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    insecurity(feeling of having lost security or the state of being notsecure not confident nor firm in your beliefs...) ie with God n his promises n others like family...economy..or job..God is my source ,,provider....

    inferiority (sense or feeling of being lower in position or stature or value)

    the moment you feel insecure or inferiority will cause fear to come in....

    Fear is the manifestation of Spiritual weakness..we sometimes embrace it(entertainment...horror movies..thrill seeking(driving)being affected by a spirit of fear)..we call it personality

    STOP PUtting fear in others...

    you could be free from fear in one area but in other area you are bound

    Genesis 26:24,Isaiah 41:10,isaiah 43:1-7,rev 21:8

    Genesis 26:24 ...where the Lord appeared to him on the night of his arrival. I amthe God of your father, Abraham, he said. Do not be afraid, for I am with you andwill bless you. I will multiply your descendants, and they will become a greatnation. I will do this because of my promise to Abraham, my servant.

    Isaiah 41:10 Dont be afraid, for I am with you.Dont be discouraged, for I am your God.

    I will strengthen you and help you.I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

    Isaiah 43

    The Savior of Israel

    1 But now, O Jacob, listen to the Lord who created you.O Israel, the one who formed you says,

    Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you.

    I have called you by name; you are mine.2 When you go through deep waters,I will be with you.

    When you go through rivers of difficulty,you will not drown.

    When you walk through the fire of oppression,you will not be burned up;the flames will not consume you.

    3 For I am the Lord, your God,the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.

    I gave Egypt as a ransom for your freedom;I gave Ethiopia[a] and Seba in your place.

    4 Others were given in exchange for you.

    I traded their lives for yoursbecause you are precious to me.

    You are honored, and I love you.5 Do not be afraid, for I am with you.

    I will gather you and your children from east and west.6 I will say to the north and south, Bring my sons and daughters back to Israel

    from the distant corners of the earth.7 Bring all who claim me as their God,

    for I have made them for my glory.

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    It was I who created them.

    Why God hates fear?

    1. Fear is always self focused...2. Fear causes to withdraw from the presence of God..Genesis 3:10..when the glory comes..fear causes withdrawl(Adam went hiding from glory of God...Peter denying Jesus..i donot know that man..)

    Fear will hide behind

    /pride../anger(bless those who persecute you)/mockery/lie of inaction(you wont do anything)/business and distraction(getting involved with it so we hide)/hide from accusations/personality (they have painted an image)/isolation(Adam first isolated..when christians come out of fear they seperate themselve from others..dont go to outside of world )Fear says if you follow me will be safe

    Fear promises it says to stay away from people(bcos it will hurt you).Fear attracts the very thing you are afraid of(failures..police..)..(Job 3:25)..

    Fear will put the blame on others..(adam-->eve).God is a mercy n forgiveness...but he depends on one take full responsibiity for your actions,...I have sinned against you Lord...i ...take full responsibility...the job you gave me...the ministry you gave me...(Adam to God the woman you gave me...)

    Fear removed him Adam from place of authority and blessing so now they have toilday n night..those who walk in place of authority n blessing are fearless n radically trust

    in God

    Psalm 133:1 ---as long as you are afraid of being will never walk in unity...Fear appears under the illusion of making you think you are safe....

    fear will rob you blessing..

    Mathew 25:14->Fear will cause you to misuse the gifts of God..the anointing ofGodFear causes preachers to put up an super image infront of people...bcos they areafraid

    Fear will keep you from trying...

    I cant (i wont even try..) are the words rooted in fear...Phil 4:13 I can (I will)

    Fear isolate..seperates..blames..excuse..hide..promises you safety..n brings u to destruction..self focused...

    As fear arises hate begins to manifest..Christians to muslims..

    The walls of protection that you build through fear becomes the very prisons tha

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    t enslave you.

    Fear when some one asks abt you a job...

    Fear of rejection when some one does not notice one going to like you..

    The ANSWER IS : 1 JOhn 4:18...perfet love cast out all fear (there is in love(agape) no place of fear)

    agape love is a deliberate act of Your will to act in the best interest of another(Jesus) irregardless of the consequences to your self...that means i am focused on your best interest not that way i am focused in your best interestnot mine..lord all i got is emotions.mind..but at times of need it i dont haveagape bcos fear took over me.Acts 1:8 Lord baptise me in the Holy Spirit which lay down into me agape love and cause to be a witness..i pray for an outpour of agapeRomans 5:5

    Lord if there is a way ,,you can take away from me.....give it to them...When you are willing to loose everything..when you made a deliberate act of your will..poured out everything you had on another opened the floodgates of heaven for a greater measure of agape on ur life...

    when we operate in fear..we cant see Jesus in other places(Mathew 12:25-26 so th

    e pentecost are afraid of others...other prayer groups...Jesus is where there isLove)

    Perfect love allow us to overlook their faults and see the Jesus in them===Lordi plead the blood of Jesus over your shortcoming and Lord open my eyes to see the Jesus in them

    Dont fear abt ur identity in Christ...i wont go to that party or alcohol..neither should u...

    1 John 2:9-10-11...fear leaves you in spiritual darkness and love brings you inlight

    dont judge..means not their actions but their motives