AYURSPOORTHI February 2016that a person can drink safely is highly individual, depending on...

AYURSPOORTHI Inspire Healthy Living Health News Bulletin February 2016 Vol.2 Issue.2 INDIA Our inspiration: Rev.Fr.Alfred J. Pinto Rev, Dr. Antony PrakashMonteir o Prof. Leo Noronha Mr.Prasanna Kumar Faculty Editors: Fr. PrinceC.P Ms.Krithi M.K Student Editors: Dhananjaya Praveen Contributors MSW 2014‐16 Well wishers: Highlights: Medical social work. Dengue fever Ebola Cancer Chikungunya Diabetic – Neuropathy Child health Preserve animals for they contribute to human welfare Balanced diet and regular exercises make you healthy Alcohol and its effects on Health Ms. Krithi M K, Alcohol refers to the intoxicating ingredient found in wine, beer and hard liquor. Alcohol arises naturally from carbohydrates when certain micro- organisms metabolize them in the absence of oxygen, called fermentation. Beer, wine and other liquor contain different amounts of alcohol. Recent studies show that moderate use of alcohol may have a beneficial effect on the coronary system. In general, for healthy people, one drink per day for women and no more than two drinks per day for men would be considered the maximum amount of alcohol consumption to be considered moderate use. However, the amount of alcohol that a person can drink safely is highly individual, depending on genetics, age, sex, weight and family history, etc. A drink is considered to be: 4-5 ounces of wine 10 ounces of wine cooler 12 ounces of beer 1-1/4 ounces of distilled liquor (80 proof whiskey, vodka, scotch, or rum) St. Philomena College, Philonagar, Puttur, D. K. Karnataka Effects on Health Brain: Alcohol interferes with the brain’s communication pathways, and can affect the way the brain looks and works. These disruptions can change mood and behaviour and make it harder to think clearly and move with coordination. Heart: Drinking a lot over a long time or too much on a single occasion can damage the heart, causing problems including: Cardiomyopathy – Stretching and drooping of heart muscle Arrhythmias – Irregular heart beat Stroke High blood pressure Research also shows that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol may protect healthy adults from developing coronary heart disease. Liver: Heavy drinking takes a toll on the liver, and can lead to a variety of problems and liver inflammations including: Steatosis, or fatty liver Alcoholic hepatitis Fibrosis Cirrhosis (continued on page 29)

Transcript of AYURSPOORTHI February 2016that a person can drink safely is highly individual, depending on...

Page 1: AYURSPOORTHI February 2016that a person can drink safely is highly individual, depending on genetics, age, sex, weight and family history, etc. A drink is considered to be: 4-5 ounces



AYURSPOORTHI   Inspire Healthy Living

Health News Bulletin

February 2016




Our inspiration: Rev.Fr.Alfred J. Pinto Rev, Dr. Antony PrakashMonteiro Prof. Leo Noronha Mr.Prasanna Kumar Faculty Editors:

Fr. PrinceC.P Ms.Krithi M.K Student Editors:


Praveen Contributors

MSW 2014‐16 

Well wishers:

Highlights: Medical social 


Dengue fever 

Ebola Cancer Chikungunya

Diabetic –Neuropathy Child health

 Preserve animals for they contribute to human welfare 

 Balanced diet and regular exercises make you healthy  


Alcohol and its effects on Health Ms. Krithi M K,

Alcohol refers to the intoxicating ingredient found in wine, beer and hard liquor. Alcohol arises naturally from carbohydrates when certain micro-organisms metabolize them in the absence of oxygen, called fermentation.

Beer, wine and other liquor contain different amounts of alcohol. Recent studies show that moderate use of alcohol may have a beneficial effect on the coronary system. In general, for healthy people, one drink per day for women and no more than two drinks per day for men would be considered the maximum amount of alcohol consumption to be considered moderate use. However, the amount of alcohol that a person can drink safely is highly individual, depending on genetics, age, sex, weight and family history, etc. A drink is considered to be: 4-5 ounces of wine 10 ounces of wine cooler 12 ounces of beer 1-1/4 ounces of distilled liquor (80 proof whiskey, vodka, scotch, or rum)


St. Philomena College, Philonagar, Puttur, D. K. Karnataka 

Effects on Health Brain: Alcohol interferes with the brain’s communication pathways, and can affect the way the brain looks and works. These disruptions can change mood and behaviour and make it harder to think clearly and move with coordination.

Heart: Drinking a lot over a long time or too much on a single occasion can damage the heart, causing problems including: Cardiomyopathy – Stretching and

drooping of heart muscle Arrhythmias – Irregular heart beat Stroke High blood pressure Research also shows that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol may protect healthy adults from developing coronary heart disease. Liver: Heavy drinking takes a toll on the liver, and can lead to a variety of problems and liver inflammations including: Steatosis, or fatty liver Alcoholic hepatitis Fibrosis Cirrhosis (continued on page 29)

Page 2: AYURSPOORTHI February 2016that a person can drink safely is highly individual, depending on genetics, age, sex, weight and family history, etc. A drink is considered to be: 4-5 ounces


Goodness of gooseberry

Gooseberry tree can plant in your garden, in your form. This tree yields fruits and lives for probably 100 years. Now a days gooseberry trees are cutter from people, so not existing at all. Deferent kinds of preparation for gooseberry……… 1.Dry the gooseberry put in to mix make it powder ,then put in pure coconut oil. Then use it for the head. So it gives cooling for the head and eyes. 2.Dry the goose beery leaves then put it in the maxi a powder it, then

you can use for wound it will give quick relief. 3.Dry the gooseberry roots then powder it put in the coconut oil boil it and apply an your head it gives cooling. 4. Gooseberry seats powder it adds with garudapathala root .mix it apply to your body the allergy will be removed. 5. Gooseberry is good for is good for the jaundice. Control it is gives good medicine. 6. Dry the gooseberry powder it mix with coconut oil and apply to your head, your hair will gives thick

and remain black.7.Auruvedic medicine people will preparation the item of goosebeery,wind it very optioned and make it balls and give to the patient one who deficiency with stomach pain.Still today gooseberry have a valu.becouse it uses in several items and it also uses in medicines .yet some people are purchasing gooseberry to takes mony.but in rural areas gooseberry trees are gift of god.so never miss the gooseberry trees and every one to make use of it.


AYURSPOORTHI   Inspire Healthy Living

Page 3: AYURSPOORTHI February 2016that a person can drink safely is highly individual, depending on genetics, age, sex, weight and family history, etc. A drink is considered to be: 4-5 ounces


Ayurveda weight Loss Treatment Pramitha A V II MSW Obesity is the deposition of excessive fat in the adipose tissues of the body and is the initiator of several sicknesses and life-threatening diseases in humans. According to Ayurveda, obesity is a result of the three doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha, going out of balance due to imbalance between food intake and its digestion and metabolism in the body causing diseases like hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart diseases, gall bladder and liver diseases. An obese person may die suddenly by a massive heart attack without warning. It also

burdens the joints of the lower limbs viz. the hip, knee- and ankle joints, and the person develops painful joints like arthritis and gout. Becoming overweight is the first signal that one is advancing to obesity unless checked. Obesity is generally found in kaphadosha type of body constitution; the dosha consists of earth and water. When thrown out of balance, the heavy components of the elements get exaggerated and deposited. Less often, obesity is also found in people with vata and pitta doshas also. The former put on excessive weight when they indulge in consuming sweet or greasy foods. The pitta dosha type of body constitution put on weight when their food is not

digested properly because of low digestive fire. Ayurveda Treatment for Obesity and Weight Loss Ayurvedic medicine helps in weight loss of obese people by first focusing on the type of dosha of a person's body. Accordingly, the therapy varies enabling the body to tune in to proper digestion and metabolism for an ideal weight. A permanent balance has to be struck between the body and the mind enhancing the digestive fire, regulating the fat and energy storage with a calm nervous syste The science gives no universal methodology for bringing about the necessary weight loss. (Continued on next page)

AYURSPOORTHI   Inspire Healthy Living

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The doshas of the body are given prime importance with careful analysis of the state of the body, mind and soul. A doctor practicing Ayurveda begins with several questions from the patient which may last for days to find out his dosha and the balance between his mind, soul and body. He then sets a regimen of a daily diet and a daily lifestyle to follow. He stresses on increasing intake of foods which increase the digestive fire thus melting the excess

body fats. Some of these foods are ginger, pineapple, mango, papaya and bitter gourds. Such food habits ideal in ridding the body of 'ama' which occurs because of incomplete or improper digestion clogging the various blood vessels of the body. Getting rid of 'ama' is the basic strategy of Ayurvedic remedies. The doctor then gives advice on how to maximize relaxation of the body and mind, and oxygen intake from the air through yoga and

other exercises. The patient is asked to look inside his own self to know for himself whether he is mentally at peace or is he overeating due to some emotional or psychological disturbance. A proper lifestyle and diet regimen, regularly checked against the BMI (body mass index), helps in the weight loss of an obese or overweight individual enabling him to maintain ideal weight.

AYURSPOORTHI   Inspire Healthy Living

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Water scarcity

Shravya.P.S. II MSW Water scarcity is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the demands of water usage within a region. It already affects every continent and around 2.8 billion people around the world at least one month out of every year. More than 1.2 billion people lack access to clean drinking water. Water scarcity involves water stress, water shortage or deficits, and water crisis. While the concept of water stress is relatively new, it is the difficulty of obtaining sources of fresh water for use during a period of time and may result in further depletion

and deterioration of available water resources. Water shortages may be caused by climate change, such as altered weather patterns including droughts or floods, increased pollution, and increased human demand and overuse of water. A water crisis is a situation where the available potable, unpolluted water within a region is less than that region's demand. Water scarcity is being driven by two converging phenomena: growing freshwater use and depletion of usable freshwater resources.

Global experiences in managing water crisis It is alleged that the likelihood of conflict rises if the rate of change within the basin

exceeds the capacity of institution to absorb that change. Although water crisis is closely related to regional tensions, history showed that acute conflicts over water are far less than the record of co-operation. The key lies in strong institutions and cooperation. The Indus River Commission and the Indus Water Treaty survived two wars between India and Pakistan despite their hostility, proving to be a successful mechanism in resolving conflicts by providing a framework for consultation inspection and exchange of data.

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AYURSPOORTHI   Inspire Healthy Living

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The Mekong Committee has also functioned since 1957 and survived the Vietnam War. In contrast, regional instability results when there is an absence of institutions to co-operate in regional collaboration, like Egypt’s plan for a high dam on the Nile. However, there is currently no global institution in place for the management and management of trans-boundary water sources, and international co-operation has happened through ad hoc collaborations between agencies, like the Mekong Committee which was formed due to an alliance between UNICEF and the US Bureau of

Reclamation. Formation of strong international institutions seems to be a way forward – they fuel early intervention and management, preventing the costly dispute resolution process.One common feature of almost all resolved disputes is that the negotiations had a “need-based” instead of a “right–based” paradigm. Irrigable lands, population, technicalities of projects define "needs". The success of a need-based paradigm is reflected in the only water agreement ever negotiated in the Jordan River Basin, which focuses in needs not on rights of riparians. In the

Indian subcontinent, irrigation requirements of Bangladesh determine water allocations of The Ganges River. A need based, regional approach focuses on satisfying individuals with their need of water, ensuring that minimum quantitative needs are being met. It removes the conflict that arises when countries view the treaty from a national interest point of view, move away from the zero-sum approach to a positive sum, integrative approach that equitably allocated the water and its benefits.

AYURSPOORTHI   Inspire Healthy Living

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Cancer Shruti II MSW Cancer is a disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells which could occur in any part of the body. it is one of most feared disease, because cancer is a leading cause of death around the world, causing over 6million deaths a year. Cancer can be developed at any age but the chances of developing

cancer increase with age. Some cancers are preventable to some extent and if detected early can be cured. Cancers are classified according to the types of cell in which they. Develop about 100 types of cancers are recognized. but common cancers are…carcinomas originate in the cells that cover internal and external parts of the body such as lung, breast, and colon cancer. Sarcomas are usually located in cells in bone, cartilage, fat,

connective tissue, muscle, and other supportive tissues. Lymphomas are cancers that begin in the lymph nodes and immune system tissues. Leukaemias are cancers that begin in the bone marrow and blood. Adenomas are cancers that arise in the thyroid, the pituitary gland, the adrenal gland, and other glandular tissues. Central nervous system cancer begins in the brain and spinal cord.

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AYURSPOORTHI   Inspire Healthy Living

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Causes of cancer

1. Most cancers result from permanent damage to genes or from mutations which occur either either due to internal factors such as hormones, immune conditions, and/or metabolism.

2. Environmental facts include tobacco use [cigarette smoking, chewing tobacco, gutka and snuff]cause cancers of Lung,mouth,troat,larynx,bladder,kidy,

esophagusand pancreas.

3. Heavy consumption of alcohol increases the risk of throat ,bladder, stomach and liver cancers.

4. Over weight and obesity are associated with increased risk of cancers of the breast, colon,endometrium,esophagus, kidneys and gallbladder.

5. Some chemicals such as coal tars and their derivatives, hydrocarbons and asbestos can

also cause cancer.

6. Radiation from a variety of sources including the ultraviolet light from the sun is known to lead to skin cancer.

7. Several infections agents have also been implicated in cancer which include hepatitis b virus, which lead to liver cancer the Epstein-barrvirus ,non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas etc.

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Some of the early symptoms of cancer.

1. Mouth; any sore or white red patch that does not heal.

2. Food pipe difficulty in swallowing.

3. Breast lump or nodule, discharge from the nipple.

4. Stomach indigestion, loss of appetite, bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation.

5. Colon [large intestine];diarrhea, constipation, blood in stools.

6. Uterus; white or bloody vaginal discharge between menstrual

periods or after menopause, pain or cramps between period.

7. Skin; ulcer that does not heal, change in texture, size or bleeding from a mole.

8. Throat; change in voice, hoarsens.

9. Bladder; pain while urinating, blood in urine.

10. Lung cancer; nagging cough, blood in sputum.

How can cancer be prevented. Screening breast self-examination,mammograms,testiculr self-examination, and pap smears are common screening methods for various cancers.

1. Staying away from alcohol and tobacco[smoking, gutka, paan, etc]

2. Eating a healthy diet low in fat and high in fruits and vegetables.

3. Immunization for hpv[human papilloma virus],hepatitis b and other virus.

4. Exercising regularly and maintaining healthy body weight.

5. Reducing sun exposure and wearing sunscreens.

6. Reducing exposure to carcinogens,chemicals,pesticides,that are considered to be harmful.

AYURSPOORTHI   Inspire Healthy Living

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MIGRAINE HEAD ACHE SowmyaBhat P S II MSW INTRODUCTION: Migraine is a central nervous system disorder characterized by vascular headaches. Migraine headaches range from moderate to very severe, can cause debilitating pain, and can last from 4 to 72 hours.2,3 In the United States, migraine affects 17 percent of women and 6 percent of men. The cumulative lifetime incidence of migraine in the U.S. population is 43 percent for women and 18 percent for men. Migraine pain results primarily

from increased activity of several agents that regulate blood vessels and sensory function of the brain. Symptoms: Other accompanying symptoms may include photophobia (excessive sensitivity to light), phonophobia (fear of loud sounds), osmophobia (hypersensitivity to smells), nausea, or vomiting. Migraine symptoms may begin one to two days before the headache itself. This is known as the migraine’s Prodromal stage. Symptoms include: 1. Food cravings 2. Depression 3. Fatigue or low


4. Frequent yawning

5. Irritability 6. Neck stiffness An aura causes visual, motor, and/or speech disturbances, such as: 1. Difficulty

speaking clearly

2. Feeling a prickling or tingling sensation in the arms and legs

3. Flashes of light 4. Seeing shapes,

light flashes or bright spots

5. Transient vision loss

The next phase is known as the attack phase. This is the most acute or severe of the phases when the actual migraine occurs. (Continued on Next page)

AYURSPOORTHI   Inspire Healthy Living

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Attack phase symptoms can last anywhere from four hours to three days. Symptoms of a migraine can vary from person to person. Some symptoms may include: 1. Feeling dizzy or

faint 2. Increased

sensitivity to light and sound

3. Nausea 4. Pain on one

side of the head 5. Pulsing and/or

throbbing pain Vomiting After the attack phase, a person will experience the postdrome phase. During this last phase, a person will often experience changes in mood and feelings, which can range from feeling euphoric and extremely happy, to feeling very

fatigued and apathetic What Causes a Migraine? Researchers haven’t identified a definitive cause for migraines. However, they have found some contributing factors that can trigger the condition. This includes changes in brain chemicals, such as a decrease in serotonin levels. Causes and dangerous events: Commonly migraine will be seen in the people who are between the ages of 10 years to 45 years. Some time at the last period of life span. •Women are the more victims to this head ach than man. •It may transmit (ted) from

ancestors. i.e., through hereditary traits. •It may occur in pregnant women (not all) due to the estrogen hormonal variation. •Defect of blood supply to brain •Chemical changes takes place in brain •Pressure or stress, food things, environmental effect ,etc Reasons for the migraine: 1. Alcohol

conception 2. Allergic 3. Sharp and

bright light 4. Perfumes and

other odor (Continued on next page)

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Hormonal changes (mainly in women during the time of menstruation period). 5. Exercises 6. Emotional

imbalance 7. Missing the

food 8. Sounds

irritating to ears

9. Smoking 10. Loss of sleep 11. Skipping


12. Unusual smells

13. Severe heat or other extremes in weather

14. Taking certain medicines, such as oral contraceptives or nitroglycerine

15. Consuming food additives, such as aspartame (an artificial sugar)

or monosodium glutamate(MSG)

16. Foods such as aged cheese, salty or processed foods

17. Eating foods that have the additive tyramine, which is found in soy products, hard sausages, smoked fish and Chianti wine.

If you experience a migraine, your doctor may ask you to keep a headache journal. Writing down what you were doing, what foods you ate, and what medications you were taking before your migraine began the can help identify your triggers. Sometimes migraine headaches can be long-lasting,

occurring anywhere from 3 to 15 days or more in a month. Because the headache affects your ability to think clearly, you may have difficulty at school or at work. Taking no steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) in high doses or for a long period of time can lead to stomach pain or

Bleeding ulcers. Taking medicines for more than 10 days a month for longer than three months can lead to more headaches. This can cause medication-overuse headaches. (Continued on next page)

AYURSPOORTHI   Inspire Healthy Living

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If you take prescription medications for your migraines, you’re at risk for experiencing a condition known as serotonin syndrome. Many prescription medicines boost the amount of serotonin in the brain to reduce migraines. 1. Examples

include: 2. Duloxetine

(Cymbalta) 3. Fluoxetine

(Sarafem, Prozac)

4. Paroxetine (Paxil)

5. Sertraline (Zoloft)

6. Sumatriptan (Imitrex)

7. Venlafaxine (Effexor XR)

8. Zolmitriptan (Zomig)

How Are Migraines Treated? Doctors diagnose migraines by

listening to your symptoms and performing a physical exam to rule out other potential causes. Imaging scans, such as a CT or MRI scan, can rule out other causes, including tumours or strokes. Medications can be used to either prevent the migraine from occurring or treating it once it occurs. Your doctor will decide what medication to prescribe based on the severity of your headaches and any of your other health conditions. Over-the-counter medicines may provide relief as well. Other steps you can take at home to relieve migraine pain include:

1. Lying down in a quiet, dark room 2. Massaging your scalp or temples 3. Placing a cold cloth over your forehead or behind your neck 4. Keep away from smoking 5. Don’t consume alcohol and other drugs 6. Do daily exercise 7. Sleep well 8. Learn the skills to avoid frustrations 9. Change your environment, lifestyle and habits Many people also engage in preventive techniques, such as avoiding their known headache triggers. Migraine headaches can be severe, (Continued on next page)

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debilitating, and uncomfortable. Treatments are available, and identifying migraine triggers can help prevent the headache from happening in the first place. Article Sources: Udayavani, arogyavani(November 15, 2015). Dr ShivanandaPai, Associate prof. Nuerology dept. KMC, Ambedkarcircle,MangaloreMigraines. (April 2014). Retrieved from http://familydoctor.org/familydoctor/en/diseases-conditions/migraines.htm Migraine. (2013, June 4). Retrieved from http://www.mayo

clinic.org/diseases-conditions/migraine-headache/basics/definition/con-2002635Migraine fact sheet. (2012, July 16). Retrieved from http://womenshealth.gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/migraine.htmlMigraine headaches. (2014, December 29). Retrieved from http://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases_conditions/hic_Migraine_HeadachesSilberstein, S. & S. Holland, F. Freitag, D.W. Dodick, C. Argoff, E. Ashman. (2013, February 26). Evidence-

based guidelines update: harmacologic treatment for episodic migraine prevention in adults. Retrieved from http://www.neurology.org/content/78/17/1337.full.pdf+htmlSilberstein, S. (n.d.).Migraine.Retrieved from http://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/neurologic-disorders/headache/migraineVestibular migraine.(n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/neurology_neurosurgery/centers_clinics/vestibular/conditions/vestibular_migraine.html

AYURSPOORTHI   Inspire Healthy Living

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Relevence of Ayurveda in modern life style

Ms.Sumana.B. II MSW

Our modern age proudly displays a lifestyle where work, communication, business and travel has been made extremely easy for man, with various gadgets and machines equipped with previously unheard-of electronic technology. Still, inspite of these comforts, life has become more complex and competitive. Man finds himself more under stress than ever before because with the modern technology and lifestyle, more is demanded of him. Families are breaking up because of proper care and time for one another is

becoming a rarity. Several diseases have sprung up and are increasing due to the basic factor of stress and aggressiveness, and are now frequenting at an early age. In this rut of life, each one is left to cater to one's own needs causing a vicious cycle of stress and distress, threatening one's very existence! Ayurveda is a branch of medicine which originated and is practiced in India for more than 5000 years. It is as fresh and useful to humans today as it was in the ancient times yet more relevant and applicable in these modern times. Its use provides a holistic approach to our daily lives. The Ayurveda 'dincharya' or daily schedule helps to bring

about peace and harmony in one's life. Ayurvedic daily life routines are meant to enhance the total health of man, both mental and physical. They are easy to follow and are not liable to cause trauma of any kind to the body or mind.According to ayurvedic lifestyle, one should get 7-8 hours sleep daily. On waking up in the morning, one should drink a glass of warm water which helps in flushing out toxins collected in the body overnight. One should wake up early in the morning and go for a walk Personal hygiene is essential for a consistent good health.

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Regular brushing of teeth and tongue freshens the mouth, keeps the teeth healthy and removes the cause of bad breath. Brushing of teeth is preferably done after every meal. Washing of face should include washing eyes, nose and ears. Nails and hair should be kept trimmed and clean.

All meals should be regularly taken and at a set time daily so as to keep the body system

functioning optimally. Food items from nature are best for regular meals.One should do regular light exercises to keep the body supple and improve blood circulation to all parts of the body. Regular exercise includes walking, swimming and yoga amongst other light exercises, helping to maintain good health by making a person mentally relaxed and more active, alert, happy and strong

It also improves appetite and aids in more rapid removal of wastes from the body.. A regular massage of the whole body with herbal oils enhances the effects of a regular exercise and makes the skin supple.Ayurvedic medicine also helps in rapidly removing toxic elements from the body if one gets sickenabling him to recover his health quickly.

AYURSPOORTHI   Inspire Healthy Living

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The Health Benefits of Water Shwetha S P 2nd MSW Our body weight is approximately made up of 60 percent water. Our body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to help regulate its temperature and maintain other bodily functions. because our body loses water through breathing, sweating, and digestion, it's important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water. The amount of water we need depends on a variety of factors, including the climate that

we live in, how physically active we are, and whether we're experiencing an illness or have any other health problems. Water Protects Our Tissues, Spinal Cord, and Joints Water does more than just quench our thirst and regulate our body's temperature it also keeps the tissues in our body moist. We know how it feels when our eyes, nose, or mouth gets dry? Keeping our body hydrated helps it retain optimum levels of moisture in these sensitive areas, as well as in the blood, bones, and the brain. In addition, water helps protect the spinal cord, and it acts as a

lubricant and cushion for our joints. Water Helps Our Body to Remove Waste Adequate water intake enables our body to excrete waste through perspiration, urination, and defecation. The kidneys and liver use it to help flush out waste, as do our intestines. Water can also keep us from getting constipated by softening our stools and helps move the food we've eaten through our intestinal tract. (Continued on next page)

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However, it should be noted that there is no evidence to prove that the increase our fluid intake will cure constipation. Water Aids in Digestion Digestion starts with saliva, the basis of which is water. Digestion relies on enzymes that are found in saliva to help break down food and liquid and to dissolve minerals and other nutrients. Proper digestion makes minerals and nutrients more accessible to the body. Water is help us to digest soluble fiber. With the help of water, this fiber dissolves easily and benefits our bowel health by making well-formed, soft stools

that are easy to pass. Water Prevents us We from Becoming Dehydrated Our body loses fluids when we engage in vigorous exercise, sweat in high heat, or come down with a fever or contract an illness that causes vomiting or diarrhea. If we're losing fluids for any of these reasons, it's important to increase our fluid intake so that we can restore our body's natural hydration levels. Our doctor may also recommend that we drink more fluids so that it can help us to treat other health conditions, like bladder infections and urinary tract stones. At the

time of Pregnancy or nursing, the women may want to consult with the physician about her fluid intake because her body will be using more fluids than usual, especially at the period of breastfeeding. How Much Water Do We Need? There's no hard and fast rule, and many individuals meet their daily hydration needs by simply drinking water when they're thirsty, according to a report on nutrient recommendations from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. (Continued on next page)

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In fact, most people who are in good physical health get enough fluids by drinking water and other beverages when they're thirsty, and also by

drinking a beverage with each of their meals, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If we're not sure about our

hydration level, look at our urine. If it's clear, we're in good shape. If it's dark, we're probably dehydrated.

Alzheimer's disease - causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Tinu Aleena Bose II MSW Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and accounts for approximately 60% of all dementia cases. It is estimated that 28,000 New Zealanders are living with Alzheimer's disease and that number will reach 70,000 by 2031. There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, nor any proven ways to

prevent its onset. Treatment focuses on support and managing symptoms. The condition is ultimately fatal. Causes: In Alzheimer’s disease, brain cells start to deteriorate. The body attempts to stop this process by producing a protein called amyloid. However, amyloid deposits build up in the brain, leading to further deterioration. These deposits of amyloid are referred to as "plaques" and cause the brain

cells to shrivel up and form "tangles", which in turn lead to changes in the brain structure and cause the brain cells to die. The formation of plaques and tangles also prevents the production of some important brain chemicals, called neurotransmitters. Over time the loss of brain cells causes the brain to shrink.

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There is no known cause for Alzheimer's disease but some researchers now believe that a combination of environmental and genetic risk factors triggers an abnormal biological process in the brain that, over decades, results in Alzheimer-type dementia. Identified risk factors for developing the condition include:

Increasing age

Down's syndrome

History of a head injury

Risk factors for blood vessel disease such as smoking

Family history of Alzheimer's disease


High blood pressure

High cholesterol

Insulin resistance.

There is some evidence of a slightly higher prevalence of Alzheimer's disease in females than males, but this may be a reflection of their longer life expectancy. Research studies have indicated that that the following factors may play an important role in the development of the condition: Genetic factors, such as the presence of, or changes to, certain genes. Environmental factors, such as long term exposure to some environmental solvents eg: pesticides, glues

and paints. The role of autoimmune factors and certain viruses are also being studied.

Signs and symptoms

The degenerative changes that occur with Alzheimer's disease affect the areas of the brain that control thought, memory and language resulting in gradual signs and symptoms related to a person’s behaviour and mental function. Often, physical functions such as bowel and bladder control are also affected.

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With Alzheimer’s disease there is great individual variability as to the nature of symptoms experienced and the speed at which deterioration occurs. The types of behaviour change and the length of time symptoms are present are different for each person. The symptoms of Alzheimer's disease typically develop quite slowly. The time between the onset of the disease and death can range from five to 20 years.

Symptoms commonly experienced during the early stages of Alzheimer's disease include:

Mild forgetfulness – especially short-term memory loss

Mood changes, including irritability and anxiety

Difficulty processing new information and learning new things

Loss of spontaneity and initiative

Confusion about time and place

Communication difficulties

Decline in ability to perform routine tasks.

As Alzheimer’s disease progresses the following symptoms may develop:

Increasing short-term memory loss

and confusion

Difficulty recognising family and friends

Shorter attention span and feelings of restlessness

Difficulty with reading, writing and numbers

Possibly neglectful of hygiene

Loss of appetite

Personality changes (eg: aggression, significant mood swings)

Requires increasing assistance with daily tasks.

Towards the later stages of the disease the following symptoms may be experienced: (Continued on next page)

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Inability to understand or use speech

Incontinence of urine / faeces

Inability to recognise self or family

Severe disorientation

Increasing immobility and sleep time

The changes brought about by Alzheimer's disease can be increasingly difficult for family members and friends. It is particularly difficult as the person’s condition deteriorates and they become unable to recognise loved ones. Although a person loses many abilities as the disease progresses, it is often helpful to

focus on the abilities that do remain, such as the senses of touch and hearing and the ability to respond to emotion. Diagnosis There is a no single test to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease. Diagnosis involves a full assessment of medical and psychiatric history to rule out other possible causes. Therefore a variety of tests are required to obtain a conclusive diagnosis, which may include:

A neurological and physical examination

Blood and urine tests

Brain scans Mental

status assessment

to determine the level of mental deterioration

Caregiver interview to determine the level of dependency

Scans to check brain structure and function may be recommended. The different types of scans used may include CT scanning (computerised tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Return to top

Treatment As there is no known cure for Alzheimer’s disease, treatment focuses on managing symptoms and supporting the person and their family.

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This may include:

Treating medical conditions that may contribute to confusion or physical decline eg: lung disease or anaemia.

Encouraging stimulating activities in order to encourage the person to continue their normal activities as much as possible.

Providing memory aids and memory triggers such as calendars and written reminders.

Encouraging social interaction to help prevent feelings of loneliness and depression.

Contacting support groups that

may be able to offer family/caregivers assistance.

Encouraging regular routine to reduce confusion.

Not smoking.

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Medications Medications such as sleeping tablets and tranquillisers may help to control symptoms such as sleeplessness and agitation. However they often cause increased confusion, so their use should be limited. A group of medications called cholinesterase inhibitors have shown some effectiveness in slowing the progression of the condition in some

people. These medications help to prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter responsible for memory. Cholinesterase inhibitor medications that are available in New Zealand include donepezil (Donepezil-Rex), rivastigmine (Exelon) and galantamine (Reminyl). More recently, another drug - memantine (Ebixa) - has become available in New Zealand. Memantine works in a different way to the cholinesterase inhibitors, aiming to prevents the entry of an excess amount of calcium into brain cells.

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Higher than normal levels of calcium in the brain cells causes damange to them and also prevents them from receiving signals from other brain cells. Currently, donepezil is the only drug that is government-subsidised for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Research continues into the development of other medications for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Medications being investigated include those that prevent the build up of amyloid deposits in the brain, as well as looking at the use of some anti-inflammatory and hormone medications. Research also continues into the

use of alternative therapies such as anti-oxidants like Vitamin E, selenium and some herbal extracts (ginkobaloba in particular).

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Prevention / risk reduction There are no proven ways to prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease. However, there is epidemiological evidence to suggest that leading a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Regular physical activity and exercise may have a general protective effect on brain health and may slow progression of Alzheimer's disease. Although

there are no specific dietary specifications for Alzheimer's, a Mediterranean-style diet (ie, plant foods such as vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, nuts, olives and olive oil, along with some cheeses, yoghurt, fish, poultry and eggs) may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, and has the added benefit of lowering cardiovascular disease and diabetes risk. For more diet information, refer to the Healthy Heart Diet.

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Further support Alzheimer's New Zealand (National Office) PO Box 14768

Kilbirnie WELLINGTON 6214 Freephone: 0800 004 001 Email: [email protected] Website: www.alzheimers.org.nz

References Alzheimer Society of Canada (2012) Stages of Alzheimer's Disease (what happens). Toronto www.alzheimer.ca/en/About-dementia/Alzheimer-s-disease/Stages-of-Alzheimer-s-disease Alzheimer Society of Canada (2012) Alzheimer's disease research. Toronto. www.alzheimer.ca

/en/Research/Alzheimer-s-disease-research Alzheimer’s Disease International (2012) Drug Treatments. London. www.alz.co.uk/caring/drug-treatmentsAlzheimers New Zealand (2010) Alzheimer's disease (PDF). Wellington. www.alzheimers.org.nz/files/regional/northland/Info_sheet_1_Alzheimers_Disease.pdf Anderson, H.S. (2013). Alzheimer's Deisease. Medscape Reference: Drugs, Disease & Procedures. WEebMD LLC. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1134817-overview. Everybody (2012) Alzheimer’s Disease.

Auckland: MIMS (NZ) Ltd www.everybody.co.nz/page-febde697-2e4d-4d0b-9389-02c8759a9493.aspx Tobias, M, Yeh, L.C., Johnson, E. (2008) Burden of Alzheimer's disease: population-based estimates and projections for New Zealand, 2006-2031. Aust NZ J Psychiatry; 42(9):828-36.

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What Is Alzheimer's Disease?

Alzheimer's is a disease that robs people of their memory. At first, people have a hard time remembering recent events, though they might easily recall things that happened years ago.

As time goes on, other symptoms can appear, including:

Trouble focusing

A hard time doing ordinary activities

Feeling confused or frustrated, especially at night

Dramatic mood swings -- outbursts of anger, anxiety, and depression

Feeling disoriented and getting lost easily

Physical problems, such as an odd walk or poor coordination

Trouble communicating

People with Alzheimer's might forget their loved ones. They might forget how to dress themselves, feed themselves, and use the toilet.


When a Loved One Has Alzheimer's Disease start

The disease makes brain tissue break down over time. It usually happens to people over age 65.

A person can live with Alzheimer's disease for just a few years or for a few decades. More often, however, people live with it for about 9 years. About 1 in 8 people age 65 and over has the disease. Women are more likely to have it than men.

What Causes Alzheimer's Disease?

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People who get Alzheimer's disease are usually older, but the disease isn’t a normal part of aging. Scientists aren’t sure why some people get it and others don’t. But they do know that the symptoms it causes seem to come from two main types of nerve damage:

1. Nerve cells get tangles, called neurofibrillary tangles.

2. Protein deposits called beta-amyloid plaques build up in the brain.

Researchers aren’t sure what causes this damage or how it happens, but it could be a protein in blood called ApoE (for apolipoprotein E), which the body uses to move

cholesterol in the blood.

There are a few types of ApoE that may be linked to a higher risk of Alzheimer's. It could be that certain forms of it cause brain damage. Some scientists think it plays a role in building the plaques in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s.

Whether or not ApoE partly

causes Alzheimer's, genes

almost certainly play a role in the disease. Someone with a parent who had the disease is more likely to have it, too.

There is some evidence that people with high blood pressure and high cholesterol have a greater chance of getting Alzheimer's.

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More rarely, head injuries may be a reason, too -- the more severe they are, the greater the risk of Alzheimer's later in life.

Scientists are still studying many of these theories, but it’s clear that the biggest risks linked to Alzheimer's disease are being

older and having Alzheimer's in your family.

WebMD Medical Reference

Vaccine malaria disease


How do we vaccinate our rural populations about 300 million whom live in areas where they are exposed to infection? How long will it take for the best of vaccines to provide even partial immunity to our vulnerable population? Why do we find mixed infection with two or three species of parasites in the blood of the same individual?

Immunity from the malaria parasites is incomplete so the vaccine as to be very good even the most severe case Naturally acquired malaria does not protect most people from a second round of infection IN 1980 DR. Adetokunbo. Lucas director of the WHO Tropical disease programme in an informal discussion with the WHO expert committee on vector biology and control in Geneva predicted that a malaria vaccine was just round the corner and the committee will

be able to concentrate on the problems of the other vector – borne diseases with in a foreseeable future or the committee can wind up their effort and simply go home. The epidemiology of any victor – borne disease is quite complex the parasite or pathogen the mosquitoes the human victim and the environment are all intimately interwoven (Continued on next page)

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In the case of malaria four species of human plasmodia with differing biology are involved and

so are numerous victor anopheleses each with its own peculiar bionomics and ecology.

Sources: Frontline date: march 20, 2015


Continued from 1 Liver: Heavy drinking takes a toll on the liver, and can lead to a variety of problems and liver inflammations including: Steatosis, or fatty liver Alcoholic hepatitis Fibrosis Cirrhosis Pancreas: Alcohol causes the pancreas to produce toxic substances that can eventually lead to pancreatitis, a dangerous inflammation and swelling of the blood vessels in the pancreas that prevents proper digestion. Cancer: Drinking too much alcohol can increase your risk of developing certain cancers, including cancers of the: Mouth Esophagus Throat Liver Breast Immune System: Drinking too much

can weaken your immune system, making your body a much easier target for disease. Chronic drinkers are more liable to contract diseases like pneumonia and tuberculosis than people who do not drink too much. Drinking a lot on a single occasion slows your body’s ability to ward off infections – even up to 24 hours after getting drunk. How Alcohol Travels Through the Body Alcohol is metabolized extremely quickly by the body. Unlike foods, which require time for digestion, alcohol needs no digestion and is quickly absorbed. About 20 percent is absorbed directly across the walls of an empty stomach and can reach the brain within one minute. Once alcohol reaches the stomach, it begins to break down with the alcohol

dehydrogenate enzyme. This process reduces the amount of alcohol entering the blood by approximately 20%. (Women produce less of this enzyme, which may help to partially explain why women become more intoxicated on less alcohol than men.). In addition, about 10% of the alcohol is expelled in the breath and urine. Alcohol is rapidly absorbed in the upper portion of the small intestine. The alcohol-laden blood then travels to the liver via the veins and capillaries of the digestive tract, which affects nearly every liver cell. The liver cells are the only cells in our body that can produce enough of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase to oxidize alcohol at an appreciable rate. Though alcohol affects every organ of the body, its most dramatic impact is upon the liver. The

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liver cells normally prefer fatty acids as fuel, and package excess fatty acids as triglycerides, which they then route to other tissues of the body. However, when alcohol is present, the liver cells are forced to first metabolize the alcohol, letting the fatty acids accumulate, sometimes in huge amounts. Alcohol metabolism permanently changes liver cell structure, which impairs the liver ability to metabolize fats. This

explains why heavy drinkers tend to develop fatty livers. The liver is able to metabolize about ½ ounce of ethanol per hour (approximately one drink, depending on a person?s body size, food intake, etc.). If more alcohol arrives in the liver than the enzymes can handle, the excess alcohol travels to all parts of the body, circulating until the liver enzymes are finally able to process it. (Which is another good reason not to

consume more than one drink per hour.). To Drink or Not to Drink? Moderate use of alcohol can be an enjoyable, safe experience if used with caution. If you do choose to drink, sip each drink slowly, and always consume alcohol with food. Spaces drinks out to no more than one drink per hour, and consume plenty of water in between drinks. Never drink while pregnant and never drive when intoxicated.


The opinions expressed in the articles of this blog are those of the individual authors, and not necessarily those of the publisher

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Page 31: AYURSPOORTHI February 2016that a person can drink safely is highly individual, depending on genetics, age, sex, weight and family history, etc. A drink is considered to be: 4-5 ounces