IPSWICH HOSPITAL FOUNDATION BECOMING First Ever Issue! Welcome to our Bling for Babies How buying jewellery can help the Special Care Nursery! Healthy Christmas Presents Gone are the days of socks and undies! Photo Courtesy of Ipswich News


Nov-Dec 09 Issue BECOMING Magazine - Becoming the Healthiest Community in Australia





First Ever Issue!Welcome to our

Bling for

BabiesHow buyingjewellery canhelp the SpecialCare Nursery!



PresentsGone are the daysof socks and undies!

Photo Courtesy of Ipswich News


Donate your old


Drop your unwanted

jewellery into

participating Heritage

Building Society branches

at Riverlink, Booval Fair,

Karalee or Springfield

before 11 November 2009.


Win a D amondiproudly donated by Brad Kearton Jewellers

Attend the Bling for Babies Evening

Thursday November 12, 2009

Metro Hotel Ipswich International

6:00pm sharp, After 5 attire

Call the Ipswich Hospital Foundation to secure your tickets

now! 3817 2318. Tickets include canap s, glass of champagne and

bidding tickets.





Welcome to the first ever edition of Becoming

Magazine – a new healthy initiative of the Ipswich

Hospital Foundation.

This magazine is set to replace the traditional IHF and

SNAP newsletters by combining them both into one

easy online publication that is not only informative but

imaginative. We've been thinking about how to make

our newsletters more engaging to readers for quite

some time now, and I hope you'll all agree that this

could be the answer!

So what exactly is Becoming? Becoming is all about

what the Foundation is trying to do – we're trying to

BECOME the healthiest community in Australia,

BECOME more physical active, BECOME more aware of

good nutrition – the list really does go on! I suppose in

a nutshell, BECOMING is all about being the best we

can be and getting the most out of life. Whether we

chose to set personal goals to lose weight or eat

healthier or decide to help out in the community,

volunteer more of our time, donate things we don't

need to the less fortunate, we are all becoming happier

and healthier individuals.

Which bids the question – what is it that you want to

become? Personally, I want to become more physically

active, not only so I can feel better about myself, but so

I can enjoy life to its fullest potential. (And luckily, with

all the fitness activities the Foundation holds, I'm in the

right place to do it!) So I'd love to hear from you – let

me know what it is that you'd like to become! Perhaps

with the feedback we can start a new section in the

magazine – BECOMING ME!

Once again, welcome to our very first edition of this

quarterly online magazine. I trust it finds you all well

and I hope that from your feedback and continued

reading we will be able to continue to make this

magazine BECOME the best it can be!

PO Box 878 Ipswich QLD 4305

P: (07) 3817 2318

F: (07) 3812 7500

E: [email protected]

Sunshine Circle Appeal 2009

SNAP Report

Healthy Christmas Ideas

Eight Healthy Gifts - all under $20

Outstanding Health

10 years strong

Get Connected

Sun Smart Summer

The Ipswich Hospital Foundation's Sunshine CircleAppeal for 2009 kicks off in November andcontinues through December with a series offundraising events that all benefit in some wayshape or form the young patients at the IpswichHospital's Sunshine Children's Ward.

Get up to date with the latest health news in theSNAP Snippets.

If you're sick of buying the same old gifts –chocolates, socks and useless items that never getused, why not give the gift of health!

Out of ideas for the office secret santa? Givesome of our healthy gift ideas a go!

“When you feel good on the inside it shows”. Findout why on this special article by guest writerBonnie Preston

Tom Yates recently celebrated his 10 yearanniversary with the Ipswich Hospital Foundation

Stay in the loop this summer with some of thehottest tunes, reads and links!

Are you prepared for the summer ahead? Skip topage 21 to get your sun smart on!









Yours in Health,




As the whole nation stopped to watch the race of all races, over 100individuals wined and dined in high fashion at the Metro Hotel IpswichInternational. Lunch was superb and the fashions were outstanding,with June Frank winning the best dressed female.

This Melbourne Cup Luncheon was in aid of theIpswich Hospital Foundation and raised close to$1000 for the Sunshine Circle.

As general manager of the Metro Hotel IpswichInternational Alex Van Kersen said, “We hopeto see you all next year for a bigger andbetter Melbourne Cup Luncheon.”

Melbourne Cup03 November 2009

Best Dressed Female June Frank with Ipswich HospitalFoundation Executive Officer Tom Yates.


November - December 2009

Editor - Laurelle Franklin

Contact (07) 3817 2538

[email protected]


Bonnie Preston, Sacred Cow Yoga Studio

Jill Meuleman, SNAP Project Officer

Cover Photography

Photo courtesy of Ipswich News

Models Katherine Wyman, Erin Wyman

Published by Ipswich Hospital Foundation

ABN 40 137 504 686

All content 2009 Ipswich Hospital Foundation.

Reproduction without permission is prohibited



Know a friend who might like this


Make sure you forward it on! BECOMING the

Healthiest Community in Australia starts with you!

Tom Yates

Wendy Chegwidden

Ashton Cooper

Laurelle Franklin

Jill Meuleman

Judy Andrews

Katherine Wyman

Matt Casos

Executive Officer

Executive Assistant

Events Coordinator



SNAP Project Officer

Special Projects

Special Events

Special Projects

Ipswich Hospital Foundation Staff

Want to BECOME

a part of the


Looking to keep

up to date with

everything IHF?

Send in your ideas,

questions, stories,

testimonials and

photos and you can

have your content

published in the next

quarterly magazine!

Become a fan on

Facebook or join

Ipswich Healthy4Life

to create your own

profile, talk to other

members and stay



As we get set tocelebrate the festive

season with ourfamilies and loved

ones, spare athought for the sickchildren - and theirfamilies - who facespending their time

in hospital.


The Ipswich Hospital Foundation's Sunshine CircleAppeal for 2009 kicks off in November andcontinues through December with a series offundraising events that all benefit in some wayshape or form the young patients at the IpswichHospital's Sunshine Children's Ward.

One such event is Bling for Babies. The galaevent, being held on November 12, will bringtogether the best of Bling whilst raising muchneeded funds for the Special Care Nursery atthe Ipswich Hospital. Events Coordinator AshtonCooper is looking forward to the night's glitzand glamour. “Bling for Babies is set to be acocktail evening featuring reverse auctions, grabbags and major auctions,” she explains, “our HipHop Challenge winners will also be performingon the night and everyone attending has achance to win a diamond proudly donated byBrad Kearton Jewellers.”

The MC for this fundraising event will be noneother than Paul from Fringe Café. Quite excitedby the idea of the event, Paul hopes to make thisa night for everyone to remember. “I’m veryexcited about it all, it’s going to be a greatnight!” says Paul, “This event will help kids inloads of ways with their needs of health andsupport.”

If you are unable to attend the event, or wouldjust like to help the cause more, the IpswichHospital Foundation and selected HeritageBuilding Society branches are taking donationsof jewellery for the night. “All jewellery iswelcome,” says Ms Cooper, “all you need to dois drop it in at either the Riverlink, Booval Fair,Karalee or Springfield Lake Heritage branchesbefore November 6 2009.”

Tickets to the Bling for Babies evening areand include a glass of champagne on arrival,and reverse auction tickets. Guests will beinvited to purchase raffle tickets for their chanceto win a diamond. The fundraising evening willbe held at the Metro Hotel Ipswich Internationaland begins 6:00pm sharp, After 5 Attire. Tobook your tickets, call Ashton and the IpswichHospital Foundation on 3813 6201.

In addition to the Bling for Babies FundraisingEvening, there are also a number of otherfundraising events happening throughout themonths of November and December. Coming upare events such as the Sunshine Girls ChristmasLunch, Sunshine Circle Movies in the Park and aCent Auction.

The special Sunshine Circle Movies in the Parkwill be held on December 12 at Cameron Park,Booval and the feature film is Deck the Halls.This holiday comedy is centred around twoneighbours in a small New England town who goto war when one of them decides to decorate hishouse with so many Christmas lights that they arevisible from space. The neighbourhood is turnedupside down as the families try to discover thetrue meaning of Christmas. This gold coindonation event is just another way the IpswichHospital Foundation is raising funds for theSunshine Circle Appeal. The movie will begin at6:30pm and food will be available at the venue.Chairs and blankets are also available for agold coin donation.

The Sunshine Circle Cent Auction, to be held onNovember 21 by regular fund raisers Graceand Richard Jenkins, is set to be a huge success.The Cent Auction will take place at the EastIpswich Bowls Club, 6pm for viewing and 7pmstart. Entry into the auction is $2.00. The Jenkinshave spent the past year dedicating their timeand effort to fundraising for the Sunshine Wardon a monthly basis by selling raffle tickets andorganising events all in aid of the SunshineCircle.

The Sunshine Girls Christmas Luncheon is just oneof the many fundraising activities the girls put oneach year. Their final event of the year will beheld on November 28 at St Thomas' Church, 15Lawrence Street North Ipswich, beginning at11:00am and continuing through to 2:30pm.Lunch includes a hot meal and a specialappearance by the one and only Santa Clauseis sure to make it a truly special event . For moreinformation on the Christmas Luncheon call Elsieon 3281 8016.

Unable to attend any of the above functions butwant to help? Make a donation at anytime bycalling 3817 2318!

For further information on the Sunshine Circle,please contact the Ipswich HospitalFoundation on 3817 2318 or email


[email protected].


You’reInvited to

at a special screeningin aid of the Sunshine Circle

Gold Coin DonationsAppreciated


Sunshine Circle

Sat 12 Dec 2009

Cameron Park, Booval




6:00am WednesdayHealthworks Brassall (cnr Workshops and Hunter Streets)

$5.00 per person1 hour duration with instructor

Bring togs, towel - showers available

new aqua sessionJoin us for our exciting new aqua session!

Experience the benefits of aqua in a friendly environment with the Ipswich Hospital Foundation’s latestaddition to it’s fitness programs. These sessions are available to all members of the public thanks toBrassall Healthworks Fitness Club.

*Pet Friendly ^Pram Friendly

Join in a session of cross training led by an instructor who will

stretch your limits to welcome you to the new week.

A great start to the working week. Energiser is a yoga and core

workout in the heart of Ipswich.

An enjoyable walk around the park with friends. Suitable to all levels

of fitness, from novice to power walker.

With controlled weather conditions and level ground, the Riverlink

Walkin’ session is perfect for walkers of all ages who wish to walk in a

safe, flat environment.

Hot Mums is a group of mothers who want to make friends, have

some fun and get exercise with their newborns to two year olds.

Get ready for the biggest running event in Ipswich every Tuesday night

with the Park2Park Training group with Matt Casos. Run or walk.

With the expertise of Chris Gale, this running session will put you

through your paces. Each session costs $5.00.

Join in a session of cross training led by an instructor who will

stretch your limits.

Tai Chi, also known as “meditation in motion” uses gentle flowing

movements to reduce stress, improve breathing technique and

lung capacity, balance and flexibility. Sessions cost $5.00.

A beginners cycling group suitable for the entire family. An

intermediate group is also available at the same time. BYO bike and


Ever wondered what time you can run a 2km, 4km or 6km track

in? Come along to the Big Hit QT Park Run to find out! A fun

and friendly exercise atmosphere welcome to all ages.

Approximately 16km in total length, from Fernvale to Lowood

and back. Go the whole distance or only some - it’s up to you. Call

3817 2318 to confirm.

For more information on any of the mentioned sessions, please call

the Foundation on 3817 2318.

Monday Cross Training

Tai Chi

Monday Energiser

Riverlink Walkin’

Park2Park Training

Cross Training & Walking Group

Bike Riding

Long Distance Run

Mon 6:00am Bill Paterson Oval, Limestone Park

Mon 5:30pm Timothy Moloney Oval

Mon 5:30pm Bill Paterson Oval, Limestone Park* ^

Tues & Thurs 7:00am Riverlink (next to banks)

Tues 9:00am

Tues 5:30pm Bill Paterson Oval, Limestone Park*^

Wed 5:30am

Fri 6:30am Queen’s Park (off Milford Street)

Sat 6:00am outside Our Bakery Rules, Riverlink Shopping Centre

Sat 7:00am Griffith Road Carpark, Limestone Park ^ *

Sun 6:00am Fernvale Futures Complex, Fernvale *

(Call Katherine for venue information 0407 002 843)^

Bill Paterson Oval, Limestone Park

Fri 5:30am Bill Paterson Oval, Limestone


Walking Group

Hot Mums

Gale Force Running Session

Big Hit QT Park Run

Fitness Activities


Your basal metabolic rate

(BMR) refers to the chemical

processes going on

continuously at a cellular

level that allows the body to

build and/or maintain its


Basal (resting) metabolic


It is the energy from food

that is the fuel that

maintains these processes

(fuel). The amount of

kilojoules your body burns at

any given time is regulated

by your metabolism.

Metabolic rate (or total

energy expenditure) has 3


1. Basal metabolic rate

(BMR) - is the amount of fuel

burned at rest to maintain

cellular body function and

contributes 50--70 per cent

of our energy needs.

2. Energy expenditure in

physical work - kilojoules

burned during movement

and physical activity- 20 per

cent of our energy needs.

The more active you are the

more your burn and the

more muscle you have the

more you burn.

3. Energy expenditure

associated with eating,

digesting and metabolizing

food -about 5-10 per cent

of our energy needs.

Contrary to popular idea -

the larger a person the

higher their metabolic rate.

This person will also have a

higher rate of energy

expenditure in movement

activities, such as walking

and most physical work. The

opposite is true for a person

of light weight.

The BMR refers to the

amount of energy the body

requires to maintain itself.

This accounts for 50 to 70

per cent of our total energy

expenditure. Total lean

mass is largely responsible

for the BMR. So the more

muscle the more fuel you

burn simply to maintain the

cellular function of the

muscle. (Hence the reason

crash dieting is so

detrimental – it results in loss

of muscle mass not

necessarily loss of fat tissue)

BMR varies during the day. It

is at its lowest early in the

morning after 8 hours sleep

and in the morning it is

often10 or more hours since

a person has eaten. That is

why exercise in the morning

is a recommendation for

weight loss- is boosts BMR

when it is at its lowest.

Energy expenditure in

physical work

Physical exertion may burn

as much as 3,000kJ per hour

(see table for some

examples of energy

expenditure.) It is a variable

component of energy

expenditure- the more

physical activity the more

fuel that is burnt. In the

resting state muscle

accounts for 20 % of total

expenditure this can

increase remarkable during

strenuous exercise (Some

references quote an

energy expenditure of

muscle during strenuous

exercise may go up to 50-

fold or more.) Apart from

the energy used in the

exercise itself, regular

physical activity affects BMR

because it affects body



All About



People who are active on

a regular basis have higher

basal metabolic rate than

non-active individuals (may

be up to 10% higher for

active people).Basal

Metabolic Rate accounts

for about two thirds of total

daily energy expenditure so

an increase of up to 10% is

significant . The following

lists the amount of energy

expended at various


Walking Dog


Office Work

Driving Car


Walking Rapidly




The basal metabolic rate

rises after eating because

of energy expenditure

associated with eating,

digesting and metabolizing

food. The rise occurs soon

after eating and peaks two

to three hours later after a

meal .The rise in BMR varies

with size of the meal and

the type of foods

consumed. Fats have the

least effect, carbohydrates

have an intermediate

effect and proteins cause

the largest rise.

The BMR on an adult is

influenced by a number of

factors working in

combination, including:

- Body size

- Age

- Gender

- Genetic predisposition

- Amount of lean muscle


- Amount of body fat

- Hormonal and nervous


- Dietary deficiencies

- Environmental


- Infection or illness

- Fasting

- Physical activity

- Drugs

For more information on

the SNAP Program,

please contact the

Ipswich Hospital


Activity Energy Used

The effect of food on BMR

Factors affecting the BMR

*Energy used KJ per 30 mins for 90kg adult













With less than 50 days until Christmas,

it's time to start thinking of just what to get that

special someone...



But if you're sick of buying the same old gifts –

chocolates, socks and useless items that

never get used, why not give the gift of

health! Healthy gift ideas are fast becoming

popular as more and more people begin to

think about their ongoing health.

Popular gift ideas for those who are looking

towards becoming healthier are personal

training sessions. “With the onset of summer

and the idea of New Year's Resolutions,

personal training sessions are the perfect gift

for those who want to get fit but just need a

little extra motivation,” says Ultimate Fitness

co-ordinator Matt Casos, “People can easily

say they'd like to start personal training

sessions but they tend to never get around to

starting anything. By giving sessions as a gift, it

will give them the extra lift they need to get

fit – and if you arrange sessions as a couple, it

becomes a fun team exercise session that

you will look end up looking forward to.”

If personal training sessions aren't your cup of

tea, why not give the gift of a massage.

“Getting a massage can do you a world of

good,” says Massage Therapist Donna

Templeton, “And getting massaged

frequently can do even more.” Massage is

the perfect gift regardless of the occasion. If

you’re sick of the Christmas crowds, the rush

and endless demands, treat yourself and a

loved one to a therapeutic massage. The

standard price of an hour long massage

ranges from $60 to $80. This depends on the

type of treatment as well as the location of

the massage therapist.

Another fun and healthy gift is cooking

classes. Apart from being fun and relaxing,

learning how to cook healthy meals can also

save you money in the long run. Most

cooking classes require a group of six to eight

people, so why not organise for a group

voucher for you, your family and friends.

These gift ideas are great to share amongst

your loved ones, family and friends. Give the

gifts that keep on giving!

Alternatively, if personal training sessions and

cooking classes are out of your Christmas

budget, check out the eight healthy gift

ideas that we’ve put together - all under $20!

Check them out on the next page!.


8 Healthy Gift Ideas


1Gardening KitWhat to include:Heavy Duty Work GlovesAssorted SeedsWatering Trigger SprayerGarden TrowelWindow Pot

RRP $4.40 - Coles

RRP $1.59 each – Crazy Clarks

RRP $1.79 - Coles

RRP $5.51 – Coles

RRP $4.49 – Sam's Warehouse

GymVouchersMost gym classes range from$8.00 - $10.00. Check in atyour local gym to work out adeal!

DiaryFitness &

Eating Diary

The UltimateWorkout LogRRP $20.00

Dymocks Bookshop

2 34

RecipeBook101 Healthy Eats:

Triple Tested Recipes

RRP $14.95 Angus & Robertson 5StressRelievingBasketCandles 3 packRadox Shower Smoothie

Discover Yoga DVDFragrant Oil Diffuser

RRP $3.99 – Crazy Clarks

RRP $3.99 – JadinChemists

RRP $8.99 – JB HiFi

RRP $3.00 – Crazy Clarks

Sports Gear

7 8

HealthyFruit Basket

What to include:Fruit (whatever in season), healthfood bars, juice – be creative withthis one and shop around forgood prices on products

Workout PackMini Gym Ball (25cm) $6.99 Kmart2 x York Fitness Pro Dumbbell 0.5kgRRP $2.00 each – Amart All SportsWater Bottle RRP $3.99 WoolworthsSpeed Rope RRP $4.99 Kmart

6Nike Tiempo Technique

Soccer Ball

RRP $19.99Amart All Sports


The Heritage Imperial






100 mile Endurance Ride

The Haggerty Group Riders Ride

Platinum Health Casual Ride

St Andrews Hospital Family Ride

Sunday 28 March 2010

University of Queensland

Ipswich Campus

10th AnnualHeritage Building Society

Bike RideIpswich100

Heritage Building Society

For more information visit

or call 0408 789

Register Online Now


Outstanding HealthWhile getting ready to write this, I cameacross a yoghurt container. Theadvertising on the package says, “Whenyou feel good on the inside it shows”. Thisset me to thinking what 'feeling good onthe inside' means, and “yes” I stated outloud to myself, “it does show”.

However, as far as I know, feeling goodcannot be purchased, it is not acommodity, but it is priceless. It comesvis-à-vis a commitment that we make toourselves. If we assume that feeling goodis based not just on feeling okay, but reallyfeeling great. Experiencing what wemight class as outstanding health? Howwould that be? How would that feel?Perhaps, for most of us it would include:A body that moves with ease. Thecapability to digest food properly with anabundance of energy to fuel our lifeactivities with the ability to sleep well.The skill to relax, slow down sometimes.Be mentally alert and with a tranquilmind that helps us deal with everydaystresses. Sparkly eyes and clear skin, aready smile, body weight that iscomfortable to live with both physicallyand mentally, a feeling of ease and joy inour lives.

So what if we were given the informationthat this level of health were available forus and all it would require a small amountof our time each day? And in addition,this 'thing' we could do for our own healthand well being has been around for overthousands of years, well before thewritten word. Would we do it as 100's ofmillions of people all over the world do?If you are thinking, “yes, maybe I would.”Then I will tell you that this 'something'we can do is what we know we know asYoga.

Google will offer you volumes ofinformation if you want to dig deep intothe health benefits of Yoga. But here are afew dot points to further spark your

interest perhaps. Yoga has been targetedto help with some of the following:weight management, back pain, insomnia,anxiety, PMT, hormonal balance, high andlow blood pressure and asthma. Thebeauty of it is this, “it does not matterwhere you are at in your body physicallyor mentally at this moment It does notmatter if you are a man or a woman.”

Maybe I can dispel another myth thatgoes with Yoga. It is not some strangecult or weirdo practice that requires youto wear orange robes and stare at yourbelly button. Gone are the days whenYoga was practised by hippies in tie die t-shirts, burning incense and sitting crosslegged chanting ‘Ommmmm’. BecauseYoga is a science and art that provides asystematic approach that is assessable toanybody at any age, gender,fitness levels, size, or mental orphysical constitution. It ismostly a matter of finding aclass and or a teacherthat meets yourrequirements.

Just a warning.Once a convertyou want all thepeople in your lifethat you care aboutto practice! Wewonder how othersget by without it!

-Bonnie Preston


It’s been ten years since Tom Yateswas appointed the position ofExecutive Officer of the IpswichHospital Foundation. Much haschanged for the Foundation in thepast decade, and October 11 2009was a chance for Tom, his past andpresent staff members to reflect onwhat has been an incredible ten yearjourney.

“When Tom started at the Foundation,he was the one and only employee dayin and day out. Luckily for Tom, theFoundation now employs four fulltime staff and three casual staff whoare committed to the Foundation andTom’s years of hard work,” saysExecutive Assistant WendyChegwidden. “The Foundation justwouldn’t be what it is today withouthim.”

Truly the well recognised face of theFoundation, Tom has seen theFoundation leap from strength tostrength as new events, initiatives andcampaigns are created continually allin the bid to create the HealthiestCommunity in Australia. “Sincecommencing at the Foundation over asix years ago, I’ve been able to watchthe community develop anunderstanding of who we are andwhat we do.” says Ms Chegwidden.“It’s remarkable to see the impact thatthe Foundation has on thecommunity, and more so the impactthat Tom has.”

The Board Members and Staff of theIpswich Hospital Foundation wouldlike to thank Tom for his years ofdedication as well as his guidanceover the past ten years. We lookforward continuing working with Tomin the coming years.

strong10 years


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Get motivated with these running tunes!

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Get back into summer with this water workouts wonderbook!

Fantastic Water WorkoutsBy Mary Beth Pappas Baun

The past weeks have seen us sweltering in really uncomfortable conditionsso the idea of exercise isn't very attractive. How about combining it with adip in the pool? Water workouts produce health and fitness benefits whileburning more calories in less time. So get lively and enjoy the uniquefeeling of moving about briskly in water.

Exercising in water is very easy on the body particularly the joints and it's great fun. Despite the fact that you're workingout in water you still find yourself achieving quite a sweat! This book is a guide to getting the most from exercising inwater. Anyone can do it whether in their own pool, a public pool or in a special class for aqua aerobics. One of thereasons water fitness works is because water adds more resistance than exercising on land, including multidirectionalresistance. Additionally as water acts as a cushion for your body it allows people to do movements that might bedifficult on land. Lastly water regulates your temperature, protecting you from overheating so you feel morecomfortable.

The book gives many examples of individual water exercises, detailing which parts of the body they specifically helpplus it includes 14 step-by-step programmes that can be tailored to your personal needs and fitness goals. Theprogrammes are good for everyone from the very fit to people requiring a gentler exercise, such as pregnant women,older users and those undergoing rehabilitation. This book explains it all. So get into the water, exercise and have fun!

Wii Fit -

Get online andcheck them out!

Find out what’s hot in books, music and online!


Sun Smart


It's true what they say – prevention is always

better than a cure. And with summer coming up

on us quickly, it's time to get back into our sun

safety practices!

IHF Top 5 Sun Safety Tips

1 – Slip Slop Slap

2 – Shade Up

3 – Hat Up

4 – Stay cool in the shade

5 – Dress Sun Smart

Pretty simple! Make sure you have a SPF 30+

sunscreen and apply liberally to skin 15 minutes

before exposure to the sun. Applying a lip balm

that has a SPF rating is also advisable. It is

important to remember to reapply sunscreen

frequently and is recommended that you do so

every two hours. If you are in the water, it is

suggested that sunscreen be reapplied every


Although sunscreen is used to protect our skin

for the harmful damage of the sun's rays, it is

important to note that sunscreen should not be

used as a way of extending your time in the sun

for sunbathing – this can increase your risk of

melanoma-type skin cancer.

Quick Tip – Surfaces such as water, sand

and concrete reflect ultra-violet rays – you

may end up with sunburn even if you have

applied sunscreen and are sitting in a

shaded area.

It's important to protect your eyes from the sun,

as sunglasses absorb more than 95% of UV

radiation. For the best protection, choose a pair

that include the words “good UV protection”

on the swing tag and are close fitting. Close-

fitting wrap around styles off best protection

because they reduce the glare and reflected

UV radiation. Unprotected exposure of the eyes

to UV rays can increase the risk of developing

cataracts and damaging the retina - which has

the possibility of leading to total blindness.

Wearing a wide brim hat helps to protect your

eyes, ear, face and the back of your neck from

the sun – all of which are areas particularly

sensitive to the sun. A hat will also help to keep

you cool and reduce glare from the sun.

For additional protection from the sun, use

umbrellas and shade marquees to stop harmful

rays right in their tracks. It is also important to

keep to shaded areas and stay out of the sun in

the middle of the day. Umbrellas and shade

marquees are great to protect from the sun

above, but ensure that you still remain sun

smart as reflections from sand and grass can

still cause sun burn.

Wear loose, lightweight clothing that covers as

much skin as possible. Tightly woven fabrics

offer the best protection from the sun – as a

general rule, the less light that passes through

the fabric when held up to the sun, the better

the protection. Covering your arms, trunk and

legs is just as important as covering your face

and neck. The more of you that is covered,

the better your chances at protecting your


Remember these five tips next time you go out

in the sun. Try to avoid direct sun exposure

during the middle of the day when the sun's

rays are at their strongest (10am-2pm).

And remember – sun exposure can also

prematurely age your skin… so if you stay out

of the sun, you can lessen the development of




Are you planning a healthy

community event? Get sun

safe with the Ipswich Hospital

Foundation Healthy4Life

Resource Centre! Marquees,

sun trailers and other fantastic

event equipment are available

to borrow. Call the Foundation

today to find out how to book

items from the Resource Centre.

Please note - bookings are free

for those community groups

and schools inside the Ipswich

Hospital Foundation’s health

district. Groups outside of this

area may incur a hiring fee.

Please call the Foundation to

find out if you are inside the

health district.




y 4 lif


“Go 4 It!”

The Ipswich Hospital Foundation, Queensland Health

and the Ipswich City Council have combined forces and

developed a web-based social network Ipswich Healthy4Life.

Sign-up and become a member - it costs nothing! As a

member you can enter events on the calendar for your

organisation, enter into forums, connect with other

community members and meet the challenge of

becoming healthier. Members all receive priority event

registration and special offers.

This one-stop shop for health information for the greater

Ipswich community will only be as successful as each of you

make it - so Go4It! Ipswich Healthy4Life!

Register now at

Home Page Calendar


Reply to Event

Do you own more jewellery than you can handle?

Donate to the Bling for Babies to help raise funds for the

Special Care Nursery then attend the Bling for Babies Fundraising Evening

for your chance to win a diamond valued at $2,500 -proudly donated by Brad Kearton Jewellers.

The Sunshine Girls

Christmas LuncheonNovember 28 2009

St Thomas' Church

15 Lawrence Street

North Ipswich

11:00am to 2:30pm.

November 21 2009

6pm for viewing and 7pm start

East Ipswich Bowls Club

Entry into the auction is $2.00



Sunshine Circle

More information

3282 8209

Lunch includes a hot meal and a

special appearance by the one and

only Santa Clause!

For more information on the

Christmas Luncheon call

Elsie on 3281 8016.