Because I Said So

Because I Said So! a melange of motherhood


A series focusing on the different stages of motherhood.

Transcript of Because I Said So

Page 1: Because I Said So

Because I Said So!a melange of motherhood

Page 2: Because I Said So
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Deanna Jolene is a combination of names. Denise; Peggy Anne; Joyce;and Ilene, my middle name. De ann a jo lene.

Theola, 65

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Dustin is the fifth generation of George Johnsons. I am not a fan of the name George, and being my first child, I wanted to be able to choose his name. However, it was very important to my husband to carry on the George Johnson family name, so he is George Dustin Johnson V. I knew I would call him by his middle name, so I chose Dustin, due to the fame of actor Dustin Hoffman.

Grace is Latin for blessing. I love traditional feminine names for girls, so I gave her the middle name Anne, as it is the last 4 letters of my mother’s name Jeanne. She has always gone by Grace Anne.

Penny, 51

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I actually wanted to name my oldest Alexandra, but couldn’t think of a good middle name that went with it. So, I ended up with Brooke as a first name and Alexandra as a middle name. The family calls her “Alex” but to her friends, she is known as Brooke.

Beth, 42

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Amy Beth is my youngest child of 7 children. We named her after 2 of the girls in the novel, “Little Women,” by Louisa May Alcott.

Meryl, 78

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Elizabeth Ann= my youngest of 7 children. Grace Elizabeth is my mother-in-law’s name, so Beth Ann was named after her grandmother.

Marvel, 78

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I’ve always liked names that are spelled slightly different; I have decided on the name Kayden Michael. Michael is my boyfriend’s middle name and I fell in love with the name Kayden as soon as I saw it on a baby name website.

Alyssa, 18

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I chose Julie because it sounded sincere and feminine. I knew I couldn’t name her Emily or something sounding petite because with our height, I knew my daughter would be tall.

Nancy, 52

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Emily-Her dad knew a little girl named Emily and we decided it was a good name that was strong for a girl and recognizable as a female. A traditional, never out of style name.

Sarah-Traditional, no busy nick-names and a strong name for a woman. Also, a biblical name.

Patti, 51

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I picked the name Elizabeth because it was a family name with sentimental value.I have always loved the name because it is classically beautiful.

Charlotte, 48

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Rupert was one of a few names we thought of for our new kitten. We did a Facebook poll and then ignored the answers...

Caitlin, 39

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