bab I-V FIX.docx

CHAPTER 1 INTROCUCTION A. Background of the Study English has four skills that have to be learned they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Writing is one of the four skills that should be mastered by Senior High School students. It is the subject that the students are not interested. It can be seen from their attitude in the teaching learning process they have low enthusiasm in writing class. Many students got difficulties in writing English, because most of them have not understand yet about the aspects of English that used in writing English, such as grammar, vocabularies, idea and many others. Besides, students need a long time to have any idea that they want to write. Writing narrative text is one of subject that have to be mastered by students of Senior High School. On writing narrative text students need many

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A. Background of the StudyEnglish has four skills that have to be learned they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Writing is one of the four skills that should be mastered by Senior High School students. It is the subject that the students are not interested. It can be seen from their attitude in the teaching learning process they have low enthusiasm in writing class. Many students got difficulties in writing English, because most of them have not understand yet about the aspects of English that used in writing English, such as grammar, vocabularies, idea and many others. Besides, students need a long time to have any idea that they want to write.Writing narrative text is one of subject that have to be mastered by students of Senior High School. On writing narrative text students need many ideas and creativity. Ideas and creativity can make the students produce narrative text by themselves and that is theirs. In fact many students tend to copy from the internet and their friends because they get difficulties when they imagine what they want to write and it is wasting their time. Narrative text is a text that has a series of happenings in which action occurs and characters are involved.There are several factors that influence the students in mastering English writing narrative text. The limited students vocabulary also becomes a problem. When the students do not have enough vocabulary, of course they will get difficulties to choose the appropiate word. The students also fear in making mistake in their writing especially in grammar, they lack of practice in writing English.There are internal and external factors that influence the students in mastering English writing. The internal factors are from the students themselves. It can be caused by the fact that students are still affraid to express their ideas, and they also have low motivation in studying English especially in writing English.The external factors can also come from the school environment. The teacher does not use an interesting media in teaching learning process. The teaching learning process runs depend on the teacher. It is one of the causes why students find difficulty in capturing the lessons. The students lack of enthusiasm in learning English. Because learning media is one of the important thing that have to use in teaching learning process. Media can motivate the students to study and it can make them interested. Teaching English in Senior High School needs interesting media to make the students interested and motivated in study English. In fact, most students tend to be less actively involved especially in the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan. It causes monotonous class situation, because the teacher there seldom use the interesting media to give motivation to the students. The teacher should be able to apply an interesting media to make the students motivated. Based on the problem that mentioned above, the writer was interested to give an effective media to motivate the students and easy to find the idea in writing narrative text. And the writer hopes that from using this media it will make students easy to start writing and improve their creativity in writing narrative text. In this study, the writer took the title, Using Silent Movie to Improve the Narrative Text Writing Skill of the Tenth Graders of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan in the School Year 2014/2015.

B. Identification of the ProblemThere were many factors that be a problem for the students to get success in writing English, such as:1. Students get difficulty to find the idea on writing narrative text.2. Students are lack motivation and practice.3. The students are afraid to express their idea on writing.4. The students have lack enthusiasm in learning and writing English.5. The teacher has limited media in teaching.

C. Limitation of the ProblemThe writer realized that it was impossible to conduct a research based on all the problems that have been indentified, because of limited knowledge and time. Therefore, the writer made a limitation of the problems to discuss the improvement students learning motivation and using media in giving idea for the students to write narrative text, to the tenth grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan in the school year 2014/2015.

D. Formulation of the ProblemsBy conducting the writer formulated the problems as follow:1. Can Silent Movie improve the students learning motivation of the writing skill of the tenth grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan in the school year 2014/2015?2. How great is the improvement of students writing ability on narrative text taught by using Silent Movie of the tenth grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan in the school year 2014/2015?

E. Objectives of the ResearchRelated to the assumption above the writers objectives in this research as follows:1. To know whether Silent Movie can improve the students learning motivation of the writing skill of the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammdiyah 1 Muntilan in the shcool year 2014/2015.2. To know how great is the improvement of students writing ability on narrative text taught by using Silent Movie of the tenth grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan in the school year 2014/2015.

F. Significance of the Study The writer hopes this study will be useful for various parties include:1. For the teachersThe result of the research will support them to apply and use this media. 2. For the students This research is expected to help students to improve their idea after they watched silent movie to improve English writing skill especially in writing narrative text.



A. Theoretical Background1. Motivationa. Definition of MotivationThere are some definitions of motivation. Biehler and Snowman (1997:399) say that motivation is the forces that account for the arousal, direction and continuation of behavior. Brown (2000:160) states a cognitive view of motivation includes factors such as the need for exploration, activity stimulation, new knowledge, and ego enhancement. According to William and Burden (1997:20), motivation is a state of cognitive arousal which provokes a decision to act and give rise to a period of sustained intellectual and/or physical effort so that the person can achieve some previously set goal. Gottfried (1990: 525) defines motivation as enjoyment of school learning characterized by a mastery orientation; curiosity; persistence; task-endogeny; and the learning of challenging, difficult, and novel tasks. Dornyei (2001:56) states that motivation explains why people decide to do something, how long they are willing to sustain the activity, and how hard they are going to pursue it. Based on the definitions of motivation above, the writer concludes that motivation is the cognitive view includes factors such as the need for exploration, activity stimulation, new knowledge, and ego enhancement which provokes a decision to act and give rise to a period of sustained intellectual or physical effort so that the person can achieve some previously set goal.b. Type of MotivationHarmer (2001:51) states that there are two types of motivation. They are extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation.(1) Extrinsic MotivationExtrinsic motivation is a motivation that comes from outside of individual. It is caused by any number of outside factors, for example, the need to pass an exam, the hope of financial reward, or the possibility of future travel.(2) Intrinsic MotivationBy contrast, intrinsic motivation is a motivation that comes from within the individual. Thus a person is motivated by the enjoyment of the learning process itself or by a desire to make themselves feel better. Most writer and methodologist have come to the view that intrinsic motivation is especially important for encouraging success. Even where the original reason for taking up a language course, for example in extrinsic, the changes of success will be greatly enhanced if the students come to love the learning process.c. Learning MotivationHamzah (2007:31) states that learning motivation is the internal and external supports that encourage the students who are learning a certain subject to make a change in attitude by using some of indicators that contains a desire to be success, there are a support and necessity in learning, an expectation, reward and interesting activity in the conducive learning environment.While Maslow (in Nashar, 2004) states that students learning motivation is the need to develop a personal ability optimally, so that can do the better, prestigious and creative. Winkle (2007) says that learning motivation is all of the psychological stimulants of the students that create a learning activity and make a direction to that learning activity in order to get an objectived. Language Learning MotivationMotivation takes an important role in the language learning. It has a special attention in the research of language acquisition. Focus on second language acquisition (SLA), there is a model which is considered as the most influential model in language learning. It is known as Socio educational model which is developed by Gardner (1985). In his model, he explains that there are two kinds of motivations:(1). Integrative motivationIntegrative motivation refers to learners desire to at least communicate or at most integrate (or even assimilate) with the members of the target language.(2). Instrumental motivationInstrumental motivation refers to more functional reasons for learning the language such as getting a better job, a higher salary or passing an examination (Gardner:1985).Gardner emphazises most on an integrative motivation. He has a notion that learners who highly interested in second language (L2) community have more motivation to learn L2 than those who concerned with the instrumental use of the language.e. How to Measure MotivationAccording to Notoatmodjo (2005) there are some ways to measure motivation, they are:(1). Projection TestThe projection technique that is most known is Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). What the people say is a projection inside of them. To know what the people think, they should be given stimulus that can be interpreted.

(2). Behavioral ObservationCreating a certain situation is one of the ways in measuring motivation. The situation can be created according to the indicators that make and show an attitude of the client that can be categorized as a motivation.2. Writinga. Definition of WritingBrown (1987:14) argued that writing is the ability of decoding ideas, interest of feeling in written codes. There should be purposed to communicate with the reader without pressure and to explore experience.In the same way with Brown, Bryne (1998:20) stated that writing is the act of forming symbol: marking mark on a flat surface of some kinds. The symbol has to be arranged according to certain conventions, to form words and words have to be arranged to form sentences.Gerbat and Rodriguez (1998:67) explained that writing is a means of people to communicate their ideas, thoughts, feelings, interest, and by which impression trough graphic symbol of sound and meaning. Through writing human being can transmit their needs, desires, problems, and thoughts.Allen (1981:14) stated that writing is much more than an orthographic symbolization of speech: it is more importantly, a purposeful selection and organization of experience.Writing is the representation of language in a textual medium trough the use of a set of signs or symbols. It is distinguished from illustration, such as carve drawing and painting and recording of language via a non-textual medium such as magnetic tape audio.From the definition above, it can be summarized that writing of English is about expression of ideas, thoughts, and feelings to other people or other thing in written form to make them understand about the ideas expressed.b. Characteristics of Writing The usual things associated with writing are word choice, use of appropriate grammar, syntax, mechanics (punctuations, spelling and hand writing), and organization of ideas into a focus on audience and purpose, as well as a recursive process of discovering meaning.When students write, they usually have someone in mind whose will read what they wrote and have a purpose, a reason to write. Writing is a process of creating the piece of writing until discovering what is wanted to say and express the meaning in the clear way.To be able to write well, students have to use all elements of writing in English and also create something that is easy to understand by the readers.There are seven forms of writing that cause weather the writing is good or not, they are:(1). CohesionCohesion concerns the flow of sentences and paragraphs from one to another. It involves the tying together of old information and new. When we write academic essays, particularly in the humanities, we work hard to foster cohesion structurally, which is enhances a reader's understanding of our ideas.Brown, (2006) stated that when sentences connect he calls it is the cohesions.(2). CoherenceThe logical connections that readers or listeners perceive in a written or oral text.Coherence is fundamentally not an objective property of the produced text. Rather, that text is a by-product of the mental processes of discourse production and discourse comprehension, which are the real loci of coherence.

(3) IntentionIntention is the thing that you plan to do or achieve. Everything that you plan to be your aim or your purpose. In writing we need an intention because when we want to write something we will explore our ideas. So intention is one of necessary thing in writing.(4) InformationInformation is everything that happened and will be your inspiration to write.(5) ReceivableEverything that you have been written can be received by the reader.(6) Report, and(7) Intellectual Writing can represent the language, but not vice versa that the language represent the writing. Nature writing is related to language and society. Writing is not just a mechanical process, but has a social meaning and culture importance. (Tukiran, 1997)c. Some Factors which Influence the Ability of WritingSamson (1980:74) stated that a good writing is influenced by some factors that correlate one and another. The following factors are important to produce a good writing: (1). Knowledge of the English alphabet is needed for the students to know the spelling words, so that later they can look them up in the dictionary in the effective manner.(2). Knowledge of the English phoneme is needed for the students to decode and encode number of characters.(3). Knowledge of possible sentence structure in English.(4). Knowledge of friendly letter, advertising, and articles.(5). Knowledge of the structures of formal discussion such as magazines, editorial, and business letters.(6). Knowledge of paragraph types in English such as recount, narration, description, and argumentation.d. Steps of Writing Porter and Hernacky (2002) say the process of writing contains a number of stages and it can be grouped into seven major activities.(1). Pre-writingPre-writing is the preparation stage before e write prepare the idea, the point of view, the purpose and audience, and gather of information. This is the step of the writing process involves writing your thoughts on paper or on the computer. This step called pre-writing, it is time to relax and begin your writing.

a) BrainstormingOne way to capture your thought is by brainstorming, or listing thoughts as they come to you. You might brainstorm a second or third time to generate more ideas.b) ClusteringIn clustering, you write your subject in the middle of page and then circle it. You write related around the circle as they occur to you. Then you circle the ideas and connect them to your subject circle. These related ideas are like branches.c) Free writingAnother way to get started is free writing. You simply write about the subject without worrying about sentence, structure, spelling, logic, and grammar. Writing as you would speak so that you can get your ideas down fast.(2). DraftingAfter getting the idea, students have to make a draft about the topic that will be written. They draft the entire easy or writing, from the beginning to the end. Drafting helps the students to develop the idea. Now you can begin your first draft of your paragraph. Some steps for drafting can be stated as follows:

Say something about before you write in.(a). Write fast by hand or by computer.(b). Use only one side of the paper.(c). Leave wide margins and double space to make room for changes.(3). SharingSharing is the most important thing to do out we always ignore it. As writers, students can not see the essay objectively, so they read somebody else to read and give feed back to it. Share what you write with your friends or the people around you. From that you can know and understand what you need to make your writing almost perfect. If there is a mistake you can fix it before you end your writing. (4). RevisingRevising is among the most important steps in writing especially for people who write in a second language. Revising means improving what you have already written. When you revise, you examine how tell you first draft make its point and achieves its purpose for its audience. That may require rearranging the ideas, developing ideas further, cut out ideas that do not support your point, and changing the wording of your sentences. We check weather the writing needs to change or not. We can revise it using the readers feedback. These are some tips for revising:a) Make notes in the margin or writing new material on separate sheet of paper.b) Circle words you think you misspelled or will want to change later.c) Tape or staple additions where you want them to go.d) On the computer, use cut and paste or insert commands to move things around.e) Print out a double space copy for revision: slow and revise in pencil.(5). EditingIt is dealing with surface errors like grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Those have to be eliminated in writing. After you have revised your paragraph, you can edit your work. Check in carefully focus on grammar, words choice, verb form, punctuation, and spelling. Read the paper more than once. Copy it over or print it our again with all your corrections. This draft should be net and should represent your best effort.(6). Re-writing Re-writing is the writing project and includes the revising and editing result.

(7). EvaluationsEvaluation is checking to make sure about the writing that the researcher has researched the best writing. e. Element of WritingJacob (1981:120) pointed out of five components of writing. Those five components are content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanic.(1). ContentThere are at least three things which can be measured in connection in with content, the point of information to be brought, the sequences in which the points are presented and formal signals given the reader to guide in understanding the topic fully.(2). Organization The process of organizing materials in writing involves coherence, order of importance, general to specific, specific to general, chronological order pattern and spatial order pattern.(3). VocabularyVocabulary is one of the language aspects dealing with the process of writing. Vocabulary enables us to do several things such as arrange our ideas into sentences into paragraph.

(4). Language UseLanguage is used in writing involve correct usage grammar or structure. Grammar is one of the important components in writing. It governs utterance to be right and orderly. Therefore, it also has a great influence on the quality of piece of writing.(5). MechanicsMechanics of writing deals with capitalization, spelling and punctuation. Capital letters have two principles in English writing. First, they may be used to distinguish between particular and general classes of place, person and things. They are some special situations that call for use of capital letters. First word in quotation, a formal statement and etc.f. The Teaching of WritingTeaching of writing in the classroom means that the teacher guides the students to create a good writing. In teaching writing students are expected to be able to communicate in written language fluently and accurately. To achieve this competence, English teacher have to teach students by implementing an effective technique according to the recent teaching approach that is contextual teaching and learning process. Not only technique but also an interesting media that almost the student like it and interested in it. So that the students can enjoy the lesson and catch what the teacher wants them to do.

3. Texta. Definition of TextAccording to Derewianka (1995:17) said that a text is only meaningful stretch of language-oral or written. But of course not all texts are the same and functional model of language tries to describe the ways in which they differ.When we use language to write, we are creating text. When we read we are interpreting texts. When we talk and listen, we are also creating and interpreting texts. A text is a product of a particular context of culture and context of situation. We need to understand a text in term of the context in which it is produced. The differences in text because of the choice that we make from the language system (Board of Studies NSW, 1994:67)Text are defined by genre (and other semiotics systems which are part of the context of culture) and register (the meaning of associated with the context of situation field, tenor and mode). Furthermore, the oral and written text which people create also act upon an influence the context (genre and register) which are part of the environment of all speakers and writers (Literacy and Education Research Network, 1990:78)Based on the explanation above, it can be summarized that text is a product of particular context of culture and context of situation in oral or written form.b. Types of TextGerot and Wignell (1994:17) explained there are 15 kinds of writing text as follows:(1). RecountRecount is a kind of text which is used to retell event for the purpose of informing.(2). News storyNews story is a factual text which informs the readers about events of the day which are newsworthy or important.(3). ExemplumExemplum is a kind of text which deals with incidents that are some respect out of the usual, point to some general value in the cultural context.(4). AnecdoteAnecdote is a kind of the text that is used to share with others an account of unusual or amusing incident.(5). NarrativeNarrative is a kind of text it is used to amuse, entertain, and to deal with various experience in different ways.

(6). SpoofSpoof is a kind of text which is used an event with a humorous twist.(7). ProcedureProcedure is a kind of text which is described how something is accomplished through a sequence of events or step.(8). ExplanationExplanation is a kind of text which is used to explain the process involved the formation or working of natural and social cultural phenomena.(9). ReportReport is a kind of text which is used to describe the ways things are, with reference to arrange or natural, manmade and social phenomena in our environment.(10). Analytical expositionAnalytical exposition is a kind of text which is used to persuade the reader or listener that something is in the case.(11). Hortatory expositionHortatory exposition is a kind of text which is used to persuade the reader that something should or should not be the case.

(12). DiscussionDiscussion is a kind of text which is used to present (at least) two points of view about an issue.(13). DescriptionDescription is a kind of text which is used to describe particular person, place or things.(14). ReviewReview is a kind of text which is used to critique an art work or event for a public audience.(15). CommentaryCommentary is a kind of text which is used to explain the process involved in the formation (evaluation) of a socio cultural phenomenon, as though a natural phenomenon.

4. Narrative Texta. Definition of Narrative TextMeyers (2005:52) states that narrative is one of the most powerful ways of communicating with others. A good written story lets your reader response to some event in your life as if it were own. They not only understand the event, but they can almost feel it. The action, details, and dialogue put the readers in these seem and make it happen for them.Sadler and Hayllar (2000:15) stated that narrative set out to entertain and amuse listeners and readers. To achieve this purpose, they must attract and hold on audiences attention. The interesting and extraordinary events can hold an audience spellbound. According to Toolans (2001:7) opinion, a narrative is a text composed in any medium that describe a sequence of real or unreal events. It drives from the Latin verb narrare, which means to recount and is related to the adjective gnama, means knowing or skilled. The word story may be used as a synonym of narrative, and it can also be used to refer to the sequence of events described in a narrative.Narratives can be spoken or written text. They are usually told by a narrator, who may be one of the characters or an outsider.b. Social Function of Narrative TextNarrative is a kind of text that is used to amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or vicarious experiences in different ways (Hartono, 2005:6)c. Generic Structure of Narrative TextNeo (2005:2) stated that a narrative has a structure, a shape or a pattern.(1) The composition, it established the characters and situation.(2) Rising action, it refers to a series of complication leads to the climax.(3) The climax is the critical moment when problem/conflict demands something to be done about them.(4) Felling action is the moment away from the highest peak of excitement.(5) The resolution consists of the result or outcome.Sadler and Hayllar (2000:16) explain that narrative is usually has a series of happenings in which action occurs and characters are involved. It consists of the following three parts:(1) Orientation (beginning)The orientation tells the readers who, when, where, what, and why: the character(s), the time, the place, and the direction of the story are all introduced.(2) Complication (middle)As the story develops, complications occur. At least one problem arises that a character most overcome before the goal of the story can be reached. There is often a sequence of events involving the characters in action that test their courage, determination, and other qualities.(3) Resolution (ending)As the sequences of events bring the story to an end, the problem that faced the characters is solved or resolved. A resolution is achieved, which leads to a happy or unhappy ending in the story.d. Language Features of a Narrative TextMacken (1990:15) stated that the language features of narrative text are focus on specific (usually individualized) participants, use of past tense, use of temporal conjunctions, used of material (action), processes (in complication and resolution stages especially), use of relational and mental processes (in orientation and evaluation stages especially).e. The Types of Narrative TextThere are many types of narratives according to Harwen, W. 2004. They can be imaginary, factual or combination of both. The types of narrative text are:(1) Fable A fable is brief, in prose or verse, that features animals, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature which are anthropomorphized (given human qualities), and that illustrates a moral lesson (a moral), which may at the end be expressed explicit in a pity maxim. The word fable comes from the Latin fibula, a brief narrative. In its moral general sense, though, the world fable refers simply to a genre of short stories designed to impart a moral lesson.(2) Detective storyDetective story is a tale that features to mastery and or the commission of a crime, emphasizing the search for a solution. The detective story is distinguished from other forms of fiction by the fact that it is a puzzle. The tables climax is the solution of a puzzle, and the bulk of narrative overcomes the logical process by which the investigator follows a series of clues to this solution.(3) Fairy talesA fairy tales is a fictional story that usually features folkloric characters and enhancement, often involving a far-fetched sequence of events. In modern day parlance, a fairy tales ending is refers to happy ending. However, unlike legend and epics, they usually do not contain more than superficial references to religion and actual places, person, and events; they take place once upon a time rather than in actual times.(4) HumorA humorous narrative is one that aims to make the audience laugh as part of telling story. Usually, the characters have funny names. There will be something crazy happens in the complication.(5) Romance A romance narrative typically tells of two lovers who overcome difficulties to end up together. The writing of the story is exotic setting, such as sunsets, beaches, moonlight. The complication usually happens when a boy meet a girl. The story ends when a boy gets a girl. (6) The diary novelsThis type of narrative has the text of presented like diary entries. The main character is the narrator itself. Contain of the story related to romance, adventure, humor, mysteries. The sequence of events tells of feelings, hopes, and happenings.(7) Science fictionScience fiction narrative was a setting involving science and technology. The action involves technology, science, and super invention.

5. The Learning Mediaa. Definition of Learning MediaIn teaching learning process, a teacher is usually explains the lesson with the words. Sometimes it is make the students bored. So the teacher should have an interesting media to make an interesting class. Teaching English can be fun and interesting if the teacher use an interesting media for their students.According to Wilbur Schramns opinion (1977), the word of media comes from Latin that is medium which its meaning a mediator, or in other word medium/introductory. Media is a means to deliver or mediator of information from the sender to the receiver of information.Locates and Atkinson (1984) define media as the means for transmitting or delivering messages. It can be means of, method and technique which is used in order to make communication and interaction between the teacher and students in the process of teaching learning at school more effective. Meanwhile, according to Briggs (1997) is a physical means of learning media to deliver content or learning materials such as books, movies, videos, and so on. Then, according to the National Education Association (1969) revealed that learning is means of communication media in print and point of view heard, including technology hardware.From definition above, can be summarized that learning media is the media that carry messages or information aimed at instructional media tools that are physically used to convey the contents of teaching materials consisting of books, tape recorders, cassettes, video camera, video recorder, film, movie, slides (images), photographs, images, graphics, television and computer.

b. Benefits of Learning MediaAccording to Hamalik (1986), appropriate learning media can raise the motivation, the desire of interest, and excitement to the students. So as to help understanding, presenting data with interesting and reliable, facilities the interpretation of data, condense the information. So the appropriate learning media can bring success in learning and teaching in the classroom.According to Schramns opinion (1977), benefits of media are:(1) Clarifying message presentation in order not to be too having the character of verbally (in the form written or rally).(2) Overcoming the limitation of space, time and senses.(3) By using media of education precisely and vary, the passive attitude of students can be overcome. In this case media of education is good for:(a) Generating a desire in learning.(b) Making possible directly instruction between students, environment, and fact.(c) Enabling students learn by them-selves according to their ability and enthusiasm.(4) Giving equality of experience and perception. Andrew Goodwyn (2001) states that the function of media are:(a) To develop students creativity.(b) To deepen students understanding on what they study.(c) To give the pleasure and enjoyment in learning situation.(d) To create students become more active.From some description of the function of learning media above, it can be concluded that learning media has a lot of function which can assist the success of teaching learning process. Media or teaching aid tool is very important to assists increasing the students learning spirit, making them eager to know what will be done by teacher with the media. Through that way, the students will be more interested with the lesson that will be convoyed and their attention will concentrate to the lesson.

c. Types of Learning MediaAccording to Zulkarnaen as what in Bahri (1995:17), media of education can be classified to become the visual media consist of the picture or photo, sketch, diagram, chart, graph, card, poster, map, and globe; and also audio media consist of radio, magnetic, sheet, recorder and language laboratory. Audio-visual media such as film, movie, and video.Gegne, such as what is cited by Sudirman (1986:84) classifies media become seven kinds; that is object to be demonstrated, oral communications, the printing media (including text book), motionless picture, motion picture, film which has voice, film which has not voice (silent movie) and learning media.d. Movie(1) The Definition of MovieA movie is one type of mass mediated culture. Mass mediated culture is an expression of culture as it is received from contemporary media, whether arises from elite, popular, or mass origins. The movies are the portrayal of a certain culture which is reflected in an action in order to transmit it to other culture. In this way, a movie becomes a popular culture of which is based on the assumption that all cultures when transmitted by mass media. (English Version of Thesaurus of Films and Types of Movie).(2) Types of Movie(a) Animation MovieAnimation movie is an animated movie or cartoon.(b) Biopic MovieBiopic movie is a movie based on the events of someones life.(c) Buddy MovieBuddy movie is a movie that is mainly about the friendship between two people.

(d) Costume Drama MovieCostume drama movie is a movie about a particular historical period in which the actors wear clothes typical of that period.(e) Documentary MovieDocumentary movie is a movie or television program that deals with real people and events.(f) Silent Movie Silent movie is a movie in which voices and other sound are not heard, especially a very old movie. There is no speech between the actors.(g) Home MovieHome movie is an informal movie that someone makes themselves, often about their own life and family.(English Version of Thesaurus of Films and Types of Movie).(3) Silent Movie (a) The Definition of Silent MovieSilent movie is a movie in which voices and other sound are not heard, especially a very old movie. There is no speech between the actors. This movie uses appropriate movements that portray characters, emotions and meanings. Such as, hand gestures, body movements, facial expressions, and blocking (movements in space). ( movie is a movie which is not use verbal language. This film could even completely without any sound. (Bakdi Sumanto, 1992:1)Silent movie is a movie that tells a story with the motion only. (Richard Levin, 1960:131)From the definitions above can be summarized that silent movie is a movie without sound. The movie just show the events that include in that film, and there is no a sound of the dialogue between the actors. And from that film students are able to write narrative text.(b) Procedure of Learning Using Silent MovieGonzalez Blasco,P.,Moreto, al., (2006) a lesson plan that involves movie material might be thought of in terms of three distinct phases:(1) Pre-ViewingBefore viewing it is important to prepare students for what they are about to see and to introduce the broad topic. Any parts of the movie that the teacher believes to challenge students can be outlined at this time. Pre-viewing exercises such as brainstorms may help to focus attention.(2) Viewing Continuous interruptions during viewing risk breaking concentration and should be avoided. However, students can be given simple tasks to carry out while watching a movie which will help them to engage with the movies content. A balance has to be found which doesnt ask too much students, but does help to keep them interest. (3) Post-ViewingMany different types of activity might follow on from watching a movie. Content might be used to begin a discussion, it might be written or the students do a role-play.From the procedure above the students can make a narrative text after the watched a silent movie. The content of the text is depends on the story of the movie.(c) The Advantages of Silent MovieThere are some advantages of silent movie as follows :(a). It is very interesting activity to students for learn English.(b). It does not make the students tired of listening material, because they watch a movie.(c). The students will not bored during the lesson.(d). A movie always increases their interest level, their motivation, enthusiasm and willingness to study English.(d) The Disadvantages of Silent MovieThere are some disadvantages of silent movie as follows:(a). The students have to concentrate to the movie.(b). The students who cannot remember the whole story in that movie will lose their opportunity to rewrite the story.

B. Conceptual FrameworkIn teaching English, teachers follow the material that will be taught. Based on four basic skills that have to be mastered, speaking, listening, reading and writing. Writing is the important skill and it is considered as the difficult one. Writing is and ability to solve and express ideas, interests, and feelings (Brown, 1987)Writing skill is very important because by writing students can express their feeling and ideas. However, students usually get difficulties to find the appropriate words that they need in writing.To overcome these difficulties, the teacher should be able to choose the suitable media in teaching writing especially narrative text. One of the media that can be used in teaching narrative text is using silent movie. Using silent movie in teaching writing is interesting and good to be used in teaching senior high school, because most of students are interested in watching movie. Besides, it will improve their motivation and enthusiasms in learning English. It will give a chance to think creatively and it can improve their self confidence to write English. The students can imagine a story to write a narrative text. They are able to know where the story take places, who the main characters are, how the story begins, what the problem is, and how the problem is going to be resolved. So, the students do not get difficulties to get an idea to write.From the explanation above, we can know that students have to find many ideas to write English and students have to get facilities such as interesting media to improve their idea in writing English. Especially in writing narrative text.

C. Action HypothesisBased on the conceptual framework above, the hypothesis of this research are:1. Silent movie can improve students learning motivation on writing narrative text in the tenth grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan in the school year 2014/2015.2. The improvement of the students ability on writing narrative text by using silent movie to tenth grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan in school year 2014/2015 is great.


A. Type of ResearchThe type of this research is Classroom Action Research since the major point of the research is to improve the existing classroom condition and students learning motivation or writing skill. This approach is to collect and interpret data that involve clear, repeated in the cycle procedures. This means that Classroom Action Research is done. To make up learning condition to be better than before in repeated procedures (Baley, 2000: 490)There was three-cycles applied in this research; Pre-Cycle, Cycle I, and Cycle II. The Pre-Cycle was done as the writer is doing a teaching practice and gave the students test to know the students writing skill, so that continued with the Cycle I and Cycle II. The researcher did and quitted in Cycle III, since the result reaches the goal. In each cycle consist of four phases; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

B. Subject of ResearchThe subject of this research is the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan, in the school year 2014/2015. Based on the writers observation, all students have different abilities and motivation in learning English, especially in writing skill. The average score of the writing skill of the majority of the students was 60, less than standard score of 75. It indicated that the degree or writing skill of the majority of the students is low. They had difficulties in organizing information or ideas logically and applying the schematic structure of the text. The writer did the research in Pre-Cycle, Cycle I, and Cycle II. The students also had different ability in choosing the appropriate words, vocabulary, and improving their idea to write, so that the researcher choose this class because most of the students are smart but still have low motivation in writing English.

C. Setting of ResearchThe writer did this research on August 19th 2014 to September 2nd 2014 and carried out the research in class X-IPS 4 of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan. They learn English two times in a week. There are 34 students, 12 boys and 22 girls. Nanang Hasan Azwar, S.Pd is the English teacher and be the writers collaborator. An English teacher in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan would be the collaborator in this research. The aim of use the collaborator is to help observe and give some suggestions how the writer doing the research and how the research go on till done.

D. Research ProcedureThe writer conducted classroom action research through a Pre-Cycle test and Cycle test. This research was conducted into three cycles; they are Pre-Cycle, Cycle I, and Cycle II. The researcher gave action in Cycle I by using Silent Movie and continued in the Cycle II. 1. Pre-cycleThe Pre-Cycle was conducted at the beginning of the research before the two cycles. There were two activities in this cycle, observation and test. The first activity was observation. The writer observed when the English teacher taught the students. Then, the writer started to observe the teaching-learning process in class to know students motivation in learning activity.The second activity was test. The purpose was to check the students weakness and strength in writing skill whether they were understood or not with narrative text and how the students learning motivation.2. Cycle 1Based on the result of Pre-cycle test, the writer gave the action in Cycle I by using Silent Movie. In cycle I the writer did some activities as follows:a. PlanningThe aim of this stage was to plan teaching learning process in order that there was improvement students learning motivation and writing skill. Based on the result of analyzing the problem in the pre-cycle, the researcher did some preparation, they were: Making a lesson plan, observation and questionnaire sheets. Preparing the materials. Making a cycle I test of narrative writing test. Doing documentation.b. ActingIn this stage the students were taught using Silent Movie. This action was done to know the improvement of students writing skill in two cycles.The procedure of teaching-learning process in Cycle I was explained as follows:(1) Pre - Activity a. The writer greeted the students.b. The writer asked about the previous meeting.c. The writer checked the students attendance.d. The writer motivated students by telling the purpose of writing comprehension on narrative text.(2) Main-activity(a) Pre-ViewingBefore viewing it is important to prepare students for what they are about to see and to introduce the broad topic. Any parts of the movie that the teacher believes to challenge students can be outlined at this time. Pre-viewing exercises such as brainstorms may help to focus attention.(b) Viewing Continuous interruptions during viewing risk breaking concentration and should be avoided. However, students can be given simple tasks to carry out while watching a movie which will help them to engage with the movies content. A balance has to be found which doesnt ask too much students, but does help to keep them interest. (c) Post-ViewingThe students begin discuss about the content of the movie with the teacher. The content of the movie can improve as narrative text. In this case the students begin their creativity to write their own narrative text based on the Silent movie.The step in this main activity is appropriate with the planning. However, the time limitation made students unable to practice optimally, so it will be continued in cycle 2.(d) Post-activity(a) Analyzing the students writing(b) Correcting some students mistakes.(c) Giving conclusion and suggestion about the movie.(d) Giving them assignment to discuss the given motions home.

c. ObservingThe collaborative teacher observed the students in learning activity using an observation sheet. Then he also took photograph during the teaching learning process. The result of this photograph was used as the image of immortalized students during learning process.d. ReflectingReflection was the activity of evaluating critically about the progress or change of the students, class and also writer. The writer made reflection in the Cycle I based on some formal questionnaire with the students and observation sheet, to decide and repair of learning in Cycle II.3. Cycle IIBased on the reflection in the Cycle I, the writer decided to continue the treatment in Cycle II in order to improve the students writing skill and students learning motivation by using Silent Movie. The process similar to the Cycle I but in Cycle II the movie was different.a. PlanningCycle II was done based on the analysis of the first cycle. The writer tried to revise the lesson plan and teaching activity with different genre of movie. There was a test and observation sheet for evaluation.a. ActingIn this stage, the writer recalled the material and continued the steps about Silent Movie.(1) Pre - Activity e. The writer greeted the students.f. The writer asked about the previous meeting.g. The writer checked the students attendance.h. The writer motivated students by telling the purpose of writing comprehension on narrative text.(2) Main-activity(a) Pre-ViewingBefore viewing it is important to prepare students for what they are about to see and to introduce the broad topic. Any parts of the movie that the teacher believes to challenge students can be outlined at this time. Pre-viewing exercises such as brainstorms may help to focus attention.(b) Viewing Continuous interruptions during viewing risk breaking concentration and should be avoided. However, students can be given simple tasks to carry out while watching a movie which will help them to engage with the movies content. A balance has to be found which doesnt ask too much students, but does help to keep them interest. (e) Post-ViewingThe students begin discuss about the content of the movie with the teacher. The content of the movie can improve as narrative text. In this case the students begin their creativity to write their own narrative text based on the Silent movie.The step in this main activity is appropriate with the planning. However, the time limitation made students unable to practice optimally, so it continued in cycle 2.(3) Post-activity(e) Analyzing the students writing(f) Correcting some students mistakes.(g) Giving conclusion and suggestion about the movie.(h) Giving them assignment to discuss the given motions home.b. Observing The collaborative teacher observed the activity of students learning process by using an observation sheet. The writer gave writing test in second cycle. The test was same with the cycle test before the test to know good or bad of students learning motivation and students understanding in learning writing especially in writing narrative text.using Silent Movie.c. Reflecting In the end of the cycle, reflection was done to know the improvement of students learning motivation and students writing ability using Silent Movie. The writer also analyzed the result of observation sheet, questionnaire and students worksheet. The above data was used to know whether Silent Movie was successful in improving students learning motivation and students ability on writing narrative and also giving idea to the students to writing .The writer did not continue the research in the Cycle III.

E. Technique of Collecting DataThe writer used some technique to collect the data, they are:1. Technique of TestThis action research carried out in three cycles. There was a test in each cycle. The purpose of the test is to measure the students progress and the result of the teaching learning activities and students learning motivation. The test of this research is writing narrative text. The writer asked the students to do several tests:a. Pre-cycle testb. Writing test in cycle 1c. Writing test in cycle 2The writing assessment of the research is follows (Brown,2004):Writing elementsScoreCriteria




5-1Use clearly appropriate details to support or illustrate an idea.Use details to support or illustrate an idea.Use some details to support or illustrate an idea.Inappropriate or insufficient details to support or illustrate generalization.Little or no detail or irrelevant specifics.


5-1Well organized and well developed.Generally well organized and developed.Adequately well organized and developed.Inadequately well organized and developed.Serious disorganization.





5-1Demonstrate variety and appropriate word choice.Demonstrate some varieties and range vocabulary.May contain some errors that occasionally obscure meaning.Noticeably inappropriate choices of words and word forms.Serious problem with focus.




5-1Display consistency facility in the use of language.Display facility in the use of language.Demonstrate adequate but possibly inconsistent facility with usage.An accumulation of errors in sentences structure and/or usage.Serious and frequent error in sentences structure or usage.



11-65-1Effectively addresses the writing tasks.Addresses some parts of the task more effectively than others.Addresses the writing topic adequately but may slight part of the task.Error in sentence punctuation.Severe spelling problems.

Notes: Total maximum score: 100Total minimum score: 52. Technique of Non-testa. Observation Observation was done to get the data of students behavior in writing class. The writer used the result of observation in Pre-Cycle, Cycle I, and Cycle II to know whether there was students behavior change by using silent movie as the media in writing skill. The observation guidance was explained as follows:THE OBSERVATION SHEET GUIDANCENoBehavioral TypesObservation FocusNumber of StudentsTotal StudentsPercentage (%)

1.The students motivation to listen the teachers explanation.1. The students give attention to teachers explanation.

2. The students ask about the material of the lesson.

3. The students give comment to the material of the lesson.

4. The students answer the teachers question.

5. The students make notes.

2.The students motivation during teaching learning process,6. The students have spirit in learning process.

7. The students have motivated in teaching learning process it can be seen from how they interested in watching silent movie.

8. The students involve in learning how to write narrative text.

9. The students have discussion in the narrative writing learning.

3.The students motivation to do the duty that was given by teacher.10. The students do the task of writing narrative text.11.The students produce a narrative text.

12. The students directly improve that movie as narrative text on time.

b. QuestionnaireA questionnaire is a list of questions to be answer by a group of people to get information. The questionnaire collectad data/information from the students based on the needs, interest, like and dislike about teaching learning process and the media that used by the writer.


1. Do you like studying English?

2. Do you think that writing is important?

3. Do you think that writing narrative text is difficult?

4. Do you understand narrative text?

5. Are you able to understand the teachers explanation well?

6. Are you bored with the teachers explanation?

7. Are you able to make a narrative text after the teacher uses Silent Movie?

8. Do you feel that this media can improve your writing skill?

9. Do you have high motivation after the researcher uses Silent Movie?

10. Do you like Silent Movie?

c. Documentation The writer and the collaborator took photographs from students activity during the teaching learning process. Documentation would use as visual evidence in learning activity during the research.

F. Technique of Analyzing DataTechnique analyze data are quantitative and qualitative1. Quantitative analysis dataQuantitative data was obtained from the result of narrative text writing test by using silent movie media in Cycle I and Cycle II. Data analysis of test quantitative do with summarizing obtained students score calculated cumulative score from all aspects. Calculated class means scores, and calculated percentages. To calculate the percentage of score use formula as follows:SP = x100Explanation:SP: Score PercentageSS: Score is reached by studentsR: RespondentThe data analysis was compared the score of Pre-Cycle, Cycle I, and Cycle II. The result of this research gave description about percentage of improving writing skill in narrative text by using silent movie media in every cycle.2. Qualitative analysis dataQualitative data was obtained from data of non-test they are observation, questionnaire, and documentation. The result of this qualitative data analysis was used to know changing students behavior in learning process Pre-Cycle, Cycle 1, and Cycle II, and it is also to know improving writing skill of narrative text by using Silent Movie.

G. Performance IndicatorPerformance indicators in this research are as follows:1. Students minimum motivation of learning reaches 75%.2. Students who get score 75 of writing narrative text test in SMA Muhammdiyah 1 Muntilan reaching 75%.CHEPTER IVRESULT AND DISCUSSION

A. The Result of the Research This chapter presented the results of test and non test. The result of test was divided into three phases. They were Pre-Cycle, Cycle I, and Cycle II test. 1. The Result of the Pre-Cycle a. The Result of the TestThe result of Pre-Cycle was in the form of Narrative text writing skill of the student any clues before the writer applied the action. This test had function to know the early situation of narrative text writing skill of the students. The result of Pre-Cycle test can be shown in Table Table 1The Result of Pre-Cycle TestExplanationCategory

Very GoodGoodFairPoorVery Poor

Number of student087162

Percentage0.00= 24.24= 21.21= 48.48= 6.06

Avarage Score

Based on above table, it shows that the students have reached average score in Pre Cycle test 59.70% and it belongs to poor category. The number of students who got very good category were zero, and good category were 8 or 24.24%. Students who got fair category was 7 or 21.21%. Students who got poor category were 16 or 48.48% and very poor category were 2 or 6.06% from all students. The average score was from number of score on writing assessment aspects; there were organization, content, grammar, mechanic and vocabulary. The scores category result of Pre Cycle test is shows by Diagram 1Diagram 1The Result of Pre-Cycle Narrative Text Writing Skill

Diagram 1 shows that the highest bar was at poor category This matter indicator that 48.48% students, writing skill in narrative text at poor category, and very poor category was 6.06%.

b. The Result of the Non-Test The result of non-test in Pre-Cycle was observation questionnaire, and documentation. The result of non test can be shown as follow: 1) The Result of observation The observation was done during narrative text writing learning process using silent movie of tenth graders of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan. It focused on 2 behavioral types. They were the motivation of students during narrative text learning proccess, and the achievement of students done the duty which was given by the teacher. The result of observation in Pre Cycle shows at table 2.

Table 2The Result of Observation in Pre-CycleNo.Behavioral TypeObservation FocusNumber of studentTotal number of studentsPercentage (%)

1The students motivation to listen the teachers explanation 1. The students give attention to teachers explanation 223366.67

2. The students ask about the material of the lesson 213363.64

3. The students give comment of the lesson 233369.70

4. The students answer the teachers question 263378.79

5. The students make notes 243372.73

2.The students motivation during teaching learning process6. The students have spirit in learning process 203360.61

7. The students have motivated in teaching learning process, it can be seen from how they interested in watching silent movie 0330.00

8. The students involve in learning how to write a narrative text 193357.57

9. The students have discussion in the narrative text writing learning 213363.64

3.The students motivations to do the duty that was given by the teacher 10. The students do the task of writing narrative text 303390.00

11. The students produce a narrative text. 303390.91

12. The students directly improve that silent movie as narrative test on time0330

Sum 236396715.17

Average 19.673359.60

Based on table 2, it shows that the motivation of the students to listen to teachers explanation as follows: The number of students who paid attention to teachers explanation reached 22 students or 66.67%. The students who raised questions about the material were 21 students or 63.64%. The students who commented about the material were 23 students or 69.70%. The students who responded teachers question reached 26 students or 78.79%. The students who make note reached 24 students or 72.73%. The motivation of students class participation during narrative text writing process as follows: The students who hare spirit in learning process reached 20 or 60.61%. The students who have motivated to learn writing narrative text after they watched silent movie is 0 or 0.00%, because the writer havent give a silent movie yet. The students who involved in learning how to write a narrative text reached in l9 or 57.57%. The students who raised discussions of narrative text writing reached 21 or 63.64%. In the motivation of students to do the assignment that was given by the teacher as follows: The students who did the task of writing narrative text reached 30 or 90.91%. The students who produce a narrative text reached 30 or 90.91%. The students who improved the silent movie as narrative text on time is 0 or 0.00%, because silent movie havent given yet to the students. The result of observation in Pre-Cycle could be seen at Diagram 2. Diagram 2The Result of Observations Score in Pre-Cycle

2) The Result of the questionnaire The result of the questionnaire could be seen on the Table 3 bellow: Table 3The Result of questionnaire in Pre-Cycle


1. Do you like English? 267

2. Do you think that writing is important? 2013

3. Do you think that writing narrative text is difficult?303

4. Do you understand the narrative text? 1815

5. Are you able to understand the teachers explanation well? 285

6. Are you bored with the teachers explanation? 276

7. Are you able to make a narrative text after the teacher uses silent movie? 033

8. Do you feel that this media can improve your writing skill? 033

9. Do you have high motivation after the teacher uses silent movie?033

10. Do you like silent movie? 3

From the table 3 above, the writer summarized that the Pre-Cycle condition has not reached the ideal condition yet. It can be seen through the percentage of the students in answering the questionnaire. It motivated the writer to do this research enthusiastically to improve the students narrative text writing skill using silent movie. 3) DocumentationThe writer and the collaborator took some photos during teaching learning process of the tenth graders in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan in the school year 2014/2015. Photos documentation is used as visual evidence of learning process. These photos documentation can be seen on appendices.

2. Result of Cycle 1 a. The Result of the Test The result of the cycle 1 test could be seen on the table 4 bellow: Table 4The Result of Cycle 1 TestExplanationCategory

Very GoodGoodFairPoorVery Poor

Number of student219750

Percentage= 6.06= 57.57= 21.21= 15.15

Average Score

Table 4 shows that the students have reached average score in cycle 1 test was 69.85% and it belongs to fair category. There were 2 students or 6.06% who got very good category, 19 students who got good category reached 57.57%. There were 7 students that belongs to fair category reached 21.21%. There were 5 students who got poor category reached 15.15%, and none of students who got very poor category. In this cycle the students had higher motivation than in Pre-Cycle, but it still unsatisfied. So the follow up of this cycle can be seen on cycle II. The writer needs to do action to help them in improving their narrative text writing skill and their motivation in learning process by using silent movie. The result of text in cycle 1 can also be seen in diagram 3 to make it clear. Diagram 3The Result of Cycle 1 Test

After observing the implementation of the action in cycle 1, the writer would like to know whether there was a better progress or not, there was a consistency or not. The result of evaluation in cycle 1 was used to find out the strengths and the weaknesses of the student in teaching learning process. It was successful to improve the students achievement scores and the students motivation if it was concerned with the result of test in Pre-Cycle. It was good improvement, out there was some students that still found difficulties in grammar and organization.

b. The result of Non Test 1) The Result of the observation Observation was done during the teaching learning process to kwon the students condition and opinion by using silent movie. The Result of observation can be seen on the Table 5 bellow:

Table 5The Result of Observation in cycle 1No.Behavioral TypeObservation FocusNumber of studentsTotal number of studentsPercentage (%)

1.The students motivation to listen the teachers explanation 1. The students give attention to teachers explanation 233369.70

2. The students ask about the material of the lesson 213363.64

3. The students give comment of the lesson 203360.61

4. The students answer the teachers question 193357.57

5. The students make notes 183354.54

2.The students motivation during teaching learning process6. The students have spirit in learning process 283384.85

7. The students have motivated in teaching learning process, it can be seen from how they interested in watching silent movie 283384.85

8. The students involve in learning how to write a narrative text 193357.57

9. The students have discussion in the narrative text writing learning 183354.54

3The students motivations to do the duty that was given by the teacher 10. The students do the task of writing narrative text 303390.91

11. The students produce a narrative text. 323396.97

12. The students directly improve that silent movie as narrative test on time.323396.97

Sum 288396872.72

Average 243372.73

Based on table 5, it shows that the motivation of the students to listen to teachers explanation as follows: The number of students who paid attention to teachers explanation reached 23 students or 69.70%. The students who raised questions about the material were 21 students or 63.64%. The students who commented about the material were 20 students or 60.61%. The students who responded teachers question reached 19 students or 57.57%. The students who make note reached 18 students or 54.54%. The motivation of students class participation during narrative text writing process as follows: The students who had spirit in learning process reached 28 or 84.85%. The students who have motivated to learn writing narrative text after the watched silent movie reached 28 or 84.85%, because the writer gave a silent movie in this cycle. The students who involved in learning how to write a narrative text reached in 19 or 57.57%. The students who raised discussions of narrative text writing reached 18 or 54.54%. In the motivation of students to do the assignment that was given by the teacher as follows: The students who did the task of writing narrative text reached 30 or 90.91%. The students who produce a narrative text reached 32 or 96.97%. The students who improved the silent movie as narrative text on time 32 or 96.97%. The result of observation in Cycle 1 could be seen at Diagram 4.

Diagram 4The Result of Observations Score in Cycle I

2) The Result of the Questionnaire The result of the questionnaire could be seen on the table 6 bellow: Table 6The Result of Questionnaire in Cycle IQuestionYesNo

1. Do you like English? 303

2. Do you think that writing is important 275

3. Do you think that writing narrative text is difficult?275

4. Do you understand the narrative text? 275

5. Are you able to understand the teachers explanation well? 294

6. Are you bored with the teachers explanation? 294

7. Are you able to make a narrative text after the teacher uses silent movie? 258

8. Do you fell that this media can improve your writing skill? 249

9. Do you have high motivation after the teacher uses silent movie?276

10. Do you like silent movie? 303

Table 6 shows that the cycle 1 conditional has not reached the ideal condition yet. It can be seen through the percentage of the students in answering questionnaire it become the motivation for the researcher to do action with enthusiasm in the cycle II.

3) The Result of Cycle IIBased on the reflection in the previous cycle, the research was continued to cycle II to repair cycle I. Cycle II still used silent movie in teaching writing especially for writing narrative text. Based on the action in cycle II, the writer got the data of test and non-test. a) The Result of the Test The result of the Cycle II test could be seen in the table 7 bellow: Table 7The Result of Cycle II Test


Very GoodGoodFairPoorVery Poor

Number of student923200

Percentage= 26.47= 67.65= 5.88

Average Score

Table 7 shows that the students have reached average score in cycle II test was 78.66% and it belongs to good category. Students who got very good category were 9 students or 26.47%, 23 students who got good category were 23 students or 67.65%, 2 students who got fair category reached 5.88% and none of students who got poor and very poor category are 0.00%. In this cycle the students began to pay attention and they interested in learning writing process. It can be seen from their writing and their enthusiasm in improving the silent movie as narrative text. The implementation of silent movie in cycle II gave a good improvement to the students motivation on writing narrative text. The students did not copy from the internet again, but they improve that silent movie as narrative text, and the students can explore their creativity to write, but there were some students that still had difficulty to choose the appropriate words. Most of them are able to produce and wrote narrative text after they watched a silent movie. The result of test in Cycle II can also be seen in diagram 5 to make it clear.

Diagram 5The Result of Cycle II Test

Based on the observation test, the writer could give reflection to what had been implemented in cycle II. There were positive results of implementation of silent movie on writing narrative text in cycle II the students got many exercise in writing these exercise made them had better understanding and creativity than before in learning motivation. The negative result was that some of the students still confused in choosing appropriate word, but they used the right tenses especially past tense but same students were still made mistakes in using the right vocabulary.

b) The Result of Non-Test 1) The result of the Observation The Result of observation could be seen on the Table 8 bellow:

Table 8The Result of Observation in Cycle II

No.Behavioral TypeObservation FocusNumber of studentsTotal number of studentsPercentage (%)

1.The students motivation to listen the teachers explanation 1. The students give attention to teachers explanation 273479.41

2. The students ask about the material of the lesson 233467.65

3. The students give comment of the lesson 263476.47

4. The students answer the teachers question 233467.65

5. The students make notes 293485.29

2.The students motivation during teaching learning process6. The students have spirit in learning process 213461.76

7. The students have motivated in teaching learning process, it can be seen from how they interested in watching silent movie 243470.59

8. The students involve in learning how to write a narrative text 223464.70

9. The students have discussion in the narrative text writing learning 253473.53

3The students motivations to do the duty that was given by the teacher 10. The students do the task of writing narrative text 3434100

11. The students produce a narrative text. 3434100

12. The students directly improve that silent movie as narrative test on time3434100

Sum 322408947.05

Average 26.833478.92

Based on table 8, it shows that the motivation of the students to listen to teachers explanation as follows: The number of students who paid attention to teachers explanation reached 27 students or 79.41%. The students who raised questions about the material were 23 students or 67.65%. The students who commented about the material were 26 students or 76.47%. The students who responded teachers question reached 23 students or 67.65%. The students who make note reached 29 students or 85.29%. The motivation of students class participation during narrative text writing process as follows: The students who hare spirit in learning process reached 21 or 61.76%. The students who have motivated to learn writing narrative text after the watched silent movie 24 o or 70.59%. The students who involved in learning how to write a narrative text reached in 22 or 64.70%. The students who raised discussions of narrative text writing reached 25 or 73.53%. In the motivation of students to do the assignment that was given by the teacher as follows: The students who did the task of writing narrative text reached 34 or 100%. The students who produce a narrative text reached 34 or 100%. All students who improved the silent movie as narrative text on time 34 or 100%, because silent movie was given to the students. The result of observation in Cycle II could be seen at Diagram 6.

Diagram 6The Result of Observations Score in Cycle II

Table 9The Result of Questionnaire in Cycle II


1. Do you like English? 322

2. Do you think that writing is important 322

3. Do you think that writing narrative text is difficult?313

4. Do you understand the narrative text? 304

5. Are you able to understand the teachers explanation well? 304

6. Are you bored with the teachers explanation? 313

7. Are you able to make a narrative text after the teacher uses silent movie? 313

8. Do you feel that this media can improve your writing skill 304

9. Do you have high motivation after the teacher uses silent movie?304

10. Do you like silent movie? 304

Based on the result of questionnaire in Cycle II, it showed that most students have very good opinion and response to the teaching learning process and the media that used in this research.

B. Discussion The research findings show some important point as follow:1. The improvement of Students Learning Motivation in Writing Class.From the result of non-test, which consisted of observation and questionnaire in Pre-Cycle, it could be concluded that the students did not really understand about writing narrative text and Silent Movie was considered new learning media for them. Some of them had low enthusiasm to write narrative text and the class situation still noise. Some of their behavior showed less good behavior. The writer did action to help them in improving their narrative text writing skill by using Silent Movie. To overcome the problem in Pre-Cycle, the writer made improvement such as explaining more about narrative text and Silent Movie in Cycle I and Cycle II. In Cycle I the writer also explained and corrected about common mistakes in narrative text written by the students.There was changing the students motivation in cycle I and successful to improve the students achievement score concerned with the result of Pre-Cycle. The writer still found problem faced by students that was not dominated in class, and some students till found difficulties in grammar and organization.There were positive results of implementation Silent Movie in narrative text writing skill in Cycle II. The students got many experience in writing. They were prepared and had more spirit and motivation in learning English. They were more interested in giving attention, asking, and answering teachers questions. They also could write narrative text better and finish it on time which has been determined. It happened because they had more comprehension about writing narrative text. The result of the test was satisfactory. It can be concluded that students motivation and giving idea to the students in learning writing narrative text using Silent Movie showed changing to be good behavior. The negative result was that most students still forgot using correct verb in past tense.2. The Improvement of Narrative Text Writing Skill The writer compared the result of Pre-Cycle, Cycle I and Cycle II test to know the improvements of narrative text writing skill to the tenth graders of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan. The improvement of narrative text writing skill could be seen in table 10.

Table 10The Result of Writing Skill of Pre-Cycle, Cycle I, and Cycle IIAssessment AspectAverage of ScoreImprovement



Table 10 shows that the average score of Pre-Cycle test is 59.70%, it belongs to poor category. The average score of Cycle I test is 69.85%, it belongs to fair category. It means that the score of test of Pre-Cycle and Cycle I did not fulfilled score goals. There is improvement of the average of narrative text writing skill from Pre-Cycle to Cycle I is 10.15 points.While, the average of writing test of Cycle II reached 78.66%, it belongs to good category. It means that the score test of Cycle II have fulfilled determined score goals, because it reached more than 75.00 as the standard mastery of learning of English lesson in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan. Thus, the writer did not continue to Cycle III. The improvement of writing test from Cycle I to Cycle II is 8.81 points and whole improvement of writing narrative text test from Pre-Cycle to Cycle II is 18.96 points.The writer summarized that using Silent Movie can improve writing skill in narrative text to the tenth graders of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan. The improvement of every writing skill could be seen in diagram 7.

Diagram 7The Improvement of Every Writing Test


A. ConclusionsBased on the analysis of the data in Pre-Cycle, Cycle I, and Cycle II test, it can be concluded as follows;1. The students learning motivation of writing narrative text of tenth graders of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan in the school year 2014/2015 improved by using Silent Movie.2. The improvement of students writing ability on narrative text taught by using Silent Movie of the tenth graders of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan in the school year 2014/2015 has made great improvement, which is 18.96 points.

B. SuggestionsBased on the result of this research, the writer suggests to:1. The teachersTeacher must be creative in designing teaching learning process. He must be flexible to manage the class based on the situation and students condition. He must use an interesting media that can make the students interested in learning process. The implementation of Silent Movie is one of media that liked by students, because most of students like watching a movie. There are many medium in it that can encourage students motivation and creativity in writing class. The teacher has adapted it in order to make teaching and learning process better and more enjoyable.

2. The StudentsThe writer suggests students to study English hard and try to use it in their activities such as at school, with friends, and teacher. She hopes they will be active and motivated in composing writing and sending it at school wall magazine as training media to improve their skill and self confidence.One of the ways to improve their writing and grow their motivation and self confidence in studying English is Silent Movie. By using this media, the students are challenged to show their creativity and develop their idea to write a narrative text. It can make the students creative with their own word and their creativity, because Silent Movie just make them interested in learning writing and give idea what they have to write as narrative text.


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