BELLPORT NEWS ITEMS Student Art Exhibit Is Well...

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  • BELLPORT NEWS ITEMSMargaret Warner. BEllport 7-0653

    Mr. and Mrs. Arthur William?and fami'.y of Deerfield, Mass.,spent a few days this week withXr. and Mrs . c\arke Wil l iams ofSouth Country Road.

    Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will iamFlorio of General McLean DriveEaster Sunday were Mr. Florio 'sparents , Mr. and Mrs. MichaelFlorio , and his brother and sister-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Florioof Brooklyn.

    Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Thommenand Mrs. Frieda Thommen of SagHarbor were Easter Sunday guestof Mr. and Mrs. John Villano ofWoodland Park Road.

    On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Au-gust Waldron and family of NorthBrewster Lane attended the wed-ding of Miss Ann Hawkins to Nor-man Gimmler at the Trinity Me-thodist Churc h in Coram. Theyattended a reception at the BrauHaus in Medford following theceremony.

    Mrs. George Penny and daugh-ter , Laura, of North Howell'sPoint Road returned Sunday froma two weeks' visit with her motherMrs. Richard Cordero of Alexan-dria , \ a.

    Visiting for the Easter weekendwith Mr. and Mrs. Louis Deckerof Hulse Street were Mrs. Deck-er 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. JamesMacaulav of Westfield , N. J.

    Bellport Fish Market FreshDaily. BEllport 7-0710.Adv.

    An Easter party was given forthe following members of a Playgroup at the home of Mr. andMrs. Matthew Rudden of Brown 'sLane last Wednesday morning:Lynne Bookless. Travis Durand ,Rick y Madey, Mark Plunvmer andAline Rudden,

    Easter day guests of Mr. andMrs. Louis Perino, Jr., of NorthHowell's Point Road were Mrs.Perino 's parents, Mr. and Mrs.George Mistier of Woodland ParkRoad, and her uncle and aunt , Mr.and Mrs. George Hartz and familyof Wantagh.

    Susan Miller , a student at Wharton Memorial Inst i tute . Port Jef-ferson, is spending a week of Eas-ter vacation with her parents , Mr.and Mrs. Clifford Miller of SouthCountry Road.

    Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Bowmanand fami ly of George Court visit-ed for the Easter weekend withDr. and Mrs. Donald Bryan andthe Bowman children 's great-grand-mother . Mrs. John Oliver of Mt.Holly. X. J. Mrs. Bowman's pa-rents. Mr. and Mrs. John Oliver ,Jr.. of Canton , who were alsoguests of the Bryans. returned toBellport for a visit with the Bow-man family.

    Guests of Mr. and Mrs. RichardMajetic of General McLean Drivefor the Easter weekend were Mrs.Majetk- 's parents , Mr. and Mrs.Delafield Sparks of Livingston , N.J., and her brother-in-law and sis-ter. Mr. and Mrs. William Sulli-van of Morris Plains , N. J.

    Brown 's Gara ge. Tel. BEllport7-0229.Adv.

    Laurence Paisley, Jr., is spend-ing a few days of his leave withthe Paisley famil y of ThornhedgeRoad before leaving for his Armyassignment in Korea.

    Audrey Snyder, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Peter Snyder of BayCrest Lane, entertained at a smallEaster party Sunday afternoon.Aside from egg-rolling and a jellybean hunt. Mr. Ferrier, the magi-cian, was a great attraction. Theguests were Dwight Snedeker ,Cynthia Moore. Colleen More ,Hunter Smith. Susan Gibson , Mi-chael Bedell. Mary Lee Cool . Bar-bara French , Jamie Pokorny andRita Harder.

    The following Bellport boyswent to New York City last Thurs-day to attend Radio City MusicHall and to have dinner: Davidand Tres McChesney, Peter OtisPaige, David Lanman and BryceSuydam.

    Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Swartand family of Wilton , Conn., spentthe Easter weekend at their homeon South Howell's Point Road.

    Mrs. John Gibson and children ,Susan and Billy, of Pearl Street ,accompanied by Mrs. Gibson 'smother, Mrs. Tracy Ambler , whohad been visiting here for a few-days last week , drove to Lee, Mass.last Thursday to spend the holi-day weekend at the Ambler home.

    Miss Jean Thorndike , daugh terof Mr. and Mrs. Alan Thorndikeof South Howell's Point Road , en-tertained a group of friends at aparty at her home Friday night.

    Mrs. Thomas F. Simmons andfamily of Brown's Lane spent Sat-urday with Mr. and Mrs. J. RobertBrandon of Westport , Conn.

    Leigh Baier left Tuesday to re-sume his studies at Williams Col-lege, Williamstown, Mass., aftervisiting with his parents, Mr. andMrs. Albert Baier of BellhavenRoad , during his Spring vacation.

    The Deucey Bridge Club willmeet this afternoon at the homeof Mrs. Harrison Weber of Roger 'sAvenue.

    Emery Van Horn and his son ,Robert , of Bell Street spent a fewdays in Washington, D. C, lastweek. They visited a session ofCongress and the Supreme Court ,as well as other points of interest.

    Mr. and Mrs. William Fow-ler and daughters, Susan, Ellenand Peggy, moved Monday to theirnew home on South Brewster Lane.They had been renting the JohnFaison home on Brown's Lane, forthe Winter months.

    Miss Lucy Collins, a freshmanat Oberlin * College in Ohio, isspending Spring vacation with herparents. Mr. and Mrs. George.Collins of Bellport Lane.

    Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. Law-rence Fuller of Maple Street wentto New York City where they haddinner before attending the even-ing performance of the Broadwaymusical , "My Fair Lady."

    Dr. and Mrs. R. Ronald Rauand f a m i l y of South Howell'sPoint Road drove to New YorkCity on Friday to spend the daywith Mrs. Rau 's cousin , Mrs. Lit-tie M. Hicks of Pasadena, Calif.

    Susan Irving, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Clark Irving of WoodlandPark Road , celebrated her tenthbirthday with a party Saturdayafternoon. The group attended themovie, "The Absent-Minded Pro-fessor," in Patchogue.

    NEW BELLPORT STREET MAPS1960 edition. On sale at Bettin -

    ger's Delicatessen and BellhavenLuncheonette, Montauk Highway,and Bellport Stationery Store.Published by The Patchogue Ad-vance. Also contains streets inBrookhaven , Yaphank, Medford ,East Patchogue, Patchogue, BluePoint and Bayport. All this foronlv 50c.Adv.

    Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bergskaugand family of Station Road spentEaster Sunday with Mr. Bergs-kaug 's mother , Mrs. T. WalterBergskaug of North Merrick.

    To celebrate their tenth wed-ding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs.Robert Werner of General McLeanDrive left. Friday for WashingtonD. C. where they spent the week-end seeing points of interest.

    Mr. and Mrs. Bvron Athanasiouand family of General McLeanDrive visited for the weekend withMr. and Mrs. Ralston Bardeen ofof Binghamton. Robert Athan-asiou of Rensselaer PolytechnicInsti tute spent Easter vacationwith his family last week.

    Magician Harry F e r r i e r ofNorth Howell's Point Road enter-tained students of the Deer ParkAbraham Lincoln School with aprogra m of his magic tricks fortwo davs this week.

    Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kirchgessnerof Farm-to-Market Road enter-tained at a family dinner EasterSunday. Those present were Mr.and Mrs. Roger Hamlyn, Sr., Mrs.Leonie Alieu , Mr. and Mrs. RogerHaml yn. Jr., and children , andMr. and Mrs. Frederick Gillespieand children. During the after-noon friends and relatives di'opp-ed in to visit them.

    Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Demarestand family of Bieseiin Road spentEaster weekend wi th Mr. Dema-rest's brother-in-law and sister,Colonel and Mrs. John K. Dalyof Fort Hamilton , Brooklyn.

    Mayor and Mrs. Harry F. Be-dell of Country Club Road attend-ed a family reunion at the homeof Mrs. Bedell's sister, Mrs. Ed-win Jenks of Painted Post , overthe Easter holiday weekend. Alsopresent for the weekend were Mrs.Bedell's other sistrs, Mrs. MerhlNikirk of Corning, and Miss EdithPillow of Rochester , as well asother relatives.

    Russell Stewart, home on Springleave from Columbia University,left Monday from Floyd BennettField for the Pensacola Naval AirStation in Florida. MidshipmanFirst Class Stewart escorted thefreshman and sophomore classniidshipmen from Columbia for anindoctrination cruise. He will re-turn home todav.

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shoemakerand son , Stephen, of Shreveport,La., arrived Saturday night for aweek's visit with Mrs. Shoemaker'sparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dey Dem-arest of Country Club Road. Mrs.Demarest's mother, Mrs. DonaldVan de Vort of Caledonia arrivedhere Monday night for a visitwith her son-in-law and daughter.

    Miss Susan Holland returned tothe Parsons' School of Design inNew- York City Tuesday afterspending a week's Spring vaca-tion with her parents, Mr. and

    Mrs. John Holland of AcademyLane.

    Mrs. Sharon Carter of Broad-view Avenue spent the weekendwith her brother, W. E. Carter,III , of Hartford, Conn.

    On Easter Sunday, Mr. andMrs. Andrew Olsen and children,Karen and Jon , of Station Roadwere dinner guests of Mrs. 01-sen's brother and sister-in-law,Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Testa of Rock-ville Centre.

    Mrs. Sigrid Rice of South Coun-try Road entertained at a cock-tail party Sunday afternoon.

    The Woman 's Society of Chris-tian Service will hold its monthlybusiness meeting at the Wesleyhouse at 8 p. m. Tuesday.

    At 1:15 p. m. today, Mrs. HarryBedell's kindergarten afternoonclass will present a program ofsongs and rhythms pertaining tothe seasons of the year. Her morn-ing kindergarten class will givethe same program at 9:30 a. m.tomorrow. The parents of the chil-dren are invited to attend.

    Mr. and Mrs. Herman Chamber-lain of North Howell's Point Roadentertained at a buffet supper forthose who were to serve as at-tendants at the wadding of MissNicole C. Robbez-Masson to Rob-in McMurray Saturday afternoon.

    Thomas F. Simmons of Brown'sLane returned home from PuertoRico Saturday night.

    Easter Sunday dinner guests ofMi*, and Mrs. Ed Rant of Wood-land Park Road were Mrs. Rant'sparents, Mr. and Mrs. John De-Sant of Patchogue, and her bro-ther-in-law and sister, Mr. andMrs. Burton Price and family ofCenter Moriches.

    Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Cow-an of Livingston Road have re-turned from a two weeks' trip toFlorida. They stayed at BocaGrande on Gasparilla Island inthe Gulf and motored home. _ by,the way of Sarasota, CypressGai'dens, the citrus groves, andFerandina Beach on the AtlanticCoast to northern Florida.

    Easter weekend houseguests ofMr. and Mrs. John Holland , Jr.,of Academy Lane were Mr. andMrs. John Holland , Sr., of NewYork City.

    Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weil ofForest Hills spent the weekend attheir Summer home on Thorn-hedge Road.

    On Easter Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.Albert Ficken and family of Cir-cuit Road and Mir. and Mrs. PeterSchuhmann, Sr., of Gerard Streetmotored to Oceanside where theymet Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schuh-mann , Jr. The group then had afamily dinner together at CoralInn in Baldwin.

    Ben Klein has returned to hisstudies at the University of Roch-ester after spending Spring vaca-tion with his parents, Mr. andMrs. J. Raymond Klein of NorthHowell's Point Road.

    Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cum-mings of North Howell's PointRoad drove Mrs. Cummings' fa-ther, John Maloney, to Columbus,O., last week. Mr. Maloney spentthe Winter months in Bellport.

    The Bellport Garden Club willhold its monthly meeting at thehom e of Mrs. Clarke Williams at2:30 p. m. Tuesday. Miss BarbaraCapen will speak on roses. Thehostesses will be Mesdames Wil-lard French , chairman, HaroldBohn , Edward der Mateosian, Ed-ward Downs and Joseph Padlon.

    Mr. and Mrs. George Mulderigand family of Newark, Del., visitedwith friends and relatives in Bell-port Saturday. They were spend-ing the Easter weekend with Mr.Mulderig's parents in Bayport.Mrs. Mulderig is the former MissHelen Hermus of Second Street.

    Guests of Mr. and Mrs. JohnMehrmann of North BrewsterLane Easter Sunday were Mr.Mehrmann's parents, Mr. and Mrs.John H. Mehrmann of MontaukHighway, and Mrs. Mehrmann'smother, Mrs. Hattie Schoenthalerof Circuit Road , and Mrs. AnnaNorman of East Patchogue.

    Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paige andtheir three sons Peter Oti s, Doug-las and Lee of Bellport Lane at-tended the Ringling Bros. Barn-um & Bailey Circus at MadisonSquare Garden Friday night. Theyalso visited the Museum of theCity of New York in the afte r-noon and had cocktails with Mr.and Mrs. John Elliott , Jr., of NewYovk City.

    Gale Winkler of Massapequa isvisiting for the week with her j

    uncle and aunt , Mr. and Mrs. JohnMehrmann.

    Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wienerand family of George Court droveto Fair Lawn, N. J., to observethe Passover with Mrs. Wiener 'sbrother-in-law and sister, Mr. andMrs. Raphael Leiderman.

    A luncheon party was given forDebbie Springhorn in celebrationof her fourth birthday Tuesday byher parents, Mr. and Mrs. WesleySpringhorn, Jr., of George Court .Those attending were Myles Wien-er, Susan Long, Susan and DickieBrown , and Debbie 's cousin , Jay-ney Springhorn.

    Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lenz andfamily returned to' their home onCountry Club Road Monday afterspending the holiday weekend withMr. Lenz 's mother, Mrs. FlorenceLenz of Brooklyn.

    Weekend , houseguests of Mr.and Mrs. Henry P. Noehren ofBieseiin Road were Mrs. Noeh-rcn 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max-mill ian Lutzel of Brooklyn , andbrother and sister-in-law, Mr. andMrs. Warren Lutzel and family ofKew Gardens.

    Mr. and Mrs. Seth Faison andchildren of B r o o k l y n Heightsspent the weekend at their homeon South Brewster Lane.

    Visiting this week with Mr. andMrs. Paul Butler of AcadiemyLane are the Misses Anne andCatherine Reid of New York City

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    Student Art Exhibit Is Well AttendedBELLPORTArtist Karen Bohn , 13, daugh-

    ter of Captain and Mrs. Harold Bohn of SouthCountry Road here in Bellport, is the youngestmember of the South Bay Art Associationdisplaying work at the student exhibit pres-ently being held at 14 Bellport Lane, Bellport.

    Karen's latest creation , pictured beside her,is "The Coat of Many Colors."

    Mrs. Edward Lj ungqvist, chairman of theexhibit and a resident on South Country Road,Brookhaven, said there was a fine turnout overthe weekend.

    "WatercoJors, oils and ceramics are on dis-play," she said. "It's the first time we've hadceramics on display," she added. The ceramicsclass is being taught by Mrs. Mary Woods,well-known ceramist of Bell Street, Bellport.

    One of the most unusual ceramics projectson display is a 32-piece chess set which is be-ing exhibited by Mrs. Betty Mickshe of Bell-port, Mrs. Ljungyvist said.

    Display hours today range from 12 noonto 6 p.m.; tomorrow, from 12 noon to 8 p.m.;and Saturday, the final day, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.All are invited to attend this admission-freeexhibit.

    School Issues Pollla On in District 4

    The Citizens Council of Cen-tral School District 4 lastweek mailed 3,000 question-naires in connection with asurvey of public opinion onvarious school issues. The dis-trict covers Bellport, Brook-haven and East J^atcnogue.

    One of the objectives of thesurvey is to determine thefeelings of residents on var-ious scrtooi bona issues wnicnhave failed to get approvalin the past.

    William Bianchi, chairman ofthe questionnaire committee,urges all district residents totill out and return the ques-tionnaires as soon as posoiOxe.The results will be. made

    public and referred to theboard of education. - .

    Bellport HighSchool News

    The Bellport High School Stu-dent Council sponsored a full-length movie, "l/on t Go Near tneWater ," starring j ack Lemmon,last Wednesday night. The moviewas reserved tor Grades 7 through12 only. This was the first in aseries of movies planned by theStudent Council.

    In an assembly for . the - seniorhigh s c h o o l last Wednesday,awards lor boys' ' sports weregiven. Stanley Cox-, coach of- thebasnetball team, gave , a shortspeech and tnen gave awards totne following boys : Frank Carle,James Terry^ James Carroll; '.Bar-ry Block; Gary De Sahtis, PaulHasseli, . Edward Frabizio, AlanKinsella, R i c h a r d Hague . andi nomas Binnington. JN ext, Da-vid Winslow, coach of- the wrest-ling team, spoke of the successof the team this season, afterwhich he presented the followingboys with awards: Harry Simp-son, Joseph Di Nicola , JosephWaitward, Edward Barker, Rich-ard May, Augie W eaver, Kichard.Bc-ulin , John Everitt, Roy Taylor,Steven Bonyun, John Gasowski,Frank De Rosa, Sol Pearsoll andGeorge Houston. The boys who al-so participated in the wrestlingtournament were given an extraaward. They are Harry Simpson,Joseph Waitward and Frank De-Rosa.

    This year, many girls fromBellport High School entered thepreliminaries of the Penny PelcoBaking- Contest. The four semi-finalists in the school were Bar-bara Shopis, Barbara Gelband,Ann Sperakis and Maryann Love-tere. The winner is Mary AnnLovetere, who will now enter herrecipe in the Penny Pelco Con-test as a representative of Bell-port High School.

    Merit Students Listed:

    BELLPORTThe names of honor and merit roll students atBellport High School were listed this week.

    On the honor roll are :i> SEVENTH GRADE David Alburger ,

    Julie Beitel , Gail b ieseiin , Joyce De Uosa ,Vera Fetter, Arlane Frederic *, BarbaraOeiband , James Haas, Leslie Hallock , Do-reen .Lanfeidt , Madeline Mingino, AnneiviuiKeen, Patricia Mulkecn , Joseph Pen-dergast , Jean Penny, Joanne bchaet'er,iviark Stewart, Herman Waniield , JamesWard, Mark Wiener , George Wittier anaSusan Woodhull.

    EIGHTH GRADE Virginia Beth , Ha-rold Buchanan , Margo Cruz , BarbaraLeddy, .Nancy Padlon , Martha Koberge,David Sparrow , Arlene Stephani, Char-lotte Thorndike. Gordon Walton and Eli-zabeth Warburton.

    NINTH GRADEPhil ip Brewer , JoanneCorsi , Karen Forrester , John Gasowski ,Hillary Jochnowitz , Valerie Kondratuk ,JbJUen Koshland , Carol i^omicky, PatrickMcMahon , and Lillian Spata.

    TENTH GRADEElliot Bordon , Bron-wyn Cerone, Jeffrey Coon , John Dallin ,Shirley De Liva , Peter Delmonte, DianeHuse, Sherry Ince , Donna Kropp, AntoniaMarrazzo, Carolyn Marshall , Sarah Ro-senblatt and Veronica Wallen.

    ELEVENTH GRADE Richard Beth ,Lorraine Foden , Linda Gross , RobertHeins , Margery More, David Perino , Vic-tor Keusch, Betsy Schmitt and ElizabethSpickerman.

    TWELFTH GRADEJoseph Coleman ,Pamela Edwards .Baroara Finn , ElizabethHonnett and Jennifer Puleston.

    Merit Roll

    On the Merit Roll are :

    SEVENTH GRADESusan Beebe, Eu-gene Beitel , Kaihieen Carr , AndrewVJnambers , John Coon , Francis Deloroc-colo , Marlene De lieeder , Michele Dono ,Carol tuge, Toni Fuoco, David Garfield ,James Gemmell , A r t h u r Gross , MargaretHUCK , Llizabeth Lacey, Sherry Lancas-ter , Barnice Lechner , Vincent Lettiere,oean lj ippencott, Eiien MacDougal , Eu-gene Macii , Robert MatVetone , Sherry Ma-seru , Melody Marzola , Kenee Mucci , Kath-leen Murphy, Thomas O'Neil , Linda Or-singer , Larry Potter, Lynn Rappe , Jea nKibes, Robert Ridgeway, Terry Koherge ,Robert Skala , Penny Staples , Sara-JeanStephani , Mary Tarant ino , Robert Ward ,Paul Warner and Elaine Wilson.

    EIGHTH GRADE --- Stephen Bedell ,George Blaum , George Carleton , ThomasConlin , Robert De Lia , Michael Fener ,James FeUman , Christopher Gavin , JanicoHeller , Frank Herbst , Douglas Hotchkin ,Barbara James, Geraldine Ju i l i ano , Micn-ael Kalinowski , Anita Kellerman , DavidMcChesney, Duncan MacRobbie , Apr i lMarzola , Desta Moore , Janet Palermo,Eileen Phillip s , Alison Rand , Anna Rivera ,Daria Robbiano, Gary Satronino, DanaScott , Thomas Shreeve, Wayne Sohl , Jo-anne Stella, Joan Townsend , PatriciaWeaver , Violette Whalley, Miles White ,and Darby Young,

    NINTH GRADEDale Abrams , A n nBecker , Marcel Beitel , Patricia Belcher ,Lawrence Bieseiin , Dorothy Bonne, NancyBriggs, William Burrough , Robert Collins ,Susan Conway, Joseph Del Broccolo, Mich-ele De Vito , Paul Erickson , Patricia.Fichter , Marlene Fox , Judy Fuoco, Ken-neth Geiger , Elizabeth HofTrage , StevenKalinowski , John Koabel , Jean Kropp,Janet Leslie, Mary Mart in , Helen Mul-keen , Kenneth Newman , Joseph Parisi ,Robert Pizzo , Joann Politanski , CherylRidgeway, Martha Scott , Brian Smith ,Kathy Sperakis , John Spires , J a rc Trot-ter , Carol Zeltek and David Zukowski .

    TENTH GRADE Diane Athanasiou ,Susan Baker , John Barry , Carol Bona-donna , Charles Bullock , Susan Burke,William Chamberlain , Barbara Cook , DaleDemarest , Santo Di Naro , Joan Foley,Ar thur Johnson , Gae Knapik ,Lydia Kuhn ,Linda Love, James Nelson , Ani ta Neu-haus, Janice Pearsall , Mary Quail , Wil-liam Rowland, Christopher Small, RonaldStrauss , Alan Thorndike , Robert VanHorn and Peggy Wayte.

    ELEVENTH GRADE Mar i lyn Abrams ,Barbara Becker , Harry Brame , Janet Ca-picotta , Michael Car twr ig ht , Charles Cou-ture , Anna De Fiiippi , John Everitt , Wen-dy Fleming, Roseann Gazzola , ChristopherGould , Marie Green , Josephine Iarocci ,Lorraine Kulakowski , A n n a Lairombc,Joanne Leddy, Marie Lento , K a t h i y n I.ePore , Geraldine Masholie , Margaret Mims ,Georgia Neill , Susan Quinby , Edwin Rap-pe, Russell Relethford , Bettij aru Rey-nolds , Mary Savino , Estelle Simpson andRobert StHi- k e.

    TWELFTH GRADEBarba ra Abrams ,Mart in Albanese, Elizabeth Baker , ThomasBinnington , Virginia Borruso , EmilyBuchanan , Phil ip Casasco , Patricia Cava-liere , Barbara Cetta , Gwen Foster , GailGilliamsen , Judy Holler .George Houston ,Albert Hotchkin , Bronwen Job , KathleenLoftus , Keith McLean , Lynn MacDougal ,Robert Maletta , Regina Nej elski , KathleenO'Neill , Peggy Perry, Phil ip Simone,Charles Stephani , Robert Tuzza , An thonyVaccaro, Sandra Wallen , Augusta Weaverand Harriet Wetherell.

    BHS Honor Roll Issued

    Brookhaven -South Haven

    Mr. M. Alboraror. BEllport 7-0979RMiss Marian Tuthill who has

    been spending a week's vacationwith her mother and sister, Mrs.John T. Tuthill , Sr., and Mrs. Ed-win Johanknecht, Jr., returns to-morrow to Rochester. She will ac-company the Misses Loretta andLillian McCarty of Rochester, whoare staying with her overnight inBrookhaven.

    Ricky Mohlmann , son of Mr. andMrs. Frederick Mohlmann of Yap-hank Avenue, is convalescing athome after a tonsillectomy atBrookhaven Memorial Hospitallast week.

    A dessert bridge will be givenby the Women's Guild of St.James April 14, in St. James' Par-ish house, beginning at 8 p. m.For tickets call Mrs. Roger Baker ,BEllport 7-0868.

    Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. White ,formerly of Westbuzy, becameowners of "Blue Shutters" onSouth Country Road last week. Ithad been the summer home formany years of Dr. and Mrs. Fred-eric W. B a n c r o f t of New YorkCity and Nova Scotia and winterhome as well on Dr. Bancroft's re-tirement. It had formerly been thehome of Ilka Chase and her moth-er and was originally n a m e d"Blue Bridges." The Whites havetwo children, R o b e r t , 11, andKathleen, 7. Mr. White recentlypurchased the Dog and Duck Res-taurant in Sayville , which he willalter to include luncheon and din-ners, on the supper club order. Heformerly operated a packing plant.The White family had been livingin Blue Shutters for four monthsbefore buying.

    Guest speaker of the Republi-can Club of the 28th DistrictTuesday night at 8 p. m. at Brook-haven Firehouse will be CharlesW- ' Bai*raud, Brookhaven superin-tendent of highways. Everyone iswelcome.

    Richard Beyer , son of Mr.apd Mrs. R. Chester Beyer ,Who is a sophomore at FloridaState University in Alabama,spent Easter vacation with hisgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. RalphBeyer, at their home in In-dian Rock Beach , Fla. Richard wasrecently elected president of LeCercle Francais at his university.Miss Suzanne Beyer, the Beyers'older daughter, will observe herseventeenth birthday Saturday. Asurprise birthday party was givenfor her last week at the home ofMiss Karen Rant of Bellport withsome 25 high shool and collegestudents present.

    Michael Ince, older son of Mr.and Mrs. Robert Ince of BurnettLane, returned to Bowdoin College,Brunswick, Me., Monday, a f t e rspending spring vacation in Brook-haven. Michael is completing hisfreshman year.

    Dinny and Jay Hard , sons ofMr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Hard ofthe Suffolk Game Preserve Lodge,who both attend the H a r v e ySchool, returned to Katonah Mon-day after a three-and-a-half weekvacation. The Hards have beenvery busy on the Preserve with theextension of gunning, and are nowbusy with mem bers firshing for thebrook, brown and rainbow troutstocked in the waters on the pre-serve. The Hards still have theirriding horses, but have gotten ridof their rodeo stock and have aherd of some 27 steers.

    Mrs. Norman Huston spent lastThursday in New York City whereshe had luncheon with Mrs. JosephF. Hutchings and Mrs. ThaddeusZuill. both of B e r m u d a. Mrs.Zuill's daughter. Adrianne , is be-ing married in Bermuda June 15.

    More on page 2, this section



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    BELLPORT A tenta-tive budget totalling $21 1 ,-261 will be presented at thebudget hearing to be heldby the B e l l p o r t VillageBoard at 7:30 p. m. Mon-day in the village office.

    This year's budget is $8,808higher than last year's total of$202 ,453.

    Most of the increase is due toa $5,000 increase in the road workappropriation for the anticipatedconstruction of the Kreamer Streetextension westward to the Biesei inRoad extension and for repair ofdamaged roads.

    The remainder of the increase isdue mainly to annual salary in-creases.

    It is expected that the presenttax rate of $2 per $100 of" assessedvaluation will remain the same,the increase to be offset by an an-ticipated increase in revenue.

    The assessed valuation of thevillage rose $28,389 dur ing thepast year to a total of $3,504 ,604 ascompared with $3,476 ,215 lastyear.

    Bellport s Tentative BudgetTops Last Year's by $8,808

    North Bellp't RocketsUnit Schedules ThirdAnnual Benefit Dance

    HAGERMAN The N o r t hBellport Rockets . will hold itsthird annual benefit dance at 8p. m. April 22 at the Veteransof Foreign Wars Hall on DuntonAvenue here in Hagerman.

    The North Bellport RocketsClub includes th.2-ee teams in themidget division of the BrookhavenTown Recreation Department pro-gram and one in the j un io r di-vision. Also included is a men 'steam in the North Bellport Slo-Ball League.

    All proceeds from the a f f a i rwill i o toward the purchasing ofathletic equipment for the comingSummer baseball program.

    Clocks and Watches ofall Types Repaired

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    LEWIS KNIGHT. Ph.G.since 1900

    *f dl. BE - 7-0079FRtf E PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY


    RUTH A. M. E. ZION CHURCHBellport, N. Y.

    Rev. D. A. Hunt, PastorSUNDAY

    10 a. m.Sunday school service.11 a. m. Sunday Church serv-


    7:30 p. m.Choir rehearsal.TUESDAY

    7 p. m.Prayer service.


    Rev. Alan C. Merrill, RectorTODAY

    9:30 a. m. Holy Communion.10 a. m.-12:30 p. m. Office


    1st Sunday after Easter8 a. m. Holy Communion.9:30 a. m Family Eucharist,

    Sunday school grades 3-8.11 a. m.Morning prayer and


    8 p. m.Meeting of the Episco-pal Chui*dhwomen.

    TUESDAY9:30 a. m.-12:30 p. m. Office

    hours.8:30 p. m.Adult Class.

    WEDNESDAY7:30 p. m.Junior choir rehear-

    sal.8:30 p. m.Senior choir rehear-


    THURSDAY9:30 a. m.Holy Communion.10 a. m.-12:30 p. m. Office



    Bellport, N. Y.Rev. Frederick I. Smith, Pastor

    THURSDAY8 p. m.Official board meeting.

    SUNDAY9:30 a. m.Sunday school for

    all ages. Adult Class taught bythe pastor.

    11 a. m.Church Service. Babysitting; in Aldersgate.

    6 p. m.Junior Hi gh Fellow-ship.

    7:30 p. m.Senior Youth Fel-lowship.

    TUESDAY8 p. m.WSCS meeting.

    WEDNESDAYI p. m.Mid-week prayer ser-

    vice.7 p. m. Choir practice.8 p. m.Mid-Week Bible class.


    Beaver Dam Road, BrookhavenRev. Richard W. Gray, Vicar

    TODAY8 p. m.Work session in church

    for men.SUNDAY

    First Sunday After Easter8 a. m.Hol y Communion.II a. m.C -:rc"i school.11 a. prayer and

    sermon.7 p. m.Evening prayer.7:15 p. m. Young People's



    Beaver Dam Road, BrookhavenRev. Charles A. Kellogg


    8 p. m.Women's Associationat the home of Mrs. Edna Tooker ,Brookhaven. Spiritual life discus-sion on "The Day Christ Died."

    8 p. m.Meeting of the session

    at Mr. Kellogg's home.SUNDAY

    9 :30 a. m.Church school.11 a. m.Sunday service. Ser-

    mon topic, "The "V oice of God."12 noonCoffee hour.7:30 p. m.Religious Book-of-

    the-Month Cuib discussion at Mr.Kellogg's.

    MONDAYDeadline for ordering April Re-

    ligious Book-of-the-Month selec-tion, "He Sent Leanness" by Da-vid Head.

    WEDNESDAY8 p. m. Monthly Teachers'

    meeting at Mr. Kellogg's home.


    Brown's Lane, BellportRev. '1 nomas J. Manning, Pastor

    TODAY4:30-5:30, 7:30-8:30 p. m.Confes-sions in preparation for First Fri-day.

    TOMORROWFIRST FRIDAY8 a. m.Mass8 p. m.Sacred Heart devotions.

    SATURDAY4:30-5:30 p. m. and 7:30-S:30

    p. m.Confessions.SUNDAY

    7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 a. m. and 12:15p. m.Masses.

    2 p. in. Baptism.MONDAY

    8 p. m.Miraculous Medal no-vena.

    Mondays through Fridays 7 and8 a. m., Saturday 8 a. nv.Masses.Our Lady of Fatima devotions af-r.*>r 8 $4. TO. mass Saturday.

    News of theChurches

    if BELLPORT ASPHALT jif PAVING CORP. j!? Asphalt Pavinjr \\\ Parking Areas Driveways *\l Trucking J\\ Topsoil Bluestone