Ayurvedic Remedies for Faster Hair Growth

AYURVEDIC REMEDIES FOR FASTER HAIR GROWTH - Onion: Add minced onion to your shampoo. Let stand for fifteen days and use the shampoo regularly. Not only will it accelerate hair growth but it will give your hair glacial shine. Another one with onion: Cut a red onion in half, add four cloves of garlic and two cinnamon sticks. Put everything in a pot and bring to a boil for 15 minutes. Rinse hair with this infusion for four days in a row. Grapeseed oil: Grapeseed oil is believed to enhance hair growth. Give your scalp a massage using this oil before bedtime. Reflexology: With hands in a semi fist, place the fingernails of each hand towards each other and buff nails against each other briskly back and forth for five minutes everyday. Sleeping with braids: Before going to bed at night wash your hair. Tie your hair in two braids while it's still wet. Sleep with the braids all night. Repeat the following night. After two or three days, you will notice that your hair is longer. The moon: Trim hair tips each month during a waxing crescent moon. Aloe Vera and honey: Cut three aloe vera leaves and scrape off the gel. Mix the gel with honey, and apply it to the scalp. Let it work for 20 minutes and rinse. Potato water: When cooking potatoes do not throw away the water. Let it cool, and rinse your hair with it. This rinse accelerates hair growth. Cactus or aloe: Cut some cactus or aloe leaves in small pieces and leave them in water overnight. Apply the water to the hair and leave it for as long as possible. Curd mixed with Fenugreek seeds---Apply this paste on hair for good healthy hair once in a week.


very good

Transcript of Ayurvedic Remedies for Faster Hair Growth

AYURVEDIC REMEDIES FOR FASTER HAIR GROWTH -Onion: Add minced onion to your shampoo. Let stand for fifteen days and use the shampoo regularly. Not only will it accelerate hair growth but it will give your hair glacial shine.Another one with onion: Cut a red onion in half, add four cloves of garlic and two cinnamon sticks. Put everything in a pot and bring to a boil for 15 minutes. Rinse hair with this infusion for four days in a row.Grapeseed oil: Grapeseed oil is believed to enhance hair growth. Give your scalp a massage using this oil before bedtime.Reflexology: With hands in a semi fist, place the fingernails of each hand towards each other and buff nails against each other briskly back and forth for five minutes everyday.Sleeping with braids: Before going to bed at night wash your hair. Tie your hair in two braids while it's still wet. Sleep with the braids all night. Repeat the following night. After two or three days, you will notice that your hair is longer.The moon: Trim hair tips each month during a waxing crescent moon.Aloe Vera and honey: Cut three aloe vera leaves and scrape off the gel. Mix the gel with honey, and apply it to the scalp. Let it work for 20 minutes and rinse.Potato water: When cooking potatoes do not throw away the water. Let it cool, and rinse your hair with it. This rinse accelerates hair growth.Cactus or aloe: Cut some cactus or aloe leaves in small pieces and leave them in water overnight. Apply the water to the hair and leave it for as long as possible.Curd mixed with Fenugreek seeds---Apply this paste on hair for good healthy hair once in a week.Home made oil ----Mix Almond oil + olive oil+sesame oil + Bringraj oil + Heena juice and this makes a wonderful hair tonic for wonderful shiny and long hair.Nutrition for your hair: 1 egg, 1 trickle of olive oil, 2 tablespoons honey. Apply to the scalp with a vigorous massage. Cover the head with a towel for 30 minutes. Wash normally.Barry's Tricopherous: This is a preparation sold in stores and said to make hair grow faster and more plentiful.Rosemary water: A daily rinse with rosemary water will make hair grow faster.Buttermilk rinse-- Rinse hair with buttermilk once in week and this gives strong , healthy hair.Clarified Butter( Desi COW GHEE)--- Apply this on hair and leave over night and rinse with good herbal shampoo in morning . this is a amazing remedy for good hair. Also drink cow ghee--1/2 spoon in lukewarm milk twice in a week and it boasts hair growth.