BECAUSE Because of FRUSTRATION with OBAMACARE 2,500 pages No ONE can read and UNDERSTAND That do not...


Transcript of BECAUSE Because of FRUSTRATION with OBAMACARE 2,500 pages No ONE can read and UNDERSTAND That do not...

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Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 BECAUSE Because of FRUSTRATION with OBAMACARE 2,500 pages No ONE can read and UNDERSTAND That do not address the PROBLEMS AND HAS REQUIRED 15,000 PAGES OF RULES TO TRY TO EXPLAIN IT Slide 5 PHYSICIANS FOR A NATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAM Excerpts from a statement released by leaders of PNHP on June 28, 2012 The Affordable Care Act (ACA/ObamaCare) Is NOT a remedy to our health care crisis 1. Leave 26 million uninsured 2. Health care not affordable because of high co-pays and gaps in coverage that leave patients vulnerable to financial ruin in the event of serious illness 3. It will not control costs Slide 6 PNHP Continued Polls have repeatedly shown an improved Medicare for all, which meets these criteria, is the remedy preferred by two-thirds of the population. A solid majority of the medical profession now favors such an approach, as well. Slide 7 NATIONAL CENTER FOR POLICY ANALYSIS - NCPA September 25, 2012 Article of the NCPA Over the next 10 years, more than half the cost of Obama Care ($716 billion) is to be paid for by reduced Medicare spending The Obama administration had hoped to achieve these reductions by increased efficiency, based on the results of pilot projects and demonstrations The problem: The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has said in three consecutive reports that these projects are not working as planned and ARE UNLIKELY TO SAVE MONEY. Slide 8 EXHIBIT PREPARED BY NHCP Slide 9 PRICELESS The following are excerpts from the book- PRICELESS: CURING THE HEALTHCARE CRISIS By John C. Goodman, President of the NCPA Page 266 Slide 10 PRICELESS CONTINUED OVERALL: The Congressional Budget Office estimates that 9 million employees will lose their employer plan Medicares chief actuary estimates that 14 million employees will lose the coverage they now have and, of those, about 2 million will enroll in Medicaid A former CBO director is predicting a much larger employer response, with 35 million employees losing their current coverage Slide 11 Slide 12 NOW LETS LOOK AT THE NHC IN DETAIL Slide 13 NHC THE NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN, FOR ONE THING, FREEZES THE GENERAL FUND COSTS OF MEDICARE AND MEDICAID AT ESSENTIALLY 2013 COSTS, AND INCREASES THEM ONLY BY THE COST OF LIVING EACH YEAR Slide 14 WHO WILL BE COVERED? Every citizen of the United States will be covered From the baby that is still in the womb to those greater than 100, and EVERYONE in between Slide 15 SOME PEOPLE WE DONT NORMALLY THINK OF THAT NEED NHC NONE OF THESE HAVE HEALTH CARE Firemen that fight our Forest Fires Fast food employees Restaurant employees Community College employees Subsidiary Corporations Contract employees Many others.. you probably know of some yourself Slide 16 PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS Every person with a Pre-existing condition will be covered No one will be denied coverage No one can be dropped, because they have contracted a serious illness.. CATOSTROPHIC PROTECTION Slide 17 JOB LOSS & MOVE FROM JOB TO JOB If anyone loses their job They will still be covered If they can not get a job & have no incomeThey will still be covered Participants can move from job to job without changing or jeopardizing their Health Care Slide 18 MEDICAID & CHIP People on Medicaid and CHIP will no longer be on Medicaid and CHIP Because they will be covered by the Plan Slide 19 MEDICAID AND CHIP There will no longer be MEDICAID or CHIP under this plan Therefore States will no longer be responsible for a share of the costs of these two programs This will save the states approximately $100 billion each year Slide 20 SMALL BUSINESSES More and more Small Businesses can no longer afford to provide Health Insurance for their employees Small businesses generally pay lower wages This Plan makes it possible for Small Businesses to provide Health Insurance Because the premiums are based on a percent of wages Slide 21 ALL SHALL PARTICIPATE All people in the United States shall participate in the Plan No one shall be able to opt out, whether provided by an employer or the person is self-employed Young people may think they are invincible and do not need this coverage However, if they have an appendicitis attack or are severely injured in an accident, Americans will not let them die Because their wages will normally be low, so will their premiums Slide 22 EMPLOYERS All employers including for-profit, non-profit, and governmental agencies shall pay at least 75% of the premiums for their employees For one employee or several thousand For full-time, part time, or contract employees The premium for each employee will be 14 percent of the employees wages Slide 23 PREMIUMS PREMIUMS paid by the Employers Shall be DEDUCTED from their income as an operating expense Just like electricity and other costs The premiums paid by the employer (75%) for the Employee shall not be considered as income of the Employee----For Income Taxes Slide 24 NON-CITIZEN Any person living in the US illegally or legally shall be covered under this Plan. Any NON-CITIZEN living in the US that makes an application for citizenship, passes a test proving they can read, write and speak basic English, and successfully completes the Oral Interview will be TREATED THE SAME as CITIZENS for Health Care under this Plan. Slide 25 NON-CITIZEN Employers of ILLEGAL persons shall PAY 120% of the premium ($12,000 X 120% = $14,400 ) and the employee shall pay NONE of it. Employers of LEGAL NON-CITIZENS or the LEGAL NON-CITIZEN person shall pay the PREMIUM AMOUNT - $12,000, NOT a percent of their income, as CITIZENS DO EMPLOYERS SHALL PAY THE TOTAL, ALSO Slide 26 LOVE IS WHAT HEALTH CARE IS ALL ABOUT Slide 27