Becg Ppts Part 1

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  • 8/18/2019 Becg Ppts Part 1



  • 8/18/2019 Becg Ppts Part 1



    Ethics and Law

    •  Moral:

    concerned with the principles of right and wrong

    •  Value:

    importance or worth

    •  Ethica set of moral principles

    •  Law:

    … rules regulating the actions … and enforced by theimposition of penalties

      (oncise !"ford English #ictionary$ 11th Edition%

  • 8/18/2019 Becg Ppts Part 1



    Theories of Ethics

    Ethical theories may be generally categori'ed asunder:

    • eleological Ethics

    •  #eontological Ethics

    •  Virtue Ethics


  • 8/18/2019 Becg Ppts Part 1



    Teleology & Ethics

    EL!* (+ree,% - End

    eleological systems focus on what are the

    conse.uences of an action/ herefore also called

    conse.uentialist system/

    0f conse.uence of action is good then action is

    considered ethical/ 0f conse.uence of action is bad

    then action considered unethical/

    Merit: Easily understood

    #emerit: 0gnores means/ *ometimes used to ustify

    acts li,e lying$ brea,ing promise$ etc/

  • 8/18/2019 Becg Ppts Part 1


    Deontology & Ethics

    #E!3 (+ree,% - #uty

    #eontological systems focus on adherence to

    independent moral duties/

    0f duties ha4e been followed then beha4ior isconsidered ethical/ 0f there is failure to follow duties$

    then beha4ior is considered unethical/

    Merit: Means considered as important as end/

    #emerit: *ometimes difficult to practice in real life


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    Kantian Deontology

    0nternal duty: thin,ing with moralsE"ternal duty: act with morals

    Emotions cannot go with morals

    6undamental criteria of categorical imperati4eo7ni4ersality: any act right for one is right for otherso8espect: accord self9respect and respect othersoublicity: good acts must be openly ac,nowledged

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    Ross Deontology

    *e4en 8ules:


    romises must be ,ept and truth always spo,en

    8eparation must be made to compensate inuries

    #uties must be performed to return fa4ors

    #istributi4e ustice should pre4ail always

    #uties of beneficence must be performed

    Virtue and intelligence ha4e to be impro4ed0nury to others must be a4oided

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    Virtue Ethics

    eleological and #eontological systems as, the

    .uestion: what should 0 do=

    Virtue Ethics as,s the .uestion:

    what sort of a person should 0 be=

    #oes not udge action as right or wrong but rather

    character of person performing the acts/

    Lays less emphasis on which rules should befollowed/ 0nstead focuses on de4elopment of good

    character traits such as ,indness and generosity/

    *uch 4irtues will allow the person to ta,e ethical


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    Business Ethics

    ? @usiness ethics is generally coming to ,now what is rightor wrong in the wor,place and doing what is right A this in

    regard to the effects of productsBser4ices and in

    relationship with sta,eholders/C

    9 arter Mc3amara

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    3Cs of Business Ethics

    •  ompliance•  Laws•  rinciples of morality•  olicy of the company

    •  ontribution

    •  ore 4alues•  uality of products and ser4ices•  Employment

    •  onse.uences•  En4ironment•  *ocial responsibility•  0mage

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    Some ssues in !ar"et Ethics

    •  onsumer protection

    •  Fd4ertising

    •  ac,aging and labeling

    •  onsumer pri4acy

    •  0ndustrial espionage

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    Consumer E#$loitation

    •  6i"ing high price

    •  6alse discounts

    •  *ub9standard .uality

    •  6alse product differentiation of goods and ser4ices

    •  *ale of goods that are inurious to health

    •  *uppression of information about .uality etc of the product

    •  8eduction of competition through collusion

    •  6alse and misleading ad4ertisement•  *upply of adulterated goods

    •  3ot honoring guarantees and warranties

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    % 'rinci$les for Consumer 'rotection

    1/rotection of the consumer from ha'ards of health and safety

    2/romotion and protection of economic interests

    &/ro4ision of ade.uate information to the consumers

    )/ro4ision of consumersG education related to the productBser4ice

    /Effecti4e redresses of grie4ance

    5/Encouraging business chambers to resol4e consumer disputes

    ;/6reedom to form groups on issues affecting consumers

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    Consumer Rights in ndia

    onsumer rotection Fct$ 1>

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    • #eception$ puffery and manipulation

    •  Fd4erse effect of public interest or public morality

    • Vulgarity and 4iolence

    • ortrayal of women

    •  Fd4ertisement costs push prices up

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    'ac"aging & La+eling

    • Label information

    • ac,aging graphics

    • ac,aging safety• En4ironmental implications

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    Consumer 'ri)acy

    •  0nformed consent must be sought from customers before

    gathering pri4ate information

    • urpose of collecting information must be legitimate• 0nformation collected must be treated as confidential

    • #atabase must contain only rele4ant information

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    ndustrial Es$ionage

    • *ocial Engineering• 0nfiltrating the target company through an agent who

    befriends e"isting employees socially and gets them to

    unwittingly di4ulge information• 0nfiltrating the target company through an agent who

    obtains employment therein and gains access to data

    • omputer hac,ing

    • *tealing #ocuments

    • #umpster #i4ing

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    Ethic ssues in ,R

    •  #iscrimination in recruitment and appointment

    •  #iscrimination during ser4ice

    •  #ealing with harassment

    •  #ealing with fa4oritism

    •  7nfair labor practice

      hough prohibited by law$ the ground reality is that

      it is more a matter of organi'ational ethics law enforcement

    •  #ealing with complainants and whistle blowers