of >itle No. 11 (3767) inclu#e# the lan# #esc$ibe# in thei$ co%plaint9 that a$econve'ance to the% be o$#e$e# of hateve$ po$tion of the lan# clai%e# b' the% %a' be foun# inclu#e#

  • 8/11/2019 BENIN VS TUASON.doc


    in t$ansfe$ Ce$ticate of >itle No. 119 that >$ansfe$ Ce$ticate of >itle No. 11 an# 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of>itle No. 73* be o$#e$e# cancelle# an# substitute# ith a ne ce$ticate of title e%b$acin/ onl' thoselan#s inclu#e# in the application" publication an#Ko$ #ec$ee in 4RC No. 761 of the Cou$t of 4an#Re/ist$ation.

    Ipon %otion of #efen#ant &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc." the Cou$t of +i$st ,nstance of ue-on Cit' #is%isse# theco%plaint of Albina 5antia/o" et al." upon the /$oun#s that the$e as no cause of action" that the case asba$$e# b' a p$io$ :u#/%ent in Civil Case No. !27 hich as a$%e# b' the 5up$e%e Cou$t in D.R. No. 4!*=7" an# that the action of the plaintis" if the' ha# an'" ha# p$esc$ibe#.

    >his Cou$t a$%e# the o$#e$ of the loe$ cou$t #is%issin/ the co%plaint of Albina 5antia/o an# he$ co!plaintis.+8Re/a$#in/ the contention of Albina 5antia/o an# he$ co!plaintis that the :u#/%ent in thep$evious case (Civil Case No. !27" a$%e# in D.R. No. 4!*=7) oul# not ope$ate as res judicataa/ainstthe% because the' e$e not pa$ties in that suit" an# that the' #i# not #e$ive thei$ title f$o% the#efen#ants in the p$evious suit" this Cou$t hel#

    e a/$ee ith appellants that the #ecision in the p$ece#in/ suit to 8uiet title" p$osecute# b'the appellee >uason F Co. a/ainst othe$ hei$s of nocencio 5antia/o ( Phil." 61*9 *= 0.Da-. 11" *727)" can not constitute res judicataa/ainst these appellants ho e$e not pa$tiesto that suit an# #o not #e$ive thei$ title f$o% the #efen#ants in the p$evious liti/ation (Rule3" sec. he$e is autho$it' fo$ the p$oposition that a :u#/%ent %a' be %a#e bin#in/in a subse8uent liti/ation upon one ho" althou/h not a fo$%al pa$t' to a p$evious suit" has

    actuall' con#ucte# o$ cont$olle# the action o$ #efense the$ein (6* A4R 113itle No. 73*" hol#s an#applies to all the plaintis (no appellees) in these th$ee cases. ,n that :u#/%ent this Cou$t $ule# out" o$#i# not sustain" the $i/hts clai%e# b' the p$e#ecesso$s in inte$est of he$ein appellees ove$ the lan#cove$e# b' 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*. >hese appellees" the$efo$e" have not succee#e# to an'$i/ht that can #e$$o/ate the vali#it' an# conclusiveness of 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*" an# of thece$ticates of title that a$e #e$ive# f$o% sai# o$i/inal ce$ticate of title.

    Co%in/ bac@ to the 5antia/o case" as $e/a$#s the contention of Albina 5antia/o an# he$ co!plaintis thatthe $e/ist$ation p$ocee#in/s hich $esulte# in the issuance of 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73* e$ei$$e/ula$ an# f$au#ulent" this Cou$t hel#

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    (>)he %e$e fact that appellants he$ein e$e not pe$sonall' notie# of the $e/ist$ationp$ocee#in/s that $esulte# in a #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation of title in favo$ of the >uasons in 11he $e/ist$ationp$ocee#in/s" as p$ocee#in/sin re" ope$ate as a/ainst the hole o$l# an# the #ec$eeissue# the$ein is conclusive a#:u#ication of the one$ship of the lan#s $e/iste$e#" not onl'a/ainst those pa$ties ho appea$e# in such p$ocee#in/s but also a/ainst pa$ties ho e$esu%%one# b' publication but #i# not appea$. >he $e/ist$ation b' the appellee;sp$e#ecesso$s!in!inte$est f$ee# the lan#s f$o% clai%s an# liens of hateve$ cha$acte$ thateiste# a/ainst the lan#s p$io$ to the issuance of the ce$ticates of title" ecept those note#in the ce$ticate an# le/al encu%b$ances save# b' la (u%ol vs. Rive$a an# ?i-on" 6< Phil.13" 17 an# cases cite# the$ein). ,n a##ition" the$e bein/ no alle/ation that the $e/iste$e#one$s p$ocu$e# the non!appea$ance of appellants at the $e/ist$ation p$ocee#in/s" an# ve$'%uch %o$e than one 'ea$ havin/ elapse# f$o% the issuance of the #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation in11uasons" the $esultin/ p$esc$iptive title as cut o an# etin/uishe# b'

    the #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation. ,f" on the cont$a$'" the p$esc$iption as eithe$ be/un o$co%plete# aterthe #ec$ee of $e/ist$ation" it confe$$e# no title because" b' ep$ess p$ovisionof la" p$esc$iption cannot ope$ate a/ainst the $e/iste$e# one$ (Act itle No. 73* hich as issue# as a $esult of the $e/ist$ation p$ocee#in/s in 4.R.C.No. 761 of the Cou$t of 4an# Re/ist$ation. >he$e a$e %an' othe$ cases he$e this Cou$t has %a#e asi%ila$ p$onounce%ent $e/a$#in/ 0$i/inal Ce$ticate of >itle No. 73*.6

    ,n vie of the n#in/s" an# the $ulin/s" that e have he$einbefo$e %a#e" it follos that" as conten#e# b'the appellant" the loe$ cou$t also e$$e# hen it #ecla$e# the appellees the one$s of the lan#s clai%e# b'the% an# in aa$#in/ #a%a/es to the%" in these th$ee cases. 61

    e consi#e$ it unnecessa$' to $ule on the counte$clai% of appellant &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc." fo$ #a%a/esan# atto$ne's fees a/ainst the appellees 62" consi#e$in/" as the $eco$#s sho" that the appellees a$epe$sons ho a$e not in a position to pa' #a%a/es in an' fo$%. 6*e believe that the appellees ha# le#thei$ co%plaints in the honest" but %ista@en" belief that the' have a /oo# cause of action a/ainst theappellant co$po$ation an# not because the' %eant to e%ba$$ass o$ hu%iliate the pe$sons ho a$ei#entie# o$ connecte# ith the appellant.

    ERE+0RE" the :oint #ecision of the Cou$t of +i$st ,nstance of Ri-al (ue-on Cit' B$anch) in Civil Ca/esNos. 3621" 3622 an# 3623" appeale# f$o%" is $eve$se# an# set asi#e. >he bon# le# b' appellant in theth$ee cases in the cou$t belo fo$ the liftin/ of the $it of p$eli%ina$' in:unction is o$#e$e# cancelle#. Nop$onounce%ent as to costs.

    ,> ,5 50 0R?ERE?.

    Ma)alintal" C.J." Castro" 9eehan)ee" #arredo" Ma)asiar" !ntonio" ?sguerra" %ernande:" Mu*o: Pala and!0uino" JJ." concur.

    %ernando" J." too) no part.


    1 >he th$ee cases e$e t$ie# to/ethe$" an# #eci#e# in one :oint #ecision" b' the Cou$t of +i$st,nstance of Ri-al9 e$e :ointl' appeale# #i$ectl' to the 5up$e%e Cou$t because of the valueof the p$ope$t' involve# in each case9 an# a$e no #eci#e# :ointl' b' the 5up$e%e Cou$t.

    2 >he o$i/inal plaintis in Civil Case No. 3621 e$e icto$ Benin" Ma$ta Benin an# EliasBenin. ,n secon# a%en#e# co%plaint" #ate# &une 1" 1*" it as the$e alle/e# that 5itoBenin" ho #ie# in 136" left ve (*) chil#$en" na%el'" icto$ Benin" Elias Benin" EstebanBenin" +elipa Benin an# Ma$ta Benin. hen the o$i/inal co%plaint as le# on Ma' 1" 1**"Esteban Benin an# +elipa Benin e$e #ea#" but thei$ hei$s e$e not inclu#e# as pa$tiesplaintis. At the ti%e the secon# a%en#e# co%plaint as le#" of the th$ee (3) o$i/inalplaintis" onl' icto$ Benin an# Elias Benin e$e livin/ ! Ma$ta Benin havin/ afte$ the o$i/inalco%plaint as le#9 an# so the co%plaint as a%en#e#" na%in/ as pa$ties plaintis icto$Benin an# Elias Benin (to of the th$ee o$i/inal #efen#ants)9 Me$ce#es a%o$a ' Benin"

  • 8/11/2019 BENIN VS TUASON.doc


    4eoca#io a%o$a ' Benin" Ra%on a%o$a ' Benin" E#ua$#o a%o$a ' Benin" Pablo a%o$a 'Benin" Antonio a%o$a ' Benin an# Runo a%o$a ' Benin (in substitution of o$i/inalplaintis Ma$ta Benin)9 ,nes Benin" Estanislaa Benin" an# ,$ineo Benin" $ep$esentin/ thei$#ecease# fathe$ Esteban Benin9 an# +elipe Manuel" Rica$#o Manuel" an# i$/inia Manuel"$ep$esentin/ #ecease# %othe$ +elipa Benin.

    ?u$in/ the pen#enc' of this case in the cou$t belo" o$i/inal plainti Elias Benin #ie#" an#he as substitute# b' his hei$s" na%el'" ,sabel Rive$a #a. #e Benin" e$%eni/il#o R. Benin"Ma%e$to R. Benin" Cele$ina C$u-" Cefe$ino C$u-" Ma$ion C$u-" an# Co$a C$u- (these last fou$

    chil#$en bein/ chil#$en of the #ecease# Ma$/a$ita Benin ho as one of the chil#$en of EliasBenin)" Este$ R. Benin" Elisa R. Benin an# Apolina$io R. Benin. 4i@eise" #u$in/ the pen#enc'of this case in the cou$t belo" o$i/inal plainti icto$ Benin #ie#" an# he as substitute# b'his hei$s" A/$ipina Rive$a #a. #e Benin" Rosa$io Benin" >eoti%o Benin" Mi$al#o Benin"Euf$ocio Benin" Dlo$ia Benin" &ose Benin" an# Elino Benin9 (2) MAR>A BEN,N" $ep$esente# b'he$ hei$s" 4eoca#io a%o$a ' Benin" Me$ce#es a%o$a ' Benin" Ra%on a%o$a ' Benin"E#ua$#o a%o$a ' Benin" Pablo a%o$a ' Benin" Antonio a%o$a ' Benin"an# Runo a%o$a' Benin9 (3) E4,A5 BEN,N" $ep$esente# b' his hei$s" ,sabel Rive$a #a. #e Benin"e$%ene/il#o Benin" Ma%e$to Benin" Este$ Benin" Elisa Benin" Apolina$io Benin" Cele$inaC$u- ' Benin" Cefe$ino C$u- ' Benin" Ma$io C$u- ' Benin" an# Co$a C$u- ' Benin9 (EBANBEN,N" $ep$esente# b' his hei$s" ,nes Benin" Estanislaa Benin" an# ,$ineo Benin9 an#(*)+E4,PA BEN,N" $ep$esente# b' he$ hei$s" +elipe Manuel ' Benin" Rica$#o Manuel ' Benin" an#i$/inia Manuel ' Benin. (R.A." ol. ," pp. 37" ARA" $ep$esente# b' his hei$s" icto$ia Alcanta$a"Ma$celina Alcanta$a" C$esencia Alcanta$a" an# icto$ Alcanta$a. (R.A. ol. ,," pp. 6,n Civil Case No. 3623" the o$i/inal plaintis e$e Pascual Pili an# 4uisa Pili" ho e$e b$othe$an# siste$. ,n the secon# a%en#e# co%plaint" #ate# &une 1" 1*" it is state# that the too$i/inal plaintis" Pascual Pili an# 4uisa Pili" e$e the chil#$en of Can#i#o Pili ho #ie# in

    131. >he othe$ chil#$en of Can#i#o Pili e$e ?ie/o Pili an# Manuel Pili" both #ecease# at theti%e of the lin/ of the o$i/inal co%plaint but thei$ hei$s e$e not inclu#e# as pa$tiesplaintis. hen the secon# a%en#e# co%plaint as le# on &une 1" 1*" those na%e#plaintis e$e Pascual Pili" 4uisa Pili" ?o%in/o Pili" +lo$entina Pili an# +elici#a# Pili (these lastto bein/ the chil#$en of Manuel Pili). ?u$in/ the pen#enc' of Civil Case No. 3632 in thecou$t belo" o$i/inal plainti 4uisa Pili #ie#" an# she as substitute# b' he$ hei$s" na%el'"Elisa #e los 5antos ' Pili" 5alu# #e los 5antos ' Pili" >eo#e$ico Manalili ' Pili" Mateo Manalili 'Pili" >o%as Manalili ' Pili" an# 4eo/a$#a Manalili ' Pili9 (3) ?,ED0 P,4," $ep$esente# b' his hei$s?o%in/o Pili" +lo$entina Pili" an# +elici#a# Pili9 an# (a$cila Pili an# &ulia Pili.(R.A. ol. ,," pp. 7*

    >he pa$ties na%e# #efen#ants in each of the th$ee cases (Civil Cases Nos. 3621" 3622 an#3623) e$e Ma$iano 5eve$o >uason ' #ela Pa-" >e$esa E$ibe$ta >uason ' #ela Pa-" &uan &ose

    >uason ' #ela Pa-" ?e%et$io Asuncion >uason ' #ela Pa-" Au/usto ube$to >uason ' #elaPa-9 ei$s of &uan &ose >uason ' #ela Pa-9 ei$s of ?e%et$io Asuncion >uason ' #ela Pa-9ei$s of Au/usto ube$to >uason ' #e la Pa-9 an# &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc. ,n the co%plaint ineach of these th$ee cases the plaintis alle/e# that #efen#ants Ma$iano 5eve$o >uason ' #ela Pa-" >e$esa E$ibe$ta >uason ' #e la Pa-" &uan &ose >uason ' #e la Pa-" ?e%et$io Asuncion

    >uason ' #e la Pa-" Au/usta ube$to >uason ' #e la Pa- appea$e# in the 0$i/inal Ce$ticateof >itle No. 73* of the 0ce of the Re/iste$ of ?ee#s of Ri-al as havin/ thei$ a##$ess in theCit' of Manila" an# that if those #efen#ants e$e still livin/" thei$ he$eabouts e$eun@non" an# if these #efen#ants e$e #ea#" the plaintis ha# no @nole#/e of such facts9an# so the plaintis p$a'e# that if those #efen#ants e$e still livin/ the' be se$ve# ithsu%%ons b' %eans of publication. >he plaintis fu$the$ alle/e# that the #efen#ants" ei$sof Ma$iano 5eve$o >uason ' #e la Pa-" ei$s of >e$esa E$ibe$ta >uason ' #e la Pa-" ei$s of

    &uan &ose >uason ' #e la Pa-" ei$s of ?e%et$io Asuncion >uason ' #e la Pa-" ei$s of Au/usto

    ube$to >uason ' #e la Pa-" e$e bein/ sue# in the alte$native as a##itional #efen#ants" an#the fact of thei$ bein/ alive o$ #ea# as also un@non to the plaintis" an# if those#efen#ants e$e livin/ the' coul# li@eise be se$ve# ith su%%ons b' %eans ofpublication. (R.A. ol. ," pp. 3!

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    6 A%en#e# Reco$# on Appeal" ol. ,," pp. *3!*.

    7 >he %otion fo$ ne t$ial as not $esolve# b' the t$ial cou$t.

    A%en#e# Reco$# on Appeal" ol. ,," p. 1=3.

    Appellee;s b$ief" pp. 16!17.

    1= 4oe$ cou$t;s #ecision" p. 63" Reco$# on Appeal" ol. ,,.

    11 &uan an# Chuon/co vs. 4uis" . No. 73* as cancelle# an# in lieu the$eof >C> No. 26= as issue#on Au/ust " 11*9 an# that >C> 26= as cancelle# an# in lieu the$eof >C> 372 as issue#on 0ctobe$ 1*" 117.

    1 E%phasis" supplie#..

    1 Pa$cel 1 in 0C> No. 73* is the acien#a 5ta. Mesa.

    2= ?ecision of the 4oe$ Cou$t" pa/e 6" vol. ,," Reco$# on Appeal.

    21 Appellant;s B$ief" pa/es 33!3

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    Eh. HH appea$s #ete$io$ate# an# the po$tion at the loe$ $i/ht han# co$ne$ is %utilate#.>he secon# pa/e (hich is at the bac@ of the $st pa/e) is the %e%o$an#u% of theencu%b$ances aectin/ the p$ope$t' #esc$ibe# in the title. (>his pa/e is si%ila$ to the thi$#pa/e of Ehibit *=). >he thi$# pa/e of Eh. consists of the photostat of fou$ s%all sheetsha# been :oine# to/ethe$ an# photo/$aphe# to/ethe$ as one pa/e. >hese fou$ s%all sheetsthat ha# been photo/$aphe# to/ethe$ contain the /$eate$ po$tion of the technical#esc$iptions of Pa$cels 1 an# 2" si%ila$ to hat appea$ on pa/e 2 of Eh. *= of the appellant"ecept that this pa/e 3 of Eh. HH appea$s #ete$io$ate# an# %utilate#. >hen the$e isattache#" o$ staple#" to this pa/e 3 a photostat of a s%all sheet (%a$@e# Eh. !2) hichcontains the technical #esc$iption of a pa$cel of lan# situate# in Muntin/lupa" Ri-al" alon/the sho$e of la@e 4a/una #e Ba'.

    ,t appea$s that the photostat of the s%all sheet that is attache# to the secon# pa/e of Eh.*= contains pa$t of the #esc$iptions of Pa$cels 1 an# 2" hile the photostat of the s%all sheetattache# to the thi$# pa/e of Eh. HH contains the technical #esc$iption of a pa$cel of lan#in Muntin/lupa" Ri-al.

    e n# that hat is $itten on the photostat of the s%all sheet (Eh. !2) attache# toEh. HH has no connection to hat a$e $itten on the thi$# pa/e of Ehibit HH9 hilethe photostat of the s%all sheet attache# to pa/e to of Eh. *= contains pa$t of thetechnical #esc$iption of Pa$cel 2 hich is continue# on the face of Eh. *=. >he $eco$#s shothat Ehibit HH as ta@en in &ul'" 161 hen these cases e$e al$ea#' pen#in/ in the

    loe$ cou$t (Ehibit !3). >he o$i/inal co%plaints in these th$ee cases e$e le# on Ma'1" 1**.

    Counsel fo$ the appellees %a#e capital of this sheet (Eh. !2) hich contains thetechnical #esc$iption of a lan# in Muntin/lupa in his clai% that the t$ansc$iption of ?ec$ee ofRe/ist$ation No. 17 No. 73* in the Re/ist$ation Boo@ an# %isplace# so%ehe$e.

    Counsel fo$ the appellant fu$the$ points out that the best evi#ence that ?ec$ee ofRe/ist$ation No. 17C> No. 372 (Eh. 32) hich as issue# on 0ctobe$ 1*" 117 in lieu of

    >C> No. 26= also #oes not contain the #esc$iption of an' pa$cel of lan# locate# inMuntin/lupa" Ri-al (Appellant;s Repl' B$ief" pp. 23!2*).

    e have note# that the loe$ cou$t #i# not /ive i%po$tance to this st$a' sheet (Eh. !2)attache# to Ehibit HH containin/ the #esc$iption of the lan# in Muntin/lupa" because inits #ecision it #i# not sa' that this sheet is an in#ication of an i$$e/ula$it' in the t$ansc$iptionof the technical #esc$iption in the $e/ist$ation boo@ (pp. 7=!71" Reco$# on Appeal" ol. ,,).

    >his Cou$t believes that Eh. *= of the appellant is %o$e authentic" an# %o$e $eliable" thanEh. HH (an# !2) of the appellees. (5ee Dalves" et al." vs. &.M. >uason F Co." ,nc." 1=5CRA 3

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    >itles an# ?ee#s"H b' Noble:as" 16* e#ition9 an# Cala#iao" et al." vs. #a. #e Blas" 1= 5CRA61" 6*" 6*.

    37 ?e los Re'es vs. ?e illa" ibu$cio" et al." vs. PC" et al." 1=6 Phil. uason F Co." ,nc. vs. Ma/#an/al" < 5CRA

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    6= &. M. >uason an# Co." ,nc. vs. Bolaos" * Phil. 1=69 &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. vs. De$oni%o5antia/o" Phil. 61*9 &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. vs. ?e Du-%an" et al." Phil. 219 >ibu$cio"et al." vs. PC" et al." 1=6 Phil. uason F Co." ,nc. vs. Re/iste$ of ?ee#s" 2 5CRA1=19 &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. vs. Ma/#an/al" < 5CRA uason F Co." vs. A/ui$$e" 75CRA 1=9 Dalve-" et al. vs. &. M. >uason F Co." ,nc. 1= 5CRA 3