B2B Sales & Marketing Report Card

CONTACT DATABASE MANAGEMENT 1. We regularly acquire net new contact data within our prospect universe. 2. We have a well-defined budget specifically allotted to purchasing data. 3. We regularly access external lead resources like Hoover’s, Jigsaw, etc. 4. We maintain a directory of independent lead list providers. 5. We have a schedule and/or process for verifying and removing bad contact data from our database. EMAIL MARKETING 1. We perform regular A/B testing (independent variable testing) on our email marketing messages and subject lines. 2. Our sales representatives follow up on click-throughs and return visits. 3. We use email marketing in conjunction with landing pages to maximize lead conversion. 4. Our company puts hand-raisers into an email marketing/lead nurturing/marketing automation track upon conversion. 5. We recurrently track and analyze email marketing data points like opens, click-throughs, engagement, etc. SOCIAL MEDIA 1. We have a presence on all of the major Social Media outlets: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. 2. Our organization has a blog that is regularly updated with new content. 3. Our company uses video to market to our prospects. 4. We use social media not only to attract potential customers, but also to engage with them directly. 5. In addition to being informative, our social media community is also a vibrant, fun, and stimulating place for community members to engage us and one another. SALES FORCE AUTOMATION 1. We actively use a CRM to track leads and opportunities throughout the sales process. 2. Our separate sales technologies exhibit connectivity through our CRM. 3. We maintain a well-developed workflow for prospecting and opportunity tracking within our CRM environment. 4. Our sales reports and dashboards are optimized for proper forecasting. 5. Upon closing a deal, we have visibility into the entire lifecycle of that client from creation to close. Rate Each Question on a scale of 1-5 Where 5 is strongly agree and 1 is strongly disagree SALES & MARKETING REPORT CARD 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Total 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Total Total Total


Where are the leaks in your sales and marketing engine? Where are you inefficient and where can you improve? Find out how you stack up and see if you "make the grade." In the B2B Sales & Marketing Report Card, we ask key questions to assess your organization's proficiency in the following areas: Contact Database Management Email Marketing Social Media Sales Force Automation Telemarketing Trade Shows/Conferences/Events Content Marketing Pay-per-Click Website/SEO Sales & Marketing Alignment

Transcript of B2B Sales & Marketing Report Card

Page 1: B2B Sales & Marketing Report Card

CONTACT DATABASE MANAGEMENT1. We regularly acquire net new contact data within our prospect universe.2. We have a well-defined budget specifically allotted to purchasing data.3. We regularly access external lead resources like Hoover’s, Jigsaw, etc.4. We maintain a directory of independent lead list providers.5. We have a schedule and/or process for verifying and removing bad contact data from our database.

EMAIL MARKETING1. We perform regular A/B testing (independent variable testing) on our email marketing messages and subject lines.2. Our sales representatives follow up on click-throughs and return visits.3. We use email marketing in conjunction with landing pages to maximize lead conversion.4. Our company puts hand-raisers into an email marketing/lead nurturing/marketing automation track upon conversion.5. We recurrently track and analyze email marketing data points like opens, click-throughs, engagement, etc.

SOCIAL MEDIA1. We have a presence on all of the major Social Media outlets: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.2. Our organization has a blog that is regularly updated with new content.3. Our company uses video to market to our prospects.4. We use social media not only to attract potential customers, but also to engage with them directly.5. In addition to being informative, our social media community is also a vibrant, fun, and stimulating place for community members to engage us and one another.

SALES FORCE AUTOMATION1. We actively use a CRM to track leads and opportunities throughout the sales process.2. Our separate sales technologies exhibit connectivity through our CRM.3. We maintain a well-developed workflow for prospecting and opportunity tracking within our CRM environment.4. Our sales reports and dashboards are optimized for proper forecasting.5. Upon closing a deal, we have visibility into the entire lifecycle of that client from creation to close.

Rate Each Question on a scale of 1-5Where 5 is strongly agree and 1 is strongly disagree


REPORT CARDTELEMARKETING1. We use our telemarketers at every level of the sales funnel (cold calling, appointment setting, follow-up on inbound leads, reaching out to old sales leads, etc.).2. Our company’s inside sales team is consistently trained and retrained on best practices, changes based on lessons learned, etc.3. We analyze key telemarketing metrics like dials, conversations (connects), conversions, and talk time.4. Our organization treats an inside sales pipeline much as we would a traditional sales pipeline, tracking suspects through the early stage funnel until conversion and hand-o�.5. Our telemarketers are an active part of the feedback loop with the sales team, receiving updates on qualification criteria, viability of delivered leads, etc. TRADE SHOWS/CONFERENCES/EVENTS1. Our organization attends industry conferences regularly.2. We support our event sales reps with dedicated marketing to drive qualified prospects to webinars/conferences/events.3. Our company uses webinars as a prospecting tool.4. We host informational seminars/luncheons as a way to engage prospects.5. We have a mature follow-up process to tend to the leads that come from webinars, trade shows, and events.

CONTENT MARKETING1. We are consistently developing new content such as whitepapers, surveys, kits, etc.2. Our organization collects contact information on a registration page for users to download certain content; these registrations are then given to the marketing team for qualification.3. We feature content download links on most pages of our website.4. Our content is fresh, timely, and poignant.5. We regularly use social media to inform our target base of newly available content to download.

PAY PER CLICK1. We frequently analyze our PPC ads to see which messages are working best.2. We direct our prospects who click on our ad to a custom landing page rather than just sending them to our home page.3. We have a thorough process for identifying which keywords to target in our PPC e�orts as opposed to a shotgun approach.4. Our PPC e�orts contribute significantly to our overall lead flow.5. At least one of our sta� members is Google AdWords certified.

WEBSITE/SEO1. We maintain a list of keywords relevant to our business that is regularly updated. 2. We write our blog articles with SEO keywords in mind.3. Our organization focuses on long-tail keywords in conjunction with the more competitive keywords.4. We consistently check our keywords for performance in search engine ranking.5. Our website has been optimized by a professional, either internally or externally, and is checked on a regular schedule for proper search engine optimization.

SALES AND MARKETING ALIGNMENT1. Our sales and marketing teams frequently meet to agree upon criteria by which a sales lead will be qualified and accepted.2. We have a mature feedback loop where salespeople rate/score sales leads delivered by marketing.3. Our salespeople have visibility, either through technology or direct feedback from marketing, into the behavioral history of a sales prospect.4. Marketing personnel are adequately made aware of changes to the sales process.5. Marketing is extremely responsive to the sales department’s need for collateral marketing materials.


A – 225+

Congratulations! Your sales and marketing organization is top-notch! You’ve man-aged to optimize all of the best technologies and strategies available. Your organi-zation has taken the proper measures to ensure that leads are flowing into the sales funnel and your salespeople have quality opportunities to close.

B – 185-225

Not to worry. Your company has most of the building blocks in place. Like an artist applying the finishing touches to his masterpiece, you’ve done the lion’s share of the work. You should be able to fill in the blanks where needed to round out your organization’s sales and marketing acuity.

C – 145-185

Meh… Not too bad. The sky isn’t exactly falling, but your sales and marketing e�orts could use a little pick-me-up. Find out where ine�ciencies are in your current sales and marketing program and fix them. Find out what the missing pieces are and add them.

D – 105-145

A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. It looks like you’re a few steps in but still have a ways to go. Take an inventory of the sales and marketing pieces you are utilizing. Maximize those first and then start adding more layers. You may be working within a budget or facing time restraints, but there is work to do, nonetheless.

F - <105

Man, have you got your work cut out for you. Your sales engine is missing parts and a bit gunked up. Take a hard look at the pieces you have in place and develop a plan to improve other critical parts of your sales and marketing organization. Perhaps you can beef up with email marketing, or get noticed through social media. Either way, the time is now.

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Page 2: B2B Sales & Marketing Report Card

CONTACT DATABASE MANAGEMENT1. We regularly acquire net new contact data within our prospect universe.2. We have a well-defined budget specifically allotted to purchasing data.3. We regularly access external lead resources like Hoover’s, Jigsaw, etc.4. We maintain a directory of independent lead list providers.5. We have a schedule and/or process for verifying and removing bad contact data from our database.

EMAIL MARKETING1. We perform regular A/B testing (independent variable testing) on our email marketing messages and subject lines.2. Our sales representatives follow up on click-throughs and return visits.3. We use email marketing in conjunction with landing pages to maximize lead conversion.4. Our company puts hand-raisers into an email marketing/lead nurturing/marketing automation track upon conversion.5. We recurrently track and analyze email marketing data points like opens, click-throughs, engagement, etc.

SOCIAL MEDIA1. We have a presence on all of the major Social Media outlets: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.2. Our organization has a blog that is regularly updated with new content.3. Our company uses video to market to our prospects.4. We use social media not only to attract potential customers, but also to engage with them directly.5. In addition to being informative, our social media community is also a vibrant, fun, and stimulating place for community members to engage us and one another.

SALES FORCE AUTOMATION1. We actively use a CRM to track leads and opportunities throughout the sales process.2. Our separate sales technologies exhibit connectivity through our CRM.3. We maintain a well-developed workflow for prospecting and opportunity tracking within our CRM environment.4. Our sales reports and dashboards are optimized for proper forecasting.5. Upon closing a deal, we have visibility into the entire lifecycle of that client from creation to close.

TELEMARKETING1. We use our telemarketers at every level of the sales funnel (cold calling, appointment setting, follow-up on inbound leads, reaching out to old sales leads, etc.).2. Our company’s inside sales team is consistently trained and retrained on best practices, changes based on lessons learned, etc.3. We analyze key telemarketing metrics like dials, conversations (connects), conversions, and talk time.4. Our organization treats an inside sales pipeline much as we would a traditional sales pipeline, tracking suspects through the early stage funnel until conversion and hand-o�.5. Our telemarketers are an active part of the feedback loop with the sales team, receiving updates on qualification criteria, viability of delivered leads, etc. TRADE SHOWS/CONFERENCES/EVENTS1. Our organization attends industry conferences regularly.2. We support our event sales reps with dedicated marketing to drive qualified prospects to webinars/conferences/events.3. Our company uses webinars as a prospecting tool.4. We host informational seminars/luncheons as a way to engage prospects.5. We have a mature follow-up process to tend to the leads that come from webinars, trade shows, and events.

CONTENT MARKETING1. We are consistently developing new content such as whitepapers, surveys, kits, etc.2. Our organization collects contact information on a registration page for users to download certain content; these registrations are then given to the marketing team for qualification.3. We feature content download links on most pages of our website.4. Our content is fresh, timely, and poignant.5. We regularly use social media to inform our target base of newly available content to download.

PAY PER CLICK1. We frequently analyze our PPC ads to see which messages are working best.2. We direct our prospects who click on our ad to a custom landing page rather than just sending them to our home page.3. We have a thorough process for identifying which keywords to target in our PPC e�orts as opposed to a shotgun approach.4. Our PPC e�orts contribute significantly to our overall lead flow.5. At least one of our sta� members is Google AdWords certified.

WEBSITE/SEO1. We maintain a list of keywords relevant to our business that is regularly updated. 2. We write our blog articles with SEO keywords in mind.3. Our organization focuses on long-tail keywords in conjunction with the more competitive keywords.4. We consistently check our keywords for performance in search engine ranking.5. Our website has been optimized by a professional, either internally or externally, and is checked on a regular schedule for proper search engine optimization.

SALES AND MARKETING ALIGNMENT1. Our sales and marketing teams frequently meet to agree upon criteria by which a sales lead will be qualified and accepted.2. We have a mature feedback loop where salespeople rate/score sales leads delivered by marketing.3. Our salespeople have visibility, either through technology or direct feedback from marketing, into the behavioral history of a sales prospect.4. Marketing personnel are adequately made aware of changes to the sales process.5. Marketing is extremely responsive to the sales department’s need for collateral marketing materials.


A – 225+

Congratulations! Your sales and marketing organization is top-notch! You’ve man-aged to optimize all of the best technologies and strategies available. Your organi-zation has taken the proper measures to ensure that leads are flowing into the sales funnel and your salespeople have quality opportunities to close.

B – 185-225

Not to worry. Your company has most of the building blocks in place. Like an artist applying the finishing touches to his masterpiece, you’ve done the lion’s share of the work. You should be able to fill in the blanks where needed to round out your organization’s sales and marketing acuity.

C – 145-185

Meh… Not too bad. The sky isn’t exactly falling, but your sales and marketing e�orts could use a little pick-me-up. Find out where ine�ciencies are in your current sales and marketing program and fix them. Find out what the missing pieces are and add them.

D – 105-145

A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. It looks like you’re a few steps in but still have a ways to go. Take an inventory of the sales and marketing pieces you are utilizing. Maximize those first and then start adding more layers. You may be working within a budget or facing time restraints, but there is work to do, nonetheless.

F - <105

Man, have you got your work cut out for you. Your sales engine is missing parts and a bit gunked up. Take a hard look at the pieces you have in place and develop a plan to improve other critical parts of your sales and marketing organization. Perhaps you can beef up with email marketing, or get noticed through social media. Either way, the time is now.

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Page 3: B2B Sales & Marketing Report Card

CONTACT DATABASE MANAGEMENT1. We regularly acquire net new contact data within our prospect universe.2. We have a well-defined budget specifically allotted to purchasing data.3. We regularly access external lead resources like Hoover’s, Jigsaw, etc.4. We maintain a directory of independent lead list providers.5. We have a schedule and/or process for verifying and removing bad contact data from our database.

EMAIL MARKETING1. We perform regular A/B testing (independent variable testing) on our email marketing messages and subject lines.2. Our sales representatives follow up on click-throughs and return visits.3. We use email marketing in conjunction with landing pages to maximize lead conversion.4. Our company puts hand-raisers into an email marketing/lead nurturing/marketing automation track upon conversion.5. We recurrently track and analyze email marketing data points like opens, click-throughs, engagement, etc.

SOCIAL MEDIA1. We have a presence on all of the major Social Media outlets: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.2. Our organization has a blog that is regularly updated with new content.3. Our company uses video to market to our prospects.4. We use social media not only to attract potential customers, but also to engage with them directly.5. In addition to being informative, our social media community is also a vibrant, fun, and stimulating place for community members to engage us and one another.

SALES FORCE AUTOMATION1. We actively use a CRM to track leads and opportunities throughout the sales process.2. Our separate sales technologies exhibit connectivity through our CRM.3. We maintain a well-developed workflow for prospecting and opportunity tracking within our CRM environment.4. Our sales reports and dashboards are optimized for proper forecasting.5. Upon closing a deal, we have visibility into the entire lifecycle of that client from creation to close.

TELEMARKETING1. We use our telemarketers at every level of the sales funnel (cold calling, appointment setting, follow-up on inbound leads, reaching out to old sales leads, etc.).2. Our company’s inside sales team is consistently trained and retrained on best practices, changes based on lessons learned, etc.3. We analyze key telemarketing metrics like dials, conversations (connects), conversions, and talk time.4. Our organization treats an inside sales pipeline much as we would a traditional sales pipeline, tracking suspects through the early stage funnel until conversion and hand-o�.5. Our telemarketers are an active part of the feedback loop with the sales team, receiving updates on qualification criteria, viability of delivered leads, etc. TRADE SHOWS/CONFERENCES/EVENTS1. Our organization attends industry conferences regularly.2. We support our event sales reps with dedicated marketing to drive qualified prospects to webinars/conferences/events.3. Our company uses webinars as a prospecting tool.4. We host informational seminars/luncheons as a way to engage prospects.5. We have a mature follow-up process to tend to the leads that come from webinars, trade shows, and events.

CONTENT MARKETING1. We are consistently developing new content such as whitepapers, surveys, kits, etc.2. Our organization collects contact information on a registration page for users to download certain content; these registrations are then given to the marketing team for qualification.3. We feature content download links on most pages of our website.4. Our content is fresh, timely, and poignant.5. We regularly use social media to inform our target base of newly available content to download.

PAY PER CLICK1. We frequently analyze our PPC ads to see which messages are working best.2. We direct our prospects who click on our ad to a custom landing page rather than just sending them to our home page.3. We have a thorough process for identifying which keywords to target in our PPC e�orts as opposed to a shotgun approach.4. Our PPC e�orts contribute significantly to our overall lead flow.5. At least one of our sta� members is Google AdWords certified.

WEBSITE/SEO1. We maintain a list of keywords relevant to our business that is regularly updated. 2. We write our blog articles with SEO keywords in mind.3. Our organization focuses on long-tail keywords in conjunction with the more competitive keywords.4. We consistently check our keywords for performance in search engine ranking.5. Our website has been optimized by a professional, either internally or externally, and is checked on a regular schedule for proper search engine optimization.

SALES AND MARKETING ALIGNMENT1. Our sales and marketing teams frequently meet to agree upon criteria by which a sales lead will be qualified and accepted.2. We have a mature feedback loop where salespeople rate/score sales leads delivered by marketing.3. Our salespeople have visibility, either through technology or direct feedback from marketing, into the behavioral history of a sales prospect.4. Marketing personnel are adequately made aware of changes to the sales process.5. Marketing is extremely responsive to the sales department’s need for collateral marketing materials.


A – 225+

Congratulations! Your sales and marketing organization is top-notch! You’ve man-aged to optimize all of the best technologies and strategies available. Your organi-zation has taken the proper measures to ensure that leads are flowing into the sales funnel and your salespeople have quality opportunities to close.

B – 185-225

Not to worry. Your company has most of the building blocks in place. Like an artist applying the finishing touches to his masterpiece, you’ve done the lion’s share of the work. You should be able to fill in the blanks where needed to round out your organization’s sales and marketing acuity.

C – 145-185

Meh… Not too bad. The sky isn’t exactly falling, but your sales and marketing e�orts could use a little pick-me-up. Find out where ine�ciencies are in your current sales and marketing program and fix them. Find out what the missing pieces are and add them.

D – 105-145

A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. It looks like you’re a few steps in but still have a ways to go. Take an inventory of the sales and marketing pieces you are utilizing. Maximize those first and then start adding more layers. You may be working within a budget or facing time restraints, but there is work to do, nonetheless.

F - <105

Man, have you got your work cut out for you. Your sales engine is missing parts and a bit gunked up. Take a hard look at the pieces you have in place and develop a plan to improve other critical parts of your sales and marketing organization. Perhaps you can beef up with email marketing, or get noticed through social media. Either way, the time is now.

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888.591.8022 x333