Bachelor of Legal Studies

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  • 8/7/2019 Bachelor of Legal Studies


    Bachelor of Legal Studies (Honours) (BLS (Hons)) is a three-year programme (6semesters) that prepares graduates for the legal field. The programme is designedto provide the knowledge of law, soft skills and attitude needed to excel in the legalprofession. The graduate of this programme will become the feeder for UiTMsBachelor of Laws (Hons) (LL.B(Hons) programme, the one-year professional course

    that provides for hands on knowledge in legal field. To be eligible to practice as anAdvocate and Solicitor, BLS(Hons) programme must undergo and obtain a degree inLL.B(Hons) or pass the Certificate in Legal Practice (CLP). Through a wide range of electives, students can choose courses with a multidisciplinary focus to enhancetheir knowledge as well as their own interest and career plans.

    Student exchange programmes with foreign universities in Australia, UnitedKingdom and other Commonwealth countries allow students to enrich their legaleducation through the exposure to other legal systems and cultures.

    The students of this programme are not exposed only to the knowledge of law. Theyare also encouraged to get involved in club activities organized by societies andclubs within the Faculty. Once registered into this programme, the students willautomatically become the member of the Law Society (LAWSOC). The Lawsoc andother clubs will offer students the opportunity to engage in extra-curricular activitieslike Law Games, Professional Seminars and Legal Clinic to develop socialresponsibility, leadership skills and to interact with the legal profession and thesociety at large.

    This programme is offered only at the Shah Alam campus of Universiti TeknologiMara.

    BLS (Hons) degree holders have a wide choice of employment opportunities. Thegraduates can opt to join the government services in various positions in thecustom departments, labour offices, social service departments. They can also beemployed as diplomatic administrators and serve various posts in the governmentministries. They can also join the private sector as Legal Advisors, Bank Officers orlegal executives.

    BLS (Hons) degree holders are given the opportunity to continue their studies in theBachelor of Laws (Hons) programme for one year (2 semesters). Upon achieving thedegree in LL.B(Hons), they can proceed to do their pupilage and thereafter, topractice law. BLS(Hons) graduates can also opt to do their Certificate of LegalPractice (CLP) instead of joining the LL.B(Hons) programme. They can also pursuetheir post graduate studies to obtain a degree of Master in Laws (LL.M) at UiTM andat other universities if they choose to acquire advanced knowledge in any field of the law.