Behaviour Policy - Secondary Behaviour...

Behaviour Policy 2014-15

Transcript of Behaviour Policy - Secondary Behaviour...

Behaviour Policy




Named personnel with designated responsibility for teaching and learning

Academic year Designated Senior person

Nominated Governor

Chair of Governors

2014-15 Jerry Collins

Policy review dates

Review Date Changes made By whom

March 2014 Policy created Jerry Collins

March 2015

Ratification by Governing Body

Academic year

Date of ratification Chair of Governors

2014-15 [GOVERNOR]


Dates of staff training

Dates Staff Led by Focus

Sept 2014 All Jerry Collins Introducing the policy





This policy has been created to provide a framework for staff, pupils and parents in developing and

maintaining an ethos of exemplary conduct. Such an ethos will enable pupils to work in, and have

responsibility for, a calm, purposeful and orderly environment. It will enable staff to work in, and have

responsibility for, an environment where learning and teaching are respected and valued. Finally, the

policy will allow parents to have confidence their child is learning in an academic environment and is safe,

respected and equally valued.

The policy is underpinned by the Pupil Code of Conduct as this sets out our expectations of pupils. The

Code of Conduct is not an aspiration but a consistent expectation of every pupil. We believe in our pupils

and we believe each and every one of them wants to conduct themselves to the highest standards and that

these high standards will serve them well both at school and into adulthood. The Code of Conduct will

enable pupils to develop habits of excellence and foster a sense of inner discipline, self-regulation and

respect for the rights of others.

Teachers will support pupils in working within the Code of Conduct by setting high academic

expectations, structuring and delivering high quality lessons, creating a strong classroom and school

culture, setting and maintaining high behavioural expectations, leading by example and by building

character and trust. The principles and techniques by which we will create a strong classroom culture are

set out in the section ‘Principles Of Our Classroom Culture’.

There are two sections on Routines within the document. We believe that very clear and well-explained

daily and weekly routines will enable pupils and staff to concentrate on the core business of teaching and

learning in a well-structured and consistent environment. Staff and pupils are expected to abide by these

routines at all times to ensure the highest levels of consistency.

We want the school to be not only an exceptionally successful academic environment but also one in

which pupils receive regular praise for making the right choices and conducting themselves well.

Exceptional work, conduct, effort and demonstration of good character will be formally acknowledged

and rewarded and this is set out in the Rewards section.

We are keenly aware that our pupils will make mistakes and this is part of the learning process and

growing up. Where pupils act in a manner that is detrimental to their own well-being or the well-being of

others they will be sanctioned. Sanctions are not there to punish but to help pupils understand they have

done something wrong. Sanctions will always be carefully explained and pupils will be given an

opportunity to reflect on the matter with some adult guidance. The ‘Sanctions’ section specifies sanctions

that the academy will use to support pupils. Pupils who need help in addressing behavioural, emotional

and social difficulties will have access to a range of support as set out below.



1.1 At ARK John Keats Academy, we are aiming to create a place where pupils work hard, conduct

themselves well, develop self-discipline and belief, model strong character and support their classmates.

1.2 Teachers and other staff will achieve this by embedding five key principles in our classrooms:

a Discipline

b Management

c Control

d Influence

e Engagement

a Discipline

i We will teach pupils the right way to do something – we explicitly teach discipline.

ii ii At ARK John Keats we will teach the pupils step-by-step what is expected in terms of

conduct, attitude and work. Too often in schools teachers have not taken the time to teach their

pupils, step-by-step, what successful behaviour looks like, assuming instead the pupils have

inferred it elsewhere or doubting the value of having a right way of doing things.

b Management

i Management is the process of reinforcing behaviour by consequences and rewards.

ii Management is very limited without the other four elements but is often used as an end in


iii At ARK John Keats we will teach pupils how to do things right, not just establish consequences

for doing things wrong. To truly succeed we must be able to get pupils to do things regardless

of consequence, and to inspire and engage them in positive work.

c Control

i Control is your capacity to cause someone to choose to do what you ask, regardless of


ii Teachers who have strong control succeed because they understand the power of language and

relationships: they ask respectfully, firmly and confidently but also with civility. They express

their faith in pupils.

iii They replace vague and judgemental commands with specific and useful ones.

iv Control enables staff to save their consequences until they need them most.

d Influence

i Influencing means inspiring pupils to believe in themselves, want to succeed and want to work

for it for intrinsic reasons.

ii Control gets them to do things you suggest; influence gets them to want to internalise the

things you suggest.

iii Getting pupils to believe in themselves, to want to behave positively, is the biggest driver of

achievement and success and is a powerful and lasting motivator.


iv Our teachers aim to influence pupils to conduct themselves in an exemplary manner at all


e Engagement

i If pupils are consistently positively engaged they will see themselves as positive, engaged and

enthusiastic people.

ii Our lessons will be planned and delivered to ensure high levels of positive engagement.


1.1 Expectations of pupils

I will strive to achieve my academic potential by:

a Being punctual – arriving to school and to my lessons on time

b Being organised – bringing the correct books and equipment to school every day

c Being independent – completing my homework on time and to the best of my ability

d Being committed – following all of the academy’s learning routines with conviction

e Being calm – moving from one place to the next quietly and thoughtfully

f Listening – being attentive to teachers and other academy staff

g Engaging – attempting all tasks and activities to the best of my ability

h Persevering – trying my hardest, even when I find things difficult

i Participating – trying all the different enrichment activities

j Respecting – being supportive and considerate towards pupils and adults at all times

I will strive to ensure ARK John Keats is a great school for everyone by:

a Wearing the full and correct academy uniform with pride

b Keeping classrooms clean and tidy

c Undertaking my Responsibilities on time and to the best of my ability

d Eating food only in the dining hall

e Not bringing banned items onto the school site

f Volunteering for extra duties

g Striving to develop the traits of our CHARACTER programme

h Enthusiastically celebrating the success of others

i Helping those in need, both in and out of school

j Acting as an ambassador for ARK John Keats Academy both in and out of school

1.2 Expectations of Staff: Embedding High Behaviour Expectations


The three non-negotiables that all staff at ARK John Keats must consistently and effectively

use in their classrooms and around the school are;

a 100 Percent

b What To Do

c Strong Voice

See the Teaching and Learning Handbook for a detailed explanation of these techniques


The following routines and expectations apply to all pupils and will be rigorously and

consistently applied by all staff.

1.1 Before arriving at school all students will:

a Eat breakfast (or leave home with enough time to eat at breakfast club).

b Make sure that all homework is complete.

c Pack their John Keats Academy bag with the items outlined in the pupil handbook.

1.2 On arrival at ARK John Keats Academy all pupils will:

a Be in full uniform as outlined in the pupil handbook.

b Be aware of their Responsibility task for the day (if unsure pupils will check the

Responsibility Board before 8:25am)

c Line up in year groups and tutor groups in playground at 8:25. A uniform and

equipment check will take place at this time.

d Expect to be sent home if not wearing the correct uniform or be given spare uniform on

site. Repeated uniform infringements, including top button undone, will result in catch ups

at lunchtimes until the matter is resolved.

e Have only healthy food in their bags (water, fruit), and not have any fizzy drinks, sweets or

chewing gum with them.

f Keep their mobile phones off and in their bags or coats. Mobiles that are seen by staff, in

use or not, will be confiscated. If pupils need to call home they can do so from the office.

Confiscated phones will need to be collected by parents 24 hours after confiscation.

1.3 Walking around ARK John Keats Academy and moving to and from lessons

pupils will:

a Walk silently (for the first term and quietly from term 2), purposefully and

enthusiastically from lesson to lesson and at lunch and break times.

b Keep to the left.


c Greet others, including visitors, in a friendly and polite manner.

d Hold doors open for others

e Exhibit CHARACTER traits

f Help create a quiet and studious atmosphere in the library.

g Respect the wall displays by not leaning on them or touching them.

1.4 Entering the classroom at ARK John Keats Academy:

a Pupils will enter in silence as the teacher greets them at the door

b Pupils will start the DO NOW activity in silence whilst the teacher greets and takes

the register

c Pupils will all say the ARK John Keats Academy Pledge when asked to do so by their


1.5 During a lesson all pupils will:

a Greet visitors with a smile and welcoming greeting.

b Put their hand up in silence and wait for permission before asking or answering a


c Answer questions in full sentences and use the appropriate register to ensure that

everyone can hear.

d Listen attentively.

e Celebrate the successes of others.

f See mistakes as steps on the road to understanding.

g Help maintain a supportive culture based on respect and teamwork.

h Track the speaker and give affirmative cues, unless you are taking notes or reading.

1.6 Moving to and from assemblies/examinations pupils will;

a Walk in silence to and from each area.

b Line up and enter in their year groups and form groups in alphabetical order,

unless the form tutor or teacher directs otherwise.

c Sit in silence until the assembly begins. There will be a video clip, music or pupil

performance to engage pupils as they wait.

d Stand, on signal, at the beginning of the assembly to say the pledge.

e Applaud all presentations and performances appreciatively so people have confidence

in delivering assemblies at ARK John Keats.

f Track the presenter and performers to show their interest and out of respect.

g Celebrate the successes of their peers

h Remain in silence whilst they are dismissed by their Head of Year or senior member of

staff, one row at a time.

i Walk in silence, with their teacher if practical, to their next lesson.


Form Tutors or teachers will sit on the aisle at the end of the row with their form group.

All staff will attend whole school assemblies and awards ceremonies and all or selected

parents will be invited on occasion.

1.7 During break and lunchtime all students will:

a Walk quietly to the dining hall, led by the period 5 teacher

b Queue for their food. Quiet talk will be permitted in the queue

c Eat at least one portion of vegetables

d Thank catering staff as they are served

e Sit in an allocated place with a member of staff

f Engage in polite table talk

g Eat appropriately as taught during CHARACTER sessions and induction week.

h Leave the table as a group as decided by the lead teacher at that table. Set pupils will

have responsibility for cleaning up and will remain to do that under HoY supervision.

i Drink water

j Meet friends to talk in the internal courtyard areas.

k Play supervised sports in the external areas or sports hall.

l Read or revise in the library, use the ICT rooms or take part in an indoor extra-

curricular activity.

m Meet with staff to address any concerns or queries.

n Complete any work or revision that is required

o Make their way to line up at the first bell. Line up in silence by the end of the second


p Walk silently with their teacher to class

1.8 At the end of the school day all pupils will:

a Make sure they have everything they need to complete their homework.

b Leave the Academy site quietly, quickly and in an orderly manner.

c If applicable, wait quietly by the bus stop, get onto the bus one at a time and thank the


d Give up their seat to a member of the public if on the bus.

e Talk quietly and respectfully to each other and the general public.

f Remember at all times they are representing ARK John Keats Academy and should be

modeling our values.

g Have a pass if they have an on-site extra-curricular activity. Staff are responsible for

issuing these and making arrangements with pupils. Staff must ensure pupils are

supervised and aware of their responsibilities whilst on site after school.

These are our core Routines. Other Routines are set out in Appendix 2.



At AJK, students are expected to follow these core routines and behaviour expectations, If pupils are not

meeting these expectations, a number of measures will be put into place in order to support students to

do so. All sanctions will be an opportunity for pupils to understand and reflect upon and correct what

went wrong. These sanctions include:

a Catch-up

b Contact with parents

c Parent meetings


Pupils will be asked to attend Catch Up for the reasons outlined in the Sanctions section – see Appendix

3. The academy runs Catch Up not to punish pupils but to enable them to catch up on work missed or to

reflect on their behavior. Catch Ups will run as follows;

When Frequency Who Reasons Additional note Lunchtime (pupils will eat with their HoY and go to the BSR with the HoY at the end of their meal).

Daily HoY/TA Late to school or a lesson Stage 1

Friday 4:30-6pm Weekly ELT Rota Stage 2 Missed lunchtime Catch Up

Saturday 8:3 0 Weekly Principal/VP/HoY Stage 3 Missed Friday Catch Up

INSET Day/End of term until 3:30pm

Termly Parents/Staff Stage 3 Missed Saturday Catch Up

Catch Ups will run as follows;

a Pupils will have a stamp in their diary given by their teacher, tutor or HoY to say they have a Catch

Up. This stamp will be signed by the relevant member of staff at the end of the Catch Up.

b The member of staff running the Catch Up will log attendees in the log book and record any issues.

This will be checked daily by the HoY and recorded on ePortal.


c Pupils will be taken to the restaurant by their period 4 teachers and then immediately to the BSR by

the member of staff on call for lunchtime Catch Up. Pupils in Friday catch up will be taken to the BSR

at the end of enrichment.

d Catch Up will be conducted in silence, unless the member of staff gives permission for pupils to work

together or they are being supported by an adult.

e Pupils will be responsible for bringing enough work to last the duration of the Catch Up. The HoY will

provide packs/resources of supplementary work for each of the Catch Ups. This will be updated

every term.

f Pupils will be dismissed as a group in silence. The Friday and Saturday Catch Ups will see pupils

escorted to the gate at the end of the session.

g Work will be checked by the teacher at the end of the session. If it is not of the requisite standard the

pupil will be referred to the next level Catch Up.

h Staff can request, in the Catch Up log, for specific pieces of work to be completed.

i The HoY will report weekly to the Principal on who has been referred to Catch Up, any absences and

any additional actions deemed necessary. The HoY will also inform tutors regarding their particular



The role of rewards at ARK John Keats Academy is to promote exemplary behaviour, recognise and

celebrate academic success and effort, and publicly acknowledge commitment to our values. Rewards

will be given for conduct, effort and achievement beyond the norm or expected. We expect teachers to

informally praise pupils precisely and positively throughout lessons (see technique 44 ‘Precise Praise’ in

Teach Like A Champion). The rewards system is to formally recognize the exceptional in an easy to use


Type Format Reason Who Recorded Accumulation Commendations Stamps in

planner Exemplary effort, work, achievement, contribution or CHARACTER demonstration

Teacher Tutor HoY Staff

Planner e-Portal by tutor when they have 10 in one subject or 25 overall. Staff member calls parent

10 in one subject = subject certificate presented at weekly assembly 25 overall = Certificate of Excellence presented at termly celebration assembly

Achievement Certificate

Department devised certificate

Meeting target grade in AP assessments

Teacher/HoD e-Portal Teacher or HoD calls parent

5 in one AP = Gold Certificate presented at


termly celebration assembly

Gold Certificate Head of Achievement

5 achievement certificates in one AP

Head of Achievement

e-Portal HoY/VP/Principal calls parent

15 over year = Exceptional Achievement Plaque presented at termly assembly

Exceptional Achievement Plaque

Head of Achievement

15 Gold Certificates or 7 end of year target grades met

Head of Achievement

e-Portal HoY/VP/Principal calls parent

Presented at annual Academy Awards

CHARACTER Certificate

Tutors Teachers

Each teacher and tutor nominates one person from their tutor group/class who has best exemplified the traits over the course of the term.

HoY E-Portal Presented every six weeks at the end of term assembly

1.1 Celebration Assemblies

a Weekly assemblies to include Achievement Certificates

b End of term assembly to celebrate CHARACTER certificates

c Achievement assemblies following APs three times annually to celebrate Gold Certificates

d Academy Awards to celebrate Exceptional Achievement Plaques

e Points 2, 3 and 4 will also celebrate other achievements in the sporting, enrichment and

House areas.

1.2 House Competitions and Awards.


Term Competition Lead Autumn 1 Football

Rounders Essay


Autumn 2 Reading Debating Football Basketball Netball

English department TBD HoY HoY TBD

Spring 1 Sing off Music teacher


Football Essay


Spring 2 Debating Rounders Reading

TBD HoY English

Summer 1 Sing off Music Summer 2 Sports Day

Debating Football Reading

HoY TBD HoY English

1st = 100 points

2nd = 75 points

3rd = 50 points

4th = 25 points

The House Captain at the end of each term will receive a House Certificate on behalf of the leading

team at the end of term assembly. The House Captain will collect the House Cup on behalf of the

winning team at the Academy Awards.

1.4 Attendance Awards

Pupils with 98+% attendance will receive a certificate from the Head of Year at the end of term



We believe assuming responsibility for different aspects of the school environment and school operations is essential in the development of good character in our pupils. All pupils will have responsibilities in year 7, with selected positions available in the older year groups.

Responsibilities include:

a Tutor group form captains, school council representatives, librarians, peer mentors, tutor monitors

b House house captains, vice house captains, sports captain and vice sports captain.

c Sports school team captains, games set up at lunch and break times, refereeing, coaching in the primary school.

d Academy Service breaktime and lunchtime supervisors, lunch clear up rota, litter rota, corridor supervisors, assembly monitors, Reception ambassadors, visitor guides, uniform monitors

e Environment ECO captain and officers


f Curriculum subject captains

g Prefects (KS4 and 5 only) h Charity captains

i Reading champions j Enrichment captains k Primary school volunteers


At the academy we understand that some pupils will need support to enable them to meet our behaviour

expectations and to make best use of the opportunities presented by the academy. Support for

behaviour will be specific, intensive and within a timeframe. Whilst fully acknowledging and supporting

the needs of some pupils we are also very mindful of the needs and aspirations of the wider pupil body

and will not allow persistent long term disruption of learning or abuse of pupils and staff.

Staff will receive regular training on meeting the needs of pupils with behavioural, social or emotional

difficulties and we aim to primarily meet needs through the adoption of consistent and effective

teaching techniques in the classroom.

The following support will also be available at ARK John Keats Academy and the Head of Achievement

and Head of Year will decide on how this support is used to support pupils on a case by case basis;

i Daily Target Card ii Behaviour Support Room iii Additional community responsibilities iv Parent Contract v Counseling vi Educational psychologist referral vii Speech and Language support viii In-class support ix Off-site provision



Principles The House system has been established to create smaller communities within the school that promote a greater sense of identity, competition and belonging. The House system mixes pupils of all ages (from 2015) and is not based on curriculum or academic criteria. Each house will represent a cross-section of the school community and will involve pupils and staff. The House system will be overseen and managed in the first year by the Head of Year 7. Pupils will meet as a House at least once a week and the house will be the main focus of school-wide competitions.

Structure Every member of the school will be a member of a house, including staff. In the first year this will be as follows (Head of House highlighted);

Wollstonecraft J

Witheford S Murray S

Mullarkey Geography

Du Bois D Boyd W Mackintosh

Science PA Administrator

Mills J Rowley T Gilliford English Music Arendt F

Freeman S Wetzel S Bartlett TA J Collins

There will be one adult H e a d o f House, a pupil House Captain and p u p i l Vice Captain. The pupil posts will be nominated by the Head of House and voted for by the House pupils.

Head of House Responsibilities

a Oversee rewards within the house

b Initiate and promote competitions in sport, debating, essay writing, music and art

c Organise the lunchtime and prep ‘shout out’ programme d Contribute to assemblies and lead house assemblies as appropriate e Maintain the House noticeboard and promote the House at all opportunities

f Develop the ethos and culture within each house through;

i Symbols, artifacts, traditions and stories ii A coat of arms/crest, a motto etc. iii A mascot iv A storyboard relating to its namesake and all pupils should be keenly aware of that person’s

history and influence. v Development of the House traditions or routines, for example how they start House

meetings, House chants and songs etc – that help mark them out as different



House Form Tutor Responsibilities

a Establish a culture of learning, mutual support and healthy competition with the group b Teach and promote the Character programme within the group

c Monitor the academic progress, attendance and punctuality of the pupils on an individual and group basis

d Ensure full participation in enrichment and extension activities. e Be the first port of call for any academic or pastoral issues with parents, staff and pupils f Promote and track rewards, participation in wider school events and contribution to the school

and wider community


a. Monitoring, evaluation and review

The academy will review this policy annually and assess its implementation and effectiveness.

The policy will be promoted and implemented throughout the academy.

b. Interrelationship with other academy policies

In order for the Behaviour Policy to be effective a clear relationship with other academy

policies, particularly equal opportunities, teaching and learning, inclusion and anti-bullying has

been established.

c. Involvement of outside agencies

The academy works positively with external agencies (e.g. educational welfare, health services

etc.). It seeks appropriate support from them to ensure that the needs of all pupils are met by

utilising the range of external support available.

d. Procedures

The Principal, in consultation with staff, will develop the procedures from this policy.

i The procedures will make clear to the pupils how acceptable standards of behaviour

can be achieved and will have a clear rationale, which is made explicit to staff, pupils

and parents/carers.

ii The procedures will be consistently and fairly applied and promote the idea of

personal responsibility and treat every member of the academy equally. Each

member of the academy community has a responsibility towards the establishment

and maintenance of a purposeful and caring environment where all can thrive.




a Governing body

i The Governing body will establish in consultation with the Principal, staff and

parents/carers the policy for the promotion of good behaviour and keep it under review. It

will ensure that it is communicated to pupils and parents/carers, is non-discriminatory and

the expectations are clear.

ii Governors will support the academy in maintaining high standards of behaviour.

iii The governing body will ensure there is no differential application of the policy on any

grounds, particularly ethnic or national origin, culture, religion, gender, disability or

sexuality. They will also ensure that the concerns of pupils are listened to and appropriately


b Principal

i The Principal will be responsible for the implementation and day-to-day management of

the policy and procedures.

ii The Principal will ensure there is no differential application of the policy on any grounds,

particularly ethnic or national origin, culture, religion, gender, disability or sexuality. They

will also ensure that the concerns of pupils are listened to and appropriately addressed.

iii The Principal will ensure that appropriate high quality training on all aspects of behaviour

management is provided to support the implementation of the policy.

c Staff

i Staff will base their interactions with pupils on trust and the highest regard for them ii Staff will establish high standards of behaviour and consistently and effectively

implement the Academy’s behaviour management policy and procedures iii Staff will maintain a positive and secure learning environment iv Staff will explicitly teach pupils effective behaviour for learning and self-regulation (see

appendix 1) v Staff will support pupils to develop self-discipline vi Staff will model high standards of behaviour in their dealings with pupils and with each

other by behaving courteously, respectfully, considerately and professionally at all times

vii Staff will ensure fair treatment of all viii Staff will maintain a presence around the academy to ensure that the highest standards of

behaviour and site usage are maintained ix Staff will avoid at all times situations which make students feel uncomfortable or humiliated x Staff will use positive language and never use language which is derogatory, intimidating,

abusive or sarcastic in any way xi Staff will acknowledge and praise adherence to the academy’s Code of Conduct.



d Parents and Carers

Parents and carers will take responsibility for the behaviour of their child both inside and

outside the academy. They will be encouraged to work in partnership with the academy in

maintaining high standards of behaviour and will have the opportunity to raise with the

academy any issues arising from the operation of the policy. Parents are expected to:

i work in partnership with the academy in maintaining high standards of behaviour ii sign and comply with the Home-Academy Agreement (appendix 4) which outlines the

responsibilities of the parent, pupil and the Academy, including those concerning behaviour

iii support their child to develop self-discipline iv tell us if anything happens at home or out of school which may affect their child’s behaviour v work with us to find appropriate strategies and to support the academy in

implementing these strategies if their child’s behaviour becomes a cause for concern vi take responsibility for their child if he or she is excluded.



Appendix 1 - ARK John Keats Learning Routines

and Techniques

Teaching and support staff will create a classroom environment that empowers pupils to uphold

the Code of Conduct. This environment will be created through the implementation of the

routines/techniques below and through the Secondary School Routines (Appendix A). All staff

will have training in the key routines and they will be an integral part of our induction process

and ongoing CPD.

High Academic Expectations and Engagement

1. No Opt Out

2. Right Is Right

3. Stretch It

4. Format Matters

5. Without Apology

6. Cold Call

7. Call and Response

8. Pepper

9. Wait Time

10. Everybody Writes

11. Vegas

Strong Classroom Culture and Behaviour

1. Entry Routine

2. Do Now

3. Tight Transitions

4. Book/Binder Control


6. On Your Mark

7. Seat Signals

8. 100%

9. What To Do

10. Strong Voice

11. Do It Again

12. Sweat The Details

13. Threshold

14. No Warnings

Building Character and Trust

1. Positive Framing

2. Precise Praise



3. Warm/Strict

4. The J Factor

5. Emotional Constancy

6. Explain Everything

7. Normalise Error



Appendix 2 - Secondary School Routines

Aspect Pupils Staff Training Meeting and welcoming visitors

Pupils shake hands with all visitors, introduce themselves, welcome the visitor to John Keats Academy (or their lesson/class) and track the speaker when talking with visitors

Pupils refer to all adult visitors/ members of staff as Sir and Madame and to other pupils and children by their first name

Pupils exhibit enthusiasm for the academy and their activities with all visitors and are forthcoming on their experiences and aspirations

Pupils are knowledgeable about the academy (our ambitions for our pupils, our expectations, enrichment activities, areas of the school, staff, events and so on) and articulate this knowledge well

Pupils are able to take visitors on tours of the academy with confidence and enthusiasm

Pupils always talk about their subjects and subject knowledge when meeting visitors

Staff shake hands with all visitors, introduce themselves, welcome the visitor to John Keats Academy (or their lesson/class). Invite visitors to talk with pupils and look at their work. If in the midst of an activity when a visitor enters your classroom carry on with the activity but acknowledge the visitor with a smile and ensure an ambassador welcomes them and explains the activity

All classrooms have an ambassador. The ambassador welcomes the visitor and explains what the class are doing. All teachers use an ambassador card to help pupils follow this routine. Ambassadors should only be used when articulate enough to be effective. It should be seen as a privilege and skill to be allowed and able to greet. Ambassadors must not serve for more than one week at any one term.

Staff must always be available during non-contact time to meet visitors. This is particularly important with founding staff and they must be able to fully articulate our vision, ethos and progress.



All visitors should leave the academy inspired and knowledgeable about what we do. It is the role of all staff to ensure this happens with every visitor.

Morning arrival at the gate and in the classroom

Pupils greet staff at the gate or in the playground with a smile, handshake and say ‘good morning Madame or Mr ***’. Pupils do this whilst making eye contact with the member of staff.

No mobile phones are allowed beyond the school gate.

Pupils are allowed to wait in the playground before school from 8:00am and the HoY supervises the area from that time. The academy encourages pupils not to come to the area before 8am to avoid congestion outside.

Pupils assemble in the playground at 8:25am (whistle by HoY). The period 1 teachers assemble the pupils class by class in a straight line, in silence, facing the front, hands by side and in exemplary uniform (uniform is checked by a fellow pupil as part of the Responsibility programme). Pupils greet the staff member in unison (‘good morning Madame or Mr X’) and the register is taken. Pupils respond ‘Present’ when their name is called. After the register they are walked

Pupils are greeted at the gate by the Principal or Vice Principal from 8:15am. Shake hands of pupils and welcome them with ‘good morning’ and do likewise with parents.

Senior staff use the morning gate duty to commend pupils to their parents for successes linked to our pillars/ethos.

The School Administrator ensures the office is well-managed and organised every morning so parents can be dealt with courteously and efficiently.

The Site supervisor ensures the gate and playground areas are orderly and welcoming every morning.

Class teachers are in the playground by 8:20 to ensure the morning routines are followed in full so pupils arrive at lessons in a highly ordered, disciplined and calm manner. They are ready and eager to learn.

All classroom staff and all pupils participate in the morning mantra without fail. The

Practice sessions in the playground with staff in August/September. Practice sessions in the playground with pupils over the first week.



in silence to their classroom/area by their period 1 teacher . Once inside they immediately start the Do It Now activity in silence.

The class and all staff chant the school mantra loudly and enthusiastically at the end of the Do Now activity.

Pupils who arrive late to school report to the office to sign in. They then go to class, sign the class late book (to be kept near the door) and sit down. The pupil signs the late book and immediately joins in the activity. The teacher does not have a conversation regarding the pupil’s lateness but marks them late on CMIS.

classroom teacher follows up all recalcitrant pupils or staff (issues are reported to the HoY).

Breakfast club and morning transition

Breakfast club runs from 8am in the dining hall and is overseen by the TA

Pupils can go the dining hall from 8am and can self-serve cereal, toast and water

Pupils eat together in groups and communicate politely with other pupils and staff

There is a quiet and purposeful atmosphere from start to finish

Pupils display good table manners at all times

Pupils have responsibility for clearing up

Pupils leave the dining hall by 8:20 and go directly to the playground for the 8:25

The breakfast room is fully set out 5 minutes before the arrival of pupils

The room is tidy and organised

The distribution of food is organised and effective

Pupils are engaged in meaningful activities or dialogue during breakfast

There is an effective system in place for clearing up and pupils take responsibility for this

Pupils finish by 8:20 Pupils are escorted

quietly into the playground at 8:25 for line up

Staff can use the dining hall for breakfast from 7:45




Lesson transition

Pupils are silent when leaving one location and are clear on where they are going

Pupils are silent moving from one area to the next (for first 6 weeks)

Pupils walk on the left Pupils are well turned

out and the uniform is worn correctly

Adults fully instruct pupils on expectations as they move from one place to the next

Adults ensure pupils’ uniform is correct

Adults organise pupils when leaving a room or area

Adults ensure pupils are silent

Adults ensure pupils greet others they meet and are polite and respectful at all times

Adults set a good example and talk very quietly amongst themselves on the corridors

Entry to lessons

Pupils walk in single file and silently into lessons

They place their bags and coats on the backs of their chair after removing their equipment

They place their equipment at the front left of their desk (pencil case, planner) and their book to the right.

Pupils sit at their desks with their back straight and two feet on the floor.

Pupils begin the Do Now activity as soon as they have sat down. The Do Now activity is done in silence

Pupils answer questions in full sentences

Pupils follow the T&L policy code on how to maintain their books

Pupils follow the STAR position in full (Sit Up, Track the speaker, Ask and answer questions, Respect those around

All teachers refer to ‘ARK John Keats behaviour’ and expectations and embed it into all their classes.

All staff ensure entry routines are clearly understood and carried out 100% in every lesson. Routines and taught and practised at the start of the year and the What to Do technique is evident in this (pupil non-compliance should never be because they do not understand what is expected).

Staff training on 100%, What to Do and Strong Voice in August/September. This should include practice sessions. Practice sessions with pupils at the beginning of the year.



you). Pupils transition from

one activity to another quickly and quietly.

Lesson Techniques

Pupils clearly understand the intent of a body of techniques used by teachers in promoting their learning.

There is very little, if any, talk about behaviour in lessons. When necessary this is conducted through signals.

Teachers effectively employ a body of techniques to ensure there is an embedded culture of learning, high expectations and exemplary behaviour in lessons (see Teach Like A Champion). Where pupils fall short teachers use the least invasive techniques quickly and effectively to address the issue.

The following signals are used to support behaviour management and smooth routines;

Finger on side of eye – track the speaker One finger – stand up 2 fingers – chairs in 3 fingers – silent movement 5 fingers – silence 2 claps – repeated by students as sign for everything down and STAR position. Used at end of task in positive manner ’Stop’ hand – (used for class management) instant silence, everything down, eyes on teacher. Need to adopt Strong Voice in follow up to this. Hands moving apart – full sentence and/or extend your answer

Practice with staff in August/September Training with pupils in first week. Need explicit sessions Regular training and practice throughout the year on Teach Like A Champion Techniques – JC and JW to prioritise top 10.

Break and lunch times

Pupils walk silently in the building when going to and from the playground or eating area

Pupils are lined up and walk to eating and play areas silently and in an orderly manner

Pupils are very well



They walk in an orderly and disciplined manner, on the left and are polite and courteous as they come across others

Pupils are clear on expectations regarding conduct in the eating and play areas

Family dining rules are adhered to at all times and there is an atmosphere of calm and kindness

briefed on expectations at play times

Arrangements are in place for pupils who do not conduct themselves in an exemplary manner

Pupils are very well supervised in a friendly and enthusiastic manner during break and lunch times

Play is structured and very well managed

Staff on duty are very clear on what they are to do and set an excellent example to pupils and other staff at all times

Arrangements are in place for a quick and smooth transition in the case of poor weather

Pupils line up immediately at the bell, are praised for their conduct and transition to the classroom is silent, purposeful and done within two minutes of the bell. Line up area is the same as the morning assembly point

Enrichment Pupils will rotate the timetabled enrichment sessions on a six weekly basis. Tutors will provide a handout, created by the Head of Achievement, for each individual the week before the change.

Pupils and staff will arrive at the timetabled location promptly and normal school rules will apply.

Staff who need to change clothing for their activity may do so at lunchtime.

The enrichment sessions should be planned, purposeful but should also really involve staff so it is a shared and enjoyable experience for all. We would like a really vibrant feel to the enrichment



Pupils will be dismissed as normal.

There will be no opt out of activities – they are there to inform as well as develop interests and passions

afternoons. Dismiss pupils in the

normal way and ensure uniform is on correctly.

End of Day/Extra-curricular

Pupils in their final lesson, prep or enrichment pack up in silence and say the pledge

They leave the building in silence and can talk quietly once outside

Pupils are not allowed to stay onsite unless they have a note from a teacher inviting them to an activity

Pupils are not allowed to congregate outside the school or in the local area

All staff are on corridors and in the outside areas at the end of the day to ensure a quiet, purposeful and friendly end to the day

Staff supervise for 10 minutes and ensure their area is fully cleared.

Extra-curricular activities start promptly and pupils are escorted to the gate quietly when finished

Lesson visits See ‘Meeting and Welcoming Visitors’ above

When the Principal or Head of Primary School visit a lesson the class greets them at the teacher’s instigation with a ‘good morning/afternoon Mr Collins/Ms Baird’. The Principal/HoPs will respond with a greeting to the class and praise where applicable.

All classes have a Greeter system in place (see ‘Meeting and Welcoming Visitors’ above)

The teacher instigates a communal greeting with the Principal, HoPs and other staff (other staff at the teacher’s discretion)

Visitors to the lesson should not interrupt the flow of learning so greetings should only occur when this is not the case

Trips and visits

Pupils behave in an exemplary manner on trips, replicating their conduct in school

Pupils are organised and show an appreciation for their own and others’ safety

Pupils are polite and courteous to a fault, greeting people

Trips and visits are always planned to develop knowledge, skills or cultural literacy. The rationale and desired outcomes are clearly defined and, as much as possible, linked to our curriculum.

Trip and visit



appropriately, holding doors open, giving up their seats for other passengers, saying please and thank you, clearing away their litter and so on.

Pupils show a good understanding of the rationale for the trip or visit and the expected learning outcomes

Pupils demonstrate the achievement of the intended learning outcomes on their return

paperwork is submitted at least 15 working days in advance, unless otherwise agreed by the Principal or Head of Primary School.

All aspects of trips and visits are organised to a very high standard and safety procedures always given careful thought

Pupils and staff are thoroughly briefed at least 2 days in advance of the trip or visit so everyone is well aware of the rationale for the trip, expectations of them and desired learning outcomes

Parents are invited on trips and are included in the briefing

Everyone who comes into contact with our pupils has a very positive experience and all trips and visits enhance our reputation for excellence

All trip and visits are evaluated using the School Visit Evaluation form. This is to be completed within 2 days of the trip’s end.

Parents’ evenings

Pupils bring all their books and examples of best work to parents’ meetings

Pupils introduce their parents to their teacher (teachers will practise this in class with pupils in advance)

Pupils will track the speaker at all times during the conversation

Pupils are prepared in advance of parents’ evenings in terms of conduct, what to bring and how to make best use of the time. Teachers ensure every single child is fully prepared and is increasingly sophisticated in their use of parents’

Have a ‘walk through’ training session in advance of first parents’ meeting

Have a slot one week in advance of every parents’ evening

The School Administrator



Pupils will give their thoughts on their strengths, areas for improvement, targets and actions they need to take

Pupils will note their targets and actions (from year ? onwards)

Pupils will thank their teacher at the end of the conversation

Pupils will be in full uniform

Normal school rules will apply at parents evening in terms of expectations (quiet, courteous, articulate)

Pupils will follow up parents’ meetings in their next lesson

evenings Teachers bring all

necessary documentation to ensure parents are fully informed and the maximum benefit for the pupils is derived from the evening. Teachers will be organised and fully prepared 15 minutes before the start of the evening

Marking must be up-to-date for every child in every subject as discussion on learning will form the core of the meeting

Teachers will role model, for parents as well as pupils, courteous and respectful behaviour at all times

Teachers, once introduced by the pupil, will shake parents’ hands and welcome them to John Keats Academy

The vast majority of the meeting should focus on learning and achievement and how to improve in these areas. Parents should be made aware of how the meeting will run at the beginning. The final portion of the meeting should be used to discuss behaviour, extra-curricular participation, musical and social development

All actions should be noted by the teacher, parent and pupil and any parent concerns

(SA) is to oversee organisational arrangements for parents’ evenings and develop a document explaining how the evenings will operate



given a deadline for follow up and response

Praise should only be given when it is genuinely merited as parents or pupils should not be under any false illusions as to where the pupil is in terms of behaviour and social development. However, encouragement should infuse all conversations

Parents should be thanked at the end of the meeting and everyone should leave with a very clear picture of what is now going to occur to further boost the child’s learning and development

Any issues with parents being confrontational, disengaged or presenting worrying behaviour should be immediately referred to the Principal, Head of Primary School or the most senior member of staff present.

Homework Pupils clearly understand the homework they are being asked to do

Pupils record homework neatly and legibly in their planner

The due date is clear and homework is ticked or highlighted when completed

Pupils develop the skills to plan and schedule their homework by the

Teachers explain homework expectations clearly and ensure every child fully engages with these expectations

Teachers explain homework tasks clearly and ensure they are recorded in an appropriate manner

Teachers give



end of year 1 Pupils’ homework is

organised, presented well and shows effort and thought

Pupils who do not submit their homework on time and to the required standard attend a homework catch up session

deadlines for homework and ensure pupils catch up quickly on missed homework

Teachers mark homework quickly and appropriately (see marking rubric)

Teachers involve parents in the homework process, and always in the cases of persistent non-compliance or of poor parental support with homework e.g. reading, vocabulary. Persistent non-compliance is reported to the Head of Primary School

Parents are always called if a diary is unmarked. If it occurs twice in short succession parents are called in. This reinforces the importance of homework checking to parents

Teachers ensure all homework is completed to a high standard and is an essential component of rapid and sustained progress