Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444,...

Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525. Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science Sandia National Laboratories August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and Symposium

Transcript of Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444,...

Page 1: Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science Sandia National Laboratories August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and

SandiaNationalLaboratoriesisamulti-missionlaboratorymanagedandoperatedbyNationalTechnologyandEngineeringSolutions ofSandia,LLC.,awhollyownedsubsidiaryofHoneywellInternational,Inc.,fortheU.S.DepartmentofEnergy’sNationalNuclearSecurityAdministrationundercontractDE-NA0003525.

Basic Output Post-ProcessingAidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science

Sandia National Laboratories

August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and Symposium

Page 2: Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science Sandia National Laboratories August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and

Post-Processing Requirements

n Lightweight è No fancy post-processing packagesn Extensible/Reusable è No obscure one-line commandsn General è No specialized LAMMPS commandsn Organized Workflow è Generate named files along the way

Page 3: Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science Sandia National Laboratories August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and

Possible SolutionsMicrosoft Exceln Widely used for other purposesn Fast learning curven Easy things are easyn Not easy to automate or extendn Plotting includedPythonn Requires some programming knowledgen LAMMPS provides some good support via Pizza.pyn Not as easy as Exceln Easy to automate/extendn Plotting not includedPizza.pyPowerful, but not easyWeird Shell Miniscriptsawk /Step/,/step/ log.lammps | grep -vi step | xmgrace -block -bxy 1:3

Page 4: Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science Sandia National Laboratories August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and

Example Problem: Lennard-Jones Melt

Page 5: Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science Sandia National Laboratories August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and

Example Problem: Lennard-Jones Melt# 3d Lennard-Jones melt variable t index 0.0variable d index 0.8442log melt_t$t.log

units ljatom_style atomic

lattice fcc $dregion box block 0 10 0 10 0 10create_box 1 boxcreate_atoms 1 boxmass 1 1.0velocity all create $t 87287

pair_style lj/cut 2.5pair_coeff 1 1 1.0 1.0 2.5neighbor 0.3 binneigh_modify every 20 delay 0 check no

fix 1 all nvethermo 10run 1000

Page 6: Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science Sandia National Laboratories August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and

Example Problem: Lennard-Jones Melt

[athomps@s974522 melt]$ $LAMMPS/src/lmp_mac_mpi -in in.melt -var t 3.0:Memory usage per processor = 2.19271 MbytesStep Temp E_pair E_mol TotEng Press

0 3 -6.7733681 0 -2.2744931 -3.7033504 10 2.1031859 -5.4317227 0 -2.2777326 2.4556252 20 1.6681241 -4.7867954 0 -2.2852348 5.6910177 30 1.6750435 -4.7955971 0 -2.2836601 5.6241836

:990 1.6444585 -4.7526932 0 -2.2866221 5.8339173

1000 1.6547203 -4.7681016 0 -2.2866417 5.7734588 Loop time of 2.36568 on 1 procs for 1000 steps with 4000 atoms:

Page 7: Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science Sandia National Laboratories August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and

Example Problem: Lennard-Jones Melt

[athomps@s97 melt]$ lmp_mac_mpi -in in.melt -var t 0.5 -screen none[athomps@s97 melt]$ lmp_mac_mpi -in in.melt -var t 1.0 -screen none[athomps@s97 melt]$ lmp_mac_mpi -in in.melt -var t 2.0 -screen none[athomps@s97 melt]$ lmp_mac_mpi -in in.melt -var t 3.0 -screen none[athomps@s97 melt]$ ls -1 *.logmelt_t0.5.logmelt_t1.0.logmelt_t2.0.logmelt_t3.0.log

Objectives1. Check that simulation is equilibrated2. Estimate equilibrium temperature and potential energy3. Estimate uncertainty in these estimates4. Create nice graph of Epot versus Temp, with error bars

Page 8: Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science Sandia National Laboratories August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

• Each log file can be opened using “File/Open” or “Command-O”• In Import Wizard, select Delimited, Tab and Space Delimiters• Drag the sheet tab to the current workbook• Sheet will have same name as log file

Page 9: Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science Sandia National Laboratories August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

• Fairly easy to add formulas for block averages


Page 10: Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science Sandia National Laboratories August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet• Plot the block averages• Decide how many blocks to throw away (2)


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200









-5.30 200 400 600 800 1000 1200


Page 11: Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science Sandia National Laboratories August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet• Calculate average over equlibrated blocks• Calculate standard error = StDev/Sqrt(N)


Page 12: Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science Sandia National Laboratories August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet• Plot T vs. E








0.0000 0.5000 1.0000 1.5000 2.0000



l Ene





Temperature [LJ units]

Page 13: Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science Sandia National Laboratories August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and

Python Scripting

[ath@s97 melt]$ setenv LAMMPS_PYTHON_TOOLS $LAMMPS/tools/python/pizza[ath@s97 melt]$ more!/usr/bin/env pythonimport sys,ospath = os.environ["LAMMPS_PYTHON_TOOLS"]#path = '..../tools/python/pizza’sys.path.append(path)from log import log:[ath@s97 melt]$ chmod +x

Location of LAMMPS pizza


Gives you permission to run

Loads the tool

Determines which Python to use

Page 14: Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science Sandia National Laboratories August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and

Python Scripting [ath@s97 melt]$ more!/usr/bin/env pythonfrom log import logfrom glob import globfrom math import sqrt

def onelog(filename):l = log(filename)print filenamelist = l.get("E_pair")nequil = 2nblock = 10

sumav = 0.0sumavsq = 0.0nsumav = 0n = 0sum = 0.0

for val in list:sum += valn += 1if (n % nblock == 0):

av = sum/nblockif (n > nequil):

sumav += avsumavsq += av*avnsumav += 1

print n,avsum = 0.0

av = sumav/nsumavvar = sumavsq/nsumav - av*avstdev = sqrt(var/nsumav)print "Average potential energy " \

"(LJ Units) = %g +/- %g from " \"last %d blocks" \% (av,stdev,nsumav)

files = glob('melt_t*.log')for file in files:


Page 15: Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science Sandia National Laboratories August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and

Python Script [ath@s97 melt]$ thermo.py1000read 101 log entriesmelt_t0.5.log10 -6.4418106820 -6.42596615:1000read 101 log entriesmelt_t3.0.log10 -5.045131520 -4.7438361130 -4.7515614740 -4.7467097650 -4.7437016860 -4.7448821370 -4.7437024680 -4.7483501290 -4.74458378100 -4.73887062Average potential energy (LJ Units) = -4.7453 +/- 0.00123508 from last 8 blocks

Page 16: Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science Sandia National Laboratories August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and

Python Scripting [athomps@s974522 melt]$ | grep AverageAverage potential energy (LJ Units) = -6.4259 +/- 0.000220776 from last 8 blocksAverage potential energy (LJ Units) = -6.09779 +/- 0.00118196 from last 8 blocksAverage potential energy (LJ Units) = -5.31951 +/- 0.00146715 from last 8 blocksAverage potential energy (LJ Units) = -4.7453 +/- 0.00123508 from last 8 block

0 0.5 1 1.5 2Temperature [LJ Units]







l Ene




Page 17: Basic Output Post-Processing€¦ · Basic Output Post-Processing Aidan Thompson, Dept. 1444, Multiscale Science Sandia National Laboratories August 2017 LAMMPS Users' Workshop and

Comparison of Final Results

0 0.5 1 1.5 2Temperature [LJ Units]







l Ene


