Bar Chart & Kurva-S

11/29/2012 1 Bar Chart & Kurva-S Materi Kuliah Manajemen Konstruksi Dosen: Emma Akmalah, Ph.D. Introduction The ‘bar chart’ is the most popular and is widely used in the construction industry. The work of Henry L. Gantt and Frederick W. Taylor in the early 1900s, which was associated with graphic representation of work on a time- scale, led to the development of the Gantt or bar chart. Although their work was originally aimed at production scheduling, it was readily accepted for planning and recording the progress of construction. Today, the bar graph remains an excellent graphical representation of activity because it is easy to read and understood by all levels of management and supervision.

Transcript of Bar Chart & Kurva-S

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Bar Chart & Kurva-S

Materi Kuliah Manajemen Konstruksi

Dosen: Emma Akmalah, Ph.D.


• The ‘bar chart’ is the most popular and is widely used in the construction industry. The work of Henry L. Gantt and Frederick W. Taylor in the early 1900s, which was associated with graphic representation of work on a time-scale, led to the development of the Gantt or bar chart.

• Although their work was originally aimed at production scheduling, it was readily accepted for planning and recording the progress of construction.

• Today, the bar graph remains an excellent graphical representation of activity because it is easy to read and understood by all levels of management and supervision.

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What is a Bar Chart?

• A bar chart is ‘‘a graphic representation of project activities, shown in a time-scaled bar line with no links shown between activities.

• A bar chart is a simple, visual scheduling tool that is easy to use. It is a diagram divided into columns and rows. Columns represent a given time-scale, which could be expressed as months, weeks, days or even hours.

• Activities are scheduled as bars within horizontal rows. The length of an activity bar gives activity duration.

Bar Chart Examples (1)

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Bar Chart Examples (2)

Bar Chart Examples (3)

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Bar Chart Examples (4)

Bar Chart Examples (5)

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Bar Chart Examples (6)

The Use of Bar Chart (1)

• Bar charts are now used in all industries for easy and quick visual representation of data.

• As construction scheduling became more sophisticated, the bar chart was used in combination with hand spreadsheets, to schedule and track construction projects.

• Bar charts are effective at activity scheduling and tracking as a job logic diagram. They are cost-effective scheduling tools for smaller projects and on residential work.

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The Use of Bar Chart

• Bar charts are the most frequently used schedules in construction because they are simple and easy to understand. Their simplicity makes them very useful for milestone and summary schedules, which are used for global control at the project management and executive level.

• Bar charts have become a vehicle for representing many pieces of a project’s information. Many variations of bar charts have evolved; some simply show the start and end of each activity, some are loaded with resource or budget numbers and others compare the as-planned schedule with the as-built schedule

• Bar charts have gained wide acceptance and popularity mainly because of their simplicity and ease of preparation and understanding.

• Although bar charts can carry—or be loaded with—other information, the user must be careful not to overload them and, thus, eliminate their main advantage: simplicity.

• Unlike networks, bar charts are time-scaled; that is, the length of a bar representing certain activity is proportional to the duration of that activity. Just by looking at the chart one can get an idea on the duration of each activity.

The Main Advantages of Bar Charts (1)

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• Another advantage is that bar charts particularly appeal to persons who do not have a technical background. For example, some clients and upper-level managers may better understand the plan for carrying out a construction project by looking at a bar chart than by looking at a schematic of a logic network.

• Another significant feature of Gantt charts is that they are as easy to construct as a network. We use the example in the previous subsection to demonstrate how to construct such a chart.

The Main Advantages of Bar Charts (2)

• The main disadvantage of bar charts is lack of logical representation (relationships).

• Why did this activity start on that date? Bar charts do not reveal the answer. It could be a logical relationship, a resource constraint, or a subjective decision by the project manager.

• Another limitation, rather than a disadvantage, of bar charts is the size and complexity of projects. Bar charts may not be practical for projects with large numbers of activities.

The Main Disadvantages of Bar Charts

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Bar Chart versus Network Methods (1)

• Bar charts, as we have seen, have only a limited ability to show a large project’s many detailed work activities and, even more importantly, their time-scaled interdependence.

• Bar charts do not show all the interdependencies between activities, whereas network diagrams show the dependence (constraint) of one starting activity and the finish of the activity preceding it. Further, bar charts do not allow for variable float control at those activities’ events.

• The CPM system has a far greater ability to handle with ease the hundreds of work activities on large commercial and industrial projects.

• Costwise, the scheduling system should be appropriate to the size of project. The tendency to overload a nominal schedule with too much detail is a common problem encountered by schedulers trying to use a system with too much power on a small project.

• On smaller projects, however, it is important not to add more activities or detail than is necessary to a CPM schedule. The amount of data flow and the time it takes to deal with that data may not be cost-effective to generate on a smaller project. Too much unnecessary detail in any type of schedule makes it harder to use and costs more money to operate.

Bar Chart versus Network Methods (2)

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• When a bar graph is carefully prepared, the Scheduler goes through the same thinking process as the CPM planner. All competent project management computer programs can convert critical path network diagrams into Gantt charts, optionally showing all the complex inter-task dependencies. However, except in the very simplest cases, a project Gantt chart can become very cluttered and difficult to follow when the inter-task links are added and critical path network diagrams provide the notational methods needed to overcome these difficulties.

Bar Chart versus Network Methods (3)

Preparing Bar Charts (1)

• The first step in preparing a bar chart is to develop a list of activities that will be shown on the schedule. On the horizontal axis select an appropriate time scale which can be in days, weeks, months, or calendar dates.

• Before a bar chart can be constructed for a project, the project must be broken into smaller, usually homogeneous components, each of which is called an activity, or a task. No absolutely correct or incorrect way to break down a project exists; however, the scheduler should take a balanced approach and break it down into a reasonable number of activities that are easily measured and controlled without being overly detailed.

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• The duration of each activity must be estimated. Bars are then drawn to show, for each activity, the duration and the starting and ending points.

• On a bar chart, the bar may not indicate continuous work from the start of the activity until its end. For example, the activity Getting a Building Permit may be represented by a 2-month-long bar. However, most of this time is a waiting period. Likewise, a Concrete Foundation summary activity may include several days of waiting for concrete to cure. Non-continuous (dashed) bars are sometimes used to distinguish between real work (solid line) and inactive periods (gaps between solid lines)

Preparing Bar Charts (2)

Process of Developing a Bar Chart (1)

Logical steps in developing a bar chart include:

1. Identifying the work to be done and setting an objective

2. Determining the extent of planning detail for a particular level of WBS

3. Breaking the work down into activities

4. Developing alternative planning strategies: preparing a logic diagram, determining duration of activities, considering the use of resources, etc.

5. Selecting the preferred planning strategy

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6. Reviewing the preferred planning strategy illustrated on a bar chart schedule. Does it all make sense? Will the user be able to understand it? Does the bar chart schedule include enough information to be workable? Has anything been left out? Is there a better alternative? Does the bar chart schedule meet the planning objectives?

7. Committing to the bar chart schedule

8. Monitoring the progress regularly.

Process of Developing a Bar Chart (2)

Bar Chart and MS Project

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S-Curve (1)

• Although progress can be plotted directly on the schedule bar chart, the S curve has become popular for measuring progress.

• The S-curve, or accumulated cost curve, allows the graphical evaluation of the foreseen project cost evolution over time.

• The usual S curve consists of two plots: the scheduled dollar expenditures versus time and actual expenditures versus time.

S-Curve (2)

• The S-curve constitutes the base for the evaluation of the project disbursement process, as well as the base for the determination of the budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS), of the earned value management system (EVMS).

• Similar S curves can be prepared for labor hours, equipment and material acquisitions, concrete yardage, and so on. Though this presentation can be interesting, it does not provide a true indication of project completion.

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Bar Chart • Bar Chart atau Gantt Chart merupakan alat yang

paling umum digunakan dalam perencanaan dan pengendalian proyek.

• Bar Chart banyak digunakan sebagai alat bantu dalam penjadwalan proyek karena sifatnya yang sederhana, mudah dikerjakan, dan dapat memberikan gambaran secara grafis yang mudah dimengerti.

• Pada umumnya, kegiatan-kegiatan proyek disusun secara vertikal menurut tanggal mulainya. Sumbu horizontal menunjukkan waktu.

• Bar Chart mempunyai kelemahan karena kurang dapat menjelaskan keterkaitan antar kegiatan.

Kurva-S • Kurva-S merupakan plot dari biaya yang ditargetkan

berdasarkan waktu.

• Kurva-S digunakan untuk menggambarkan kemajuan pekerjaan dalam bentuk bobot pekerjaan yang telah diselesaikan sampai dengan waktu tertentu dibagi bobot total pekerjaan atau biaya yang telah dikeluarkan sampai waktu tertentu dibagi biaya total x 100%.

• Kurva-S dapat digunakan untuk keperluan pembuatan cash flow serta menentukan waktu dan jumlah pembayaran berdasarkan kemajuan pekerjaan dari suatu proyek.

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• Bar Chart dan Kurva-S dapat digunakan bersama-sama untuk pengendalian waktu dan biaya proyek.

• Pada saat pelaksanaan, kemajuan tiap pekerjaan atau kegiatan yang nyata dicapai diplot dengan bar chart dan dibandingkan dengan rencana.

• Kurva-S kemudian dibuat berdasarkan kemajuan pekerjaan yang nyata dicapai pada suatu waktu.

• Setelah dibandingkan dengan bobot pada kurva-S rencana, dapat diketahui apakah biaya yang sudah dikeluarkan sampai dengan waktu tersebut, kurang atau melebihi biaya rencana.

Untuk bar chart dan kurva-S yang dibuat dari jaringan kerja, kurva-S yang diturunkan dari early start dapat digunakan sebagai batas atas dan kurva-S dari late start dapat digunakan sebagai batas bawah. Kemajuan pekerjaan aktual dapat menghasilkan kurva-S di antara kedua batas tersebut.


100755025 % of Time

% of Cost






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• Pada saat pelaksanaan pekerjaan di lapangan, kemajuan aktual dari setiap kegiatan atau biaya kumulatif aktual yang sudah dikeluarkan diplot dengan cara yang sama seperti pada kurva-S rencana. Untuk pengendalian, kurva-S aktual selanjutnya dibandingkan dengan kurva-S rencana.

• Kurva A dan B dalam gambar berikut menggambarkan dua kemungkinan dari biaya aktual yang telah dikeluarkan. Kedua kurva tsb. dibandingkan dengan kurva-S rencana pada saat kemajuan mencapai 50%.

• Dari Kurva A dapat dilihat bahwa kemajuan proyek lebih cepat daripada jadwal rencana, dan apabila performance-nya berlanjut, maka penyelesaian proyek dapat lebih cepat dari rencana.

• Dengan cara yang sama, kurva B menunjukkan bahwa kemajuan proyek lebih lambat dari rencana, dan apabila terus berlanjut seperti itu, maka penyelesaian proyek juga akan terlambat.


% of Cost


% of Time







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• Kesimpulan tersebut diambil berdasarkan pada asumsi bahwa penyerapan sumber daya atau pengeluaran biaya aktual juga menggambarkan kemajuan aktual dari pekerjaan.

• Interpretasi lain dari kedua kurva tsb adalah sbb: kurva A menunjukkan bahwa pengeluaran biaya proyek melebihi biaya rencana, dan apabila berlanjut maka biaya akhir proyek akan melebihi anggaran yang telah ditetapkan, dan profitnya akan berkurang. Sebaliknya kurva B dapat menunjukkan bahwa biaya proyek lebih rendah dari rencana, dan apabila berlanjut biaya akhir akan menjadi lebih rendah.

• Oleh karena ada dua interpretasi yang berbeda, maka sebaiknya kurva-S tidak digunakan sebagai satu-satunya alat untuk mengendalikan proyek. Informasi tambahan lain juga diperlukan untuk menjelaskan perbedaan antara kurva-S rencana dan kurva-S aktual.

Dari Soal No. 1 Latihan CPM & Bar Chart

• Buatlah kurva-S untuk proyek tsb. berdasarkan waktu paling cepat dan paling lambat.

• Berapa kemajuan pekerjaan yang direncanakan hingga minggu ke-10?

• Berapa biaya yang diperlukan pada dan hingga minggu ke-12?

Kegiatan Kegiatan Sebelumnya Durasi (minggu) Biaya (juta Rupiah)

A - 1 4

B A 5 10

C A 2 10

D B 2 8

E B 2 8

F C 2 6

G C 3 12

H D, F 2 10

I H 3 9

J E, I 3 15

K G, J 2 8

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0 0


3 6


6 6


1 1


8 8


10 10


13 13


10 10


16 16


18 18















2 2





• Kurva-S berdasarkan waktu paling cepat (Earliest Start)

Durasi Biaya Bobot

(mg) (juta Rp.) (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

A 1 4 4 4

B 5 10 10 2 2 2 2 2

C 2 10 10 5 5

D 2 8 8 4 4

E 2 8 8 4 4

F 2 6 6 3 3

G 3 12 12 4 4 4

H 2 10 10 5 5

I 3 9 9 3 3 3

J 3 15 15 5 5 5

K 2 8 8 4 4

100 100

0 4 7 7 9 9 6 8 8 5 5 3 3 3 5 5 5 4 4

0 4 11 18 27 36 42 50 58 63 68 71 74 77 82 87 92 96 100

Kegiatan Minggu ke-


% periode

% kumulatif




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• Kurva-S berdasarkan waktu paling lambat (Latest Start)

Durasi Biaya Bobot

(mg) (juta Rp.) (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

A 1 4 4 4

B 5 10 10 2 2 2 2 2

C 2 10 10 5 5

D 2 8 8 4 4

E 2 8 8 4 4

F 2 6 6 3 3

G 3 12 12 4 4 4

H 2 10 10 5 5

I 3 9 9 3 3 3

J 3 15 15 5 5 5

K 2 8 8 4 4

100 100

0 4 2 2 2 7 7 7 7 5 5 3 7 7 9 9 9 4 4

0 4 6 8 10 17 24 31 38 43 48 51 58 65 74 83 92 96 100

Kegiatan Minggu ke-


% periode

% kumulatif




• Kurva-S gabungan

Durasi Biaya Bobot

(mg) (juta Rp.) (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

A 1 4 4 4

B 5 10 10 2 2 2 2 2

C 2 10 10 5 5 5 5

D 2 8 8 4 4

E 2 8 8 4 4 4 4

F 2 6 6 3 3 3 3

G 3 12 12 4 4 4 4 4 4

H 2 10 10 5 5

I 3 9 9 3 3 3

J 3 15 15 5 5 5

K 2 8 8 4 4

100 100

0 4 7 7 9 9 6 8 8 5 5 3 3 3 5 5 5 4 4

0 4 11 18 27 36 42 50 58 63 68 71 74 77 82 87 92 96 100

0 4 2 2 2 7 7 7 7 5 5 3 7 7 9 9 9 4 4

0 4 6 8 10 17 24 31 38 43 48 51 58 65 74 83 92 96 100

% periode

% kumulatifEF

Kegiatan Minggu ke-


% periode

% kumulatifES




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• Kemajuan pekerjaan yang direncanakan hingga minggu ke-10 adalah 68% (berdasarkan ES) atau 48% (berdasarkan LS).

• Biaya yang diperlukan pada minggu ke-12 adalah Rp. 3 juta (ES) atau Rp. 7 juta (LS)

• Biaya yang diperlukan hingga minggu ke-12 adalah Rp. 74 juta (ES) atau Rp. 58 juta (LS).

Dari Soal No. 2 Latihan CPM & Bar Chart • Buatlah kurva-S untuk proyek tsb. berdasarkan waktu paling cepat dan paling lambat.

• Pada minggu ke berapa kemajuan pekerjaan direncanakan mencapai 75%?

• Berapa biaya yang diperlukan pada minggu pertama? • Berapa biaya yang diperlukan hingga minggu ke-8?

Kegiatan Kegiatan Pendahulu Durasi (minggu) Biaya (juta Rupiah)

A – 3 9

B – 4 12

C – 3 9

D A 2 10

E A, B 4 12

F C, D, E 4 8

G F 3 12

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0 0


4 4


8 8


10 10


15 15


12 12


3 4 3














• Kurva-S berdasarkan waktu paling cepat (Earliest Start)

Durasi Biaya Bobot

(mg) (juta Rp.) (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

A 3 9 12.5 4.5 4 4

B 4 12 16.667 4 4 4.67 4

C 3 9 12.5 4 4 4.5

D 2 10 13.889 7 6.89

E 4 12 16.667 4 4 4 4.67

F 4 8 11.111 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.79

G 3 12 16.667 5.5 5.5 5.67

72 100

0 12.5 12 13.17 11 10.89 4 4 4.67 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.79 5.5 5.5 5.67

0 12.5 24.5 37.67 48.67 59.56 63.56 67.56 72.23 75 77.77 80.54 83.33 88.83 94.33 100

Minggu ke-Kegiatan

% periode

% kumulatif





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• Kurva-S berdasarkan waktu paling lambat (Latest Start)

Durasi Biaya Bobot

(mg) (juta Rp.) (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

A 3 9 12.5 4.5 4 4

B 4 12 16.667 4 4 4.67 4

C 3 9 12.5 4 4 4.5

D 2 10 13.889 7 6.89

E 4 12 16.667 4 4 4 4.67

F 4 8 11.111 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.79

G 3 12 16.667 5.5 5.5 5.67

72 100

0 4 8.5 8.67 8 4 8 15 16.06 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.79 5.5 5.5 5.67

0 4 12.5 21.17 29.17 33.17 41.17 56.17 72.23 75 77.77 80.54 83.33 88.83 94.33 100% kumulatif

Kegiatan Minggu ke-


% periode




• Kurva-S gabungan

Durasi Biaya Bobot

(mg) (juta Rp.) (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

A 3 9 12.5 4.5 4.5/4 4 4

B 4 12 16.667 4 4 4.67 4

C 3 9 12.5 4 4 4.5 4 4 4.5

D 2 10 13.889 7 6.89 7 6.89

E 4 12 16.667 4 4 4 4.67

F 4 8 11.111 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.79

G 3 12 16.667 5.5 5.5 5.67

72 100

0 12.5 12 13.17 11 10.89 4 4 4.67 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.79 5.5 5.5 5.67

0 12.5 24.5 37.67 48.67 59.56 63.56 67.56 72.23 75 77.77 80.54 83.33 88.83 94.33 100

0 4 8.5 8.67 8 4 8 15 16.06 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.79 5.5 5.5 5.67

0 4 12.5 21.17 29.17 33.17 41.17 56.17 72.23 75 77.77 80.54 83.33 88.83 94.33 100

Kegiatan Minggu ke-


% periode

% kumulatif

% periode

% kumulatif






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• Kemajuan pekerjaan direncanakan mencapai 75% pada akhir minggu ke-9.

• Biaya yang diperlukan pada minggu pertama:

12.5% x Rp. 72 juta = Rp. 9 juta (ES)


4% x Rp. 72 juta = Rp. 2.88 juta (LS)

• Biaya yang diperlukan hingga minggu ke-8 adalah:

72.23% x Rp. 72 juta Rp. 52 juta