Benefits Of VPS Over Semi Dedicated Servers


Transcript of Benefits Of VPS Over Semi Dedicated Servers

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Why & how, semi dedicated servers pushed into the back seat by VPS?

Web hosting plans have always undergone drastic redefinitions with new and

latest advancements in the technology. There existed a general web hosting plan earlier, which

was soon replaced by semi dedicated servers. And now, with the changes that had taken place in

the recent era coupled with the limitations observed in a semi-dedicated website hosting plans

are now paving way for the evolution of one of the most advanced hosting technique in this

regard called as Virtual Private Servers aka VPS. Almost all the business websites now greatly

prefer VPS web hosting and have already pushed back semi-dedicated servers into the back seat.

The reasons that justify the replacement of semi-dedicated servers with VPS web hosting


The call for being independent & greater customization – in a semi dedicated server

hosting, multiple users will be using one server which can cause performance issues.

Also, it is practically impossible to say any dedicated server as your’s as long as there are

other people using it. Also, no customization was possible by using semi-dedicated

servers. This is considered as a great drawback.

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The resource sharing problems – in any semi-dedicated server there occurs a sharing of

different types of resources which can cause greater problems as your website traffic

increases. Also, there are privacy issues which cannot be effectively tackled with these

kinds of semi-dedicated web servers. Whereas, VPS hosting provides perfect and

complete solution to all these problems in an agile way.

Cost problems – though semi-dedicated servers are cheaper, the annual maintenance and

service costs would amount to some bigger figures which falls way above the limited

budget concerns of small and medium business enterprises. On the other hand, VPS web

hosting may cost you some higher amounts initially. But when deployed for working, this

proves to be more cost effective than any other method of dedicated server hosting.

Efficiency – need a much more efficient web hosting plan that perfectly caters all your

increasing needs of dedicated web site hosting? Then, VPS is an option which should be

considered prior to all other because, they are proven much more efficient than semi-

dedicated web server hosting mechanism.

Carries all advantages of semi-dedicated web server hosting – a VPS web hosting plan

completely possesses all the qualities and advantages observed in a semi-dedicated

website hosting with some added and improved features.

Virpus is one renowned and reputed hosting service provider online, who has years of

experience and expertise in this field. They are one of the top favored brand of corporate and

small business enterprises in their VPS web hosting needs. With a variety of customized and

economic packages, Virpus stands as the best choice for all types of website hosting.

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