BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 2014

Barbados Co-operative & Credit Un BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 nion League Ltd. 1 2014


The Training Booklet for Members of the Barbados Co-operative & Credit Union League who contribute to the BCCULL Education Fund

Transcript of BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 2014

Barbados Co-operative & Credit Union League Ltd.

BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 –

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– 2014

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014


Eligibility Criteria 4

Registration Process 4

Facilitators 5

Venue 5

Training Times 6

Cancellation Policy 6

Assessment 7

Certification 7

Face-to-Face Workshops Descriptions & Course Calendar 8

Board of Directors and Volunteers Functioning & Development 9

Board of Directors Orientation 9

Supervisory Committee Orientation 12

Credit Committee Orientation 14

Finance & Accounting 16

Basic Co-operative Accounting 16

Advance Credit Union Accounting 18

Compliance, Lending & Delinquency 19

Best Practices in Credit Union Lending 19

Business Administration, Development & Service 21

Strengthening Your Credit Union’s Culture 21

Effective Member Relations 23

Member Development Presentations 25

Online Courses 29

Short Descriptions 29

Financial Management II 29

Corporate Governance II 29

Management Skills Development 30

Strategic Management 30

Penalties 31

Course Calendar 31

Contact Us 33

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

The Barbados Co-operative & Credit Union League Ltd . is the trade association of the co-operative movement which supports the development of co-operatives, advocates for an enabling environment, defends the interests of co-operatives and contributes to building the profile of the movement in the eyes of the wider Barbadian community and beyond. Strategic Objective 3 of The League speaks to offering relevant training solutions and member education programmes. Hence, The League has re-confirmed that the main focus of its training programme is to provide staff and volunteers with access to courses which will assist with the Institutional strengthening/ development of co-operatives.

Another element of the programme is to provide general members of Co-operatives with access to information that will enhance their social and financial well-being. Based on the feedback received from our formal and informal needs assessments, The League has formulated this co-operative Education programme to ensure that we meet our stated objectives. We invite you to review this booklet and look forward to having you register the relevant persons to attend the sessions.

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

Eligibility Criteria Our regular training programmes are open to employees, committee members and individual members of co-operatives that are members of the League and annually contribute 1% of their profits to our Education Fund .

Registration Process Have you seen a course that interests you? Then

1. Visit our website www.barbadoscoopleague.org

2. Go to Services , Training and Select Online Registration

3. Select the Course Title from the Course Calendar

4. Select Register

5. Complete the Registration Form and submit it for processing.

6. We will contact you using the details provided on the form to confirm if your registration has been successful.

• Alternatively kindly complete a hardcopy of the registration form; which can be obtained from our office; and submit it to us via facsimile at 436-5848 or e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] . NB. Online registration is processed quicker than manual registration

Our maximum class size is 25 persons. Your registration confirmation is dependent on availability of space in terms of numbers and a proportional mix of Credit Unions represented. It is critical that participant’s provide all the requested information to ensure the successful planning of the session. Participants are reminded that when in doubt of course/exam dates, times and venues they are free to contact us at 429-7075 for this information. Pre-Course Registration is necessary for ALL course s.

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Facilitators Our team of facilitators is a dedicated group of individuals with years of technical experience. These individuals give generously of their time, professional advice and guidance to the advancement of co-operative education and development.

Venue Unless otherwise stated the venue for courses organized by the BCCULL, will be the Training Room located on the 1st Floor, Co-operators General Insurance Co. Ltd. Upper Collymore Rock, St. Michael

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

Training Times Unless otherwise stated the training times will be as follows: ½ Day Sessions: 9.00am to 12.00pm or 1.30pm to 4.30pm Whole Day Sessions: 9.00am to 4.00pm Evening Sessions: 5.30pm to 8.30pm

Cancellation Policy In the event that you can no longer attend a course for which you are registered, The League should be notified in writing no less than three (3) working days prior t o the scheduled date of the training. This courtesy would allow us to adjust our administration and catering functions accordingly. In the event that you have registered for courses a nd fail to notify us of non-attendance in the specified tim eframe on two occasions this will result in us cancelling any other registrations we have for you in our system. The League reserves the right to cancel or reschedule seminars/workshops/courses that are under-subscribed. In the event of low registration or a need to reschedule due to facilitator illness, natural disaster etc. the League will advise of cancellation of the course using the email address and or mobile number noted on the participant registration form.

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Assessment The League utilizes the following methods as a means of assessing the participant’s grasp of skill and knowledge Observation Oral & Written Questioning In Class/ Online Discussion Scenario Analysis Simulated Activity/Role Plays

Certification The League offers either Certificate of Attendance Presentations/courses where no formal written, oral, simulated or on the job assessments are completed or where a formal written, oral, simulated or on the job assessment is completed. Certificate of Participation Presentations/courses where formal written, oral, simulated or on the job assessments are completed and participants receive grades of 40% to 59%. Where a participant does not meet the participation criteria no certificate is awarded. These certificates will be presented to participant s on the day of the course unless otherwise stated. Certificate of Completion Presentations/courses where formal written, oral, simulated or on the job assessments are completed and participants receive grades of 60% to 100%. Where participants receive 80% or higher with Distinction will be adde d to the certificate title. For workshops which comprise of more than one module or course, to be awarded the overall workshop certificate all modules/courses must be completed at completion level. A Graduation is held annually for persons completing specified courses.

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

Face-to-Face Workshops Descriptions & Course Calendar

The Barbados Co-operative & Credit Union League offers courses in the following categories.

• Board of Directors & Volunteer Functioning & Development

• Finance & Accounting • Business Administration, Development & Member

Service • Compliance, Lending & Delinquency • Member Development Presentations

We invite you to review the course description/topics/objectives to determine which courses best meet the skill and knowledge needs of your staff, volunteers and general members. Please note that if you prefer to have any of the open enrollment programmes customized and organized for your Credit Union only this service is available. Contact us to discuss your special training needs so that we can submit a proposal to you. Don’t see a programme on the schedule? Contact us to let us know of your requirements. We will be happy to arrange a special session for you.

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

Board of Directors and Volunteers Functioning & Development

Board of Directors Orientation Today there is immense pressure on Credit Unions to offer financial products and services which can compete with those offered by large banks and other financial institutions. The decisions your Board of Directors makes - or doesn't make - ultimately influences your credit union's vision, focus, and ability to effectively deliver your products and services to your members. Providing new board members with the information they need to perform effectively is a critical step in developing a strong Board of Directors. On completion of this workshop participants will be able to: Module 1: History, Principles and Organizational Structure • Articulate the history and principles of co-operative

societies • Understand the basic structure of a credit union and how

it should operate Module 2: Role, Duties and Legal Responsibilities of the Board • Understand and explain the function of the Board of

Directors in a cooperative • Explain the relationship between the Board of Directors

and the supervisory committee, credit committee, manager, staff and members

• Know how to delegate power, authority and responsibilities through the use of job descriptions and policies

• Define their powers and duties as outlined in the Co-operative Societies Act 1990-23, Regulations and FSC Guidelines

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Module 3: Committee Planning and Functioning • Understand the importance of ongoing planning and

evaluation • Situate the function of planning within the management

process • Design effective meeting agendas • Understand the role of the Chairman • Develop a Calendar of Board Activities Module 4: Financial Management and Analysis • Review the purpose of financial reporting • Identify the basic elements of typical co-operative

financial statements • Recognise the importance of monitoring budgets with

respect to the Income and Expenditure Statement • Examine the relationship between the various types of

financial statements Module 5: Leadership Development • Define leadership • Recognise that leadership in the responsibility of all

elected officials in a cooperative and explore the Board’s role as an advisor, informer, and supporter of the general membership

• Explain their role as a change agent within their own cooperative

• Identify the Director’s role in exercising leadership in the co-operative

• Identify blocks and obstacles to member involvement • Discuss strategies for increasing the involvement of

members • Explore techniques for recruiting, informing and involving

members • Recognise the importance of member education and its

relation to member commitment and involvement

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

This 2-day programme of training is designed to address the orientation needs of new Directors. It will also assist other volunteers and personnel supporting the Board’s activities as well as members of the Supervisory and Credit Committees in understanding their relationship with the Board. Date: 21 & 28 September 2013 7 & 14 June 2014 Time: 9.00am to 4.30pm

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

Supervisory Committee Orientation One single instance of badly handled funds within co-operatives can do untold harm to the entire co-operative movement. This is why the Supervisory Committee within the Co-operative Movement is critical to its success. A good alert Supervisory Committee increases the confidence of members in the co-operative. It is therefore essential that members understand and are able to complete their roles. It is expected that participation in this course will enable trainees to conduct thorough audits to ensure that the co-operative society is operating safely and soundly and producing financial data which is accurate, easily retrievable and regularly reported. On completion of this workshop participants will be able to Module 1: History, Principles and Organizational Structure • Articulate the history and principles of co-operative

societies • Understand the basic structure of a credit union and how

it should operate Module 2: Legal Requirements for the Supervisory Committee • Understand and explain the profile and function of the

Supervisory Committee in a cooperative • Guide co-operatives to fulfill the requirements of the Co-

operative Societies Act. • Understand and explain the importance of reporting

misappropriation or misdirection of funds, securities or other properties

• Follow procedures for suspension of a Board of Director or Member of the Credit Committee

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Module 3: Accounting & Auditing • Understand and apply accounting concepts and

conventions that govern the basis of accounting records • Identify and interpret financial statements • Verify cash and non-cash transactions, investment

balances, share and loan balances • Balance share and loan accounts and ensure that each

loan balance is supported by proper legal evidence and security

• Review notes and supporting papers to verify signatures, authorizations and security

• Understand the importance establish a system for monitoring that board and credit committee meetings are being held in accordance with the by-laws

• Understand the importance establish and review systems for record keeping and retrieval

Who should attend? This course is designed to address the orientation needs of new supervisory committee members and internal auditors in co-operatives. Date: 12 & 19 October 2013 21 & 28 June 2014 Time: 9.00am to 4.30pm

What actual participants had to say?

“This is really great knowledge and application” June 2013

“Excellent programme! It should be a must for commi ttee members” June 2013

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

Credit Committee Orientation The Credit Committee can be seen as the heart of the Credit Union. This Committee has the responsibility for approving or disapproving loan requests from members. How well this committee performs can make or break your Credit Union. Other financial institutions can make borrowing actually seem attractive – so do credit unions, but with one difference. Credit Unions lend to assist their members in solving problems and to meet their needs; we do not lend to make a profit. It is important that Credit Committee members undergo an orientation to ensure that sound lending decisions are made consistently. On completion of this workshop participants will be able to: Module 1: History, Principles and Organizational Structure • Articulate the history and principles of co-operative

societies • Understand the basic structure of a credit union and how

it should operate Module 2: Credit Committee, Credit & Collateral • Understand and explain the profile and function of the

Credit Committee in a cooperative • Be familiar with the requirements under the Co-operative

Societies Act. • Define the concept of security/collateral and list the types

of security available • Explain the credit union’s purpose for taking security on

loans Module 3: Processing of Loan Application Forms, Loan Policy & Collections • Identify the types of loan documents existing for Credit

Union use • Understand and explain the use of loan forms • Identify the types of delinquents and explain how to

discourage delinquency

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

• Understand the principles of financial counseling in order to assist others in personal budgeting and financial planning

Who should attend?

This course is designed to address the orientation needs of new Credit Committee members in co-operatives. It will also assist other volunteers and personnel supporting the Credit Committee’s activities. Date: 2 & 9 November 2013

5 & 12 July 2014

Time: 9.00am to 4.00pm

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

Finance & Accounting

Basic Co-operative Accounting This course, delivered over six weeks, provides participants with good technical knowledge of the co-operative accounting procedures. This session is designed to guide participants through the accounting process from receipting and payments to the preparation of financial statements. Participants will also examine monthly reports required by the Regulator in Barbados. It is expected that participants will be enabled to become more effective and efficient in the area of cooperative accounts as they will be provided with a professional forum which utilizes group discussion, lecture and exercises for the examination of cooperative accounting processes and issues. On completion of this workshop participants will be able to: Module 1: Accounting Principles • Understand and apply accounting concepts and

conventions that govern the basis of accounting records • Understand the terminology typically used in financial

accounting for cooperatives Module 2: Cash-in Transactions • Accurately process and record cash-in transactions Module 3: Cash-out Transactions • Correctly process and record cash-out transactions Module 4: Understanding Accrual Accounting • Explain the revenue recognition and the matching

principle • Differentiate between the cash basis and the accrual

basis of accounting • Explain accruals and deferral and how they affect the

financial statements. • Explain why adjusting entries are needed and identify the

major types of adjusting entries • Prepare adjusting entries for accruals.

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

• Describe the nature and purpose of the adjusted trial balance

• Explain closing the books and why it is done. Module 5: Introduction to Financial Statements • Identify the types of financial statements and their

components • Identify the unique aspects of cooperative financial

statements • Read and interpret financial statements • Prepare statements in the correct reporting format

The course will be particularly useful to accounting staff, treasurers, assistant treasurers and supervisory committee members, responsible for executing, overseeing or auditing accounting functions. Participants should note that written assessments are a part of this course. Registration by individual module is not allowed. Date: 23 September – 30 October, 2013 Time: 5.30pm to 8.30pm

What actual participants had to say?

“The facilitator made every effort to ensure that p articipants grasped the concepts & principles being taught in a very practical

way” Oct-Nov 2010

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

Advance Credit Union Accounting This two-day course builds on the foundations laid in the basic co-operative accounting course. It seeks to expose participants to the more technical aspects of accounting practices and procedures. On completion of this workshop participants will be able to:

Module 1: An in depth look at Preparing Financial

Statements • Balancing accounts • Incomplete records • Read and interpret financial statements • Interpretation of accounts Participants should note that written assessments are a part of this course. Date: 5 & 12 April, 2014 Time: 9.00am to 4.00pm

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

Compliance, Lending & Delinquency

Best Practices in Credit Union Lending This workshop is designed to train credit union staff and volunteers who manage loans. The workshops aims to provide staff and volunteers with the knowledge, tools and procedures to help them grant and monitor loans. It also focuses on helping participants to create written policies and action plans to expand and improve operations in their credit union On completion of this workshop participants will be able to: New! Module 1: Preconditions for Success Lending & Setting Loan Policy • Discuss the necessary conditions for successful

productive lending • Analyse potential problems for the credit union and the

members • State the importance of the loan policy • Discuss the content and major elements of the loan

policy • Discuss how the loan policy is used in decision making • Discuss the role – authority and responsibilties – of BOD,

Committee Members, and staff in the lending process

New! Module 2: Loan Analysis & Structuring • Understand the phases of loan analysis • Review the Cs of lending to analyse the loan application • Review the four main components involved with loan

approvals • Review policy statements concerning loan amounts,

terms, disbursements and other condidtions New! Module 3: Credit Administration & Delinquency Control • Discuss effective loan monitoring, refinancing and

collection best practices. • Understand the policy implications of credit


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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

Participants should note that written assessments are a part of this course. Participants should also note that registration for individual modules is allowed. Date: 1, 15 & 22 February 2014 Time: 9.00am to 4.00pm

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

Business Administration, Development & Service

Strengthening Your Credit Union’s Culture This workshop is designed for Credit Union leadership personnel/volunteers. This course provides these individuals with specific ideas about what they can do, and what they can influence colleagues and subordinates to do, in order to enable the day-to-day practices and procedures of their Credit Union to be more in harmony with the desired culture. Credit Unions wishing to participate in this program should register groups of 4 persons. On completion of this workshop participants will be able to: New! Module 1: Leadership: The Power to Influence & Motivate • Verbalize their current organization’s culture and their

target • Assess their individual leadership style and analyze how

it effects performance, morale and the establishment of the organisation’s culture

Module 2: Creating Dynamic Teams* • Understand team dynamics in relation to diversity,

individual skills, styles and personalities etc. • Understand the benefits of team problem-solving • Understand the importance of recognising

communication styles within teams • Recognise factors that contribute to effective and

ineffective teams * Participants should note that Module 2 is an outdoo r training activity. The venue will be communicated a t a later date . Module 3: Performance Management • Discuss the importance of effective recruiting and

selection to build the organization’s brand • Understand the importance of supporting employee’s

development and setting realistic targets

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• Understand the importance of consistent monitoring as opposed to “overseeing”

• Give effective feedback to enable employees to stop, start or continue actions which support organizational growth

New! Module 4: Rewards & Recognition: Celebrating Your Success

• Discuss the importance of matching reward & recognition schemes to the Credit Union’s culture

• Discuss individualize vs. generic awards schemes • Recognise the importance of using acknowledgement

and praise to build confidence and morale-the value of “Thank You”

As a reminder Credit Unions wishing to participate in this program should register groups of 4 persons. Participants should note that written assessments are a part of this course. Participants should also note that registration for individual modules is allowed. Date: 1, 8 & 22, 29 March 2014 Time: 9.00am to 4.00pm

What actual participants had to say?

“I would like to see more persons attending these k inds of courses. It was n excellent way of showing how effective wor king in a team

can be” April 2011 CDT

“As usual the knowledge and skills gained during th e course has provided us with valuable information which would b e definitely

useful in our organization” November 2011 PM

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

Effective Member Relations Let’s face it; once upon time companies could get away with offering mediocre customer service, however these days are long gone. Left is a more discerning customer who is careful to choose companies where they receive quality products and quality attitude. This quality service did not happen by accident. Companies have fast recognized that without a clear customer service mission and actions to achieve it they quickly exit the business world. Does your Credit Union have a focused member service programme? If not this workshop is for you. Module 1 of this workshop is for the leaders (management/BOD) responsible for formulating member service policy as it relates to your member service vision and values. This workshop is strategic in nature and is intended for persons involved in member service planning. Module 2 and 3 of this workshop are for the frontline staff/volunteers interacting day after day with members and aims to enable them to build lasting member relationships by effectively matching the members’ needs to the credit union products and services. On completion of this workshop participants will be able to: Module 1: Establishing Your Member Service Foundation • Understand the importance of conducting research

around their customer service function • Understand the importance of implementing procedures

and offering products which are customized to member needs

• Understand the importance of training both management & staff in Member Service Policies

• Draft a Member Service Vision and Values Statement • Review best practices in service policies

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Module 2: Member Service: Getting It Right Every Time • Give Members A Positive Impression Of Yourself and

Your Credit Union • Explore actions and activities the enable the delivery of

reliable Member Service • Discuss service recovery tips and best practices to

resolve Member Service problems

Module 3: Building Relationships, Making the Sale New! • Recognise the importance of creating dialogue with

members to research their needs • Understand the need for product knowledge to be able to

positively promote products and services to the members that require them

• Value the need for consistent monitoring of the product or service to ensure that the member is satisfied

• Recognize that every interaction is an opportunity to create a FAB experience

Participants should note that written assessments are a part of this course. Participants should also note that registration for individual modules is allowed. Date: 10, 24 & 31 May 2014 Time: 9.00am to 4.00pm

What actual participants had to say?

“It was a great learning experience” March 2013 EYMSF

“The facilitator was excellent” September 2011 MSGIRET

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

Member Development Presentations

As mentioned previously BCCULL provides general members of Credit Unions with access to information that they can use to enhance their social and financial well-being. Below you will find the schedule of Member Development Presentations that should be of interest to general members. Members wishing to attend these presentations should complete the registration for and submit it to us for processing. All presentations in this category are 3-hour presentations unless otherwise stated. SEPTEMBER 2013 Event Planning Before planning any event, there is much that must be done behind the scenes to make the event successful. We will take a look at the behind the scenes of event planning and explain some aspects of organizing. This presentation is targeted at all those individuals who find themselves responsible for planning events. Date: 14 September 2013 Time: 9.00am to 12.00pm

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JANUARY 2014 Budgeting for Family Life Everyday living comes with a cost attached. Living without a budget can be expensive and wasteful. This presentation takes a look at typical household expenses and how they can be budgeted for. If you are planning to start a household or currently running one and need some budgeting help then this presentation will be useful for you. Date: 18 January 2014 Time: 9.00am to 12.00pm Introduction to Long-term Savings and Investment Products There are lots of different ways to save and invest. This presentation will highlight the importance of saving and investing and will provide participants with information on long-term savings and investment options offered by Credit Unions & Financial Institutions in Barbados. Date: 18 January 2014 Time : 1.30pm to 4.30pm JULY 2014

Recognizing the signs of Elderly Financial Abuse The number of elderly people in Barbados is growing significantly and, along with it, financial abuse of elders is burgeoning. This presentation explores elder and dependant adult financial abuse as it relates specifically to credit union staff. It reviews what to watch for, how to recognize potential abuse, what to do when abuse is suspected, and the appropriate actions to take including when, and how, to bring the issue to the attention of authorities. Date: 19 July 2014 Time: 9.00am to 12.00pm Understanding and Managing Credit This course takes a look at credit and outlines the benefits and challenges of various forms of credit instruments e.g. credit cards, hire purchase, loans and lines of credit. Participants will be able to take a look at how credit works and receive tips on how and when to use Credit. Date: 19 July 2014 Time : 1.30pm to 4.30pm

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

Course Name & Category

2013 September

14 The Basics of Event Planning (1/2 day) Category: Member Development Presentation

23 Basic Co-operative Accounting (6 weeks) Category: Finance & Accounting

21 & 28 Board of Directors Orientation (2 days) Category: BOD & Volunteer Functioning & Development Workshops


12 & 19 Supervisory Committee Orientation (2days) Category: BOD & Volunteer Functioning & Development Workshops


2 & 9 Credit Committee Orientation (2 days) Category: BOD & Volunteer Functioning & Development Workshops


Course Name & Category 2014 January

18 Budgeting for Family Life (1/2 day) Category: Member Development Presentation

18 Introduction to Investments (1/2 day) Category: Member Development Presentation


Best Practices in Credit Union Lending (3 days) Category: Compliance, Lending & Delinquency

1 Preconditions for Success Lending & Setting Loan Policy

15 Loan Analysis & Structuring

22 Credit Administration & Delinquency Control


Strengthening Your Credit Union’s Organizational Culture (4 days) Category: Business Administration, Development & Service

1 Leadership: The Power to Influence & Motivate

8 Creating Dynamic Teams

22 Performance Management

29 Rewards & Recognition: Celebrating Success

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Course Name & Category


5 & 12 Advanced Credit Union Accounting (2 days) Category: Finance & Accounting


Effective Member Relations (3 days)

Category: Business Development, Administration & Service

10 Establishing Your Customer Service Foundation

24 Member Service: Getting It Right Every Time

31 Building Relationships, Making the Sale


7 & 14 Board of Directors Orientation (2 days) Category: BOD & Volunteer Functioning & Development Workshops

21 & 28 Supervisory Committee Orientation (2days) Category: BOD & Volunteer Functioning & Development Workshops


5 & 12 Credit Committee Orientation (2 days) Category: BOD & Volunteer Functioning & Development Workshops

19 Recognizing the signs of Elderly Financial Abuse (1/2 day) Category: Member Development Presentation

19 Understanding and Managing Credit Category: Member Development Presentation

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

Online Courses

Short Descriptions These courses are self-study supplemented by online discussion groups and one in-class review facilitated by a course instructor. Students must submit 2 assignments, answer questions online according to the schedule, and complete a written assessment. The courses are intended to help credit union directors, volunteers and employees to acquire the knowledge necessary to deal with a rapidly changing environment and changes in the regulation and supervision of credit unions. During September to November 2013 the following courses will be offered:

Financial Management II The focus in this course is on how to manage the risks that were identified and explained in Financial Management I. The course examines the different tools and approaches to measure, manage and monitor the most important risks facing credit unions in Barbados. It is targeted toward managers, treasurers, accountants and all other financial personnel, directors and committee members who are actively involved in the financial operations of credit unions. Estimated time per week: 5-6 hours. Pre-requisites: familiarity with credit union financial statements and knowledge of basic accounting.

Corporate Governance II This course builds on the content covered in the Corporate Governance I course; however, the first course should not be considered a pre-requisite for this one. Corporate Governance II focuses more on how the Board is involved with the actual oversight of the credit union’s operations. Topics include committee selection, roles and responsibilities, policy implementation and monitoring and

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strategic planning. Other topics directly related to operations include risk management, financial management, credit risk and the audit and supervisory committees. This course will be of interest to all directors, committee members and managers. Estimated time per week: 5-6 hours. Pre-requisites: familiarity with basic credit union governance structures helpful but not necessary.

Management Skills Development This course is a cross-section of common management and human resource topics. The topics reflect the problems that have been identified as common to credit unions in Barbados. Topics will include hiring, performance management, career planning and management, interpersonal communication, teamwork, leadership, employee development and stress management. The course will be of interest to all Board members, officers, employees and members in general as many of these problems are common to most companies and organizations. Estimated time per week: 4-5 hours. Pre-requisites: none.

Strategic Management The course focuses on the need for strategic management in all credit unions and the strategic planning process. The planning process presented will be a somewhat streamlined version so that all Barbadian credit unions can benefit regardless of size. Topics presented will include preparation for planning, goal-setting, analysis, strategies and tactics, implementation, communication and monitoring. The course will provide students with a practical approach to strategic planning that can be used in their credit unions. Estimated time per week: 4-5 hours. Pre-requisites : familiarity with basic strategic management concepts helpful but not necessary

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Penalties Answers posted to the online system 3 days after the deadlines will not be marked and assignments submitted after the deadline will result in a penalty of 5 marks deducted for everyday the assignment is late. To complete the course and receive certificate participants must complete the final test on the day and time assigned.

Course Calendar The courses will follow the below schedules. Corporate Governance II Week Student Participation in:

7-Sep Orientation Session Post introductions

14-Sep Lesson 1 Answer Questions Online 21-Sep Lesson 2 Answer Questions Online 28-Sep Lesson 2 Answer Questions Online

5-Oct Mid-term Review Session Assignment 1 Due, In-class

Review 12-Oct Lesson 3 Answer Questions Online 19-Oct Lesson 3 Answer Questions Online 26-Oct Lesson 4 Answer Questions Online 2-Nov Lesson 4 Assignment 2 Due 9-Nov Break

16-Nov Final test @ 9.30am to 11.00am

Strategic Management Week Student Participation in: Notes

7-Sep Orientation Session Post introductions

14-Sep Lesson 1 Answer Questions Online 21-Sep Lesson 2 Answer Questions Online 28-Sep Lesson 2 Answer Questions Online

5-Oct Mid-term Review Session Assignment 1 Due, In-class

Review 12-Oct Lesson 3 Answer Questions Online 19-Oct Lesson 3 Answer Questions Online 26-Oct Lesson 4 Answer Questions Online 2-Nov Lesson 4 Assignment 2 Due 9-Nov Break

16-Nov Final test @11.30am to 1.00pm

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Management Skills Development Week Student Participation in Notes

7-Sep Orientation Session/Lesson 1 Post introductions/ Answer

Questions Online 14-Sep Lesson 2 Answer Questions Online 21-Sep Lesson 3 Answer Questions Online 28-Sep Lesson 3 Answer Questions Online

5-Oct Mid-term Review Session Assignment 1 Due, In-class

Review 12-Oct Lesson 4 Answer Questions Online 19-Oct Lesson 4 Answer Questions Online 26-Oct Lesson 5 Answer Questions Online 2-Nov Lesson 6 Assignment 2 Due 9-Nov Break

16-Nov Final Test @ 1.30pm to 3.00pm

Financial Management II Week Student Participation in: Notes

7-Sep Orientation Session Post introductions to website

14-Sep Lesson 1 Answer Questions Online 21-Sep Lesson 2 Answer Questions Online 28-Sep Lesson 2 Answer Questions Online

5-Oct Mid-term Review Session Assignment 1 Due, In-class

Review 12-Oct Lesson 3 Answer Questions Online 19-Oct Lesson 3 Answer Questions Online 26-Oct Lesson 4 Answer Questions Online 2-Nov Lesson 4 Assignment 2 Due 9-Nov Break

16-Nov Final test @ 3.30pm to 5.00pm

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BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014

Contact Us We would be happy to answer any queries or receive any comments/suggestions you may have. Kindly contact us by using the below information. For information regarding Registration and Current Course Schedule Shondelle Carter – Administrative Assistant Email: [email protected] For information regarding Programme Development, Assessments & Reporting: Marisa Marshall – Training Officer Email: [email protected] Tel: (246) 429-7075 Fax: (246) 436-5848

Barbados Co-operative & Credit Union League Ltd. 34

BCCULL Training Opportunities 2013 – 2014