BAM! Titanium Comics' Latest Comes To Ascribe

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BAM! Titanium Comics'Latest Comes ToAscribe24 SEPTEMBER 2015

Celebrating the ultimate marriage between art and

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storytelling, Titanium Comics is breaking super ground in

more ways than one. One of the first comic companies to sell

their published work using Bitcoin is now offering limited

editions of Issue #2 - using - from their series The

Arcane — and they’re super stoked about it. We sat down

with the guys behind Titanium to get a little sneak peek into

this latest issue and to find out why ascribe works for them.

Alright, let’s talk first about The Arcane. You’ve got the

wild west, the occult and epic battles between good and

evil. What is it about this narrative that draws people in?

First, superheroes as a genre dominate comics, so with

western comics being less in the public’s eye, we wanted to

surprise fans from another angle and environment that

superhero-type stories could be told.

Second, basing a story in a Wild West setting is a lot like

basing one in Science Fiction, you have a lot of room to play.

Expanse environments, new frontiers and less restrictions

overall. Finally, fans are going to be in for a treat as this is

not just an occult tale, it will challenge some very concrete

ideas we have about religion, but I don’t want to spoil it, so

you’ll just have to keep reading, but I can say this...excited

fans will say at the very least, “Wow!” “No Way!” And that

in itself is grounds to keep following.

What can readers expect from Issue #2?

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Readers should be holding on to their hats and saddles!

Lucifer is getting closer to obtaining what he’s after. As a

bonus, it looks like Lucifer will also get the young Phelan,

who like our story’s heroes, displays his own unique powers.

But you can bet your digital copy of the Ascribe / Titanium

Comics Arcane Limited Edition Digital Package, the Arcane

Brothers aren’t going down without a fight that even comic

fans won’t remember to forget!

The characters in The Arcane are all so incredibly unique

and interesting. You’ve even created some video features

about a few. Why develop such intriguing characters?

The comic book industry is filled with so many interesting

and fascinating characters. These many characters have

backstory and/or costumes which really make them staples.

Believe it or not, it was a natural part of our story to create

characters of this caliber. It really wasn’t about competing

with what’s out there, as much as it was creating characters

which felt organic to the story, mood and intention we have

for readers who come to our comics.

The comic book has recently gone through a resurgence in

popularity, why do think that is?

We owe a huge thanks to comic book visionaries who have

written and illustrated some really great stories over the

years. I think what we are seeing today is due to comic book

teleplay and screenplay evolution. Comic book television

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shows and movies have come a long way since the 90’s. They

are hitting some missed notes from earlier years. Each

giving the other more examples and tools to use to entice

fans further. And let’s face it, new and old fans alike don’t

want the fun of these adventures to end. So, how are we able

to continue in between next week’s episode and the next

sequel at the box office? With comic books. Movies are

renewing and sustaining existing interest and creating new

ones. The Walking Dead, The Flash, Iron Man, The Avengers

are some examples of this.

Strides in the digital hardware landscape also have

something to do with it. Tablets in the mobile computing

environment foster their own unique and still fairly fresh

experience fans get to have. From sound, color and

resolution improvements to touch screen

functionality.These all play a role in our increased

engagement with comic books.

Creating comics is more than story telling, there is a lot of

creativity that goes into creating just one issue. Can you

describe that process?

I think this is an area that not only some fans may not know

a lot about. There’s a lot involved in creating a comic for

public consumption. A publisher or solo creator has multiple

people and processes to handle. Not to mention handling

finance. But in defense of multiple creative types, there is no

one way to accomplish this. There’s a number of steps from

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crafting the story to illustrating pages to getting it

published. If I were to describe it all in detail, it could easily

be a small college paper. There are so many areas and people

involved including communicating post production needs

with printers, secondary markets, getting ads and social

media information together, payroll, and on and on.

What do you enjoy about the process?

One thing I personally enjoy, is that Titanium Comics often

approaches comic production in a similar way to movie

production. This means there are management and producer

meetings and brainstorming sessions on everything from

how the story and characters are woven into the comic to

how we will promote the comic. Illustrations, scripts and

other adjoining materials almost never go right from one

talent to the next, they are typically collected by the

production managers, evaluated and then pushed back out

there into production hell. This might be a slow or

amateurish way of doing things, but it guarantees the look,

feel and energy we want our comics to have for our readers.

You guys have a very strong team. What’s your secret?

What is most important if you are working with a team of

creators on a comic book is that you work as a solid team;

one concise voice. Keeping in mind that although the

featured artist may make the most, the book hasn’t sold

until it sells out and above all associated cost. So although

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one talent may think they make the process work more than

the others involved, the truth is, everyone involved is equal

in the success or failure of the comic and/or series. If

teamwork and a desire to make the whole work a reader’s

delight isn’t at the forefront of everyone’s mind, it really

doesn’t matter who the artist is or how brilliant a story you

have is, you’re going to fail. Work as a team and treat the

comic and/or series and others involved as an integral part

to winning, because you all are.

How does ascribe help you deliver your work?

Well first, we want to thank you guys and girls at Ascribe for

sharing such a phenomenal architecture with our industry.

It also doesn’t hurt that you’re big comic fans. Features of

the Ascribe technology allow us as creators to have a few

things not traditionally found in this or other segments of

the entertainment industry. The Active IP protection makes

protecting our work a whole lot easier. Once creators

“Ascribe” their illustrations, static images, prose, video and

audio to the Blockchain, they will have decentralized and

timestamped records verifying ownership. Not only will they

have this information, but the whole Blockchain will have it

and maintain it for the owner. It’s just that simple. This

means we can spend more time creating and less time

paying out precious production dollars on an archaic IP

protection process which does little to really “secure” our


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A super bonus for us is that Ascribe’s technology allows us to

create and manage special and limited edition digital

collections, not previously possible when publishing a

digital comic. Consumers are used to receiving additional

items with their print comics in a sealed bag. Now, we can

create a similar experience with digital products. Another of

ascribe’s technology IP management features will be

integrated into a new product our parent company is

developing for comic fans and creators alike. More on that in

the future, so stay tuned!

What are the benefits of unique limited digital editions in

the comic book world?

It is very difficult to issue a digital comic and make it rare.

Just the ability to add one of anything to the internet makes

it available to everyone. For the most part, the less rare the

less the value for a comic collector. Unique digital limited

editions preserve value on digital goods the same way they

would with rare print collectibles. It allows publishers the

opportunity to include video, audio, static images and

written works to those packages. Very similar to Blu-Ray

and DVD special edition content. Obviously, in

manufacturing and print of physical goods, the less units

you produce, the higher your cost per unit. So for comic

publishers, reducing the cost of production, assembly and

order fulfillment, those saved dollars go back into our comic

production budgets where they belong. Blockchain

technology has the ability to disrupt naturally occurring

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omnipresence online. Creators using the technology can

place specific, and intentional limitations on digital comics,

to make those goods limited like the physical goods markets

have done traditionally. It’s exciting being a comic publisher

knowing creators who are publishing actively in the digital

space can create a number of unique digital merchandise

packages to excite and satisfy fans.

How can Ascribe help foster more growth in the comic


Three ways come to mind:

One, keep evolving the technology and how we can

approach, interact with and benefit from the Blockchain.

Two, Education. Comic publishers are notorious for the

“how it’s always been done” mentality. Don’t get me wrong,

if we didn’t follow some very necessary processes of

duplication we couldn’t make comic books and graphic

novels. But it’s time for the 2,500 plus creators and

independent publishers to follow Titanium Comics lead by

looking at technology and other industries as viable partners

to grow.

Finally, keep working with Titanium Comics. We love both

the technology and comic book industries and we are just as

committed to publishers as we are comic book fans. With

that being said, we have specific plans to bring technology

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and new products directly to comic publishers and

consumers through very creative strategies. We are

committed to change how a large portion of creators and

publishers interact in this space. We want them to relate to

what we envision the near future of the comic book industry

will be. No bragging here when I mention “what we

envision,” but this is a big deal!

What are the future goals for Titanium Comics?

Titanium Comics is working to expand its comics line into

less published but extremely exciting genres; continue the

storyline of The Arcane and other original series; and, take

on some fun and enjoyable children’s projects.

Technology is important to us, so we are constantly in talks

with developers. We’re committed to creating ways to

integrate relevant software and hardware solutions into our

storytelling and content distribution process. We will

continue to foster industry relationships and make

meaningful appearances at comic conventions around the

US in the next year. We are lucky to have a global presence.

We are on several social media sites in mainland China and

one fairly new trendy site in Indonesia. With that, we intend

to increase our outreach to as many international comic

book communities as possible. Places which host heavy

mobile use and are already aware of Titanium Comics. And

lastly, we’re looking forward to making some big

announcements early next year that will amplify our

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mantras to creators of all sizes when we say “Own It!” or

“Own It People!”

"Why do comics and bitcoins seem to go hand-in-hand so


Bitcoin as a digital cryptocurrency has a tough uphill battle

— not that it will lose. Bitcoin as a technology, now that’s

the ticket! Bitcoin represents a development code, or series

of codes depending on how you look at it, and set of

applications just barely scratching past the surface of what

they can do. With the Blockchain acting as a decentralized

database and possessing accounting functionality, comic

book publishers who are publishing digital content are in for

a wild ride! These technologies allow us to protect comic

production assets, establish independent crowdfunding

activities directly through our own dedicated fanbase, create

and manage our own unique reward and buyer incentive

programs, basically allow creators the power to become a

one-stop shop.

The best way to describe it is this: imagine renting a

warehouse space for your business, but it literally comes

with a printing press, attorneys, employees, and a number of

other must have service providers. That would make renting

an office and starting a business easy and highly valuable all

in one. Blockchain software and code become the

middleman for revenue and business activity transactions,

never keeping a share, but putting your cash to work for you

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more efficiently, helping you manage your online and

physical company locally and globally on your own. I’m not

just talking about storing data in the cloud here; I’m talking

about websites which build themselves, comic books which

will have revenue value all the way down to the individual

panel in ways most of us, fans and creators alike, never

imagined. So the long pole in the tent is comic publishers

who barely live above the employed poverty line, will be able

to control and drive their brands to new unfathomable levels

of success. Using this technology resource, comic creators

whether now or as it evolves into new developments, will be

on a similar footing as global Fortune 500 companies. And

there are still a number of evolutions the technology can

progress to that aren’t generally known yet.

To learn more about Titanium Comics visit

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