AZTEC SOCIETY Mr. Ralston | Social Studies 8-Beginning of Chapter 8- pg 262-268.

AZTEC SOCIETY AZTEC SOCIETY Mr. Ralston | Social Studies 8-Beginning of Chapter 8-pg 262-268

Transcript of AZTEC SOCIETY Mr. Ralston | Social Studies 8-Beginning of Chapter 8- pg 262-268.

Page 1: AZTEC SOCIETY Mr. Ralston | Social Studies 8-Beginning of Chapter 8- pg 262-268.

AZTEC SOCIETYAZTEC SOCIETYMr. Ralston | Social Studies 8-Beginning of Chapter 8-pg 262-268

Page 2: AZTEC SOCIETY Mr. Ralston | Social Studies 8-Beginning of Chapter 8- pg 262-268.

Aztec Society Highly Structured Based on agriculture,

trade and guided by religion.

Aztec societies dominated by Pyramids topped with temples where human sacrifices provided the gods with the human blood.

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Throwing Victims down Stairs

Towers devoted to the Gods

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Aztec Society Hierarchical

3 Social Classes


(Upper Class)





• Nobility

• High Ranking Warriors

• High Ranking Priests

• Middle Class • Peasants

• Tlacotin (Slaves)

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The Division of Clans:




& Nobles


Macehualtin & Mayeques

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Nobility The Ruling class Top positions in

government, army and priesthood

Emperor was #1 Expected to conduct

themselves exemplary way.

Punished more severely if they were disobedient.

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Commoners Middle Class

(Macehualtin) Could improve status by

gaining recognition in the military, becoming a priest, merchant, artisans or trader.

Warriors were seen as equals to the Nobility

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Commoners Peasants (Mayeques)

Worked land of the nobles Built and maintained temples Paid taxes and tribute. They could keep what was left


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CommonersTlacotin (Slaves) Lowest of the Low Nobody born a slave –

sold self if they could not afford to pay debts

Owners only owned the work they did

Slaves could buy back freedom

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Priests Boys from all classes could

study to become priests Top Ranking positions

reserved for The Pipiltin. Most important job is to offer

Human Sacrifice to the Gods Men in priesthood did not

marry Women Priests received

specific jobs worshiping goddesses

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Gender Roles

Could do crafts, run business and control their own property

Received legal protection from marital abuse

If marriage ended women had automatic custody of children.

Women Cared for household and family Could not have a position of power

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Gender Roles Men

Did physical work and were forced to join the army when soldiers were needed.

Children Start work at roughly age 5 Girls married in mid-teens Boys married in late teens/early twenties

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Education Free for all Taught religious rituals, singing,

dancing and music Passed traditions from one generation to

the next Most information passed through stories

Separate schools for nobles and the Macehualtin.

Schooled from early teens till marriage.

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Gender Roles in Education Boys and Girls were taught


Boys Learned

Occupational skills History Religious practices Characteristics of good citizenship Elements of warfare How to be a warrior

Girls Learned

To manage households for their spouses Spinning and weaving MoralityReligionHistoryTraditions