Benefits of Helping Others. Professor Lara Aknin’s study Thoit’s Study Paul Arnstein’s...

Emily Massey’s Senior Capstone Experience Benefits of Helping Others

Transcript of Benefits of Helping Others. Professor Lara Aknin’s study Thoit’s Study Paul Arnstein’s...

Emily Massey’s Senior Capstone


Benefits of Helping Others

Professor Lara Aknin’s studyThoit’s StudyPaul Arnstein’s study The Detroit Study


Less DepressionGreater CalmnessFewer painsBetter healthLonger life expectancy

Benefits of Helping Others

Oxytocin◦Overcoming fears◦Buffers stress◦Increases social tranquility

Dopamine◦Soothing effect

Serotonin◦Treats depression



Internal Medicine-Tyler L. Hanson, MD

Pediatrician-Dawn M. Larson, MD


Two signs donated from JoAnn Munkvold$5 for 1 ticket and $20 for 5 tickets

Sold tickets at:◦ Olivet Methodist Church

◦ Santa Clause Day◦ 3 basketball games

Raised over $700

Raffle Tickets

Giving out signs

DrawingSelling at games

Selling at Santa Day

Collections boxes placed:◦Fall concert◦Winter concert◦Olivet & Menno Churches◦School FACS room

Sorted by students Collected 120 stuffed animals

New & Used Stuffed Animals

Non-profit organization that provides homemade security blankets to children in need.

Requirements:HomemadeAny KindAny Size0-18 years old

Wed., February 26, 2014At the Menno Old Gym

7:00-9:00 p.m.

Blanket Tying Night

100 used stuffed animals

Delivery Day

Clothing Closet in Yankton, SD

100 blankets to the hospital 20 new stuffed animals 1 blanket to a cancer

patient in Wessington Springs

Delivery Day

Sorting Blankets

Loading the vehicle

Arriving at the hospital

Avera Sacred Heart Hospital


Faculty Advisor:Mrs. Roberta Stoebner Mentor:

Mrs. Carla Hummel


Sophomores◦ Elizabeth- “I loved being able to work hard with everyone and make a

competition out of how many blankets we could make. We all had the same ambition to help kids and that is what motivated us to make so many.”

◦ Tyus- “I loved gathering with friends to help people in need. Coming from a rough family history, I know what it is like to be in need. It was a great feeling to have fun and still help people.”

Juniors◦ Natalie- “I enjoyed doing it for a great cause and knowing that I

helped someone out.”◦ Austin- “I really enjoyed making a difference and spending time with

great friends.”

Seniors◦ Christina- “I felt the benefits of helping others in a huge way and

enjoyed helping out kids. It was a fun project and very successful senior project.”

◦ Nathan- “I liked visiting with everyone and helping kids.”

Quotes From Menno Students

Faculty Advisor- Mrs. Roberta Stoebner Mentor- Mrs. Carla Hummel English Teacher- Mrs. Kay Smidt Shadowing- Dr. Larson Shadowing- Dr. Hanson Donating signs- JoAnn Munkvold Shirts- Cindy Kirschenmen Church Collection Boxes- Olivet & Menno Using the gym- Menno Public School

Thank You

Senior Project