Azure DocumentDB

Azure DocumentDB Neil Mackenzie Satory Global , LLC


Overview of Azure DocumentDB, a new document database in the Microsoft Azure platform.

Transcript of Azure DocumentDB

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Azure DocumentDB

Neil MackenzieSatory Global , LLC

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Who Am I

• Neil Mackenzie

• Azure Lead –Satory Global

• @mknz


• Author: Microsoft Windows Azure Development Cookbook

• Microsoft MVP for Azure

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• DocumentDB Overview

• .NET Development

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Core Features

• Schema-less, NoSQL document database

• Fully managed, with provisioned capacity

• Stored entities are JSON documents

• Tunable consistency

• Designed to scale into petabytes

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Microsoft Databases in Azure

• Relational• SQL Database (PaaS)• SQL Server (IaaS)

• NoSQL• Azure Tables – key-value store• Azure DocumentDB – document database

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Resource Model

• Database Account• Database

• Collection• Document

• Attachment• Stored Procedure• Trigger• User-defined functions• User

• Permission

• Media

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Resource Addressing

• Core interface to DocumentDB is RESTful

• Each resource has a permanent unique ID

• API URL:• https://{database account}

• Document Path:• /dbs/{database id}/colls/{collection id}/docs/{document id}

• Example full URL for a document:•


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• For each resource:• Create• Replace• Delete• Read• Query

• Read is a GET Operation on a specified resource ID, returning a single resource.

• Query is a POST operation on a collection with a request body containing DocumentDB SQL text, returning a possible empty collection of resources.

• Query can filter only on indexed properties

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DocumentDB SQL

• SELECT <select-list> FROM <from-specification> WHERE <filter-condition>

• Similar to normal SQL

• Only self-join supported

• Ability to reach into JSON tree to:• Access values for filter condition• Shape select list

• User-defined functions

• LINQ-to-SQL support for .NET

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Consistency Levels

• Default configured for database account, overridable (down) at request level.

• Strong – write only visible after quorum commit. Quorum reads.

• Bounded Staleness – write order guaranteed. Quorum reads may be behind by a specified number of operations (or time in seconds).

• Session – write-order guaranteed within a client session. Reads are up-to-date within the session. “Usually sufficient.” (Default for a new database account)

• Eventual – reads may be out of sequence.

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Indexing Policy

• Specified at the collection level

• Automatic indexing• By default all properties indexed automatically. This is tunable for

individual documents and paths within a document – either inclusion or exclusion of a path

• Index precision can be specified for strings and numbers

• Indexing mode• Consistent – By default indexes synchronously updated on insert,

replace or delete• Lazy – asynchronous index update (targeted at bulk ingestion)

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• Capacity Unit• Specified amount of storage capacity and operational throughput• Collection quota per capacity unit• Provisioning unit for scaleout for both performance and storage• Configured at the database account level• Sharable among all databases and collections in the database account• Preview limit is 10GB, 3 collections per capacity unit

• Storage is SSD backed

• Microsoft has used databases with terabytes of storage (designed for petabytes)

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Performance – Scalability Targets

• Assumptions:• 1KB document with 10 properties• Session consistency level• Automatic indexing

• Requests throttled if consumption exceeds overall capacity unit target

Database Operation Operations / second (Request units)

Read 1 document 2000

Insert, replace, update 1 document


Simple query (returning 1 document)


Stored procedure with 50 inserts 20

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Stored Procedures, Triggers and UDFs• DocumentDB supports server-side JavaScript

• Stored Procedures:• Registered at collection level• Operate on any document in the collection• Invoked inside transaction context on primary replica

• Triggers:• Pre- or Post: create, replace or delete operations• Invoked inside transaction context on primary replica

• User-Defined Functions• Scalar functions invoked only inside queries

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• Node.js

• JavaScript client

• JavaScript server

• Python

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• Azure DocumentDB available in:• West US• North Europe• West Europe

• Price: $0.73 /day, $22.50 / month – includes 50% preview discount

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• DocumentDB is supported only in the new portal• Manage database account, collections, users, etc.• View consumption statistics•

• API support to manage DocumentDB resources

• Be aware of limits:• e.g., 3 collections per database account

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• Core interface to DocumentDB• Used by all client libraries

• Standard operations against all DocumentDB resources:• CREATE, DELETE, PUT, GET, POST• Returns permanent resource URL on creation

• HMAC authentication using management or resource key

• DocumentDB request headers

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• .NET API hosted on NuGet• Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client –Pre

• Installs DocumentDB and JSON.NET packages

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Class: DocumentClient

• Constructed with endpoint URL and management key for Database account

• Provides async/await methods for CRUD operations on DocumentDB resources

• Manages the connection to DocumentDB

// Create DocumentClientString documentDbAddress = "https://{account}";String authorizationKey = "key==";Uri documentDbUri = new Uri(documentDbAddress);DocumentClient documentClient = new DocumentClient(documentDbUri, authorizationKey);

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Class: Resource

• Base class for all DocumentDB resource classes• Exposes:

• ETag - used for optimistic concurrency• SelfLink – URL path for resource• ResourceID – internal ID (base64 encoded) for resource• ID – ID of the resource, either provided or generated

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Class: Database

• Derived from Resource

• Adds properties exposing collections and users

// Create databaseDatabase database = new Database { Id = databaseId };

ResourceResponse<Database> response = await documentClient.CreateDatabaseAsync(database);database = response;String selfLink = database.SelfLink;String collections = database.CollectionsLink;String users = database.UsersLink;

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Class: DocumentCollection

• Derived from Resource

• Adds properties exposing DocumentsLink, StoredProceduresLink, TriggersLink, UserDefinedFunctionsLink

// Create document collection

DocumentCollection documentCollection = new DocumentCollection { Id = "SomeId" };

ResourceResponse<DocumentCollection> response = await documentClient.CreateDocumentCollectionAsync( database.SelfLink, documentCollection);

documentCollection = response;

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Data Model

• Uses JSON.NET library for serialization

• Simple class• No special base class• All public properties are serialized into JSON

• Obvious mapping from.NET to JSON• IList, etc. -> Array• Int32, etc. -> Integer• Float, etc. -> Float• DateTime -> String• Byte[] -> String

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Class: Document

• Derived from Resource

• Adds property exposing AttachmentsLink

// Insert document

ResourceResponse<Document> response = await documentClient.CreateDocumentAsync( documentCollection.SelfLink, someDocumentEntity);

Document document = response;

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Class: ResourceResponse<T>

• Encapsulates the response from a DocumentDB resource operation

• Provides resource-dependent quota and usage information

• Contains the response headers including HTTP StatusCode

• Implicitly exposes the typed resource from the response

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• A Read operation returns a single document.

ResourceResponse<Document> response = await documentClient.ReadDocumentAsync(documentLink);

Album album = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Album>(response.Resource.ToString());

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Album album = new Album() { AlbumName = "Let It Bleed", BandName = "Rolling Stones", ReleaseYear = "1969“};

Document document = await documentClient.CreateDocumentAsync( documentCollection.SelfLink, album);

ResourceResponse<Document> secondResponse = await documentClient.DeleteDocumentAsync( document.SelfLink);

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dynamic readResponse = await documentClient.ReadDocumentAsync(documentLink);

RequestOptions requestOptions = new RequestOptions() { AccessCondition = new AccessCondition() { Type = AccessConditionType.IfMatch, Condition = readResponse.Resource.ETag }};

Album album = (Album)readResponse.Resource;album.ReleaseYear = "1990";

ResourceResponse<Document> replaceResponse = await documentClient.ReplaceDocumentAsync( documentLink, album, requestOptions);

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Read From a Feed

• The .NET API can return all the resources in a collection as a paged “feed.”

String continuation = String.Empty;

Do {

FeedOptions feedOptions = new FeedOptions { MaxItemCount = 10, RequestContinuation = continuation };

FeedResponse<dynamic> response = await documentClient.ReadDocumentFeedAsync( documentCollectionLink, feedOptions);

continuation = response.ResponseContinuation;

} while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(continuation));

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DocumentDB Queries

• DocumentDB supports queries at all resource levels, including:• Database, DocumentCollection, and Document

• .NET API supports the following types of queries• SQL• LINQ SQL• LINQ Lambda

• The DocumentQueryable class exposes helper extension methods to create various types of query

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SQL Query

foreach (var album in documentClient.CreateDocumentQuery<Album>(


"SELECT * FROM albums a WHERE a.bandName = 'Radiohead'")) {

Console.WriteLine("Album name: {0}", album.AlbumName);


Note that albums is the name of the DocumentDB collection

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LINQ Query

IQueryable<Album> albums = from a in documentClient.CreateDocumentQuery<Album>( documentCollection.SelfLink) where a.BandName == "Radiohead" select a;

foreach (var album in albums) { Console.WriteLine("Album name: {0}", album.AlbumName)}

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LINQ Lamba With Paging

FeedOptions feedOptions = new FeedOptions() { MaxItemCount = 10};

var query = documentClient.CreateDocumentQuery<Album>( documentCollection.SelfLink, feedOptions) .Where(a => a.BandName == "Radiohead") .AsDocumentQuery();

do { foreach (Album album in await query.ExecuteNextAsync()) { Console.WriteLine("Album name: {0}", album.AlbumName); }

} while (query.HasMoreResults);

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• Azure DocumentDB Preview• Fully managed document database storing JSON entities• High scale and performance• Wide variety of client libraries

• .NET, Node.js, JavaScript, python• Supported only in the new Azure portal

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• Documentation:•

• Azure Portal•

• Channel 9 Show on DocumentDB•
