Bassetlaw District Children & Young People's Profile

BASSETLAW DISTRICT Children & Young People's profile The child population in this area 1,200 live births in 2008 6,000 children aged 0-4 yrs 5.3% of the total population 26,300 children aged 0-19 yrs 23.4% of the total population 26,700 children aged 0-19 yrs predicted in 2020 21.4% of the total population 455 children of school age from black / ethnic minority backgrounds 2.8% of the school age population 19.2% of children aged 0-15 yrs living in poverty Nottinghamshire Bassetlaw District Data sources: Live births, ONS 2008; population estimates, ONS midyear esitmates 2008; population projections, ONS (based on 2006 midyear estimates); Black / Ethnic minority maintained school population, School Census 2009; children living in poverty, IDACI 2007. Map data © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved (Nottinghamshire County Council) O.S. Licence No. 100019713, 2007. Produced by Performance Review and Statistical Analysis, Nottinghamshire County Council, Children and Young People's Services. This map shows the differences in the levels of child poverty in Nottinghamshire. This map shows the differences in the levels of child poverty between small areas within Bassetlaw district. January 2011 Children living in poverty * * Children living in poverty maps are based on the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) which shows the percentage of children in each area that live in families that are income deprived and in receipt of certain benefits.

Transcript of Bassetlaw District Children & Young People's Profile