BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised

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Transcript of BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised

  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

     Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education

    BCA Under CBCS w.e.f. 2016-201

    !a"le-1# B.C.A. SE$ES!E% & '

    Sno Course !otal$ar(s

    $id Se)E*a)+

    Se) EndE*a)



    1 ,irst anguageEnglish

    100 2 /

    2 Foundation Course - 1 HPE Hu)an alues 3Professional Ethics4

    0 0 0 2 2

    Foundation course -2 

    Co))unication 3 SoftS(ills -1

    0 0 0 2 2

    / Ele)entar5 $athe)atics 100 2 6

    Co)uter ,unda)entals3 $S office

    100 2 /

    6 $S 7,,'CE AB 0 0 0 2 2

    Progra))ing Using 8C9 100 2 /

    : Progra))ing Using 8C9a"

    0 0 0 2 2

    ; Photosho a" 0 0 0 2 2

    !otal 60 2: 2/

    Page 1 of $%

  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

     Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education

    BCA Under CBCS with effect fro) the acade)ic 5ear 2016-201 course of stud5 

    !a"le-2# B.C.A. SE$ES!E% & ''

    Sno Course !otal$ar(s

    $id Se)E*a)+

    Se) EndE*a)



    1 ,irst anguageEnglish

    100 2 /

    2 Foundation course - 3En


    100 2 /

    : 7"=ect 7rientedProgra))ing Using 8C>

    >9 a"

    0 0 0 2 2

    ;  Ado"e 'n ?esign a" 0 0 0 2 2

    !otal 60 2: 2/

    Page 2 of $%

  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

     Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education

    BCA Under CBCS with effect fro) the acade)ic 5ear 2016-201 course of stud5 

    !a"le-# B.C.A. SE$ES!E% & '''

    Sno Course !otal$ar(s

    $id Se)E*a)+

    Se) EndE*a)



    1 ,irst anguageEnglish

    100 2 /

    2 Foundation Course - 5  Entrereneurshi

    0 0 0 2 2

    Foundation course -2BCo))unication 3 SoftS(ills -2

    0 0 0 2 2

    /  Accounts and ,inancial$g)t

    100 2 6

    ?B$S 100 2 /

    6 ?B$S a" 0 0 0 2 2

    Progra))ing with @AA 100 2 /

    :  @AA AB 0 0 0 2 2

    ; !all5 Software 0 0 0 2 2

    !otal 60 2: 2/

     Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education

    BCA Under CBCS with effect fro) the acade)ic 5ear 2016-201 course of stud5

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  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#


    !a"le-/# B.C.A. SE$ES!E% & '

    Sno Course !otal


    $id Se)


    Se) End





    1 Foundation Course – 2C* Co))unication 3 SoftS(ills -

    0 0 0 2 2

    2 Foundation Course – 6*  Anal5tical S(ills

    0 0 0 2 2

    Foundation Course - 7 ** CE Citienshi Education4

    0 0 0 2 2

    / Foundation course – 4B'C! & 2 Dreamweaver 

    0 0 0 2 2

    Uni* 100 2 /

    6 ?ata Structures Using@a

  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    1$%niversit&'s Choice(

    # )etork Securit& 1"" #! +! ! ,

    - Softare Engineering 1"" #! +! ! ,

    , ../D 1"" #! +! ! ,

    Elective 1

    !01 Data Mining 2are


    1"" #! +! - #!0# Computer )etorks

    !0- C&3er 4orensics

    Elective #

    501 /ndroid 6asics

    1"" #! +! - #

    50# Principles of /nimation

    50- Softare Testing


    Elective 1 $7/6(

    +01 Data Mining 7a3

    !" " !" # #

    +0# Computer )etorks 7a3

    +0- C&3er 4orensics 7a3

    Elective # $7a3(

    801 /ndroid 6asics 7a3

    !" " !" # #

    80# Computer /nimation 7a3

    80- Testing Tools 7a3

    Total 5!" #+ ##

     Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education

    BCA Under CBCS with effect fro) the acade)ic 5ear 2016-201 course of stud5!a"le-6# B.C.A. SE$ES!E% & '

    Sno Course !otal$ar(s

    $id Se)E*a)+

    Se) EndE*a)



    1 S(ill ?e

  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#


  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#


    :ntroduction to computers; characteristics and limitations of computer; 6lock diagram of 

    computer; t&pes of computers; uses of computers; computer generations0 )um3er 

    s&stemsraphic .39ects

    U4 /

    Microsoft Excel< %nderstanding Excel 6asics0 4ormatting and Editing the 2orksheet ;%sing4ormulas and 4unctions0 2orking ith Charts0

    Microsoft PoerPoint< %nderstanding PoerPoint 6asics0 4ormatting and Modif&ing

    Presentations Enhancing the Presentation

    R,3,R,4C, B9 

    10 4undamentals .f Computers ? 3& @EEM/ TH/@EA/ from .B4.@D %):E@S:T


    #0 Microsoft .ffice #""+ 4undamentals; 1st Edition 6& 7aura Stor&; Dana 2alls $%):T :;

    %):T ::; %):T :::; %):T :(

    -0 Computer 4undamentals and Programming in C? 3& @EEM/ TH/@EA/ from .B4.@D

    %):E@S:T P@ESS

    ,0 PC S.4T2/@E %)DE@ 2:)D.2S  3& Puneet =umar /nd Sushil 6harda9 4rom

    =al&ani Pu3lishers

    St'dent Activit&+

    10 :dentif& the parts of &our computerFlaptop

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  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    #0 7oad trail version of recent MS office suit in &our s&stem-0 Prepare &our profile in MS PP using animations and sound effects

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  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    CU,R 3U45A,4AS A45 S 33C, AB

    10 Prepare &our class time ta3le using different Text formatting's in a ta3le0

    #0 Send a Call 7etter for /ll /pplicants to :nform :ntervie Details using Mail Merge-0 T&pe &our mathematical pro3lems in MS ord using Mathematical EGuation editor 

    ,0 Create 2ater Marking

    !0 Create 6ackup file50 Create a short film ith animation and sound effects

    +0 Create a pa&slip ith details of emplo&ee salar&

    80 Calculate student grades using his internal and external marks details0 Dra different t&pes of charts for eather anal&sis of ! successive &ears

    1"0 Prepare an excel sheet for posting attendance of students in various su39ects and create a

    formula for promoting students having +!I minimum attendance110 Prepare an excel sheet for conducting o39ective entrance test having multiple choice


    1#0 Prepare an excel sheet for student details and create formulas for accessing student

    addresses; categor& etc0

    BCA I year I semester 

    R:RA4: US4: C


    10 7earn ho to solve common t&pes of computing pro3lems0

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  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    #0 7earn data t&pes and control structures of C-0 7earn to map pro3lems to programming features of C0

    ,0 7earn to rite good porta3le C programs0


    %pon successful completion of the course; a student ill 3e a3le to<

    10 /ppreciate and understand the orking of a digital computer #0 /nal&Je a given pro3lem and develop an algorithm to solve the pro3lem

    -0 :mprove upon a solution to a pro3lem,0 %se the KCK language constructs in the right a&

    !0 Design; develop and test programs ritten in KCK


    ntrod'ction to A!oto Statement0

    3'nctions< :ntroduction using functions 4unction declarationF protot&pe 4unction

    definition function call return statement Passing parameters Scope of varia3les StorageClasses @ecursive functions T&pe of recursion Toers of Hanoi0


    Arra&s< :ntroduction Declaration of /rra&s /ccessing elements of the /rra& Storing alues

    in /rra& Calculating the length of the /rra& .perations that can 3e performed on /rra& one

    dimensional arra& for interLfunction communication To dimensional /rra&s .perations on

    To Dimensional /rra&s0


  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    Str'ct're" Union" and ,n'merated 5ata &es+ :ntroduction )ested Structures /rra&s of 

    Structures Self referential Structures %nion Enumerated Data T&pes0

    U4 /

    3i!es+ :ntroduction to 4iles %sing 4iles in C @eading Data from 4iles 2riting Data from4iles Detecting the EndLofLfile Error Handling during 4ile .perations 0

    R,3,R,4C, B9S

    10 Computer 4undamentals and Programming in C 3& @EEM/ TH/@EA/ from .B4.@D

    %):E@S:T P@ESS

    #0 E 6alagurusam&< C.MP%T:)> 4%)D/ME)T/7S C P@.>@/MM:)> Tata‖

    Mc>raLHill; Second @eprint #""8; :S6) +8L"L"+L"55"L-0

    -0 /shok ) =amthane< Programming ith /)S: and Tur3o C; Pearson Edition Pu3l; #""#0

    ,0 #0 Henr& Mullish Huu3ert 70Cooper< The Sprit of C; Aaico Pu30 House;150

    !0 Teach &our C SkillsL=anithker 

    St'dent Activit&+

    10 Create time ta3le using facult& orkload; su39ects etc0

    #0 Prepare a complete note on recursion and its t&pes

    -0 Prepare a complete note t&pes of files and file formats for different inputdata

    R:RA4: US4: C AB

    10 2rite a C program to calculate the expression< $$a*3(Fc(N$aN3Lc(

    #0 2rite a C program to calculate $aN3Nc(-0-0 Program to convert temperature from

    a0 Celsius to 4ahrenheit0

     30 4ahrenheit to Celsius0

    ,0 2rite a C program to calculate the Compound :nterest0

    !0 Program to convert Hours into seconds0

    50 2rite a C program to 4ine 6iggest of Three num3ers0

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  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    +0 2rite a C program to read student marks in five su39ects and calculate the Total; /verage and >rade

    according to the folloing conditions<

    i0 :f average O+! grade is Q/R0

    ii0 :f average O5" and +! grade is Q6R0

    iii0 :f average O!" and 5" grade is QCR0

    iv0 .therise grade is QDR0v0 Check that marks in each su39ect O -!0

    80 2rite a C program to find 3iggest of to num3ers using Sitch Case0

    0 Program to displa& num3er of da&s in given month using Sitch LCase01"0 2rite a C program to check hether the given num3er is Prime or )ot0

    110 2rite a program to

    i0 Check hether given num3er is Palindrome or )ot0

    ii0 4ind the @everse of a given num3er0

    1#0 Program to check hether a given num3er is

    i0 Strong or )ot0

    ii0 /rmstrong or )ot0

    iii0 Perfect or )ot0

    1-0 2rite a C program to print 4i3onacci Series0

    1,0 2rite a C Program to print Prime )um3ers up to given range0

    1!0 2rite a program to print multiplication ta3les up to given range0

    150 2rite a C program to perform

    i0 Matrix Multiplication0

    1+0 Program to displa& Student Details using Structures0

    180 Program to sap to num3ers using different parameter passing techniGues0

    10 2rite a C program to

    i0 2rite data into a 4ile0

    ii0 @ead data from a 4ile0

    BCA I Year I Semester 

    Photo Shop Lab

    Create following items using dierent options in photo shop

    1. Visiting card2. Cover page of a book3. Paper add for calling tenders

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  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    4. Passport photo design5. Pamphlet6. Broacher designing. !itles designing". C#stom shapes creation

    $. %eb template design1&.Black ' (hite and color photo conversion11.)mage si*e modi+cation12.%edding alb#m designing13.Backgro#nd changes14.Bo, package cover designing15.!e,t#re and patterns designing16.-ilter eects ' /raser eects

    BCA I Year II Semester 

    ,RA4: SYS,S

    Co'rse )8ectives

    10 To understand the services provided 3& and the design of an operating s&stem0

    #0 To understand the structure and organiJation of the file s&stem0-0 To understand hat a process is and ho processes are s&nchroniJed and scheduled0

    ,0 To understand different approaches to memor& management0

    !0 Students should 3e a3le to use s&stem calls for managing processes; memor& and the files&stem0

    50 Students should understand the data structures and algorithms used to implement an .S0

    Co'rse 'tcomes

    10 /nal&Je the concepts of processes in operating s&stem and illustration of the scheduling of

     processor for a given pro3lem instance0

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  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    Deadlocks L S&stem Model; Deadlock CharacteriJation; Methods for Handling Deadlocks;Deadlock Prevention; Deadlock /voidance; Deadlock Detection and @ecover& from Deadlock0


    R,3,R,4C,S B9S+

    10 .perating S&stem Principles; /3raham Sil3erchatJ; Peter 60 >alvin; >reg >agne 8th

    Edition; 2ile& Student Edition0#0 Principles of .perating S&stems 3& )aresh Chauhan; .B4.@D %niversit& Press

    -0 .perating s&stems L :nternals and Design Principles; 20 Stallings; 5th Edition; Pearson0

    ,0 Modern .perating S&stems; /ndre S Tanen3aum -rd Edition PH:0

    !0 .perating S&stems / concept L 3ased /pproach; #nd Edition; D0 M0 Dhamdhere; TMH0

    50 Principles of .perating S&stems; 60 70 Stuart; Cengage learning; :ndia Edition0

    +0 .perating S&stems; /0 S0 >od3ole; #nd Edition; TMH

    St'dent Activit&+

    1. oad an& new oeratin< s&stem into &o'r com'ter.

    2. artition the memor& in &o'r s&stem

    %. Create a semahore for rocess s&nchroni=ation

    Operating Systems Lab

    10 >iven the list of processes; their CP% 3urst times and arrival times; displa&Fprint the >antt

    chart for 4C4S and SA40 4or each of the scheduling policies; compute and print the average

    aiting time and average turnaround time0 $# sessions(

    #0 >iven the list of processes; their CP% 3urst times and arrival times; displa&Fprint the >antt chart

    for Priorit& and @ound ro3in0 4or each of the scheduling policies; compute and print the average

    aiting time and average turnaround time0 $# sessions(

    -0 Developing applications using :nter Process Communication $using shared memor&; pipes or

    message Gueues(

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  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    ,0 :mplement the Producer Consumer pro3lem using semaphores

    !0 :mplement an& to memor& management schemes

    50 :mplement an& to file allocation techniGues $7inked; :ndexed or Contiguous(

    +0 :mplement an& to Page @eplacement /lgorithms

    80 :mplement Deadlock prevention algorithm0

    0 :mplement an& to disk scanning algorithms

    BCA I Year II Semester 


    Co'rse )8ectives

    This course covers o39ectLoriented programming principles and techniGues using CNN0 Topics

    include pointers; classes; overloading; data a3straction; information hiding; encapsulation;inheritance; pol&morphism; file processing; templates; exceptions; container classes; and loL

    level language features0 This course also covers 3asic concepts for softare design and reuse0

    Co'rse 'tcomes

    1.  %nderstand concepts of o39ects and their significance in real orld

    #0 :nvestigate softare pro3lem in terms of o39ects and entities-0 7earn to coLrelate relationship among different entities involved in a s&stem

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  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    ,0 4ind dependenc& and roles in an environment!0 Develop softare in terms of o39ects; associations; and integrit& constraints

    50 >eneraliJe and aggregate 3usiness entities and transform 3ehavior into functions

    +0 :dentif&; understand and anal&Je various sample development models


    rinci!es of + Softare Crisis0 Softare EvolutionL Programming Paradigms0 .39ect.riented Technolog&L 6asic concepts and 3enefits of ..P /pplication of ..P; ..P languages

    ntrod'ction to C>>+ Histor& of CNN; Structure of CNN; /pplication of CNN; tokens; ke&ords;

    identifiers; 3asic data t&pes; derived data t&pes; derived data t&pes; s&m3olic constant; d&namic

    initialiJation; reference varia3les; scope resolution operator; t&pe modifiers; t&pe castingoperators and control statements; input and output statements in CNN; 4unction protot&ping and

    components; Passing parameters< Call 3& reference; @eturn 3& reference; :nline function; Default

    arguments; .ver loaded function0

    U4 C!asses and )8ects+ Class specification; Mem3er function definition nested mem3er function; access Gualifiers; static data mem3ers and; mem3er functions0 :nstance creation L /rra&

    of o39ects L D&namic o39ects L Static .39ects .39ects as arguments L@eturning o39ects

    Constr'ctors and 5estr'ctors+ ConstructorsL ParameteriJed constructors; .verloaded

    Constructors; Constructors ith default arguments; cop& constructors; Destructors0


    erator ver!oadin

  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    10 1 .39ect .riented Programming ith CNN 3& @eema Thare9a; .B4.@D %niversit& Press

    #0 The Complete @eference CNN; Her3 Schildt; Tata Mc>raLHill; 4ourth Edition0

    -0 @o3ert 7afore; U.39ect .riented Programming in CNNU; >algotia Pu3lication Pvt0 7td;,


    edition; )e Delhi; #""#

    ,0 /shok ) =amathane; U.39ect .riented Programming ith /)S: Tur3o CNNU; Pearson

    Education; )e Delhi; #""-0

    !0 69arne Stroustrup;U CNN Programming languageU; Pearson Education; )e Delhi; #""10

    50 enugopal = @; @a9kumar 6u&&a and @avishankar T;U Mastering CNNU; TMH; )D; #""5

    St'dent Activit&+10 Create a class diagram for academic process in &our college

    #0 2rite a program to implement ikuntapali?game


    10 2rite a CNN program to find the sum of individual digits of a positive integer0

    #0 / 4i3onacci seGuence is defined as follos< the first and second terms in the seGuence

    are " and 10 Su3seGuent terms are found 3& adding the preceding to terms in the

    seGuence0 2rite a CNN program to generate the first n terms of the seGuence0

    -0 2rite a CNNprogram to generate all the prime num3ers 3eteen 1 and n ; here n is a

    value supplied 3& the user0

    ,0 2rite a CNNprogram to find the factorial of a given integer 

    !0 2rite a CNNprogram to find the >CD of to given integers

    50 2rite a CNN program that uses a recursive function for solving Toers of Hanoi pro3lem0

    +0 2rite a CNNprogram to implement call 3& value and call 3& reference parameters passing

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    80 2rite a CNN program to implement function templates

    0 2rite a program to implement .verloading and .verriding

    1"0 2rite a CNN program to implement the matrix /DT using a class0 The operations

    supported 3& this /DT are<a0 @eading a matrix0

     30 Printing a matrix

    c0 /ddition of matrices

    d0 Su3traction of matrices

    e0 Multiplication of matrices

    110 2rite CNNprograms that illustrate ho the Single inheritance; Multiple inheritance

    Multi level inheritance and Hierarchical inheritance forms of inheritance are


    1#0 2rite a CNNprogram that illustrates the order of execution of constructors and

    destructors hen ne class is derived from more than one 3ase class

    1-0 2rite a CNN program that illustrates ho run time pol&morphism is achieved using

      virtual functions

    Adobe In Desin LABIm!"ement t#e $o""o%in tas&s 'sin ADOBE

    1. Res'me desi

  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    BCA II Year III Semester 

    5AABAS, A4A:,,4 SYS,S

    Co'rse )8ectives

    The o39ective of the course is to ena3le students to understand and use a relational data3ase

    s&stem0 :ntroduction to Data3ases; Conceptual design using E@D; 4unctional dependencies and )ormaliJation; @elational /lge3ra is covered in detail0 Students learn ho to design and create a

    good data3ase and use various S7 operations0 The course concludes ith an overvie of 

    transaction management and introduction to advanced and nonLrelational data3ases0

    Co'rse 'tcomes

    10 /3le to master the 3asic concepts and understand the applications of data3ase s&stems0#0 /3le to construct an Entit&L@elationship $EL@( model from specifications and to transform to

    relational model0

    -0 /3le to construct unar&F3inar&FsetFaggregate Gueries in @elational /lge3ra0,0 %nderstand and appl& data3ase normaliJation principles0

    !0 /3le to construct S7 Gueries to perform C@%D operations on data3ase0 $Create; @etrieve;

    %pdate; Delete(

    50 %nderstand principles of data3ase transaction management; data3ase recover&; securit&0


    5ata)ase S&stems+ :ntroducing the data3ase and D6MS; 4iles and 4ile S&stems; Pro3lems ith

    4ile S&stem and advantages of Data3ase Management s&stems0

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    5ata ode!s+ The importance of Data models; Data Model 6asic 6uilding 6locks; 6usiness

    @ules; The evaluation of Data Models; Degree of Data /3straction0


    he Re!ationa! 5ata)ase ode!+ / logical vie of Data; =e&s; :ntegrit& @ules; @elational Set.perators; The Data Dictionar& and the s&stem catalog; @elationships ith in the @elational

    Data3ase; Data @edundanc& revisited; :ndexes; Codd's relational data3ase rules0

    ,ntit& Re!ationshi ode!+ The E@ Model; Developing E@ Diagram;


    4orma!i=ation of data)ase ta)!es+ Data3ase Ta3les and )ormaliJation; The need for 

     )ormaliJation; The )ormal forms and High level )ormal 4orms; denormaliJation0


    ntrod'ction to S+ Data Definition Commands; Data Manipulation Commands; Select

    Gueries; /dvanced Data Definition Commands; /dvanced Select Gueries; irtual Ta3les; Aoining

    Data3ase Ta3les0

    Advanced S+ @elational Set .perators; S7 Aoin .perators; Su3Gueries and correlated

    Gueries; S7 4unctions; .racle SeGuences; and Procedural S70


    ransaction anara Hill $#""+(0

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    ,0 C0A0Date; /0=annan; S0Sam&nathan; /n :ntroduction to Data3ase S&stems; Eight

    Edition; Pearson Education $#""5(0

    !0 /tul =ahate; :ntroduction to Data3ase Management S&stems; Pearson Education $#""5(0

    St'dent Activit&+10 Create student data3ase of &our college for placement purpose

    #0 Create student data3ase of &our college for fees reim3ursement; /DH//@ as primar& ke&

    BCA II Year III Semester 

    5AABAS, A4A:,,4 SYS,S AB

    1.rder racin< 5ata)ase

    The .rder Tracking Data3ase consists of the folloing defined six relation schemas0


    Parts$pno;pname;Goh;price;level( $hint< Goh< Gualit& on hand(


    .rders$ono;cno;eno;received date;shipped date(



    Solve the folloing Gueries

    10 >et all pairs of customer num3ers for customers 3ased on same Jip code0

    #0 >et part num3ers for parts that have 3een ordered 3& at least to different customers0

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    -0 4or each odetail ro; get ono;pno;pname;Gt& and price values along ith the total pricefor the item0 $total priceprice*Gt&(

    ,0 >et customer name and emplo&ee pairs such that the customer ith name has placed an

    order through the emplo&ee

    !0 >et customer names living in fort dodge or li3eral0

    50 >et cname values of customers ho have ordered a product ith pno 1"!"50

    +0 >et pname values of parts ith the loest price0

    80 >et cname values of customers ho have placed at least one order through the emplo&ee

    ith num3er 1"""0

    0 >et the cities in hich customers or emplo&ees are located0

    1"0 >et the total sales in dollars on all orders0

    110 >et part name values that cost more than the average cost of all parts01#0 >et part names of parts ordered 3& at least to different Customers0

    1-0 >et for each part get pno;pname and total sales

    1,0 4or each part; get pno;pname; total sales; hose total sales exceeds 1"""1!0 >et pno; part names of parts ordered 3& at least to different customers0

    150 >et cname values of customers ho have ordered parts from an& one emplo&ee 3ased in

    ichita or li3eral0

    2.Shiment data)ase

    /n enterprise ishes to maintain the details a3out his suppliers and other corresponding details0

    4or that it uses the folloing ta3les

    Ta3le s$sid;sname;address(

     primar& ke& < sid

    Ta3le p$pid;pname;color(

     primar& ke& < pid

    Ta3le cat$sid;pid;cost(

     primar& ke& < sidNpid

    Page 2% of $%

  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    reference ke& < sid references s0sid

      pid references p0pid

    Solve the folloing Gueries

    10 4ind the pnames of parts for hich there is some supplier 

    #0 4ind the snames of suppliers ho suppl& ever& part0

    -0 4ind the snames of suppliers ho supp& ever& red part0

    ,0 4ind the pnames of parts supllied 3& london supplier and 3& no

    one else

    !0 4ind the sids of suppliers ho charge more for some part other than the average cost of

    that part

    50 %sing group 3& ith having clause get the part num3ers for all the parts supplied 3& more

    than one supplier0

    +0 >et the names of the suppliers; ho do not suppl& part p#0

    80 4ind the sids of suppliers ho suppl& a red and a green part

    0 4ind the sids of suppliers ho suppl& a red or a green part

    1"0find the total amount has to pa& for that supplier 3& part

    located from london

    %.,m!o&ee data)ase

    /n enterprise ishes to maintain a data3ase to automate its operations0 Enterprise divided into to

    certain departments and each department consists of emplo&ees0 The folloing to ta3lesdescri3es the automation schemas

    Dept $deptno; dname; loc(

    Emp $empno;ename;9o3;mgr;hiredate;sal;comm;deptno(

    Page 2 of $%

  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    10 Create a vie; hich contain emplo&ee names and their manager names orking in sales


    #0 Determine the names of emplo&ee; ho earn more than their managers0

    -0 Determine the names of emplo&ees; ho take highest salar& in their departments0

    ,0 Determine the emplo&ees; ho located at the same place0

    !0 Determine the emplo&ees; hose total salar& is like the minimum salar&50 of an& department0

    +0 %pdate the emplo&ee salar& 3& #!I; hose experience is greater than 1" &ears0

    80 Delete the emplo&ees; ho completed -# &ears of service00 Determine the minimum salar& of an emplo&ee and his details; ho 9oin on the same

    date01&.Determine the count of emplo&ees; ho are taking commission and not taking


    110 Determine the department does not contain an& emplo&ees01#0 4ind out the details of top ! earner of compan&0

    1-0 Displa& those managers name hose salar& is more than average salar& of his


    10 Displa& those emplo&ees ho 9oined the compan& 3efore 1!th of the monthW

    #0 Displa& the manager ho is having maximum num3er of emplo&ees orking under himW

    -0 Print a list of emplo&ees displa&ing Rless salar&' if less than 1!"" if exactl& 1!"" displa& as

    Rexact salar&' and if greater than 1!"" displa& Rmore salar&'W,0 Displa& those emplo&ees hose first # characters from hire dateLlast # characters of


    !0 Displa& those emplo&ees hose 1"I of salar& is eGual to the &ear of 9oiningW50 :n hich &ear did most people 9oin the compan&W Displa& the &ear and num3er of


    +0 Displa& the half of the enames in upper case and remaining loer case

    80 Displa& ename; dname even if there no emplo&ees orking in a particular department$use

    outer 9oin(0

    .!DsE! ro

  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    -0 2rite a plFsGl program to sap to num3ers ithout using third varia3le0

    ,0 2rite a plFsGl program to generate multiplication ta3les for #;,;5

    !0 2rite a plFsGl program to displa& sum of even num3ers and sum of odd

    num3ers in the given range0

    50 2rite a plFsGl program to check the given num3er is pollinndrome or not0

    +0 rite a plFsGl procedure to prepare an electricit& 3ill 3& using

    folloing ta3le

      ta3le used< elect

     name nullW T&pe

      mno not null num3er$-(

    cname varchar#$#"(

     curXread num3er$!(

     prevXread num3er$!(

     noXunits num3er$!(

     amount num3er$8;#(

     serXtax num3er$8;#(

     netXamt num3er$;#(

    80 2rite a procedure to update the salar& of emplo&ee; ho 3elongs to

    certain department ith a certain percentage of raise0

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    BCA II Year III Semester 

    )8ect riented ro

  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    Data T&pes; Declaration of aria3les; >iving alue to aria3les; Scope of varia3les; S&m3olic

    Constants; T&pe casting; >etting alue of aria3les; Standard Default valuesY ,RARS G



    5,CS4 A94: G BRA4C@4:+ :ntroduction; Decision making ith if statement;

    Simple if statement; if0 Else statement; )esting of if0 else statements; the else if ladder; the

    sitch statement; the conditional operator0 4:< :ntroduction; The 2hile statement; the

    doLhile statement; the for statement; Aumps in loops0

    CASS,S" BF,CS G ,@5S< :ntroduction; Defining a class; /dding varia3les;

    /dding methods; Creating o39ects; /ccessing class mem3ers; Constructors; Method overloading;

    Static mem3ers; )esting of methodsY


    4@,RA4C,< Extending a class; .verloading methods; 4inal varia3les and methods; 4inal

    classes; /3stract methods and classesY

    ARRAYS" SR4:S A45 /,CRS+ /rra&s; .neLdimensional arra&s; Creating an arra&;

    To dimensional arra&s; Strings; ectors; 2rapper classesY

    4,R3AC,S+ M%7T:P7E :)HE@:T/)CE< :ntroduction; Defining interfaces; Extending

    interfaces; :mplementing interfaces; /ssessing interface varia3lesY


    U@R,A5,5 R:RA4:+  :ntroduction; Creating Threads; Extending the

    Threads; Stopping and 6locking a Thread; 7ifec&cle of a Thread; %sing Thread Methods; Thread

    Exceptions; Thread Priorit&; S&nchroniJation; :mplementing the R@unna3le' :nterface0

    A4A:4: ,RRRS A45 ,HC,4S+ T&pes of errors < CompileLtime errors; @unL

    time errors; Exceptions; Exception handling; Multiple Catch Statements; %sing finall& statement;


    A, R:RA4:+ local and remote applets; /pplets and /pplications; 6uilding

    /pplet code; /pplet 7ife c&cle< :nitialiJation state; @unning state; :dle or stopped state; Dead

    state; Displa& state0

    AC9A:,S+ :ntroduction; Aava /P: Packages; %sing S&stem Packages; )aming conventions;

    Creating Packages; /ccessing a Package; using a Package0

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    A4A:4: 4UDUU 3,S 4 FA/A+  :ntroduction; Concept of Streams; Stream

    classes; 6&te Stream Classes; :nput Stream Classes; .utput Stream Classes; Character Stream

    classes< @eader stream classes; 2riter Stream classes; %sing Streams; @eading and riting files0

    Reference Boos+

    10 E06alagurusam&; Programming ith A//; / primer; -e; T/T/ Mc>raLHill


    #0 Programming in Aava 3& Sachin Malhotra; .B4.@D %niversit& Press-0 Aohn @0 Hu33ard; Programming ith Aava; Second Edition; Schaum's outline Series; T/T/

    Mc>raLHill Compan&0

    ,0 Deitel Deitel0 Aava TM< Ho to Program; PH: $#""+(

    !0 Aava Programming< 4rom Pro3lem /nal&sis to Program DesignL D0S Mallik 50 .39ect .riented Programming Through Aava 3& P0 @adha =rishna; %niversities Press $#""8(

    St'dent Activit&+

    1. Create a front end 'sin< FA/A for the st'dent data)ase created

    2. earn the difference )etween 5BC and F5BC

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    BF,C R,4,5 R:RA4: US4: FA/A AB

    10 Aava program to demonstrate the use of Harmonic Series0

    #0 Aava program to displa& a num3er of even; odd and sum of even; odd program0

    -0 Aava program to find a su3 string in the given string0

    ,0 Aava program to arrange the given strings in /lpha3etic .rder0

    !0 Aava program to implements /ddition and multiplication of to Matrices0

    50 Aava program to demonstrate the use of Constructor0

    +0 Aava program to displa& a use of method overloading0

    80 Aava program to demonstrate the use of overriding Method0

    0 Aava program for single :nheritance0

    1"0 Aava program for implementing :nterface0

    110 Aava program on Multiple :nheritance0

    1#0 Aava program for to implement Thread; Thread Priorit&;

    1-0 Aava program to demonstrate Exception handling0

    1,0 Aava program to demonstrate /pplet program0

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    AY AB

    1( =iran started a 3usiness ith the folloing transactions

    i( =iran started 3usiness ith @s0 1;"";"""FL

    ii( =iran purchased goods ith @s0 #";"""FL

    iii( =iran sold products for @s0 ,";"""FL

    iv( /nd he spent @s0 !;"""FL toards for salaries0

    . ractica! e?ercise for the a)ove transactions are

    a( Creating Compan& Transactions

     3( Creation of 7edgers0

    c( @ecord of ouchers0

    d( Preparation of 6alance Sheet0e( Preparation of Profit and 7oss /ccount

    f( Trial 6alance

    g( Da& 6ook 

    2# Create the a)ove records for an& or

  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    BCA II Year IV Semester 

    UD'FCo'rse )8ectives

    10 To understand %nix .perating S&stem

    #0 To explore the 6asic Shell Commands

    Co'rse 'tcomes

    /fter this course; the student ill 3e a3le to

    10 :mplement and innovate commands using the 3asic tool kit0

    #0 Develop shell programs in viFvim editor 


    U4H ,RA4: SYS,

    .vervie of %):B .perating S&stem; 3asic features of %nix operating S&stem; 4ile Structure;

    CP% Scheduling; Memor& Management; 4ile S&stem :mplementation of .perating S&stem4unctions in %):B0


    Starting .f %nix and Text Manipulation and userLtoLuser communication %ser )ames and

    >roups; 7ogging :n; 4ormat of %nix Commands; Changing &our passord; %nix



    3i!es and 5irectories< ; 4ile permission; 6asic .peration on 4iles; Changing Permission Modes;Standard files ; Processes :nspecting 4iles; .perating .n 4iles; Printing 4iles; @earranging 4iles;

    Sorting 4iles; Splitting 4iles; Translating Characters; .n line communication; .ff linecommunication0

    Unit /

    / ,5RS

    >eneral characteristics; /dding text and )avigation; changing text; searching for text; cop&ing

    and Moving text; 4eatures of Ex; 7ine Editors Ex and Ed; Stream editor SED; changing severalfile s in SED; /2=0

    Unit /

    She!! ro

  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    Maintaining program S&stem /dministration Define s&stem /dministration; 6ooting the s&stem;Maintaining %ser /ccounts; 4ile S&stem; and special files; 6ackup and @estoration0

    References Boos+

    10 %nix and shell Programming 3& 60M Harani; .B4.@D %niversit& Press

    #0 %nix Concept and applicationL Sumita3hadas-0 %nix Shell ProgrammingLashant =anetkar

    ,0 %nix Programming EnvironmentL @o3Pike!0 %nix in a )utshellL Donill >il&

    St'dent Activit&+

    10 7oad unixFlinux in &our s&stem in a separate drive

    #0 Create graphics in unix environment

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    BCA II Year IV Semester 

    Uni* a"

    1. E*ecute of

  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    Co'rse )8ectives

    To introduce the fundamental concept of data structures and to emphasiJe the importance of data

    structures in developing and implementing efficient algorithms0 :n addition; another o39ective of 

    the course is to develop effective softare engineering practice; emphasiJing such principles as

    decomposition; procedural a3straction; and softare reuse0

    Co'rse 'tcomes

    /fter completing this course satisfactoril&; a student ill 3e a3le to<

    10 Descri3e ho arra&s; records; linked structures; stacks; Gueues; trees; and graphs arerepresented in memor& and used 3& algorithms0

    #0 Descri3e common applications for arra&s; records; linked structures; stacks; Gueues; trees;

    and graphs0

    -0 2rite programs that use arra&s; records; linked structures; stacks; Gueues; trees; andgraphs

    ,0 Demonstrate different methods for traversing trees!0 Compare alternative implementations of data structures ith respect to performance50 Compare and contrast the 3enefits of d&namic and static data structures implementations

    +0 Descri3e the concept of recursion; give examples of its use; descri3e ho it can 3e

    implemented using a stack 080 Discuss the computational efficienc& of the principal algorithms for sorting; searching;

    and hashing0


    Concet of A)stract 5ata &es (A5s#- Data T&pes; Data Structures; Storage Structures; and

    4ile Structures; Primitive and )onLprimitive Data Structures; 7inear and )onLlinear Structures0

    inear ists  L /DT; /rra& and 7inked representations $Single and Dou3le 7inked lists(;



    Stacs< Definition; /DT; /rra& and 7inked representations; :mplementations and /pplications0

    'e'es< Definition; /DT; /rra& and 7inked representations; Circular ueues; DeGueues;

    Priorit& ueues and /pplications0


    rees+ 6inar& Tree; Definition; Properties; /DT; /rra& and 7inked representations;

    :mplementations and /pplications; Heaps Trees and /pplications;

    Binar& Search rees (BS#  L Definition; /DT; .perations and :mplementations; 6ST ith

    Duplicates and /pplications0


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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    U4 /

    :rahs  >raph and its @epresentation; >raph Traversals; Connected Components; 6asic

    Searching TechniGues; Minimal Spanning Trees0

    U4- /Sortin< and SearchinraLHill; #""#0

    -0 D S Malik; Data Structures %sing CNN; Thomson; :ndia Edition #""5

    ,0 Heilman > :;0 Data Structures; /lgorithms and .39ectL.riented Programming; Tata

    Mc>raLl lill0 #""#0 $Chapters : and 1,(0!0 Trem3la& 01 P; and Sorenson P >; :ntroduction to Data Structures and /pplications; Tata


    50 DroJdek /; Data Structures and /lgorithms in CNN(; #nd edition; ikas Pu3lishing House;


    +0 =anetkar P; Data Structures through C NN; 6P6 Pu3lications0 #""-0

    80 Data Structures 3& /llen 2eiss

    St'dent Activit&+

    1. Create /is'a! Stac 'sin<

  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    #0 2rite Programs to implement the ueue operations using an arra&0

    -0 2rite Programs to implement the Stack operations using Pointers0

    ,0 2rite Programs to implement the ueue operations using Pointers0

    !0 2rite a program for arithmetic expression evaluation0

    50 2rite a program for 6inar& search Tree Traversals+0 2rite a program to implement deGueue using a dou3l& linked list0

    80 2rite a program to search an item in a given list using

    $i( 7inear Search

    (ii) 6inar& Search0

    0 2rite a program for

    $i(6u33le Sort

    $ii( uick Sort

    (iii) Merge Sort0

    1"0 2rite a program for pol&nomial addition using S77

    BCA II Year IV Semester 

    ,B R:RA4:

    Co'rse )8ective

    Page %7 of $%

  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    •  To provide knoledge on e3 architecture; e3 services; client side and server side

    scripting technologies to focus on the development of e3L3ased information s&stemsand e3 services0

    •  To provide skills to design interactive and d&namic e3 sites0

    Co'rse 'tcome

    10  To understand the e3 architecture and e3 services0

    #0 To practice latest e3 technologies and tools 3& conducting experiments0

    -0 To design interactive e3 pages using HTM7 and St&le sheets0

    ,0 To stud& the frameork and 3uilding 3locks of 0)ET :ntegrated Development

    Environment0!0 To provide solutions 3& identif&ing and formulating :T related pro3lems0


    D)S ELmail 4TP T4TP Histor& of 222 6asics of 222 and 6rosing L 7ocal

    information on the internet HTM7 2e3 6roser /rchitecture 2e3 Pages and Multimedia  

    @emote 7ogin $TE7)ET(0


    ntrod'ction to e) echno!oatea& :nterface0

    U4 /SP /SP Technolog& /SP Example Modern Trends in /SP Aava and AM Aava

    Servlets Aava Server Pages0

    /ctive 2e3 Pages< /ctive 2e3 Pages in 3etter solution Aava /pplets 2h& are /ctive 2e3

    Pages PoerfulW 7ifec&cle of Aava /pplets /ctiveB Controls Aava 6eans0 Middleare and

    ComponentL6ased ELCommerce /rchitectures

    U4 /

    C.@6/ Aava @emote Method :nvocation DC.M0 ED:< .vervie .rigins of ED:  

    %nderstanding of ED: Data Exchange Standards ED: /rchitecture Significance of ED:  

    4inancial ED: ED: and internet0

    U4 /

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    H< S>M7 6asics of BM7 BM7 Parsers )eed for a standard0 2/P< 7imitations of 

    Mo3ile devices Emergence of 2/P 2/P /rchitecture 2/P Stack Concerns a3out 2/P

    and its future /lternatives to 2/P0

    R,3,R,4C, B9 1. 2E6 TECH).7.>:ES TCPF:P to :nternet /pplications /rchitectures /ch&ut S >od3ole

    /tul =ahate; #""+; TMH0

    2. 2e3 Technologies 3& %ttam =umar @o&; .xforn %niversit& Press

    %. :)TE@)ET /)D 2E6 TECH).7.>:ES @a9kamal; TMH0

    . TCPF:P [email protected] S%:TE 6ehrouJ /0 4orouJan; -rd edition; TMH

    St'dent Activit&+

    10 Design a e3site for &our college

    #0 Design &our personal e3 site

    BCA II Year IV Semester 

    ,B R:RA4: AB

    10 Create a simple HTM7 page hich demonstrates all t&pes of lists0

    #0 Create a letter head of &our college using folloing st&les

    i0 image as 3ackground

    ii0 use header tags to format college name and address

    Page %; of $%

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    -0 Create a e3 page; hich contains h&per links like fruits; floers; animals0 2hen &ou click

    on h&per links; it must take &ou to related e3 pageY these e3 pages must contain ith

    related images0

    ,0 Create a h&perlink to move around ithin a single page rather than to load another page0

    !0 Create a leave letter using different text formatting tags050 Create a ta3le format given 3ello using ro span and colspan0

    @). )/MEM/@=S

    M1 M# M- M, M!

    :nsert ! records0

    +0 Create a ta3le ith different formats as given 3ello0

    i0 >ive different 3ackground and font colors to ta3le header; footer and 3od&0

    ii0 %se ta3le caption tag0

    80 Divide a e3 page verticall& and horiJontall& ith scroll 3ars; name them as shon 3ello

    decorate it ith some items0




    0 Create a student 6ioLData; using forms0

    1"0 Create a e3 page using folloing st&le sheets

    i0 :nline st&le sheets0

    ii0 Em3edded st&le sheets0

    iii0 External st&le sheets

    110 2rite a AavaScript program to accept to values from form and appl& an& ! mathematical

    functions2rite student data3ase ith BM7

    BCA III Year V Semester 

    4etwor Sec'rit&

    Co'rse )8ectives+

    10 %nderstand Securit&< /ttacks; Services Mechanisms

    #0 Stud& of various securit& algorithm availa3le for securit& and protection

    Page 0 of $%

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    -0 Ciphering of plain text

    ,0 Stud& of conventional encr&ption algorithm; ke& management issues

    !0 Cr&ptograph& and various encr&ption methods

    50 =noledge and implementation of hash function to messages

    +0 Digital signature and its importance in transaction processing

    80 Concept of netork securit&; director& authentication; eLmail

    0 iruses and their implication to 3usiness applications

    1"0 4irealls and netork securit& principle


      4R5UC4+.S: Securit& /rchitecture L Classical Encr&ption techniGues L Cipher 

    Principles L Data Encr&ption Standard L 6lock Cipher Design Principles and Modes of .peration0

    U4 -

    UBC 9,Y CRY:RA@Y+=e& Management L DiffieLHellman ke& Exchange L Elliptic

    Curve /rchitecture and Cr&ptograph& L :ntroduction to )um3er Theor& L Confidentialit& using

    S&mmetric Encr&ption L Pu3lic =e& Cr&ptograph& and @S/0


    AU@,4CA4 A45 @AS@ 3U4C4 +/uthentication reGuirements L

    /uthentication functions L Message /uthentication Codes L Hash 4unctions L Securit& of Hash

    4unctions and M/Cs L MD! message Digest algorithm L Secure Hash /lgorithm L @:PEMD L

    HM/C Digital Signatures L /uthentication Protocols L Digital Signature Standard

    U4 - /

    4,R9 S,CURY + /uthentication /pplications< =er3eros L B0!" /uthentication

    Service L Electronic Mail Securit& L P>P L SFM:ME L :P Securit& L 2e3 Securit&0

    U4 /

    SYS, ,/, S,CURY+ :ntrusion detection L passord management L iruses andrelated Threats L irus Counter measures L 4ireall Design Principles L Trusted S&stems0

    Page 1 of $%

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#


    10 2illiam Stallings; UCr&ptograph& /nd )etork Securit& L Principles and PracticesU; Prentice

    Hall of :ndia; Third Edition; #""-0

    #0 /tul =ahate; UCr&ptograph& and )etork Securit&U; Tata Mc>raLHill; #""-0

    -0 6ruce Schneier; U/pplied Cr&ptograph&U; Aohn 2ile& Sons :nc; #""10

    ,0 Charles 60 Pfleeger; Shari 7arence Pfleeger; USecurit& in ComputingU; Third Edition;

    Pearson Education; #""-0

    St'dent Activit&+

    10 Create passord verification using images

    #0 Create passord verification using multimedia

    BCA III Year V Semester 

    Software Engineering

    Co'rse )8ectives

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  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    ,0Pfleeger; Softare EngineeringLTheor& Practice?; -rd Edition; PearsonEducation; #""

    !0 Carlo >haJi; Mehdi AaJa&ari; Dino Mandrioli; 4undamentals of Softare

    Engineering?; Pearson Education; #""-

    St'dent Activit&+

    10Develop reGuirement anal&sis report to develop softare for an& financial organiJation

    #0 Develop risk anal&sis report for an& organiJation using softare for its da& to da& transactions

    BCA III Year V Semester 


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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    Co'rse )8ective

    • To develop 3ackground knoledge as ell as core expertise in o39ect oriented s&stem0

    • To provide the importance of the softare design process0

    • To assess the unified process and %nified Modeling 7anguage

    Co'rse 'tcome

    • To descri3e the three pillars of o39ectLorientation methodologies and explain the 3enefits

    of each 0

    • To create use case documents that capture reGuirements for a softare s&stem0

    • To create class diagrams that model 3oth the domain model and design model

    of a softare s&stem0

    • To design the interface 3eteen the classes and o39ects0

    • To create interaction diagrams that model the d&namic aspects of a softare


    • To understand the facets of the %nified Process approach to designing and

     3uilding a softare s&stem0

    • To descri3e ho design patterns facilitate development and list several of the

    most popular patterns0

    To design the /xioms and corollaries0

    • To 3uild a model for the user interface $%:( of a softare application

    • To measure the 7evel of %ser satisfaction and softare Gualit& assurance0


    :ntroduction to ../D 2hat is ../DW 2hat is %M7W 2hat are the %nited process$%P(

     phases L Case stud& the )ext>en P.S s&stem; :nception L%se case Modeling L @elating %secases include; extend and generaliJation0


    Ela3oration L Domain Models L 4inding conceptual classes and description classes /ssociations  /ttri3utes Domain model refinement 4inding conceptual class hierarchiesL /ggregation and

    CompositionL %M7 activit& diagrams and modeling

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#


    S&stem seGuence diagrams L @elationship 3eteen seGuence diagrams and use cases 7ogicalarchitecture and %M7 package diagram 7ogical architecture refinement L %M7 class diagrams

    L %M7 interaction diagrams

    U4 /

    >@/SP< Designing o39ects ith responsi3ilities Creator :nformation expert 7o Coupling Controller High Cohesion Designing for visi3ilit& L /ppl&ing >o4 design patterns adapter;

    singleton; factor& and o3server patterns0

    U4 /

    %M7 state diagrams and modeling L .peration contractsL Mapping design to code L%M7

    deplo&ment and component diagrams

    @E4E@E)CE 6..=S<

    10 .39ect .riented /nal&sis and Design 6& >rad& 6ooch0

    #0 Craig 7arman;U/ppl&ing %M7 and Patterns< /n :ntroduction to o39ectLoriented /nal&sis andDesign and iterative development?; Third Edition; Pearson Education; #""!

    -0 Mike .'Dochert&; .39ectL.riented /nal&sis Design< %nderstanding S&stem Development

    ith %M7 #0"?; Aohn 2ile& Sons; #""!0,0 Aames 2L Cooper; /ddisonL2esle&; Aava Design Patterns / Tutorial?; #"""0

    !0 Micheal 6laha; Aames @am3augh; .39ectL.riented Modeling and Design ith %M7?;

    Second Edition; Prentice Hall of :ndia Private 7imited; #""+

    50 Erich >amma; @ichard Helm; @alph Aohnson; Aohn lissides;Design patterns< Elements of@eusa3le o39ectLoriented softare?; /ddisonL2esle&; 1!0


    St'dent Activit&+

    10 Develop a class diagram for the flight services availa3le in &our near 3& air port

    #0 Develop a seGuence diagram of activities of an& automated device

    BCA III Year V Semester 

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    ,,C/, 1+ 5ata minin< G are @o'sin<

    Co'rse )8ectives

    The .39ective of this course is to understand data mining principles and techniGues< :ntroduce

    DM as a cutting edge 3usiness intelligence method and acGuaint the students ith the DMtechniGues for 3uilding competitive advantage through proactive anal&sis; predictive modeling;

    and identif&ing ne trends and 3ehaviors0 Develop and appl& critical thinking; pro3lemLsolving;

    and decisionLmaking skills

    Co'rse 'tcomes

    10 Examine the t&pes of the data to 3e mined and present a general classification of tasks and primitives to integrate a data mining s&stem0

    #0 /ppl& preprocessing statistical methods for an& given ra data

    -0 Discover interesting patterns from large amounts of data to anal&Je and extract patterns to

    solve pro3lems ; make predictions of outcomes,0 Comprehend the roles that data mining pla&s in various fields and manipulate different data

    mining techniGues!0 Select and appl& proper data mining algorithms to 3uild anal&tical applications0

    50 Evaluate and implement a ide range of emerging and nel&Ladopted methodologies and

    technologies to facilitate the knoledge discover&0


    :ntroduction to Data Mining; 4undamentals of data mining; data mining functionalities; data and

    attri3ute t&pes; statistical description of data0Data Preprocessing<

    Data cleaning; data integration; data reduction; data transformation and data discretiJation0


    5ata areho'sin

  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    C!'ster Ana!&sis< 6asic concepts; clustering structures; ma9or clustering approaches; partitioningmethods; hierarchical methods; densit& 3ased methods; the expectation maximiJation method;

    cluster 3ased outlier detection Essential @eading0


    10 10Data Mining 3& ikram Pudi; P0@adha =rishna; .xford %niversith Press

    #0 Data 2arehousing 3& @eema Thare9a ; .xford %niversit& Press-0 10A0 Han ; M0 =am3er and A0 Pei ; Data Mining< Concepts and TechniGues ; -rd0edMorgan

    =aufmann; #"11

    ,0 :ntroduction to data mining >0=0>upta; PH:!0 -0Data mining; Data arehouse .lapL6erson; Tata Mc>ra Hill

    Student /ctivit&<

    10Predict the course taken 3& a student 3ased on his activities and a& of learning#0 7earn visual patterns of an& real time data

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    4eaturing the :nternet?; Third Edition; /ddison 2esle&; #"",0

    ,0)ader 40 Mir; Computer and Communication )etorks?; Pearson Education; #""+

    !0Comer; Computer )etorks and :nternets ith :nternet /pplications?; 4ourth Edition;

    Pearson Education; #""-050 2illiam Stallings; Data and Computer Communication?; Sixth Edition; Pearson

    vi; #"""

    St'dent Activit&+

    10 7earn the functioning of various netork devices used in &our college netork 

    #0 Compare #>;->;,> and !> netorks

    -0 Prepare 7/) deplo&ment diagram of &our organiJation

    Com'ter 4etwors !a)

    1 :mplementation of Stop and 2ait Protocol and Sliding 2indo Protocol

    # Stud& of Socket Programming and Client Server model

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    - 2rite a code simulating /@P F@/@P protocols0

    ,0 2rite a code simulating P:)> and T@/CE@.%TE commands

    !0 Create a socket for HTTP for e3 page upload and donload0

    50 2rite a program to implement @PC $@emote Procedure Call(0

    +0 :mplementation of Su3netting0

    80 /pplications using TCP Sockets like

    a0 Echo client and echo server 30 Chat C0 4ile Transfer 

    0 /pplications using TCP and %DP Sockets like D)S; S)MP and 4ile Transfer0

    1"0 Stud& of )etork simulator $)S(0and Simulation of CongestionControl /lgorithms using )S

    110 Perform a case stud& a3out the different routing algorithms to select the netork path ith its

    optimum and economical during data transfer0

    BCA III Year V Semester 

    ,,C/, %+ Com'ter 3orensics

    Co'rse )8ectives

    • Explain the responsi3ilities and lia3ilities of a computer forensic investigator 

    • Plan and prepare for an incident reGuiring computer forensic skills

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    • SeiJe a computer from a crime scene ithout damaging it or risking it 3ecoming

    inadmissi3le in a court of la

    • Explain here digital evidence resides on computer storage devices

    Hire experts to perform detailed forensic anal&sis and expert testimon&

    Co'rse 'tcomes

    10 understand the role of computer forensics in the 3usiness and private orld

    #0 identif& some of the current techniGues and tools for forensic examinations

    -0 descri3e and identif& 3asic principles of good professional practice for a forensic

    computing practitioner 

    ,0 /ppl& forensic tools in different situations0


      ntrod'ction to Com'ter 3orensics  : Computer forensics definitions ;ComputersK roles in

    crimes ;Computer forensics tasks ;Prepare for an investigation; Collect evidence ;Preserve

    evidence ;@ecover evidence; Document evidence Challenges associated ith makingUc&3ercrimeU las; Aurisdictional issues0


    Com'ter Crimes 

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    Unit /

    reservin< and Recoverin< 5iuide to Computer 4orensics and :nvestigations ;6& 6ill )elson; /melia Phillips;

    christopher Steuart

    #0 Scene of the C&3ercrime; 3& De3ra 7ittle9ohn Shinder0

    -0 Aohn @0 acca; Computer 4orensics< Computer Crime Scene :nvestigation; #nd Edition; Charles

    @iver Media; #""!

    ,0 Christof Paar; Aan PelJl; %nderstanding Cr&ptograph&< / Text3ook for Students and Practitioners; #

    nd Edition; Springer's; #"1"

    ! 0 /li Aahangiri; 7ive Hacking< The %ltimate >uide to Hacking TechniGues Countermeasures for 

    Ethical Hackers :T Securit& Experts; /li Aahangiri; #""

    50 Computer 4orensics< :nvestigating )etork :ntrusions and C&3er Crime $EcLCouncil Press Series<

    Computer 4orensics(; #"1"

    St'dent Activit&+

    10 Collect calls made from a cell toer and anal&Je them#0 Trace the :P address of the machine from hich &ou received a email

    Com'ter 3orensics !a)

    he S!e'th 9it and A'tos&

    The Sleuth =it $TS=( and the /utops& 4orensic 6roser are open source %nixL3ased tools 0 TS= 

    is a collection of over #" command line tools that can anal&Je disk and file s&stem images for evidence0 To make the anal&sis easier; the /utops& 4orensic 6roser can 3e used0 /utops& is a

    front end to the TS= tools and provides a pointLandLclick t&pe of interface0

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    1( %se of disk tools to anal&Je the tool displa&s the total num3er of sectors and the userL

    accessi3le sectors0

    #( %se of volume s&stem tools to anal&Je the disk volume and partitions ; hether the& are

    allocated properl& or not

    -( 4ile s&stem tools to anal&Je the file s&stem ; its t&pe and its description

    ,( Content categor& tool to anal&Je the data in the director&

    !( Meta data categor& tool to anal&Je the data that descri3es a file

    5( 4ile name categor& tool to anal&Je The file name categor& of data includes the data that

    associates a name ith a metadata entr&0

    +( Multiple categor& tool to anal&Je that com3ine the data from the various categories to

     produce the data sorted in a different order 

    8( Experiment to use the searching tools

    BCA III Year V Semester 

     Elective -2 :

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    Android Basics

    Co'rse )8ectives+

    10 Descri3e the platforms upon hich the /ndroid operating s&stem ill run0

    #0 Create a simple application that runs under the /ndroid operating s&stem0

    -0 /ccess and ork ith the /ndroid file s&stem0,0 Create an application that uses multimedia under the /ndroid operating s&stem0

    !0 /ccess and ork ith data3ases under the /ndroid operating s&stem0

    Co'rse 'tcomes

    /fter completion of this course students should make /ndroid apps for /ndroid devices0Students

    ill 3e a3le to rite simple >%: applications; use 3uiltLin idgets and components; ork ith

    the data3ase to store data locall&; and much more0


    2hat is /ndroid; /ndroid Tools; our 4irst /ndroid /pplication; /natom& of /ndroid /pplication;

    2orkspaces; Editors in Eclipse; Eclipse Perspective; @efactoring


    Creating /ndroid Emulator; Creating Snapshot; SD Card Emulation; Sending SMS Messages to the

    Emulator ; Transferring 4iles into and out of the Emulator ;@esetting the Emulator


    /ctivit&; 7inking /ctivit& using :ntent; 4ragments; Calling 6uildL:n /pplication using :ntent;



    Components of a Screen; Displa& .rientation; /ction 6ar; 7istening for %ser :nter 


    6asic ies; Picker ies; 7ist ie; SpecialiJed 4ragment; >aller& and :mage ie; :mage Sitcher;

    >rid ie; .ptions Menu; Context Menu; Clock ie; 2e3 vie

    Reference Boos+

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    10/ndroid Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (Big Nerd Ranch Guides) By: Bill

     Philips Brian !ardy

    #0/ndroid Design Patterns< :nteraction design solutions for developers 3& >reg )udelman

    -0/ndroid %ser :nterface Design< Turning :deas and Sketches into 6eautifull& Designed /pps 6&< :an >0 Clifton

    ,0 /ndroid @ecipes< / Pro3lemLSolution /pproach 6&< Dave Smith Aeff 4riesen

    !0 Hello; /ndroid< :ntroducing >oogleKs Mo3ile Development Platform $Pragmatic

    Programmers( 6&< Ed 6urnette

    St'dent Activit&+

    1. Create a mo)i!e A for &o'r co!!e

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    Android )asics !a)

    Exercise 1

    • Developing i!ple Applications "or Android 

    Exercise 2

    • Creating Applications #it$ %ultiple Activities and a i!ple %enu using &ist'ie# 

    Exercise 3

    • Creating Activities For %enu (te!s and )arsing %& Files

    Exercise 4

    •+riting %ulti-,$readed Applications


    • sing +e.'ie# and sing t$e /et#or0 

    Exercise !

    • sing Audio Functions in Android 

    Exercise "

    • rap$ics upport in Android 

    Exercise #

    • )re"erences and Content )roviders

    Exercise $

    • &ocation ervices and oogle %aps in Android 

    • Data torage

    Exercise 1%

    • i!ulating ensors

    BCA III Year V Semester 

     Elective -2 : &rincip'es of Animation

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    Co'rse )8ectives

    Students can expect to learn 3asic principles and relevant techniGues for comprehending the


    Co'rse 'tcome

    • %nderstanding of the ke& principles of animation0

    • %nderstanding of the concept of timing for animation and its application as a means of


    • /3ilit& to creativel& manipulate frame time as a means of emphasiJing and actualiJing

    action and expressing an idea0


    2hat is /nimation< :ts definition; earl& examples of /nimation0 Histor& of /nimation< Stop

    Motion Photo /nimation; Voetrope; Thaumatrope; Cell and Paper /nimation; earl& Disne&'s

    Cell /nimation Processes


    T&pes of /nimation< Cell /nimation; Stop Motion /nimation; Computer /nimation; #LD/nimation; -LD /nimation0 Skills for an /nimation /rtist< isual and creative development of an

    /rtist ; importance of o3servation ith minute details; efficienc& to dra gestures; facial

    expressions; good listener; hard ork and patience; creative and innovative0


    6asic Principles of /nimation< :llusion of 7ife; straight action and pose to pose Timing;

    Exaggeration; Drama and Ps&chological Effect; 4ade in and 4ade out; SGuash and Stretch;/nticipation; staging; follo through and overlapping action; /rcs; Solid Draing ;/ppeal; slo

    in and slo out; Secondar& /ction0


    arious Terms< /nimation DraingsFCels; @ough Draings ; Clean ups; Color reference

    draings; 7a&out; Model Sheet; =e& Draings and in 6eteens; Master 6ackground; ConceptPiece; Character draing ; Stor& 6oard0


    10The complete animation course 3& Chris Patmore L6aron's Educational Series0$)e ork(

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    #0 /nimation %nleashed 3& Ellen 6essen; Michael 2eise Productions;#""8$%0S0/(

    -0The /nimator's Survival =it 3& @ichard 2illiams; /rrar Straus >iroux Pu30$%0S0/

    St'dent Activit&+

    10 Develop a simple animated short film

    #0 Develop a simple animated short film ith 3ack ground music

    (omp)ter Animation 'ab

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    A5/A4C,5 25 A4A4

    1+ Action scritin<

    %sing actions to control a timeline L %sing frame la3els L Creating 3utton s&m3ols L Creating

    animated 3uttons using movie clips Movie Clip Controls 6roser F netork0

    2+ Advanced Animation ethods

    Creating movies pla&ing ithin movies $movie clips and 0sf( L Controlling multipletimelines $movies( through action scripting L CritiGue stor&3oards0

    %+ Stream!inin< 3i!es for Use on the e)" ')!ishin< 3i!es to the nternet G re !oadersPre loaders L Controlling sound ith script L Exploring t&pes of output L 2ork on final pro9ect in class L :mporting video L Pu3lishing demo $video( reels on e3 L Pu3lishing andexporting files L Trou3le shooting sites0


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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    Co'rse )8ectives

    The .39ective of this course is to ena3le a clear understanding and knoledge of the

    foundations; techniGues; and tools in the area of softare testing and its practice in the industr&0

    The course ill prepare students to 3e leaders in softare testing0 2hether &ou are a developer 

    or a tester; &ou must test softare. 2e can  learn strengths and eaknesses of a variet& of 

    softare testing techniGues0

    Co'rse 'tcomes

    /fter completion of this course the student ill 3e a3le to plan; develop; and execute an

    automated test plan0


    ntrod'ction+ Purpose of testing; Dichotomies; model for testing; conseGuences of 3ugs; taxonom& of 


    3!ow :rahs and ath testin

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    10 Softare Testing techniGues 6aris 6eiJerm Dreamtech; Second edition0#0 Softare Testing Tools Dr0 =00=0=0 Prasad; Dreamtech0

    -0 Softare Testing Principles and Practices 3& )aresh Chauhan; .xford %niversit& Press

    -0 The craft of softare testing 6rain Matrick; Pearson Education0

    ,0 Softare Testing TechniGues SPD $.reille(

    !0 Softare Testing in the @eal 2orldLEdard =it; Pearson050 Effective methods of Softare Testing; Peer&; Aohn 2ile&0

    +0 /rt of Softare Testing Me&ers; Aohn 2ile&0

    St'dent Activit&+

    10 Prepare a chart for guidelines for data securit& in &our organiJation#0Test the performance of an& softare that is used 3& &our organiJation under maximum load

    estin< oo!s a)

    10 :ntroduction to in runner testing tool

    #0 @ecording test in context sensitive analog mode

    -0 S&nchroniJing test0

    ,0 Checking gui o39ects!0 Checking 3itmap o39ects0

    50 Programming test ith tsl+0 Creating data driven test

    80 Maintaining test script

    0 6atch test1"0 Pro9ect $creating test report(

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    BCA III ear (I Semester


    Co'rse )8ectives

    10 To develop an understanding of scope of ELCommerce0

    #0 To develop an understanding of electronic market and market place0

    -0 To develop an understanding of 3usiness models0,0 To develop an understanding of legal issues; threats of ELCommerce0

    Co'rse 'tcomes

    10 Students ould 3e a3le to anal&Je the concept of electronic market and market place0#0 Students ould 3e a3le to understand the 3usiness models0

    -0 Students ould 3e a3le to understand the 3usiness standards0,0 Students ould 3e a3le to understand the legal and securit& issues0


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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    verview of ,!ectronic Commerce+ Main /ctivities of ELCommerce; 6road >oals of EL

    Commerce; ELCommerce technical Components; 4unctions of ELCommerce; Prospectus of EL

    commerce; 7essons from ELcommerce Evolution; Scope of ELcommerce0


      ELcommerce Technical /rchitecture; EL Commerce Strategies; ELcommerce Essentials; EL

    commerce applications; 4oundation of ELcommerce; >roth of ELCommerce; /dvantages of EL

    Commerce; Disadvantages of ELcommerce; progress of ELcommerce in :ndia0


    Driving the ELcommerce @evolution0 ELcommerce /ctivities; Matrix of ELcommerce models;

    6#C; 6#6; 6#6 6oom; ELcommerce opportunit& 4rame ork; Developing an ELcommerce

    Strateg&; :nternational ELcommerce; :nternational Strateg& Development; Dotcom Companies0


    ,!ectronic aret+-.nline Shopping; .nline Purchasing; Electronic Market; Three models of 

    Electronic Market; Markets categor&; :nternational Marketing; oneLto one Marketing;

    Permission Marketing; pull and push technologies; 6#6 Hu3s; 6#6 market places; 6#6exchange0


    ,!ectronic B'siness+ Electronic 6usiness applications Emerging applications; Electronic6usiness /rchitecture; /M@ Model for Electronic 6usiness; Evolution of Electronic 6usiness

    /pplication; Dotcom companies; The :ndian scenario for EL6usiness; electronic 3usiness

    implementations; 6#6 ELcommerce; 6#C ELcommerce; 6#6 Market Place00


    10 ELCommerce Concepts0 Models; Strategies C0S0 Murth&; Himala&a Pu3lishing House

    #00The Complete ELCommerce 6ook< Design; 6uild Maintain a Successful 2e3L3ased 6usiness 3&

    Aanice @e&nolds

    -00ELCommerce< 4undamentals and /pplications 3& Henr& Chan; @a&mond 7ee; Tharam Dillon;

    EliJa3eth Chang )ovem3er #""1

    Student /ctivit&<

    10 Stud& the activities of an& ELCommerce e3site and give suggestions to improve their 3usiness#0 Prepare &our on ELcommerce 3usiness site

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    BCA III ear (I Semester

    O!en So'r,e So$t%are

    Co'rse )8ective

    This course provides an overvie of the historical and modern context and operation of free and

    open source softare $4.SS( communities and associated softare pro9ects0 The practical

    o39ective of the course is to teach students ho the& can 3egin to participate in a 4.SS pro9ect in

    order to contri3ute to and improve aspects of the softare that the& feel are rong0 Students ill

    learn some important 4.SS tools and techniGues for contri3uting to pro9ects and ho to set up

    their on 4.SS pro9ects0

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    Co'rse 'tcomes

    /3ilit& to install and run openLsource operating s&stems0 /3ilit& to gather information a3out 4ree

    and .pen Source Softare pro9ects from softare releases and from sites on the internet0 /3ilit&

    to 3uild and modif& one or more 4ree and .pen Source Softare packages0 /3ilit& to use aversion control s&stem and to interface ith version control s&stems used 3& development

    communities0 /3ilit& to contri3ute softare to and interact ith 4ree and .pen Source Softare

    development pro9ects0


    :ntroduction to .pen sources )eed of .pen Sources /dvantages of .pen Sources

    /pplication of .pen Sources0


    .pen source operating s&stems< 7:)%B< :ntroduction >eneral .vervie =ernel Mode anduser mode0 Process /dvanced Concepts Scheduling Personalities Cloning Signals


    .PE) S.%@CE D/T/6/SE< M&S7< :ntroduction Setting up account Starting;

    terminating and riting &our on S7 programs @ecord selection Technolog& 2orking ith

    strings Date and Time Sorting uer& @esults


    .PE) S.%@CE P@.>@/MM:)> 7/)>%/>ES < PHP< :ntroduction Programming in e3

    environment varia3les constants data t&pes operators Statements 4unctions /rra&s  

    ..P String Manipulation and regular expression0


    PE@7 < Perl 3ackgrounder Perl overvie Perl parsing rules aria3les and Data

    Statements and Control structures Su3routines; Packages; and ModulesL 2orking ith 4iles  

    Data Manipulation0

    R,3,R,4C, B9S+

    10 @asmus 7erdorf and 7evin Tatroe; Programming PHP?; .'@eill&; #""#

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  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    #0 2esle& A0 Chun; Core Ph&thon Programming?; Prentice Hall; #""1

    -0 Martin C0 6ron; Perl< The Complete @eference?; #nd Edition; Tata Mc>raHill Pu3lishing

    Compan& 7imited; :ndian @eprint #""0

     ,0 Steven HolJner; PHP< The Complete @eference?; #nd Edition; Tata Mc>raHill Pu3lishingCompan& 7imited; :ndian @eprint #""0

    !0 ikram asani; MS7< The Complete @eference?; #nd Edition; Tata Mc>ra LHill

    Pu3lishing Compan& 7imited; :ndian @eprint #""

    St'dent A,ti-ity*

    10 Suggest list of open source softares for the commercial softare &ou come across

    BCA III ear (I Semester

    C!o'd Com'tin<


    10 Discuss; ith confidence; hat is cloud computing and hat are ke& securit& and control

    considerations ithin cloud computing environments0#0 :dentif& various cloud services0

    -0 /ssess cloud characteristics and service attri3utes; for compliance ith enterprise

    o39ectives0,0 Explain the four primar& cloud categor& t&pes?0

    !0 Evaluate various cloud deliver& models0

    50 Contrast the risks and 3enefits of implementing cloud computing0+0 Specif& securit& threat exposure ithin a cloud computing infrastructure0

    80 @ecogniJe steps and processes used to perform an audit assessment of a cloud computing


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  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    Co'rse 'tcome+

    1(Explain the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm< ho and h& this paradigm shiftcame a3out; the characteristics; advantages and challenges 3rought a3out 3& the various models

    and services in cloud computing

    #(/ppl& the fundamental concepts in datacenters to understand the tradeoffs in poer; efficienc&and cost

    -(Discuss s&stem virtualiJation and outline its role in ena3ling the cloud computing s&stem


    ,(:llustrate the fundamental concepts of cloud storage and demonstrate their use in storages&stems such as /maJon S- and HD4S

    !(/nal&Je various cloud programming models and appl& them to solve pro3lems on the cloud

    Unit 1

    Cloud Computing .vervie .rigins of Cloud computing Cloud components L Essential

    characteristics .nLdemand selfLservice ; 6road netork access ; 7ocation independent resource pooling ; @apid elasticit& ; Measured service


    0 Cloud scenarios 6enefits< scala3ilit& ; simplicit& ; vendors ;securit&0

     7imitations Sensitive information L /pplication development Securit& concerns L privac& concern

    ith a third part& L securit& level of third part& L securit& 3enefits

    @egularit& issues< >overnment policies


     Cloud architecture< Cloud deliver& model SP: frameork ; SP: evolution ; SP: vs0 traditional :T Model

    Softare as a Service $SaaS(< SaaS service providers >oogle /pp Engine; Salesforce0com and google

     platfrom 6enefits .perational 3enefits L Economic 3enefits Evaluating SaaS

     Platform as a Service $ PaaS (< PaaS service providers @ight Scale Salesforce0com @ackspace

    4orce0com Services and 6enefits

    Unit /

    :nfrastructure as a Service $ :aaS(< :aaS service providers /maJon EC# ; >o>rid Microsoft soft

    implementation and support /maJon EC service level agreement @ecent developments 6enefits

    Cloud deplo&ment model < Pu3lic clouds Private clouds Communit& clouds L H&3rid clouds L

    /dvantages of Cloud computing

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    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    Unit /

    irtualiJation < irtualiJation and cloud computing L )eed of virtualiJation cost ; administration ; fast

    deplo&ment ; reduce infrastructure cost L limitations

     T&pes of hardare virtualiJation< 4ull virtualiJation L partial virtualiJation L para virtualiJation

    Desktop virtualiJation< Softare virtualiJation Memor& virtualiJation L Storage virtualiJation DatavirtualiJation )etork virtualiJation

    Microsoft :mplementation< Microsoft H&per mare features and infrastructure irtual 6ox L Thinclient


    1. Cloud computing a practical approach L /nthon& T0elte ; To3& A0 elte @o3ert Elsenpeter T/T/Mc>raL Hill ; )e Delhi #"1"

    #0 Cloud Computing< 2e3L6ased /pplications That Change the 2a& ou 2ork and Colla3orate

    .nline L Michael Miller L ue #""8

    St'dent Activit&+

    10Prepare a list of companies that provide different cloud services

    #; Create &our on cloud using a local server 

    BCA III ear (I Semester


    @adoo G R anet handsLon experience in setting up different configurations of Hadoop cluster 

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  • 8/16/2019 BCA Syllabus 2016-17 CBCS Revised


    B.C.A Under CBCS with effect from Academic Year 2016-2017 (Revised in Ari!" 2016#

    • 2ork on realLlife industr& 3ased pro9ects using Hadoop #0+

    Co'rse 'tcomes

    Hadoop and @ 7anguage ill prepare &ou to perform anal&tics and 3uild models for real orld

    data science pro3lems0 :t is the orld'