Baseload LNG Production in Xin Jiang

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  • 7/31/2019 Baseload LNG Production in Xin Jiang


    BaseloadLNG Productionin Xin Jiang

  • 7/31/2019 Baseload LNG Production in Xin Jiang




    3 Introduction

    4 The basics

    Design basisBasic data or the process design o the plant

    Feed gas composition

    Specifcation o the product LNG

    Process eatures


    Block diagramm o the Shan Shan LNG plant

    6 Features IAmbient conditions at the site

    Overall process and utility description

    Natural gas treatmentNatural gas liqueaction

    Block diagram o the liqueaction

    8 Features IIRerigerant system

    Gas turbine

    LNG storage and loading system

    Block diagram o the LNG storage tank and loading system

    11 Features III

    Fuel system

    Hot oil unit

    Main cryogenic heat exchanger

    Project execution

    13 Project execution

    14 Closing remarksSelected reerences

    16 Contact

    Xiang Dong

    PresidentXin Jiang Guanghui Liqueied Natural Gas Development Co. [email protected], 838202 Shan Shan, PRC

    Thilo Schiewe

    Sales Manager, Natural Gas [email protected], Linde AG, Engineering DivisionDr.-Carl-von-Linde-Str. 6-14, 82049 Pullach, Germany

    Albert Meffert

    Project [email protected], Tractebel Gas EngineeringMildred-Scheel-Str.1, 53175 Bonn, Germany

    Li Wei Bin

    LNG Chie [email protected], SSEC, SINOPEC Shanghai Engineering Co. Ltd.,769 Zhangyang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, PRC

  • 7/31/2019 Baseload LNG Production in Xin Jiang


    The gas is treated and liqueied in an LNG plant

    near Shan Shan in the Xin Jiang Province o

    China. The plant is operated in baseload mode

    and employs intermediate storage o the LNG

    product in an insulated tank beore it is loaded

    into LNG road tankers. These trucks then carry

    the LNG over long distances to satellite and caruelling stations in various cities o China. Ater

    revaporization o the LNG at these stations the

    natural gas is inally distributed to a variety o

    industrial and private consumers.

    As LNG is considered the most environmentally

    riendly hydrocarbon uel, it is expected that

    this domestic natural gas initiative through LNG

    creates new gas markets and provides a great

    improvement to the tight energy supply situa-

    tion in China. This paper describes the Shan Shan

    LNG acilities rom gas treatment, liqueactionwith a single mixed rerigerant cycle in coil-

    wound heat exchangers, through storage, to

    unloading and to the distribution o the LNG

    to various cities in China.



    Baseload LNG production in Xin Jiang - a remote sourceo clean energy or gas consumers in China.

    In 2004 Xin Jiang Guanghui Liqueied Natural Gas DevelopmentCo. Ltd. established a unique LNG chain. The result is that gas,which until recently has been lared at the Tuha oilields some300 km south-west o Urumqi, can now be utilized as a cleanprimary energy source.

    This new LNG scheme is a easible and workable alternativeto existing peak shaving and conventional baseload plants.With a LNG production capacity o 0.4 MTPA (million tons perannum) the plant represents a new category o LNG planttypes, with which a speciic demand can be ulilled.

  • 7/31/2019 Baseload LNG Production in Xin Jiang


    Design basis

    The baseload LNG plant is designed or the pro-

    duction o LNG equivalent to 1,500,000 Nm3/d.

    The plant consists o natural gas treatment, gas

    liqueaction, LNG storage tank and LNG distribu-

    tion systems. The liqueaction process is based on

    a highly eicient single mixed rerigerant cycle.

    Basic data for the process design of the plant

    The design o the LNG plant or the Xin Jiang

    project is based on state-o-the-art natural gas

    liqueaction technology.

    The LNG production capacity o the plant is

    equivalent to 1,500,000 Nm3/d with an ex-

    pected on-stream time o 330 days per year.Design hourly liqueaction capacity is 54 t/h.

    Storage capacity is 30,000 m3 o LNG, which is

    the equivalent o 12 days production. The ca-

    pacity o the LNG send-out and distribution

    system meets the requirement o loading the

    100 trucks and movable containers within 16

    hours. Approx. 30 % o the LNG product is load-

    ed in trucks and 70 % in movable containers.

    Feed gas composition

    Composition (mole %):

    Nitrogen 3.81

    Methane 81.02

    Ethane 9.99

    Propane 4.10

    Butanes 0.93

    Pentanes 0.05

    C6+ < 0.0021

    In addition, CO2 as well as traces o H2S and

    sulur are present in the eed gas. The eed gas

    operating pressure ranges rom about 0.6 MPag

    to 1.1 MPag. The design pressure is 0.7 MPag.

    The eed gas operating temperature can range

    rom -15C to 40C. The design temperatureis 28C.

    Specification of the product LNG

    Composition (mole %):

    Nitrogen 0.8 (max 1.0)

    Methane 82.4

    Ethane 11.1

    Propane 4.6

    Others 1.1

    Pressure and temperature at LNG tank:

    0.01MPag, 163C. The design LNG hasa density o about 490 kg/m3 in the LNG


    Process features

    The main process and utility units are illustrated

    in the block diagram in Fig1. The mixed reriger-

    ant cycle liqueaction process requires the com-

    ponents nitrogen, methane, ethylene, propane

    and pentane. Rerigerant nitrogen and purge

    nitrogen are identical and case both generated

    in a nitrogen package.


    Make-up water or the ollowing are provided

    rom outside the plant: closed cooling water

    cycle, machinery cooling and demineralized

    water as make-up water or the MEA in the CO

    wash unit.

    A mixture o compressed LNG tank return gas

    and eed gas is used as normal uel gas;

    start-up uel gas is eed gas. A closed hot oil

    cycle is used as heating medium. A MEA

    (monoethanolamine)-water solution is used

    as solvent or the CO2 wash unit.

    The liqueaction process is based on a highlyeicient single mixed rerigerant cycle,


    The Basics.

  • 7/31/2019 Baseload LNG Production in Xin Jiang


    Fig1: Block diagram o the Shan Shan LNG plant with

    process and utility units


    which contains the components nitrogen,methane, ethylene, propane and pentane.



    Hot oil


    Natural gas





    Waste heat

    recoveryGas turbine





    Boil o gas

    (uel gas)


    Feed gas


    NG purication

    CO2 removal

    NG purication






    LNG loading




    make-up unitFire ghting Utilities Flare

    LNG loading


    special cont.

    LNG loading

    station truck

    LNG meters

    LNG meters





















    dryNG LNG LNG




  • 7/31/2019 Baseload LNG Production in Xin Jiang


    Ambient conditions at the site

    The average ambient temperatures ranges rom

    37.1C in the warmest month to -15.6C in the

    coldest month. The design temperature or gas

    turbine air inlet and or air-cooling is 30C. The

    average temperature in the hottest month is 37C,

    the extreme maximum temperature is 75C. The

    plant elevation above sea level is about 790 m.

    Overall process and utility description

    The production capacity o Shan Shan LNG lies

    between the two principle type o LNG plants:

    Baseload and peakshaving plants. LNG peak-

    shaving or back-up plants with intermittent

    operation and production have capacities up

    to about 500,000 Nm3/d. LNG baseload plantswith continuous operation and production

    have capacities between 5,000,000 Nm3/d and

    17,000,000 Nm3/d. With 1,500,000 Nm3/d LNG

    production capacity the Shan Shan LNG plant is

    about three times larger than the largest exist-

    ing peakshaving plants, but about three times

    smaller than existing baseload plants. The eed

    gas has a low pressure at battery limit, which

    is too low or an eicient liqueaction process.

    Thereore, the natural gas is compressed in

    three compressor stages.

    The natural gas is cooled, liqueied and sub-

    cooled in a coil-wound heat exchanger by a

    highly eicient single mixed rerigerant cycle.

    This cycle provides cold temperatures by Joule-

    Thomson expansion at three dierent pressure


    The rerigerant cycle is recompressed in a three-

    stage turbo-compressor, which is driven by a gas

    turbine. In order to enhance plant eiciency, the

    waste heat rom the gas turbine is recovered by

    heating a hot oil cycle, which covers the heating

    requirements o the process plant.

    Natural gas treatmentNatural gas (eed gas) has a low pressure at the

    battery limit. Solid and l iquid particles are re-

    moved by the eed gas ilter separator beore it

    is compressed in a three stage eed gas com-

    pressor. Ater the irst-stage o the eed gas

    compressor, the gas is cooled in an intercooler

    against ambient air to about 40C. Any water

    condensed in the intercooler is separated in the

    eed gas compressor interstage drum and is ed

    to the wash unit.

    Ater this irst compression step the eed gas isurther compressed in the next two compressor

    stages with inter- and ater-cooling in air-cool-

    ers. The eed gas is routed to the wash unit or

    removal o CO2. The sweet eed gas leaving the

    CO2 wash column is then routed to the drier


    Natural gas liquefaction (Fig. 2)

    Ater the CO2 and H2O removal, the natural gas

    is routed to the cold part o the process, which

    contains three coil-wound heat exchangers

    integrated in one shell (rocket), as well as

    several separation vessels. The natural gas is

    irst cooled in the eed gas precooler E1. Poten-

    tial o-spec heavy hydrocarbons are separated

    in the eed gas heavy hydrocarbon separator D3,

    where only marginal liquids during design eed

    gas operation are expected. The gas is then con-

    densed in eed gas liqueier E2 and subcooled in

    eed gas subcooler E3. The required subcooling

    temperature is maintained by adjusting the na-

    tural gas low rate to the plant. Thus, a certain

    power output o the gas turbine govering theplant capacity. Cooling is provided by the mixed

    rerigerant cycle.

    The Shan Shan LNG plant has amedium size production capacity,


    Features I

  • 7/31/2019 Baseload LNG Production in Xin Jiang


    Fig 2: Natural gas liqueaction process o the

    Shan Shan LNG plant

    in between the two principle typeso LNG plants which are currently in

    operation world-wide.


    LNG to storage tank



    Cold MCRseparator





    Feed gasHHCseparator



    Feed gascompression,



    Gas turbine

    Cycle compressor coolers

    Cycle compressorsuction drums

    C1Cyclecompr. D2

    Cycle HPseparator


    Cycle MPseparator

  • 7/31/2019 Baseload LNG Production in Xin Jiang


    Fig 3: 30,000 m3 LNG storage tank

    Refrigerant system

    The rerigerant gas stream is withdrawn rom the

    shell side o precooling section E1 o the cryo-

    genic coil-wound heat exchanger set. The re-

    rigerant is slightly super-heated.

    The rerigerant is compressed in the irst stage o

    the three-stage rerigerant cycle compressor. It

    is than cooled against air in the inter- and ater-

    cooler resulting in partial condensation. The

    resulting liquid is separated in the cycle com-

    pressor discharge drum D1.

    The liquid rom the discharge drum D1 is routed

    to the cryogenic heat exchanger E1, where it is

    subcooled and then used or the precooling othe natural gas ater expansion in a Joule-Thom-

    son valve.

    The cycle gas rom the buer drum D2 is cooled

    in E1 to the same temperature and partly conden-

    sed and ed to the cold rerigerant separator D3.

    The liquid rom this separator is subcooled in the

    cryogenic heat exchanger section E2 to a low

    temperature so that it can be used as a reri-

    gerant in E2 ater expansion in a Joule-Thomson


    The vapor rom the cold rerigerant separator D3

    is condensed in E2 and subcooled in the cryo-

    genic heat exchanger section E3 to a suiciently

    low temperature. This provides the inal cold or

    the natural gas subcooling ater throttling in a

    Joule-Thomson valve. Ater expansion to the

    lower pressure, the cycle gas streams are warmed

    up in the common shell side o the cryogenic

    coil-wound heat exchangers E3, E2 and E1 andreturn jointly to the suction side o the irst stage

    o the rerigerant cycle compressor.

    Gas turbine

    Gas turbine GT1 is used as the primary driver or

    the cycle gas compressor C1. Design tempera-

    ture or gas turbine rating is an ambient air tem-

    perature o 30C. The same design temperature

    applies or air-cooling. The compressed boil-o,

    lash and displacement gas rom the LNG storage

    tank is used as regeneration gas and then as uel

    gas or the gas turbine.

    LNG storage and loading system

    LNG rom the liqueaction unit with the cryo-

    genic heat exchanger set E1, E2 and E3 is sent to

    the storage tank via the tank illing line, Fig. 3.

    The 30,000 m3 LNG tank (Fig. 5) is a lat bottom,double wall, perlite insulated type installed in

    an endiked area. The tank will be illed continu-

    ously during operation o the liqueaction sys-

    tem at a illing rate o about 111 m3/h. A discon-

    tinuous send out o LNG product to the truck and

    container illing acilities is scheduled or 16

    hours per day.


    Features II

  • 7/31/2019 Baseload LNG Production in Xin Jiang


    Fig. 5: LNG storage tank and loading systemo the Shan Shan LNG plant

    Fig. 4: LNG truck loading station

    For send-out operation, two submerged in-tankpumps are installed. Each designed or 320 m3/h

    capacity, suitable or 100 % o send-out capac-

    ity. One pump is installed as a spare. The pumps

    are installed in pump columns inside the tank

    and equipped with oot valves. Each pump is

    equipped with a kickback line to the tank to

    control the minimum low o the pump during

    the period when no illing operation takes place.

    The send out lines to the truck and container

    illing station are permanently illed with LNG.

    A small circulation low keeps the system atcryogenic temperatures. The trucks are weighed

    prior to illing. Trucks are connected manually

    to the loading arm illing and vapor return lines.

    The initial LNG into the warm tanks truck eva-

    porates The resulting vapor returns to the stor-

    age tank. Ater cooling the truck tank, the illing

    rate increases to the maximum illing rate.

    The low meter stops the illing operation auto-

    matically via the automatic control valve at the

    loading station. The truck leaves the plant via

    the weighbridge ater disconnection rom the

    loading arm. Fig. 4 shows the LNG truck loading

    station with our trucks each with a storage

    capacity o 44 m3. The loading capacity o the


    stations is suicient to match the send out ca-pacity by operationg 16 hours a day.

    The same operation applies to the container

    illing system. The only dierence is that trucks

    are mobile by themselves and the container

    must be moved by gantry crane and trailers.

    The container is ixed on rail-platorm cars andtransported as train o 40 to 70 cars in length.

    The illing time or one container or one truck is

    estimated to be about 1.2 hours including con-

    nection and disconnection time. The system capa-

    city is designed to ill 100 trucks or containers

    within 16 hours. The illing system consists o

    six loading stations or containers and our load-

    ing stations or trucks.

    P-411LNG transer pump

    LNG rom liqueier Vapor return containerilling station

    Boil-off/flash/displacement gasto re-compression

    Container and truck filling station

    D-411LNG storage tank





  • 7/31/2019 Baseload LNG Production in Xin Jiang


    Fig. 6: Three stage 43 m high coil-wound heat

    exhanger with separator in the steel rame

    Fuel system

    The net lash, boil-o and displacement gas

    coming rom the LNG storage tank is com-

    pressed, cooled against ambient air and used

    as regeneration gas in the dehydration section

    beore it is sent as uel to the gas turbine, which

    drives the cycle compressor. To allow or pres-

    sure control o the uel gas, an additional

    uel stream is taken rom the eed gas ollowing

    the second stage o the eed gas compressor.

    Hot oil unit

    The hot oil system provides the process heat or

    the plant at two temperature levels. In order

    to keep constant low rates in the system, two

    cycles are used: a medium temperature cycle

    and a high temperature cycle. The heat or both

    cycles is provided by a hot oil heater package, a

    waste heat recovery unit in the exhaust stack o

    the cycle gas turbine. The hot oil is heated to ap-

    prox. 260C to supply heat or the regeneration

    gas heating. To allow or start-up during winter

    conditions, the system is heat traced.


    Features III

  • 7/31/2019 Baseload LNG Production in Xin Jiang


    Fig. 7: Precooling section o the coil-wound heat

    exchanger in the Linde workshop


    Main cryogenic heat exchangerA special eature o the cryogenic section o the

    process plant is the coil-wound heat exchanger

    which is designed and built by Linde.

    The coil-wound heat exchanger

    The robust design o the coil-wound heat ex-

    changer is ideally suited or the pre-cooling,

    liqueaction and sub-cooling processes. During

    these processes, the rerigerant and product

    streams reach temperatures as low as -160C.

    Fig. 7 shows the precooling section o the coil-wound heat exchanger in the Linde workshop

    prior to transport.

    The outer dimensions (length x diameter) o the

    three coil-wound heat exchanger sections are:

    Precooler: 15 m x 3 m

    Liqueier: 17 m x 3 m

    Subcooler: 11 m x 2 m

    All three heat exchanger sections were trans-

    ported separately to the site. Ater concentric

    stacking and welding in a steel structure, the

    combined coil-wound heat exchangers have an

    overall height o 43 m. Fig. 6 (page 10) shows

    the cryogenic section with the coil-wound

    heat exchanger together with the separator in

    the permanent steel rame. In comparison to

    plate-in heat exchangers, the coil-wound heat

    exchanger can with stand signiicant thermal

    shocks. Thermal shocks may occur during start-

    up or shut-down or mal-operations.

  • 7/31/2019 Baseload LNG Production in Xin Jiang


    Fig: 8: Part o the leet o LNG trucks or the

    road transportation o the Shan Shan LNG


    Project execution.

    The execution o the Shan Shan project is an ex-

    ample or the excellent cooperation between

    the owner o the plant, the liqueaction and tank

    technology providers, and the local design insti-


    SPIDI in Shanghai, China was responsible or the

    entire plot plan o the plant and detail engineer-

    ing with utilities. Tractebel Gas Engineering in

    Bonn, Germany was responsible or the design

    o the LNG storage tank and the loading acilities

    and the procurement o the relevant imported

    equipment and material as well as or the con-

    struction and commissioning supervision o the

    tank and loading units.

    The Engineering Division in Munich, Germany

    was responsible or the natural gas treatment

    and liqueaction process design and or the pro-

    curement o the imported process related equip-

    ment as well as or the supervision o plant con-

    struction and commissioning.

    Fig. 9 (page 13) shows a section o the Shan

    Shan LNG plant with the compressor shelter

    building, the gas turbine exhaust stack, the

    coil-wound heat exchanger in the rack, the

    LNG tank and the air coolers on the pipe rack.

    The plant was mechanically completed in 2004

    ollowed by commissioning. The equipment and

    piping was arranged in such a way as to take

    into account the relevant saety regulations as

    well as short pipeline lengths. The required

    plant area is about 58 m x 130 m. The LNG stor-

    age tank is connected to the process plant by a

    pipe rack, which supports the product and the

    vapor return line.

    A large leet o LNG trucks, Fig. 8, is now perma-

    nently transporting the LNG over long distances

    to the satellite stations in the vicinity o the con-


    Most o the LNG satellite stations are located inthe more densely populated regions in the east-

    ern provinces o China. An overview o the exist-

    ing and planned LNG satellite stations is shown

    in Fig. 10 (page 13).

    As is evident rom the table, the one way dis-

    tances mostly exceed 3,000 km, some are even

    greater than 4,000 km.

    The Dehua satellite station, Fig. 11 (page 15),

    represents the longest distance rom the Shan

    Shan LNG plant. This station comprises eight

    vertically installed cylindrical LNG storage tanks,

    each with a capacity o 150 m3. They are illed

    regularly by the LNG trucks. The LNG is vaporized

    by blocks o inned heat exchangers using natu-

    ral convection o ambient air as heat source.

    Small LNG containers are oten illed with LNG

    rom these large satellite stations and trans-

    ported to smaller satellite stations in order to

    a limited residential areas.

    One o the urgent needs or clean uel comes

    rom public busses. Thereore, one o the LNGsatellite stations supplies the LNG directly to a

    city bus leet.

  • 7/31/2019 Baseload LNG Production in Xin Jiang


    Fig. 9: Section o the Shan Shan LNG plant with compressor shelter,

    gas turbine exhaust stack, coil-wound heat exchanger and LNG tankFig. 10: LNG transport in China from the Shan Shan LNG plant


    Shan ShanLNG plant

    LNGsatellite station


    satellite station

    Station Distance

    Linyi 3,400 kmRizhao 3,520 kmLianyungang 3,450 kmQingdao 3,600 km

    Weihai 3,700 kmJiangyan 4,100 kmQidong 3,400 kmTongxiang 3,700 kmYuyao 3,920 kmBeijing 3,170 km

    Minqing 4,050 kmDehua 4,400 kmChangde 3,190 kmChangsha 3,450 kmZhuzhou 3,520 km

    Jiujiang 3,250 km

    Ji An 3,700 kmNanchang 3,400 kmGuangzhou 4,040 kmJiangyang 4,350 kmLongchuan 4,200 km

    Dongguan 4,120 kmUrumqi 340 kmHami 340 km

  • 7/31/2019 Baseload LNG Production in Xin Jiang


    With the introduction o such LNG plant typescombined with the respective transport inra-structure, natural gas markets can be dynami-cally introduced and developed.

    Demand or natural gas in China is projected to

    increase drastically in the uture. This Shan Shan

    LNG plant will open a new era in meeting the

    increasing demand.

    With the introduction o such LNG plants, com-

    bined with the respective transport inrastruc-

    ture, natural gas markets can be dynamically

    developed in the uture. It is evident that natural

    gas, as a cleaner uel, will play an increasingly

    important role in the primary energy mix.

    The LNG rom the Shan Shan LNG plant will

    contribute substantially to the economic devel-

    opment and growth in China. With the LNG rom

    Shan Shan, a high degree o lexibility in the

    energy supply will be made available to the

    beneit o all natural gas consumers with luc-

    tuating or peak demand proiles.

    The Shan Shan LNG plant provides a means to

    commercialize indigenous natural gas resources.

    This, in turn, supports the local economy and

    provides jobs.

    The Shan Shan LNG plant provide a rubber tyre

    pipeline in China. The transport o LNG via tank-

    er trucks makes the distribution o natural gas tointermediate-sized consumers possibel.

    Some o the target regions have not yet been

    connected to major gas pipelines due to eco-

    nomic reasons, since the initial gas consumption

    rate would not justiy such a large investment.

    Thereore, the LNG supply will initiate the pene-

    tration o these regional markets with environ-

    mentally riendly uel.

    This LNG scheme is unique in the world with

    regard to plant type as well as plant and trans-

    port capacity. It can be considered as an a

    model or the commercialization o remote gas



    Closing remarks.

  • 7/31/2019 Baseload LNG Production in Xin Jiang


    Fig 11: Dehua LNG satellite station


    Selected references

    E. Berger, Engineering Division:


    and Commerce Group Co. Ltd.


    Industry Design Institute o SINOPEC (SPIDI)


    and economic aspects


    Madras, India, 1996



    Malaysia, 1992

    A. Meert, Tractebel Gas Engineering,

    L. Atzinger, Engineering Division:


    commercialization o remote gas resources

    or an Eco-responsible Future


    W. Frg, W. Bach, R. Stockmann,

    Engineering Division,

    R.S. Heiersted, P. Paurola, A.O. Fredheim,



    acturing o the main heat exchangers


  • 7/31/2019 Baseload LNG Production in Xin Jiang


    Engineering Division head oice:

    Linde AG

    Engineering Division

    Pullach, Germany

    Phone: +49.(0)89.7445-0

    Fax: +49.(0)89.7445-4908

    [email protected]



    Lindes Engineering Division continuously develops extensive process engineering know-how in the planning,

    project management and construction o turnkey industrial plants.

    The range o products comprises:

    Petrochemical plants

    LNG and natural gas processing plants

    Synthesis gas plants

    Hydrogen plants

    Gas processing plants

    Adsorption plants

    Air separation plants

    Cryogenic plants

    Biotechnological plants

    Furnaces or petrochemical plants and reneries

    Linde and its subsidiaries manuacture:

    Packaged units, cold boxes

    Coil-wound heat exchangers

    Plate-n heat exchangers

    Cryogenic standard tanks

    Air heated vaporizers

    Spiral-welded aluminium pipes

    Engineering Division headquarters:

    Linde AG

    E i i Di i i D C l Li d St 6 14 82049 P ll h G

    More than 3,800 plants worldwide document the leading position of the Engineering Division in international plant construction.

    Engineering Division

    Schalchen PlantTacherting, Germany

    Phone +49.8621.85-0

    Fax +49.8621.85-6620

    [email protected]

    Linde-KCA-Dresden GmbH

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    Phone +49.351.250-30

    Fax +49.351.250-4800

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    Selas-Linde GmbH

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    Phone +49.89.7447-470

    Fax +49.89.7447-4717

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    Cryostar SAS

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    Phone +33.389.70-2727

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    Fax +39.066.5613-200

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    Linde Kryotechnik AG

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    Phone +41.52.3040-555

    Fax +41.52.3040-550

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    Phone +46.3164-6800

    Fax +46.3164-2220

    [email protected]

    Linde Process Plants, Inc.


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    Fax +1.918.4771-100

    [email protected]

    Selas Fluid Processing Corp.

    Blue Bell, PA, U.S.A.

    Phone +1.610.834-0300

    Fax +1.610.834-0473

    [email protected]

    Linde Engenharia do Brasil Ltda.

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    Fax +55.21.3545-2257

    [email protected]

    Linde Process Plants (Pty.) Ltd.

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    Linde Arabian Contracting Co. Ltd.


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    Fax +966.1.419-1384

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    Linde Engineering Middle East LLC

    Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

    Phone +971.2.4477-631

    Fax +971.2.4475-953

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    Linde Engineering India Pvt. Ltd.

    Vadodara, Gujarat, IndiaPhone +91.265.3056-789

    Fax +91.265.2335-213

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    Linde Engineerig Far East, Ltd.


    Phone +82.2789-6697

    Fax +82.2789-6698

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    Linde Engineering Division

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    Phone +66.2636-1998

    Fax +66.2636-1999

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    Linde Engineering Co. Ltd.

    Dalian, P.R. o China

    Phone +86.411.39538-800

    Fax +86.411.39538-855

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    Linde Engineering Co. Ltd.

    Hangzhou, P.R. o China

    Phone +86.571.87858-222

    Fax +86.571.87858-200

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    Linde Engineering Division

    Beijing Representative OiceBeijing, P.R. o China

    Phone +86.10.6437-7014

    Fax +86.10.6437-6718

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    Linde AG Taiwan Branch

    Engineering Division

    Taipei, Taiwan

    Phone +886.2.2786-3131

    Fax +886.2.2652-5871

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    Linde Australia Pty. Ltd.

    Chatswood N.S.W., Australia

    Phone +61.29411-4111

    Fax +61.29411-1470

    [email protected]

    Designing Processes- Constructing Plants.