
The Barbarians To Greeks and Romans a Barbarian was someone who wasn’t from their extraction or culture. What do you think a Barbarian is? The Huns

Transcript of Barbarians

Page 1: Barbarians

The Barbarians To Greeks and

Romans a Barbarian was someone who wasn’t from their extraction or culture.

What do you think a Barbarian is?

The Huns

Page 2: Barbarians

Who were the Barbarians? These are some of the

many Barbarian groups.1. Visigoths2. Gauls3. Norse4. Huns5. Teutons6. Anglo Saxons or Vikings7. Allans8. Germans9. Celts10. Franks11. Jutes12. Vandals

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nomads and were located around Europe and Asia.

The different kinds of Barbarians were ruled by:

1. Kings2. Clan heads

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RELIGION Anglo-saxon and

German gods were divided in two big families:

1. Ases (Aesir) dedicated to war

2. Vanes (Vanir) dedicated to war

Samples of gods and goddess:

Odin, Frigga, Thor, Frey

Odin riding on his eight legged horse

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Family and Economy Monogamy was the

norm for them They used to marry or

“capture” who loved (women or men could do that)

Gender roles were well delineated but women and men used to have almost the same rights.

They were good farmers and hunters Pictish Barbarian

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WRITING Some of them used

Runes. This was a written alphabet but also used to have magical and religious meanings.

Different runes

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CULTURAL AREAS The Barbarian Festival

of Jul (Yule). Lasted 12 nights and started the night of December 20 (Solstice Eve)

The holiday of Ostara (around March 20-21)

LITERATURE:• Beowulf and the

Mabinogion• Tales of King Arthur• The Kalevala• The Volsun Saga