Being Twenty Something In Europe February 2005. Beliefs and behaviours change constantly, especially...

Being Twenty Something In Europe February 2005

Transcript of Being Twenty Something In Europe February 2005. Beliefs and behaviours change constantly, especially...

BeingTwenty Something In Europe

February 2005

Beliefs and behaviours change constantly, especially among young people

Europe is not the same but a rich collection of local cultures

Flamingo International

18 – 30 early adopters of change

Czech Republic, France, Germany, Russia, Spain, UK

Online survey by The Wire

1,600 18-30s mainstream sample

Same six countries plus Italy and Sweden

Major input from BBDO agencies

The Spirit


The Journey

…and some new implications for brands







The Big Picture

Barbara, Germany

‘Duty’ is an old fashioned word

Having everything is out… doing anything is in

The ‘I can’ generation

Life is all about experiences

60%believe they can control their own success

82%have goals that they are committed to achieving

Life is like a cake. It tastes the way you make it- Marketa, Czech Republic

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Russians are most confident of living better than their

parents – 79% expect a better life but only 37% of Germans do

Are they naïve?

No, they are pragmatic

They have an accurate view of the complexity of the world

But they focus their energy on things that shape their life in a positive way

It is about finding, planning and executing experiences that will make the most of who they are: essentially, it is the “Me Project”

The Me Project

“Nothing is permanent and nothing is impossible - knowing what you want to do with your life is the greatest challenge- Tara, UK

”“I think that the

people you connect with end up rotating [around you] like a solar system – you take them with you- Miles, UK

They are not “entrepreneurs”. They don’t like taking risks

They are not seeking to invent or re-invent

They are satisfied, defining themselves through “I am” as opposed to “I am not”

Their self-confidence gives them the willingness and freedom to:

explore, experiment,


Specific themes

Life in motion Return to roots Mixing things up Fame & respect

Technology Soul beauty New citizenship Enough is enough


Life in Motion

“The best experience of my life was canoeing through the jungles of Belize- Alejandro, Spain

”“This year I plan to make a

European tour of every rock festival- Guillaume, France

We can’t sit still and do nothing- Frantisek, Czech Republic

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Cheap travel and open borders fuel a “go anywhere, anytime” mentality

Because life is a journey, travel is more than escape

Every journey is a new experience about the ‘self’

“What do I get from that?”

62%aim to take time out from work to travel

32%plan to live or work abroad

Towards a New European identity?

Brands can open up the spirit of possibility rather than focus on the journey from A to B

Specific themes

Life in motion Return to roots Mixing things up Fame & respect

Technology Soul beauty New citizenship Enough is enough


Return to Roots

“Live with my girl friend – go away a lot, spent much of last two years travelling round the world…and go to Spain, learned Spanish, and down to Cornwall (where I am from). Feel very rooted when I am there- Dominic, UK

Previous generations tended to move away from their roots but this one has the confidence to view them as a source of strength

79%want to settle down, marry and have children

Image of Spanish Bull

Brands may have the opportunity to proclaim their origin or their cultural roots with renewed confidence

Brands may have the opportunity to proclaim their origin or their cultural roots with renewed confidence

Brands which leverage local cultural insights in an unexpected way can best connect with this target

Specific themes

Life in motion Return to roots Mixing things up Fame & respect

Technology Soul beauty New citizenship Enough is enough


Mixing Things Up

“Life is about creating new constellations may it be music art or even my sexuality- Chris, Germany

I’m dreaming of having a flat with every room a different style- Vlad, Moscow


Playing with identity demonstrates confidence and sophistication

are equally comfortable in gay or straight company57%

are open to exploring all aspects of their sexuality


Mixing is also about celebrating freedom and tolerance

Brands pigeon-hole consumers at their peril

The opportunity lies in acknowledging the complex identity of consumers and enabling them to express the appropriate sliver of their identity…and to play!

The key is to leave room for personal interpretation

Specific themes

Life in motion Return to roots Mixing things up Fame & respect

Technology Soul beauty New citizenship Enough is enough


Fame & Respect

”“I’d prefer a glorious life to 15 minutes of fame- Marco, Spain

Because of narrowing celebrity gap fame must be underpinned by talent

Twenty Somethings dream of being recognised for their talent, expertise and skills in their field… and demand the same for celebrities

Want to be famous22%

Have goals they are committed to achieving80%

Russians (41%) seek fame more than others

While 70% of Swedes are most likely to reject fame

The implication for brands is that fame alone is not enough anymore

Brands building their image on celebrities must make sure celebrities convey their talent and skills in a legitimate and unexpected way

Specific themes

Life in motion Return to roots Mixing things up Fame & respect

Technology Soul beauty New citizenship Enough is enough



”“Technology enables

me to do the things I want to do. But it doesn’t make me who I am- Sam, UK

Technology has made high speed living possible

“Speed dating: 4 minutes clearly isn’t enough time to get to know someone but it is enough to decide…to meet…again- John, London

Technology allows me to realise my ideas straight away

- Jan, Czech Republic


Twenty Somethings seem neither addicted to or isolated by technology

They are using it to create vibrant interactive communities

47% currently have a friend that they met online

Twenty Somethings don’t think technology makes you more creative, but they do recognise it helps new ideas come to life

Technology reveals new sides of yourself you didn’t know existed - Ina, Russia

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Technology brands have the unique opportunity to enable their users to be the heroes they wish to be, with more power to experience and create

There is an opportunity to target techno- communities online or on the move.

By doing so, all brands have the potential to get the Twenty Somethings - and a still younger generation - to take control of diffusing the message

Specific themes

Life in motion Return to roots Mixing things up Fame & respect

Technology Soul beauty New citizenship Enough is enough


Soul Beauty

”“This is my body,

I’ll do what I want with it - Heike, Germany

“Physical things? There are deeper values that are more important - Simona, Czech Republic ”

Like previous generations Twenty Somethings are largely dissatisfied with their body,

But now they feel that they have the power to act upon it.

Most do not love their bodies and only 47% feel comfortable in a swimming costume


Most do not love their bodies and only 47% feel comfortable in a swimming costume

would like to change things about their body or appearance

want cosmetic surgery (one in four women)



One in five

Twenty Somethings feel responsible for their well being and don’t want to delegate

They know how to select their own magic formula from the overwhelming number of messages about health, beauty and wellness

have used alternative therapies for their health


Twenty somethings set their own rules, where individual health cocktails are laced with doses of unhealthy fun.

Twenty Somethings believe in the connection between body, mind and soul

They seek for “total” feel-good experiences

If you look after your soul,you’re a real person - James, UK

“ ”

Taking care of the soul is the new way to be healthy and… happy

Their confidence leads them to create their own ‘religion’, a personal mix to take care of their well being

Specific themes

Life in motion Return to roots Mixing things up Fame & respect

Technology Soul beauty New citizenship Enough is enough


New Citizenship

”“We cannot change the world, but… - Xiomara, Spain

A generation sceptical of mass political engagement… but willing to take part in concrete localised actions

A generation viewed as apolitical but happy to take a stand on what matters to them

Towards a pragmatic citizenship

38%Only say they would fight for their country

81%But would fight for a cause they believe in

58%Are willing to engage in local issues

Twenty Somethings expect companies to show responsibility and, above all, to act on their beliefs with visible, practical action

This generation will not compromise on their comfort or pleasure, but expects brands to reconcile personal and collective benefits

”“What is good for me should be good for the planet too - Stefan, Germany

Specific themes

Life in motion Return to roots Mixing things up Fame & respect

Technology Soul beauty New citizenship Enough is enough


Enough is Enough

”“Only getting 20 days

holiday a year – it feels like a prison - Claudia, Germany

I don’t want work to interfere with my private life - Renata, Czech Republic”“

Pleasure is an entitlement - one life. live it well.

It is more important to live an interesting life than to be rich

Combining what you love with your job is the ultimate goal

Life is too short to have the wrong job. What do you want? - Irena, Germany “ ”

Twenty Somethings want to profit from life now. And tomorrow

They have a quite conservative relationship to money

Money is important not per se but for the experiences it buys

”“With (a gift of) 1000

euros I would buy a quad bike and open a savings account with the rest- Clement, France

A major difference in some countries like Turkey is a focus on first getting the basics sorted

Brands, and companies behind them, must understand this generation’s new priorities

Not more, more, more … but enough, just enough, to make the most of my life

Specific themes

Life in motion Return to roots Mixing things up Fame & respect

Technology Soul beauty New citizenship Enough is enough


How can brands best connect with the Twenty Somethings?

Twenty Somethings love their brands!

But they have a different relationship to them

To better connect with the Twenty Somethings, brands may rethink how they define themselves and how they speak to this target

Twenty Somethings seek brands with an equally strong identity to their own

They want to understand the spirit of the brand and whether it is attuned to their spirit and their world

From a brand positioning to a brand spirit

What the brand stands for

The brand’s values

The brand’s beliefs

From conventional selling proposition to experience catalyst

What does the brand enable them to do?

What does the brand create?

What does the brand change in their lives?

From talking to consumers to creating an active connection

Which media and tools does the brand use to interact with them?

Which core target will become the brand ‘evangelists’ and the best message carriers?

Which ‘community’ does the brand want to bring to life?



Experience Catalyst

Active Connection

A new language

for a new

generation of


Life in motion Return to roots Mixing things up Fame & respect

Technology Soul beauty New citizenship Enough is enough

BeingTwenty Something In Europe