Beginner guide for Burma

အေျခခံအဆင့ င္ငံတကာလူ ႔အခင့ ္အေရး ဥပေဒ လမ္းညႊန္ Beginners’ guide to freedom of expression laws



Transcript of Beginner guide for Burma

Page 1: Beginner guide for Burma

အေျခခအဆင ႏငငတကာလ႔အခြငအေရး ဥပေဒ လမးညႊန Beginners’ guide to freedom of expression laws

Page 2: Beginner guide for Burma


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ISBN: 978-1-906586-37-9

© ARTICLE 19, 2012

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Page 3: Beginner guide for Burma

ARTICLE 19 launched a new series of beginners’ guides to international human rights law in 2012 as part of our work on reform in Burma. The guides explain what governments are expected to do – or not do – in order to respect, protect and fulfil the right to freedom of expression.

ျမနမာျပည ျပျပငေျပာငးလေရးဆငရာ လပငနးစဥအျဖစ ၂၀၁၂ တြင အေျခခအဆင ႏငငတကာ လ႔အခြငအေရး ဥပေဒ လမးညႊနစာအပက ထတေ၀ခသည။ ဤလမးညႊန စာအပတြင လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆငခြငက ေလးစားရန၊ ကာကြယေစာငေရာကရနႏင ျမငတငရန အစးရ မား လပေဆာငရမညအရာ၊ မလပေဆာငသငသညအရာမား က ရငးျပထားသည။

Regulating print media 3

ပႏပမဒယာက စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပျခငး ၁

Regulating journalists 13

သတငးေထာကမားက စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပျခငး ၁၃

Regulating the internet 27

အငတာနကက စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပျခငး ၂၇

Regulating broadcast media 37

ရပသလြငမဒယာက စးမဥးျဖငထနးခပျခငး ၃၇

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ARTICLE 19 is regularly asked whether and how the print media should be regulated. This beginners’ guide looks at regulation from a human rights viewpoint and in particular the right to freedom of expression.

သတငးေထာကမားက အစးရ သ႔မဟတ အဖြ႕အစညး တစခခက စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပသင လား ဆတေမးခြနး အာတကယ ၁၉ က မၾကာခဏ ေမးေလ႔ရပါတယ။ ဤအေျခခအဆင လမးညႊနတြင စညးမဥးျဖငထနးခပျခငးက လ႔အခြငအေရးႏင အထးသျဖင လြတလပစြာ ထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငအျမငမ တငျပထားသည။

Are human rights important when regulating the print media?

Yes. The print media has been one of the biggest sources of information and debate for the public over centuries and as such is one of the most important examples of the right to freedom of expression in use.

The print media has a vital role in making democracies work by publishing a diverse range of voices with different opinions. It can only fulfil this role if it is free to publish what it thinks is important, and in order to do so it relies on the right to freedom of expression.

This right, which is for everyone as well as the print media, is guaranteed in international human rights law in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, collectively known as the international bill of human rights, and which emerged from the horrors of World War II.

International human rights law has become so important that all governments are required to respect, protect and fulfil the right to freedom of expression within each country.

Regulation of the print media can be a problem because it interferes with the right to freedom of expression. ARTICLE 19 exists to point out what regulation is okay and suitable in a democracy and what regulation is not. We do not guess - we look at and compare with the human rights standards that have developed internationally over several decades.

International human rights standards say that regulation of the print media must be:

1. Written in law (not arbitrary)

2. Have a legitimate aim (these aims are listed in international law as the rights or reputations of others, national security, public order, public health and morals)

3. Absolutely necessary to achieve the

ပႏပမဒယာက စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပျခငး Regulating print media

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above aim (necessary in a democracy, and done in a proportionate way).

This is known as the three-part test and comes from the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

ပႏပမဒယာက စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပရာတြင လ႔အခြငအေရး အေရးႀကးသလား။

အေရးႀကးပါသည။ ရာစနစေပါငးမားစြာ သတငးအခကအလကႏင ေဆြးေႏြးမႈမားအေၾကာငး သရႏငသည အႀကးမားဆးေသာ သတငးအရငးအျမစတစချဖစခေသာ ပႏပမဒယာသည လြတလပစြာ ထတေဖာေျပာဆခြင၏ သာဓကတစခလညးျဖစသည။

ပႏပမဒယာတြင အျမငအမးမးကထငဟပသည ေရးသားခကမားက ထတေ၀ေပးျခငးေၾကာင ပႏပမဒယာသည ဒမကေရစရငသနေရးအတြက အလြနအေရးႀကးသည အခနးက႑တြင ရပါ သည။ ၎၏ ခနးက႑က အျပညအ၀ ေဖာေဆာငႏငရနမာ အေရးႀကးသညဟ ထငသည အေၾကာငးအရာက လြတလပစြာထတေ၀ႏငမာ ျဖစႏငေပမည။ ထသ႔ေဆာငရြကႏငရန လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက အားကးအားထားျပရသည။

ဤ အခြငအေရးသည လတငးအတြကႏင ပႏပမဒယာအတြကျဖစၿပး၊ ႏငငတကာ လ႔အခြငအေရး ဥပေဒမားျဖစသည အျပညျပညဆငရာ

လ႔အခြငအေရးေၾကျငာစာတမးႏင ႏငငသားႏင ႏငငေရးဆငရာ ႏငငတကာ သေဘာတညခကမားတြင အာမာခခကေပးထား သည။ ၎အခြငအေရးသည ေျခာကျခားဖြယ ဒတယကမၻာစစျဖစရပမ ေပၚထြကလာၿပး တစစတစစညးတညးအျဖစ အေျခခႏငငတကာ လ႔အခြငအေရးဥပေဒအျဖစလညးသထားၾက သည။

ႏငငတကာလ႔အခြငအေရးဥပေဒသည အလြနအေရးႀကးေသာေၾကာင ႏငငတစခခငးစရ အစးရ တငးသည ေလးစားရန၊ ကာကြယေစာငေရာကရနႏင လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြင က ကငသးႏငရန ေဖာေဆာငေပးရနလသည။

ပႏပမဒယာက စညးမဥးျဖငထနးခပျခငးသည လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက ထခက လင မေကာငးပါ။ ဒမကေရစအတြက မညသ႔ေသာစညးမဥးသည သငေတာၿပး၊ မညကသ႔ ေသာအခြငအေရးသည မသငေတာေၾကာငး အာတကယ ၁၉ က ေထာကျပပါသည။ မမတ႔ ခန႔မနး ေျပာဆျခငးမလပပါ။ ဆယစႏစေပါငးမားစြာ ႏငငတကာတြင ျဖစထြနးတးတကလာ ေသာ လ႔အခြငအေရးစႏႈနးက ၾကည၍ ႏႈငးယဥမႈျပထားျခငးျဖစသည။

ႏငငတကာလ႔အခြငအေရးစႏႈနးအရ ပႏပမဒယာဆငရာ စညးမဥး၊စညးကမးသည

၁။ ဥပေဒျဖင ေရးသားထားရမည။ ( အလငးသငသလ မတရားလပေဆာငျခငးမျဖစေစရ)

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၂။ တရား၀င ဦးတညခကရရမည။ ( ထဦးတညခကမားက အျခားသ၏အခြငအေရးႏင ဂဏသကၡ၊ အမးသားလျခေရး၊ လထလျခေရး၊ လထကနးမာေရး ႏင ကယကငတရား မားအျဖစ ႏငငတကာဥပေဒတြင ေဖာျပထားသည။)

၃။ ၎ဦးတညခကမားက ရရရန လး၀ လအပသညအေျခအေနတြင( ဒမကေရစအတြက လအပျခငးႏင အခးညစြာ လပေဆာငျခငး) ျဖစရမည။

၎တ႔သည ႏငငသားႏင ႏငငေရးဆငရာ ႏငငတကာသေဘာတညခကမ ေပါကဖြားလာျခငး ျဖစၿပး အဆငသးဆင႔ လအပခကအျဖစသထားၾကသည။

Should the print media be regulated in law?

No. Even though some governments say that they are trying to protect the right to freedom of expression, any regulation of the print media is a bad idea. Regulation at best creates bureaucratic obstacles and loopholes and at worst creates a system where such obstacles and loopholes can be used to abuse and censor the media.

Most established democracies do not have specific regulations for the print media. Democracies do have laws covering the broadcast media, but they are to ensure the fair distribution of limited broadcast channels. The print media should only be treated like any other company and regulated through laws that cover all

companies, such as labour or tax laws.

ပႏပမဒယာက ဥပေဒတြင စညးမဥးျပ႒ာနး၍ ထနးခပသငပါသလား။

မလပသငပါ။ အစးရတစခ႕သည သတ႔အေနန႔ လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက ကာကြယ ေစာငေရာကသညဟ ဆေသာလညး ပႏပမဒယာက စညးမဥးျဖငထနးခပရန စတကးျခငး သည ေကာငးသညကစၥမဟတပါ။ စညးမဥးသည ဗရကရကအဟန႔အတားႏင ဟာကြကမားက ျဖစေပၚေစၿပး၊ အဆးဆးအေျခအေနအျဖစ ထအဟန႔အတားႏင ဟာကြကမားက အစးရက အသးျပကာ မဒယာက အလြသးစားျပျခငး၊ ဆငဆာျပျခငးမား ျပလပလာတတသည။

အေျခတညေသာ ဒမကေရစစနစတြင ပႏပမဒယာအတြက သးသန႔စညးမဥးမရပါ။ ဒမကေရစ စနစတြင အကန႔အသတျဖငသာရေသာ ေရဒယႏင ရပျမငသၾကားလငးမား မတစြာ ျဖန႔ခရန အတြကရညရြယ၍ ျပဌာနးထားေသာ ေရဒယႏင ရပျမငသၾကားဆငရာ ဥပေဒ သာရသည။ အျခားကမၸဏမားအေပၚသေဘာထားသကသ႔ ပႏပမဒယာကလ တစသေဘာထထားၿပး ဆကဆကာ ကမၸဏမားအေပၚထားရသည အခြန သ႔မဟတ လပအားဆငရာ ဥပေဒမားျဖင စညးမဥးခမတသငသည။

Should the print media be licenced?

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No. Some states do require people or companies to get permission usually via a licence to open a newspaper or other printed publication. Such licencing violates international law – there is no pressing social or democratic need to require the print media to be authorised by the government or some other body, and any licencing in effect places the state in control of the media. Licensing stops the free flow of information, controls who can and who cannot publish, and limits the number of publications and therefore voices and opinions that the public can hear from.

ပႏပမဒယာက လငဆငျပ႒ာနးသငသလား။

မျပ႒ာနးသငပါ။ ျပညသ သ႔မဟတ ကမၸဏမားမ သတငးစာတကေထာငရန သ႔မဟတ အျခားပႏပထတေ၀ရနအတြက တစခ႕အစးရသည လငစငျဖငသာခြငျပခကေပးသည။ ထသ႔ လငစငျပ႒ာနးျခငးသည ႏငငတကာဥပေဒက ခးေဖာကရာေရာကသည။ အဖြ႕တစခခမ သ႔မဟတ အစးရမ ပႏပမဒယာက ခြငျပခကေပးရနအေရးတႀကး လမႈေရး သ႔မဟတ ဒမကေရစအတြက လပေဆာငဖ႔မလအပပါ။ လငစငျပ႒ာနးျခငးသည ပႏပမဒယာက ႏငငေတာမ ထနးခပေစရနသာ ျဖစေစသည။ လငစငျပ႒ာနးျခငးသည သတငးအခကအလက မားလြတလပစြာစးဆငးမႈက အဟန႔အတားျဖစေစသည၊ လတငး၏ ထတေ၀ႏငခြငက ထနးခပ ၿပး၊ ပႏပထတေ၀ျခငးအေရအတြက

ကန႔သတလငျခငးေၾကာင ျပညသ၏ အမးမးေသာအသႏင ထငျမငခကမားၾကားႏငခြငက ကန႔သတလကရာေရာကသည။

Should the print media be registered?

The simple answer is that it depends on whether registration is a barrier to publication. Registration is only acceptable if it has narrow technical requirements where only limited information is required, where fees are small, and where registration cannot be refused.

ပႏပမဒယာက မတပတငသငသလား။

လြယကသညအေျဖမာ ပႏပထတေ၀ရနအတြက မတပတငရန အခကအခ ရ မရေပၚမႈတည သည။ မတပတငျခငးက မျငငးပယႏငသညအေျခအေန၊ ကနကစရတနညးျခငး၊ သတငး အခကအလကအနညးငယသာ တငျပရနလအပကာ လပငနးပငးနညးပညာအရ လအပခက အနညးငယရေသာ အေျခအေနမးတြငသာ မတပတငျခငးသည လကခႏင စရာျဖစသည။

Can the state suspend or ban a newspaper?

Temporarily or permanently banning a newspaper or other print media greatly undermines the right to freedom of expression by stopping a flow of information to the public, singlehandedly punishing

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both the newspaper and their readership.

Banning a newspaper violates international law as the judging body is in effect overseeing a system of licencing. Even if that body is a court, the decision to ban is unjustifiable in international law. Even a temporary ban is a disproportionate violation of the right to freedom of expression when many other and less indiscriminate methods exist, such as fines or the seizure of a single issue of the newspaper.

Punishments that undermine the print media’s ability to publish and distribute are in effect the same as a ban and similarly undermine the right to freedom of expression.

သတငးစာက အစးရက ပတပငျခငး သ႔မဟတ ထတေ၀ခြငရပတန႔ထားျခငး ျပလပႏငပါသလား။

ခဏတာ သ႔မဟတ တစသကလးအတြက သတငးစာတစေစာင သ႔မဟတ ပႏပမဒယာက ပတပငျခငးျဖင ျပညသလထသ႔ သတငးအခကအလကစးဆငးမႈက ရပတန႔ျခငး၊ သတငးစာႏင ၎၏ စာဖတသက တစဖကသတ ျပစဒဏေပးရာ ေရာကေသာေၾကာင လြတလပစြာထတေဖာ ေျပာဆခြငက ထခကေစပါသည။

ဆးျဖတခကခေပးေသာ အဖြ႕အစညးသည လငစငျပ႒ာနးျခငးစနစက ၾကညၾကပေသာေၾကာင

သတငးစာကပတပငျခငးသည ႏငငတကာဥပေဒက ခးေဖာကရာေရာကသည။ ထ အဖြ႕အစညး သည တရားရး ျဖစေနေသာျငားလညး ႏငငတကာဥပေဒအရ ပတပငရနဆးျဖတခကသည လကမခသငပါ။ ေငြဒဏ သ႔မဟတ သတငးစာ၏ အတြတစတြက သမးဆးလကျခငး ကသ႔ေသာ အျခားေသာ နညးလမးက အသးျပႏငသည။ ခဏတာ ပတပငျခငးသည လြတလပစြာ ထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက အခးမညစြာ ခးေဖာကျခငးျဖစသည။

ပႏပမဒယာ၏ ထတေ၀ျခငးႏင ျဖန႔ေ၀ျခငးအစြမးက ထခကေစသည ျပစဒဏမားသည တားဆး ပတပငျခငး၏ အကးရလဒႏင အတတပငျဖစၿပး၊ လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက မထမျမင ျပျခငးျဖစသည။

Is self-regulation suitable for the print media?

Yes. The print media’s role is to inform people about what the government and the state do. As the government and state are often criticised in newspapers, it is not in the people’s interest for them to regulate the print media because of the likely risk of censorship.

A more suitable solution is self-regulation – often named a ‘press council’ – with a mandate to raise media standards and help sort out problems such as unprofessional or inaccurate reporting. Self-regulation averts state regulation and keeps the print media

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free and independent.

ပႏပမဒယာက ကယတငစညးမဥးခမတျခငးသည သငေတာပါသလား။

သငေတာပါသည။ ပႏပမဒယာ၏ အခနးက႑သည ျပညသလထအား အစးရႏင ႏငငေတာ၏ လပေဆာငေနမႈမားအေၾကာငး အသေပးဖ႔ျဖစတယ။ အစးရႏင ႏငငေတာက သတငးစာမားတြင မၾကာခဏ ေ၀ဖနေျပာဆေသာေၾကာင၊ အစးရက ပႏပမဒယာမားအေပၚ စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပ ခငးျခငးသည လထ၏ အကးစးပြားမဟတပါ။ ဆငစာလပမည အႏရာယ ရလာႏငသည။

ပမသငေတာေသာအေျဖမာ မဒယာအဆငအတနးက ျမငတငရနႏင အတတပညာပငးဆငရာ ကြမးကငမႈမရေသာ သ႔မဟတ သတငးမားတငျပျခငးမားကေျဖရငးရန လပပငခြင အာဏာ ျဖင (“စာနယဇငးေကာငစ”အျဖစ အသမားေသာ)ကယတငစညးမဥး ခမတျခငးျဖစသည။ ကယတငစညးမဥးခမတေသာစနစသည ႏငငေတာ၏ စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပျခငးက တားဆး ႏငၿပး ပႏပမဒယာက လြတလပေစသည။

Can you give an example of a ‘press council’?

Press councils are different in every country because of different democratic traditions, types of administration or government, and even geography. Some countries have both regional and national press councils.

Generally, press councils consist of members who take charge of its operation and finances. They also have commissions that receive and handle complaints about the work of the print media.

“စာနယဇငး ေကာငစ” အေၾကာငးဥပမာ တစခေလာက ေပးႏငပါသလား။

မတညေသာ ဒမကေရစဓေလ၊ အပခပမႈစနစ သ႔မဟတ ပထ၀အေနအထားေပၚမႈတည၍ စာနယဇငးေကာငစမားသည ႏငငအလက ကြျပားၾကသည။ ႏငငတစခ႕တြင ႏငငအဆငႏင ေဒသအဆင ဟ၍ ႏစခရသည။

ေယဘယအားျဖင ေငြေၾကးဆငရာႏင လပငနးလညပတမႈ တာ၀နယသည သမားျဖင စာနယဇငးေကာငစက ဖြ႕စညးထားသည။ ၎တ႔တြင ပႏပမဒယာ၏ လပငနးပငးဆငရာႏင ပတသက၍ တငၾကားခကမားက လကခေျဖရငးသည ေကာမရငလညးပါ၀ငသည။

Who should be a member of a press council?

Press councils should include journalists, media owners, and publishers. They can also include professional organisations, such as unions, and sometimes representatives of wider civil society. The members do not work full time and are often volunteers, but they are supported by administrative staff who are employed to keep things running smoothly.

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ဘယသေတြ စာနယဇငးေကာငစတြင အဖြ႕၀ငျဖစသငသလ။

စာနယဇငးေကာငစတြင သတငးေထာကမား၊ မဒယာပငရငမားႏင ထတေ၀သမား ပါ၀ငသင သည။ သမဂၢကသ႔ေသာ အတတပညာရငအဖြ႕အစညးမားႏင တစခါတစရ လထအေျချပ အဖြ႕အစညးမ ကယစားလယမားကလညး ပါ၀ငႏငေစသည။ အဖြ႕၀ငမားသည အလပက အခနျပည မလပသည ေစတနာ၀နထမးမားျဖစၿပး၊ ၎တ႕က လပငနးပငးဆငရာ ေခာေမႊ႕စြာ လညပတေစရနအတြက ခန႔ထားေသာ ရး၀နထမးမားက ကညပပးေပးသည။

What should a press council do?

Press councils should set standards for professionalism by creating a code of conduct (or ethics) and educating journalists, media owners, publishers and others involved in the print media. They should also tell the wider public about their standards and code, and make decisions on complaints submitted to them by the public.

စာနယဇငးေကာငစက ဘာေတြလပေဆာငသငသလ။

လကနာေဆာရႊကရမည စညးကမး၊ စညးမဥး( သ႔မဟတ ကင၀တ) ေရးဆြျပ႒ာနးျခငး၊ သတငးေထာကမား၊ မဒယာ ပငရငမား၊ ထတေ၀သမားႏင ပႏပမဒယာတြင

ပါ၀ငပတသက ေနသည အျခားေသာသမားက ပညာေပးျခငးမားျပလပသည။ ၎တ႔ထ လထ ေပးပ႔လာေသာ တငၾကားစာမားအေပၚ ဆးျဖတခကချခငးႏင ျပညသလထက ၎တ႔၏ စႏႈနးႏင လကနာရ သည ကင၀တစညးကမးမားက ေျပာျပသည။

What should a press council’s code of conduct say?

Every code is different depending on the situation in each place. However, they should cover:

• Respect for the people’s right to know

• Accuracy in news gathering and reporting

• Fairness in the methods used to get news, photographs and documents

• Sensitivity in reporting on vulnerable groups such as children and victims of crime

• Non-discrimination in relation to race, ethnicity, religion, sex and sexual orientation

• Respect for the presumption of innocence in reporting on criminal procedures

• Protection of confidential sources of information

• Duty to rectify published information found to be inaccurate of harmful.

စာနယဇငးေကာငစ၏ အျပအမႈဆငရာ

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ကင၀တစညးမဥးတြင ဘာေတြပါသငသလ။

ေနရာတစချခငးစ၏ အေျခအေနေပၚမႈတည၍ ကင၀တစညးကမးတငးသည ကြျပားသြား ၾကသည။ သ႔ေသာ ၎တ႔တြင -

• အမားျပညသ၏ သရႏငခြင အခြငအေရးက ေလးစားရန

• သတငးစစမးျခငးႏင တငျပရာတြင မနကနမႈရရန

• စာရြကစာတမးမား၊ ဓာတပမားႏင သတငးမားက ရယရာတြင တရားေသာ နညးလမးျဖစလပေဆာငရန

• ျပစမႈကးလြနခရသမားႏင ခေလးငယမားကသ႔ေသာ အားနညးခကရေသာ သမား အေၾကာငး သတငးေပးပ႔ရာတြင အထးသတထားဆငျခငရန

• လမး၊ တငးရငးသား၊ ဘာသာေရး၊ လင ႏင မမသေဘာအရ ႀကကႏစသကသည လငပငးဆငရာေရြးခယထားမႈအေၾကာငးမားက သတငးေပးပ႔ရာတြင ခြျခားျခငးမျပ လပရန

• ပစမႈဆငရာလပထးလပနညးမားက သတငးေရးရာတြင တရားခက စရငခက မခမည အျပစမရသအျဖစ ယဆထားရမညဆသညက ေလးစားရန

• လ႕၀ကထားရမည သတငးရငးျမစမားက အကာအကြယေပးျခငး

• သတငးမားမား ထတျပနထားမ၍ ႏစနာမႈမားထြကေပၚလာလင ျပနလညစစေဆး ၍ တာ၀နခ ေျဖရငးျခငး

Who should pay for press councils?

Press councils should be paid for in a way that keeps them independent from outside pressure. The best way to do this is for them to be paid for by journalists, owners of the print media, publishers and donors.

ဘယသေတြက စာနယဇငးေကာငစအတြက ေငြေၾကးေပးေဆာငသငသလ။

စာနယဇငးေကာငစမား အျပငဘကဖအားမ လြတလပေနရန အတြကလပေဆာငေနေသာ ေၾကာင ၎က ေငြေၾကးေပးေဆငသငသည။ အေကာငးဆးလပရန နညးလမးမာ သတငး ေထာကမား၊ ပႏပမဒယာပငရငမား၊ ထတေ၀သမားႏင အလရငမားက ၎တ႔ အတြက ေပးေဆာငသငသည။

What should press councils do with people who break the code?

As press councils are independent from the state in order to keep them free from control, they cannot use the state’s powers such as police or fines. The only thing they can do when their code is broken is to get the newspaper to print the council’s decision saying that they broke the code. Usually the print media does what the council says because they know that it would be far worse for democracy if the people became disillusioned with the press

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council and called on the state to punish them.

ကင၀တစညးမဥး ခးေဖာကသမားက စာနယဇငးေကာငစမ မညသ႔လပေဆာငသင သနညး။

စာနယဇငးေကာငစမားသည ႏငငေတာ၏ ထနးခပမႈမ လြတကငးရန ႏငငေတာ၏ စြမးအားမားျဖစသည ရ ႏင ဒါဏေငြ ေပးေဆာငေစျခငးမားက အသးမျပႏငပါ။ ကင၀တ စညးကမး ခးေဖာကလငလပႏငသည တစခတညးေသာအရာမာ ေဖာကဖကသက သတငးစာတြင ေကာငစ၏ ကင၀တစညးကမးက ခးေဖာကခေၾကာငး ထညသြငးေၾကာျငာ ခငးေစျခငးသာျဖစသည။ ပမနအားျဖင ပႏပမဒယာသည ေကာငစ၏ ညႊနၾကားခကက လကနာေလရ သည။ အေၾကာငးမာ ျပညသမား စာနယဇငးေကာငစေၾကာင စတပကကာ အစးရက ျပစဒဏေပးခငးလင ဒမကေရစအတြက ပမဆး၀ါးသြားဖြယရေၾကာငး ပႏပမဒယာ မားက သေဘာေပါကေသာေၾကာငျဖစသည။

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ARTICLE 19 is regularly asked whether the government or another organisation should regulate journalists. This beginners’ guide looks at regulation from a human rights viewpoint and in particular the right to freedom of expression.

သတငးေထာကမားက အစးရ သ႔မဟတ အဖြ႕အစညး တစခခက စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပသငလား ဆတေမးခြနး အာတကယ ၁၉ က မၾကာခဏ ေမးေလ႔ရပါတယ။ ဤအေျခခအဆင လမးညႊနတြင စညးမဥးျဖငထနးခပျခငးက လ႔အခြငအေရးႏင အထးသျဖင လြတလပစြာ ထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငအျမငမ တငျပထားသည။

Are human rights important when regulating journalists?

Yes. Journalists are vital for democracies to work and are often called either the fourth pillar of democracy (after the executive, legislature and judiciary) or the people’s watchdog.

As such, journalists must be free to write what they think is important. They use their right to freedom of expression to make democracy work, and this right, which is for everyone, is guaranteed in international human rights law in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, collectively known as the international bill of human rights, and which emerged from the horrors of World War II.

International human rights law has become so important that all governments are required to respect, protect and fulfil the right to freedom of expression within each country.

Regulation of journalists can be a problem because it interferes with the right to freedom of expression. ARTICLE 19 exists to point out what regulation is okay and suitable in a democracy and what regulation is not. We do not guess - we look at and compare with the human rights standards that have developed internationally over several decades.

International human rights standards say that regulation of journalists must be:

1. Written in law (not arbitrary)

2. Have a legitimate aim (these aims are listed in international law as the rights or reputations of others, national security, public order, public health and morals)

3. Absolutely necessary to achieve the above aim (necessary in a democracy, and done in a proportionate way).

This is known as the three-part test and comes from the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

သတငးေထာကမားက စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပျခငး Regulating journalists

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သတငးေထာကမားက စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပရာတြင လ႔အခြငအေရး အေရးႀကးသလား။

အေရးႀကးပါသည။ ဒမကေရစ ဖြ႕ၿဖးရငသနဖ႔ သတငးေထာေတြဟာ အေရးႀကးပါသည။ သတ႔က ဒမကေရစ၏ စတတမ႑ငႏင လထအကးစးပြားကာကြယရန ေစာငၾကညသ မားအျဖစလညး အသအမတျပထားၾကသည။

ထ႔ေၾကာင သတငးေထာကမားအား သတ႔အေရးႀကးသညဟ ထငေသာေၾကာငးအရာမား က ေရးသားခြငျပရမည။ ဒမကေရစရငသနဖြ႕ၿဖးရန သတ႔ လြတလပစြာထတေဖာ ေျပာဆခြငက ကငသးျခငးျဖစသည။ ဤ အခြငအေရးသည လတငးအတြကျဖစၿပး၊ ႏငငတကာလ႔အခြငအေရး ဥပေဒမားျဖစသည အျပညျပညဆငရာ လ႔အခြငအေရး ေၾကျငာစာတမးႏင ႏငငသားႏင ႏငငေရးဆငရာ ႏငငတကာသေဘာတညခကမားတြင အာမာခခကေပးထားသည။ ၎အခြငအေရးသည ေျခာကျခားဖြယ ဒတယကမၻာစစျဖစ ရပမ ေပၚထြကလာၿပး တစစတစစညးတညးအျဖစ အေျခခႏငငတကာ လ႔အခြငအေရး ဥပေဒ အျဖစလညး သထားၾကသည။

ႏငငတကာလ႔အခြငအေရးဥပေဒသည အလြနအေရးႀကးေသာေၾကာင ႏငငတစခခငးစရ အစးရတငးသည ေလးစားရန၊ ကာကြယေစာငေရာကရနႏင လြတလပစြာထတေဖာ ေျပာဆခြငက ကငသးႏငရန ေဖာေဆာငေပးဖ႔လသည။

သတငးေထာကမားက စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပျခငးသည လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆ ခြငက ထခကပါက မေကာငးပါ။ ဒမကေရစအတြက မညသ႔ ေသာစညးမဥးသည သငေတာၿပး၊ မညကသ႔ေသာအခြငအေရးသည မသငေလာေၾကာငး အာတကယ ၁၉ က ေထာကျပသည။ ခန႔မနး၍ ေျပာဆျခငးမဟတပါ။ ဆယစႏစေပါငးမားစြာ ႏငငတကာတြင ျဖစထြနးတးတကလာေသာ လ႔အခြငအေရးစႏႈနးက ၾကည၍ ႏႈငးယဥတငျပထားျခငး ျဖစသည။

ႏငငတကာလ႔အခြငအေရးစႏႈနးအရ သတငးေထာကမားဆငရာ စညးမဥးသည

၁။ ဥပေဒတြင ေရးသားထားရမည။ ( အလငးသငသလ မတရားလပေဆာငျခငး မျဖစေစရ)

၂။ တရား၀င ဦးတညခကရရမည ( ထဦးတညခကမားက အျခားသ၏အခြငအေရးႏင ဂဏသကၡ၊ အမးသားလျခေရး၊ လထလျခေရး၊ လထကနးမာေရးႏင ကယကငတရား မားအျဖစ ႏငငတကာဥပေဒတြင ေဖာျပထားသည)

၃။၎ဦးတညခကမားက ရရရန လး၀ လအပသညအေျခအေနတြင ( ဒမကေရစအတြက လအပျခငး ႏင သငေတာစြာ လပေဆာငျခငး) ျဖစရမည။

၎တ႔သည ႏငငသားႏင ႏငငေရးဆငရာ ႏငငတကာသေဘာတညခကမ ေပါကဖြား လာျခငးျဖစၿပး အဆငသးဆင႔ လအပခကအျဖစသထားၾကသည။

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What type of regulation of journalists is appropriate?

In our experience there are three models that have been used to regulate journalists:

1. Statutory regulation: a government makes laws to regulate journalism and creates a statutory body with the power to implement the laws and rule on when those laws are broken.

2. Self-regulation: a group of journalists or their representatives (such as unions) make rules and ask others to voluntarily accept them, which can sometimes also include a body to oversee rule breaking

3. Co-regulation: a combination of the two above.

In 25 years of working on this question, ARTICLE 19 has found statutory regulation to be the worst, as governments do not understand the work of journalists and will always try to censor and restrict them.

If journalists are to be regulated, it is always better for them to decide and do it themselves, even if they decide that they need help from the state to protect and enforce their rights.

International courts and other organisations agree – they recognise that as well as being better for democracy, such self-regulation helps to create strong systems of values and principles among journalists, and contributes to public order overall. They do however point out that even self-regulation

bodies need to respect, protect and fulfil the right to freedom of expression.

အေရးႀကးပါသည။ ဒမကေရစ ဖြ႕ၿဖးရငသနဖ႔ သတငးေထာေတြဟာ အေရးႀကးပါသည။

သတ႔က ဒမကေရစ၏ စတတမ႑ငႏင လထအကးစးပြားကာကြယရန ေစာငၾကညသ မားအျဖစလညး အသအမတျပထားၾကသည။

• ဥပေဒအရျပ႒ာနးထားေသာ စညးမဥး။ ။အစးရမ သတငးေထာကမားက စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပရန ဥပေဒျပ႒ာနးၿပး၊ ၎ဥပေဒက အေကာငထညေဖာ ေဆာငရြကရနႏင ခးေဖာကလင အေရးယေဆာငရြကႏငရန အဖြ႕အစညး တစခကဖြ႕စညးကာ အာဏာအပနငးထားျခငး

• ကယတင စညးမဥးခမတ၍ ထနးခပျခငး။ ။သတငးေထာငအဖြ႕ သ႔မဟတ သတ႔၏ ကယစားလယမား( ဥပမာ သမဂၢမား) စညးမဥးခမတ၍ အျခားသမား ကလညး သတ႔၏ဆႏၵအရ စညးမဥးက လကခေစျခငး၊ တစခါတစရ စညးမဥးက ခးေဖာကပါက ၾကညၾကပရန အဖြ႕တစဖြ႕လညး ပါ၀ငတတသည။

• ပးတြစညးမဥးခမတျခငး။ ။အထကေဖာျပပါ ပစ ႏစခက ေပါငးစပကငသး ျခငး

ဤေမးခြနးႏင ပတသက၍ ၂၅ႏစတာ လပငနးအေတြ႕အၾကအရ၊ အစးရဥပေဒျပ၍ ျပ႒ာနးေသာစညးမဥးသည အဆးဆးျဖစသည။ အေၾကာငးမာ အစးရမားသည သတငး

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ေထာကမား၏ လပငနးက နညးမလညပ၊ ဆငဆာျဖတျခငးႏင ကန႔သတခက မားလ ဆကလပၾကမညျဖစသည။

သတငးေထာကမားက စညးမဥးျဖငထနးခပမညဆလင သတ႔၏ အခြငအေရးက ကာကြယေစာငေရာကရနႏင လကနာမႈရရန ႏငငေတာ၏ အကအညလေသာလညး သတ႔၏ စညးမဥးက သတ႔ကယတငဆးျဖတခမတေစသငသည။

ကယတငစညးမဥးခမတျခငးသည ဒမကေရစအတြက ပမေကာငးမြနျခငး၊ သတငး ေထာကမားၾကားတနဖးႏင စညးကမးခငမာေစေသာစနစ ျဖစေပၚလာေစျခငး၊ လထ တညၿငမေရးအတြက ေယဘယအားျဖင ေကာငးမြနေၾကာငး ႏငငတကာဆငရာ တရားရး မားႏင အျခားေသာအဖြ႕အစညးမားက သေဘာတၾကသည။ သ႔ေသာ ကယကယက စညးမဥးခမတယသည တာ၀နခအဖြ႕အေနျဖငလညး လြတလပစြာ ထတေဖာေျပာဆခြင က ေလးစားျခငး၊ ကာကြယေစာငေရာကျခငးႏင ကငသးႏငရန ေဖာေဆာငေပးဖ႔ လေၾကာငး သတ႔ ေထာကျပၾကသည။

Does the state have any role in the regulation of journalists?

Many professions such as doctors or engineers are regulated by the state, and those professionals have rights and duties written in law. However, most professions are not regulated by the state – a baker or bus driver for example can work as long as

they have the skills to do so.

Journalists are regulated in some countries due to that country’s particular history. In ARTICLE 19’s experience however, the less democratic a country, the more likely it is to have a system of statutory regulation so that the government can control what people see and read.

Regulation is however acceptable to a certain extent. For example, most people would agree that a legal right for journalists to protect their sources helps such sources come forward with information in the public interest that they would not disclose if they knew they could be named. On the other hand, laws that require journalists to get permission or a licence in order to work cannot be justified in a democracy. The right to freedom of expression – including via the media – is for everyone, not just those who the government permits to do so.

The golden rule is that too much regulation of journalists is always bad, whether made by democratic governments or by dictators. Journalists can only be the people’s watchdog if they can work with as little state control as possible.

သတငးေထာကမားအား စညးမဥးႏင ထနးခပရနအတြက ႏငငေတာရ႕ အခနးက႑က ဘာလ။

ဆရာ၀န သ႔မဟတ အငဂငနယာဆငရာ အသကေမြး၀မးေကာငးလပငနးမားက အစးရ မ စညးမဥးခမတထနးခပၿပး၊ သတ႔၏

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အခြငအေရးႏင တာ၀နမားက ဥပေဒတြင ေရးသားေဖာျပထားသည။ သ႔ေသာ မန႔ဖတသ သ႔မဟတ ဘတစကား ေမာငးသ ကသ႔ ေသာ အမားစ အသကေမြး၀မးေကာငးမားက ႏငငေတာမ စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပထား ျခငးမရပါ။ ဥပမာ သတ႔တြင လပငနးလပရန ကြ မးကငမႈအတတပညာ ရေနသမ ကာလပတလး အလပလပေနႏငသည။

အခ႕ႏငငမားတြင ၎၏ ျဖတသနးမႈ သမငးေၾကာငးေၾကာင စညးကမး၊ စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပထားသည။ အာတကယ ၁၉၏ အေတြ႕အၾကအရ အစးရက လထ၏အျမငႏင စာေပဖတရႈ႕ခြငက ထနးခပႏငရနအတြက ဒမကေရစ အနညးဆးႏငငတြင အစးရမ ျပလပေသာ ဥပေဒအရ စညးမဥးျပ႒ာနးသညစနစက ကငသးသညအလားအလာ ပမ မားျပားသည။

သ႔ေသာ စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပျခငးက အတငးအတာ တစခထ လကခႏငသည။ ဥပမာ သတငးေထာကမား၏ သတ႔သတငးရရရာ အရငးအျမစက ကာကြယရန ဥပေဒတြင ျပ႒ာနးထားေသာ အခြငအေရးရသငသညဆသည အခကက ျငငးဆၾကမည မဟတပါ။ ထအခြငအေရးရမသာ လထအကးစးပြားအတြက သတငးမားထြကေပၚလာႏငၿပး၊ ထသ႔ မဟတပ သတငးေပးသ၏ အမညက ေဖာထတမညအေၾကာငး သထားပါက သတငးမား က ထတေဖာရၾကမည မဟတပါ။ အျခားတစဖကတြင ဒမကေရစစနစ၌ သတငးေထာက မား အလပလပရန လငစင သ႔မဟတ ခြငျပခကရယရမညဆသည အခကသည လကသငခႏငသညအရာ

မဟတပါ။ လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငသည မဒယာ အပါအ၀င လတငးအတြကျဖစသည။ အစးရမ ခြငျပခကေပးသမားသာ ရရသငသည အရမဟတပါ။

အေရးႀကးဆးေသာ စညးမဥးမာ အာနာရငျဖစျဖစ ဒမကေရစအစးရျဖစျဖစ သတငးေထာကမားအေပၚ စညးမဥး တငးၾကပလြနးလင မေကာငးပါ။ သတ႔အေပၚ ထနးခပမႈအနညးဆးျဖစမသာလင သတငးေထာကမားသည လထအကးစးပြားအတြက ေစာငၾကညသမား ျဖစႏငေပမည။

So what can be regulated?

Regulation must be strictly necessary, should aim to protect journalists, and should help them do their job, which in our experience only includes:

1. The guarantee for free access to government-held information

2. Protection of journalists’ sources, including protection against searches and seizures of documents and premises

3. Protection of the rights and obligations of journalists, including the freedom of association

4. Laws enabling them to perform their profession.

Self-regulation can set professional and ethical standards, and help to ensure they

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are used.

ဘယလ စညးမဥးေတြ ခမတသငသလ။

စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပျခငးသည လး၀ လအပမသာ ျပလပရမညျဖစၿပး၊ သတငး ေထာကမားက ကာကြယရနႏင သတ႔၏ လပငနးမားလပေဆာငႏငရန ကညေပးရမည။ မမတ႔၏ အေတြ႕အၾကအရ ပါ၀ငသငသည အခကမားမာ -

၁။ အစးရထနးသမးထားေသာ သတငးအခကအလကမားက ရယႏငခြင အာမခခကရျခငး

၂။ သတငးေထာကမား၏ စာရြကစာတမးမားႏင ေျမအမက သမးဆးျခငး၊ ရာေဖြစစေဆးျခငး အပါအ၀င သတငးရရရာ အရငးအျမစမားက ကာကြယမႈ ေပးျခငး

၃။ လြတလပစြာ သငးပငးဖြ႕စညးခြငအပါအ၀င သတငးေထာကမား၏ အခြငအေရးႏင ၀တရားက အကာအကြယေပးျခငး

၄။ ဥပေဒက သတ႔၏ လပငနးမားလပေဆာငရန ကညေပးျခငး ကယကယက စညးမဥးခမတျခငးျဖင သတ႔၏ အတတပညာဆငရာႏင ကင၀တစႏႈနးက ျပ႒ာနးႏငၿပး၊၎က အသးျပမႈ ရေအာင လပေဆာငႏင ေစသည။

Who should be regarded as a journalist?

In international law, everyone has the right to freedom of expression, and therefore each person can easily be regarded as a journalist once they regularly collect and share information, ideas or opinions.

Debating whether someone is or is not a journalist only happens when laws refer to journalists in particular. As journalists should not be regulated, any law that only applies to them is usually a problem for the right to freedom of expression and is best avoided. The only times that journalists should have laws specific to them is to protect their sources and give them the right to collect information about someone without their consent.

ဘယသ႔က သတငးေထာကအျဖစ သတမတသငသလ။

ႏငငတကာ ဥပေဒအရ လတငးသည လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငရသည။ ထ႔ေၾကာင သတငးအခကအလကမား၊ သေဘာတရားပငးဆငရာႏင ထငျမငခကမားက ပမန စစညးတငျပသမားက သတငးေထာကအျဖစ အလြယတက အသအမတျပႏင ပါသည။

ဥပေဒအရ ဘယသက သတငးေထာကျဖစေၾကာငး အတအကရညညႊနးမသာ ဘယသက သတငးေထာကျဖစတယ မျဖစဘးဆတ ေဆြးေႏြးျငငးခနမႈ ျဖစလာႏငပါ တယ။ သတငးေထာကေတြက စညးမဥးႏင မထနးခပသငတအတြက၊ သတ႔အေပၚ

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မာသာ သကေရာကမႈရတ ဥပေဒဟာ လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက ထခကေစၿပး၊ ၎က ေရာငရားလင အေကာငးဆးျဖစသည။ သတငးရရရာ အရငးအျမစက ကာကြယ ရနႏင သတငးေထာကေတြက တစစတစဦးရ႕ သေဘာတညခကမပါဘ သတငး အခကအလကမားက ရယခြငေပးဖ႔ကစၥေတြမာသာ သတငးေထာကမားအတြက စညးမဥးလအပသည။

Should journalists be licenced or need permission to work?

No. Some countries require people to get permission – for example a licence, permit or registration - to work as a journalist. However, licencing violates the three-part test in international law because it does not have a legitimate aim and is not strictly necessary.

Some states try to justify licencing as necessary to ensure public order. In practice, however, licencing is usually used to stop journalists with dissenting views from working. It undermines public order because people will not have access to a full range of different views and opinions. As such, licencing is almost unheard of in established democracies.

Other states justify licencing by arguing that doctors and lawyers are licenced too. But journalism is protected in international law as a human right that can be used by everyone – not just those people that the

state has licenced – which does not apply to doctors or lawyers.

သတငးေထာကမား လငစင သ႔မဟတ ခြငျပခကရယဖ႔ လအပသလား။

မလအပပါ။ တစခ႕ႏငငေတြမာ သတငးေထာကတစေယာကအျဖစ အလပလပဖ႔ အတြက ခြငျပခက ( ဥပမာ လငစင၊ ခြငျပခက သ႔မဟတ နာမညစရငးတငသြငးျခငး) လပါသည။ သ႔ေသာ လငစငျဖင ခြငျပခကေပးျခငးသည ႏငငတကာဥပေဒ၏ အဆင သးဆင လအပခကက ခးေဖာကရာေရာကသည။ အေၾကာငးမာ ထသ႔ လပေဆာငရန လး၀လအပသညဟ မဆႏငသညျပင တရား၀င လကခႏငသည ဦးတညခကမရပါ။

လထတညၿငမမႈအတြက လငစငျပ႒ာနးဖ႔လအပသညဟ ႏငငအခ႕က ေၾကာငးျပၾက သည။ သ႔ေသာ လကေတြ႕တြင လငစငျပ႒ာနးျခငးက အသးခ၍ အျမငမတေသာ သတငးေထာကမားက တားဆးျခငးသာ လပေလရသည။ ထသ႔လပေဆာငျခငးသည လထတညၿငမမႈက ထခကေစျခငးသာျဖစၿပး၊ အမးမးေသာအျမငႏင ထငျမငခကမား က လထက သရႏငေတာမည မဟတပါ။ ထ႔ေၾကာင အေျခတညေသာ ဒမကေရစတြင လစငျပ႒ာနးျခငး မရသေလာကျဖစသည။

ေရ႕ေနႏင ဆရာ၀နမားပင လငစငလအပေသာေၾကာင လငစဥျပ႒ာနးျခငးသည သငေတာေၾကာငး တစခ႕ႏငငမားက ေစာဓကတကၾကသည။ သ႔ေသာ ႏငငတကာ ဥပေဒတြင ႏငငေတာမလင

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စငရထားသမားသာမကာ စာနယဇငးလပငနးက လတငးအသးျပႏငသည လ႔အခြငအေရးအျဖစ အကာအကြယေပးထားသည။ ၎သည ေရ႕ေနႏင ဆရာ၀နမားအတြက အကးမ၀ငေပ။

Are there other requirements for journalists that are inappropriate?

Some states require journalists to be above a certain age, to have a degree, or a clean criminal record. These requirements also violate international law as they restrict those people that can use their right to freedom of expression via the media – a right that belongs to all.

The practicalities of using entry requirements to ensure quality journalism is questionable as they prevent, for example, young people from developing their research and writing skills, or drive out competent journalists with no degree in favour of unskilled academics.

သတငးေထာကျဖစရနအတြက မသငေတာေသာ အျခားစသတမတခက ရသလား။

ႏငငတစခ႕တြင သတငးေထာကျဖစရနအတြက အသကသတမတထားျခငး၊ ဘြ႕တစခ ရရရနလအပျခငး သ႔မဟတ ရာဇ၀တမႈကးလြနခသည သမငးကငးရငးရန လအပသည။ ဤ လအပခကသည မဒယာမတစဆင အမားျပညသ၏ လြတလပစြာ ထတေဖာေျပာဆ ခြင(လတငးပငဆငေသာ

အခြငအေရး) က ကန႔သတျခငးျဖစေသာေၾကာင ႏငငတကာ ဥပေဒက ခးေဖာကရာေရာကသည။

စာနယဇငးအရညအေသြးအတြက လအပေသာ စသတမတခကက ကငသးျခငးသည ေမးခြနးေမးစရာျဖစသည။ အေၾကာငးမာ ဥပမာ စသတမတခကသည လငယမား သတ႔၏ စာေရးစြမးရည၊ သေသတနျပမႈစြမးရညမား တးတကလာရန ေလကငျခငးက ဟန႔တားရာေရာကၿပး၊ ဘြ႕ရပညာတတျဖစေသာလ ကြ မးကငမႈမရေသာသမားကသာ ဦးစားေပးျခငးသည အရညအေသြးရေသာလညး ဘြ႕ဒဂရမရေသာ သတငးေထာက မားက ေဘးဖယလကရာေရာကသည။

Can journalists be barred from practicing?

No. Some states have laws that can permanently or temporarily ban journalists from working, but this is in effect a form of licencing and therefore violates international law.

သတငးေထာကမားက အလပလပခြင တားျမစသငပါသလား။

မတားျမစသငပါ။ တစခ႕ႏငငမားတြင သတငးေထာကမားက ထာ၀ရ သ႔မဟတ ခဏတာ အလပလပခြငတားျမစသည ဥပေဒရသည။ သ႔ေသာ ၎လပရပသည လငစငျပ႒ာနးျခငးေၾကာငျဖစလာမည အကးဆကႏင တသည။ ထ႕ေၾကာင ႏငငတကာ ဥပေဒက

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What rights are important for journalists?

Right to freedom of association: Journalists are often barred from working unless they join a professional organisation. Some states argue that this is to protect journalistic quality and general welfare, but these could be protected without the need for in effect licencing, which violates international law. Similarly, laws that bar journalists from creating or joining professional organisations also violate international law. Such organisations help to improve the conditions for journalists and raise professional and ethical standards.

Right to accreditation: Journalists need to be able to gather and report news and sometimes need greater access to government buildings or attend public meetings. Accreditation schemes such as press cards can be necessary to ensure access, but can also be abused by governments trying to bar dissenting journalists by refusing them accreditation. In international law, accreditation must be:

1. administered by a body which is independent from the government and follows a transparent procedure;

2. based on specific, non-discriminatory, and reasonable criteria published in advance;

3. only applied to the extent justifiable by

genuine space constraints; and

4. not withdrawn based on the work of the journalist or media outlet concerned.

Right to protection for sources of information: People – particularly whistleblowers – often only share information with journalists if they can do so anonymously. The public would be deprived of information in the public interest without protection for such anonymity. Protection in law of the right of journalists to protect their sources is therefore vital, and should follow international standards:

• Journalists should only be ordered to identify a source if there is an overriding requirement in the public interest, and the circumstances make it vital

• Disclosure should be balance against the harm caused to the right to freedom of expression

• Disclosure should only be ordered at the request of an individual or body with a direct, legitimate interest, who has demonstrably exhausted all reasonable alternative measures to protect that interest

• The power to order disclosure of a source’s identity should be exercised exclusively by courts of law.

Right to protection with respect to search and seizure of journalistic materials: To make sure that sources are fully protected, journalists need stronger immunity against police carrying out searches or seizure in an attempt to circumvent laws that protect sources. International law says that:

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• Search warrants should only be issued by a judge, who must balance the importance of the search against the importance of preventing harm to the right to gather news

• No warrants should be issued if the same goal can be achieved in a way less detrimental to freedom of expression

• No warrants should be issued for the seizure of material covered by the protection of sources, except in very exceptional circumstances

• The police must be accompanied on their search by a judge or prosecutor.

The right of protection against violence: Journalists are often victim to violence from threats to attacks aimed at silencing them. States must investigate carefully so as not to tacitly approve of the violation of journalists’ rights. They should also investigate the possibility that the violence was the result of something the journalist reported. International standards require investigations to be started and concluded in a reasonable time, estimated by: a) the complexity of the matter; b) the judicial activity of the interested party; and c) the behaviour of the judicial authorities.

သတငးေထာကမားအတြက ဘယလအခြငအေရးဟာ အေရးႀကးပါသလ။

အသငးအပငးဖြ႕စညးခြင။ ။ သတငးေထာကမားသည အတတပညာရငမားဆငရာ

အဖြ႕အစညးတြငး မ၀ငထားပါက တားျမစျခငးခရေလရသည။ အစးရတစခ႕က ထသ႔ လပျခငးသည စာနယဇငးအရညအေသြးႏင ေယဘယေကာငးကးအတြက ျဖစေၾကာငး ဆၾကသည။ သ႔ေသာ ၎ အကးအတြက ႏငငတကဥပေဒက ခးေဖာကေစသည လငစငျပ႒ာနးစရာမလပ ကာကြယေပးႏငပါသည။ ထ႔အတ သတငးေထာကမားက အတတပညာရငမား အဖြ႕အစညးမားတြင အဖြ႕၀ငအျဖစ၀ငေရာကျခငးက တားျမစ သည ဥပေဒသညလညး ႏငငတကာဥပေဒက ခးေဖာကျခငးျဖစသည။ ထသ႔ေသာ အဖြ႕အစညးသည သတငးေထာကမား၏ အေျခအေနက တးျမငေစၿပး၊ လပငနးပငးႏင ကင၀တပငးဆငရာ အဆငအတနးက ျမငတငေစသည။

တရား၀င အသအမတျပႏငသည အခြငအေရး။ ။သတငးေထာကမားသည သတငးမားက လကႏငခြငႏင တငျပႏငခြငရရန လအပၿပး၊ တစခါတစရ အစးရ အေဆာကအဦးမား သ႔မဟတ လထစညးေ၀းပြမား တကေရာကႏငရန လသည။ ထကသ႔ေသာ ေနရာမားသ႔သြားေရာကႏငရန စာနယဇငးကာဒျပားကသ႔ေသာ တရား၀င အသအမတျပသည စနစက အသးျပႏငသည။ သ႔ေသာ တစခါတစရ အစးရမားသည ထစနစက အသးျပ၍ မမႏင သေဘာထားကြလြေသာ သတငးေထာကမားက တရား၀င အသအမတျပျခငး ျငငးပယျခငးျဖင တားဆးတတၾကသည။

ႏငငတကာ ဥပေဒအရ တရား၀ငအသအမတျပျခငးအခြငက

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၁။ ပြငလငးျမငသာ၍ အစးရ၏ စးမးမႈကငးေသာ အဖြ႕အစညးမ စမကြပကျခငး

၂။ တကေသာ၊ ခြျခားမႈမရေသာ၊ ႀကးေၾကာငးဆေလာမႈရေသာ လအပခကတြင အေျခခ၍ ႀကတင ျဖန႔ေ၀ထားျခငး

၃။ တစကယလအပေသာ ကန႔သတခကကသာ အတငးအတာတစခထ ျခြငးခကအျဖစ ထားျခငး

၄။ မဒယာ အရငးအျမစ သ႔မဟတ သတငးေထာက၏ လပကငေဆာငရြကမႈအေပၚသာ အေျခခ၍ ၎အခြငအေရးက ရပသမးမႈ မျပလပျခငး

သတငးရရရာ အရငးအျမစက ကာကြယခြင။ ။ျပညသ (အထးသျဖင လ႕၀ကစြာ သတငးေပးသမား) သည သတ႔၏ အမညေဖာျပစရာမလမသာ သတငးေထာကမားအား သတငးအခကအလကမားက ေျပာျပၾကသည။ ထကသ႔ အမညမေဖာလ႕၀ကမႈက အကာအကြယေပးျခငးမရပါက လထသည သတ႔၏အကးကထခကေစသည သတငးအခကအလကမား သရႏငမည မဟတပါ။ ထ႔ေၾကာင သတငးေထာကမား၏ သတငးရရရာ အရငးအျမစက ဥပေဒျဖင အကာအကြယေပးျခငးသည အေရးႀကးသျဖင ႏငငတကာစႏႈနးအတငး လကနာေဆာငရြကသငသည။

• အေျခအေနအရ အလြနအေရးႀကးသညအခနႏင လထအကးစးပြားက ကာကြယရန ပ၍

အေရးႀကးေသာ အခနမားတြငသာ သတငးေထာကမားအား သတ႔၏ သတငးရငးျမစက ထတေဖာခငးသငသည။

• သတငးအရငးအျမစ ထတေဖာေျပာဆျခငးသည လြတလပစြာ ထတေဖာေျပာဆ ခြငက မထခကေစရန မတစြာေဆာငရြကသငသည။

• ထတေဖာေျပာဆမႈအတြက အကးစးပြားက ကာကြယရန အျခားေသာ နညးလမး ျဖင အႀကးသငအေၾကာငးသင လပေဆာင၍ မျဖစႏငသည အခနမသာ သတငး ရငးျမစက ထတေဖာရန သတငးေၾကာင တကရကသကဆင၍ အကး သကေရာက ခရသ သ႔မဟတ အဖြ႕အစညးတစခက ေတာငးဆႏငသည။

• သတငးရငးျမစ ထတေဖာဖ႔ ခမတႏငသည အမန႔အာဏာသည တရားရးတြငသာ အလးစ ရသငသည။

စာနယဇငးဆငရာ ပစၥညးကရယာမားက ရာေဖြ သမးဆညးျခငးမ ကာကြယခြင --သတငးရငးျမစက ကာကြယသည ဥပေဒက ပါးနပစြာ ေရာငရား၍ ရမားက ရာေဖြစစေဆးကာ သမးဆးျခငးမ ကငးလြတခြငကေပးျခငးျဖင သတငးရငးျမစက အျပညအ၀ အကာအကြယေပးေအာင လပေဆာငႏငမညျဖစသည။

• စစေဆးရာေဖြျခငးသည သတငးစစမးခြငက တားဆးျခငးမျဖစေစရန မတစြာ ဆးျဖတရမည တရားသႀကးသာလင စစေဆးရာေဖြခြင၀ရမးစာက ထတေပး သငသည။

• လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက

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ထခကမႈ အနညးဆးျဖစေစသည အျခား တစနညးနညးျဖင လပေဆာငကာ ရာေဖြစစေဆးမႈျပႏငပါက ရာေဖြစစေဆးခြင ၀ရမးစာက မထတျပနသငပါ။

• ျခြငးခကအေျခအေနမားမလြ၍ သတငးရငးျမစကကာကြယထားသည ပစၥညး ကရယာမားက သမးဆးရန ၀ရမး မထတျပနသငပါ။

• ရမား စစေဆးရာေဖြမႈလပပါက တရားသႀကး သ႔မဟတ အစးရေရ႕ေနတစဦး လကပါရမည။

အၾကမးဖကခရျခငးမ ကာကြယခြင - သတငးေထာကမားသည ျခမးေျခာကခရျခငးႏင ႏႈတဆတသြားရန အၾကမးဖကတကခကခရတတသည။ သတငးေထာကမား၏ အခြငအေရးက ႏႈတဆတေနျခငးျဖင ထသ႔ေသာ တကခကမႈက ခြငမျပမရန ႏငငေတာမ ေသခာစြာ စစမးမႈျပရမည။ သတငးေထာကတစေယာက၏ သတငးတငျပခကေၾကာင အၾကမးဖကမႈ ျဖစလာချခငးအေၾကာငးဆကစပမႈ ရမရကလညးစးစမးရမည။ ႏငငတကာဥပေဒစႏႈနးအရ စစမးစစေဆးမည အခနအတငးအတာသည အကးသင အေၾကာငးသင ျဖစရနလသည။ (က) အေရးကစၥတစခ၏ ရႈပေထြးနကနမႈ (ခ) စတ၀ငစားေသာအဖြ႕၏ တရားေရးဆငရာ ေဆာငရြကမႈႏင (ဂ) တရားေရး အာဏာပင မား၏ ျပမႈေဆာငရြကမႈအေပၚ အေျခခ၍ အခနက ခန႔မနးသတမတသည။

What are the common problems with laws relating to journalists?

1. It violates international law and standards: Lawmakers often fail to check and implement international law into national law regulating journalists. States have obligations under international law to protect the right to freedom of expression.

2. It is too restrictive in scope: Laws regulating journalists can be both too narrow and too broad. If they are too narrow, they do not include all people involved in journalism, such as media workers. If they are too broad, they can apply unintentionally to for example bloggers or internet users.

3. It gives unnecessary privileges to journalists: Laws regulating journalists often give special status or certain privileges to journalists. For example, the state may be responsible for caring for the families of killed journalists, likening them to civil servants. Although this appears to be good, in international law everyone has the same rights and the state has a duty to protect everyone’s rights, not just a few.

4. It creates obligations for journalists: Some states have laws containing obligations and duties for journalists with disciplinary or administrative punishments if they fail to fulfil them. Such laws only prevent journalists from working independently from government and should be replaced by self-regulation.

5. It prohibits reporting on specific topics: Sometimes laws regulating journalists

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ban their work on specific topics such as criticising a monarch or a senior official, or questioning historical facts or people. Such bans are clearly censorship and violate international law.

သတငးေထာကမားႏင သကဆငသည ဥပေဒမား၏ အဓက ျပနာေတြက ဘာလ။

• ဥပေဒက ႏငငတကာဥပေဒႏင စႏႈနးက ခးေဖာကျခငး- ဥပေဒျပသမား သည ႏငငတကာဥပေဒက သတငးေထာကမားအတြက ခမတေသာ ျပညတြငးစညးမဥးမားတြင အေကာငအထညေဖာေဆာငရြကရန ပကကြက ေလရသည။

• ဥပေဒ၏ နယပယအတငးအတာ ကန႔သတခကကဥးလြနးျခငး - သတငးေထာကမားဆငရာ စညးမဥးသည ကဥးေျမာငးလြနးျခငးႏင ကယျပန႔လြနးျခငး ျဖစတတသည။ ကဥးေျမာငးလြနးပါက မဒယာလပငနး လပေဆာငသမားအပါအ၀င သတငးလပငနးတြင ပါ၀ငပတသကသမားက ခနလပထားတတသည။ သပကယျပန႔လြနးပါက ၎ဥပေဒသည မရညရြယ ဘ အငတာနကအသးျပသမားႏင ဘေလာဒေရးသမားေပၚ သြားတက ေရာကႏငသည။

• ဥပေဒက သတငးေထာကမားအား မလအပေသာ အခြငထးေပးျခငး - သတငးေထာကမားဆငရာ ဥပေဒသည ၎တ႔အား အခြငထး သ႔မဟတ အထးဂဏ ေပးအပေလရသည။ ဥပမာ အသတခရေသာ

သတငးေထာကမား ၏ မသားစ၀င မားက အစးရက တာ၀နယေပးျခငးႏင အစးရ၀နထမးမား အျဖစ ဆကဆျခငး။ ဤသ႔ လပေဆာငခကသည ေကာငးသညဟ ထငမတ စရာျဖစေသာလညး ႏငငတကာ ဥပေဒအရ လတငးတြင အခြငအေရး အတတပငရသငသည။ ႏငငေတာအေနျဖင လတစစကသာ မဟတပ လတငးက အကာအကြယေပးရန တာ၀နရသည။

• သတငးေထာကမား၏ လကနာရမည ၀တရားဖနတးေပးျခငး - အစးရအခ႕သည သတငးေထာကမား လကနာရနပကကြကပါက စညးကမး အရ သ႔မဟတ အပခပပငးဆငရာအရ ျပစဒဏမားပါ၀ငသည လကနာရ သည ၀တရားမား ဥပေဒ ျပ႒ာနးထားၾကသည။ ထသ႔ေသာ ဥပေဒမားသည သတငးေထာကမား အစးရမ လြတလပစြာ လပေဆာငႏငမႈက ဟန႔တား ေစၿပး၊ ကယကယတင ခမတေသာ စညးမဥးျဖင အစားထးသငသည။

• အေၾကာငးအရာအခ႕က တငျပရန ထားျမစျခငး - ျပညသႏင သမငးဆငရာ အျဖစမနက ေမးခြနးထတျခငး သ႔မဟတ ဘရင သ႔မဟတ ရာထးျမင အစးရအရာရမားက မေ၀ဖနရန သတငးေထာကမားအား ဥပေဒျဖင တားျမစထားသည။

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ARTICLE 19 is regularly asked whether the government or another organisation should regulate the internet. This beginners’ guide looks at regulation from a human rights viewpoint and in particular the right to freedom of expression.

ေရဒယ၊ ရပျမငသၾကားအပါအ၀င အငတာနကက အစးရ သ႔မဟတ အဖြ႕အစညး တစခခက စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပသငလားဆတေမးခြနး အာတကယ ၁၉ က မၾကာခဏ ေမးေလ႔ရပါတယ။ ဤအေျခခအဆငလမးညႊနတြင စညးမဥးျဖငထနးခပျခငးက လ႔အခြငအေရးႏင အထးသျဖင လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငအျမငမ တငျပထားသည။

Are human rights important when regulating the internet?

Yes. The internet is quickly becoming one of the largest sources of information and spaces for debate and as such is an example of the right to freedom of expression in practice.

Even though the internet is just a few years old, every day it becomes more and more vital for democracies to work by publishing a diverse range of voices with different opinions. The internet is also changing the way we think of and use the right to freedom of expression.

This right, which is for everyone, is guaranteed in international human rights law in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, collectively known as the international bill of human rights, and which emerged from the horrors of World War II.

International human rights law has become so important that all governments are required to respect, protect and fulfil the right to freedom of expression within each country.

Regulation of the internet can be a problem because it interferes with the right to freedom of expression. ARTICLE 19 exists to point out what regulation is okay and suitable in a democracy and what regulation is not. We do not guess - we look at and compare with the human rights standards that have developed internationally over several decades.

International human rights standards say that regulation of the internet must be:

1. Written in law (not arbitrary)

2. Have a legitimate aim (these aims are listed in international law as the rights or reputations of others, national security, public order, public health and morals)

3. Absolutely necessary to achieve the

အငတာနကက စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပျခငး Regulating the internet

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above aim (necessary in a democracy, and done in a proportionate way).

This is known as the three-part test and comes from the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

အငတာနကက စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပရာတြင လ႔အခြငအေရး အေရးႀကးသလား။

အေရးႀကးပါသည။ အငတာနကသည ေဆြးေႏြးမႈမားျပလပႏငေသာေနရာႏင သတငးအခက အလကမားရရရာ အရငးအျမစႀကးတစခအျဖစ လငျမနစြာ ျဖစလာေနၿပး၊ လြတလပစြာ ထတေဖာ ေျပာဆခြငကငသးမႈ၏ သာဓကတစချဖစပါသည။

အာတာနက၏သကတမးသည ႏစအနညးငယသာရေသးေသာလညး ဒမကေရစဖြ႕ၿဖးမႈအတြက အေရးႀကးကာ မတကြျပားေသာအျမငႏင အသမားက ထတလြငျဖန႔ခရာေနရာတစခ ျဖစလာ ေသာေၾကာင ေန႔စဥႏငအမပမအေရးႀကးလာပါသည။ အငတာနကသည ကေနာတ႔၏ စဥးစားသည ပစႏင လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငကငသးမႈပစကလညး ေျပာငးလေပးေနသည။

ဤ အခြငအေရးက ႏငငတကာ လ႔အခြငအေရး ဥပေဒမားျဖစသည အျပညျပညဆငရာ လ႔အခြင အေရးေၾကျငာစာတမးႏင ႏငငသားႏင ႏငငေရးဆငရာ ႏငငတကာသေဘာတညခကမား တြင အာမာခခကေပးထားသည။ ၎အခြငအေရးသည ေျခာကျခားဖြယ

ဒတယကမၻာစစျဖစရပမ ေပၚထြကလာၿပး တစစတစစညးတညးအျဖစ အေျခခႏငငတကာလ႔အခြငအေရးဥပေဒ အျဖစလညး သထားၾကသည။

ႏငငတကာလ႔အခြငအေရးဥပေဒသည အလြနအေရးႀကးလာသျဖင ႏငငတစခခငးစရ အစးရတငး သည ေလးစားရန၊ ကာကြယေစာငေရာကရနႏင လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက ကငသးႏင ရန ေဖာေဆာငေပးဖ႔လသည။

အငတာနကက စညးမဥးျဖငထနးခပျခငးသည လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက ထခကပါက မေကာငးပါ။ ဒမကေရစအတြက မညသ႔ေသာစညးမဥးသည သငေတာၿပး၊ မညကသ႔ေသာ အခြငအေရးသည မသငေလာေၾကာငး အာတကယ ၁၉ က ေထာကျပထားသည။ မမတ႔ ခန႔မနး ေျပာဆျခငးမလပပါ။ ဆယစႏစေပါငးမားစြာ ႏငငတကာတြင ျဖစထြနးတးတကလာေသာ လ႔အခြငအေရးစႏႈနးက ၾကည၍ ႏႈငးယဥမႈျပ ထားျခငးျဖစသည။

ႏငငတကာလ႔အခြငအေရးစႏႈနးအရ အငတာနက စညးမဥးသည ၁။ ဥပေဒတြင ျပ႒ာနးထားျခငးျဖစရမည။ ( အလငးသငသလ မတရားလပေဆာငျခငးမျပရ) ၂။ တရား၀င ဦးတညခကရရမည ( ထဦးတညခကမားက အျခားသ၏အခြငအေရးႏင ဂဏသကၡ၊ အမးသားလျခေရး၊ လထလျခေရး၊ လထကနးမာေရး ႏင ကယကငတရား မားအျဖစ ႏငငတကာဥပေဒတြင ေဖာျပထားသည) ၃။ ၎ဦးတညခကမားက ရရရန လး၀

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လအပသညအေျခအေနတြင( ဒမကေရစအတြက လအပျခငး ႏင အခးညစြာ လပေဆာငျခငး) ျဖစရမည။

၎တ႔သည ႏငငသားႏင ႏငငေရးဆငရာ ႏငငတကာသေဘာတညခကမ ေပါကဖြားလာျခငးျဖစၿပး အဆငသးဆင႔ လအပခကအျဖစသထားၾကသည။

Should the internet be regulated?

No. Some governments argue that the internet needs regulating because it has become home to pirated films and extreme sexual imagery for example, or helps terrorists communicate with one another. But this argument ignores that each of these is already regulated by laws in most countries, regardless of whether they take place on the internet or elsewhere.

So the question becomes how current laws should be changed in order to cover new technologies that are changing the way people find and share information. It is also important not to use laws on internet users that were originally meant for broadcasters or the print media – an internet user for example should not be expected to use the code of standards developed for broadcasting.

It is also important to understand that the internet is everywhere, so the old idea of sovereignty where states control everything inside their borders no longer makes much sense.

Instead, new solutions are needed to stop governments from making laws that could intentionally or unintentionally threaten the right to freedom of expression. One solution could be to encourage self-regulation where groups come together and draw up codes of conduct, similar to how the print media should be self-regulated. Another solution is to control what appears on your own screen through ‘self-regulation at home’ software that filters out unsuitable content.

What other laws would undermine freedom of expression?

A number of things would violate international law on the right to freedom of expression, including:

• Wholesale bans of modems and other equipment that helps users access the internet

• Stopping or slowing access to all or part of the internet for everyone or for specific groups of people

• Forcing internet users - bloggers for example – to register with the state or get a licence

• Requiring internet service providers (ISPs) to get licences

• Indiscriminate monitoring or surveillance of internet users

• Banning anonymous communication over the internet, such as by forcing users to register their real names.

အငတာနကက စညးမဥးျဖင

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မထနးခပသငပါ။ အငတာနကတြင မႈပငခြငမရပ ရပရငဇာတလမးမားျဖန႔ချခငး၊ အစြနးေရာက လငပငးဆငရာရပပမားျဖန႔ချခငးႏင အၾကမးဖကသမားမား အခငးခငးၾကား ဆကသြယႏငရန အေထာကအကျဖစေစျခငးတ႔ေၾကာင အငတာနကက စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပသငေၾကာငး အစးရ တစခ႕က ဆသည။ သ႔ေသာ သတ႔၏အဆသည မခငလပါ။ အငတာနက သ႔မဟတ အျခား တစေနရာရာတြင ထသ႔ေသာအျဖစမား ရေနေသာလညး ႏငငအမားစတြင ထကစၥမားအတြက ဥပေဒျဖင ထနးခပထားၿပးျဖစသည။

ထ႔ေၾကာင လေတြ သတငးအခကအလကမားက ရာေဖြျခငးႏင ျဖန႔ခသညပစက ေျပာငးလေစတ နညးပညာသစအေပၚ စးမးသကေရာကႏငရန လကရဥပေဒမားက မညသ႔ ေျပာငးလသငသလ ဆတာ ေမးစရာေမးခြနး ျဖစလာပါတယ။ အသလြငသမားႏင ပႏပမဒယာအတြက ရညရြယ၍ ျပ႒ာနးထားေသာ ဥပေဒက အငတာနကအသးျပသမားအေပၚ မသကေရာကမရနလညး အေရးႀကးသညအခကတစခကျဖစပါသည။ ရပသလြငမႈဆငရာအတြက ေရးဆြထားေသာ လကနာရမည စညးမဥးစႏႈနးသည အငတာနကအသးျပသမားႏငလညးသကဆငသညဟ ေမာလင၍ မရပါ။

အငတာနကသည ေနရာတကာတြင ရေနၿပးျဖစေၾကာငးကလညး နားလညထားရန အေရးႀကးသည။ ထ႔ေၾကာင ႏငငေတာက ထနးခပသည အခပအျခာအာဏာသည

၎၏နယနမတစညးမဥး အတြငးရ အရာအားလးက ထနးခပသညဆသည အေတြးအေခၚေဟာငးသည ေရ႕ဆက၍ အဓပၸါယ မရႏင ေတာပါ။

၎အစား အစးရမားမ ရညရြယ၍ျဖစေစ၊ မရညရြယ၍ျဖစေစ လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက ၿခမးေျခာကသည ဥပေဒမားမျပ႒ာနးရနအတြက အေျဖသစ လအပပါသည။ ျဖစႏငသည အေျဖ တစခမာ ပႏပမဒယာမား ကယတငခမတသည စညးမဥးကသ႔ ပဂၢလအဖြ႕အစညးမား ကအတ တကြေတြ႕ဆေစကာ လကနာရမညစညးမဥးမားက ေရးဆြေစ၍ ကယတငခမတသည စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပျခငးစနစက အားေပးသငသည။ အျခားေျဖရငးႏငသည နညးလမးေနာကတစခမာ မသငေတာေသာအေၾကာငးအရာမား ဖနသားျပငတြငေပၚလာေသာအခါ စစေဆးဖယရားေပးသည “အမတြင ကယတငထနးခပႏငသည” ပရဂရမျဖင ထနးခပျခငးျဖစသည။

အျခားေသာ ဘယဥပေဒေတြက လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက ထခကေစသလ။

ေအာကပါအခကမားအပါအ၀င ျပ႒ာနးခကအခ႕သည ႏငငတကာဥပေဒျဖစသည လြတလပစြာ ထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက ခးေဖာကသည -

• အငတာနကကအသးျပႏငေစသည ကြနပတာႏင တယလဖနးႀကးက ေပါငးစပေပးထား ေသာ ကရယာႏင

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အျခားကရယာမားက အလးစပတပငျခငး • လအပစတစစ သ႔မဟတ

အားလး၏ အငတာနကက အလးစ သ႔မဟတ တစစတတစပငး အရ ေႏးေကြးသြားေအာငလပျခငး သ႔မဟတ ဖတေတာကလကျခငး

• အငတာနကအသးျပသမား( ဥပမာ ဘေလာဒေရးသမား) အား အစးရထသ႔ အတငးဖအား ေပး၍ နာမညစရငးတငသြငးေစခငးျခငးႏင လငစဥယခငးျခငး

• အငတာနကလႈငးျဖန႔ေ၀ေပးသမားက လငစဥယခငးျခငး

• အငတာနကသးစြသအားလးက ခြျခားျခငးမရပ ေစာငၾကညျခငး၊ အနးကပေထာကလမးျခငး

• အငတာနကသးစြသမားက သတ႔၏ နာမညမနျဖင စရငးတငသြငးရန အတငးေစခငးျခငးျဖင အငတာနကတြင နာမညမေဖာပ ဆကသြယေဆာငရြကျခငးက တားျမစျခငး

What should the state do to protect freedom of expression?

There are a number of things that states should do protect the right to freedom of expression on the internet. They should:

• Help everyone access the internet everywhere, for example by creating community-based internet services and public access computer centres, or by subsidising access to the internet for disadvantaged communities

• Tell people – particularly those in

disadvantaged communities - what the internet is, how it can be used, and what benefits it will bring to people’s lives

• Encourage ‘universal service’ by promoting people’s access to quality technology at affordable prices everywhere, particularly in rural or remote communities

• Encourage ‘network neutrality’ by stopping telecommunications networks from slowing and interfering with certain types of internet traffic

• Help people with disabilities and disadvantaged communities to access the internet

• Investigate and prosecute crimes over the internet, such as child pornography.

လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက ကာကြယေစာငေရာကရန ႏငငေတာက ဘာေတြ လပေဆာင သငသလ။

အငတာနကေပၚက လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက ကာကြယရနအစးရမား လပေဆာငရမည အရာမားရပါသည။ အစးရသည

• ေနရာတငးတြင အငတာနကက လတငးသးစြႏငရနကညေပးျခငး၊ ဥပမာ လထအေျချပ အငတာနက၀နေဆာငမႈႏင အမားျပညသ သြားေရာကသးစြႏငသည ကြနပတာစငတာမား ဖြငေပးျခငး၊ သ႔မဟတ ဆငးရျခငး၊ဒကၡတျဖစျခငးေၾကာင ပမနအခြငအေရး

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ဆးရႈးသမားက အငတာနကသးစြႏငရန ကညေထာကပေပးျခငး

• လထက (အထးသျဖင အေၾကာငးအမးမးေၾကာင ပမနအခြငအေရးဆးရႈးသမားက) အငတာနကအေၾကာငး၊ ၎က အသးျပပျပနညး၊ လေတြရ႕ဘ၀အတြက ၎မ ရရႏငသည အကးေကးဇးမားက ေျပာျပသငသည။

• ေနရာတငးတြင အထးသျဖင ေကးရြာ သ႔မဟတ ေ၀းလေခါငဖား ေသာ ျပညသမားအတြက အရညအေသြးျမငနညးပညာက တတႏငေသာေစးႏႈနးျဖင ေနရာတငးတြငအသးျပႏငရန ေဆာၾသျမငတငျခငးျဖင “တစကမၻာလးဆငရာ ၀နေဆာငမႈ” က အားေပးျမငတငျခငး

• အငတာနကလမးေၾကာငး ပတဆ႔မႈေၾကာင လပစစဆကသြယေရးစနစကြနယက ေနးေကြး သြားျခငးႏင အေႏာကအယကမရေစရန “အလယအလတကြနယကစနစ”က အားေပးသင သည။

• ဒကၡတျဖစသမားႏင အေၾကာငးအမးမးေၾကာင ပမနအခြငအေရးခ႕တသည အသငးအ၀ငး အငတာနကအသးျပႏငရန ကညေပးသငသည။

• အငတာနကတြင ခေလးငယမား၏လငပငးဆငရာ ပမားျဖန႔ေ၀ျခငးကသ႔ေသာ ျပစမႈမားက စစမး၍ အေရးယျခငးျပလပသငသည။

Should content on the internet be regulated?

Yes. Just as some expression can be regulated in the street – such as defamation or incitement to violence – the same expression should be regulated on the internet.

Any law that bans expression on the internet must follow the three-part in international law: the law must be unambiguously written, have a legitimate aim (the rights or reputations of others, national security, public order, public health and morals), and be absolutely necessary and proportionate to achieve the aim.

Vague laws always undermine the right to freedom of expression. A law would also always violate international law if it uses words like the following:

• Incitement to religious unrest

• Promoting division between religious believers or non-believers

• Defamation of religion

• Inciting violation

• Inciting subversion of state power

• Offences that damage public tranquillity

အငတာနကတြငေဖာျပသညအေၾကာငးအရာမားက စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပသငသလား။

ထနးခပသငပါသည။ လမးမမားတြင ထတေဖာေျပာဆေသာ အခ႕ကစၥမား

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(အသေရဖကမႈ သ႔မဟတ အၾကမးဖကမႈျဖစေစရန လႈ႕ေဆာျခငး) က စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပသကသ႔ အငတာနက ေပၚတြင ေျပာဆေရးသားျခငးမားကလ စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပသငပါသည။

အငတာနကေပၚတြင ေျပာဆေရးသားမႈက တားျမစေသာ မညသည ဥပေဒမဆ ႏငငတကာဥပေဒ၏ အဆငသးဆငလအပခကမားက လကနာရမည - ဥပေဒက ရငးလငးစြာေရးသားထားရမည၊ တရား၀ငဦးတညခကရရမည ( ထဦးတညခကမားက အျခားသ၏အခြငအေရးႏင ဂဏသကၡ၊ အမးသားလျခေရး၊ လထလျခေရး၊ လထကနးမာေရးႏင ကယကငတရားမားအျဖစ ႏငငတကာဥပေဒတြင ေဖာျပထားသည)၊ ၎ဦးတညခကမားက ရရရန လး၀ လအပသည အေျခအေနတြင( ဒမကေရစအတြက လအပျခငးႏင အခးညစြာလပေဆာငျခငး) ျဖစရမည။

တကရငးလငးမႈမရေသာ ဥပေဒမားသည လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက ထခကေစသည။ ေအာကပါ ကသ႔ေသာ စာသားမားက အသးျပေသာ ဥပေဒသည ႏငငတကာ ဥပေဒက ခးေဖာကရာ ေရာကသည။

• ဘာသာေရးအဓကရဏးက လႈ႕ေဆာျခငး • ဘာသာေရးကးကြယသမားႏင

မကးကြယသမားၾကား ခြျခားမႈက ျမငတငေပးျခငး

• ဘာသာေရးက ဂဏသကၡကဆငးေအာငျပလပျခငး

• ဆပအၾကမးဖကမႈက လႈ႕ေဆာျခငး

• ႏငငေတာအာဏာက ျဖတခရန လႈ႕ေဆာျခငး

• လထ တညၿငမေအးခမးမႈက ပကစးေစသည လပေဆာငခကမား

Should internet service providers (ISPs) be responsible for their users’ content?

No. Internet service providers (ISPs), social media networks and website hosts should not be responsible for the content that their users make or send.

Some argue that ISPs, social media networks and website hosts are publishers and therefore should be responsible for what they publish. But nobody would hold a phone company responsible for what one of its customers said in a call. ISPs, social media networks and website hosts are more like phone companies than newspapers or television stations. As such, as long as they do not change a user’s content, they should not be held responsible for it – the user should.

အငတာနက၀နေဆာငမႈေပးသမားသည ၎တ႔၏ အငတာနကအသးျပသမား ေျပာဆေရးသားေသာ အေၾကာငးအရာမားအတြက တာ၀နယသငပါသလား။

မယသငပါ။ အငတာနက၀နေဆာငမႈေပးသမား၊ အငတာနက လမႈကြနယကႏင အငတာနက စာမကႏာ ျဖန႔ေ၀သမားသည

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၎တ႔၏ အငတာနကအသးျပသမား ျပလပေသာ အရာမား ေ၀မ ၾကေသာ အေၾကာငးအရာမားအတြက တာ၀နမရပါ။

အငတာနက၀နေဆာငမႈေပးသမား၊ လမႈမဒယာကြနယကႏင အငတာနကစာမကႏာ ျဖန႔ေ၀သမား သည ထတေ၀သမားျဖစေသာေၾကာင သတ႔ျဖန႔ေ၀ေသာ အေၾကာငးအရာမားအတြက တာ၀နရ သညဟ အခ႕ဆၾကသည။ သ႔ေသာ ဖနးအသးျပသတစဦး၏ ဖနးတြင ေျပာဆမႈအတြက ဖနးကမၸဏ တြင တာ၀နရသညဟ ဆၾကမညမဟတပါ။ အငတာနက၀နေဆာငမႈေပးသမား၊ လမႈမဒယာ ကြနယကႏင အငတာနကစာမကႏာျဖန႔ေ၀သမားသည သတငးစာႏင ရပျမငသၾကား ထတေ၀သ မားထက ဖနးကမၸဏႏင ပ၍ ဆငသည။ ထ႔အတြကေၾကာင ၎တ႔အေနျဖင အသးျပသမား၏ ေျပာဆေရးသားေသာ အေၾကာငးအရာကသာ ျပျပငေျပာငးလျခငးမလပပါက သတ႔တြင တာ၀န မရပါ။ အသးျပသမားတြငသာ တာ၀နရသည။

Should internet service providers (ISPs) take down content if a court orders it?

Yes. But in many countries, the police or public officials try to order internet service providers (ISPs), social media networks, and website hosts to take down content without going to court.

This is a violation of the three-part test

in international law which requires that any restriction of the right to freedom of expression be written in law and decided by a court. The police would be violating international law if they confiscated a newspaper from a shop without a court being involved, and taking down content from the internet is exactly the same.

တရားရးမ အမန႔ခမတပါက အငတာနက၀နေဆာငမႈေပးသမားအေနျဖင အငတာနကပါ အေၾကာငးအရာက ျဖတေပးသငသလား။

ျဖတေပးသငပါသည။ သ႔ေသာ ႏငငအမားစတြင အငတာနကပါ အေၾကာငးအရာက ပယဖက ေပးရန ရမားႏင အစးရတာ၀နရသမားက တရားရးသ႔မသြားပ အငတာနက၀နေဆာငမႈေပးသမား၊ လမႈမဒယာကြနယကႏင အငတာနကစာမကႏာ ျဖန႔ေ၀သမားက အမန႔ေပးေလရသည။

လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက မညသညနညးျဖငျဖစေစ ကန႔သတလပါက ဥပေဒတြင ေရးသားထား၍ျဖစေစ၊ တရားရးမ ဆးျဖတခကျဖငသာ ျပလပရမညဟဆထားသည ႏငငတကာ ဥပေဒ၏ အဆငသးဆငလအပခကက ခးေဖာကျခငးျဖစသည။ တရားရး၏ ပါ၀ငမႈမရပ ရက ဆငတစဆငဆငမ သတငးစာက သမးဆညးျခငးသည ႏငငတကာဥပေဒက ခးေဖာကျခငး ျဖစ သည။ အငတာနကေပၚတြငတငထားေသာ အေၾကာငးအရာက ပယဖကျခငးသညလညး

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ထကသ႔ ပငျဖစသည။

Should users be responsible for their content?

Yes, but only in the same way that they would be responsible if they said it in the street.

Bloggers and other ‘citizen journalists’ should not be treated like traditional journalists working for newspapers or television stations. Although they do similar work in many ways, they do not have the same money or technology available to them. As such, laws with the responsibilities and duties meant for the print or broadcast media should not cover them.

အငတာနကအသးျပသမားသည သတ႔တငျပေသာ အေၾကာငးအရာမားအတြက တာ၀နရပါသလား။

ရပါသည။ သ႔ေသာ လမးေပၚတြင ေျပာဆေသာအခါ တာ၀နယရသညအတငးပငျဖစသည။

ရပျမငသၾကားဌာန၊ သတငးစာမားႏင အလပလပေနေသာ သတငးေထာကမားက ဆကဆ သကသ႔ ဘေလာဒေရးသမားႏင “ႏငငသားသတငးေထာက”မားက တစမးထ မဆကဆသငပါ။ သတ႔ လပေဆာငခကမား အမားစ ဆငတမႈရေသာလညး သတ႔တြင ရပျမငသၾကားႏင သတငးစာ တကတြငလပေသာ

သတငးေထာကမားကသ႔ ေငြေၾကးႏင နညးပညာအေထာကအက မရရပါ။ ထ႔ေၾကာင ပႏပႏင ေရဒယ၊ရပျမငသၾကားဆငရာ မဒယာအတြက ဥပေဒတြင ျပ႒ာနးထားေသာ တာ၀နႏင ၀တရားမားသည သတ႔အေပၚသကေရာကမႈမရသငပါ။

Should anonymous users be responsible for their content?

Yes. Users that hide their identity are just as responsible for their content as users that do not. Anonymity is not a defence against prosecution for crimes or defamation on the


အမညမေဖာပ သးစြသမားသည သတ႔ေျပာဆေသာ အေၾကာငးအရာအတြက တာ၀နရပါသလား။

တာ၀နရပါသည။ မမ အမညမေဖာဘ လ႕၀ကထားသသညလညး မမအမညကေဖာ၍ သးစြသ ကသ႔ပင တာ၀နရသည။ အငတာနကေပၚမ အသေရဖကမႈႏင ျပစမႈကးလြနထားျခငးအတြက မမ၏ အမညႏင ေနာကခအေၾကာငးအရာက ေဖာကထားျခငးသည အကာအကြယမဟတပါ။

Is surveillance of the internet okay?

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Any surveillance over the internet needs to pass the three-part test in international law to make sure that it does not damage the right to freedom of expression, and also the right to privacy.

Although surveillance on the internet is okay when a crime is taking place for example, states often use surveillance to watch dissenters or collect information about people. Such surveillance not only invades people’s right to privacy, but also deters people from expressing themselves freely on the internet.

Surveillance should only be used in circumstances that are specifically defined in law, and when a relevant court orders it. Courts should only order surveillance on a case-by-case basis, and any surveillance that is not written in law, is illegal.

အငတာနကက အနးကပေထာကလမးေစာငၾကညျခငးသည သငေလာပါသလား။

အမားႏင မသကဆငသည ပဂၢလေရးဆငရာကစၥႏင လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြင မထခက ေစရန ေထာကလမးေစာငၾကညမႈသည ႏငငတကာဥပေဒ၏ အဆငသးဆင လအပခကႏင ညညြတမႈရရမည။

ဥပမာအားျဖင ျပစမႈဆငရာကစၥအတြက အငတာနကက အနးကပေစာငၾကညျခငးဟာ သငေတာ ေသာလညး အစးရသည

အမားအားျဖင ၎က ဆန႔ကငသမားအား ေစာငၾကညရနႏင လေတြရ႕ သတငးအခကအလကက စေဆာငးရန အသးျပေလရသည။ ထကသ႔ေသာ ေထာကလမး ေစာငၾကညျခငးသည လတစဦးခငးစ၏ ပဂၢလေရးဆငရာအခြငအေရးက ခးေဖာကျခငးသာမကပ အငတာနကေပၚတြင လအမား လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆမညက ဟန႔တားျခငးျဖစသည။

ေထာကလမးေစာငၾကညျခငးက ဥပေဒအရ အတအက ျပ႒ာနးထားသညအေျခအေနမးႏင သကဆငသည တရားရးအမန႔ျဖငသာ ျပလပသငသည။ ဥပေဒတြင ျပ႒ာနးထားမႈမရေသာ မညသညေထာကလမးေစာငၾကညမႈမးမဆ တရားမ၀ငပါ။ တရားရးမားအေနျဖငလညး အမႈ တစခ ခငးစအလကေပၚ အေျခခ၍ ေထာကလမးေစာငၾကညခြင အမန႔ခေပးသငသည။

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ARTICLE 19 is regularly asked whether the government or another organisation should regulate the broadcast media, which includes television and radio. This beginners’ guide looks at regulation from a human rights viewpoint and in particular the right to freedom of expression.

ေရဒယ၊ ရပျမငသၾကားအပါအ၀င ရပသလြငမဒယာက အစးရ သ႔မဟတ အဖြ႕အစညး တစခခက စညးမဥးျဖင ထနးခပသငလားဆတေမးခြနး အာတကယ ၁၉ က မၾကာခဏ ေမးေလရပါတယ။ ဤ အေျခခအဆငလမးညႊနတြင စညးမဥးျဖငထနးခပျခငးက လ႔ အခြငအေရးႏင အထးသျဖင လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြင ရႈ႕ေထာငမ တငျပထား သည။

Are human rights important when regulating the broadcast media?

Yes. Television and radio are the largest sources of information and debate for the majority of people worldwide and as such can be seen as the most important examples of the right to freedom of expression today.

Together television and radio are called the broadcast media and they are vital for democracies to work because they publish a diverse range of voices with different opinions. They rely on the right to freedom of expression to do so.

This right, which is for everyone as well as the broadcast media, is guaranteed in international human rights law in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, collectively known as the international bill of human rights, and which emerged from the horrors of World

War II.

International human rights law has become so important that all governments are required to respect, protect and fulfil the right to freedom of expression within each country.

Regulation of the broadcast media can be a problem because it interferes with the right to freedom of expression. ARTICLE 19 exists to point out what regulation is okay and suitable in a democracy and what regulation is not. We do not guess - we look at and compare with the human rights standards that have developed internationally over several decades.

International human rights standards say that regulation of broadcasting must be:

1. Written in law (not arbitrary)

2. Have a legitimate aim (these aims are listed in international law as the rights or

ရပသလြငမဒယာက စးမဥးျဖငထနးခပျခငးRegulating broadcast media

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reputations of others, national security, public order, public health and morals)

3. Absolutely necessary to achieve the above aim (necessary in a democracy, and done in a proportionate way).

This is known as the three-part test and comes from the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

ရပသလြငမဒယာက စညးမဥးျဖငထနးခပရာတြင လ႔အခြငအေရး အေရးႀကးပါသလား။

အေရးႀကးပါသည။ ကမၻာတစ၀နးမ ျပညသမား သတငးအခကအလကႏင ေဆြးေႏြးပြ မားက ၾကညရႈ႕နားဆငႏငရန ရပျမငသၾကားႏင ေရဒယသည အႀကးမားဆးေသာ သတငး ထတလြငေပးသညအရငးအျမစျဖစၿပး၊ လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြင ကငသးမႈ၏ အေရးႀကးဆးေသာ သာဓကတစချဖစသည။

ေရဒယႏင ရပျမငသၾကားက ရပသလြငမဒယာဟ ေခၚဆၿပး၊ ၎တ႔ မတဆင မတကြျပား ေသာအျမငမားအေပၚအေျခခသည အမးမးေသာအသမားက ထတလြငေသာေၾကာင ဒမကေရစဖြ႔ၿဖးမႈအတြက အေရးႀကးသည။ ၎တ႔သည လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆ ခြင အေပၚအမျပသည။

ဤ အခြငအေရးသည လသားတငးႏင ရပသလြငမဒယာအတြကျဖစၿပး ႏငငတကာ လ႔အခြငအေရး ဥပေဒမားျဖစသည အျပညျပညဆငရာ

လ႔အခြငအေရးေၾကျငာစာတမး ႏင ႏငငသားႏင ႏငငေရးဆငရာ ႏငငတကာသေဘာတညခကတြင အာမာခခကေပး ထားသည။ ေျခာကျခားဖြယ ဒတယကမၻာစစျဖစရပမ ေပၚထြကလာၿပး ၎တ႔က တစစ တစစညးတညးအျဖစ အေျခခႏငငတကာ လ႔အခြငအေရးဥပေဒအျဖစလညး သထားၾက သည။

ႏငငတကာ လ႔အခြငအေရးဥပေဒသည အလြနအေရးႀကးသျဖင ႏငငတစခခငးစရ အစးရတငးမ ေလးစားရန၊ ကာကြယေစာငေရာကရနႏင လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆ ခြငက ကငသးႏငရန ေဖာေဆာငေပးမႈမား လပေဆာငေပးရနလသည။

ရပသလြငမဒယာက စညးမဥးျဖငထနးခပေသာေၾကာင လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆ ခြငက ထပါးေႏာကယကလာပါက မေကာငးပါ။ ဒမကေရစအတြက မညသ႔ေသာ စညးမဥးသည သငေတာၿပး၊ မညကသ႔ေသာအခြငအေရးသည မသငေလာေၾကာငး အာတကယ ၁၉ က ေထာကျပထားသည။ မမတ႔ ခန႔မနး ေျပာဆျခငးမလပပါ။ ဆယစ ႏစေပါငးမားစြာ ႏငငတကာတြင ျဖစထြနးတးတကလာေသာ လ႔အခြငအေရးစႏႈနး ကၾကည၍ ႏႈငးယဥမႈျပထားျခငးျဖစသည။

ႏငငတကာလ႔အခြငအေရးစႏႈနးအရ ရပသလြငျခငးဆငရာစညးမဥးသည

၁။ ဥပေဒျဖင ေရးဆြျပ႒ာနးထားျခငးျဖစရမည။ ( အလငးသငသလ မတရား

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၂။ တရား၀ငဦးတညခကရရမည ( ထဦးတညခကမားက အျခားသ၏ အခြင အေရးႏင ဂဏသကၡ၊ အမးသားလျခေရး၊ လထလျခေရး၊ လထကနးမာေရး ႏင ကယကငတရားမားအျဖစ ႏငငတကာဥပေဒတြင ေဖာျပထားသည။)

၃။ ၎ဦးတညခကမားက ရရရန လး၀ လအပသညအေျခအေနတြင (ဒမကေရစအတြက လအပျခငးႏင အခးညလပေဆာငျခငး) ျဖစရမည။

၎တ႔သည ႏငငသားႏင ႏငငေရးဆငရာ ႏငငတကာသေဘာတညခကမ ေပါကဖြား လာျခငးျဖစၿပး၊ အဆငသးဆငလအပခက အျဖစသထားၾကသည။

Should the broadcast media be regulated in law?

Yes. Unlike the print media where regulation always undermines the right to freedom of expression, regulation of the broadcast media is necessary to protect it. This is because while the print media uses a technology that is almost unlimited – paper and ink – the broadcast media uses one that is very limited – radio waves.

The spectrum of radio waves is broken down into frequencies which are limited in number. Because there is high demand and only some frequencies are usable, states need to regulate how they give them

out to broadcasters – for example, BBC World Service has been given FM frequency 100.5 in Nigeria. If states do not regulate, several broadcasters may choose the same frequency, spoiling the signal.

In international law, states have to protect everyone’s right to freedom of expression across all technologies. As such, they need to make sure that when they give out frequencies, they do so in a way that ensures as many groups as possible can freely express themselves. Broadcasters should be both diverse and plural.

အသလြငမဒယာက ဥပေဒျဖင စညးမဥးခမတ ထနးခပသငသလား။

လပသငပါသည။ လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက အျမထခကေစသည ပႏပမဒယာ လပငနးႏင ကြာျခားသည အသလြငမဒယာက စညးမဥးခမတျခငးျခင လြတလပစြာ ထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက ကာကြယသငသည။ အေၾကာငးမာ ပႏပမဒယာတြင စာရြက၊ မင ကသ႔ေသာ နညးပညာအမးမးက အကန႔အသတမရသးေသာလညး အသလြငမဒယာ သည ေရဒယအသလႈငး တစခတညးကသာ အသးျပသည။

ေရဒယအသလႈငးမားက အေရအတြကျဖင ကန႔သန႔မႈရသည အသတနခါႏႈနးအျဖစ ေျပာငးလ အသးျပသည။ ၎က အသးျပလသမားျခငး၊ အခ႕ေသာ အသလႈငးမားသာ အသးျပႏငျခငးတ႔ေၾကာင အစးအေနျဖင ၎က အသလြငသမားအား ခြေ၀ေပးမည နညးလမးက

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စညးမဥးခမတထားရနလသည။ ဥပမာ ႏငဂးရးယားႏငငတြင ဘဘစ ႏငငတကာ သတငးဌာနာက အကဖအမ အသလႈငး ၁၀၀.၅ က ေပးထားသည။ အစးရမ စညးမဥးခမတထားျခငးမရလင အသလြငသမားမ အသလႈငးတစခတညးကသာ ေရြးခယအသးျပမညျဖစၿပး ၊ ေရဒယလႈငးက ပကစးေစႏငသည။

ႏငငတကာဥပေဒအရ နညးပညာဆငရာနယပယအားလးတြင ႏငငေတာမ လတငး၏ လြတလပစြာထတေဖာေျပာဆခြငက အကာအကြယေပးရမညျဖစသည။ ထသ႔ ျပလပရန အတြက အသလႈငးက ခြေ၀ေပးရာတြင အဖြ႕အစညးမား လြတလပစြာေျပာဆႏငရန တတႏငသမေဆာငရြကေပးရမည။ အသလြငသမား တစခထကမက မားျပားကာ (ဗဟစနစ) မတကြျပားမႈအမးမး ရေနသငသည။

What are plurality and diversity?

Plurality covers the types of broadcasters and their owners. A state that promotes plurality gives frequencies to a variety of commercial broadcasters, public service broadcasters and community broadcasters. States that undermine plurality give frequencies to only one or two.

Diversity covers the variety of voices and opinions given frequencies. A state that encourages diversity gives frequencies in a way that ensures that different groups and communities can broadcast. States that undermine diversity give frequencies to

certain groups and ignore others.

တစခထကမကမားျပားျခငး(ဗဟစနစ)ႏင မတကြျပားမႈဆတာဘာလ။

တစခထကမကမားျပားျခငး(ဗဟစနစ)ဟဆရာတြင အသလြငဌာနအမးအစားႏင ၎တ႔က ပငရငမားက ဆလသည။ ဗဟစနစက အားေပးေသာႏငငေတာသည အမးမး ေသာ စးပြားေရးဆငရာ အသလြငဌာန၊ လထ၀နေဆာငမႈေပးေသာ အသလြငဌာနႏင လမႈအသငးအ၀ငးဆငရာ အသလြငဌာနာမားက အသလႈငး ခြေ၀ေပးသည။ ဗဟစနစက အေလးမထားေသာ အစးရသည အသလြငဌာနာ တစခ သ႔မဟတ ႏစခကသာ အသလႈငးေပးသည။

မတကြျပားမႈစနစတြင အမးမးေသာအသႏင အျမငသေဘာထားမားက လြမးျခေစရန အသလႈငးမားက ခြေ၀ေပးျခငးျဖစသည။ မတကြျပားမႈက အားေပးေသာ ႏငငေတာသည အမးမးေသာ အစအဖြ႕ႏင အသငးအ၀ငးမား အသလြငႏငရန ေရဒယလႈငးက ခြေ၀ေပး သည။ မတကြျပားမႈက အေလးမထားေသာ ႏငငေတာသည တစခ႕အဖြ႕ကသာ အသ လႈငးေပး၍ အျခားအဖြ႕မားက ဥပကၡာျပထားသည။

What should broadcast media regulation aim to do?

Broadcast media regulation should aim to:

• Ensure pluralism and diversity

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• Ensure frequencies are given out in a fair and impartial way

• Help the media move from analogue to digital frequencies as digital technology can carry many more broadcasters and therefore more plurality and diversity

• Help the broadcast media and telecommunications industry work together so that more broadcasters can use digital telecommunications technology to make a more diverse and plural range of content.

အသလြင မဒယာဆငရာ စညးမဥးသည မညသ႔ေသာဦးတညခကထားရသငသနညး။

ရပသလြင မဒယာ စညးမဥးသည

• ဗဟစနစႏင မတကြျပားမႈ ရေစသငသည။ • အသလႈငးမားက ဘကမလကဘ

တရားေသာနညးျဖင ခြေ၀ေပးရန • ဒဂစတယ အသလႈငးေၾကာင

အသလြငသအမားအျပား ပမအသးျပႏငၿပး ဗဟစနစပဆနကာ မတကြျပားမႈက ျမငတငေစႏငေသာေၾကာင မဒယာက အနနာေလာကစနစမ ဒဂစတယ အသလႈငးစနစသ႔ ေျပာငးလကငသးႏငရန ကညေပးသငသည။

• ရပသလြင မဒယာႏင လပစစဆကသြယေရးလပငနးမား ပးေပါငးေဆာငရြကမႈ ရလာရန ကညေပးသငသည။ သ႔မသာ အသလြငသမားအေနျဖင မတကြျပားမႈ ႏင

တစခထကပေသာအျမင၊ သေဘာထားမားပါ အေၾကာငးအရာမားက လြငထတႏငရန ဒဂစတယ ဆကသြယေရးစနစက အသးျပႏငမညျဖစသည။

What should broadcast media regulation include?

Broadcast media regulation should include:

• The name of the regulatory body, and a description of what it is responsible for and what it can do

• An overall policy statement explaining what the regulation aims to do

• A procedure that makes the regulatory body accountable to the public

• A clear statement that the regulatory body is independent from government, and a list of safeguards that stop government from interfering or pressuring it to make certain decisions.

အသလြင မဒယာ စညးမဥးတြင ဘာေတြ ပါသငသလ။

အသလြငမဒယာ စညးမဥးတြင -

• စညးမဥးခမတသည အဖြ႕အစညးႏင ၎အဖြ႕၏ တာ၀နႏင လပပငခြငဆငရာ ေဖာျပခက

• စညးမဥး၏ ဦးတညခကအေၾကာငးရငးျပသည အဖြ႕၏ ေယဘယ မႈ၀ါဒ

• စညးမဥးခမတသည အဖြ႕မ

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လထအေပၚတာ၀နခမႈရေစရန လကနာေဆာငရြက ရမည လပထးလပနညး

• စညးမဥးခမတေသာဌာနသည အစးရ၏ လြမးမးမႈမကငးရငးေၾကာငး တက ရငးလငးသည ေၾကျငာခကႏင ဆးျဖတခကတစခခအတြက အစးရမ ၀ငေရာက စြကဖကမႈ သ႔မဟတ ဖအားေပးမႈမရေစရန အကာအကြယေပးထားသည အရာမား

What should the safeguards be to ensure independence?

The regulatory body that oversees the broadcasting media should be independent from the government, from political parties, and from other interest groups. It should:

• Involve the public as much as possible in choosing the best members for the regulatory body

• Only have members that are independent and honest experts in the media

• Have the powers it needs to work effectively

• Have control over enough secure funding to make it independent and sustainable.

လြတလပမႈရေၾကာငးေသခာေစရန ဘယလ အကာအကြယေပးထာသငသလ။

ရပသလြငမဒယာက ၾကညၾကပ၍ စညးမဥးခမတသညအဖြ႕သည အစးရ၊

ႏငငေရးပါတႏင အျခားေသာအဖြ႔မားမ သးျခားလြတလပစြာရပတညေနရမည။ ၎ ဌာနတြင

• စညးမဥးခမတသည ဌာနအတြက အေကာငးဆးအဖြ႕၀ငေရြးခယႏငရန အတြက လထ၏ပါ၀ငမႈ တတႏငသမအမားဆးျဖစရမည။

• အဖြ႕၀ငမားသည လြတလပၿပး ရးသားသည ကြမးကငသပညာရငမားသာ ျဖစရမည။

• လပငနးက ထထေရာကေရာကလပေဆာငႏငရနအတြက လအပသည လပပငခြငအာဏာ ရရမည။

• လြတလပစြာႏင ေရရညတညတစြာ လပေဆာငႏငရနအတြက လေလာက ေသာေငြေၾကးရၿပး၊ ၎က ထနးခပႏငရမည။

What should a broadcast media regulatory body do?

A broadcast media regulator should do two things:

• Give frequencies to broadcasters

• Make a code of conduct for broadcasters dealing with a range of content and practical issues.

အသလြငမဒယာ စညးမဥးခမတသညဌာန ဘာေတြလပေဆာငသငသလ။

အသလြငမဒယာ စညးမဥးခမတသသည

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အခကႏစခကက လပေဆာငရနလသည -

• အသလႈငးက အသလြငဌာနမားအား ခမတေပးရန

• လကေတြ႕ကစၥအမးမးႏင အေၾကာငးအရာအမးမးအေပၚ လပကငေနေသာ အသလြငသမားဆငရာ လကနာရမည ကင၀တစညးမဥးေရးဆြရန

What should be in a state’s broadcasting policy?

A government is responsible for creating a broadcast policy, but it should include commercial, public and community broadcasters as well as representatives from their audiences in the process. A policy made in this way would be the most democratic and best serve the public interest.

A broadcasting policy should clearly say how frequencies are given out. It should be clear enough so that everyone can see how, when and why frequencies are given out.

The policy should explain that frequencies are not just given to broadcasters who offer the most money, but also to broadcasters who would make the media more diverse and plural. It should describe the criteria under which the regulatory body decides how to maximise diversity and plurality. For example, the people in a country may speak several languages and the policy should make sure that the broadcast media has

multi-lingual content.

Most broadcasting policies decide how to give out frequencies by:

1. First, splitting frequencies between national, regional and local levels

2. Second, dividing frequencies in each level into radio and television

3. Third, sharing radio and television frequencies at each level into some for public broadcasters, some for commercial broadcasters, and some for community broadcasters.

ႏငငေတာ၏ အသလြငမႈဆငရာမႈတြင ဘာေတြပါ၀ငသညသလ။

ရပသလြငမႈဆငရာမႈ ခမတရန အစးရတြင တာ၀နရသည။ သ႔ေသာ မႈခမတေရး လပငနး စဥတြင ပရတသတမ ကယစားလယမားအပါအ၀င စးပြးေရးႏင ေဒသႏၵရဆငရာ အသ လြငသမားလညး ပါ၀ငသငသည။ ဤနညးလမးျဖင မႈ၀ါဒခမတျခငးသည လထအကး က ပမျဖစထြနးေစၿပး ဒမကေရစစနစနညးလမး အကဆးျဖစသည။

ရပသလြငမႈဆငရာမႈ၀ါဒတြင အသလႈငးက မညသ႔ခြေ၀ေပးေၾကာငး ရငးလငးစြာေဖာျပ ထားသငသည။ သ႔မသာ အသလႈငးက ဘယလပစ၊ ဘယအခနႏင ဘာေၾကာင ခြေ၀ေပး ေၾကာငး လတငးသရႏငမညျဖစသည။

ေရဒယအသလႈငးက ေငြအမားဆးေပးႏငေသာ

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အသလြငသမားကသာ ေပးျခငးမဟတ ဘ မဒယာတြင အမးမးေသာအျမငမားက ထတလြငျဖန႔ခလာေစရန ေဆာငရြကေသာ အသလြငသမားကလ ခြေပးေၾကာငး မႈ၀ါဒတြင ရငးလငးေဖာျပထားသငသည။ ဗဟစနစႏင မတကြျပားေသာအျမငမားပါ၀ငမႈ အျမငမားဆးျပလပရန လအပသည သတမတခကကအေျခခ၍ စညးမဥးခမတသညအဖြ႕မ ဆးျဖတခကခပကလညး ရငးလငးထားသငသည။ ဥပမာ နယအရပတြငရေသာ ျပညသမားသည ဘာသာစကား တစခထက ပ၍ေျပာဆေသာသမားျဖစႏငသျဖင ရပသမဒယာတြင ဘာသာစကား အမးမးျဖင ေဖာျပေပးရမည။

အသလႈငးခြေ၀ေပးမႈႏင ပတသက၍ အသလြငမႈပငးဆငရာမႈ၀ါဒ အမားစက

• ပထမဦးစြာ အသလႈငးက တစမးသားလးအဆင၊ ေဒသဆငရာအဆငႏင ေအာကေျခ ေဒသႏၵရအဆင ဟ၍ခြျခားထားျခငး

• ဒတယအဆငအေနျဖင အထကပါအဆငတစချခငးစမ အသလႈငးက ေရဒယႏင ရပျမငသၾကားပငးဟ၍ ျပနလညခြျခမးျခငး

• တတယအဆငတြင အဆငတစချခငးစမ ေရဒယႏင ရပျမငသၾကားလႈငးမားက လထဆငရာ အသလြငသမား၊ စးပြားေရးအတြကအသလြငသမားႏင လမႈ အသငးအ၀ငးအတြက အသလြငသမားသ႔ ျပနလညမေ၀ေပးျခငး

How should frequencies be given out?

The broadcast policy should clearly say how the regulator decides who to give frequencies to. It should not ban groups of applicants. It is important to have this decision-making process written in law before the process begins so everyone can understand it. It should have:

• Criteria for how applications are judged

• Time limits for the decision-making process

• Opportunities for applicants to say what they want to do with the frequency

• Opportunities for the general public to say their opinions

• Opportunity for the applicant to appeal to a judge.

The broadcast regulator should write to each failed applicant explaining why they were unsuccessful and give the successful applicant a licence to use a frequency.

အသလႈငးမားက မညသ႔ခြေ၀ေပးသငသနညး။

စညးမဥးခမတသမားအေနျဖင အသလႈငးခြေ၀ေပးရန မညသ႔ဆးျဖတပအေၾကာငး ရပသလႈငးဆငရာမႈ၀ါဒတြင ရငလငးစြာ ေဖာျပထားသငသည။ ေလာကလႊာတငသမား က ဤ မႈ၀ါဒအရ မတားျမစသငပါ။ လတငးနားလညႏငရနအတြက

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ဆးျဖတခကခမတ သည လပငနးစဥမစတငမ အသလႈငးခြေ၀ေပးရန ဆးျဖတခကခပခနညးကလညး ဥပေဒတြင ေရးသားေဖာျပထားသငသည။ ၎မႈတြင

• အသလႈငးေတာငးေလာကလႊာက စဥးစားဆးျဖတရနအတြက လအပေသာ သတ မတခကမားထားရရမည။

• ဆးျဖတခကချခငးလပငနးစဥအတြက သတမတထားသညအခန ပါ၀ငရမည။

• ေတာငးေလာကလႊာတငသမားအေနျဖင အသလႈငးက မညသ႔မညပ အသးျပ မညျဖစေၾကာငး ေျပာခြငေပးရမည။

• သာမာနျပညသမားကလညး သတ႔သေဘာထားအျမငက ေျပာဆခြငေပးသင သည။

• ေလာကလႊာတငသမားအား တရားသႀကးထသ႔ အယခ၀ငခြငေပးရမည။

ရပသလႈငးဆငရာ စညးမဥးခမတသမားသည ေလာကထားခက မေအာငေသာ သ မားအား မေအာငျမငေသာအေၾကာငးအရငးက စာေရး၍ ရငးျပသငသည။ ေလာကထား ခက ေအာငျမငေသာသမားက အသလႈငးအသးျပခြငလငစင ထတေပးရမည။

What rules should licence holders follow?

A broadcast regulator makes rules when they give a broadcaster a licence to use a frequency. The rules make sure that the broadcaster does what they said they would do in their application. There are usually

two groups of rules: the first is written in law and apply to all broadcasters with a licence, and the second is like a contract and only for the individual broadcaster.

There is always a risk that the rules for an individual broadcaster are abused for political reasons, so all rules should follow the aims of the broadcasting policy. The rules should not make a licence difficult or expensive, by for example making it so short-term that it does not help broadcasters get back their investment. When the licence ends, the regulator should normally renew it, unless renewal would undermine public interest.

လငစငရရသမား မညသ႔ေသာ စညးကမးမား လကနာရမညနညး။

အသလႈငးဆငရာ စညးမဥးခမတသမားသည အသလြငသက အသလႈငးအသးျပခြင

လငစငေပးစဥ စညးမဥးမားက ခမတေပးလကသည။ ထစညးမဥးတြင အသလြငသ အေနျဖင ၎တ႔၏ေလာကလႊာတြင ေဖာျပထားသကသ႔ လကနာေဆာငရြကရနျဖစ သည။ ပမနအားျဖင စညးမဥးအပစႏစစရသည ( ပထမစညးမဥးက ဥပေဒတြင ေရးသား ထားၿပး၊ လငစငရ အသလြငသအားလးလကနာရနျဖစည။ ဒတယစညးမဥးသည ႏစဦး သေဘာတစာခပပစျဖစၿပး၊ ၎သည တစသးပဂၢလ သတငးထတလြငသမား အတြက ျဖစသည။


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တစသးပဂၢလအသလြငသမားသည စညးမဥးမားအရ အခြငအေရးခးေဖာကခရႏငသည အႏရာယၾကတတေသာေၾကာင၊ စညးမဥးအားလး သည ခမတထားသည အသလြငျခငးဆငရာမႈအရသာ ျဖစသငသည။ စညးမဥးမားသည လငစငအတြက မခကခေစသငပါ။ ေငြကနေၾကးၾကလညး မမားေစသငပါ။ ဥပမာ လငစင က အခနတအတြကသာ ေပးထားပါက အသလြငသမားအေနျဖင သတ႔၏ အရငးအႏး ျပနရေစဖ႔ ကညေပးရာ မေရာကပါ။ လငစင သကတမးကနဆးပါက လထအကးက ထခကေစသည အေျခအေနမးမလြ၍ သကတမးျပနတးေပးသငသည။

How much should a licence cost?

If the broadcast regulator decides to sell licences for a fee, the cost should not be expensive or unrealistic. The fee should be published before the application process starts, and should not change depending on whether for example the broadcaster has news shows.

လငစငတနဖးက ဘယေလာကသတမတသငသလ။

ရပသလႈငးဆငရာ စညးမဥးခမတသမ လငစငက ေရာငးခေပးရန ဆးျဖတလင လငစငတနဖးသည လကေတြ႕မဆန ေစးအလြနျမငမားျခငးမးမျဖစသငပါ။ေငြတနဖးက လငစငေလာကလႊာမတငမ ႀကတငအသေပးထားသငသည။ အသလြငသမ

သတငး အစအစဥသစ ထပမနတးခ႕မႈအေပၚ မတည၍ ေစးႏႈနးေျပာငးလျခငးမး မျပလပသငပါ။

How should the broadcast regulator regulate content?

Aside from giving out frequencies, the broadcast regulator’s second job is to create a code of conduct and oversee it, but only if broadcasters do not already have a system of self-regulation.

The code of conduct should:

• Be made with the help of the broadcast media and their audiences

• Not include criminal or civil liability

• Require balance and impartiality in news and current affairs, particularly around election time

• Deal with issues such as accuracy, privacy, and how to deal with sensitive things like death, sex or violence

• Cover professional ethics such as when doing interviews or paying for information

• Explain issues related to advertising.

အသလြငမႈဆငရာ စညးမဥးခမတသသည လြငထတမညအေၾကာငးအရာမားက မညသ႔ စညးမဥးခမတသငသနညး။

အသလႈငးခေပးျခငးအျပင ရပသလြငမႈဆငရာ

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စညးမဥးခမတသ၏တာ၀န ေနာကတစ ခမာ ကယတငခမတထားေသာ စညးမဥးမရသည အသလြငသမားအတြက ႏစဖက လကနာရမည ကင၀တစညးမဥးေရးဆြရနႏင ၎က ၾကညၾကပရနျဖစသည။

ႏစဖကလကနာရမည ကင၀တစညးမဥးတြင

• ရပသလြငမႈဆငရာ မဒယာႏင ၎၏ ပရတသတအကအညျဖင ေရးဆြျခငး

• ရာဇ၀တႏင တရားမဆငရာ တာ၀န မထညသြငးသငပါ။

• သတငးႏင လကရျဖစပကေနသညအေၾကာငးအရာမားက ဘကလကမႈမရပ၊ ႏစဖကမတစြာ တငျပရနလအပသည၊ အထးသျဖင ေရြးေကာငပြကာလတြင

• ထလြယခကလြယေသာကစၥမားျဖစသည လေသမႈ၊ လငပငးဆငရာ သ႔မဟတ အၾကမးဖကမႈ၊ မနကနတကမႈ၊ ပဂၢလေရးကစၥမားက ကငတြယမညနညးလမး မား ရငးလငးစြာေဖာျပထားသငသည။

• ေတြ႕ဆေမးျမနးျခငး သ႔မဟတ သတငးအခကအလက ရယရနအတြက ေငြေၾကး ေပးျခငးျပလပရာတြင ေစာငထနးရမည အတတပညာရငပငးဆငရာ ကင၀တ မားက ထညသြငးေဖာျပထားသငသည။

• ေၾကာျငာ႑ႏင ပတသက၍ ရငးလငးေဖာျပထားသငသည။

How should broadcast regulators enforce their decisions?

Broadcast regulators should always aim to help the broadcast media live up to the code of conduct, rather than aiming at punishing them when they do not. Broadcasters that violate the code in small ways should at most broadcast a message that admits the violation. Fines or suspension of a licence should be very rare and only happen after serious repeated violations and after warnings and smaller punishments have not worked.

အသလႈငးဆငရာ စညးမဥးခမတသမားအေနျဖင ခမတထားေသာ ဆးျဖတခကမားက လကနာေဆာငရြကမႈရရန မညသ႔ လပေဆာငသငသနညး။

စညးမဥးခးေဖာကလင အျပစေပးမညအစား၊ အသလႈငးဆငရာ စညးမဥးခမတသ သည အသလြငသမား စညးမဥးအတငး လကနာေဆာငရြကမႈရလာရန ကညေပးသင သည။ စညးမဥး အေသးအဖြ ခးေဖာကကးလြနမႈအတြက အျပစအသြက သတ႔က အမားကးလြနေၾကာငး ေၾကာျငာခငးပါက မဒယာအမားစက ျပလပၾကသည။ ေငြျပစဒဏႏင လငစငရပသမးျခငး ျဖစေလျဖစထအလြနနညးၿပး၊ ဆး၀ါးေသာအမားက အႀကမႀကမကးလြနသက သတေပးျခငး၊ ေလာေပါေသာ ျပစဒဏေပးသညနညး ကငသး၍ ေနာကဆး မေအာငျမငသညအခါမးမ လပေဆာငေလရသည။

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ARTICLE 19 envisages a world where people are free to speak their opinions, to participate in decision-making and to make informed choices about their lives

For this to be possible, people everywhere must be able to exercise their rights to freedom of expression and freedom of information. Without these rights, democracy, good governance and development cannot happen.

We take our name from Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

ARTICLE 19 works so that people everywhere can express themselves freely, access information and enjoy freedom of the press. We understand freedom of expression as three things:

Freedom of expression is the right to speak

• It is the right to voice political, cultural, social and economic opinions

• It is the right to dissent

• It makes electoral democracy meaningful and builds public trust in administration.

Freedom of expression is freedom of the press

• It is the right of a free and independent media to report without fear, interference, persecution or discrimination

• It is the right to provide knowledge, give voice to the marginalised and to highlight corruption

• It creates an environment where people feel safe to question government action and to hold power accountable.

Freedom of expression is the right to know

• It is the right to access all media, internet, art, academic writings, and information held by government

• It is the right to use when demanding rights to health, to a clean environment, to truth and to justice

• It holds governments accountable for their promises, obligations and actions, preventing corruption which thrives on secrecy.

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