Barack Obama’s luxury limousine

Dgmywgr` ns a lgbd noatn go i muacharmoe ss steec# cubnonub#tntaonubaom veoler abn l tgdr ea`up pgssndce prgkeltnces \gurles; MancyBanc# Vn`npemna 1><> Cnolgco @"\erne s Baouialturer; Feoerac Bgtgrs Bgmec; Lamnccal M]\ Onl`oabes; LamnccalGoe#]he Deast Zrnle; -<::::: Ceofth; 5/<b Henfht; 1/55b enfht; 8 tgo s Eofnoe; 9/5cntre mnes ec Baxspeem; 1::`b'h gosubptngo; 4> cntre'1::`b 1>=4 Cnol gco Lust gb 1>5: Cnolgco Lgsbgpgcntao 1>95 Cnolgco Lgotnoeotac 1>8< Lamnccal Iceetwggm 1>8> Cnol gco ] gwo Lar 1>>< Lamnccal Drgufhab 4::1 Lamnccal M]\ ]he ce amer„ s cuxury cn bgusnoe Zre vngus pre snmeo tnac vehn lces KALGFTGDDECAAT# Fraphnls 4= ]he petr gc tao` ns arbgu r"pcate m aom cce m wnth a speln accymesnfoem igabthat pre veot s nt irg bexpcgm nofeveoni nt suer s amnrelthnt ]he dggt hgcm s gxy feo suppc y aom a re "fht nof systeb/@ep t no the truo` nsa dc ggm da o`gi the pre snmeot „s dcggm type/ ]he truo ` cnmhas veaote ooa s Gdaba„sseat has a igcm away mes`tgp# capt gp lgbp uterwnth Vn"In# state"gi"the"arts ateccnte phg oe aommnreltcnoetgthe vnle" presnmeot aomthe Zeota fgo ]hree rear"ialnof seats ar e no thedal` # wnt h a fcasspar tnt ngo mnvnm nof the irgo t irgbdal`/ Zao nl duttgo nosta ccemigr Gdaba tgsubbgo hecp Mggrs arbgur"pcatem# 4:l b thn l`aom the wen fhtgi a lad nomggr go a Dge nof656 ket ]he larnsmrnveodya tranoem \elr et\ervnle afeot whgns lap adce gi per igr bno f a K"t uro“ a baogeu vr e nowhnlhthecnbgturos 18: efr eesno a bat tergi selgoms Mrnver„swnomgw ns tguf h eogu fh tg wnthstaom arbgur"pner lnof ducc ets/Nt„s the gocywnomgw that gpeos “ dykus t 1:lb“ sgthat the mr nv erlaopaya tgccgr tac` wnth\elret \ervnle afeo ts ]he lhassns has a reno igr lem 15lbsteec pcat e igr prg teltn go no theuocn` ecyeveo t gia dgbd denofpcalem uome roea th Go mgbest nltrn ps#the sta telar mnspcaysthe Abern lao aom presnmeotnac afs/ Vheothe presnmeot vnsntsa igr enfolguotry# the pre snmeo tnac af ns rep cale m dy the igr enfolguotry„ s af Fggmyear ruo"at tyres t not g extr a"car fe wheecweccs/ @ev car" reno igr lem#shrem"aom puol ture" res nstao t# wnth stee c rnbs#eoadcno f thelar tg es lap e ev eo ni thetyres aredcastemaway spelnac onfht"vnsngo ysteb nsno a se lret cgl atn go/Nt nsadce tgsee hea m at onf ht wnthgut cnfhts Meieole allessgrne s nolcume onfht"vnsngo laber as aom pubp" altngo shgtfuos/Acsgarbemwnth tea r faslaoogos/]helarns seacem afanost dnglhebnlac attal`s Acthg ufh the stat e lar nsa Lamnccal" damfem cnbgusnoe#nt ns dunct go the lha ssn s gia Lhevrgcet @gmna` lgbberlnac trul`

Transcript of Barack Obama’s luxury limousine

Page 1: Barack Obama’s luxury limousine


Dgmywgr` ns a lgbdnoatngoi muacharmoess steec#cubnonub#tntaonubaomveolerabnl tgdrea`uppgssndceprgkeltnces

\gurles; MancyBanc# Vn`npemna


Baouialturer; FeoeracBgtgrs

Bgmec; LamnccalM]\

Onl`oabes; LamnccalGoe#]he Deast

Zrnle; -<:::::

Ceofth; 5/<b

Henfht; 1/55b

enfht; 8 tgos

Eofnoe; 9/5cntre mnesec

Baxspeem; 1::`b'h

gosubptngo; 4> cntre'1::`b




1>8<Lamnccal Iceetwggm




]he ceamer„s cuxury cnbgusnoe

Zrevnguspresnmeotnac vehnlces


]he petrgc tao` nsarbgur"pcatem aomficcemwntha spelnaccymesnfoemigabthat preveots ntirgb expcgmnofeveoni ntsuers a mnrelthnt

]hedggt hgcms gxyfeosuppcy aoma fire"fifhtnof systeb/@ept no thetruo` nsa dcggm dao`gi thepresnmeot„sdcggm type/ ]he truocnmhas fiveaoteooas

Gdaba„sseat hasa igcmawaymes tgp# captgplgbputerwnthVn"In# state"gi"the"artsateccntephgoeaommnreltcnoe tgthevnle"presnmeot aom theZeotafgo

]hree rear"ialnofseatsare nothedal #wnth a fcasspartntngomnvnmnof the irgot irgbdal`/Zaonl duttgo nostaccemigr Gdabatgsubbgo hecp

Mggrs arbgur"pcatem#4:lb thnl`aom thewenfhtgi a ladnomggr goa Dgenof656 ket

]he lar nsmrnveo dyatranoem\elret\ervnleafeotwhgns lapadce gi 

perigrbnof a K"turo“ abaogeuvrenowhnlhthe cnbg turos 18:efreesno abattergi selgoms

Mrnver„swnomgw ns tgufh eogufhtgwnthstaomarbgur"pnerlnofduccets/Nt„s thegocywnomgwthatgpeos “ dykust 1:lb“ sgthatthe mrnverlaopaya tgccgr tac`wnth\elret \ervnle afeots

]he lhassns hasa renoigrlem15lbsteec pcate igrprgteltngono theuocn ecyeveot gia dgbddenofpcalemuomeroeath

Gomgbestnl trnps#the state larmnspcaysthe Abernlaoaompresnmeotnacfflafs/Vheothepresnmeot vnsntsa igrenfolguotry#thepresnmeotnacfflaf ns repcalem dythe igrenfolguotry„s fflaf

Fggmyearruo"fflat tyres fit notgextra"carfewheecweccs/@evcar"renoigrlem#shrem"aom puolture"resnstaot#wnthsteec rnbs#eoadcnofthelar tg eslape eveo ni thetyresaredcastemaway

spelnaconfht"vnsngoysteb nsno a selretcglatngo/Nt ns adce tgseeheam atonfhtwnthgut


Meieoleallessgrnesnolcume onfht"vnsngolaberas aompubp"

altngo shgtfuos/Acsg arbemwnthtear faslaoogos/ ]helar nsseacemafanostdnglhebnlacattal`s

Acthgufhthestate lar nsa


cnbgusnoe#nt nsdunct go thelhassns giaLhevrgcet



Page 2: Barack Obama’s luxury limousine