Bach flower therapy for pets

a guide to happy pets Bach Original Flower Remedies Animal Magic PERFORATION Nelsons, Nelsons House, 83 Parkside, Wimbledon, London, United Kingdom, SW19 5LP Telephone: (+44) 020 8780 4200 ©Bach Flower Remedies Ltd 2005. Bach, the Bach signature, the Dr Bach photograph and product gets up, liveries and trade dress, are trademarks of Bach Flower Remedies Limited, London, England. Name: Title: Address: Postcode: Email: Daytime telephone: Occupation: Age: Which of the following best describes you? Response Form 18-24 35-44 25-34 45-54 55+ I believe that we are all responsible for our own destinies and I am prepared to make an effort to learn how to care for my body and my emotions. I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about my emotions, but I know that there are issues in my life I’d like to sort out. I believe orthodox medicine causes a great deal of suffering and I am actively looking for an alternative. I am interested in new products and I believe that natural products are often better, and often worth paying a little more for. I believe that the natural world has a wisdom from which we can benefit, and however much we get caught up in the material world, I value things which help us stay in touch with our true selves. I am open-minded and interested in new products and treatments, and I have a preference for natural and holistic approaches. None of the above sentences are really true for me. Nelsons will use any information collected about you to inform you about new products and services and to improve how we serve you. Your data will treated in accordance with UK legal provisions. Your information will only be disclosed to Nelsons, its affiliated or associated companies, agencies, dealers or companies providing service for your benefit. If you wish to view, update or rectify the data you have voluntarily given to us please contact: Nelsons, 83 Parkside, London, SW19 5LP. Please tick the box if you do NOT wish to receive further information as outlined above. BOFR03 The Dr Edward Bach Foundation maintains a register of practitioners who work with Dr Bach’s system. Some have specialist experience in working with animals. For more information see the Bach Centre’s website Note that Bach Foundation Registered Practitioners are not qualified to diagnose or treat animals for any condition that falls within the scope of veterinary practice. To ensure that any such condition is properly treated by a veterinary surgeon, Bach Foundation Registered Practitioners will only work with animals that have been seen by your vet, and with your vet’s knowledge and support. Stefan Ball and Judy Ramsell Howard of the Bach Centre have written books specifically on using the remedies to help animals. Bach Flower Remedies for Animals, Emotional Healing for Cats and Emotional Healing for Horses and Ponies are available from bookshops or direct from the Bach Centre. Call the Bach Centre on 01491 834678 or go to for more information. Courses on the remedies are held all over the UK. For more information, send back the response form on the adjacent page. Getting help Learning more Giving the remedies The remedies come in dropper bottles, and you can mix them together to match the exact emotional state of your pets. There are many ways to give them, so find the method that suits you best. Add two drops of each selected remedy to your pet’s drinking water and/or food. This will ensure they get enough of the remedy on a regular basis. If giving several remedies at once, a more cost-effective method is to make up a treatment bottle. To do this put two drops of each selected remedy into a 30ml dropper bottle*. Top up with water – you can add a teaspoon of cider vinegar or brandy if you wish, to help keep the water fresh – and keep in a cool place. The dosage from the treatment bottle is four drops given four times a day. When giving treatment bottle doses, be careful of the glass pipette. You might find it easier to put the four-drop dose onto a biscuit or other snack. Alternatively drip the dose onto your animal’s nose or ears – the remedies are effective given this way, and cats in particular will immediately lick them up. When giving Rescue Remedy you need to double the dose. In other words, put four drops (instead of two) of Rescue Remedy into your pet’s bowl or treatment bottle. The stock remedies you buy in the shop are preserved in alcohol. Where possible dilute the remedies as described above before use. Seek veterinary advice before using the remedies with small animals or if your pet might be allergic to alcohol or taking medication that is contraindicated with alcohol. *30ml dropper bottles can be bought ready-to-use from your Bach Original Flower Remedies stockist. PETS_LEAFLET_QUARK6 5/10/05 18:27 Page 1


Add two drops of each selected remedy to your pet’s drinking water and/or food. This will ensure they get enough of the remedy on a regular basis.• If giving several remedies at once, a more cost-effective method is to make up a treatment bottle. To do this put two drops of each selected remedy into a 30ml dropper bottle*. Top up with water – you can add a teaspoon of cider vinegar or brandy if you wish, to help keep the water fresh – and keep in a cool place. The dosage from the treatment bottle is four drops given four times a day.

Transcript of Bach flower therapy for pets

Page 1: Bach flower therapy for pets

a guide to happy pets

Bach Original Flower Remedies



Nelsons, Nelsons House, 83 Parkside, Wimbledon,London, United Kingdom, SW19 5LP

Telephone: (+44) 020 8780 4200

©Bach Flower Remedies Ltd 2005. Bach, the Bach signature, the Dr Bach photograph and productgets up, liveries and trade dress, are trademarks of Bach Flower Remedies Limited, London, England.






Daytime telephone:



Which of the following best describes you?

Response Form

18-24 35-4425-34 45-54 55+

I believe that we are all responsible for our own destinies and I am prepared to make an effort to learn how to care for my bodyand my emotions.

I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about my emotions, but Iknow that there are issues in my life I’d like to sort out.

I believe orthodox medicine causes a great deal of suffering andI am actively looking for an alternative.

I am interested in new products and I believe that natural products are often better, and often worth paying a little more for.

I believe that the natural world has a wisdom from which we can benefit, and however much we get caught up in the material world,I value things which help us stay in touch with our true selves.

I am open-minded and interested in new products and treatments, and I have a preference for natural and holistic approaches.

None of the above sentences are really true for me.

Nelsons will use any information collected about you to inform you about new productsand services and to improve how we serve you. Your data will treated in accordance withUK legal provisions. Your information will only be disclosed to Nelsons, its affiliated orassociated companies, agencies, dealers or companies providing service for your benefit.If you wish to view, update or rectify the data you have voluntarily given to us pleasecontact: Nelsons, 83 Parkside, London, SW19 5LP.

Please tick the box if you do NOT wish to receive furtherinformation as outlined above.


The Dr Edward Bach Foundation maintains a register ofpractitioners who work with Dr Bach’s system. Some havespecialist experience in working with animals. For moreinformation see the Bach Centre’s website

Note that Bach Foundation Registered Practitioners are notqualified to diagnose or treat animals for any condition that fallswithin the scope of veterinary practice. To ensure that any suchcondition is properly treated by a veterinary surgeon, BachFoundation Registered Practitioners will only work with animalsthat have been seen by your vet, and with your vet’s knowledge and support.

Stefan Ball and Judy Ramsell Howard of the Bach Centre havewritten books specifically on using the remedies to help animals.Bach Flower Remedies for Animals, Emotional Healing for Cats andEmotional Healing for Horses and Ponies are available frombookshops or direct from the Bach Centre.

Call the Bach Centre on 01491 834678 or go for more information.

Courses on the remedies are held all over the UK. For moreinformation, send back the response form on the adjacent page.

Getting help

Learning more

Giving the remediesThe remedies come in dropper bottles, and you can mix themtogether to match the exact emotional state of your pets. Thereare many ways to give them, so find the method that suits youbest.

• Add two drops of each selected remedy to your pet’s drinkingwater and/or food. This will ensure they get enough of the remedyon a regular basis.

• If giving several remedies at once, a more cost-effective method isto make up a treatment bottle. To do this put two drops of eachselected remedy into a 30ml dropper bottle*. Top up with water –you can add a teaspoon of cider vinegar or brandy if you wish, tohelp keep the water fresh – and keep in a cool place. The dosagefrom the treatment bottle is four drops given four times a day.

• When giving treatment bottle doses, be careful of the glass pipette.You might find it easier to put the four-drop dose onto a biscuitor other snack. Alternatively drip the dose onto your animal’s noseor ears – the remedies are effective given this way, and cats inparticular will immediately lick them up.

• When giving Rescue Remedy you need to double the dose. In otherwords, put four drops (instead of two) of Rescue Remedy into yourpet’s bowl or treatment bottle.

• The stock remedies you buy in the shop are preserved in alcohol.Where possible dilute the remedies as described above before use.Seek veterinary advice before using the remedies with smallanimals or if your pet might be allergic to alcohol or takingmedication that is contraindicated with alcohol.

*30ml dropper bottles can be bought ready-to-use from your Bach Original FlowerRemedies stockist.

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Page 2: Bach flower therapy for pets

While you are making changes, try using Bach Original FlowerRemedies to help things along. Bach Original Flower Remedies arespecially formulated to help animals – and people! – find the positive side of themselves, breaking the barriers that stop themfrom living healthy happy lives. Whatever is in their way – fear,despondency, uncertainty – finds a solution in the Bach OriginalFlower Remedies.

You can also use Bach Original Flower Remedies to help animals that are recovering from illness and feeling out of sorts and unhappy. That way your pet will stay positive and feel well faster.

Bach Original Flower Remedies are over-the-counter preparations thatwere discovered by Dr Edward Bach, a noted homeopath andbacteriologist in the 1930s. There are 38 remedies, and they makeup a complete system. Anyone can use them, and they are naturaland safe and do not cause side effects. There isn’t space here to gointo all the remedies that might apply to pets – all 38 could have arole to play – but here are some ideas to get you started.

• Animals from rescue homes or with difficult backgrounds can sufferfrom delayed shock and trauma. The same applies to animals that havebeen in an accident – while animals that have lost lovedcompanions can suffer from grief and a sense of loss. The remedy forall these states is Star of Bethelehem.

• Much animal behaviour, including some forms of aggression, is based on the animal’s fear of something specific, such as people orloud noises – or the trip to the vet’s. Other animals just seem naturallytimid and shy. The remedy for these states is Mimulus.

• Other animals are not so much shy as lacking in confidence. They seemhesitant in the face of challenges. They can be helped with Larch.

• Cats are not the only animals that sometimes find it difficult to cope with changes in habitat or routine. All animals can be

As well as the 38 single remedies Dr Bach created a specialformula called Rescue™ Remedy. Rescue Remedy contains five BachOriginal Flower Remedies:

Rescue Remedy is always ready to hand when you need it. It willhelp at times of emergency or when there is no time to selectsingle remedies. Use it to ease unexpected visits to vets and to aidrecovery after a medical operation.

As well as the normal bottled remedy with a dropper in the tip, RescueRemedy is available in spray and cream form. Rescue Cream contains asixth remedy, Crab Apple, which is known as the cleansing remedy.

Mix some remedies

Rescuing the situation

unsettled by things going on around them and need help to adapt.The remedy to support this process and help stand up to outsideinfluences is Walnut.

• Animals that are full of energy can become over-enthusiastic and over-excitable. One remedy that can balance their high spirits is Vervain.

• Just as with people, some animals seem especially resistant to learningfrom experience. If your pet always repeats the same inappropriatebehaviour, despite your best efforts to retrain and compromise withthem, you might find Chestnut Bud is a useful remedy.

Fill in the response form in this leaflet to get information on all38 Bach Original Flower Remedies.

Against shock and trauma Star of Bethlehem

Against terror Rock Rose

Against feelings of faintness Clematisand not being fully present

Against agitation Impatiens

Against loss of control Cherry Plum


e Rem


Animals have emotions just like people. Sometimes theyfeel anxious or irritable or just plain down in the dumps.Fortunately there are things you can do to help. This leaflet will tell you about some of them.

The first thing to do is to make an appointment with the vet. This is a good idea even if you can’t see anything physicallywrong. Sometimes changes in behaviour are the first symptomsof a problem that might need medical treatment, so the earlieryou go the better. Once the vet has given the all-clear you canthink about next steps.

To understand why animals might feel unhappy we need to seethe world through their eyes. One way to do this is to thinkabout how they live in the wild. Then we can compare thatexperience with the experience they have living with us.

• In the wild, DOGS live in packs – they do not spend lots of timealone. In the pack they would feel comfortable knowing their place inthe hierarchy, and hunting and playing together would give them lots of exercise.

If your dog spends days at a time locked alone in the house he willtend to be anxious and lonely. Also – especially if he has been bred to be a working dog he will be bored and full of too muchunexpended energy.

Get a check-up

Adopt an animalpoint of view

• CATS hunt alone, but in the wild they form complex social relationshipswith other cats. Toms in particular spend a lot of time patrolling theirterritory, and don’t move outside it. Although cats are predators, they aresmall predators, and when they feel under threat they run away.

Perhaps you have moved house and taken your cat to an alienenvironment where she has to try to fit in with an already establishedfeline society. And the decorators are in, so she has no safe place to runto. It’s no wonder she seems especially uneasy and anxious.

• RABBITS and GUINEA PIGS live in groups in the wild, and are naturally inquisitive, so they won’t be happy locked alone in a bare hutch.

• HAMSTERS on the other hand are solitary creatures and need tobe carefully habituated to being handled or they will bite out of pure fear.

All household pets have their specific behaviours. With a littleresearch into your particular animal’s natural habits you can soonstart to see things their way.

Once you know what your home looks like to your pet you can tryto make it a little more ‘natural’. This will go a long way towardshelping your pet feel more at ease and less under stress. Here are afew ideas for relieving common problems:

• Get a companion for your lonely rabbit – maybe another rabbitor a couple of guinea pigs. If you are worried about fightingyou can keep them in adjacent runs. Let them see each otherso they know they aren’t alone.

• Practice ‘environment enrichment’ for caged and hutchedanimals and for house cats and dogs. Have toys available,things they can move around, and crawl into and under. Tie treats to high places so they have to climb to get them. It makes their lives more interesting!

• Give your cats access to the outside so they can patrol theirterritory and get to know other cats.

• Make sure dogs get lots of exercise and lots of companionship. If you really have to be out all day try to get somebody todog sit or take them out for a long walk.

Make some changes


Have you heard about Bach Original Flower Remedies before?

If Yes, who first told you about Bach Original Flower Remedies?

Which were the first remedies you used?

Would you recommend Bach Original Flower Remedies to a friend?

Where would you normally buy Bach Original Flower Remedies?

How many different remedies have you used?

Yes No

Yes No

Rescue Remedy Spray Rescue Remedy Drops

Rescue Cream

Single Bach Original Flower Remedy – please specify which one:



Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner

Talk, course or class

A website – please name the site if possible:


A Bach Original Flower Remedies stockist

A magazine, publication, listing or advert – name the source if possible:


Health food store


Other – please tell us more:

Another complementary health practitionerplease tell us what other therapies were offered:

Response FormTo find out more about the Bach Original Flower Remedies go online or send this form to:

Bach Original Flower Remedies, Nelsons, Nelsons House,83 Parkside, London SW19 5LP.





All of them


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