Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference1 GERMANY: Inhabitants: 82 million (Queensland: 3...

Barbara Lison, Ger many ALIA 2004 Biennial Conference 1 Ham m GERMANY : Inhabitants: 82 million (Queensland: 3 million) Territory: 357,000 km2 (Queensland: 1,722 million km2)
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Transcript of Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference1 GERMANY: Inhabitants: 82 million (Queensland: 3...

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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference1 GERMANY: Inhabitants: 82 million (Queensland: 3 million) Territory: 357,000 km2 (Queensland: 1,722 million km2)
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference2 StadtBibliothek Bremen 1 central library 1 school libraries department 1 hospital library 1 prison library 1 mobile library with 10 stops 6 branch libraries (adults and children) 9 childrens libraries (in schools) Bremen Public Libraries consist of:
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference3 StadtBibliothek Bremen With less staff higher performance
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference4 StadtBibliothek Bremen 2003 Input / Performance Budget: 9.7 million Euro (19 million AUS $) Service: 22,000 operating hours in the whole system 670,000 media in stock Usage: 1.52 million visitors (540,000 inhabitants in Bremen) 3.1 million loans (annual media turnover: 4,6)
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference5 Barbara Lison, Bremen (Germany) How German Public Libraries meet the 21st Century
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference6 I will talk about: 1. Conditions and Circumstances for the work of the German Public Libraries 1.1 Tasks and Mission 1.2Challenges for Public Libraries 2. Strategies of Change 2.1Concept Library 2007 2.2Successful Examples of Change Management in Public Libraries
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference7 To support: media literacy information literacy lifelong learning the overcoming of the digital divide To give and guarantee free access to information equal opportunities social inclusion Mission of Public Libraries at the beginning of the 21st century:
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference8 Tasks of Public Libraries at the beginning of the 21st century: offer modern innovative information services offer a neutral, easy to access and inviting place promote the values of reading, literature and knowledge offer both physical and virtual services help people to navigate in the information jungle work with high efficiency, related to cost/benefit analysis
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference9 Restricted Resources Reaction: Higher Efficiency Higher Customer Demands Reaction: Better Services Challenges of the Information Society Reaction: Electronic Services and Access Opportunities Little Support of Politicians / No National Co-ordination Reaction: More Networking and Better Lobbying Challenges to the Work of the Public Libraries in Germany Challenges to Public Libraries at the beginning of the 21st century
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference10 Chronicle of the Technological Achievements in German Public Libraries in the Last 20 Years 1980s: computerised library catalogues (fiches) 1990s: OPAC integrated housekeeping systems, offline-databases mid-90s: Internet-technology, online-databases, electronic networks 2000ff: self-service-devices personalised services
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference11 Since 2002 PISA is not a mere tourist attraction in Italy BUT it is Germanys Sputnik Shock
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference12
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference13 Proportion of pupils who do not read for fun % 42 % 33 %
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference14 The consequences of the PISA desaster of Germany were: sudden high estimation of reading and literacy competencies by politicians and business managers high priority of funding school activities, research and projects in the educational sector BUT...
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference15... Very little Attention was directed to the benefits of Public Libraries as PROMOTERS of READING and DEPARTMENTSTORES of KNOWLEDGE !
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference16 Strategies for Change in German Public Libraries Concept Library 2007
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference17 Library 2007 A Joint Project of the Association of the German Library Organisations and the Bertelsmann Foundation
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference18 German Union of the Libraries Association and Bertelsmann Foundation intend to: Identify and describe most important optimisation factors Stress and support the key role of libraries within the educational system Create both a professional and a political discussion about the optimisation potential and the quality of German libraries Initiate a national process of change both for libraries and national policy Objectives of Library 2007
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference19 Strategy Concept Library 2007 to be communicated to the main target groups: Politicians on national and regional level ++ Qualitative Interviews State-of-the- Art-Analysis of German Libraries International Best Practice Analysis (UK, DK, FIN, USA, SG) Components of the Project
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference20 no strategic integration of libraries into the educational system no nationwide development or innovation policy for libraries drastic cuts in funding little innovative co-operative networking need of enforced professional development Urgent need of optimisation for German Libraries in a situation of:
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference21 Objectives: intensify the integration of Libraries into the national educational and information policies Support the improvement of customer service of libraries Increase the efficiency of libraries Tasks: work out development plan and strategies for national library policy launch development and innovation programmes assure quality by creating national standards, oragnising benchmarking and ranking processes clearinghouse for co-operative networks Conclusion: A National Agency for the development of libraries is needed !!!
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference22 Strategies for Change in German Public Libraries Successful examples of Change Management in German Public Libraries
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference23 A Balanced Score Card Approach for Change Management in German Public Libraries Balanced Score Card Performance To fulfil our tasks, how should we perform ? Staff To achieve our vision, how should we deal with the staff ?
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference24 Customer Orientation Balanced Score Card Performance To fulfil our tasks, how should we perform ? Staff To achieve our vision, how should we deal with the staff ?
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference25 From Customer Adminstration To Customer Orientation
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference26 Features of customer orientated work: - Services and stock according to customers needs - Adequate opening time - Training for the usage of the library products - Involvement of users when designing services - Friendly, well trained staff - Friendly atmosphere - Customer Relationship Management - Quality assurance for customer service
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference27 Wrzburg Public Library was German Library of the Year 2003 because of highly customer orientated services, marketing and customer retaining strategies
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference28 Project: FaN = Frauen ans Netz, Bremen Internet courses for women in the atmosphere of a club
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference29 Public Library of Dresden is German Library of the Year 2004 because of exceptional high activities for young adults and intensive co-operation with schools
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference30 Free access to the libraries homepage for handicapped Customers alike
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference31 Die e-LernBar der Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin Offer support for Longlife Learning
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference32 StadtBibliothek Bremen Hierhin die Folien ber die Eregbnisse der permanenten Befragung zum Motiv fr den Erwerb von BibCards KUNDENBEFRAGUNG 2001 Customer Surveys help to improve the service
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference33 Staff Orientation Balanced Score Card Performance To fulfil our tasks, how should we perform ? Staff To achieve our vision, how should we deal with the staff ?
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference34 Jump, Bob, just jump !!! From Staff adminstration To staff orientation
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference35 Features of staff-orientated work: - Continuous professional development scheme - Staff involvement in strategic planning - Management by objectives - Creation of corporate atmosphere and feeling - Team orientated work
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference36 StadtBibliothek Bremen
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference37 StadtBibliothek Bremen
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference38 Business Process Orientation Balanced Score Card Performance To fulfil our tasks, how should we perform ? Staff To achieve our vision, how should we deal with the staff ?
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference39 StadtBibliothek Bremen
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference40 Elements of innovation in business processes: - Reform of public administration - Budget driven economy - public enterprise - Mission driven work and products - Improvement of the efficiency - Increase of the effectiveness of the resource-input - Introduction of (Total) Quality Management - Controlling according to contract based goals
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference41 StadtBibliothek Bremen Network-Organisation
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference42 Improvement of Business processes Major Portal for Academic and Public Libraries with: Fulltext databases Link-Collections Search facilities Meta-Search-Engine Bibliographic Resources Result: Higher Perfor- mance in single library with less costs
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference43 Using co-operative Services Is An integrative Strategy
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference44 Co-operative Internet-Service of 72 German Public Libraries: - Link collection by 72 subjects - Ask-a-Librarian-Service (answer within one working day)
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference45 Performance Orientation Balanced Score Card Performance To fulfil our tasks, how should we perform ? Staff To achieve our vision, how should we deal with the staff ?
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference46 Not only athletes stand on the victory landing but also Libraries...
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference47 National Ranking Tool for Public and Academic Libraries based on the Balanced Score Card Approach
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference48 Participation of Public Libraires > 100,000 inh.: 35 50 100,000 inh.: 44 30 - 50,000 inh.: 47 15 - 30,000 inh.: 47 < 15,000 inh.: 39 Target Dimensions Customer orientation (Quality) Staff orientation Efficiency Performance (Quantity)
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference49 ITS ALL ON CD-ROM NOW ! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY? Not Wind of Change - but Hurricane of Change
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  • Barbara Lison, GermanyALIA 2004 Biennial Conference50 Only that what changes continiously can last !!! Thank you very much for your attention! [email protected]