B. Golob, University of Ljubljana 4 Seas Conference 2004, Istanbul Overview of (selected) Belle and...

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B. Golob, University of Ljubljana 4 Seas Conference 2004, Istanbul Overview of (selected) Belle and BaBar results B. Golob, Belle Collaboration University of Ljubljana Joef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Introduction Experimental environment overview CKM Matrix Phase - 1 ( ) - 2 ( ) - direct CPV Magnitudes - |V ub | Hadron spectroscopy New charm states much more Conclusions Slide 2 V ud V us V ub V cd V cs V cb V td V ts V tb (0,0) (0,1) Introduction B. Golob, University of Ljubljana 4 Seas Conference 2004, Istanbul BaBar & Belle (Ba/lle) main task: CP violation in system of B mesons specifically: various measurements of complex elements of Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix CKM matrix is unitary deviations could signal processes not included in SM (NP) WW qiqi qjqj V ij 1- 2 /2 A 3 ( - i ) A 2 1- 2 /2 - 1 -A 2 A 3 (1- -i ) = V ud V ub * V cd V cb * V td V tb * V cd V cb * Slide 3 B. Golob, University of Ljubljana 4 Seas Conference 2004, Istanbul Experimental environment Asymmetric B factories ~1 km in diameter Mt. Tsukuba KEKB Belle (4s) e+e+ e-e- BaBar p(e - )=9 GeV p(e + )=3.1 GeV =0.56 Belle p(e - )=8 GeV p(e + )=3.5 GeV =0.42 B B z ~ c B ~ 200 m L peak = =13.9x10 33 s -1 cm -2 253 fb -1 274 M BB L peak = =9.2x10 33 s -1 cm -2 221 fb -1 239 M BB s=10.58 GeV (4s) Slide 4 B. Golob, University of Ljubljana 4 Seas Conference 2004, Istanbul Experimental environment-detectors Belle SVD: ~55 m (SVD1) ~40 m (SVD2) combined particle ID (K )~85% (p K ) D s + )= (1.94 0.47 0.52)x10 -5 Br(B 0 D sJ (2317) + K - )=( -5 Belle,152M BB,A.Drutskoy,ICHEP04 Slide 23 Conclusions B. Golob, University of Ljubljana 4 Seas Conference 2004, Istanbul Aleph+Delphi BaBar+Belle CPV in K system new charm states direct CPV in B system Ba/lle mature exp., testing SM with high precision 1964: CPV in K system, 2001: CPV in B system 2004: sin2 1 ( ) is a precision measurement (6%) 1999: direct CPV in K system, 2004: direct CPV in B system; CKM predictions confirmed 2 ( ) measured many measurements stat. limited, in 2 years ~2x more data J/ (c quark) CPV in B system direct CPV in K system Slide 24 Continuum suppression backup slide continuum Y (4S) e + e - qq continuum (~3x BB) e+e+ e-e- e+e+ e-e- qq Signal B Other B Continuum Jet-like BB spherical To suppress: use event shape variables Slide 25 CKM Matrix sin2 1 backup slide b q1q1 q2q2 q3q3 V q3b V* q2q1 W b q2q2 q2q2 q1q1 V qb V* qq1 q W g Tree QCD penguin sin2 1 ( ) CP asymmetry: CP in decay: |A/A| 1 CP in mixing: |q/p| 1 CP in interference between mixing and decay: | | = 1, Im( ) 1 | | 1 SM: |q/p|-1~ 4 (m c 2 /m t 2 )sin 1 ~5x10 -4 in B system | | 1 signals direct CPV Slide 26 CKM Matrix sin2 1 backup slide b ccs: tree + penguin contribution ~ V cb V cs *=A 2 penguin only contribution ~ V ub V us *=A 4 ( -i ) (q/p) B A/A (q/p) K level of hadronic uncertainty due to interference (direct CP) Slide 27 CKM Matrix sin2 1 backup slide CP sampleN TAG purity CP J/ K S (K S + - )275196% J/ K S (K S 0 0 )65388% (2S) K S (K S + - )48587% c1 K S (K S + - )19485% c K S (K S + - )28774% Total for CP =-1437092% J/ K *0 (K *0 K S 0 )57277%+0.51 J/ K L 278856%+1 Total773078% BaBar, decay modes used: sin2 = 0.722 0.040 (stat) 0.023 (sys) Fit result with | |=1 fixed when left free: ||=0.950 0.031 (stat.) 0.013 Miss-tagging probability, resolution function: from self-tagged events B D*l, D , Fitting function: BaBar: S A Slide 28 B. Golob, University of Ljubljana 4 Seas Conference 2004, Istanbul CKM Matrix sin2 1 yield signal region J/ K L signal J/ X background Non-J/ background B A B AR 227M BB M.Bruinsma ICHEP04 274M BB T. Higuchi ICHEP04 BJ/ K s BJ/ K L N sig =4370 N sig =2788 N sig =4150 N sig =2722 to isolate B f CP decays from bckg. Slide 29 CKM Matrix sin2 1 backup slide from bsss penguin contribution ~ V cb V cs *=A 2 another penguin contribution ~ V ub V us *=A 4 ( -i ) S~sin2 1, theor. clean sin2 1 = -0.96 0.51 152M BB, PRL91,261602(2003) S = 0.06 0.33 0.09 274M BB, ICHEP04 2.2 away from ccs Slide 30 CKM Matrix sin2 1 backup slide S = 0.50 0.25 0.06 227M BB, ICHEP04 2.7 away from ccs 2.4 away from ccs conservative upper bound: |S Ks -S KS | X(3872) backup slide c h c c1 2 c2 3 M too low and too small angular distn rules out 1 J/ way too small c too small; (PRL 93, 2003) c should dominate J/ c & DD) too small - Isospin violating decays to J/ + - C(J/ )=-1,C( )=-1 C(X)=+1 Since is not C eigenstate, decay X J/ is probably X J/ (as indicated by m( )) I( )=1, I( )=0, I(J/ )=0 X decays break isospin symmetry ccuu=1/2 cc [1/2 (uu+dd)+1/2 (uu-dd)]=1/2(|I=0>+|I=1>) Slide 44 D sJ backup slide Belle, 87fb-1,PRL92,012002(2004) M(D s 0 )-M(D s ) M(D s * 0 )-M(D s *) helicity angle: Feynman diagrams for B 0 D sJ + K -