Bch Rs Codes

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  • 8/2/2019 Bch Rs Codes


    Ass.Prof.Dr.Thamer Information Theory 4th Class in Communications


    BCH Codes

    The Bose, Chaudhuri, and Hocquenghem (BCH) codes form

    a large class of powerful random error-correcting cyclic codes.This class of codes is a remarkable generalization of the Hammingcodes for multiple-error correction. Binary BCH codes werediscovered by Hocquenghem in 1959 and independently by Boseand Chaudhuri in 1960 .

    For any positive integers m(m 3) and t (t< 2m-1), thereexists a binary BCH code with the following parameters:

    Clearly, this code is capable of correcting any combination oft or fewer errors in a block of n = 2m l digits. We call this

    code a t-error-correcting BCH code.The generator polynomial of this code is specified in terms

    of its roots from the Galois field GF(2m). Let be a primitive

    element in GF(2m). The generator polynomial g(X) of the t-error-correcting BCH code of length 2m l is the lowest-degreepolynomialover GF(2) which has


    As its roots [i.e., g(i) = 0 for 1 i 2t . It follows that

    g(X) has, 2, . . . , 2t and their conjugates as all its roots.

  • 8/2/2019 Bch Rs Codes


    Ass.Prof.Dr.Thamer Information Theory 4th Class in Communications


    Let i(X) be the minimal polynomial ofi. Then g(X) must

    be the least common multiple (LCM) of1(X) , 2(X) , ..2t (X), that is,

    (2)The generator polynomial g(X) of the binary t-error-

    correcting BCH code of length 2m 1 given by (2) can bereduced to


    Since the degree of each minimal polynomial is m or less,the degree ofg (X) is at most mt . That is, the number of parity-check digits, n k, of the code is at most equal to mt .

    There is no simple formula for enumerating n k, but ift

    is small, n

    k is exactly equal to mt. The parameters for allbinary BCH codes of length 2m 1 with m 10 , are given inTable 1. The BCH codes defined above are usually calledpr imit ive(or narrow-sense) BCH codes.

  • 8/2/2019 Bch Rs Codes


    Ass.Prof.Dr.Thamer Information Theory 4th Class in Communications


  • 8/2/2019 Bch Rs Codes


    Ass.Prof.Dr.Thamer Information Theory 4th Class in Communications


    Example 1: Let a be a primitive element of the Galois field

    GF(24) given by Table 2 , such that 1 + + 4 = 0. From

    Table 3 , we find that the minimal polynomials of, 3, and 5


  • 8/2/2019 Bch Rs Codes


    Ass.Prof.Dr.Thamer Information Theory 4th Class in Communications


  • 8/2/2019 Bch Rs Codes


    Ass.Prof.Dr.Thamer Information Theory 4th Class in Communications


    It follows from (3) that the double-error-correcting BCH code oflength n = 24 1=15 is generated by

    Thus, the code is a (15, 7) cyclic code with dm i n 5. Since the

    generator polynomial is code polynomial of weight 5, theminimum distance of this code is exactly 5.

    EXAMPLE 2: The triple-error-correcting BCH code of length 15is generated by

    This triple-error-correcting BCH code is a (15, 5) cyclic code withdm in 7. Since the weight of the generator polynomial is 7, theminimum distance of this code is exactly 7.

    Using the primitive polynomial p(X) = 1 + X + X6, wemay construct the Galois field GF(26) as shown in Table 4. Theminimal polynomials of the elements in GF(26) are listed in Table

  • 8/2/2019 Bch Rs Codes


    Ass.Prof.Dr.Thamer Information Theory 4th Class in Communications


    5. Using (3), we find the generator polynomials of all the BCHcodes of length 63 as shown in Table 6.

  • 8/2/2019 Bch Rs Codes


    Ass.Prof.Dr.Thamer Information Theory 4th Class in Communications


  • 8/2/2019 Bch Rs Codes


    Ass.Prof.Dr.Thamer Information Theory 4th Class in Communications


  • 8/2/2019 Bch Rs Codes


    Ass.Prof.Dr.Thamer Information Theory 4th Class in Communications


  • 8/2/2019 Bch Rs Codes


    Ass.Prof.Dr.Thamer Information Theory 4th Class in Communications


    H matrix (i.e. the parity-check matrix) of the BCH code isgiven as

    (4)Note that the entries ofH are elements in GF(2m). Each elementin GF(2m) can be represented by a w-tuple over GF(2). If eachentry of H is replaced by its corresponding m-tuple over GF(2)arranged in column form, we obtain a binary parity-check matrixfor the code.

    Example 3: Consider the double-error-correcting BCH code of

    length n = 2" 1 =15. From Example 1 we know that this is a(15, 7) code. Let be a primitive element in GF(24). Then the

    parity-check matrix of this code isUsing (4) we get that:

  • 8/2/2019 Bch Rs Codes


    Ass.Prof.Dr.Thamer Information Theory 4th Class in Communications


    Using Table 2, the fact that 15 = 1, and representing

    each entry ofH by its corresponding 4-tuple, we obtainthe following binary parity-check matrix for the code:

    The t-error-correcting BCH code denned above indeed hasminimum distance at least 2t + 1. The parameter 2t + 1 isusually called the designed distance of the /-error-correcting

    BCH code. The true minimum distance of a BCH code may ormay not be equal to its designed distance. There are many caseswhere the true minimum distance of a BCH code is equal to itsdesigned distance. However, there are also cases where the trueminimum distance is greater than the designed distance.

  • 8/2/2019 Bch Rs Codes


    Ass.Prof.Dr.Thamer Information Theory 4th Class in Communications



    In addition to the binary codes, there are non binary codes. In

    fact, ifp is a prime number and q is any power ofp, there arecodes with symbols from the Galois field GF(q). These codesare called q-ary codes .The special subclass ofq-ary BCH codes for which s = 1 is themost important subclass of q-ary BCH codes. The codes of thissubclass are usually called the Reed-Solomoncodes in honor oftheir discoverers . A t-error-correcting Reed-Solomon code withsymbols from GF(q) has the following parameters:

    We consider Reed-Solomon codes with code symbols from the

    Galois field GF(2m) (i.e., q = 2m). Let be a primitive element in

    GF(2m). The generator polynomial of a primitive t-error-correcting Reed-Solomon code of length 2m 1 is


  • 8/2/2019 Bch Rs Codes


    Ass.Prof.Dr.Thamer Information Theory 4th Class in Communications


    The code generated by g(X) is an (n, n 2t ) cyclic code whichconsists of those polynomials of degree n 1 or less withcoefficients from GF(2m) that are multiples ofg(X). Encoding ofthis code is similar to the binary case.

    EXAMPLE: Consider a triple-error-correcting Reed-Solomon codewith symbols from GF(24). The generator polynomial of this codeis

    H.W: Find the generator polynomial g(X) for a double-errorcorrecting Reed- Salmon Code (RS) with GF(8) which aregenerated by X3 + X2 + 1?