basic aircraft structure.ppt

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  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


     Yadav Khagendra K.

    M-tech(AME)[email protected]

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    Outline of Preentation

      Aircraft !om"onent

      Material ue in Airframe !ontruction  E#am"le of Material ue in Airframe !ontruction  $unction of Aircraft %tructure  $uelage %tructure

    - &ru &y"e

    - Pratt &ru- 'arren &ru

    - Monocoue

    - %emi-Monocoue  aic %tructure Mem*er &erm  'ing %tructure  Em"ennage %tructure  Po+er Plant

    - 'ing Pod Mount

    -$uelage Mount  ,anding ear %tructure

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  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt



    ,anding ear 


    ,eft Aileron




    /ight Aileron







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    Parts of an aircraft and teir

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    ! "ain #od$ of airplane

    ! Pilot % cargo compartments! Generall$ constructed in two or more sections

    ! Carries accessories and oter e&uipments

    ! 'ncludes numerous access doors( inspection plates( landingweel wells( and oter openings


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    !  Airfoils attaced to eac side of te fuselage

    !  "ain lifting surfaces

    !  )arious design si*e and sape

    !  "a$ #e attaced at te top( middle( or lower portion of te


    + ,ig+wing( mid+wing( and low+wing

    !  Te num#er of wings can also -ar$

    + "onoplanes( #iplanes


  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    ! now as tail section

    ! Consist of

     / )ertical 0ta#ili*er 

     / 1udder 

     / ,ori*ontal 0ta#ili*er 

     / Ele-ators


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    Po+er Plant A unit or macine tat con-erts cemical energ$ contains in

    te fuel to trust force. Trust force is essential for mo-ing

    te airplane forward and producing lift force. Wit te piston

    engine( te propeller is used to con-ert tor&ue at engine

    saft to #e trust. Wit te 2et engine( te 2et engine output is

    te trust force.

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    ! Located underneat of te

      fuselage wit soc3 strut

    ! Fi4ed 5 1etracta#le

    ! Pro-ides means of landing ta4iing

    ! Tri+ c$cle /Con-entional t$pe

    ! Floating gear for seaplane 5s3i+

    e&uipped for ice surface landing



    ,anding ear 

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    Material ue in Airframe !ontruction Airframe "aterials Properties

    + ,ig 0trengt to Weigt ratio

    + Ligt weigt

    + Corrosion 1esistant

    + 0ould #e non flamma#le

    + ,ig &ualit$

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    • WOOD (Spruce)

    • STEEL & ITS ALLOYS (Strong )

    • ALUMINIUM & ITS ALLOY (Commonly ue)

    • TITANIUM ALLOYS (!e"t #"rr$er)

    • MA%NESIUM ALLOYS ( t$me l$g'ter t'"n



    E#am"le of Material ue in Airframe !ontruction

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    eneral &he tructure of mot flight vehicle are thin +alledtructure (hell)

     /eit a""lied load (Aerodynamic load acting on the+ing tructure)

    Provide the aerodynamic ha"e Protect the content from the environment

    $unction of Aircraft %tructure

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    Primary tructure5  A critical load+#earing structure on an aircraft.'f tis structure is se-erel$ damaged( te aircraftcannot fl$.

    %econdary tructure5  0tructural elements mainl$ to pro-ide enancedaerod$namics. Fairings( for instance( are found

    were te wing meets te #od$ or at -ariouslocations on te leading or trailing edge of tewing.

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    $uelage %tructure

    BA0'C 0T1UCTU1E T6PE0

      &/6%% &YPE

    - P/A&& &/6%%

    - 'A//E &/6%%



  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    T1U00 T6PE"ost earl$ aircraft used tis tecni&ue wit wood and

    wire trusses and tis t$pe of structure is still in use in man$

    ligtweigt aircraft using welded steel tu#e trusses. Te truss

    t$pe fuselage frame is assem#led wit mem#ers forming a rigid

    frame e.g. #eams( #ar( tu#e etc7 Primar$ mem#ers of te

    truss are 8 longerons. Tere are two t$pes of truss structure.

    + P1ATT T1U00

    + WA11E9 T1U00

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    P1ATT T1U00! Earl$ da$s

    ! Wooden or metal structure

    ! Great weigt

    ! Difficult to streamline

    ! Bo4 wit tu#ular longerons :

    -ertical mem#ers

    Diagonal mem#ers oftu#ing or solid rods

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    • Longeron * only D$"gon"l Mem+er

    • ,orce tr"n-er to e.ery ot'er tructure• C"p"+le to c"rry ten$on * compre$on

    • e/uce "mount o- 0e+ 0or1

    • More p"ce 2 trengt' 2 r$g$/$ty

    • #etter tre"ml$ne

    WA11E9 T1U00

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    Warren Truss 0tructure of an airplane

    Four longerons


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    0emi+monoco&ue 0tructure of an airplane

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    Te most common airframe construction is semi+monoco&ue

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    0emi+monoco&ue 0tructure of an airplane

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    Basic 0tructure "em#er Terms

    3ert$c"l Mem+er

    • ,ormer

    • ,r"me

    • $ng• #ul1'e"/

    Long$tu/$n"l Mem+er

    • Longeron

    • Str$nger

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    'ing %tructure"an$ ig+wing airplanes a-e e4ternal #races( or wing struts(

    wic transmit te fligt and landing loads troug te struts tote main fuselage structure. 0ince te wing struts are usuall$

    attaced appro4imatel$ alfwa$ out on te wing( tis t$pe of

    wing structure is called semi-cantilever . A few ig+wing and

    most low+wing airplanes a-e a full cantilever  wing designed to

    carr$ te loads witout e4ternal struts. Te principal structural

    parts of te wing are spars( ri#s( and stringers. Tese are

    reinforced #$ trusses( '+#eams( tu#ing( or oter de-ices(

    including te s3in. Te wing ri#s determine te sape and

    tic3ness of te wing =airfoil>.

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    'n most modern airplanes( te fuel tan3s eiter are an integral

    part of te wing structure( or consist of fle4i#le containers

    mounted inside of te wing. Attaced to te rear( or trailing(

    edges of te wings are two t$pes of control surfaces referred

    to as ailerons  and flaps. Ailerons e4tend from a#out te

    midpoint of eac wing outward toward te tip and mo-e in

    opposite directions to create aerod$namic forces tat cause

    te airplane to roll. Flaps e4tend outward from te fuselage to

    near te midpoint of eac wing. Te flaps are normall$ fluswit te wing?s surface during cruising fligt. Wen e4tended(

    te flaps mo-e simultaneousl$ downward to increase te

    lifting force of te wing for ta3eoffs and landings.

    'ing %tructure

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    Wing 0tructure of an airplane

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    Wing 0tructure of an airplane

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    Wings t$pes

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    Wings t$pes

    swept#ac3 Wing =A@> delta wing =concorde>

    )aria#le+sweep wing =Tornado F@>

    0et of wings( tat ma$ #e swept

    #ac3 and ten returned to its

    original position during fligt.

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    Wings Positions

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    Em"ennage %tructure

    Te correct name for te tail section of an airplane is

    empennage. Te empennage includes te entire tail group(

    consisting of fi4ed surfaces suc as te -ertical sta#ili*er

    and te ori*ontal sta#ili*er. Te mo-a#le surfaces include

    te rudder( te ele-ator( and one or more trim ta#s. A

    second t$pe of empennage design does not re&uire an

    ele-ator. 'nstead( it incorporates a one+piece ori*ontal

    sta#ili*er tat pi-ots from a central inge point. Tis t$pe of

    design is called a stabilator ( and is mo-ed using te control

    stic3( 2ust as $ou would te ele-ator.

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    Te rudder is attaced to te #ac3 of te -ertical sta#ili*er.

    During fligt( it is used to mo-e te airplane?s nose left andrigt. Te rudder is used in com#ination wit te ailerons

    for turns during fligt. Te ele-ator( wic is attaced to te

    #ac3 of te ori*ontal sta#ili*er( is used to mo-e te noseof te airplane up and down during fligt.

    Trim ta#s are small( mo-a#le portions of te trailing edge of

    te control surface. Tese mo-a#le trim ta#s( wic arecontrolled from te coc3pit( reduce control pressures. Trim

    ta#s ma$ #e installed on te ailerons( te rudder( and5or te


    Em"ennage %tructure

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    Empennage of an airplane

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    Empennage 0tructure of an airplane

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    Empennage 0tructure of an airplane







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     Aircraft tails T$pes

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


     Aircraft tails T$pes

    0tandard5Con-entional T+tail

    Twin tail

    Beec Beeccraft Bonan*a

    )+tail5 )+#utterfl$ tail

    , di %t t

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    Te landing gear is te principle support of te airplane wen

    par3ed( ta4iing( ta3ing off( or wen landing. Te most common

    t$pe of landing gear consists of weels( #ut airplanes can also

    #e e&uipped wit floats for water operations( or s3is for landing

    on snow. Te landing gear consists of tree weels two

    main weels and a tird weel positioned eiter at te front or

    rear of te airplane. Landing gear emplo$ing a rearmounted

    weel is called con-entional landing gear.

    ,anding ear %tructure

    , di %t t

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


     Airplanes wit con-entional landing gear are sometimes

    referred to as tail weel airplanes. Wen te tird weel is

    located on te nose( it is called nose weel( and te design

    is referred to as a tric$cle gear. A steera#le nose weel or

    tail weel permits te airplane to #e controlled trougout all

    operations wile on te ground.

    ,anding ear %tructure

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    Landing Gear Arrangement

    P Pl t

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    Te power plant usuall$ includes #ot te engine and te

    propeller. Te primar$ function of te engine is to pro-ide te

    power to turn te propeller. 't also generates electrical power(

    pro-ides a -acuum source for some fligt instruments( and in

    most single+engine airplanes( pro-ides a source of eat for

    te pilot and passengers. Te engine is co-ered #$ a cowling(or in te case of some airplanes( surrounded #$ a nacelle.

    Te purpose of te cowling or nacelle is to streamline te flow

    of air around te engine and to elp cool te engine #$

    ducting air around te c$linders. Te propeller( mounted on

    te front of te engine( translates te rotating force of te

    engine into a forward acting force called trust tat elps

    mo-e te airplane troug te air.

    Po+er Plant

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    W$ / M

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    • W$ng o/ Mount 4 Commonly ue on commerc$"l "$rpl"ne $nce

    -uel $ c"rry on 0$ng

    4 Le no$e4 CL m"5 $ not " goo/ " -uel"ge mount

    4  Y"0$ng moment e6ect

    4 %roun/ cle"r"nce l$m$t"t$on '$g'er ge"r trut

    F l " t

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt


    • Cle"n 0$ng 2'$g' CL M"5 2 'orter t"1e o67

    • No groun/ cle"r"nce l$m$t"t$on

    • Le y"0$ng e6ect

    • We$g't pen"lty A-t Cg7 "n/ lo"/ /$tr$+ut$on

    • C"+$n No$e "n/ 3$+r"t$on

    Fuselage "ount

  • 8/20/2019 basic aircraft structure.ppt
