Bee (Earlington, Ky.). (Earlington, KY) 1902-04-03 [p...

r B c THE BEE EARLINGTON KY 4- w amamer asrahnos a w 1iTHE SUNDAY SCHOOL f LESSON I SECOND QUARTER INTE r NATIONAL SERIES APRIL 6 Text of lite Lcmian Acts Ix 12 O Mciuorr Verses 3iGoll1cn TeEt Acts ill 1O Commentary lrepnrec1 by Rev D M Stenrn ICopyrlght 1901 by American Press Auo elation V 1 2 Saul yet breathing out threatcnln and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord Vhat an evil breath he had Tho tn word translated breathing out 10 v used only this onco and means to jsT breathe in or out to breathe toUe y ° His very life was to hate Christ and i j tilnlstlans and yet the time camo t v When he could truly say For me to K live Is Christ Phil i 21 Our first a Introduction to him is In chapters vII Si b8j vlll 1 3 in connection with thoI death of Stephen and the persecution > ° following which at this time was stiU going on Sauls own account of his life in thoso days is found in chapte I XTil 3 4 xxvl 011 Gal 1 13 14 but Infcph 11 13 he speaks of it all ns t cV being under the prince of the power at the nln 3t t nut Saul why persecutes thou metTliusspake Jesus of Nazareth to him in the Hebrew language xxvl 14 and arrested him in his mad career for God had determined concerning hImi > Hitherto shalt thou come but no fur- ther Job xxxvlll 11 Whoever touches a Christian touches ChrJst Himself but not even the devil can f go one step beyond Gods permission Job i 10 Dan iv 35 Zech II B Though it was midday this light from heaven was above the brightness- r of the sun nnd Saul could not see for the glary of that light sxvl 13 sxli 12 50 The LOrd said X cm Jesus whom thou psrsecutest r Ho recognizes a superior and ask r Who art Thou Lord The answi fills him with trembling and nstonlDhI meat for Jesus of Nazareth Is actual j speaking to him Seeing Him to be In- deed tho Christ tho Messiah whom i tic prophets had foretold ho at once acknowledges Him as Lord and meek- ly N asks what he Is now to do Thus sud t denly shall Israel as a nation be sur f prised some day and looking upon L Him whom they pierced they shall be f filledt with trub penitence and accept- Ing f Him as their long expected Mes i iah shall say Lo this is our Goi 4 We have waited for Him and He will save us Zech xll 10 Isa xxv 0 t y Banls conversion was a pattern or f typo of tho conversion of the natlo I Tim i ifc- f 19lIe was three daya without sight and neither did eat nor drink t The men who were with him fell to the earth seeing the light and being y afraid They also heard the voice ot some one speaking but did not hear 1 the words for those were for Saul r only Compare xxli 0 xxvl 14 It was somewhat like the experience of Daniel and of our Lord as recorded In Dan x 7 John xll 28 29 That Saul I really saw Jesus is evident from vcrs 17 and I Cor xv 8 What Jesus sal fV to Saul as He commanded him to rlso i and stand upon his feet Is fully stated In Pauls testimony before Agrlppa In xxvl 1018 Consider him three day s blind and fasting the world shut out the body mortified dying to self God dealing with his soul It is the perloi of death preceding resurrection Gen xxil 4 sill 17 Jonah 11 17 IIos 12 John li 10 Rev x111- t f IDIS Inquire In tile house of Judas tor I one called Saul of Tarsus for behold he prayeth- I Thus said the Lord to Ananias a de- vout I disciple and one who hid a good f report of all the Jews at Damascus xxll 12 He like Philip in a previous lesson is prompt and obedient one 01 f wbom the Lord could rely to do Hii bidding Ills reply reminds us of Sam sel and Isaiah I Sam ill 4 0 8 10 Ian vl 8 These three days find Situ f nnd his Lord In intimate communion Saul talks with the Lord and the f Lord in vision reveals Himself more fully to Saul From Jesus Christ bj- l revelation ho received the gospel nut from Him also all his future instruc- Uon I Gal I 11 12 15 1C 1316 He is a chosen vessel unto me te bear my name Ananias hesitates Just a little at he thinks of Sauls reputation and authorlty and his madness against A Christians The Lord graciously bears with Ananias In his objections but re- pents j Ills command to go and assures him that Saul is to be His special rues V eenger to the gentiles One would > think that the Lords firstassurance to I Ananias that the persecutor was pray- Ing would have been sufficient cncour agemen but we are so slow to expect wonders from Him whose name is Wonderful Saul is not only chosen to bear the name of Christ but also to suffer for faithfulness to Christ sad suffering for Ills sake are inseparably connected in this present evil age while the whole world lleth in the Wicked one Gal i 4 I John v 10 IL IV See also John xv18 10 xvl 33 Phil I 20 II Tim 11 12 ill 12 but be encouraged by Rom vlll 18 I Cor x 13 r 1720 Receive thy tight and be filled With the Holy Ghost Thus said Ananias to Saul as having found him Just whero the Lord said Abe would ho put his hands upon him told of tho Lordsvcommlsslon Ho received sight both spir- itual confessed Christ In baptism took food for tho body and was strengthen ed and immediately preached in the synagogues that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ the Son of God Old things are passed away nil things are become new the Spirit has clothed Himself with Saul Judg vi 34 R V margin and now henceforth he docs but ono thing knows but ono Master anti for t ° t JIm to ready to Iny down iris lift p l OUR COLORED CITIZENS The wife of J H Gough was very ill last week but Is much better now Tho wHo of Robert Williams yet confined to her bed Trustee Wm Killebrew was ill several days last week but is out againL McCreary who has just com pleted her school at Dalton stopped over enroute to her homo Columbia Tenn tho guest of the wife of liar rison Amos- Wm McGary has a now house a now baby and a new horse C Nurce and Jas Dunlap spent Easter in Princeton lad They re ¬ port a pleasant snowy time Among the Churches Next Sunday is rally day The pastorRev S P Tandy and mem ¬ bers of C M E church will make an effort to lift a collection for the completion of their church They have done well and there is but a small membership and they should be encouraged The Easter exercises at A M E Z church were well attended Col ¬ lection 1140 for the day Easter of ¬ bring 9 Roxie Watson won first prize for raising most money by so ¬ liciting and Lizzie Gough second prizeA preacher said if the Earlington people will give half of the money they spent at Madisonvillo every pay day and at the theatre it would put all the churches in splendid or ¬ S H 342 Ky JAMES R LOVE Mana ¬ ger 201 Cherry Tenn JOE T Palmer Paducah Ky OAPT T L LEE Main and Auction Streets Tenn A S FORD 327 Upper Second ansville Ind der I offer an to the statement Tho money spent for whiskey nnd tobacco which soul and body would build hand ¬ some stone churches and furnish tnem with the best furniture heat them with steam and light them with and tho money spent for dead birds silks ¬ ery laces and braids worn by Chris ¬ tian women would build handsome brick school houses furnish them with all the moderate and a good sum left Aro you ready for the Christ came to Ho would find good churches tho mem- bers ¬ well dressed splendid music but few if any real conversions and seekersHo find tho prayer meeting scats vacant and it there be any amusement in town He would find many but low possessors of true religion He would find much being done to comfort the body but little for the soul Ho would find great plans to dig ¬ nify this short life but few plans to dignify the life to come We hope Ho will not come on op- era ¬ night Atkinson With deep regret we receive the sad that God in His in finite mercy and allwiso has removed from our midst by the hand of death the beloved father of our classmate and friend Arthur Hargrove of Ky This sad has cast a gloomy shadow over his bright and useful life we tho mem- bers ¬ of his class deplore his loss It not only affects his class but the ns well ¬ be it- Resolved That we the of his class and the literary of which ho is a member extend to him our heartfelt and roc ¬ ommend him to the One who dooth all things well Be it further Resolved That n copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved family and also to the Bee EH KDMONSON > JOHN T A W SHORT Class A MARY I MARY FISHER j S E M E > Faculty- LB EVANS Good for Rheumatism Last fall I was taken with a very severe attack of muscular rhouma ¬ tism which caused me great pain and annoyance After trying sev ¬ eral and rheumatic cures I to uso ¬ Pain Balm which I had seen advertised in the South After two of this Rem ¬ edy I was better and after us ¬ Ingone bottle was HARRIS Salem N J For sale by St Drug- Store Ben T Robinson Mortons Gap Geo King St Charles A has Just killed GOO people Well in this case will bo unjustly blamed any- way ¬ UGHES CHILL TONIC PALATABLE Better than or Quinine Contains no The Old EXCELLENT TONIC as well as A Sure cure for CHILLS AND FEVERS MALARIAL FEVERS SWAMP AND FEVERS IT Just wnat you need at this season MILD NERVOUS TONIC by your Dont take any substituteTry it 500 AND S1U0 by ROBINSON PETTET CO INCORPORATED LOUISVILLE KY Rev B M Cvrie will fill his ap ¬ at the M E Church South next Sunday Let us seek to disprove tho worth of worth rw t ul JWw btt known remedy for coughs and colds DOM not naeate or physic Price E6 coats tiNMWNit STIERNARD CO I HOmce Office 1 EARLINGrrON KY tVIiners Shippers Of THE FAMOUS NO 3 COAL Manufacturers Of i < i I COKE IF 7RNERSdo the same work ton for ton as the BASE l AND Anthracite FURNACESt L Largest Producers of Coal and Coke in the i State of Kentucky i Branch Offices NEWBOLDrManager n Louisville North Street Nashville BISHOP Manager House Broadway Manager Oorner Memphis Manager Street EvI amendment destroy electricity embroid apparatus question- If Earlington especially professors College- CONDOLENCE Intelligence providence faithful Earllngton Whereas bereavement deeply and- Whereas faculty there- fore members society sympathy DUNCAN THOMPKINS DUNCAN CHESTNUT prescriptions Chambe- rlains Jerseyman applications completely curedSALLIE Bernard Earlington Mexican earthquake nobody Hi Calomel Arsenic Reliable GENERAL FEVERS BILIOUS NEVER FAILS LAXATIVE SEDATIVE SPLENDID Guaranteed Druggists BOTTLES Prepared pointment lessness dractfBta INCORPORATED and best Wholesale i Agents i trc HUNT BRO Memphis Tennessee HESSER MILTON RENAHAN COAL CO Rialto Building St Louis Mo J W BRIDGMAN 803 Dearborn St Ohieago s arM RETAIL AGENCIES EVERYWHERE OPERATES SEVEN LARGE MINES I i On Lines of Louisville and Nashville and Illinois Central Railroads in Hopkins County Kentucky These a Mines produced more Coal in 1901 than in any previous year enormous output of 1900 by 2595 tons The figures follow OUTPUT OF ST BERNARD MINES Total Tons of Coal Produced in 1900 872593 Tons = Total Tons of Coal Produced in 1901 T 875188 Tons = Gain Over Largest Previous Annual Production 2595 Tons far SUPPLY CONSTANT SHIPMENTS PROMPT a as Shipments RveF Daa WIWWI wmNHM mmM WNHNNMMNW ridF + t I 7 CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR Tttllc Fn Vcrl ncu hrnlnu April 0 ° comment lij llov S 51 Doric Tone Crowing In CInlI i rtt Ill 17 t IE I 1ct II 1 2 EitSi Iv 121 The word grace has two ricnnlngg In the Scriptures First the free null un ¬ merited favor by which God faYU9 fly grace are yu saved and that riot of yourselves it Is tint gift of God Second grace refers to the blessings of the Spirit Inwrought In the heart and manifested life of the believer The word as used 111 tho topical reference has the latter mean Ing To grow In grace menus to grow In the graces which under the blessing of the Spirit come to mate the Chris ¬ I tian character nil that It ought to be The duty of Christian growth Is fre ¬ quently emphasized in the Scripture Christ had much to soy about growth and advancement in the Christian life Paul eloquently pleaded for it nail hero Peter joins his exhortation with those of tho Master and the great apos ¬ t tie to the gentiles Grow In grace IH his command in his second epistle and that grace be multiplied to his readers was his prayer in his first epistle This constant emphasis of J growth by the great Christian teach ers is n proof of its necessity nnd im ¬ portance This fact should be Impress ¬ ed upon us rind wo should strive byjobedi- ence by knowledge and by pray ¬ in fjtgrnee could reach perfection It a time could t come in our lives when grace could J not be multiplied in us then the com ¬ mand to grow would be without mean ¬ to us But such a realization IB ImpossIble in this life at least in the i view of the great apostles Paul serv- ed ¬ God with peculiar devotion and zeal for threescore years nnd yet he knew nothing about the modern doc ¬ trine of perfectionism Perfection is impossible this side eternity nUll there ¬ x fore growth in grace is an imperative necessity until the end of timet Growth in grace is against the lack of steadfastness Be ¬ ware says the apostle lest ye also being led away with the wicked fall i from your own steadfastness But that i you may not fall grow In grace l Growth Is absolutely necessary toisteadf- astness We cannot stand in the Christian life and sUIIlJ We will grow or decline in grace that we may not decline but may be steadfast and immovable we should constantly advance In grace and in service till we come in the unity of the faith and of tho knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of Christ This is the goal toward which we strive All the means of grace are fors the perfecting of the saints which work goes on until tho end of life when the souls of believers arc made perfect in holiness and do immediately pass into glory BIDLE READINGS Ps i 10 HI 70 Jer ill 1 2 lIes I xlv 57 Mal iv 1 2 Matt xlll 1 0 Mark Iv 2029 Luke 1 80 Eph ii 10 20 Phil ill 1214 II Them i 3 Pence Thou wilt keep him In perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee Isa xxvl 3- Looking down from a height on a broad river that is so peaceful it re llccts all the boats floating upon its surface and tho overhanging foliage like a mirror the thought comeswhat a beautiful illustration it is of the hu ¬ man heart The stream Is calm now but is quickly ruffled by a passing breeze even growing into wlld billows that dangerously toss every vessel that sails upon it When the heart is not stayed on God it is swayed by passing breezes that blow from every quarter in this world where public opinion rules with such power and like the winds blowing over a river hearts I like skiffs are blown hither and thith ¬ er But when the mind is stayed on God then not only peace but perfect peace is promised What great re ¬ ia wards our Lord gives for our faith in Him Surely they nre from His riches in glory To remain peaceful amid trials of every kind knowing by heart that the Lord Overrules and that He is waiting to reveal hidden blessings while we wait before Him is the Joy in peace If just as tho fruit is held within the blobsom Our Father never bestows a p lonely blessing It is blessing within blessing always Presbyterian Banner lie Reconciled to God The shame and curse of the world is = that it is alienated from God That alienation Is the curse of human degra ¬ dation and misery and a supreme duty and a high and peculiar privilege of the = followers of Christ are to beseech men in Christs stead to be reconciled to a God In all ages the path to that reconciliation has led through the gate of repentance It has been the result of being born again by tie spirit of God which has made an Inimical hu ¬ man soul a lover of God and the serf ant of Christ Christian Intelligencer Baptist A null ot Life i To work fearlessly to follow earnest ¬ ly after truth to rest with u childlike a confidence in Gods guidance to leave ones lot willingly and heartily to Him this is my sermon to myself If we could live more within sight of heaven wo should care less for the turmoil o- fartliLetters of John Richard Green Give Him tIe nest Part Would our friends love us very much if we only went to them when wo a were sad They want us most when we arc Joyous and so docs Jesus Let us give Him then the best part of ow natures and we will be rewarded Presbyterian Journal rl- N r I 1 °

Transcript of Bee (Earlington, Ky.). (Earlington, KY) 1902-04-03 [p...



wamamerasrahnos a w




Text of lite Lcmian Acts Ix 12 O

Mciuorr Verses 3iGoll1cn TeEtActs ill 1O Commentary lrepnrec1by Rev D M Stenrn

ICopyrlght 1901 by American Press Auoelation

V 1 2 Saul yet breathing out threatcnlnand slaughter against the disciples of theLord

Vhat an evil breath he had Tho

tn word translated breathing out 10

v used only this onco and means tojsT breathe in or out to breathe toUey° His very life was to hate Christ andi j tilnlstlans and yet the time camo

t v When he could truly say For me toK live Is Christ Phil i 21 Our first

a Introduction to him is In chapters vII

Si b8j vlll 1 3 in connection with thoIdeath of Stephen and the persecution

>° following which at this time was stiU

going on Sauls own account of hislife in thoso days is found in chapte

I XTil 3 4 xxvl 011 Gal 1 13 14 butInfcph 11 13 he speaks of it all ns

tcV being under the prince of the power at

the nln3t t nut Saul why persecutes thou

metTliusspake Jesus of Nazareth to himin the Hebrew language xxvl 14 and

arrested him in his mad career forGod had determined concerning hImi


Hitherto shalt thou come but no fur-ther Job xxxvlll 11 Whoever

touches a Christian touches ChrJstHimself but not even the devil can

f go one step beyond Gods permissionJob i 10 Dan iv 35 Zech II B

Though it was midday this light fromheaven was above the brightness-


ofthe sun nnd Saul could not see for theglary of that light sxvl 13 sxli 12

50 The LOrd said X cm Jesus whomthou psrsecutest

r Ho recognizes a superior and askr

Who art Thou Lord The answifills him with trembling and nstonlDhImeat for Jesus of Nazareth Is actual

j speaking to him Seeing Him to be In-

deed tho Christ tho Messiah whomi tic prophets had foretold ho at once

acknowledges Him as Lord and meek-lyN asks what he Is now to do Thus sud

t denly shall Israel as a nation be surf prised some day and looking uponL Him whom they pierced they shall bef filledt with trub penitence and accept-

Ingf Him as their long expected Mesi iah shall say Lo this is our Goi

4 We have waited for Him and He willsave us Zech xll 10 Isa xxv 0

t y Banls conversion was a pattern orf typo of tho conversion of the natlo

I Tim i ifc-

f 19lIe was three daya without sightand neither did eat nor drink

t The men who were with him fell tothe earth seeing the light and being

y afraid They also heard the voice otsome one speaking but did not hear

1 the words for those were for Saul

r only Compare xxli 0 xxvl 14 Itwas somewhat like the experience ofDaniel and of our Lord as recorded InDan x 7 John xll 28 29 That Saul

I really saw Jesus is evident from vcrs17 and I Cor xv 8 What Jesus sal

fV to Saul as He commanded him to rlsoi and stand upon his feet Is fully stated

In Pauls testimony before Agrlppa In

xxvl 1018 Consider him three day sblind and fasting the world shut outthe body mortified dying to self Goddealing with his soul It is the perloiof death preceding resurrection Gen

xxil 4 sill 17 Jonah 11 17 IIos 12John li 10 Rev x111-

tf IDIS Inquire In tile house of Judas torI one called Saul of Tarsus for behold he


I Thus said the Lord to Ananias a de-

voutI disciple and one who hid a goodf report of all the Jews at Damascus

xxll 12 He like Philip in a previouslesson is prompt and obedient one 01

f wbom the Lord could rely to do Hiibidding Ills reply reminds us of Samsel and Isaiah I Sam ill 4 0 8 10

Ian vl 8 These three days find Situf nnd his Lord In intimate communion

Saul talks with the Lord and thef Lord in vision reveals Himself more

fully to Saul From Jesus Christ bj-

l revelation ho received the gospel nutfrom Him also all his future instruc-UonI Gal I 11 12 15 1C

1316 He is a chosen vessel unto me tebear my name

Ananias hesitates Just a little athe thinks of Sauls reputation and

authorlty and his madness againstA Christians The Lord graciously bears

with Ananias In his objections but re-pentsj Ills command to go and assureshim that Saul is to be His special rues

V eenger to the gentiles One would> think that the Lords firstassurance to

I Ananias that the persecutor was pray-Ing would have been sufficient cncouragemen but we are so slow to expectwonders from Him whose name is

Wonderful Saul is not only chosen tobear the name of Christ but also tosuffer for faithfulness to Christ sadsuffering for Ills sake are inseparablyconnected in this present evil agewhile the whole world lleth in theWicked one Gal i 4 I John v 10 ILIV See also John xv18 10 xvl 33

Phil I 20 II Tim 11 12 ill 12 but beencouraged by Rom vlll 18 I Cor x13r

1720 Receive thy tight and be filledWith the Holy Ghost

Thus said Ananias to Saul as havingfound him Just whero the Lord saidAbe would ho put his hands upon him

told of tho Lordsvcommlsslon Horeceived sight both spir-

itual confessed Christ In baptism tookfood for tho body and was strengthened and immediately preached in thesynagogues that Jesus of Nazareth isthe Christ the Son of God Old thingsare passed away nil things are becomenew the Spirit has clothed Himselfwith Saul Judg vi 34 R V marginand now henceforth he docs but onothing knows but ono Master anti for

t° t JIm to ready to Iny down iris lift




The wife of J H Gough was veryill last week but Is much better now

Tho wHo of Robert Williams yetconfined to her bed

Trustee Wm Killebrew was illseveral days last week but is outagainL

McCreary who has just completed her school at Dalton stoppedover enroute to her homo ColumbiaTenn tho guest of the wife of liarrison Amos-

Wm McGary has a now housea now baby and a new horse

C Nurce and Jas Dunlap spentEaster in Princeton lad They re ¬

port a pleasant snowy time

Among the Churches

Next Sunday is rally day ThepastorRev S P Tandy and mem ¬

bers of C M E church will makean effort to lift a collection for thecompletion of their church Theyhave done well and there is but asmall membership and they shouldbe encouraged

The Easter exercises at A M EZ church were well attended Col ¬

lection 1140 for the day Easter of¬

bring 9 Roxie Watson won firstprize for raising most money by so ¬

liciting and Lizzie Gough second

prizeApreacher said if the Earlington

people will give half of the moneythey spent at Madisonvillo everypay day and at the theatre it wouldput all the churches in splendid or¬

S H342


ger 201 CherryTenn

JOE TPalmerPaducah Ky

OAPT T L LEEMain and Auction

Streets TennA S FORD 327

Upper Secondansville Ind

der I offer an to thestatement Tho money spent forwhiskey nnd tobacco whichsoul and body would build hand ¬

some stone churches and furnishtnem with the best furniture heatthem with steam and light themwith and tho moneyspent for dead birds silks ¬

ery laces and braids worn by Chris ¬

tian women would build handsomebrick school houses furnish themwith all the moderate anda good sum left Aro you ready forthe

Christ came to Howould find good churches tho mem-bers


well dressed splendid musicbut few if any real conversions and

seekersHofind tho prayer meeting

scats vacant and it therebe any amusement in town

He would find manybut low possessors of true religion

He would find much being done tocomfort the body but little for thesoul

Ho would find great plans to dig ¬

nify this short life but few plans todignify the life to come

We hope Ho will not come on op-




With deep regret we receive thesad that God in His infinite mercy and allwisohas removed from our midst by thehand of death the belovedfather of our classmate and friendArthur Hargrove of Ky

This sadhas cast a gloomy shadow over hisbright and useful life we tho mem-bers


of his class deplore hisloss

It not only affects hisclass but the ns well ¬

be it-

Resolved That we theof his class and the literaryof which ho is a member extend tohim our heartfelt and roc¬

ommend him to the One who doothall things well Be it further

Resolved That n copy of theseresolutions be sent to the bereavedfamily and also to the Bee




Good for Rheumatism

Last fall I was taken with a verysevere attack of muscular rhouma ¬

tism which caused me great painand annoyance After trying sev ¬

eral and rheumaticcures I to uso ¬

Pain Balm which I had seenadvertised in the SouthAfter two of this Rem ¬

edy I was better and after us ¬

Ingone bottle wasHARRIS Salem N

J For sale by St Drug-Store Ben T RobinsonMortons Gap Geo King StCharles

A has Justkilled GOO people Well in this case

will bo unjustly blamed any-



PALATABLEBetter than or Quinine

Contains noThe Old


as well asA Sure cure for


ITJust wnat you need at this season


TONICby your

Dont take any substituteTry it500 AND S1U0



Rev B M Cvrie will fill his ap ¬

at the M E ChurchSouth next Sunday

Let us seek to disprove tho worthof worth


t ul JWw btt knownremedy for coughs and colds DOM notnaeate or physic Price E6 coats



HOmce Office1 EARLINGrrON KY

tVIiners Shippers Of

THE FAMOUS NO 3 COALManufacturers Of i



I COKEIF7RNERSdo the same work ton for ton as theBASE l


Largest Producers of Coal and Coke in the iState of Kentucky i

Branch OfficesNEWBOLDrManager


NorthStreet Nashville

BISHOP ManagerHouse Broadway



Street EvI






If Earlington








Whereas bereavement


Whereasfaculty there-












Mexican earthquake








SPLENDIDGuaranteed Druggists









Wholesale iAgents i


HUNT BRO Memphis



Rialto BuildingSt Louis Mo


Dearborn St Ohieagos arM



iOn Lines of Louisville and Nashville and Illinois Central Railroads in Hopkins County Kentucky These a

Mines produced more Coal in 1901 than in any previous year enormous output of

1900 by 2595 tons The figures follow

OUTPUT OF ST BERNARD MINESTotal Tons of Coal Produced in 1900 872593 Tons =

Total Tons of Coal Produced in 1901 T 875188 Tons =

Gain Over Largest Previous Annual Production 2595 Tonsfar



ridF+ t


Tttllc Fn Vcrl ncu hrnlnu April 0 °

comment lij llov S 51 DoricTone Crowing In CInlI i rtt Ill 17 t

IE I 1ct II 1 2 EitSi Iv 121

The word grace has two ricnnlngg Inthe Scriptures First the free null un ¬

merited favor by which God faYU9fly grace are yu saved

and that riot of yourselves it Is tintgift of God Second grace refers to

the blessings of the Spirit InwroughtIn the heart and manifested life ofthe believer The word as used 111 thotopical reference has the latter meanIng To grow In grace menus to growIn the graces which under the blessingof the Spirit come to mate the Chris ¬ I

tian character nil that It ought to beThe duty of Christian growth Is fre¬

quently emphasized in the ScriptureChrist had much to soy about growthand advancement in the Christian lifePaul eloquently pleaded for it nailhero Peter joins his exhortation withthose of tho Master and the great apos ¬


tie to the gentiles Grow In grace IH

his command in his second epistle andthat grace be multiplied to hisreaders was his prayer in his firstepistle This constant emphasis of Jgrowth by the great Christian teachers is n proof of its necessity nnd im ¬

portance This fact should be Impress ¬

ed upon us rind wo should strive byjobedi-ence by knowledge and by pray¬

infjtgrneecould reach perfection It a time could

tcome in our lives when grace could J

not be multiplied in us then the com ¬

mand to grow would be without mean ¬

to us But such a realization IB

ImpossIble in this life at least in the i

view of the great apostles Paul serv-ed


God with peculiar devotion andzeal for threescore years nnd yet heknew nothing about the modern doc ¬

trine of perfectionism Perfection isimpossible this side eternity nUll there ¬ x

fore growth in grace is an imperativenecessity until the end of timetGrowth in grace isagainst the lack of steadfastness Be¬

ware says the apostle lest ye alsobeing led away with the wicked fall i

from your own steadfastness But that iyou may not fall grow In grace lGrowth Is absolutely necessary toisteadf-astness We cannot standin the Christian life and sUIIlJWe will grow or decline in gracethat we may not decline but may besteadfast and immovable we shouldconstantly advance In grace and inservice till we come in the unity ofthe faith and of tho knowledge of theSon of God unto a perfect man untothe measure of the stature of ChristThis is the goal toward which westrive All the means of grace are forsthe perfecting of the saints whichwork goes on until tho end of lifewhen the souls of believers arc madeperfect in holiness and do immediatelypass into glory


Ps i 10 HI 70 Jer ill 1 2 lIesI xlv 57 Mal iv 1 2 Matt xlll 1 0

Mark Iv 2029 Luke 1 80 Eph ii 1020 Phil ill 1214 II Them i 3

PenceThou wilt keep him In perfect peace

whose mind is stayed on Thee Isaxxvl 3-

Looking down from a height on abroad river that is so peaceful it rellccts all the boats floating upon itssurface and tho overhanging foliagelike a mirror the thought comeswhata beautiful illustration it is of the hu ¬

man heart The stream Is calm nowbut is quickly ruffled by a passingbreeze even growing into wlld billowsthat dangerously toss every vessel thatsails upon it When the heart is notstayed on God it is swayed by passingbreezes that blow from every quarterin this world where public opinionrules with such power and like thewinds blowing over a river hearts Ilike skiffs are blown hither and thith ¬

er But when the mind is stayed onGod then not only peace but perfectpeace is promised What great re ¬ iawards our Lord gives for our faith inHim Surely they nre from Hisriches in glory

To remain peaceful amid trials ofevery kind knowing by heart that theLord Overrules and that He is waitingto reveal hidden blessings while wewait before Him is the Joy in peace Ifjust as tho fruit is held within theblobsom Our Father never bestows a p

lonely blessing It is blessing withinblessing always Presbyterian Banner

lie Reconciled to GodThe shame and curse of the world is

= that it is alienated from God Thatalienation Is the curse of human degra¬

dation and misery and a supreme dutyand a high and peculiar privilege of the

= followers of Christ are to beseech menin Christs stead to be reconciled to a

God In all ages the path to thatreconciliation has led through the gateof repentance It has been the resultof being born again by tie spirit ofGod which has made an Inimical hu¬

man soul a lover of God and the serfant of Christ Christian IntelligencerBaptist

A null ot Life iTo work fearlessly to follow earnest ¬

ly after truth to rest with u childlike a

confidence in Gods guidance to leaveones lot willingly and heartily to Himthis is my sermon to myself If wecould live more within sight of heavenwo should care less for the turmoil o-

fartliLetters of John RichardGreen

Give Him tIe nest PartWould our friends love us very much

if we only went to them when woa were sad They want us most when

we arc Joyous and so docs Jesus Letus give Him then the best part of ownatures and we will be rewardedPresbyterian Journal


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