BAFTA Presentation

Presenting the genre of Gritty British RealismHow the world see Britain How the British see Britain


this activity was to experience how some film producers present their work to companies such as the BAFTA to get them investing in the production of their film

Transcript of BAFTA Presentation

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Presenting the genre of ‘Gritty British Realism’

How the world see Britain How the British see Britain

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Notes for Slide 1

What I am about to show you is a presentation on the film I will be creating to represent the genre of Gritty British Realism. The aim of this film is to show

viewers the ‘Real’ Britain and not what they believe it is from what they hear or see in the media. In my film I want to make it clear to people that just because

Britain is known to be one of the most wealthiest countries in the world it doesn’t mean that the people living in it necessarily have to be living with a wealthy



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Double Identity

From here

To here

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Notes for Slide 3

The name of my film will be ‘Double Identity’. The title sort of gives away what the film could be about, however some people can get opinionative about it.

Nowadays there are many people from different religions, cultures, nationalities and etc. that live in the United Kingdom who have come from about all over the

globe since immigration was permitted. Living in the United Kingdom could easily have an affect on the peoples beliefs and traditions especially on the young ones. We live in a democracy which is a form of government in which all eligible

citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Democracy allows eligible citizens to participate equally—either directly or through elected

representatives—in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. It embraces social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination. What I am trying to say is that the United Kingdom

gives really anything a human could ever want on the freedom and rights involvement and certainly there's nothing a UK citizen could worry about

meaning they could get up to anything.


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Going into detail

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Notes for Slide 5

The film will be based on a family who immigrate to Britain from Saudi Arabia. Its based on a family of 3: there's a mother along with her daughter and son. In the trailer I will make it clear to the audience for the reason why the family chose to

come to the United Kingdom. The trailer is mainly set at the main character which is the daughter (Noor) while the mother is into her religious path. However the brother does not appear in the film after the first few scenes he does appear in.

There will not be a clear view to why the brother has disappeared however at one point of the film the mother will mention it while having a conversation with the



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From This

To This

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Notes for Slide 7

Freedom in the United Kingdom has given young adults the privilege to be able to do what they want and when they want it as long as they are at the age

where the law says they can. These teens wont have to worry about being told off by parents because the government is on there side, whereas coming from a very strict religious country (Saudi Arabia), women are only able to go as far as

the government tells them while in the United Kingdom nothing really has a limit apart from crime and therefore women living in this country can surely get

up to anything.


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Unique selling point Target audience:

My target audience will be 15+ because the main character will be this age and the plot of the film could fit in with this age group.

USP of the film:

My trailer will have a unique selling point as I will make the story as realistic as possible. In the home scene I will have the family talking in Arabic language and I will use subtitles at the bottom of the screen to translate what the characters are saying. It

will also be unique as I will be showing how one character can change from one person to another at different times of their life.

Message I want to get across:

I want to get the attention of teenagers to the fact that living in England can change a person from good to bad. Firstly because of all the benefits governments give there

citizens but also the huge diversity there is especially in London with all the different social groups that can easily influence young people.

The most important scene in this trailer would be where my main character (Noor)

removes off her headscarf as she reveals her second identity.      

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Thank you for watching


The End

I would truly appreciate if I could get the agreement to be able to produce my film. I want to get my message across that the United kingdom isn't the fairytale fantasy place many people think it is, but it can be a very rough and difficult place to live in. I believe

we need to be truthful about how we present our country, not being very negative neither very positive about the community we British people live around.